Dear Friends, I’m writing this on a bitter cold wintry day as the snow is falling outside and blanketing our south Allentown campus. As difficult as it may be to envision spring, I think about how hard it is for many of our patients when they first come to us to envision healing and possibilities beyond whatever affliction has impacted their lives. We work with all our patients to set goals and we encourage them to stay the course, even when they want to give up. And while we also recognize there may be limitations, we constantly seek ways to help people with disabilities achieve greater independence and work as a team to make that happen. Consistency in therapy is essential to progress, just as consistency in giving from donors like Tom and Millie Stenhouse, who we highlight in this issue, is essential to advancing our mission and strengthening our vision for the future. We count on your generosity to help us invest in the latest technologies which help teens like Patrick Champagne, a swimmer at Emmaus High School, who is recovering from a sportsrelated concussion. Technology also is playing a role in helping 20-year-old Samantha Weber improve her vision and gain strength after she fell critically ill to a frightening and unpredictable disease. Consistency is important in other ways too at Good Shepherd. We rely on volunteers like Neil Wetcher, our 2013 Volunteer of the Year, to help our staff in countless ways. And we rely on our special event committee chairs, like Peter Danchak and Jaime Mendes, along with their hard-working committees to plan and execute fund raisers so necessary to our programs and services. While the harsh winter weather brought with it plenty of challenges, Good Shepherd’s dedicated staff, our volunteers and donors like you, never skipped a beat. Consistency in giving can be habit forming and that’s a habit you will find feels great.
John Kristel, MBA,MPT President & CEO 2
Back In the Swim Concussion temporarily sidelined high school swimmer Patrick Champagne, but Good Shepherd’s Concussion Management Program has him well on the road to recovery.
The Mantle of Leadership......................... 10 A joyful gathering of family and friends marked the inauguration of Good Shepherd’s new president and CEO, John Kristel, as the organization’s leadership changed hands.
Cover photograph: Randy Monceaux
IN THIS ISSUE Giving Back.................................. 8 — Tom and Mildred Stenhouse Good News & Great Gifts.............16 Gifts of Love................................. 24
Accentuate the Positive............................12 When sudden illness dealt Samantha Weber a blow paralyzing her left side, she fought back with support from Good Shepherd and her family.
All In the Family ...................................18
Volunteers and donors Ted and Al Douglass are carrying on an honored family tradition of philanthropy with historic ties to Good Shepherd.
Follow Sweet Charity on Facebook!
Volunteer Profile................................... 22 A generous heart and loving spirit are just two of the many reasons Neil Wetcher of Bethlehem was chosen as the 2013 Volunteer of the Year.
OUR MISSION Motivated by the divine Good Shepherd and the physical and cognitive rehabilitation needs of our communities,
our mission is to enhance lives, maximize function, inspire hope, and promote dignity and well-being with expertise and compassion. 3
atrick Champagne lived life at 150 mph. Competitive by nature, the Emmaus High School varsity swimmer spent up to 15 hours a week in practice. And when he wasn’t swimming, he was immersed in his studies which included advanced classes in European history and calculus. On October 10, 2012, Patrick, then 17 years old, had just finished a series of laps doing the backstroke when he stood up and hit his head on the gutter of the pool. It was a hard knock and Patrick knew it, but he felt all right and went on with his workout. Afterward, he told his coach who followed protocol for assessing concussion and admonished Patrick to be mindful of any symptoms that might develop. Patrick’s parents were also told what happened and advised that he take it easy that night and to keep an eye on him. Like many parents and athletic coaches today, they knew that concussion was a real possibility and required diligent observation. “I was thinking about it a lot,” says Patrick, “but I thought I’d be fine.” He wasn’t fine though. “That day we learned how ignorant we were about brain injuries and concussion,” says his mother Betsy. Patrick tried taking it easy that night, but driven to excel in all he did, attempted to study for a test the next day. What usually came pretty easily was suddenly a struggle. The dining room lights bothered him and he was having trouble comprehending what he was reading. “I couldn’t really focus and I think that was
Patrick with his four-legged pal Cricket.
the first indicator something was wrong,” says Patrick. “That may have been the start of my symptoms looking back on it.” Recognizing that Patrick wasn’t himself, Betsy and her husband Paul, urged Patrick to go to bed. The next morning, Patrick slept in, which was uncharacteristic for this early riser. He went to school where he’d signed up to have his yearbook photo taken. The photographer’s flash really bothered him, Betsy says, another indicator something wasn’t right. That same day, Patrick began experiencing bad headaches and dizziness. Betsy scheduled an appointment with the family pediatrician for the next day. Patrick, who as a high school athlete had been given an ImPACT (Immediate Post-Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing) evalua5
tion to establish his cognitive baseline, was retested by his pediatrician. “It was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. It took me about an hour,” says Patrick, adding that he was completely wiped out at the end. By now, other symptoms had surfaced. Betsy noted that Patrick’s speech was somewhat slower, and he was pale and clammy. The pediatrician determined that Patrick had suffered a concussion. He prescribed rest. No school. No mental stimulation. He also recommended that Patrick see Kimberly Kuchinski, program director at the Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Hospital Pediatric Unit in Bethlehem where she specializes in pediatric physical medicine and rehabilitation. “We’re very grateful we were referred to Dr. Kuchinski,” says Betsy.
Dr. Kuchinski met with Patrick for an evaluation on November 8, 2012. She confirmed the post-concussive syndrome diagnosis and in addition to medication, prescribed a treatment plan that took full advantage of all the resources and expertise in Good Shepherd’s Concussion Management Program. Patrick’s left eye wasn’t tracking properly, he was experiencing dizziness and he struggled with his memory and mental fatigue so he needed vision, vestibular and speech therapy. “I brought my homework and learned memory techniques using my homework,” says Patrick. “That was amazing.” “He had to learn how to learn,” adds Betsy. Another helpful technique Patrick learned was how to rate his symptoms on a daily basis and adjust accordingly. “That scale is really helpful,” says Patrick. “I can mentally gauge what activities make the continued on page 21...
Patrick (center) with his family (from left) father Paul, sisters Katie and Maggie, and mother Betsy.
Understanding and Treating Concussion Former and current NFL players are garnering headlines on sports-related concussion, but at Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Network, a team of physicians, therapists and neuropsychologists are dealing with the realities of concussion in the lives of everyday people from all walks of life. Kyle Klitsch, D.O., a concussion management specialist, heads Good Shepherd’s Concussion Management Program and has treated patients from cheerleaders to high school football players. “Our strengths are the interdisciplinary treatment that’s going on here,” says Dr. Klitsch. “Our therapists are great at being trained in recognizing certain things and have specialized areas of focus. It’s the collaborative effort between everyone that makes our program unique.” Dr. Klitsch describes concussion as a mild traumatic brain injury. “It’s more on the microscopic level and affects the way the brain works,” he says. “There’s no apparent injury when you do any type of (clinical) imaging. You base the diagnosis on signs and symptoms, which may be very brief.” Public awareness and understanding of concussion has increased in recent years, however ongoing education is still needed. “The two biggest myths are that you need to lose consciousness, which isn’t true, and that you need to be struck in the head, which also is not true,” says Dr. Klitsch. “Any bio-mechanical force to the body that causes the brain to move can cause a concussion, like a football player who’s been tackled hard.” Most concussions will resolve themselves within 7 to 10 days, says Dr. Klitsch. The standard of care is physical and cognitive rest within the acute phase, especially the first 48 hours. “Time is the biggest key in terms of recovery,” says Dr. Klitsch. A quick diagnosis is important so therapy can begin immediately and help speed the recovery process. It also helps reduce the potential lasting damage that can result from a second concussion. “After you’ve sustained the first concussion, it puts you at higher risk for Second Impact Syndrome which can lead to catastrophic brain swelling,” says Dr. Klitsch. ImPACT,™ a computerized neuro-psychological test that establishes baseline cognitive skills and helps in ongoing post-injury assessment is used by the Concussion Management Program team to help athletes during recovery. “Research shows it is a reliable tool in assessing cognitive dysfunction after a concussion,” says Dr. Klitsch. “The Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association requires all its athletes have ImPACT testing done. It’s a good screening tool to have as we’re managing their recovery phase.” Learn more about Good Shepherd’s Concussion Management Program online at 7
ome people just light up a room when they walk in, people like Tom and Millie Stenhouse of Bethlehem. For 42 years, this charming couple who hail from Scotland, have been sharing their loving spirits and devotion to Good Shepherd’s mission through a deep commitment that began in 1971 when Tom was appointed director of the industrial services division, known as the “workshop.” The Stenhouses were recognized as Good Shepherd’s choice for Distinguished Honorees at the annual National Philanthropy Day Breakfast on November 13, 2013, at DeSales University. The breakfast honored an impressive roster of people in the Lehigh Valley whose philanthropy has made a meaningful difference in the lives of others. Tom and Millie have always given of themselves unselfishly. During Tom’s tenure as workshop director, the program grew, providing job training and employment to many people with disabilities. In those years, Millie volunteered by wrapping presents for residents of The Good Shepherd Home and visiting patients in the rehabilitation hospital. Their daughters were also encouraged to volunteer. The Stenhouses became part of the fabric of the organization, forming close friendships with The Rev. Dr. Conrad Raker, former administrator at Good Shepherd, and many of those they served.
Since Tom’s retirement in 1991, the Stenhouses have remained devoted friends, finding as many gifts as they have given through their loving affiliation with Good Shepherd. Tom is one of the organization’s historians, and in 2008 his memories became part of a PBS documentary celebrating Good Shepherd’s 100th anniversary. When Millie suffered a stroke they chose Good Shepherd for her rehabilitation. This too became an opportunity to give back by telling her story in Sweet Charity, appearing in a public advertising campaign, and sharing her experience at donor events. The Stenhouses are joyous participants at every event throughout the year and remain loyal and generous supporters. Good Shepherd is blessed to have them as part of our family and so is the Lehigh Valley.
The Stenhouses have remained devoted friends, finding as many gifts as they have given through their loving affiliation with Good Shepherd. 9
John Kristel with his predecessor Sally Gammon.
A ceremony imbued with warmth and quiet joy marked the official passing of the leadership baton to John Kristel, Good Shepherd’s new president and chief executive officer, on Friday, November 8, 2013, at Grace Lutheran Church in Allentown. The church where the late Rev. Dr. Conrad Raker once served was the setting of the inauguration attended by family, friends and Good Shepherd associates who gathered to witness John assume the mantle of leadership previously held for the last 16 years by Sally Gammon, who retired in July 2013. The celebration was highlighted by music performed by the Lehigh Valley Charter High School of the Arts choir and a prelude by David Lyons and Dr. Pam Shields.
Good Shepherd with his family and saw the residents sitting outside in their wheelchairs on warm summer days. He related to them then by virtue of circumstance, and later in his professional life, came to understand the deeper significance of Good Shepherd’s role in the community as a place of hope and healing, physically and emotionally. “Know that there are lots of people like me who want you to succeed,” he said, addressing John Kristel as he sat in the pew beside his wife and three children. “Mindful of that, may the Good Shepherd be your constant companion.” (John Kristel was featured in the July/August 2013 issue of Sweet Charity. Read the story online at under Past Issues.)
A meditation laced with humor and personal reflections was given by The Rev. Samuel Zeiser, bishop of the Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. He recalled his own childhood in fourth grade when impaired development of his left hip altered day-to-day life. For a year, he walked with crutches and a harness that suspended his left leg. But whatever feelings he had of being different or isolated from his friends were assuaged when he drove by David Lyons, vice president, development, and Dr. Pam Shields shared their musical gifts. 11
Samantha Weber was 18, fun loving and looking forward to turning 19 years old. Life was good, hanging out with her friends and doing outdoorsy things. Fishing, swimming and nature hikes all ranked high on Samantha’s “fun” list. She worked with her father, Michael, at a janitorial service, and wanted to go to Lehigh-Carbon Community College to become a nurse. But fate had other plans. When Samantha woke up on Jan. 2, 2012, her foot was oddly numb. She thought it might be related to the recent back surgery she’d had, so she pushed it out of her mind. Sam met up with a girlfriend and they went to the local Turkey Hill market. As she stepped out of the car, her legs gave out and she fell to the ground. Sam’s friend rushed her to the emergency room at Lehigh Valley Hospital (LVH) where Sam was admitted. Meanwhile, Sam’s mother, Donna Oakum, had a premonition and called Sam. “Something clicked in my head to see how she was doing,” recalls Donna. “I called her and she said she was at Lehigh Valley Hospital.” Donna and Michael raced to the emergency room. Sam’s condition was getting worse. Her entire left side became paralyzed. For Donna and Michael, it was a horrifying situation. “I didn’t know what to do,” says Donna. “You see your daughter lying there and you’re helpless.” At first, the doctors thought Sam had suffered a stroke. But a battery of tests proved other12
wise. Sam was diagnosed with acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM), inflammation in the brain and spinal cord that damages myelin, the protective covering of nerve fibers. ADEM typically damages brain tissue, leading to neurological symptoms such as vision loss in one or both eyes, weakness to the point of paralysis and difficulty coordinating voluntary muscle movements, such as those used in walking. The onset of ADEM is often sudden. Treatment calls for the use of powerful steroids to suppress the inflammation in the brain. Donna and Michael took turns staying round-the-clock with Sam, who was heavily sedated in the intensive care unit. Michael took the night shift, Donna the day shift. About all they could do was hold their daughter’s hand, and pray. After about a week, Sam had improved enough to be transferred to Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Hospital in Allentown for physical therapy to help her walk and strengthen her left arm. Good Shepherd proved to be a healing place for the family too, especially Michael. “At first when something like this happens you say, ‘why me?,’ but as soon as I walked into Good Shepherd and saw all the people from young to old going through difficult journeys of their own, God just gave me a sense of peace,” says Michael. “We were just grateful that Sam was there and we knew it was going to be all right.”
That was just the beginning of other medical complexities to come. A week later, Sam’s left lung collapsed and a week after that, she had surgery to close a hole in her stomach as a result of the powerful steroid treatments. But a painful and persistent migraine developed sending Sam back to LVH. An MRI revealed that a lesion was causing Sam’s brain to swell to a critically dangerous level. Sam’s father was holding her in his arms when she had a seizure. She was rushed into surgery for an emergency craniotomy on January 26, 2013, to remove a section of her skull, relieving the pressure.
The days dragged on and the family wondered when and if Sam was going to pull through. Michael spent hours praying by his daughter’s bedside. Then, Donna and Michael got the sign they were praying for. Donna
“Sam was very sick,” says Donna. “We didn’t know if she was going to make it through the night.”
(Far right) Sam works on strengthening her visual perception while standing on a trampoline to improve her balance; (above) wearing 3D glasses and working with Amy Ruda, occupational therapist, to broaden her peripheral vision.
was sitting at Sam’s bedside, singing “You Are My Sunshine” when Sam, who had a breathing tube in her throat, began softly mouthing the words along with her mother.
a barely noticeable limp. Sam’s weekly vision therapy sessions with advanced technology have also improved the visual perception in her left eye by 55 percent.
“That was the best day of my life,” says Donna. “I’ll never, ever forget that.”
“It’s working really good,” says Sam. “I can actually tell if someone’s sitting on my left side now.”
By mid-March, Sam was back at Good Shepherd for occupational, physical, speech and recreational therapies to deal with the pronounced weakness on her left side and some cognitive impairment. “The whole left side of my face was drooping,” recalls Sam. ”I could feed myself, but I couldn’t get up.” The inpatient therapy team finally got Sam strong enough to go home. Sam still has some weakness in her left arm and leg, but her walking has greatly improved with only
Sam still would like to go to college and will start by easing into her studies with some online classes. Her family’s support and strong faith help keep her on track. “Everybody all through this has been a blessing,” says her father. “That’s what I want her to focus on. We think of the positive, no matter what comes. We find the good and we hold on and keep moving forward. It’s all good. It’s all Jesus. We’re grateful that she’s alive and we have Good Shepherd. She’s my hero and I’m proud of her.” Samantha Weber holding her dog Bogart with her father Michael Weber, brother Tyler Diefenderfer and mother Donna Oakum.
You’ve been a friend to Good Shepherd for years. Consider making a gift that will last beyond your lifetime. Include Good Shepherd in your will or list us as a beneficiary of your retirement plan or life insurance policy. You may even choose to restrict your bequest to endowment. Doing so will create a perpetual gift – one that generates income Good Shepherd can use every year – a “forever gift.” It’s easy to do and you will be leaving a lasting legacy of hope, providing care for children and adults for years to come.
Ask Us How For more gift planning ideas or information on how to include Good Shepherd in your will or estate plans, call Jeannette Edwards in the the Development Department at 610-778-1075 or visit
Gala in the Garden and Golf & Tennis Invitational Chairs Named Good Shepherd is proud to share the good news about two business executives with solid track records of community service who have agreed to chair two major fund raisers benefiting children with disabilities. PNC Bank Northeast PA Regional President Peter J. Danchak of Scranton will chair the 2014 Gala in the Garden on Saturday, May 31, on Good Shepherd’s south Allentown campus. The event benefits the Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Hospital Pediatric Unit. Proceeds are used to purchase needed clinical equipment and to enable Good Shepherd to continue its long tradition of not refusing treatment for children whose parents have no health insurance, or those whose insurance does not cover all fees. Among Peter’s many community service activities, he is co-chair of the Pennsylvania Early Learning Investment Commission and a member of the executive leadership team of Pre-K Counts in Pennsylvania. He also serves on the board of directors of the ARC of Northeastern Pennsylvania. Chief Administrative Officer of PenTeleData Jaime Mendes of Lehighton is chairing the 2014 Golf & Tennis Invitational, a fund raiser for the Good Shepherd Pediatrics Program. The event will take place September 8 at Lehigh Country Club. This busy father of five volunteers his time for other community activities related to children, including serving on the boards of directors of the Boy Scouts of America Minsi Trails Council and the Bo Tkach Foundation, an organization that creates awareness for obsessive compulsive disorder and other mental health issues while providing funding for youth athletic programs. Jamie is also on the board of directors for Blue Mountain Health System. For tickets and sponsorship opportunities, contact Andrew Block at 610-776-8311 or at
Peter Danchak Jaime Mendes 16
Verizon Foundation Grant Benefits Pediatrics For many children like three-year-old Maury Rodriguez of Allentown (pictured below), assistive technology is an exciting and innovative way to achieve greater independence. A $6,500 grant from the Verizon Foundation for Good Shepherd’s Pediatrics Program is a welcome gift that will enhance teaching, learning, literacy and other cognitive skills through the use of updated applications on iPads, helping children improve cognitive and fine motor skills. The grant also will help therapists conducting home visits make timely use of their Smartphones to file field reports and relay other information. “Verizon is proud to improve the quality of life for children and families in the Lehigh Valley by empowering the community with innovative tools and resources,” says Daniel J. Reavy, director of external affairs for Verizon Pennsylvania. “We’re investing in programs, such as our partnership with Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Network, to reach those in need in the community and to touch people’s lives by focusing on health and family safety in the 21st century.” Read more on the web at and click on “Good News & Great Gifts.”
20th Annual Conrad W. Raker Sporting Clays Invitational Lehigh Valley Sporting Clays, Coplay Registration at 8am, Tournament starts 9:30am Proceeds benefit the Conrad W. Raker Educational Endowment providing educational opportunities for Good Shepherd employees. Learn more about tickets and sponsorship opportunities online at or contact Andrew Block at or 610-776-8311. 17
very family has its own inherited treasures. For some, it can be the simplest of things: a glass vase, as filled with memories as it is with flowers, or it can be the weighty responsibility of carrying on a farming heritage or family business passed on through generations. Father and son Al and Ted Douglass of Allentown have inherited many family treasures of their own but perhaps none more impactful than the spirit of philanthropy that’s so deeply rooted in their personal and professional values.
Ted Douglass (left) with fellow volunteer leaders on the Sporting Clays committee Bob Heimbecker and J. Shauger.
“I just remember my grandmother saying, ‘You get a dollar and you put some in savings and some you spend and some you put into the (offering) plate,’” says Ted. Al and his wife, Jill (Raker Hudders) Douglass who is the granddaughter of Good Shepherd’s founders The Rev. John “Papa” and Estella “Mama” Raker, was also taught early on a lifelong lesson that’s motivated him to give back as a donor and volunteer at Good Shepherd and schools and organizations in the community.
“All my life, I was expected from my parents to give,” says Al. “If you were lucky enough to be able to help people out, you should. My father and grandfather sat on the board of the Allentown Orthopedic Hospital and later I served on the board of Lehigh Valley Health Network.”
Philanthropy becomes one of those priorities for those who want to make a meaningful and lasting difference in their communities.
The Douglass’s have long been benefactors to Good Shepherd and are well-known faces at many special events. One fund raiser in particular has historical resonance: the annual Conrad W. Raker Sporting Clays. Conrad served as administrator at Good Shepherd for Al and Ted Douglass
four decades and learned to hunt from his father, Papa Raker. Papa grew up in a rural log cabin in Raker, Pa., and once hunted to help provide food for his family back in the late 1800s. As a sportsman and competitive shooter, Conrad had great fondness for this event where participants test their mettle by shooting clay discs. He also had a deep love for Good Shepherd’s residents and proceeds from Sporting Clays once supported the community access fund which helped residents enjoy greater independence. After Conrad’s death in 2002, the funds raised by Sporting Clays were designated to another passion of Conrad’s: education. Proceeds now support a fund benefiting ongoing educational opportunities for Good Shepherd employees.
Ted and Al, through The Douglass Group of financial advisors, part of the Bank of America-owned Merrill Lynch Wealth Management Group, have long supported Sporting Clays. This year is no exception with The Douglass Group stepping forward as presenting sponsors of the event. Knowing the value of philanthropy in their professional lives as senior vice presidents and wealth management advisors, Ted and Al are well-versed in strategies to help others find ways to include philanthropy in their financial planning. “The idea of charity differs with every client,” says Ted, “we use goal-based strategies to help bring clarity to people’s life priorities.”
19 19
Philanthropy becomes one of those priorities for those who want to make a meaningful and lasting difference in their communities. “We’ve lived in an unusual time of tremendous wealth creation and people who have acquired wealth are thinking more about what that wealth can do for society,” says Al. “And, it’s a desire to leave a legacy,” adds Ted. The way in which generations give back is also changing, says Ted. “A lot of people want to not only get monetarily involved, but also get involved personally with their time and you may see giving manifest itself differently,” says Ted. “For example, young people coming together for specific causes that are relevant to them or volunteering their time.” That desire to be philanthropic extends to those who may not have vast wealth, but still place a high value on charitable giving. For many families, who have seen the cornerstones of their retirement erode – falling real estate values, precipitous losses in the stock market and the abolishment of corporate pension plans – the challenges of striking a balance between survival and saving are considerable.
Al Douglass
Create your own legacy of caring. The 1908 Raker Society is open to those who have included Good Shepherd in their will or estate plans. Learn more at 20
“The retirement landscape is changing drastically,” says Ted, “and people are asking, ‘How can I fulfill my desire to give yet fulfill other priorities in my life?’ Families don’t always have a lot of resources to give. They’re trying to survive. We help them find clarity in that second phase of life that allows people to accomplish their philanthropic priorities.”
For more information about the 20th Annual Conrad W. Raker Sporting Clays Invitational turn to page 17.
through this ordeal and made it possible for him to keep up with his school work. “His teachers were amazing,” says Betsy. ...continued from page 6
symptoms worse. It’s an easy way for me to not push that far. You kind of have to plan out your days and weeks and definitely don’t want to push so hard that you set yourself back.” Pacing and making adjustments in his school day remains an important part of Patrick’s recovery. Short breaks at home or sitting in his parents’ car resting or listening to the radio are incorporated into his day. And he still avoids eating lunch in the school cafeteria because loud noises bother him. But Patrick has come a long way. He’s swimming again and competing with his teammates although he is still working up his stamina and has difficulty diving into the pool because he is prone to dizzy spells. “I’m basically relearning how to do it,” he says, “and pretty much everything I used to do.”
Patrick’s concussion has brought with it many lessons not just for him, but the entire family. “Paul and I grew as parents in learning how to let go,” says Betsy. “Patrick’s mantra is, ‘It is what it is,’ and I think Patrick’s in a better place because of it and we are as parents and as people. I think one of his sisters summed it up, ‘All I want is for Patrick to get better so he can smile again.’” Patrick’s face breaks into a wide grin. “I’m going to get better as fast as I can,” he says. “It is what it is.” Check out more photos of Patrick at
Although he’s no longer getting therapy, Patrick continues to benefit from visits and ongoing evaluation with Good Shepherd neuropsychologist, Luke Caccio, Ph.D. Now 18 years old, Patrick has applied to several colleges where he hopes to continue swimming and is getting ready to graduate in June. Betsy has high praise for his teachers and the Emmaus High School administrators who have accommodated Patrick
Quiet time has been essential to Patrick’s recovery. 21 21
On a cold blustery December day, a small cadre of Good Shepherd associates and volunteers lined up to pass dozens of wrapped gifts from a small trailer into the Good Shepherd Home-Bethlehem in a tradition as regular as the tree lighting in Rockefeller Center. Among the faithful is Neil Wetcher of Bethlehem, who has been volunteering at Good Shepherd since 2003 and will be honored as the Volunteer of the Year at a dinner on Tuesday, April 22, at 6 p.m. in the Raker Center. A semi-retired math teacher, Neil is a welcome face on the resident floor where his daily visits to his wife Judy bring good cheer and good deeds. Whether it’s helping with the holiday gift passing into the residents’ Santa sacks, transporting residents from one thing to another or helping someone with a puzzle, Neil can always be counted on to be there with a smile. He’s accompanied residents to IronPigs baseball games, restaurants and the circus.
Neil Wetcher
Neil’s volunteering began about the time that Judy, who has multiple sclerosis, moved to Good Shepherd. A staffing shortage gave Neil a chance to help out. Soon he found himself getting more and more involved in the residents’ daily lives. Neil and Judy have been married for 48 years. Judy was about 39 years old when she was diagnosed with MS, but she enjoyed a diverse career before the disease really took hold. She taught social studies, worked at the state unemployment bureau in Easton, and then worked various jobs at The Evening Chronicle and The Morning Call. A native of Brooklyn, NY, Neil taught math at Liberty High School for 34 years, retiring in 2002. He now is an adjunct math professor at Moravian College. “Being a teacher, I always liked to help people,” says Neil when asked what he enjoys about volunteering at Good Shepherd. “If I see a problem, I like to try and solve it. But the main thing is, I’m always getting a ‘thank you,’ which you rarely get teaching in high school. Even if I walk in the hall and pick something up for a resident, I always get a thank you, and that’s a good feeling.”
April is National Volunteer Month. Join the Good Shepherd volunteer ranks. For information, visit and click on “Get Involved,” or contact JoAnn Frey, volunteer coordinator, at or 610-776-3125.
(Left) Neil and Judy Wetcher at a recent Bethlehem resident ball; (right from top) Neil with occupational therapist, Kevin Gamble, at the residents’ Wheelchair Olympics; handing out holiday gifts for the residents. 23
all who need our help
Mrs. Marion H. Foster Mr. Edward D. Frick Mr. and Mrs. Jay B. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Dale G. Ritter Mr. and Mrs. William J. Wagner
Alyssa Armstrong Christmas Jared Fabian and Julia Fisher Karen Geller Ms. Anna L. Gerber Mrs. Margaret Gigler Good Shepherd Nurses, Therapists, and Doctors Good Shepherd Patients Good Shepherd Staff Richard and Amy Hales Ephraim Hontz Dr. Frank Hyland and Therapy Staff Helen Ritz Jones Kyle, Evan, and Drew Lantier Ms. Shirley A. Lehman Julia, Ben, and Ella Mackey Christina Marcewski My Daughters Who Were Born Healthy Ms. Sharen M. Pasquinelli Casey Kelly Reider Ms. Joanie Reph Richard L. Schaller, Sr Wes Schlauch Ms. Jamie St. Clair Mr. Travis Straup Ms. Rita A. Tunnhoff
Brandon Warbington Ms. Lisa A. Windish 24
Mr. and Mrs. Erik S. Cherry Mrs. Bette Ehrenberg The Bruce & Adele Greenfield Foundation Ms. Megan Shultz Ms. Deborah A. Einhorn Mr. Edward D. Frick Mr. Edward D. Frick Tom and Mary Valentine Mr. and Mrs. Brian K. Hontz Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Waddington Benjamin Jones Fay Mackey Marcella and Richard Trauger Fay Mackey Ms. Kathleen Kraftician Lesa Knupp-Eckert Ms. Karen Pasquinelli Ms. Dolly Fox Kelly Mrs. Jeanne A. Dove Joseph and Michelle Schaller Mrs. Eleanor P. Denuel Mrs. Ardeth W. Schlauch Ms. Michelle S. Tabatabai Mrs. Jeanne A. Dove Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lindner Mrs. Ruth E. Scott Mrs. Anneliese Tunnhoff Anonymous Alice and Joseph Windish
IN HONOR OF the Birthday of…
Helen Berkenstock Mrs. Lydia Kennedy Mrs. Judy Pfendener Donna Schrader
Mrs. Georgine Poole Mrs. Georgine Poole Mrs. Georgine Poole Mrs. Georgine Poole
IN HONOR OF the 88th Birthday of…
Georgine Poole
Her Angels
IN HONOR OF the 95th Birthday of…
Mrs. Helene M. Schaefer
IN HONOR OF CHRISTMAS… Mrs. Helene M. Schaefer Charles and Mary Lou Schmerker
Karen and Rod Brooks James and Donna Schaefer Mr. John M. Schaefer
DONATED BY… James and Donna Schaefer Mr. John M. Schaefer Anonymous
Mrs. Georgine M. Poole
Ms. Sally Gammon
Mr. Elmer D. Gates
Ms. Dianne Johansson Adams Angeles and Fernando Alonso Mr. Lawrence A. Arcuri Mr. Scott Arner Mr. Gary R. Bachman Anna Baker
Rev. and Mrs. John W. Johnson, Jr Mr. and Mrs. Robert Alonso Mrs. Dolores A. Arcuri Mrs. Gloria I. Arner Mr. James E. Ernst Mr. John H. Baker
We thank the generous families and friends who honor their dear ones with memorial gifts and living gifts of honor. These gifts help support Good Shepherd’s mission of service to people with disabilities, many who otherwise could not afford the therapies or long-term care they need.
IN MEMORY OF… Timothy P. Bannon
John J. Baranko Edward E. and Dora H. Barr, Sr. Joseph W. Benzak, Sr Ruth E. Benzak Billy Mary Jane Bolen Gloria F. Bond Mr. David P. Brewer Donald Brewer Ms. Robin J. Brewer John Brunell Bill and Joyce Buck Thomas H. Burns Mrs. Susan N. Capper Max Chant Mrs. Solveig Cherim Roy J Chubb Ruth S. Cole Leon Constanzer Mrs. Lois E. Cook Michael F. Dapko
Henry and Edythe Dennis Mr. Charles H. Dorn, Jr
Mrs. Klara Aagenes Aunt Mary, Melissa, and Sean Bannon Mr. Patrick J. Brown Mr. and Mrs. John F. Casey Ms. Carol Lynn Fell Mr. and Mrs. John Hanchick Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hanchick Ms. Judy V. Mudri Tim and Lisa Sandler Pat and Karen Sobrinski & Family Elizabeth & son Dan Warjas Mr. and Mrs. Leslie A. Matthews
Mrs. Mary Dreisbach
Brenda, Gary, Sarah, and Laura Baxter Mrs. Linda A. Dreisbach-Ferrol Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Burke Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bless, Jr Donald I. Lindman Mr. and Mrs. Albert T. Koncsics Mrs. S. June Fleck Mr. Joseph N. Foldes, Sr Mr. John Frack Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Frankenfield Mr. and Mrs. James A. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Howard V. Peters Dr. Timothy and Mr. Howard Peters-Strickland Dr. Richard F. Grunt and Ms. Sharon Gaiser Jessica, Tom, and Jeri Handlon Mr. and Mrs. Donald Harakal Mrs. Ardath Heard Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Burke Mr. Gary M. Roth Lt. Col. and Mrs. Eric J. Hille, USAF Anonymous
Ms. Francia B. Marshall Mr. David J. Benzak Mr. David J. Benzak Mr. and Mrs. Samuel G. Glasmire, Jr Mr. and Mrs. Mario A. Spagnoletti Mrs. Dorothy A. Perschy Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Brewer Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Brewer Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Brewer Mr. Ernest J. Barbarics Ms. Linda J. Highhouse Mr. and Mrs. John V. Cooney Mrs. Mary N. Walker Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Linvill Mr. and Mrs. Walter Chezik Mrs. Linda S. Conine Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Yoder Thomas S. Cook, PhD Mrs. Yvonne C. Dapko Mr. and Mrs. John J. Davies Mr. and Mrs. John W. Dentith Ms. Dorothy R. Dudgeon Ms. Deborah L. Flynn Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Jocsak Mrs. Nancy M. Miklus Carol and Ray Dennis Mrs. Diane J. Dorn
Kathleen C. Eichelberger Mr. Francis H. Ely George K. Emch Mr. Norton Evans Walter Fleck Helen Foldes Betty K. Frack John and Maggie Frankenfield Iradell C. Galyen Emil L. Godshall
Louis and Mildred Grunt Denise Handlon Miss Krista J. Harakal Pamela Heard Gerald L. Hein Mr. Scott R. Hess Kate and Gerhard Hille Walter Hottle Eleanor, Fred, and Oscar Keiter Joseph W. Kloiber
Henrietta Knappenberger Dorothy M. Kurtz Carole Beth Levin Morris Litrenta Donald Lynch
Barbara and Mike Malloy Nancy E. Cheeseman Lucy and Joe Demeter Ms. Marilyn E. Fenstermaker Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Grossman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Gulla Mr. and Mrs. Ernie M. Pongracz Mrs. Charlotte M. Romig Ms. Nira J. Stichter Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Frankenfield Mrs. Frances S. Larash Mr. and Mrs. Erik S. Cherry Mrs. Constance M. Litrenta Mr. and Mrs. Michael Free 25
Miss Alberta MacMillan Margaret and Thomas Mastandrea Jim Maul
Carol Copland and Ted Cohen
Mr. Kenneth J. Schaefer Anna F. Schaum Mr. John M. Schaum, Jr Anita Marie and Stanley Schumack Myron F. Schweibinz Herman D. Sharrer Jeane E. Siwy Barbara Sloyer Rodney and Mary Smith Claude and Esther Snyder
James and Donna Schaefer Carol and Ray Dennis Carol and Ray Dennis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Alonso Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence H. Auerweck Mrs. Marie Maurek Mr. Frank S. Maurek Mr. John F. McKiernan Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rose Hilde E. Meier Mr. William G. Meier Mr. Luis H. Mendez Ms. Consuelo Almodovar Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Devaux Good Shepherd Employees Mr. Frank J. Hyland Ms. Dolores Lugo Mr. Victor Lugo Ms. Isreal Mendez Mr. and Mrs. Willy Mendez Ed and Shirley O'Brien Ms. Rosa Sabater Myrtelina Sifflet & Family Jean and Emil Suarez Robin E. Miers Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Billera Richard F. Moyer Mrs. V. Sue Moyer Kenneth C. Muschlitz Mr. and Mrs. John D. LaBarre My Family Ms. Josephine Andrioli Newhart Family Mr. and Mrs. Roland Hansen Josephine Oehmke Anonymous Christine Otto Chrisanne Ondrovic Mrs. Dorothy S. Peters Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Peters John Radio Mrs. Mary Radio Dr. Conrad W. Raker Mrs. Lee S. Berkley Estelle Raker Mrs. Jill Raker Hudders Douglass Mama and Papa Raker Mr. Anthony C. Petrocci Katie Raub Ms. Maxine R. Colver Reed Family Mr. and Mrs. Roland Hansen Mrs. Ann Sweeney-Rodden Mr. Gregory T. Rodden Margaret Rogers Ms. Kathleen Kraftician Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Roth George A. Sensinger Mr. Michael D. Rovak Mrs. Nancy L. Rovak Scott G. Sandler Ms. Geraldine M. Rogers Mrs. Nancy L. Rovak
Miss Anita B. Schumack Mrs. Betty P. Schweibinz Mrs. Lucy H. Whitehead Mr. and Mrs. John C. Siwy Mr. Stanley D. Sloyer Carol and Ray Dennis Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Frankenfield Mrs. Hilda H. Snyder Franklin C. and Rose H. Snyder Ralph and Marion Snyder Diane Snyder Hriniak Anne and Oscar H. Spitzer Mrs. Sandra Spitzer McKelvey Mrs. Elizabeth D. Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Stewart, Jr Mr. Robert K. Stewart Mrs. Ellen H. Tiefenbrunn Mr. James A. Tiefenbtunn Dale A. Tretter Mr. Henry L. Blauser Mr. Paul Tunnhoff Mrs. Anneliese Tunnhoff Harry and Minnie Umholtz Mr. Thomas H. Umholtz Lily Keim Van Sweden Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Keim Karen M. Vikingstad Ms. Anne S. Vikingstad Wahrmann Family Mr. and Mrs. Roland Hansen Dot Webb Ms. Carol A. Sachs Frank A. Weber, III Mrs. Sylvia H. Weber Harold G. Weinstein Mr. and Mrs. Jack J. Kushner Arlene Wetzel Mr. Stanley D. Sloyer Mr. David H. Wruble Mrs. Sandra A. Wruble Mrs. Irene Yezefski Mr. Leonard Yezefski Ms. Edith C. Yocum Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Nachesty Larry L. Ziegler Mr. and Mrs. Bryan C. Clugston Ms. Ginamarie McNamara Mrs. Lucy H. Reed Shirley Epps Artwork, Inc. Theresa Zwickl Ms. Doris A. Gribbin
Gifts were received from September 25 through December 16, 2013. 26
Spring 2014 Official Publication Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Network Allentown, PA Volume 107, Issue 1
BOARD OF TRUSTEES GOOD SHEPHERD REHABILITATION NETWORK DAVID G. DeCAMPLI, MS, Chair, Allentown SANDRA L. JARVA WEISS, JD, Vice Chair, Haverford SCOTT A. BAKER, MBA, Secretary, Schnecksville LAURIE K. STEWART, BS, BA, CPA, Treasurer, Center Valley PATRICK J. BRENNAN, MD, Havertown ALVARO DIAZ, Allentown ROBERT E. GADOMSKI, MS, Bethlehem F. MARK GUMZ, Bethlehem ELSBETH G. HAYMON, M.Ed, Allentown KATHERINE (Kassie) HILGERT, BS, Bethlehem JOHN KRISTEL, MBA, MPT, President & CEO, Allentown JAAN NAKTIN, MD, FACP, Center Valley ROSALIN PETRUCCI, New Jersey KAREN SENFT, MD, Allentown GARY SCHMIDT, Orefield DONALD W. SNYDER, Esq., Orefield THE REV. DAVID R. STROBEL, M.Div., Bowers
FACILITY MEDICAL DIRECTORS SCOTT K. EPSTEIN, MD Good Shepherd–Wayne Memorial Inpatient Rehabilitation Center CLINTON C. HOLUMZER, MD The Good Shepherd Home–Bethlehem CATHERINE GLEW, MD The Good Shepherd Home at Conrad W. Raker Center GOOD SHEPHERD SPECIALTY HOSPITAL PROGRAM MEDICAL DIRECTORS JAMES J. DALEY, MD PETER ENDER, MD WILLIAM GOULD, MD JAAN P. NAKTIN, MD ADMINISTRATION JOHN KRISTEL, MBA, MPT, President & CEO MICHAEL A. BONNER, MBA Vice President, Neurosciences JOE HESS, MSA, NHA Administrator, Good Shepherd Home–Bethlehem FRANK HYLAND, MSPT Vice President, Rehabilitation Services Administrator, Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Hospital FRANCES IANNACCONE, MS, CRRN, NHA Administrator, The Good Shepherd Home at Conrad W. Raker Center CYNTHIA LAMBERT, M.Ed., Vice President, Government and Community Relations DAVID F. LYONS, CFRE Vice President for Development SAMUEL MIRANDA, Jr., MS, RN, NEA-B.C. Senior Vice President, Patient Care & Chief Nursing Officer, Ethics & Compliance Officer
SWEET CHARITY IS A PUBLICATION OF: Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Network Good Shepherd Plaza 850 South 5th Street Allentown, PA 18103 1-888-44REHAB DEVELOPMENT David F. Lyons, CFRE Vice President for Development Major & Planned Giving Officers: Joie L. Barry Carol Carpenter, CFRE Jeannette Edwards Andrew B. Block, MPA Major Gifts & Sponsorships Officer EDITOR, WRITER Elizabeth McDonald PHOTOGRAPHY Randy Monceaux Elizabeth McDonald GRAPHIC DESIGN Klunk & Millan Advertising To make an address correction, or remove your name from our mailing list, please call 610-776-3146.
RONALD J. PETULA, CPA Vice President, Finance LAURA M. SHAW-PORTER Vice President, Human Resources SANDEEP SINGH, MD Division Medical Officer, Vice President of Medical Affairs
Good Shepherd serves persons with disabilities on the basis of need regardless of ethnicity, color, national origin, ancestry, age, sex or religious creed and is an equal opportunity employer. Sweet Charity is printed by Kutztown Publishing Company
HAROLD M. TING, PhD, FACHE Senior Vice President, Strategic Planning & Business Development GREGORY WUCHTER, MSN, RN Administrator, Good Shepherd Specialty Hospital
Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Network and its affiliates are tax exempt organizations as provided by IRS regulations. Pennsylvania law requires us to inform you of the following: The official registration and financial information of Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Network may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free, within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.
USPS-530800. A bi-monthly publication of Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Network, Good Shepherd Plaza, 850 South 5th Street, Allentown, PA 18103, 1-877-734-2247, a non-profit corporation, founded February 21, 1908, by the late Rev. John H. Raker, D.D. Incorporated by decree of the Court of Common Pleas of Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, November 15, 1909, under the corporate title of “The Good Shepherd Home.” Postage paid at Allentown, PA, and at additional mailing offices.
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Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Network Good Shepherd Plaza 850 South 5th Street Allentown, PA 18103
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