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Non-Shuttle Transportation Info

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Packing & Meals

Packing & Meals

Camp Sacajawea has a dirt road in and out of camp for cars & shuttle use. In order to keep everyone safe as they drop off and pick up their camper, we have created procedures to make everyone’s morning/ afternoon as smooth as possible. There is one entrance/exit in and out of camp and all roads are 10 MPH. The entrance is located at 3064 Victoria Ave – marked by a white sign.

Any cars dropping off should come in through the Main Entrance and follow signs to the main office. Please abide by our speed limits and watch for campers. You will drive your camper to the main office drop off area in front of the Dining Hall. Each day, a designated staff member will be present at the main office drop off/pick up area to check campers in and out. After you drop off your camper in the morning, you will follow our exit road out to the street.

Once drop off and shuttles have arrived, the front gate will be closed to cars. If you need an early pick up, please connect with our Business Manager as soon as possible, either in person or via email at campsacajawea@gscsnj.org. We must be notified prior to your arrival. Please wait in the front parking lot until staff escorts the camper to the front parking lot.

The procedure will be similar for pick up. Do not enter the camp until the front gate has been opened to indicate pick up. All early arrivals must wait in the front parking lot until the shuttles have entered camp.

Anyone signing out a camper must present proper identification.

Before and After Care

Before and After Care are offered every week at Camp Sacajawea. Camp staff stay with your camper to provide activities and supervision during this additional camp time.

Before Care starts at 7:30 AM and After Care goes until 6:00 PM. Please let us know as soon as possible if your camper will need Before or After Care. All campers must be picked up by 6:00 PM, as that is the end of our camp day. If families are unable to adhere to this request, After Care privileges may be revoked. Additionally, no campers will be allowed on the premises prior to 7:30 AM as there are no staff present until 7:30. If families are unable to adhere to this request, Before Care privileges may be revoked.

If you need to make any changes to your camper’s transportation during the camp day, please let us know as soon as possible at campsacajawea@gscsnj.org.

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