Vol 41 No 10
The Monthly Newsletter of the Wyoming Fly Casters
October 2014
October 2014
What’s inside Bob Homer, President Derrick Dietz, Vice President
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Terms expire in 2015: George Axlund, Joe Meyer Terms expire in 2016: Lee Wilson, Kelly Kukes
Tongue river
6-7 robinder outing
Cheryl Wilson, Secretary Lee Tschetter, Treasurer
7-8 elk hair caddis
greetings from Wisconsin!
flycaster of the month
Terms expire in 2017: Bob Fischer, John Yost, Spencer Amend The Backcast is the monthly newsletter of the Wyoming Fly Casters Editorial content does not necessarily reflect the views of the officers, board or members of the Wyoming Fly Casters. Annual dues are $20 for an individual, $30 for a family, or $250 for a lifetime individual membership or $450 for a life- time family membership. Visit the club website at www. wyflycasters.org. To pay dues or contact the club, write to P.O. Box 2881, Casper, WY 82602. The deadline for submission of information for each issue is a week before the end of the month. Make contributions to the next issue by e-mailing material to the Backcast editor at secretary@wyflycasters.org or call (307) 2671903. The Backcast is available either in electronic format or through USPS snail mail. To receive each newsletter through a monthly e-mail, you must be able to open .pdf (Adobe Acrobat, a software program available free of charge) documents. Usually, each issue is roughly 1 MB in size, some are larger. Your e-mail provider may have limits on the size of attachments. In order to be added to the e-mail list, send a request to secretary@wyflycasters.org. In addition to receiving each issue of the newsletter earlier than your hard copy peers, e-mail subscribers are able to print each copy in vibrant color -- an added plus if the issue is rich in color photographs. By sub-scribing electronically, you also save the club roughly $17.40 a year in printing and postage expenses.
Front Cover : Photo by Lee Wilson, 2014; Back Cover : Photo by Cheryl Wilson, 2014
If you haven’t already, call Joe Meyer at 307-235-1316. He’ll give you pointers and advice to make sure you catch The big one! Mission Statement: The mission of the Wyoming Fly Casters is to promote and enhance the sport of fly fishing and the conservation of fish and their habitat.
The Wyoming Fly Casters club was formed in 1974. The membership currently consists of approximately 160 members. The WFC was organized by a group of dedicated fly fishermen and since the club’s inception the Wyoming Fly Casters have strived to further the sport of fly fishing through conservation and education. Conservation of our water resources is one of our primary goals and in cooperation with the Wyoming Game and Fish Department we have and will continue to carry out worthwhile projects for the benefit of Wyoming fisheries. In addition to conserving Wyoming’s water resources we encourage conserving the fish themselves. A fish safely released today will live to give sport to others. For easy access to digital version of newsletter go to: www.wyomingflycasters.org
Wyoming Fly Casters
President’s letter As the summer continues to roll into fall, this is a great time of year to go catch a few fish. Fall fishing can produce very good results and rewards. I would like to encourage you to attend our October General Meeting. Our own Randy Stalker will give a presentation along with a Power Point all about his adventure in achieving his Cutt Slam Project. This will be interesting and enlightening. This is a major milestone in the life of a fly fisherman and we all congratulate him for completing this job! Oct. 11th Casey Leary will be the streamkeeper for an October outing at Miracle Mile. Casey will have some sloppy joes with all the fixings at about noon. Miracle Mile can produce some mighty big browns with some as big as 24 inches. Compete details are in other parts of the Backcast. I hope you can come out and enjoy a good day at the Mile. Thank you, Casey, for organizing this outing!! Other upcoming events include Lyin' and Tyin' classes along with maybe some pole building classes. These classes are fun and educational events. I encourage all to attend and take part. December includes a Christmas Party. There will be more information to follow. If you have ideas about other events and outings, please inform me or other officers and board members. Until next time, Keep a taut line! Bob Homer
October 2014
North Tongue Gray skies, cool temperatures, the relentless patter of raindrops and the inconvenience of muddy roads failed to dampen the spirits of the two WFC members who attended the first annual Dick DePaemelere memorial outing at North Tongue River during the Labor Day weekend. The outing was headquartered in the meadow on forest service road 176, located just south on the opposite side of the highway as the river. There was ample space for other campers; but none arrived, perhaps spooked by the weather. Although a hatch of small (size 20) caddisflies skittered on the surface, the Yellowstone cutthroat favored a size 16 parachute Adams, an accurate representation of a mahogany dun which was flourishing in the cool, damp environment of the willow-lined stream. On Saturday night, the two fly flingers poured two shots of Wyoming Whiskey, and toasted the memory of DePaemelere, who rated the Tongue as his favorite piece of water. The bottle will only be uncorked at future Labor Day outings, and then around the Saturday campfire.
Wyoming Fly Casters
Robinder Outing The annual Robinder Outing will be held at the Miracle Mile on October 11, 2014. We will be having lunch around 12:00 PM. The club is furnishing all the fixings, just bring an appetite. We will attempt to have lunch near the cottonwood trees and outhouse on the west side of the river, south of the bridge. The outing is in remembrance of Rod Robinder, a very active member in the club until his death in 1996. Rod enjoyed fishing the Mile in the fall for the large brown trout. Please come out and join us and attempt to catch a big brown. San Juan worms, scuds, leeches, woolly buggers, midges and bead head hares ear are effective. Be prepared for any weather conditions, however the last few years have been very pleasant. If you have any questions, please call Casey Leary at 473-2441.
October 2014
Attention Fly Tyers! We are working on getting new members ready to hit the water, and we need your help! We are currently asking for the following flies so that Joe can add these to the new member packets. Each member will receive a few flies to welcome them to the club and get them started in the right direction. Here are a few of the flies we are looking for:
Pine Squirrel Leech Halfbacks Stimulator Elk Hair Caddis (See next page) Midges
Renegades Flashbacks San Juan Worms (various colors) Bead-headed flashbacks Rock Worms Eggs Pheasant Tail Nymph
Wyoming Fly Casters
Elk Hair Caddis
Credit for this pattern, and images below go to Charlie’s Fly Box. If you have a minute, check him out on Facebook, and on his website - http://www.charliesflyboxinc.com/
Attach the thread about two eye lengths back from the eye Tie in an eight-inch length of extra fine copper wire at and wrap a thread base on the shank back to the bend. the rear edge of the index point and wrap the thread back Spiral wrap the thread back to the front. over it to the bend. Keep the wire along the near side of the shank.
Apply a thin, even layer of Superfine dubbing to the Wrap the dubbing back over the front half of the first layer thread. Start wrapping the dubbing at the bend of the hook to the midpoint on the shank. and work forward forming a single dubbing layer on the shank up to the index point.
Change directions and wrap the dubbing forward to Select a brown rooster neck feather that has a barb length the index point again forming a nicely tapered body as equal to one and a half hook gaps. Prepare the feather by stripping its base of fibers for about two eye lengths. Tie pictured. the hackle feather in by its butt end at the front edge of the body with the inside of the feather toward the body of the fly. (continued on the next page)
October 2014
Grasp the tip of the hackle feather with your hackle pliers and palmer it back to the bend with six or seven evenly spaced turns. Once at the bend, wrap the wire rib over the tip of the hackle feather one time and release the pliers from the feather. Continue spiraling the wire forward through the hackle, taking care not to bind down any fibers as you go.
Tie the wire off with the thread at the front of the body. Snap the wire to the rear of the hook to break off the excess and then snap the remaining tip of the hackle feather forward to break it off as well.
Cut, clean and stack a medium sized clump of elk hair. Be sure to get ALL the underfur out of the clump and that the stacking perfectly evens the tips of the hair. Measure the hair so it reaches to the rear edge of the bend of the hook.
Cut the butt ends off the hair at the point where the hair is equal to the length of the hook, from the rear edge of the hook eye to the rear edge of the bend. Place the hair on top of the hook with the butt ends at the back edge of the eye. Your thread should be hanging from the shank one-eye length back from the eye.
Make four or five tight turns of thread to compress and tie down the hair. Be sure that the hair is tied down tightly and is completely compressed under the thread by letting go of the wing and pulling on the thread.
Once the wing is secured to the hook, whip finish the thread on top of the band of thread and clip. Run a thin bead of head cement around the thread band but be careful not to get any on the hair wing or butts.
Wyoming Fly Casters
These photos were taken over the past two weeks here (early September). Our fall colors are just starting to arrive and I'm anticipating a beautiful Midwestern fall. These pictures were taken on the Wisconsin river that winds back and forth through many different ares of SE Wisconsin. You'll notice that the water looks brown, well it is. The reason it's brown is because of the Tamarack trees here. The tanners from bark on the trees gives the river it's color. I am told that there are Northern Pike ( a fighting fish ), small mouth bass and trout (but not near as many as the North Platte). One of the pictures I sent is a notice regarding the DNR (Dept of Natural Resources). They have reintroduced the Sturgeon into the Milwaukee river.
It's a twenty year project and they are about half way through this project. Sturgeon by the way is where we get local caviar. I'm not a fan but many are. Also, I got connected with the local Trout Unlimited chapter to help on a Healing Waters outing. Yesterday, we had a great day on the Wisconsin river. -Peg Novotny
Greetings from Wisconsin!
October 2014
Wyoming Fly Casters 11 WFC Board Meeting | September 17, 2014 Call to order @ 7:00 p.m. Members present: Bob Homer, Joe Meyer, John Yost, Lee Tschetter, Cheryl Wilson, Lee Wilson, Kelly Kukes Members excused: Spencer Amend Lee T. motioned to approved previous minutes, Lee W. seconded. All in favor. Treasurer’s report- There is a ‘stop check’ charge on the account for a check that was lost at Bushwell’s. There are no deposits shown on this treasurer’s report, but they will all be deposited before the end of this month, and will be reflected on the September report. Cheryl motioned to approve the treasurer’s report, Kelly seconded. All in favor. We haven’t had any updates from the Eagle scout we heard from last month. We are looking for new signs and banners for club outings. Bob has gotten a quote from Bar D signs. We would like proofs of the signs prior to printing. Lee Wilson would like to see some fabric options for tables at indoor events. We used to have a large plastic/acrylic sign, that we were trying to have mounted. We haven’t seen it in a while. If anyone knows where this sign has gone, please contact any board member. We are going to put the vote for new signs and banners on hold until next month when more research has been done. Lyin’ and Tyin’ will start the second Saturday in November. Contact Joe Meyer for more information. We will start planning the Spring banquet in January, contact Kelly Kukes if you have any questions. The Blue Downey project has been put on hold. Lee T. would like to pull our initial donation from the regular account, and instead ask the Foundation for the money for the project instead. Lee T. will draft a letter to the project coordinators. When they are ready to move forward with the project, they can re-present to the club, and we can re-donate money from the Foundation account. Kelly made a motion to ask the Foundation for their financial support. John seconded. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
Cheryl Wilson
Video Library
Several years ago, the Board allocated money to purchase videos of likely interest and value to members. Bill Wichers, Bob Fischer and Spencer Amend looked over various fly fishing video catalogs and purchased a fair selection: everything from casting to tying to fly selection and reading waters. The library is kindly maintained at the Ugly Bug. WFC members may check out the videos, and return them at a reasonable interval.
October 2014
Flycaster of the Month Name: Cheryl Wilson What is your occupation? Drafting Technician and Office Administrator for Stateline No. 7 Architects Where are you from? Pampa, Texas Why did you join the Wyoming Flycasters? After reading ‘A River Runs Through It’, I always wanted to learn. I joined the club because of my step-dad, Lee Tschetter. What is your favorite rod to use? My TFO, 3-weight- a wedding present from my husband. What is your favorite fishing experience? Ten Sleep, every year. There was also a night out at the pond, with Lee and Anne- the sun was setting and it was beautiful. We were catching these tiny little fish but we were having a great time. What advice could you give new members to the club? Please get involved! There are a few members that we can always count on for help, but we need more involvement! If you could fly fish anywhere in the world, where would you go? Alaska, Patagonia, or anywhere warm! Besides fly fishing, what are some of your other hobbies? Archery, photography, reading, hiking, biking; anything outdoors! Are there any outing/events with the club you are looking forward to? Even though it just ended, I am looking forward to Ten Sleep next year! I am also looking forward to the mile outing next weekend.
Wyoming Fly Casters
Letter from the Editor
Flycasters, Recent snow has been a reminder that the summer has come to an end, and our brief Wyoming Autumn has officially begun. This is an amazing time of year to get out there and fish the great waters we have access to in Wyoming. I encourage everyone to get out there and enjoy the nice weather before the cold hits. We have a lot coming up in the club. First, we have the Miracle Mile outing next weekend, on October 11th. There is more information on page 5. Lyin’ and Tyin’ will start up again next month, on the Saturday after the general meeting (November 15th). The club Christmas party will be held on December 10th, at 6:30. There will be tickets available at the general meeting next month. Next month I will have lots of information on the Platte River Revival, which was last weekend on the 27th. Thanks to everyone who came out to help! I also really need a few more people to take the Flycaster of the Month survey for me! (See page 12). I have one more waiting for me, but need to collect a few pictures. That’s about all I have for everyone this month. I hope to see everyone out on the water!
Cheryl Wilson
Tommy Shropshire with a nice Bonneville Cutt, working on his Cutt Slam
October 2014
Wyoming Fly Casters
For Sale: 2013 Outlaw Assault XXX frameless raft. New, unused and original shipping box. Includes extra set of composite oars and cooler for inside front seat. See at northforkoutdoors.com Cost $2100 but asking $1200. Has never been in the water. Contact Arnie at 797-0285
info@jamielangartist. com
INDOOR DRIFT BOAT STORAGE on the river $50/month or $500/year.
See your ad here! Just send in your ad information and any picture you have to accompany it and we’ll run it for you!
ZACH EVEN Artist & Outdoorsman Lander, WY
Outdoor storage $40/month. Call Clarke 307-262-3306
PHONE 307.332.0210 EMAIL: info@zachevenart.com
Armadillo Storage. Cheap, safe and affordable storage located right behind the NCSD#1 central offices. Call Bill at 307-472-1073 Indoor and outdoor storage available. Local ownership.
October 2014
R o b i n d e r (Miracle Mile) Outing (page 5)
A look ahead: • Lyin’ and Tyin’ is set to start the second Saturday in November. • The Christmas party will be on December 10th.
Wyoming Fly Casters P.O. Box 2881 Casper, WY 82602
October 2014