Aboriginal training strategy framework 2013 2016

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Aboriginal Training Strategy 2013 – 2016 Kadadjiny Noongar Moort Learning Noongar People


Your regional TAFE

Kadadjiny Noongar Moort Your regional TAFE

Learning Noongar People


STRATEGY FRAMEWORK 2013-2016 Mission To provide our Aboriginal students with the skills to fulfil their potential and build our region’s prosperity.


Improve participation levels in higher qualifications. Align training delivery to the skill shortages profiled in the State Priority Occupation List (SPOL). Increase number of graduands from higher-level qualifications including through RPL. Work with local agencies and employers to identify pathways for Aboriginal VET graduates. Labour market analyses to ensure Aboriginal VET training is matched to employment opportunities. Engage employers in the provision of career advice and work experience. Support regional business to manage work place training by delivering the qualification in Training and Assessment (TAE).


Provide experiential training opportunities to encourage Aboriginal enrolment in skill shortage areas. Encourage enrolments in pre-apprenticeship, SAL and TryTech. Maintain and extend relationships with schools and student support to promote programs. Promote, support and mentor the Aboriginal School-Based Traineeship program. Improve student transition from pre-apprenticeship programs into apprenticeships. Promote the success stories of the institute’s apprentices and trainees. Promote careers in trades to school students.


Maintain mentoring programs for Aboriginal students entering mainstream VET programs. Provide tutorial support for Aboriginal students in mainstream VET programs in Certificates III and above. Ensure equity and access programs for all Aboriginal students are appropriately targeted. Develop and promote bridging pathways to increase progression through the high AQF levels. Ensure fees and charges are not a disincentive to Aboriginal participation in training. Implement career action plans for Aboriginal students. Support student progression from foundation programs into qualifications with more direct links to employment. Engage the Aboriginal community in planning for delivery through the Aboriginal Employment, Education and Training Committee. Provide students with individualised career and personal counselling services to support graduate outcomes.

Kadadjiny Noongar Moort Aboriginal Training Strategy 2013 – 2016

Learning Noongar People

Aspirational Targets

The proportion of Aboriginal students progressing from access and equity programs into further training or employment will be the same as for non-Aboriginal students entering Great Southern Institute of Technology via an access and equity pathway.

The proportion of Aboriginal students graduates as a percentage of the Aboriginal labour force will be the same as for non-Aboriginal students.

Progression and re-enrolment rates for Aboriginal students will be the same as for non-Aboriginal students.

The percentage of apprentices and trainees who are Aboriginal will increase to 3 per cent of the total enrolments for apprentices and trainees at Great Southern Institute of Technology, and their completion rates will match those of non-Aboriginal apprentices and trainees.


Provide support for the sustainable development of Aboriginal owned and managed properties. Support training that contributes to the cultural health of Aboriginal communities.


Customise training to meet the needs of regional industry.

Build relationships that engage Aboriginal families and communities in providing support to Aboriginal learners.

Strengthen Aboriginal organisations by supporting the skills development of their existing and future workforce. Support Aboriginal community and reconciliation activities such as NAIDOC week.

Build partnerships with Aboriginal organisations to ensure Aboriginal people have access to all resources available to support Aboriginal engagement with the labour force. Develop new partnerships with industry and specialist Registered Training Organisations (RTOs). Partner with new and emerging industries to ensure Aboriginals are provided with the skills to access emerging employment opportunities. Maintain networks to provide a holistic approach to training delivery. Support the delivery of cultural awareness training to all agencies responsible for the provision of services to Aboriginal people.


Support training delivery in the region’s school trade training centres.

Increase levels of cross-cultural awareness in our staff. Implement effective professional development strategies for Aboriginal staff. Focus on more effectively connecting families, communities and schools. Maintain whole of government networks to provide an holistic approach to increasing Aboriginal workforce training and participation. Ensure Aboriginal representation on key strategic committees. Attract funding to a level that will ensure the institute can adequately respond to the training needs of the Aboriginal community. Evaluate and continually improve Aboriginal delivery through unambiguous outcome targets. Ensure qualified, trained staff deliver training to Aboriginal students.

Kadadjiny Noongar Moort Your regional TAFE

Learning Noongar People

From the Managing Director…

The Great Southern Institute of Technology Aboriginal Strategy 2013-2016 is a three-year plan aimed at improving training and employment outcomes for Aboriginal people in our region.

Engaging people in relevant and meaningful training helps them to become successful learners and gain skills and qualifications to enhance their employment prospects. It also promotes community participation and inclusion for social wellbeing. For Aboriginal people, Great Southern Institute of Technology issues an Aboriginal Training Strategy Framework, aligned with the institute’s Strategic Plan, to address their particular needs, thus facilitating progress and maximising rewards. This framework is designed to increase Aboriginal students’ participation in training and completion rates, and to smooth their progression to higher education, apprenticeships or traineeships, and employment. A priority for the institute is to ensure programs continue to deliver positive outcomes for Aboriginal people by implementing new pathways from school to training and employment, and by encouraging participation in vocational education and training courses for the acquisition of industryrecognised skills and qualifications. The institute is committed to making every effort to accommodate the training needs of Aboriginal people, through Aboriginal programs and mainstream courses. Annual assessment and reporting of the institute’s progress towards the goals outlined in this strategy will ensure Aboriginal people have access to the same opportunities as the general population. This strategy will be incorporated into planning processes throughout the institute.


Your regional TAFE

ALBANY • DENMARK • KATANNING • MOUNT BARKER Phone 9892 8888 or FREECALL 1800 675 781 www.gsit.wa.edu.au



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