2 minute read
Service Project Ideas
from The Golden Link-Winter 2022
Make the World a Better Place
Girl Scouts always step up to do what they can to improve their communities and the world.
All across our country and our world, Girl Scouts are leaping to the aid of others by engaging in wonderful acts of service and kindness. Whether by writing letters to senior citizens, honoring first responders, taking part in a citizen science project, or promoting voting and democracy, now your troop can get involved too. Girl Scouts of the USA has several nation-wide service projects: https://bit.ly/3gEfRFq.
Here are some local service project ideas:
Nacogdoches Hope Food Pantry– HOPE provides supplemental food to Nacogdoches County residents in need. Families and individuals can visit the pantry once a month to obtain food. HOPE serves senior citizens, children, persons with disabilities, veterans, persons living in situational poverty, and others. Help Hope by hosting a food drive or volunteer at the pantry. nacogdocheshope.com
Help out furry friends!
Animal shelters need your help by donating items like toys, food, newspapers, food bowls, blankets, beds, and more. Another thing you can do to help is to spread the word about your local shelter so your neighbors know where it is and to adopt not shop. Contact your local shelter to see what they currently need!
Nacogdoches Animal Shelter– www.petfinder.com League City Animal Shelter– www.leaguecitytx.gov Kurth Animal Shelter– www.kurthmemorialadoptions.com Diboll Alley Cats– www.facebook.com/DibollAlleyCats/ Houston– https://houstonspca.org/ or www.humanesociety.org Beaumont– https://humanesocietyofsoutheasttexas.org/ Huntsville–https://rbhhumanesociety.org/
Women’s Shelter of East Texas– The shelter is in need of books, gently-used clothing, furniture, home goods. https://www.wc-et.org/
Center of Hope Polk County Mission Center–
Food donations needed. www.centerofhopepolk.org
Houston Food Bank– Make a troop field trip fun while helping others! Girls ages 6 and up are invited to volunteer at the warehouse. Volunteer projects vary based on need and may include inspecting/sorting food, repacking dry food into familysized bags, and more! www.houstonfoodbank.org
Kalin’s Center– The center in Crockett, is a safe, childfriendly environment where abused children can tell their story. High school aged girls can volunteer. Donations needed are snacks, juices, tissues, crayons, coloring books, and copy paper. https://kalinscenter.org/ Help deliver or prepare food for the Beaumont Meals on Wheels program. seniormeals.org
Prepare and serve meals with the Catholic Charities of Beaumont. catholiccharitiesbmt.org
Grab a hammer and tool belt! Take part in a building project with Habitat for Humanity. You can also donate building materials and supplies to the Habitat Restore. habitat.org
Organize, sort, and box up food donated to the Southeast Texas Food Bank– setxfoodbank.org
Volunteer with the Julie Rogers Gift of Life Program– The center provides medically underserved women in Southeast Texas with free cancer screening. High school-aged girls can help with office activities like assembling literature bags, goodie bags, mailouts, etc. Girls can make signs and cheer on participants at their local fun-runs. giftoflifebmt.org/volunteer
Kids' Meals Inc- Decorate lunch bags at your next troop meeting! The organization hands out 35,000 meals to preschool-aged children a week. Each meal is handed out in a brown paper lunch bag. Make those bags cheery by coloring the bags in a fun child friendly way. You can drop off the bags or even mail them in to: 330 Garden Oaks Blvd. Houston, TX 77018 https://kidsmealsinc.org/
Books Between Kids– This organization serves Houston’s at-risk children by providing them with books to build their own home libraries. Donations of books are needed. Troops can also volunteer at their location by doing inventory, sorting books and more. Girls aged 5 and up are welcome with correct adult ratio. www.booksbetweenkids.org