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WeekDAY Troop Camp & WeekEND Family & Troop Camp

Here are some of the expectations for our adults during their time at Camp Sacy:

All Campers

• We value “turning off to tune in” at camp, so non-adult campers should leave cell phones at home. A purposeful technology-free environment, where everyone can fully embrace the chances to connect with the outdoors. Plus, campers calling home often will increase their homesickness!

• Lodging will be based on group size, availability, and accessibility needs.

• Adults may need to call home to check in. On occasion, Staff/Leaders may need to call home for a camper who is having difficulties. For these instances, we ask that phone usage happens out of sight (and hearing) of other campers – morning & evening quiet hours works best. If the concern is a medical one, the camp Health Director must be informed immediately.

• All overnight/supervisory adults will be required to complete a background check.

• There will be a brief meeting on the first day of arrival to go over lost camper & fire drill procedures.

• Troops will be required to cover all Safety Activity Checkpoints including the proper camper:adult ratio. Contact cmakofka@gscsnj.org if you are unable to cover this ratio.

• All campers (regardless of age!) are active participants in making camp awesome! This means being an active and present participant during badge sessions, camp fires, meal planning, cooking, & clean up.

WeekDAY Troop Camp Adult Campers/Leaders

• Campers may be homesick, but we want to do everything we can to help them stay at camp. Have a conversation with families before coming to camp. Gather some ideas on what the adults in your Troop can do if homesickness arises.

• Writing letters to campers is highly encouraged! They can be written in advance by parents and given to adult leaders to be received by campers at assigned times throughout the week.

• During scheduled adult badge work (Archery Cert./Troop Camper), adults will be separated from their unit and trained unit staff will be present with the campers at their activities.

• If a scheduling conflict arises prior to camp that may require a Troop leader to substitute supervision with another Troop volunteer for a daytime morning, afternoon, or evening time period, please contact Christina immediately so accommodations may be made.

• Troop Camper and/or CPR First Aid is not required as we have a Health Director. All medications, including adult medications, will be locked in a secure location and administered by the Health Director.

• Males are welcome but will be given a separate sleeping space – we require ratio coverage for female leaders in the Troop’s sleeping unit.

If you have any questions prior to camp, please contact Christina Makofka, Camp Director, at cmakofka@gscsnj.org.

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