The world of digital health is rapidly expanding an can be used to treat or manage a variety of healt conditions. With these technologies, people can experience personalized treatments, better acces to health and wellness tools and improved outcomes.
The world of digital health is rapidly expanding and can be used to treat or manage a variety of health conditions. With these technologies, people can experience personalized treatments, better access to health and wellness tools and improve outcomes.
requires a comprehensive nt plan due to its complexity, and long e days when people have
ons to help alleviate their pain. as shown that y can help severity of pain, e use of opioids se activity aused by pain.
Chronic pain requires a comprehensive management plan due to its complexity, and long gone are the days when people have to rely solely on medications to help alleviate their pain.
Chronic pain requires a comprehensive management plan due to its complexity, and long gone are the days when people have to rely solely on medications to help
Research has shown that virtual reality can help reduce the severity of pain, minimize the use of opioids and decrease activity disruption caused by pain.
Research has shown tha virtual reality can help reduce the severity of p minimize the use of opio and decrease activity disruption caused by pa
Key components of most virtual reality programs for chronic pain include:
Key components of most virtual reality programs for chronic pain include:
• Pain education and self-empowerment
• Mindfulness and meditation
Pain education and self-empowerment
• Distraction and escape
Mindfulness and meditation
nents of most virtual reality programs pain include:
Distraction and escape
cation and self-empowerment
ess and meditation
to rely solely
RelieVRx is the first FDA-authorized digital therapeutic for the management of chronic low back pain.
RelieVRx is the first FDA-authorized digital therapeutic for the management of chronic low back pain.
It is a prescription-use immersive virtual reality system intended to provide adjunctive treatment for chronic low back pain. It is an 8-week program based on principles of cognitive behavioral therapy skills and other evidence-based methods.
It is a prescription-use immersive virtual reality system intended to provide adjunctive treatment for chronic low back pain. It is an 8-week program based on principles of cognitive behavioral therapy skills and other evidence-based methods.
It is a prescription-use immersive virtual reality system i t d d t id dj ti t tment fo chronic ram base on princ py skills and oth
Virtual reality is proving to be an effective tool for neurodiverse children and adults to learn social, communication, emotional regulation and independent living skills.
Virtual reality is proving to be an effective tool for neurodiverse children and adults to learn social, communication, emotional regulation and independent living skills.
It provides them an opportunity to learn in a safe, repeatable and meaningful environment to make their education more enriched and effective.
It provides them an opportunity to learn in a safe, repeatable and meaningful environment to make their education more enriched and effective.
Floreo is one platform available that can be used by parents, teachers, healthcare providers or therapists. It is an interactive treatment approach where the coach guides the learner through each lesson by acting as a co-pilot and watching the real-time stream on the coaching device.
Floreo is one platform available that can be used by parents, teachers, healthcare providers or therapists. It s an interactive treatment approach where the coach guides the learner through each lesson by acting as a co-pilot and watching the real-time stream on the coaching device.
Click here to watch some sample lessons!
Click here to watch some sample lessons!
Smartwatches are extremely
Smartwatches are extremely popular, and their health and wellness features are constantly improving. They make it possible to take charge of your mental and physical health. This is especially important for preventive health and management of chronic conditions.
Smartwatches are extremel and wellness features are
and wellness features are cons make it possible to take charg physical health. This is especia preventive health and manage conditions.
make it possible to take cha physical health. This is espe preventive health and mana conditions.
Smartwatches are extremely popular, and their health and wellness features are constantly improving. They make it possible to take charge of your mental and physical health. This is especially important for preventive health and management of chronic conditions.
Benefits of a Smartwatch
• Encourage an active lifestyle
• Offer personalized health data
• Improve medication compliance
• Assist in early disease detection
• Emergency response system
Benefits of a Smartwatch
Encourage an active lifestyle
Offer perso h da
Improve m compliance
Assist in ea detection
Emergency response system
Walking is a common mobility impairment after a neurologic injury or for those with a chronic neurologic condition. Electrical stimulation is a frequent treatment in those whose leg nerves and muscles have been affected.
Walking is a common mobility impairment after a neurologic injury or for those with a chronic neurologic condition. Electrical stimulation is a frequent treatment in those whose leg nerves and muscles have been affected.
Through the creation of wearable devices that use artificial intelligence (AI), motion sensors and electrodes, more people can experience an improvement in:
• Walking and community mobility
Through the creation of wearable devices that use artificial intelligence (AI), motion sensors, and electrodes, more people can experience an improvement in:
• Strength and range of motion
• Muscle re-education
Walking and community mobility
• Spasticity or tone
Strength and range of motion
Muscle re-education
Spasticity or tone
G4 Fu Stimu Technology
Electrical Stimulation
Foot Drop Technology
Indicated for foot drop
• Indicated for foot drop
Integrated electrodes
Cionic Neural Sleeve
Indicated for leg
weakness caused by upper motor neuron disease
Cionic Neural Sleeve
G4 Functional Electrical Stimulation Foot Drop Technology
• Indicated for leg
Cionic Neural Sleeve
• Integrated electrodes
AI learns and tracks gait to deliver treatment
Walkin y impairment after a neurologic injury or for those with a chronic neurologic condition. Electrical stimulation is a frequent treatment in those whose leg nerves and muscles have been affected.
weakness caused by upper motor neuron disease
Soft, breathable sleeve
Indicated for foot drop
Indicated for leg weakness caused by upper motor neuron disease
• AI learns and tracks gait to deliver treatment
Integrated electrodes
• Soft, breathable sleeve
Soft, breathable sleeve
6 electrodes at 4 muscle groups for full leg assistance
AI learns and tracks gait to deliver treatment
• Water-resistant
• Slim profile with flexible fit
Slim profile with flexible fit
• Six electrodes at four muscle groups for full leg assistance
Through the creation of wearable devices that use artificial intelligence (AI), motion sensors, and electrodes, more people can experience an improvement in:
6 electrodes at 4 muscle groups for full leg assistance
App interface
• App interface
Water-resistant Slim profile with flexible fit
App interface
Daily mobility and exercise mode
Sensors monitor limb position and muscle firing to deliver treatment
• Daily mobility and exercise mode
Daily mobility and exercise mode
Walking and community mobility
• Sensors monitor limb position and muscle firing to deliver treatment
Sensors monitor limb position and muscle firing to deliver treatment
App interface
App interface
Strength and range of motion
• App interface
Daily mobility and ise mode
Daily mobility and exercise mode
Daily mobility and exercise mode