CONNECTION July 29, 2015
Girl Scouts of Eastern SC Quarterly Newsletter Spring – Summer 2015
Our most delicious fundraiser-benefit EVER! As in years past, Orchid Paulmeier from One Hot Mama’s is our Hilton Head resident star and this year we have our guest celebrity chef, Tanya Holland of Food Network and Cooking Channel fame. Her latest hit book is “Brown Sugar Kitchen: New Style, Down-Home Recipes from Sweet West Oakland”. Signed copies of the book will be available at Death BY Chocolate. Tanya will hold a book-signing and meet the author event on Friday, August 28th in Charleston. (Location and time to be announced.) Death By Chocolate: August 29, 2015 Omni Hilton Head Oceanfront Resort
GSESC’s Girl Award and Recognition Ceremony, May 17, 2015. Representative Mary Tinkler was the guest speaker. Pictured below: Some of the girls who were recognized for their hard work, troop and community projects and accomplishments that make us all proud.
Celebrity Chef Tanya Holland at Death By Chocolate more inside
In This Issue
Awards & Recognitions
The 5 Outdoor Badges
Hootie & The Blowfish Foundation Fund Grant
MOU Talks and Signing
Girl Scout Sightings
Death By Chocolate: August 29, 2015 Omni Hilton Head Oceanfront ~ Tickets $50
As of the end of the last week of Resident Camp at Sandy Ridge, 448 girls attended Girl Scout Camp. When asked to describe Girl Scout camp with one word, girls said: “Fun”, “Friends”, “Swimming”, “Horses”, “Archery”, “Campfires”. Share your one word Girl Scout camp memory with us at our twitter account @girlscoutsesc with #RememberWhen or post to our Facebook page. You can also email with the subject , “Remember When” …. Remember when?
Many Girl Scout Alumnae will be glad to know there are five new outdoor badges voted on nationally by girls! The girls’ choices are: Brownies: Outdoor Adventurer; Juniors: Horseback Riding; Cadettes: Archery; Seniors: Paddling; Ambassadors: Ultimate Recreation Challenge.
Girl Scout Summer Camp #RememberWhen @girlscoutsesc
Girls in Calhoun, Clarendon, Orangeburg and Lee counties will have the chance to enjoy the Girl Scout experience thanks to a $6,000 grant awarded to Girl Scouts of Eastern SC from The Hootie and The Blowfish Foundation Fund of Central Carolina Community Foundation. The funds are allocated to be used for: Girl Scout Membership fees Starter Kits Camperships New Leader Kits Girl Scout Meeting Signs For more information on the Hootie and The Blowfish Foundation Fund of Central Carolina Community go to or
MOU with Charleston SC Catholic Diocese
On Friday, May 1, 2015, the chair of the Catholic committee on Scouting for the Diocese of Charleston, Jim Weiskircher, met with CEO Loretta Graham at the North Charleston office of GSESC to sign the Memorandum of Understanding outlining the partnership of the Catholic Church in SC and the Girl Scouts of Eastern SC.
Jim Weiskircher, Loretta Graham
CEO Loretta Graham Signing of MOU May 1, 2015
Troop 84: Then/Now
We are so excited to announce Celebrity Chef Tanya Holland as our Guest Judge at Death By Chocolate. Copies of her latest book, “Brown Sugar Kitchen…” will be available.
Sponsorships are still available. For more information, call Nancy at 843-290-6932.
Join us for a night of delicious tastings as chefs battle with irresistible chocolate delights. The evening is filled with friends, fun, desserts, champagne and exquisite auction items. It’s all in the name of good taste and the good cause and INVESTMENT of Girl Scouts of Eastern SC.
Girl Scouts placing flags in cemeteries for Memorial Day
Meet Tanya Holland and area chefs as they compete for the winning titles of chocolate victory. Saturday, August 29th 6:00-9:00 pm at the Omni Hilton Head Oceanfront Resort. Tickets are ONLY $50 per person. We can’t wait… to see you there!
Above, Hannah Horne & Friends
Above, Hilton Head’s Orchid Paulmeier
Girl Scouts reach out across the miles
CEO Loretta Graham with Camryn Singleton mail and gifts presentation July 29, 2105
The letters and cards began to pour in almost immediately upon the news that Sharonda Singleton was one of The Charleston Nine. Sharonda was in a prayer study meeting when she was killed. The massacre was on June 18th at Emanuel Church in Charleston. Sharonda was a Girl Scout volunteer and mother to a teenage Girl Scout as well. From all over the United States cards and sentiments arrived for Sharonda’s troop and for her family and church. Mail continued to arrive steadily through mid-July and Loretta Graham called in surviving daughter Camryn to present her with the stacks of mail and the donations that had been sent in.
The Goose Creek community easily rallied together to hold a car wash on a Sunday afternoon at the Goose Creek Advance Auto Parts to support the Singleton family. Over $500 was raised to pass on to Camryn Singleton. The donation was presented by GSESC troop leader Michelle Grub Pryor pictured with Camryn (right).
Contact Us
Gold—$1,000: Covers the Membership Fee, Starter Kit (Girls Guide to Girl Scouting, Journey Book, Vest, 2 pins, Badge, Tab & Bag), Summer Camp for TWO girls
Silver—$500: Covers the Membership Fee, Starter Kit, Summer Camp for one girl Bronze—$350: Covers One Week of Summer Resident Camp for one girl Green—$100: Covers Membership Fee & Starter Kit for one girl Brown—$50: Covers Membership Fee and Vest
Our donor privacy policy is located on our website
7951 Dorchester Rd N. Charleston, SC 29418 (843) 552-9910 Visit us on the web at