There are many ways girls can make an impact in their community. Sometimes you don’t even need to leave your meeting space to complete one!
Ideas for service project for all ages:
Writing notes/cards for:
o First responders
o Senior citizens
o Teachers
o Color a Smile Org – color in pages that are sent in to the organization to be shared with seniors across the country.
o Plant flowers at your school or for an elderly neighbor
o Make goody bags of appreciation for first responders, teachers, case-workers
o Make no-sew blankets for babies, the homeless, senior citizens
o Build birdhouses to be put up in local parks
o Put together and donate first aid kits
o Help with a park clean-up
o Decorate a room/space for Habitat for Humanity
o Collecting:
o Blankets
o Coats, shoes
o Socks and mittens
o Canned food drive - create a basket of thanksgiving dinner supplies, food donation needs increase after major holidays and in the summer
o Toiletries, snacks for shelters
o Books to donate
o School supplies
o Toys
o Make a Birthday Box
o Baby goods – diapers, formula, formula coupons
Field Trip Volunteer Opportunities
o Feed My Starving Children
o North Texas Food Bank
o Heritage Farmstead Museum
o SPCA of Texas
o Bonton Farms
o The Birthday Party Project