Volume 34, #2
February 2008
A Message From Your President February President’s Message There will be outings in 2008. If you have an idea about a location for 2008 please let our PresidentElect, John Robitaille, know of this. I would like to see us do an outing in the Snowy Range. It’s hardly any farther than the Big Horns. Leland McDonald of the Wyoming Game and Fish Department will be here in February to tell us of the possibilities for fishing there and he should have some ideas about a possible outing. You will notice several requests for help in this issue of The Backcast. That’s because some of the people who have been doing jobs for several years are feeling burned out. This happens in any organization. It’s time for new people to step forward and carry on. Elections are coming next month. One way to help out is to volunteer to put your name on the ballot. We need to elect a PresidentElect, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, 4 board member positions for 3 years and 1 board member position for 2 years. Please consider a board or officer position and/or a job such as the refreshment person or Backcast stamper/mailer.
Inside this Issue p. 2 pp. 3-4 p. 5 p. 6 p. 7 p. 7 p. 8 p. 11
Secretary’s Report Calendar of Events WFC Treasurer’s Report This Month’s Program Fall/Winter Activities and Events Lie ‘N Tie Banquet Information Fly Fishing Film Tour
Tight lines, Dick P.S. My days as editor of The Backcast are coming to an end. I’m happy to report that Randy Stalker has agreed to take over the duties of editor for the Backcast. Thanks, Randy. I look forward to your product. I’m sure it will be great. Please see additional information regarding the Backcast on p. 8. Dick DePaemelere
Phone #
Dick DePaemelere
President Elect Vice President
Mark Jindrick John Robitaille
2008 Lloyd Ferguson
Andrew Sauter
Ed Rate
Board Term
Neal Hibschweiler
2009 Art VanRensselaer Scott Novotny
2010 Joe Meyer John Fanto
Steve Burgfechtel
Richard Soffe
Gene Theriault
Casey Nix
Spencer Amend
Called to order by the President A. Conder (Wyoming Game and Fish Department) reviewed fish population plans for Cardwell Access o Motion Seconded and Passed (MSP) to donate 111.3 hours of labor to optimize spawning bed gravel areas. o WFC volunteered to help monitor spawning. A. Condor to provide details. o WFC will investigate acting as intermediary for payments for project. o WFC Conservation Committee offered up to $2400.00 for expenses Committee Reports o Outing Committee – No Report ! Apr. 11, 12 Ft. Smith – A. Sauter to coordinate boat seats o Programs ! February – L. MacDonald – Fishing the Snowy Range ! March – Elections, White Elephant Sale o Membership – R. DePaemelere noted that 78 newsletters are mailed, 57 E Mailed, 124 members (19 are free), 3 comps, 8 clubs o Banquet – April 5 at the Holiday Inn, Tickets are on sale. Old Business o WWF Letter – Motion Made, Seconded but failed to sign WWF’s proposed letter to the governor. o Refreshment committee is looking for the next person. Call A. Sauter to volunteer. New Business o J. Robitaille offered a 2008 budget. MSP to approved this proposal. o Nominating Committee handed out phone lists for board members. A. Sauter will follow this activity. o News Letter ! R. Stalker will publish the letter. WFC needs a volunteer to address and mail. ! MSP to offer the membership a chance to volunteer to be the mailer, or buy the service from the printer. Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted by Andrew Sauter Secretary, WFC
Dues Reminder: Take a look at your mailing label. If you see 07 on the bottom line then it’s time to renew your membership. If you see 08 on the label then you’re good to go. This is your second gentle reminder that your 2008 dues are payable at this time. You can pay the treasurer at the meeting or mail your renewal to P. O. Box 2881 here in Casper. In order to continue to receive the privileges and advantages of membership you must renew by the time of the general membership meeting in March of 2008. Do it today!
February 2008 Sunday
Saturday 1
2 9
WFC General Membership Meeting 7:00 at IWL
20 WFC Board Meeting 7:00 at IWL
26 Net Building Class Day 2
27 Deadline for Backcast Information
16 Lie ‘N Tie at WY Oil & Gas Conservation Commission Building
Net Building Class Day 1
Net Building Class Day 3
Did you know that the Backcast is available via email? If you are interested in receiving the Backcast in this manner, keep in mind that you must be able to open .pdf documents on your computer. Generally each edition is about IMB in size, some are larger. Your email provider may have limits as the size of attachments, so it would be a good idea to check if you are not sure. You can contact Dick DePaemelere at 234-2594 or at fishguy27@bresnan.net and request that you be put on the email list. Advantages: You get your copy of The Backcast sooner than if delivered by USPS. You print the Backcast in color. You also save the club more than $17.00 yearly on printing and postage. That money could be used for other things. 3
March 2008 Sunday
4 Net Building Class Day 4
12 WFC General Membership Meeting 7:00 at IWL
Saturday 1 8 Tying Class at WY Game & Fish 9:00 – 3:00 14 15 Lie ‘N Tie at WYOGCC 7
Elections 16
19 WFC Board Meeting 7:00 at IWL 25 26 Deadline for Backcast Information
April 2008 Sunday
Wednesday 2
9 WFC General Membership meeting at IWL 15 16 WFC Board Meeting 7:00 at IWL 22 23 Deadline for Backcast Information 29 30
WFC Banquet at Holiday Inn on the River 6:00-??? 11 12 Big Horn outing at Ft. Smith, MT
Treasurer’s Report December 2007 Income Date 12/12/07
deposit - Xmas Party - 135.0-0, Club Merch. 100.00, Xmas Raffle - 55.00, Rod Bldg Class - 76.00, Fly tie Class - 65.00 Dues - 110.00, cash return - Ck # 3834 - 100.00 Total Income
Brattis Meat Market - 12/1/ outing U. S. Postmaster - Dec Backcast Postage U.S. Postmaster - Jan 08 Backcast Void Izaak Walton League - Dec 07 Rent Cash - Xmas Party Fed Ex Kinkos- Nov Backcast- 73.76, Member Applications - 78.78 Ricks Rack Shack - Xmas Party Bank Service Charge Total Expenses
$(26.90) $(16.40) $(41.00) $(75.00) $(100.00) $(152.54) $(771.75) $(3.00) $(1,186.59)
Checking Account Balance Income Expenses
$2,980.69 $641.00 $(1,186.59)
Expenses Check # #3829 #3830 #3831 #3832 #3833 #3834 #3835 #3836 -
Money Market Account Balance-(WFC Funds) Balance (PRE Funds) Interest Income
$22,076.24 $1,216.44 $85.40
Recapitulation Checking Account Money Market PRE Funds - Reserved
$2,435.10 $22,161.64 $1,216.44
Fund Balance
Fund Balance
(Does Not incl PRE Deposit)
Yellowstone 2008 The process for planning the Annual Outing to Yellowstone National Park is just starting but if you are going to the park and/or the outing, reservations for the RV Park are a necessity. Those reservations should be made as soon as possible to guarantee a space. Here’s the number to call to make a reservation: 307-344-7311. Watch for more details about this outing in upcoming issues of the Backcast.
The Big Horn Outing at Ft. Smith is scheduled for April 11-13 at Cottonwood Camp. The condo is reserved for us. For those who have not gone on this outing the accommodations are bunkhouse style with comfortable beds. A full kitchen is available for you to cook your meals. The cost for two night’s lodging will be in the neighborhood of $40. A shuttle fee is necessary for each boat. If you don’t have a boat, don’t worry. We’ll try to find you a seat and if that doesn’t work out, you can always wade as there is plenty of public access. You would need to purchase a Montana fishing license and conservation stamp and if you ride with someone it is customary to help with fuel costs and parking fees. Please sign up at the next two meetings if you are interested. Andrew Sauter is coordinating seats in drift boats.
Membership Cards may be picked up at the General Membership Meeting. It will be nice to see you and you’ll have the chance to visit, too. Thanks. PRE (Platte River Emergers), our youth group, needs an adult sponsor. The sponsor would help lead the group and see that it flourishes. You would also serve as liaison between PRE and the Wyoming Fly Casters. If you would be interested in this sponsorship please contact Dick DePaemelere at 234-2595. Our thanks to Mary Jo and Andrew Hibschweiler for their leadership up to this point. This month’s program will feature Leland McDonald from the Wyoming Game and Fish Department. Leland will talk to us about the fishing opportunities in The Snowy Range west of Laramie. A message from Joe Meyer: Most people join our club to learn where to fish and to improve their fishing technique. If we are to keep members active, experienced members of the club need to be available to give lessons on technique or fishing location information. To that end, Joe would like you to know that he is available to help and he is encouraging other members to add their name to this list so that new members can call someone for help. You may call Joe for help at 235-1316 to seek assistance or to add your name to the list.
Fall and Winter Activities:
Net building Dates: February 21, 26, 28 and March 4 Our net building class will be held at the home of Andrew Sauter. It will consist of four sessions each lasting, with the exception of the first session, about three hours. Participants should call Andrew at 265-3932 or Dick DePaemelere at 234-2594 to sign up for the class. Participants can expect to pay to attend the class and an additional amount to build their net.
March 8, 2008 Fly Tying Class –Popular Platte Patterns This class will be held from 9:00-4:00 at The Wyoming Game and fish Building on Energy Lane. This class is open to anyone with tying experience slightly above beginner. We’ll focus that day on patterns that have become the standard on the Platte River here in Central Wyoming. Contact Dick DePaemelere at 234-2594 for more information and/or to sign up. Deadline for sign up is March 5, 2008. If you would like to be an instructor for one of these classes, please talk to a member of the Revitalization Committee. For more information or to sign up for a class, call Dick DePaemelere at 234-2594.
Lie ‘N Tie sessions continue on February16, 2008.
The session for February session will be held at the Wyoming Oil and Gas Conservation Commission Building located on King Blvd in the Amoco park . The session begins at 9:00 and will conclude whenever participants decide that enough is enough. At the February Lie ‘N Tie we’ll be demonstrating some patterns that will come in handy on the Big Horn in Montana. Bring your own materials which should include green, red, and pearl flashabou, dun zelon, peacock herl, black thread, extra small gold wire, sow scud dubbing in pink and big horn orange, ostrich herl (natural), and small nymph or scud nooks in sizes 18 and 20. Call Dick DePaemelere at 234-2594 for more information. Participants who don’t want to learn a new pattern are free to tie what ever they want. This is a good time to tie flies, tell jokes and stories, socialize with other members and replenish your fly boxes for the coming fishing season. We are allowed to bring food into the facility. We will quit when we’ve had enough and go somewhere for lunch.
More Backcast Information As stated earlier in this newsletter Randy Stalker will take over the duties of editor of the Backcast. His first edition will be in April. Randy requests that members send him pictures and articles for the backcast. Please make sure you send pictures in the highest resolution possible for your camera. Send your contributions to Randy at his email address ichevPU57@aol.com Also, since Randy lives in Glenrock, it will be hard for him to get to Casper to pick up the Backcast from the printer. That’s where you come in. We’re looking for someone to pick up the Backcast from Kinko’s, make address labels and stick them on the Backcast, buy stamps and stick those on the Backcast and take the Backcast to the post office to be delivered. It takes about two hours including driving time to do all that. The WFC will buy you the necessary software to produce the mailing labels. The club pays for the stamps, too. What a deal! If you want to have a newsletter, someone has to do that job so that we don’t have to pay for those services. Please think about this and if you have questions please contact Dick DePaemelere at 234-2594 if you have questions or if you wish to volunteer for that job.
WFC Banquet 2008 Plans are underway for this year’s banquet. We’ve already secured some really nice items including a trip to the Bow River near Calgary, Canada, which includes two days of guided fishing and 3 nights lodging in Calgary. We expect donations from other people and businesses as well. We believe that Scott Sanchez of Jackson will make a donation. There will be a handmade boat net donated by long time member Bob Stewart and we have secured some items from Brunton, too. We will also have an original painting done by WFC member Dennis Bienvenu. I’ve seen a photo of that painting, and it’s quite nice. Joe Meyer will put together the WFC Club Fly Plate and the MacTavish Fly Plate. Joe asks that everyone needs to have the flies to him by the February 2008 meeting. Thanks, Joe. MacTavish recipients you will need to get two flies to Joe.
A short note from Al Conder:
This is the web location for the Trapper Route special recreation Management Plan. This document will be used to guide development on BLM lands and should help obtain federal funding for development as well as habitat protection on the river. Thanks. http://www.blm.gov/wy/st/en/info/NEPA/cfodocs/trappersroute.html A request from Scott Novotny: Do you have trouble remembering when there are WFC functions? Have you ever forgotten a function and then remembered about it when it was over? Scott is undertaking a reminder program for club activities, etc. He requests that members send him an email so that he can have your email address and then he will send out a timely reminder by email of any activities. He promised that your email address would only be used for the purpose of sending the reminder. Thanks. Send your email to Scott Novotny gscottn@gmail.com Also, please visit http://www.wyflycasters.org/Monthly_Contest_12_07.html to find out about the monthly contest that Scott has going on the web site.
Here’s another chance for you show your talents. We need someone to be the refreshments person. This doesn’t take a lot of talent. It takes a little time. As the refreshment person, you bring the soda to the meeting each month and take it home with you at the end of the evening and bring it back to the next meeting. You’ll need a bag of ice to chill it. I’m told that if you put enough soda in at the beginning then you can leave the cooler in the shed for two meetings without have to haul it home so often. Of course, you shouldn’t leave it in the shed during the winter months as the pop will freeze and you’ll have a big mess. The club buys the pop and ice so we will reimburse you when you make the purchase. You just have to give your receipt to the treasurer. This is an easy job. P.S. If no one volunteers for this job, we won’t have refreshments at the meetings.
The Backcast is a monthly newsletter of the Wyoming Fly Casters. The Wyoming Fly Casters is an affiliate member club of the Wyoming Council of Trout Unlimited and an affiliate of the Nature Conservancy and the Federation of Fly Fishers. Editorials do not necessarily reflect the views of the Wyoming Fly Casters or its members. Annual dues are $20 for an individual member, $30 for a family, or $250 for a lifetime individual membership, or $450 for a family lifetime membership. Please visit our web th site at: http://www.wyflycasters.org/ The deadline for submitting information for publication is the 4 Wednesday of each month. The Backcast editor is Dick DePaemelere (fishguy27@bresnan.net) 307-234-2594. Contributors to this edition of the Backcast include Ed Rate, Dick DePaemelere, Joe Meyer, Scott Novotny, Al Conder, and Andrew Sauter.
White Elephant Sale Wednesday, March 12, 2008, on the same night as elections, there will be a White Elephant Sale. Tables will be set up for you to display your fly fishing related items. We will take 15 minutes to wheel, deal and barter your treasures. Clean out your closets, fly tying benches, and garages. Remember this will be only a15 minute sale. Don’t be late.
Many "Atta Boys" should be extended to Lloyd Ferguson for the excellent job he did conducting the recent Fly Rod Building class. Lloyd spent two Saturdays, a Sunday and Monday providing instructions and making sure everyone had the opportunity to complete their rods as near to perfection as possible. Not only the time mentioned above, but he also spent many hours lining up the proper rod kits and all the accessories required. Lloyd - MANY THANKS.
- Fly Fishing Film Tour –The face of fly-fishing is changing and AEG Media is the leader at bringing this new adventure to the big screen, by introducing the Fly Fishing Film Tour. Members of AEG Media: Chris Owens, Thad Robison, Justin Crump and Brian Jill, known as the “AEG Fish Bums”, founded the film tour in 2006. This annual event will be traveling to 125 U.S. venues this year. In 2009, AEG Media will take the film tour international to destinations including Europe and Japan. As pioneers of the first annual fly-fishing exclusive film tour of its kind, we have successfully created a new market in the fly-fishing industry. With established nation-wide and international distribution channels in several countries, the word is out and will continue to spread. The new generation fly fisher has been typically ignored in the past and we are changing that. Last year, the 2007 film tour screened to over 5,000 attendees. Several venues sold out with over 500 seat capacities, and pre-show lines that have been compared to block buster movie premiers, the film tour far exceeded any expectations. AEG Media is launching the 2008 film tour this winter. With an aggressive marketing and advertising campaign we are increasing the number of venues and plan to boost the number of attendees to over 50,000. What can people expect to see at the Fly Fishing Film Tour? Films shot in extreme, exotic and distant locations; epic scenery, cutting edge music, and conservation pieces that are as entertaining to watch, as they are important; and of course gigantic fish on the end of a fly. Our credo: “No stereotypical instructional programs.” PERIOD! The films we select to take on tour focus on action, adventure, excitement, humor, and lifestyle. AEG Media is taking people on a journey to see what it takes to be truly committed to capturing fly fishing adventure on film. If you fly fish you are going to be blown away, if you don’t fly fish you are going to be inspired. For more information log onto our website at: www.flyfishingfilmtour.com Editor’s note: Check out the schedule on the web page and you will see that there are showings in Colorado in Denver, Ft. Collins, and Colorado Springs. I remember seeing a story about this event last year and it sold out almost immediately in every city in which it played.
Wyoming Fly Casters P.O. Box 2881 Casper, Wyoming 82602 www.wyflycasters.org
The Mission of the Wyoming Fly Casters is to promote and enhance the sport of fly fishing and the conservation of fish and their habitat.