Friday News - 3/10

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FridayNEWS Fall Troop Camping (September 6 – October 27, 2013) Registration opens March 15, 2013 This registration is not currently available on COMAR. To register send in the Service Unit/Troop Camping Reservation form Camp_reservation_form_tent_camping.doc with your deposit (Troops are $50 and Service Units are $100). For more information contact Sabrina Winfield at 804-746-0590 ext 390 or email Pamunkey Ridge Cabin Camping Essentials is required (previously Level II Training) Primitive Tenet Camping at Pamunkey is available Tent Camping Essentials is required (previously Level III Training) if doing tent camping

VCU Women in Science Girl Scout Science Fun Day Date: March 16, 2013 Times: 9:00a – 2:00p Location: VCU Health Sciences Campus Level: Cadettes Cost: $5/girl COMAR Link: GSProductDetail/tabid/497/ProductId/113147334/ Default.aspx Girl Scout Cadettes don't miss this exciting day of fun with science! Make sure to arrive early so you can register for the sessions you want to attend including clinical medicine, robotics, and hands-on experiments and activities. The day includes focused sessions, lunch, and an open house to explore careers in science.

Camp Kittamaqund Cabin Essentials is acceptable, If you are camping with a service unit. Tent Camping Essentials is required (previously Level III Training)

The day starts at 9am at which time you can register for the sessions you want to attend so don't be late! Lunch is provided and the day will wrap up at 2pm. Free parking is available in the VCU Medical Center parking deck at 12th & Leigh Streets.

These are just some of the activities that troops & service units may choose from (check Safety Activity check point for certification requirements and appropriate girl levels for participation ) Backpacking Archery Canoe Arts & Crafts Kayaking Mountain Biking Sailing

Children’s Museum of Richmond Brownie Badges Date: March 30, 2013 Times: 9:00a-12:00p OR 1:00p-4:00p Location: Children’s Museum of Richmond / W. Broad St Level: Brownies Cost: $25/girl COMAR Links: 9: 00a - GSProductDetail/tabid/497/ProductId/108847344/ Default.aspx 1:00p – GSProductDetail/tabid/497/ProductId/110451602/ Default.aspx

Camp Service Days All Girl Scout troops and families are invited, no children under five years please, as there is no child care provided. Help get camp ready for the upcoming season. Sweeping tents and cabins. Clearing hiking trails. Sanitizing mattresses, and more! Camp Kittamaqund – March 16, 2013 – Time: 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Pamunkey Ridge - March 17, 2013 – Time: 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. For more information contact Sabrina Winfield at 804-7460590 ext 390 or email

Girl Scout Brownies will put their senses to the test at the Children's Museum of Richmond! Girls will participate in games, scavenger hunts, and other hands-on activities to explore their 5 senses. Then the girls will explore inventing, learning to plan and innovate. They will play games and participate in a variety of activities to learn how to solve a

problem from different angles. The cost of this program includes two patches – Senses & Inventor! It also includes admission to the Children’s Museum for the day. Please note, children must be accompanied by an adult at all times while at the Children’s Museum. If you plan on bringing other children to the museum for the day, they must have adult supervision as well. Work with the other parents in the troop to decide who will provide Safety-Wise supervision for Girl Scouts and which parent might want to supervise the other children. Take advantage of these exciting new booth sale opportunities at VCU. default.aspx?pid=86&productcode=VCUNRY

Leader/Daughter Camping Event for our 100th Anniversary GSProductDetail/tabid/497/ProductId/113880178/ Default.aspx

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