New Troop Leader Newsletter - August 2023

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Summer break is over for most of our Girl Scouts. The back-to-school season marks the time of year to get Back to Girl Scouts! This is the time of year to get motivated, learn something new and get ideas to prepare your troop for a fun and productive Girl Scout year. Your Girl Scouts are ready to connect with their Girl Scout sisters, make new friends and take action to make the world a better place.

We have a new resource created just for new leaders! The GSNETX New Leader Rallyhood contains all the resources you need for your first year as a Girl Scout troop leader! Check out the Troop Leader Resources, Tips,

and Reminders section below for more details.

Save the date for the first GSNETX New Leader Virtual Meeting for the new membership year! These meetings are designed to help you discover, connect, and take action as you guide your troop through the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. Be sure to check out the Volunteer Learning section for dates, times, topics, and Zoom link.

This Month's Topics

 Membership

 Volunteer Learning

 Camp

 Programs, Events & Activities

 Patches of the Month

 Mental Health & Wellness

 Troop Leader Resources

Girl Scout Membership Registration/Renewal

If you are in the process of starting a new troop, make sure that all your girls have an active membership by checking your troop roster in the Volunteer Toolkit. Then get ready to watch your troop help those in need, embrace the outdoors, learn new things, and make forever friends! If your troop is going into their second year or you are a new leader in an existing troop, make sure that your returning volunteers and girls renew their memberships by the end of September to keep the discovery going.

August New Leader Virtual Meeting

Get the latest news and answers to your pressing questions, LIVE! You


have two options to attend – Tuesday, August 22 at 7PM or Wednesday, August 23 at noon. Topics will include what steps need to be taken to get your Girl Scout year off to a great start, planning your Girl Scout year, Girl Scout traditions, and more!

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 987 6956 9379

Passcode: 222832

New Leader Academy Mentor

Have you been a leader for at least 1 year? Do you like engaging and communicating on social media? We are looking for leaders that have been in the troop leader role for a year or more that are interested in staying on in New Leader Academy to serve as mentors for our new first year troop leaders! If interested, email for more details and a position description.

Learning Channel GSNETX

Check out some of the micro-learnings offered on this Facebook page, which includes some topics below but not limited to:

 Kaper Charts and Meeting Organization

 Fun in the Fall (Planning for Fall Girl Scout Activities)

 Money Transparency and Accountability in Your Girl Scout Troop


Explore More in gsLearn

Check out some courses on gsLearn. Log into gsLearn, our learning management system, from within your mygs account. Click on the "Content Library" and view classes and video tutorials. Here are a few courses:

 597

All About Rallyhood

 597 VTK Challenge

Troop Finances Training

In this course, you will find a video and supporting files to help you better understand troop finances. This includes busting myths around troop finances, finding/using GSNETX's Troop Ledger Tool, understanding troop budgets, and how to prepare and submit annual troop financial reports to GSNETX.

Access in gsLearn, click 'Content Library' and search '597 Troop Finances Training'.


Camp is for everyone! Troop camping is an opportunity for girls to take the lead. With troop camping, the girls plan the event in all its detailswhere to go, what to do, and eat.

Troop Camping registration is open!

Considering adding a troop campout to your Girl Scout Year plan? Use the outdoor progression chart to determine your troop’s readiness for the outdoors. If your troop is or will be ready for outdoor adventure for the upcoming membership year, Troop camping is open for SeptemberDecember weekends. Check out page 9 of the GSNETX Volunteer Policies and Procedures to find out what’s required to take the troop on its first camping trip!

Girl Scout Night at Mesquite Rodeo

Join us and enjoy "Real Texas Fun" at the indoor and air-conditioned Mesquite arena on Saturday, August 19. They are featuring a performance and meet-andgreet from our own Tejas Riders. All scouts receive a FREE Mesquite Rodeo patch.

Troop Camping

Support the Tejas Riders on August 19th. Check out the flyer on Learning Channel GSNETX. More Details

Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors. Do We Have An Event For You!

GSLI - Amazon Career Exploration - Get an exclusive behind the scenes tour at the fascinating Amazon robotics fulfillment center. This program provides a behind-the-scenes look at what it takes to deliver millions of packages daily, how robots and associates work together, and how STEM skills are utilized throughout the operation.

New Badges in The Fall

There are now new ways for Girl Scouts of all ages to explore their world, whether online or unplugged! The new badge booklets now include a volunteer guide and printable activity pages for girls, as well as new badge overviews in the Volunteer Toolkit and fun and fast badge introductions in gsLearn.

Look for the new badges in the Fall.

Workshops & Events

Need help finding events for your meetings? Click on each image to see upcoming events sorted by your Girl Scout's program grade level (PGL).

My Flag, My County and Me

Brownies through Ambassadors will learn to fold a flag, say the Pledge of Allegiance in sign language and conduct a formal flag ceremony, just to name a few, in order to earn these badges.

Summer Reading Program - June 1 - September 1

The summer reading program is designed to encourage Girl Scouts to read, even when school is out! As with all activities, parents should be comfortable with the reading material their children choose. Not a free patch.


More Council Patch Programs

Think of patches like a scrapbook of activities. "Fun patches" and "council patches" are available in the council shops unless otherwise noted.

Learn About Your Own Mental Health

Online screening is one of the quickest and easiest ways to determine

My Flag, My Country, and me

whether you are experiencing symptoms of a mental health condition. Try this free screening.

Change is the new norm. Do you have the skills to manage through it? We live in the "age of disruption."

Technology and innovation are changing everything. It's the new norm. Science tells us we're training our brains all the time. We get better at the things we practice most.

Unfortunately, too many of us practice and train the wrong things - things that actually contribute to our stress, like the relentless distraction of our devices. It’s freeing to learn that is normal - and that we can build skills to reverse these tendencies and to better manage ongoing change.

The RethinkCare app has dozens of mindfulness mini-courses to help. Check out the "Be Fluid and Nonreactive" mini-course to help manage change.

Mental Health Events / Workshops

The challenge Girl Scouts has always focused on helping girls thrive, whatever that means for the world she lives in. We host an array of events and interactive workshops to equip both of you to take on these challenges and have the confidence to be her best self.


Mental Wellness & Inclusion Resources

Girl Scouts plus their families, caregivers, and volunteers have access to mental wellness resources from both GSNETX and Girl Scouts of the USA and trusted partners. From new activities to training, you'll find what you need to get started.

GSNETX Room Reservations are now open. Are you looking for a place to hold troop meetings and live near one of the Girl Scout service centers? The calendar is now open through August 31, 2024, to reserve a room at one of our service centers. Reservations can only be made by current GSNETX volunteers with eligible background checks. In making the reservations, you agree to follow all GSNETX policies and procedures, as well as posted instructions in any facilities and instruct all Girl Scout participants to leave the location cleaner than they found it.


GSNETX New Leader Rallyhood – Getting Started Digital Library

The New Leader Rallyhood houses the resources you need for your first year to help you get your troop up and running. Included are resources and ideas to help you get organized and plan your Girl Scout year. View


the calendar to see dates for training, new leader exclusive events, and special Girl Scout events/activities. This Rallyhood will continue to evolve and grow as new content is added throughout the year.

Volunteer Toolkit Year Plan for 2024

Troop Leaders are now able to select badges and create a year plan at.

Update Troop Information Today

Please help us keep our information up to date in our system. Submit or update your troop's meeting details by submitting the Troop Update form. For 2nd year and existing troops, girls' grade levels and ages automatically leveled up in the system at the end of July.

Role Changes or Transfers?

If you need to add someone into a role or transfer a girl to a troop, please submit the Troop Changes form.

Troop Financial Reports (TFR)

For troops that started prior to May 31, 2023, submit your Troop Financial Report (TFR) today. Log into MY GS, click on My Account, and select the Volunteer Toolkit (VTK). Once you are in the VTK, click on the Finances tab. Share your troop financial status with the volunteers and parents in your troop. Please get this completed ASAP as the system will lock you out on Sept 30th.

MYGS Get Your Parents in The Picture

Do you sometimes feel you need help at your troop meetings and activities? You can consider forming a Troop Committee. The term “troop committee” describes the adult leadership team for a Girl Scout troop.

New troops and returning troops are encouraged to hold a parent meeting at the beginning of each new Girl Scout year! Start your year on a positive note with your parents by fostering effective communication and teamwork. Things to include in your parent meeting:

 Girl Health History Form

 Girl Scout Troop Annual Permission Form - This form is to be retained for troop records.

 Girl Scout Event Permission Slip - to be completed whenever an activity is considered high adventure or involves a sensitive issue.

 GSNETX Activity Approval Form - Use this form to receive prior approval for Girl Scout events and activities that may require extra levels of safety, care, and permission. Regular troop meetings and most standard day trips do not require approval, including virtual activities.

 Safety Activity Checkpoints - standards and guidelines of approved activities.

 Discussions about Troop Committee

 Second year troops, share the troop’s financial status with girls’ and their families

Need help with STEM badges? Check out JUMPSTART! It makes STEM badges easy to do.

Read More About Troop Committee
Have a question? Don't be shy! Contact us for more information.

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