Heads Up December 2005

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Gen. Seymour honored by TAG; Gen. McGuinn takes command of GSDF By Rich Elwell and Dean Young, HQ PAO

2005, local authorities alerted the residences of BrigadierGeorgia Generalof an JoelAnthrax W. Seymour, outgoing Forsyth, Bio-terror the attack, of Commanding General of the Georgia State Defense Force, unknown origin. Immediately, panic erupted. Citizens received the prestigious Oglethorpe Distinguished Service were what toofdoCommand and/or where to go…” Medalunaware during aofChange ceremony at Fort Stewart, November 6th.given In addition to the This couldGeorgia, be the on headline on any day, but, due Oglethorpe Medal, Seymour was awarded the Legion of to the careful planning of state and local authorities, Merit for his service as Commanding General of the Georgia Monroe County is one step closer to having a well State Defense Force for the past 11 years. Georgia’s thought-out plan David for dealing withpresented such disasters. Adjutant General, Poythress, the awards.

A “General Mock Exercise set up on toApril 2 under the Seymour was has done more partner with the Georgia National Guard than anyone could…and under his guidance of state and local government agencies, in direction the Georgia State5BDE Defense with conjunction with the of Force the stepped Georgiaup State unparalleled quality in placing evacuees from Hurricane Defense Force, the Monroe County Sheriff’s H and Katrina,” Poythress said. as well as the media and role many other volunteers, General Seymour turned over command of the GSDF to players.


GSDF in Annual Training for GSDF counterheld at Ft. Stewart By Garry Moon, HQ PAO By Garry Moon, HDQ PAO

While the Change of Command ceremony was the highlight of the GSDF’s Annual Training exercise at Ft. Stewart, training in security and HAZMAT were also a focus of the AT weekend that took place from Nov. 4th to the 6th. The security training covered crowd control (using Plexiglas riot shields from the Georgia State Patrol) and vehicle searches, with instruction on how to locate hidden contraband during role-playing exercises. The HAZMAT portion covered identifying hazardous materials, use of protective masks & clothing, proper evac procedures, and setting up exclusion zones.

Brigadier General Michael McGuinn. Seymour had led the

The four-hour exercisemen consisted of “victims” nearly 800 uniformed and women of the reporting Defense toforce a medical facility and being diagnosed for treatment since 1994. “I have been honored to serve Georgia’s or further evaluation. citizens through the State Defense Force and I encourage the men and women of the Force to continue to serve and

Monroe Sheriff’s Deputysaid Jarred Duncan said, “It is wear theCo. uniform with pride,” Seymour. outstanding that all the groups and agencies worked well together. We don’t see that very much. BioTerrorism is real life and small towns need to prepare.” GSDF’s State Command Sergeant Major Bardoul also praised the exercise, saying the drill “helps us to learn in a controlled environment.”

Above: GSDF troopers march past the barracks areas where they enjoyed luxurious accommodations at Ft. Stewart. Below: Sgt. Cline with MEDDET gives a helpful pointer at the Photos: Garry Moon, PAO Change of Command ceremony.

The coordinator of the exercise, Mrs. Janet Freeman, Monroe Co. EMA Director, commented on the professionalism and military decorum displayed by the GSDF troopers. She referred to the GSDF as their “partners in community service”, praising it as an organization that will always be there to help the citizens of Georgia. The known as “The(second Ravens”, is under New 5BDE, GSDF CG Mike McGuinn from left) and BGthe Joel Seymour confer before the Change of command of COL(center) Dick Lockert. Command ceremony at Ft. Stewart, where the GSDF was holding its Annual Training exercise. Photo: Garry Moon, PAO

BACK PAGE: GSDF plays Santa; Troopers march in Vets Parade; Dieterich is ‘In Focus’

In Focus In Focus this month: SSG Dieterich, 1BDE MEDDET By Rich Elwell, GSDF HQ PAO

The Georgia State Defense Force (GSDF) has attracted many “doers”, and one who epitomizes the doer is Staff Sergeant Ann Dieterich. Sergeant Dieterich enlisted in the GSDF in April 1999. She wanted to enter as a private, and said, “I knew nothing about military service, and hoped no one would expect me to know anything.” But since she was a college graduate, the enlisting officer insisted she must enter at least as a corporal (E-4). There is much evidence that Sgt. Dieterich likes to be involved with her “boots on the ground.” She has volunteered and participated in an average of four missions and training experiences per month, which adds up to over 80 to date. “There is always some Colonelto Leon Curry, a retired family is alsolearn, a prior U.S. way get involved, help physician out, and if you Army and Air National Guard Flight Surgeon and former commander actively seek it out,” said Dieterich. of the 165th GAANG TAC Hospital. COL Curry is the Chief of

Professional Services for the AMD. In September 2005 her unit, Medical Detachment LTC Enrique Fernandez is an actively practicing medical physician (MEDDET) of 1st Brigade, responded when the specializing in neurology with extensive civil defense and incident medical evacuees command experience. from hurricanes Katrina and Rita arrived by Henderson, plane at Dobbins Air Chief Reserve Base. Colonel Sarah a retired RN, is AMD’s of Nursing Sergeant alongof with several Services andDieterich, has over 30 years Nursing practicehundred in a varietyother of patient care settings. GSDF volunteers, helped the ill, the elderly and CPT Matthewoff Hamby, chiropractor is children thean actively planespracticing and into the physician hangers. a recent addition to the AMD and runs a thriving practice in Rincon, Although the MEDDET personnel have medical Ga. training, Dieterich said, “A lot involved just listening Senior Master Sergeant Jerry Clark, prior service combat medic in to theirisstories trying todetachment. comfort them. I tried to Vietnam our First and Sergeant of the Senior MSGT Clark reassure one young woman who had with her wears the prestigious Combat Medic’s Badge for argued valor in combat. parents just before being separated from with them, and TSGT William C. Lanier (Billy) is a prior service soldier the 75th Rangers, whosure has earned prestigious Airborne jump was not she the would everRanger seetab, them again.” wings, Basic Trauma Life Support and the Expert Infantryman’s Dieterich held 8-week old premature twins while Badge. As the S-3 NCOIC he brings a wealth of experience and others searched for the right formula to feed them. expertise as training NCO.

State Defense Force helps with ‘Silent Santa’ The GSDF has joined several state agencies, non-profit organizations and area high schools to help with Operation Silent Santa, a Georgia Department of Family and Children Services (DFACS) project that brings gifts from “Santa Claus” to foster children in Bartow County. This is the second year the Georgia State Defense Force has participated in Silent Santa, but this year marks the first time that various state and volunteer entities have all collaborated to concentrate on children placed by the Bartow County office of DFACS. There are currently 187 children that need to be served and the number always increases as Thanksgiving and Christmas approach.


TOUCH Ministries, led by Pastor Gloria Gainor, Boy Scouts of America, the Civil Air Patrol (US Air Force Auxiliary) the North Metro Technical College (a division of the Department of Technical & Adult Education) and the Woodland, Cartersville and Adairsville high schools in Bartow and Etowah H.S. in Cherokee County round out this collaborative team with GSDF. Through their combined efforts, these organizations will collect new and used toys and monetary donations to shop for toys, wrap them up beginning December 11, and deliver them by Christmas Eve.

GSDF troopers in Atlanta’s Veterans Day Parade

SSG Alice T. Thomassuch is a Nurse Specialist works in several for She described missions asthat very rewarding venues including Surgical Nurse, Emergency Room Nurse and holds her personally. “People come up to whenCert you certification in Advanced Cardiac Life Support, CPRyou Instructor are in uniform thank you for what you are doing. and currents servesand on the Cardiac, Stroke and Trauma Teams within her facility. They don’t differentiate whether the name plates say ‘U.S. Army’ or ‘Georgia,’” Dieterich said proudly.

SSG Ann Dieterich has her hands full at Dobbins ARB during the Hurricane Katrina airlift in September. Photo: Bret LaBarre, 1BDE MEDDET

The State Defense Force proudly marched in the annual Veterans Day Parade on Peachtree Street in downtown Atlanta on Nov. 11th. GSDF joined more than 70 floats and marching units that participated in the parade, led this year by Lt. Gen. R. Steven Whitcomb, Commanding General of the Photo: Roger Shaddick, SG UPAR Third U.S. Army.

We welcome your comments! Please send letters, story ideas, etc to the Editor: garry.moon@travelinc.com

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