Community HIV Specialist Service:
"World AIDS Day again – when we spare a
for the looped
HIV Community Representation
"For as long as people living with HIV, (and even those not living with HIV), experience the
effects of HIV
work is not
By Gary Pargeter MOREof the death of
This year marks the 40th
to die of AIDS-related illnesses in the UK. His partners and friends founded Terrence
of the first
in his name in response to the emerging AIDS
By Matt Webster MOREThe
By Heather Leake Date - Sussex HIV Chaplain MOREWorld
Supporting sexual health and HIV research at Brighton and Sussex Medical School
Sussex Beacon celebrates 30 years
Since opening in 2003, Brighton and Sussex Medical School has trained more than 1,700 new NHS doctors who now work across the UK
Radio Reverb's HIV Hour - the world's only radio show produced for and by people living with HIV
This has been a special year for the charity, with it being 30 years since the foundation stone was laid at the Brighton-based HIV charity’s main centre.
Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service for Lunch Positive
"All the presenters of HIV Hour are volunteers living with HIV, which is an essential part of the show as we all have had unique experiences and challenges living with the virus."
PrEP2U: THT clinic makes accessing PrEP easy
Lunch Positive is one of 244 local charities, social enterprises and voluntary groups in the UK to receive the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service this year.
Routine HIV screening at Royal Sussex County Hospital
PrEP is a drug taken by HIV negative people before and after sex that protects against HIV.
HIV screening at the emergency department has "helped detect undiagnosed HIV in the city and offers the chance for effective and early treatment."
Programme to improve West Sussex mental health inpatient services
Powerlifting set to return to Gay Games in Guadalajara in 2023
The NHS in Sussex has announced that a programme to significantly improve mental health inpatient services in West Sussex for adults, older people and those living with dementia has been fully implemented.
£200,000 raised at Terrence Higgins Trust's 40th anniversary gala
This will be the first time in almost a decade that Gay Games Powerlifting will take place.
‘Be Sure. Know the Four’: London boroughs launch new HIV prevention campaign
Throughout the evening, guests heard of the incredible advances that have been made in HIV treatment, prevention and care.
Stonewall report reveals Britain is becoming a 'Rainbow Nation'
The multi-media social marketing campaign highlights the effectiveness of HIV prevention and encourages key affected groups to reject complacency.
New group for people who stammer in the LGBTQ+ community and its allies
report reveals 'stark differences' between the generations
The next meeting, which is organised by STAMMA, will be on Zoom on Wednesday, November 2. The group then meets every first Wednesday.
Romany Mark Bruce
The winners of Iris Prize 2022, the Oscars of the LGBTQ+ world, announced
"The quality of the films in competition is as high as it is diverse, and we've been on an emotional rollercoaster throughout the selection processwhich is exactly where we want films to take us."
TransSober seeks donations
Alf Le Flohic speaks to Phil Mills, Health Reporter of The Argus who wrote 'Fighting Spirit of AIDS Victim' piece in 1987.
Bids now open for the Pride Social Impact Fund
TransSober, the drug and alcohol community peer support group for trans and non-binary communities, is seeking donations for new wellbeing recovery bags to give to people who attend its peer support group or use its services.
Brighton & Hove Pride adds £300,000 to the fundraising pot and tops almost £1.25 million raised for local good causes to date!
Community groups and good causes across Brighton & Hove are once again being invited to bid for grants to put Pride in our city.
Juno Dawson among authors shortlisted for Books Are My Bag Readers' Awards
The Readers' Awards are the only book awards with a shortlist
FEATURE: 'Fighting Spirit - An interview with Colin', by Alf Le Flohic
University of Brighton Fine Art graduate Sola Olulode - who creates dreamy queer visions - named one of 10 Artists To Watch-
LGBTQ+ charities that support military veterans to receive £45,000 cash boost
New African highlighted Sola's work exhibited at 1-54, the first and only international art fair dedicated to contemporary art from Africa and its diaspora, which was recently held at London's Somerset House.
REVIEW: Coast Is Queer 2022
The Coast Is Queer, Brighton & Hove’s celebration of LGBTQ+ writing, returned for its third year in October.
Comedy Night raises £5,000 for Sussex Beacon's Women and Families Service
The Office for Veterans’ Affairs is providing the money to charities who support individuals providing testimony to an independent review that is looking into the impact the pre-2000 ban on homosexuality in the military has had on veterans.
'Conversation Piece: Swimming for Trans and Non-Binary Bodies' at Fabrica
The sum raised will enable a baby feeding choices project to be funded for an entire year, run by the Women and Families Service at the Sussex Beacon, alongside the Lawson Unit’s Sunflower Clinic.
Join researcher and artist Lorenza Ippolito at Fabrica in Brighton on Tuesday, November 8 to discuss how bodies are policed in public space and the effects this has on trans and non-binary people.
Trans-Mit Festival to return to Brighton bigger and better on November 19
Trans-Mit Festival, a day of LGBTQ+ talent raising funds for charity, is to take place at The Pipeline, Brighton on Saturday, November 19 from 3.30pm.
Pop music reviews from our resident
Sussex project Blazing
The Fund aims to support projects that improve the well-being of BME residents and promote fairness. Groups can apply for grants of up to £2,000 to help
to May 2023.
There are almost
A new project by Brighton-based KP Projects CIC explores the pioneering heritage of women and cycling since the 19th century, the role in the suffragette movement and the transformation of clothing and society across Sussex as a result.
Blazing Saddles, which runs from 2022 - 2024, will aim to reveal untold stories of Sussex’s women’s cycling history, such as Tessie Reynolds, the 16-yearold Brightonian who set new records in 1893 whilst wearing bloomers. Or Bexhill’s pioneering ‘bicycle boulevard’ and bike hire chalet, which opened in 1896, led by Muriel Brassey, wife of landowner Gilbert Sackville, 8th Earl De La Warr, which provided women cyclists a place to exercise their new hobby, despite disapproval.
LGBTQ+ Services
l Allsorts Youth Project
Youth Groups and One-to-One Support for LGBTQ+ young people under 26 (in-person & online). Weekly sessions 01273 721211 or email info@
l Brighton & Hove Police
Report all homophobic, biphobic or transphobic incidents to: 24/7 assistance call police on 101 (emergencies 999) Report online at: www.sussex. LGBT team (not 24/7) email: LGBT@sussex.pnn.
l Brighton & Hove LGBT Switchboard
• LGBT Older People’s Project
• LGBT Health and Inclusion Project
• LGBTQ Disability & Neurodiversity Project
• Rainbow Café Project: support for LGBT+ people with dementia
• Trans and Non-Binary Link Project
• LGBT Grief Encounters Project
• Volunteering opportunities, call Riley 07599 434057
Helpline hours: Wed & Thur, 7–9.30pm; trans-only webchat on Sun 3–5pm: call 01273 359042 or email or helpline@ Webchat www.switchboard. Office Number: 01273 234009
l Brighton OneBodyOneFaith Brighton sexuality, gender, & faith Group. Meets monthly. Contact: Nigel Nash
l Brighton Women’s Centre
Info, counselling, drop-in space, support groups or visit www.
l Lesbian & Gay AA
12-step self-help programme for alcohol addictions: Sun, 7.30pm, Chapel Royal, North St, Btn (side entrance). 01273 203 343 (general AA line). www.
l LGBTQ+ Cocaine Anonymous Meeting every Tues 6.30-8pm, 6 Tilbury Pl, Brighton, BN2 0GY, CA isn’t allied with any outside organisation, and neither endorses or opposes any causes. Helpline 0800 6120225,
l LGBTQ+ NA Group
Brighton-based LGBTQ+ (welcomes others) Narcotics Anonymous group every Tue 6.30–8pm, Millwood Centre, Nelson Row, Kingswood St. 0300 999 1212
l LGBT+ Meditation Group
Meditation & discussion, every 2nd & 4th Thur, 5.30–7pm, Anahata Clinic, 119 Edward St, Brighton. 07789 861 367 or
l Lunch Positive Lunch club for people with HIV. Meet/make friends, find peer support in safe space. Every Fri, noon–2.30pm, Community Room, Dorset Gdns Methodist Church, Dorset Gdns, Brighton. Lunch £1.50. 07846 464 384 or
l MCC Brighton
Inclusive, affirming space where all are invited to come
as they are to explore their spirituality without judgement. 01273 515572 or
l MindOut
Independent, impartial services run by and for LGBTQ people with experience of mental health issues. 24 hr confidential answerphone: 01273 234839 or email and out of hours online chat
l Navigate
Social/peer support group for trans, non-binary & intersex, AFAB, FTM, transmasculine & gender queer people. Every 2nd Friday of the month from 6-8pm (currently on Zoom) at Possability Place, Windlesham Venue, BN1 3AH (formerly Space for Change).
l Peer Action
Regular low cost yoga, therapies, swimming, meditation & social groups for people with HIV. contact@ or
l Rainbow Families Support group for lesbian and/or gay parents. 07951 082013 or
l Rainbow Hub
Information, contact, help and guidance to services for LGBT+ communities in Brighton, Hove and Sussex at Rainbow Hub drop in LGBT+ one-stop shop: 93 St James Street, BN2 1TP, 01273 675445 or visit
l Some People
Social/support group for LGB or questioning aged 14-19, Tue 5.30-7.30pm, Hastings. Call/text Kerrie Tolley-Cloke 07874 637593 or email somepeople@
l TAGS – The Arun Gay Society Social Group welcome all in East & West Sussex Areas. Call/Text 07539 513171. More info: www.tagsonline.
l Victim Support
Anyone seeking help can contact our free 24/7 Supportline number on 0808 16 89 111 or get in touch via the website A range of tools to help people cope and move forwards after crime can be found at
l The Village MCC
LGBTQ+ affirming church worship and pastoral care in Kemptown. See, or call 07476 667353 for details.
HIV Prevention, Care & Treatment Services
l AVERT Sussex HIV & AIDS info service 01403 210202 or
l Brighton & Hove CAB HIV Project Money, benefits, employment, housing, info, advocacy. Appointments: Tue-Thur 9am-4pm, Wed 9am-12.30pm Brighton & Hove Citizens Advice Bureau, Brighton Town Hall. 01273 733390 ext 520 or www.
l Clinic M
Free confidential testing & treatment for STIs including HIV, plus Hep A & B vaccinations. Claude Nicol Centre, Sussex County Hospital, on Weds from 5-8pm. 01273 523388 or
l Community HIV Specialist Service NHS nursing team supporting patients with HIV in the community and offering free HIV training for groups across Brighton & Hove and West Sussex. www.
l Lawson Unit
Medical advice, treatment for HIV+, specialist clinics, diet & welfare advice, drug trials. 01273 664 722
l The Martin Fisher Foundation
STI HIV self-testing kits via digital vending machines available from: Jubilee Library, Wellsbourne Centre, Portland Road (between Wish Park Surgery and Kamson’s Pharmacy), BMEC Partnership Centre, Prowler and Brighton Sauna. www.
l Substance Misuse Service
Brighton & Hove Recovery Service manages and delivers the adult drug and alcohol services for the city. Change Grow Live (CGL) provides tailored support to adults in Brighton & Hove who identify as LGBTQ+. CGL offers 1-to-1 support, a variety of online and face to face groups. They offer LGBTQ+ specific groups via the peer-led Speakout group and have established links with a wide range of LGBTQ+ services. To refer to the service, email or phone 01273 731 900. More info: www.changegrowlive. org/brighton-hove-recovery-service/info
l Sussex Beacon
24-hour nursing & medical care, day care 01273 694222 or
l Terrence Higgins Trust Brighton & Hove
For more info about these free services go to the THT office, 61 Ship St, Brighton, Mon–Fri, 10am–5pm 01273 764200 or,
For people living with HIV:
• HIV support services: Info, support & practical advice
• Welfare rights advice: find out about benefits
• Counselling from qualified counsellors for up to 12 sessions
Health Promotion in Brighton & Hove:
Provides services for men who have sex with men, anyone from African communities, sex workers of any gender, and trans or non-binary people.
• Visit clinic for free fast HIV & STI testing with results in <10 mins
• Free condoms and lube
• Confidential info and advice on sexual health & HIV
• Face2Face for gay/bi men; negotiating sex, chemsex, newly diagnosed
• Tailored support for sex workers, trans people and African communities
• Outreach - say hello online and in person for info, condoms & lube, and HIV/STI testing at Brighton
Sauna, Boiler Room Sauna, Amsterdam, Charles Street Tap, and Legends bar. For details please check
l Sexual Health Worthing
Free confidential tests & treatment for STIs inc HIVA; Hep vaccinations. Worthing based 0845 111345645
National Helplines
l National LGBT Domestic Abuse Helpline at and 0800 999 5428
l Switchboard 0300 330 0630
l Positiveline (Eddie Surman Trust)
Mon-Fri 11am-10pm, Sat & Sun 4-10pm 0800 1696806
l Mainliners 02075 825226
l National AIDS Helpline 08005 67123
l National Drugs Helpline 08007 76600
l THT AIDS Treatment 08459 470047
l THT direct 0845 1221200