New Student

It’s my pleasure to welcome you to Georgia State University! Whether you are beginning or continuing your educational journey with us, we’re excited for you to join the Panther family.
At Georgia State, you are part of a strong campus community that values academic excellence, cross-disciplinary research and diversity. We have been ranked by U.S. News & World Report as the the nation’s No. 1 public university for undergraduate teaching for the past four years and the No. 2 most innovative for the past three. With six campuses throughout metro Atlanta, we provide 50,000 students with invaluable connections and unique opportunities to grow personally and professionally.
Georgia State is also one of the most diverse universities in the country. We are a campus that is proud to celebrate our differences, which is why we are a national leader in graduating students from diverse backgrounds. And by fostering an inclusive community that is respectful, supportive and safe, together we create a rich learning environment where we can all reach our highest potential.
We trust you will find limitless opportunities for growth here at Georgia State. As a university dedicated to educating the next generation of contributors and leaders, we are excited to invest in your future and to partner with you as you pursue your dreams. My wife, Dr. Bridget Blake, and I are proud and honored to have you at Georgia State. Welcome!
M. Brian Blake, Ph.D. President, Georgia State University
Georgia State University is an enterprising urban public research institution in Atlanta, the leading cultural and economic center of the Southeast.
With six campuses throughout metro Atlanta, Georgia State provides its world-class faculty and 50,000 students with unsurpassed connections to the opportunities available in one of the 21st century’s great global cities. A national leader in graduating students from diverse backgrounds, the university provides a rich, unique experience with a downtown campus that overlaps with major attractions and centers of industry and culture, hundreds of student clubs and organizations, and one of the most diverse student bodies in the country. Students, faculty and alumni enjoy a dynamic campus personality and culture based on ambition, hard work, dedication and perseverance.
Welcome to your future. Welcome to
Public University in the U.S. for Undergraduate Teaching Four Years in a Row* No. 1
Innovative University in the U.S.* No. 2
Learning Communities in the U.S.* No. 6
1. What is your WHY?
2. What involvement activity do you want to continue in college?
3. What is a new activity you want to try or a new organization you want to join?
4. What is something new you learned that will help you succeed academically?
5. What is a place on campus where you want to spend more time?
6. What is something new you learned about Georgia State today?
Resource I’d like to learn more about:
Orientation Leader name and preferred contact method:
New friend and contact method:
☐ Save PIN EVENT PASS to your device* (in addition to being on PIN page)
* Download today at Orientation.
☐ Saved as a contact in my phone
☐ MICROSOFT OUTLOOK (your student email)
☐ CONFIRM your housing plan.
☐ WRITE OUT your transportation plan (where you’re parking, how much it costs, where the free lots are, MARTA information, etc.).
☐ FINALIZE your financial aid package in Panther Access to Web Services (PAWS).
☐ SUBMIT your required immunizations to the Student Health Clinic.
☐ SUBMIT your final test scores and transcripts to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions.
☐ SAVE THE DATE for First-Year Convocation in your phone (find the date marked in the month of August in this book).
☐ MAP OUT your classroom locations (find your campus map in the back of this book).
☐ JOIN #FanFromDay1 to secure your spot storming the field behind the football team at the first home game.
• 26–30: Late Registration Period
• 26–29: Ask Me Booths available across campuses
First-Year Convocation & Welcome Back Party
Don’t forget to submit your FAFSA for the 2025-26 academic year! Georgia State’s school code is 001574.
Pounce Around the Rec
Me Booths available across campuses
Academic advising is an essential part of a Georgia State education, and the University Advisement Center (UAC) is committed to delivering the assistance students need to stay on track for graduation.
The UAC provides academic advising to help you achieve your long-term goals. The center helps you explore majors, become familiar with Georgia State’s academic policies and campus resources, and meet degree requirements.
Policies and more information can be found throughout the next few pages, but a complete list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) can be found online at advisement.gsu.edu or by scanning the QR code.
You can meet with an advisor Monday through Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 5:15 p.m. Advisors are available in person or virtually, by appointment, through drop-ins or during Open Advisement. Appointments are scheduled 30-minute sessions where your advisor can help you plan a class schedule and address all your academic questions.
Drop-in sessions are 10-minute meetings that are perfect for quick questions. Drop-in sessions are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Mandatory first-year advisement is essential to your success at Georgia State. You may fulfill this requirement via your GSU 1010 (depending on your student level), an individual appointment or a group session provided by the UAC. A registration hold may be placed on first-year students who do not meet with an advisor in their first year.
• Understand and communicate effectively core curriculum, major coursework, and university policies and procedures.
As an advisee, you are responsible for your educational success and are expected to:
• Schedule regular appointments or make regular contact with an advisor each semester.
• Cancel and reschedule appointments in a timely manner if needed.
• Come to each advisement meeting prepared to ask and answer questions.
• Become knowledgeable about university policies and procedures.
• Be familiar with the current Undergraduate Course Catalog and its relevance to you and your academic career.
• Accept responsibility for your decisions and make use of campus services and resources.
• Read your Georgia State email and other important communications regularly.
Find your assigned advisor at advisement.gsu.edu/advisorsearch or scan the QR code.
• Use Graduation Progression Success technology to help track your progress toward graduation.
• Guide and support you in the development of your semester course schedules.
• Provide you with information about using campus resources and services.
• Maintain confidentiality while monitoring and documenting your progress toward meeting your goals.
• Be available to you in person, virtually, over email and by telephone during office hours.
• Assist you in taking responsibility for your educational choices and achievements.
• ATLANTA: 25 Park Place NE, Suites 400 & 500
Email: uacadvise2@gsu.edu
Call: 404-413-2300
• ALPHARETTA: Building AB, Suite 125
Email: alpadvise@gsu.edu Call: 404-413-2200
• CLARKSTON: Building CH, Suite 2300
Email: claadvise@gsu.edu Call: 678-891-3307
• DECATUR: Building SF, Suite 1100
Email: decadvise@gsu.edu Call: 678-891-2354
• DUNWOODY: Building NB, Suite 1300
Email: dunadvise@gsu.edu Call: 770-274-5112
• NEWTON: Building 1N, Suite 1100
Email: newadvise@gsu.edu Call: 678-891-2355
• ONLINE: Building CH, Room 2300
Email: uaconline@gsu.edu Call: 678-891-2823
Georgia State requires all students seeking an undergraduate degree to satisfactorily complete basic coursework, or Core IMPACTS Curriculum. The Core IMPACTS Curriculum is required by all majors and pathways. However, some requirements for mathematics and science are specific to certain majors and pathways.
(4 credit hours total)
Select two courses from the list below. Only one PERS 2001, PERS 2002 or PERS 2003 may be taken.
• PHIL 1010 Critical Thinking (2)
• SCOM 1000 Human Communication (2)
• PERS 2001 Perspectives on Comparative Culture (2)
• PERS 2002 Scientific Perspectives on Global Problems (2)
• PERS 2003 Perspectives on Human Expressions (2)
Mathematics and Quantitative Skills (3-4 credit hours total)
Select one course from the list below.
• MATH 1001 Quantitative Reasoning (3)
• MATH 1111 College Algebra (3)*
• MATH 1113 Precalculus (3)*
• MATH 1220 Survey of Calculus (3)* (Bachelor’s level only)
• MATH 1401 Elementary Statistics (3)
• MATH 2201 Calculus for Life Sciences I (4)* (Bachelor’s level only)
• MATH 2202 Calculus for Life Sciences II (4)* (Bachelor’s level only)
• MATH 2211 Calculus of One Variable I (4)*
• MATH 2212 Calculus of One Variable II (4)*
• MATH 2215 Multivariate Calculus (4)*
• MATH 2420 Discrete Mathematics (4)*
* Indicated courses have prerequisites or placement testing requirements. Prerequisites for math courses can be satisfied with suitable scores on the math placement test, AP or IB credit, or other transferable credit. If you intend to register for Math 1111, an SAT math score of 650 or an ACT score of 29 will exempt you from the placement test. This exemption does not apply to other math courses.
ARTS, HUMANITIES AND ETHICS (6 credit hours total)
Select a total of two courses from Humanities, Fine Arts or Foreign Language. The two courses must not come from the same group.
• ENGL 2110 World Literature (3)*
• ENGL 2120 British Literature (3)*
• ENGL 2130 American Literature (3)*
• ENGL 2140 African American Literature (3)*
• HUMN 1000 Intro to Humanities (3)
• PHIL 2010 Intro to Philosophy (3)
• PHIL 2030 Intro to Ethics (3)
• RELS 2001 Intro to World Religions (3)
• SCOM 2050 Media, Culture, & Society (3)
• ART 1301 Art, Society, & Culture (3)
• AH 1700 Survey of Art I (3)
• AH 1750 Survey of Art II (3)
• AH 1850 Survey of Art III (3)
• FLME 2700 History of Motion Pictures (3)
• MUA 1500 Jazz: Its Origins, Styles, & Influence (3)
• MUA 1930 Music, Society, & Culture (3)
• THEA 2040 Intro to Theatre (3)
1002,* 2001,* or 2002* level of a foreign language below (3)* Arabic, American Sign Language, Chinese, French, German, Modern Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish
* Indicates course has a prerequisite
POLITICAL SCIENCE AND U.S. HISTORY (6 credit hours total)
United States Politics and History — Legislative
Requirement (6 credit hours)
Both courses listed below are required.
• HIST 2110 Survey of U.S. History (3)
• POLS 1101 American Government (3)
COMMUNICATING IN WRITING (6 credit hours total)
English Composition Requirements (6 credit hours)
Both courses listed below are required. A grade of C or better is required for credit.
• ENGL 1101 English Composition I (3)
• ENGL 1102 English Composition II (3)*
(11 credit hours total)
Select one two-course sequence (8 credit hours) from the list below.
Natural science, health science, math and several other majors have specific requirements in this area. Please speak with your advisor about appropriate choices.
• ASTR 1010/1010L and ASTR 1020/1020L*
• BIOL 1103/1103L and BIOL 1104/1104L*
• BIOL 2107/2107L* and BIOL 2108/2108L*
• CHEM 1151/1151L and CHEM 1152/1152L*
• CHEM 1211/1211L* and CHEM 1212/1212L*
• ENVS 1401/1401L and ENVS 1402/1402L*
• GEOG 1112/1112L and GEOG 1113/1113L
• GEOL 1121/1121L and GEOL 1122/1122L*
• PHYS 1111/1111L* and PHYS 1112/1112L*
• PHYS 2211/2211L* and PHYS 2212/2212L*
• ASTR 1010K and ASTR 1020K* (8)
• BIOL 1103K and BIOL 1104K* (8)
• BIOL 2107/2107L* and BIOL 2108/2108L* (8)
• CHEM 1151K/L and CHEM 1152K/L* (8)
• CHEM 1211K* and CHEM 1212K* (8)
• ENVS 1401K and ENVS 1402K (8)
• GEOG 1112K and GEOG 1113K (8)
• GEOL 1121K and GEOL 1122K* (8)
• PHYS 1111K* and PHYS 1112K* (8)
• PHYS 2211K* and PHYS 2212K* (8)
Select one course (3-4 credit hours) from the list below. The course must be from a discipline different from the one selected in Group 1, above.
• ASTR 1000 Intro to the Universe (3)
• ASTR 1500 Life in the Universe (3)
• BIOL 2260 Foundations of Microbiology (3)
• BIOL 2240 Human Physiology (3) *
• CHEM 1050 Chemistry for Citizens (3)
• CSC 1010 Computers & Applications (3)
• GEOL 2001 Geologic Resources & Environment (3)
• MATH 1113 Precalculus (3) *
• MATH 1401 Elementary Statistics (3)
• MATH 2211 Calculus of One Variable I (4) *
• MATH 2212 Calculus of One Variable II (4) *
• MATH 2420 Discrete Mathematics (3) *
• NEUR 2000 Intro to Neuroscience (3)
• NUTR 2100 Principles of Nutrition (3)
• PSYC 1100 Intro to Bio Psychology (3)
• ASTR 1000 Intro to the Universe (3)
• ASTR 1500 Life in the Universe (3)
• BIOL 2240 Human Physiology (3) *
• BIOL 2260 Foundations of Microbiology (3)
• CSC 1010 Computers & Applications (3)
• DATA 1501 Intro to Data Science (3)
• GEOG 2200 Mapping Our World: Intro to Geospatial Technologies (3)
• GEOL 2001 Geologic Resources & Environment (3)
• MATH 1113 Precalculus (3) *
• MATH 1401 Elementary Statistics (3)
• MATH 1220 Survey of Calculus (3) *
• MATH 2201 Calculus for Life Sciences I (4) *
• MATH 2202 Calculus for Life Sciences II (4) *
• MATH 2211 Calculus of One Variable I (4) *
• MATH 2212 Calculus of One Variable II (4) *
• MATH 2215 Multivariate Calculus (4) *
• MATH 2420 Discrete Mathematics (3) *
• NEUR 2000 Intro to Neuroscience (3)
• NUTR 2100 Principles of Nutrition (3)
• PHYS 2030 Physics of Music & Speech (3)
• PSYC 1100 Intro to Bio Psychology (3)
FOUNDATIONS (6 credit hours total)
Choose one global/world course and one social foundations course.
Global Economics, Global Politics and World History (3 credit hours)
Select one course from the list below.
• ECON 2100 The Global Economy (3)
• GLOS 2401/ POLS 2401 Global Issues (3)
• HIST 1111 Survey of World History to 1500 (3)
• HIST 1112 Survey of World History Since 1500 (3)
Social Foundations (3 credit hours)
Select one course from the list below.
• AAS/HIST 1141 African American History I (3)
• AAS/HIST 1142 African American History II (3)
• AAS 2010 Intro to Africana Studies
• ANTH 1102 Intro to Anthropology (3)
• CRJU 2200 Social Science & the American Crime Problem (3)
• ECON 2105 Principles of Macroeconomics (3)
• ECON 2106 Principles of Microeconomics (3) *
• GEOG 1101 Intro to Human Geography (3)
• GERO 2000 Intro to Gerontology (3)
• PSYC 1101 Intro to General Psychology (3)
• SOCI 1101 Intro Sociology (3)
• SOCI 1160 Intro to Social Problems (3)
• WGSS 2010 Intro to Women’s & Gender Studies (3)
Scan this QR code for great resources to help you with the following topics and more:
• Academic evaluations
• Academic policies: Withdrawal Policy, Repeat-to-Replace Policy, Atlanta Regional Council for Higher Education (ARCHE) Cross-Registration Program, Cross-Level Registration Policy, Scholastic Discipline Policy
• Academic resources: Supplemental Instruction, tutoring, GPA Calculator
• Find Your Major Map, advisor, pathway and major
• Navigate resources: Student Success Collaborative links administrators, advisors, deans, faculty, other staff and students in a coordinated care network.
• Registration help and explanation of holds and how to remove them
PLACEMENT: Get more information on testing, placement and learning support programs by scanning the QR code.
The Office of the Registrar is responsible for registration, compliance, transcript management, degree conferral, document management, classroom scheduling and academic data reporting.
An academic advisor will help you register for classes this semester at orientation. Next semester, you will register yourself.
Class registration procedures are conducted in PAWS. You will be assigned a registration time-ticket. Approximately one week before registration begins, you can find your registration time-ticket assignment by accessing Registration Information and clicking the Check Registration Status and Appointments link in PAWS. Students who wait until Late Registration to register for classes will incur a fee of $50.
Scan the QR code for a helpful video with a more detailed walk-through of the registration process.
1. Log in to PAWS at paws.gsu.edu with your CampusID and password. You can look up or change your CampusID or password at webservices.gsu.edu/lookup
2. Scroll down to My Registration and select Add/Drop/Withdraw Courses.
3. Select the appropriate registration term.
4. If you have holds, you will be required to satisfy them before you can register.
5. Select Degree, Subject, Campus, Part of Term and any other parameters from the options on the search page.
6. Choose the course you would like to add and click Add.
7. Review your Summary and click Submit.
8. Select the Print Schedule and Options tab to view and print your current registration schedule.
Academic evaluations help you assess and determine course plans and progress toward degree completion. An academic evaluation is not an official evaluation and does not replace requirements listed in the Undergraduate Course Catalog
• Log in to your PAWS account at paws.gsu.edu.
• Remember to use your CampusID and password.
• Scroll down until you see Degree(s) and Major or Pathway on the left side.
• Below this, you will see a link for View Academic Evaluation. Click the link.
• Select the current or next term (if not currently enrolled) and click Submit.
• Select the desired program.
• Click Generate Request to run the academic evaluation.
The Georgia State University Testing Center ensures students have access to professional testing services delivered in a manner that reflects an optimum standardized testing environment and good customer service. The center proctors a variety of exams for the Georgia State community throughout the year via appointments at six different testing locations.
How does this help you?
If you want to enroll in a course higher than Math 1001 or Math 1401 for your major, you can take the MATH PLACEMENT EXAM for placement up to calculus.
If you are familiar with a subject, a CLEP (COLLEGE LEVEL EXAMINATION PROGRAM) EXAM can be taken to earn credit in that subject without taking the course. The advising section of this book contains further information about how Georgia State students can use Math Placement and CLEP to meet prerequisites or degree requirements.
Other exams the centers offer that are useful to applicants and students include:
• TEAS (Test of Essential Academic Skills), which is designed to assess preparedness for those entering the health science fields, including Georgia State’s nursing programs.
• HISTORY AND CONSTITUTION EXAMS, which offer students the option to demonstrate knowledge in U.S. and Georgia History and Constitution — one way to satisfy a graduation requirement in Georgia.
• ACCUPLACER EXAM for admission and for exemption of learning support courses.
• ACCUPLACER EXAM for admission to the Grady and Emory Radiology Program after completing the respective Perimeter College program.
If you are interested in taking an exam for Georgia State, you should always check with your program or Admissions advisor to make sure that you are taking the correct exam. Once you know which exam you wish to take, visit testing.gsu.edu to find information about the exams and links on how to register.
College introduces students to new experiences in an unfamiliar environment. Georgia State’s Freshman Learning Communities (FLCs) and Perimeter Learning Communities (PLCs), which pair together small groups of students with similar interests, are designed to help students negotiate the transition, connect with the university and enjoy the experience, and find academic success on campus.
First-year students who actively participate in FLCs/PLCs tend to:
• Perform better academically and earn better grades.
• Form friendships and study groups with fellow students early on.
• Connect with professors, advisors and mentors.
• Transition more easily from high school to college life.
• Know more about the vital resources and services offered by key offices.
• Find an immediate sense of place within the university.
It is also worth noting that the benefits of FLCs/PLCs extend past the first semester. Students who are engaged in their learning and in their FLCs/PLCs have higher GPAs, retain the HOPE Scholarship at a higher rate and graduate in less time.
With a wide variety of academic fields to choose from, FLCs/PLCs offer a unique opportunity for incoming first-year students to establish a solid foundation to ensure their success at Georgia State.
All FLCs/PLCs are built around a particular field of interest called a meta-major. This brings together students who are drawn to a particular major related to the field. Through their involvement in FLCs/ PLCs, students form a small, friendly community within a large research university setting. Metamajors combine broad disciplines and include:
• Business
• Arts and humanities
• Policy studies
• Health
• Education
• Social sciences
• Exploratory (Atlanta Campus) or general studies (Perimeter College)
What will my first semester look like?
• 25 students enrolled together in the same set of courses
• Courses centered around an academic theme called a meta-major
• One first-year seminar course — GSU 1010: FirstYear Experience — to introduce you to Georgia State and the resources available to you
• Core curriculum courses that count toward any major you ultimately declare
Dahlberg Hall, Suite 133, Atlanta GA 30303 Call: 404-413-2052 | Email: flc@gsu.edu
While college is an adventure, it can get overwhelming with classes, studying, cocurricular events and social activities. Acknowledging that, Student Success Programs provides resources and support that goes beyond the classroom. Programs are designed to help students succeed at every stage of their college careers — from pre-arrival on campus, through the first year of navigating classes and programs, to the final stretch to graduation.
The Early Alert program sends an email offering support opportunities to students who have shown signs of academic distress within the first several weeks of the semester. Student Success reaches out while it’s still early in the semester so you can get back on track.
The College Reading & Learning Association (CRLA)-certified LTC provides academic support in mathematics, writing, science, business and more. We offer a variety of services and resources to accommodate your academic needs.
Tutoring is available at every Perimeter College campus and online seven days a week.
HOURS: Monday–Friday, 9 a.m.–9 p.m. Saturday–Sunday, 2–6 p.m.
• Alpharetta AA-2250 and AB-205
• Clarkston CB1200
• Decatur SF1200
• Dunwoody N-LRC-3200
• Newton 2N-3300
• ONLINE Scan the QR code
Find support in iCollege under Academic Services or by scanning the QR code.
Students who attend tutoring and group study sessions regularly throughout the semester typically earn a half (if not full) letter grade higher than students who don’t.
Join weekly study sessions for traditionally tough courses. These fun and interactive sessions are run by SI leaders who have previously received an A in the course. Study sessions are held on campus and online.
Attend group study sessions to:
• Develop effective study strategies and habits that lead to higher grades.
• Learn to manage academic stress and anxiety.
• Establish a fun and beneficial relationship with peers.
• Engage in an interactive learning environment.
• Maintain motivation to successfully complete courses and graduate.
Scan the QR code for more information.
Have questions? Call: 404-413-2061
Have questions?
Call: 678-891-3596 | Email: pcltc@gsu.edu
Email: supplementalinstruct@gsu.edu
Georgia State is committed to making a college education affordable and accessible for everyone. Our goal is to help each Panther find the best funding plan for their education. The Student Financial Management Centers, located at each Georgia State campus are on point to help with financial aid and student account questions.
To contact us, log in to Panther Answer by scanning the QR code.
• The payment deadline is the first day of classes every semester. Students in on-campus housing should have their balance resolved by their move-in date.
• Check PAWS often to make sure you have addressed any outstanding holds, paperwork or balance on your account.
• Complete the FAFSA every year to give yourself the best shot at the best aid package, including scholarships. Georgia State’s school code is: 001574. Georgia residents should also complete the online Georgia Student Finance Application (GSFAPP) at gafutures.org.
• We want to make our process as clear as possible and provide you with the resources you need in one convenient place. Our Guided Paths break down the financial aid application and payment process into five clear steps.
• Keep your GPA above a 2.0, limit withdrawals and make sure your classes count toward your program to remain eligible for federal funding.
• The Scholarship Resource Center (operated by Student Success Programs) is open to all Georgia State students regardless of financial aid eligibility status.
Student Financial Services offers guidance and support to students seeking financial assistance to fund their education. Scan the QR code or visit sfs.gsu.edu to learn more.
Georgia State strongly recommends that students complete coursework using a computer rather than other devices like iPhones, iPads, Android phones and/or Chromebooks, which may inhibit access to important resources and limit the ability to complete course requirements.
Before classes start, complete this checklist to ensure your computer has the following:
• The latest Microsoft or Mac operating system
• An updated web browser
• Updated virus protection
• A web camera
• Speakers/a microphone
PAWS provides web access to your student data. Use PAWS to register for classes, view grades, access billing and financial aid information, and much more.
If you need help regarding your student login, duo multi-factor authentication or account lockouts, reach out to help@gsu.edu or call 404-413-HELP (4357).
Scan the QR code to learn more about technology resources and free software.
Georgia State provides each currently enrolled student with a machine-readable photo identification card called a PantherCard. Students should carry their PantherCards at all times while on campus to confirm affiliation with and rightful access to the university.
You can link a debit account to your PantherCard. It’s called PantherCash. PantherCash is simple to set up, easy to use and saves you money on any Georgia State campus. To activate your PantherCash debit account, simply fill out an online PantherCash Registration Application. You must make a deposit of $5 or more using a MasterCard, American Express, Discover or Visa to activate your account. For more information, go to services.gsu.edu/ panthercard.
• Save 20% at Patton Dining Hall, Piedmont Central Dining Hall and Piedmont North Dining Hall
• Save 10% on Fridays at all University Bookstores on select items and apparel
Scan the QR code to log in to the online PantherCash eAccounts app to save a credit card payment in your profile.
1. Download the Transact eAccounts mobile app.
2. Find Georgia State University.
3. Sign in with your Georgia State CampusID and password. Your PantherCash account will become visible.
4. Deposit funds by hitting the Add Money tab
5. Enter the amount you would like to deposit and click Submit.
Parking & Transportation is committed to helping students find efficient routes of travel (including parking) to and from Georgia State’s campuses.
You are required to register your vehicle in the Georgia State parking system if you wish to park on any campus. Your license plate helps identify you as the owner of the vehicle in the event of an emergency and serves as your parking decal at Center Parc Stadium and Perimeter College campuses.
Scan the QR code to register your vehicle.
If you live in a university residence hall, you will register your vehicle through University Housing. Parking is available at your respective residence hall through the MyHousing Portal.
If you plan to regularly commute to campus, G Deck, J Deck, M Deck and T Deck semester parking permits are available on a limited basis. Fall or spring semester permits are priced at $215, and summer semester permits are $110. These permits allow you to come and go with an unlimited number of parks. Overnight parking is not permitted in these decks and is patrolled 24/7.
FREE PARKING is available at the new Convocation Center parking deck and the Center Parc Stadium Green Lot for registered vehicles.
Students may park in designated parking decks when space is available for $4 per entry. NonPantherCard credit cards are accepted, however, the $4 parking rate is only available using PantherCash.
Scan the QR code to add funds to your PantherCash account or download the Transact eAccounts app on the App Store and Google Play. Please allow up to an hour for deposits to show up on your account.
Student parking is free for registered vehicles in designated student parking lots. For more information, visit parking.gsu.edu.
Georgia State is well-served by MARTA rail and bus lines. Students can purchase discounted monthly passes for MARTA and Xpress transportation at the Parking & Transportation office in the University Bookstore Building, floor two. For more information, visit parking.gsu.edu.
Panther Express, Georgia State’s transit system, is open to all Georgia State students. Daily routes operate Monday-Thursday, 7 a.m. – 2:30 p.m., and Friday, 7 a.m. – midnight. Track shuttles in real time using the Passio GO app.
The Atlanta Campus is within walking distance of three MARTA stations that provide heavy rail access from all directions: Five Points, Peachtree Center and Georgia State Station. MARTA also offers 11 bus routes serving downtown Atlanta.
• COBBLINC provides three express bus routes that offer nonstop service to downtown Atlanta from Marietta (101) and Kennesaw (100) during rush hour. Additionally, the bus operates all day with express service from Cumberland to Arts Center Station. Riders can transfer to the MARTA rail line at no extra charge when using their Breeze Card.
• XPRESS provides limited-stop service during peak commuter hours from as far away as West Douglas, Hiram, Newnan, McDonough, East Conyers, Snellville, Acworth and Cumming. For trip planning, visit xpressga.com.
• GWINNETT COUNTY TRANSIT provides three express bus routes that offer service to downtown Atlanta from the I-985 Park & Ride (101), the Indian Trail Park & Ride (102) and Sugarloaf Mills (103) during rush hour.
The Alpharetta Campus is accessible via MARTA bus route 185 / Alpharetta, which travels from the North Springs MARTA Station, along Holcomb Bridge Road, Alpharetta Highway and Old Milton Parkway.
The Clarkston Campus is accessible via MARTA bus route 125 / Clarkston, which travels from the Kensington MARTA Station via Indian Creek Drive.
The Decatur Campus is accessible via MARTA bus route 34 / Gresham, which travels from the East Lake MARTA Station via 2nd Avenue, Gresham Road and Clifton Springs Road.
• The Dunwoody Campus is accessible via MARTA bus route 132 / Tilly Mill Road, which connects with the Chamblee MARTA Station. The Dunwoody Campus is also a short drive (or Uber/taxi ride) from the Dunwoody and Sandy Springs MARTA stations on the Red Line and the Chamblee or Doraville MARTA stations on the Yellow Line.
• XPRESS provides limited-stop service during peak commuter hours to the Dunwoody MARTA Station from Cumming (401), Sugarloaf Mills (417) and West Conyers (428). Upon arriving at the Doraville MARTA Station, riders can transfer to the MARTA train at no extra charge and travel to the Chamblee MARTA Station. From there, riders can board the MARTA bus route 132 / Tilly Mill Road, which connects with the Dunwoody Campus.
• GWINNETT COUNTY TRANSIT provides local bus service to the Doraville MARTA Station. Local routes include Route 10A/B from Sugarloaf Mills and Gwinnett Place, Route 20 from Norcross and Route 35 from Peachtree Corners. Upon arriving at the Doraville MARTA Station, riders can transfer to the MARTA train at no extra charge and travel to the Chamblee MARTA Station. From there, riders can board the MARTA bus route 132 / Tilly Mill Road, which connects with the Dunwoody Campus.
PantherDining offers Atlanta Campus students four unlimited, all-access academic year meal plans. Plans are designed to provide convenience, variety and a community experience with 24-hour weekday service and weekend hours. Meal plans include complimentary nutrition and wellness services, international cuisine, tasty vegan and vegetarian options, and special monthly events at three centrally located dining halls.
Students living in Patton, Piedmont Central and Piedmont North residence halls are required to purchase one of the two 7-day meal plans.
PantherDining offers all meal plan holders the convenience of a takeout option as an additional service to their meal plan. Takeout meals can be requested at any dining hall during regular service hours. Reusable containers will be provided by PantherDining to meal plan holders.
Patton Hall and Piedmont North are open Monday-Friday, and Piedmont Central is open seven days a week.
Only seven-day meal plan holders can use their meal plan at Piedmont Central on the weekend. Five-day meal plan holders will need to pay upon entry to Piedmont Central on the weekend.
(Just $101 more per semester than the 5-day plan)
$4,662 ($2,231 per semester)
120 PantherPoints/semester to be used at any PantherDining location.
(Just $101 more per semester than the 5-day plan)
$4,260 ($2,130 per semester)
$4,222 ($2,111 per semester)
120 PantherPoints/semester (for the price of 100) to be used at any PantherDining location.
$4,020 ($2,010 per semester)
Campus Cafés, located on the Clarkston, Decatur and Dunwoody campuses, offer a variety of grab-and-go and made-to-order options. For hours of operation, visit dining.gsu.edu.
University Career Services provides resources to assist students throughout their academic journeys and propel them to future success. The main office is located on the Atlanta Campus, and Career Centers operate at the Alpharetta, Clarkston, Decatur and Dunwoody campuses.
Services include but are not limited to:
• On- and off-campus jobs
• Job searching
• Career counseling
• Mock interviews
• Resume reviews
• Access to the Career Closet
• Graduate school planning
• Co-op and internship searches
• Professional headshots
• Career fairs
• Career workshops
To get information about upcoming events, such as our on-campus Job Fair, internships, part-time jobs and more, activate your account on Handshake by scanning the QR code.
Living in University Housing is one of the fastest and easiest ways to make campus feel like home. From academic support to social opportunities, living on campus allows you to make the most of your Georgia State experience.
Check your GSU student email regularly for updates and next steps. Explore the housing website, myhousing.gsu.edu, for answers to frequently asked questions. If you still need assistance, email housing@gsu.edu, call 404413-1800 or schedule a virtual appointment online.
Students with fall room assignments will receive detailed emails about move-in preparation in July and August via your GSU student email account.
There are a few tasks you must complete prior to arrival. Scan the QR code below to make sure you are ready to go.
25 Park Place NE, Suite 111 Atlanta, GA 30303
Call: 404-413-1820 | Visit: career.gsu.edu
The Office of the Dean of Students provides services that help students become engaged, successful members of the Georgia State community. The office connects students with campus resources, aids them in resolving issues and complaints, highlights the values of the university community, encourages student involvement and addresses emergency concerns.
The best way to connect with the office: Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-5:15 p.m. Call: 404-413-1515 Email: deanofstudents@gsu.edu
Both in-person and virtual appointments are available. However, it is best to schedule in advance. Information about our services can be found online by scanning the QR code.
The Office of the Dean of Students focuses on student success and retention, helping students to understand the resources available to them and navigate university systems. Knowledgeable staff are available to listen to and analyze students’ issues, questions and concerns, help them devise problem-solving strategies and connect them with the appropriate resources, be it individual staff or university departments.
For some students, the demands and pressures of the college experience may be overwhelming and stressful. The emotional impact may appear through behaviors exhibited in a variety of settings: classrooms, residence halls, student centers, faculty or staff offices, etc. Faculty, staff, fellow students, friends and family members can help identify students who need assistance and refer them to appropriate resources. The information below can help you identify concerns and determine when to make a referral for assistance.
When safety is an immediate concern because a student verbally or physically threatens to harm others or a student makes an active suicide threat, call the Georgia State Police at 404-4133333 or if off-campus, call 911.
When safety is not an immediate concern, yet a student threatens self-harm or demonstrates bizarre or concerning behavior, please complete the referral form. Scan the QR code to access it.
From our website, you can access forms to request emergency assistance and report incidents or concerns. Each form routes to staff members who can provide direct assistance.
A few forms are highlighted below, but a full list can be found by scanning the QR code.
The university has established the policies and procedures that comprise the Student Code of Conduct to both promote the university mission and protect the rights of students, faculty and staff. Report violations of the Student Code of Conduct on the Incident Report Form.
The Office of the Dean of Students provides Conflict Resolution as well as DecisionMaking workshops for Georgia State students. These workshops are designed to help you manage conflict effectively and identify ways to make better decisions.
Register for a workshop in the Panther Involvement Network (PIN) at pin.gsu.edu. In the search box, type “Making Better Moves: Decision Making Workshop” or “Conflict Resolution Workshop” to see the available workshop dates. Workshops are one hour long.
The Access and Accommodations Center (AACE) is committed to creating an inclusive and quality educational experience for students with disabilities, providing dedicated campus resources, programs and opportunities. AACE collaborates with administrators, faculty and staff to ensure reasonable and appropriate accommodations for students with diagnosed physical or psychological disabilities or learning disorders.
You may request disability accommodations or Title IX pregnancy/childbirth adjustments by completing and submitting this self-identification form online at access.gsu.edu.
Scan the QR code to learn more about available services and how to register with AACE.
Cultures, Communities & Inclusion (CCI) serves all students through programs and services that focus on Georgia State’s strategic goals around: Identity, Placemaking and Belonging; Student Success; College to Career; and Research, Scholarship and Creative Activities. CCI programs and services reflect the cultures, backgrounds, identities and experiences of our students, their families and the people with whom our students will engage in their careers and communities. Supporting students across all campuses and preparing them to succeed in a diverse workforce is of paramount importance.
CCI supports the ways all students experience their own senses of identity and how they interact with people who share their identities, along with those who hold identities different from their own. Students may hold multiple identities that can include but are not limited to racial identities, ethnicities, gender and sexuality, faith and spirituality, nationality and citizenship, and other affiliations and communities of commonality, such as first-generation college students, adult and parenting students, military-connected students and more. When students feel a sense of belonging and inclusion, it can positively impact their retention, progress, graduation, future success in their chosen professions, and their contributions and service to their families and communities.
The place for all, Georgia State highlights our common connections and intersections while upholding the free expression rights of each individual. Through shared experiences and engaged dialogue, CCI helps students contribute to the marketplace of ideas.
Learn about upcoming events, discover opportunities to get involved and stay connected with Cultures, Communities & Inclusion in PIN. Scan the QR code.
CCI is proud to observe designated heritage and history months throughout the year. These months celebrate the customs, values and traditions of different cultures while examining the issues and struggles of different communities. All heritage and history month programming is open to all students. Some of the signature heritage months that will be featured this year at Georgia State include:
• Latinx Heritage Month
• LGBTQ+ History Month
• Native American Heritage Month
• Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Commemoration
• Black History Month
• Women’s History Month
• Asian Pacific Islander Desi American Heritage Month
• International Holocaust Remembrance Day
• Juneteenth
Please note that this list is not exhaustive of all cultural awareness and heritage and history month observances. For more information, visit belonging.gsu.edu or scan the QR code.
Call: 404-413-1584
Email: cci@gsu.edu
Visit: engagement.gsu.edu/cci
With more than 4,000 international students and scholars hailing from 150 countries, Georgia State’s student body is global and cross-cultural.
The Office of International Student & Scholar Services (ISSS) works closely with campus and community partners to welcome and serve our international students, scholars and their families and ensure they have every opportunity to achieve their personal and professional goals at Georgia State. Operating ISSS offices on the Atlanta Campus and Perimeter College campuses, we take pride in providing highquality, friendly services, and we look forward to serving you.
New international students should follow all guidance from ISSS about immigration checkin processes and their required International Student Orientation.
To explore in detail the services ISSS offers, visit our website, isss.gsu.edu, or scan the QR code to visit our PIN page.
Located at health.gsu.edu, the Student Health Clinic’s website is updated regularly with information essential to student health and wellness. Detailed clinic contact information, clinic locations and hours, links to access the Patient Portal, a list of student immunization requirements and more can be found on the site.
Once you enroll in our Patient Portal, at gsuwellness.gsu.edu, it will store a wealth of details about and to support your personal health, including summaries of your clinic visits, lab results, secure messages between you and clinic staff, upcoming appointment information, forms and surveys to complete before appointments, your medical history (if you choose to share it), a list of your medications and allergies, and more.
A list of immunization requirements can be found at health.gsu.edu/immunizations.
Here are tips for managing these requirements as a student:
• Get a personalized list of any outstanding requirements you need to fulfill to begin classes and instructions on how to submit proof of vaccination by visiting the Patient Portal. Click on the Required Immunizations tab on the menu to the bottom left of the page and then click on the blue plus sign next to the View Required Immunizations prompt.
• You can also find forms for distance-learning exemptions and religious exemptions in the Patient Portal.
• Email us with any questions about immunizations at immunizations@gsu.edu.
• To avoid registration holds, submit proof of all required immunizations well in advance of your registration window.
Your student health fee, which is part of your overall tuition and fees, entitles you to free consultations with medical providers via inperson and virtual appointments. To schedule an appointment, visit the Patient Portal, call 404-413-1930 or email healthclinic@gsu.edu. Additional services, like labs, immunizations and medications, may require you to pay an additional fee depending on your insurance plan. Services include, but are not limited to: routine primary care appointments for chronic illnesses, annual well-woman exams, urgent care appointments for minor injuries and illnesses, minor procedures, contraception of all kinds, routine screening physicals for participation in study abroad, the Byrdine F. Lewis College of Nursing & Health Professions and other programs, STD testing and treatment, and allergy shots.
For assistance with after-hours emergencies, students may call 855-750-5056.
Student Health Promotion takes a multidisciplinary public health approach to address the health of our student population. As part of the Be Well Panthers initiative, Student Health Promotion provides transformational learning opportunities for students through services, programs and student engagement opportunities that nurture health and wellness locally and globally. Visit healthpromotion.gsu.edu for more information.
Georgia State’s proactive and holistic view of student health means we support your well-being and success as a student but also as a fully developed, well-rounded human being. For your safety and benefit, as an incoming student, you’ll be required to take a series of online trainings that share the best practices for creating a safe, inclusive campus community.
Students are required to complete the AlcoholEdu and Sexual Assault Prevention training modules before classes begin. We’ll send the invitation to access the required modules to your Georgia State email account after you attend orientation.
Student Health Promotion at Georgia State, available via email at stuhealthpromotion@ gsu.edu, can assist students with questions or concerns. Follow @BEWELLPANTHERS on Instagram and X for reminders.
Student Nutrition Services provides quality nutrition support to help students develop healthy habits that enhance their wellbeing and promote academic and life success. Nutrition counseling is an individualized approach to health and wellness. You can meet one-on-one with a registered dietitian, who will help you:
• Adapt healthy habits
• Improve your relationship with food and eating
• Treat or prevent nutrition-related diseases
Nutrition education includes accessible nutrition and health and wellness messaging. Through in-person and/or virtual platforms, our education efforts include group nutrition education classes, cooking classes, yoga classes, and health and wellness messaging. For more information, visit nutritionservices.gsu.edu or follow us on Instagram at @GSUHEALTHYHABITS
Panther’s Pantry locations and food lockers distribute food and basic necessities to the Georgia State community in an effort to help alleviate stress associated with short-term food insecurity and support educational success.
Enrolled students, faculty and staff can visit Panther’s Pantry once per week to receive one food bag and one hygiene bag and basic necessities. Pantry lockers are located at all six Georgia State and Perimeter College campuses. For more information or to schedule a pickup, visit our website, pantry.gsu.edu, or follow us @PANTHERSPANTRY on Instagram and Facebook.
Panther’s Pantry connects students in need to the Office of the Dean of Students for emergency financial assistance, case management and resource support for:
• Long-term food assistance
• Tuition and academic assistance
• Housing and rental assistance
• Transportation assistance
• Resources for basic need
Georgia State is committed to supporting our students’ mental health. All currently enrolled Georgia State students located in Georgia can take advantage of the services the Counseling Center offers.
Call 404-413-1640, visit counseling.gsu.edu or scan the QR code to schedule an appointment.
Meet with a therapist online or in person.
• GROUP COUNSELING: Join group counseling for additional support focused on the collective needs shared by various student groups.
• PSYCHIATRY: Get an online and in-person mental health evaluation and professional help managing prescription medication.
• CARE CONSULTATIONS: Pop in for a same-day support session with a therapist online or in person.
• CLIENT ADVOCACY: Get personalized assistance finding community resources for housing, food, health care and more.
• PROGRAMMING: Schedule a wellness program for your group. Email us to request specific workshops at bewellprogramming@gsu.edu.
• STRESS-LESS BIOFEEDBACK: Reduce your stress by visiting our Relaxation Room. Take advantage of the massage chair, virtual reality goggles, Headspace meditation and sleep-help practices, Vibroacoustic sound therapy chair and MUSE biofeedback technology.
Georgia State offers anonymous peer-to-peer support systems where you can share, listen and learn about various mental health topics and receive support.
Licensed professionals monitor these systems to keep our online community safe.
Scan the QR code for more information.
Student Victim Assistance (SVA) offers crisis intervention, resources, advocacy and support for students who are victims of crime. SVA is a confidential reporting space that assists students by helping them understand their options and next steps following an incident of victimization.
Staff are here to support you even when you’re unsure about what you need or want to do following a traumatic event — a normal response to trauma.
If you have experienced any type of recent or past victimization, SVA staff are here to help you regain a sense of control over that traumatic experience so you may resume your academic and personal pursuits in a healthy manner. Whether victimization occurs on or off campus, SVA is available to support you with any decision(s) you choose to make.
You are not obligated to pursue criminal or university charges following a victimization situation, but if you would like more information, call our 24-hour crisis line at 404-413-1965. Appointments are free, and students are typically seen for one to three sessions. Ongoing support and referrals are available following sessions.
The Department of Recreational Services promotes healthy living and wellness habits among students and the university community by providing recreational sports and fitness activities.
We offer a wide array of programming and services on the Atlanta Campus and our Perimeter campuses, including:
• Aquatics and safety
• Fitness classes
• Intramurals
• Instructional clinics
• Personal training
• Sport clubs
• Outdoor experiences/clinics
• The Challenge Program with high and low ropes courses
• Special events
Recreational amenities vary across each campus, but they include:
• Swimming pools
• Climbing wall
• Weight rooms
• Cardio equipment
• Equipment check-out services
• Locker rental services
• Indoor track
• Gymnasiums
• Game room
• Tennis courts
• Racquetball courts
• Fitness studios Visit us
The Study Abroad Programs mission is to enable our diverse students to participate in safe, inclusive, high-quality, international academic for-credit experiences. These experiences prepare students for global citizenship and help them succeed at Georgia State and beyond.
Have questions?
Email: mystudyabroad@gsu.edu
Visit: mystudyabroad.gsu.edu
Scan the QR code to follow us.
• Almost $1 MILLION given in SCHOLARSHIPS yearly
• 100+ STUDY ABROAD PROGRAMS in 30 destination countries offered for the 2024 academic year
• TOP-5 DESTINATIONS: United Kingdom, Spain, France, South Korea, Greece
• STUDY ABROAD PROGRAMS available to Georgia State students across every campus
FREE POSSPORT PROGRAM: The Office of International Initiatives has assisted more than 1,200 students in obtaining their first U.S. passport for free. Find out if you’re eligible.
usually pretty introverted, but the Study Abroad Program experience has made me consider traveling a bit more, both domestically and internationally.”
— A.D.
Bivines, Study Abroad Program Student
“Studying abroad showed me how important travel is at a young age. Being able to explore and see things outside the bubble that the United States creates for you is such an amazing thing.”
— Miyoshi Anderson, Study Abroad Program Student
“Studying abroad really influenced my way of thinking in regard to hard work and responsibilities. It really showed me who I am as a person. For example, it confirmed and helped me reevaluate my integrity, time management and workload.”
— Anonymous Study Abroad Program Student
The program provides prize opportunities for students who attend university events.
Students are awarded prizes at the end of each fall and spring semester based on event attendance and points earned in each of the six POUNCE Pillars categories. Attendance at each event is tracked via on-site check-in apps, and point balances can be viewed in the POUNCE Rewards pathway within the Panther Involvement Network (PIN).
Simply ASK to JOIN the POUNCE Rewards pathway, and you’re in! The system keeps track of the rest. Scan to join POUNCE Rewards.
Have questions?
Email: pouncerewards@gsu.edu
The Panther experience is about maximizing your success inside and outside the classroom. Being an engaged Panther means enjoying a diverse, holistic experience built upon our POUNCE Pillars. These pillars are the foundation on which you’ll develop necessary skills and talents to achieve your personal and professional life goals.
Get to know the special Georgia State traditions and rites of passage you’ll enjoy as a student at orientation and through Panther Welcome events. Build comradery and share your Panther pride, joining your peers on the sidelines at our exciting athletic events.
You are not alone in your academic journey. Your success is our success, and we’re here to support you in every step on your road to graduation. Ask for help when you need it, and take advantage of the tools and resources the university offers, like Supplemental Instruction, undergraduate research opportunities and personalized academic advisement.
Your time at Georgia State is a great opportunity to examine your personal values and code of ethics, which will guide your decision making in the future. Through your experiences, you’ll develop an understanding of ethics and integrity and the values good leaders and productive citizens exemplify.
Being healthy and well-adjusted means taking care of your whole self. Georgia State’s Be Well Panthers initiative is committed to helping you be well and do well throughout your college journey. Our services and programming are designed to strengthen your mental and physical well-being and your resilience skills.
College to Career events help students become aware of the skills they need to select and succeed in a profession, develop and strengthen those skills, and demonstrate and articulate them in preparation for their job search.
Get involved and give back to your campus and the community. This is a great opportunity to meet new friends, test your skills, expand your perspectives and, most important, have fun. At Georgia State, your education includes more than academics.
Student Leadership & Service focuses on the development of students through leadership and civic engagement programming. We provide students with opportunities to connect their skills and passions to lead change in our community. Come grow your leadership skills with us through a variety of workshops, retreats, training sessions and community service!
Don’t miss our signature programs:
• COMMUNITY IMPACT CORPS members serve the Atlanta community, addressing a variety of social issues while earning federal work-study dollars.
• EMERGING LEADERS is a program that exposes first-year students to campus and community involvement opportunities while equipping them with the skills they need to excel in college.
• LEADERSHIP CONCLAVE, a Georgia State tradition since 1965, is the annual student leadership conference. It features breakout sessions on a variety of topics, an inspiring keynote speaker and a networking event with alumni.
• REV. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. DAY OF SERVICE is an annual event held in honor of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Each year, students engage in projects such as tutoring and mentoring children, painting schools and senior centers, delivering meals and building homes while reflecting on King’s life and legacy.
• PANTHER COMMUNITY PLUNGE is the first large-scale day of service Georgia State offers for the academic year. Students are introduced to the numerous social issues Atlanta communities face and informed of the opportunities they have to serve them.
• PANTHER BREAKAWAY organizes community service trips for college students during their winter, spring and summer breaks.
• PAWSFORACAUSE, Georgia State’s online volunteer management system, keeps students apprised of pressing needs in the local community and showcases specific volunteer opportunities to help serve those needs.
• The STUDENT LEADERSHIP CERTIFICATE is a comprehensive leadership development program designed to help students grow as leaders while also providing them the opportunity to earn certification for their efforts.
More information about leadership and service roles at Georgia State can be found on the Panther Involvement Network page.
The Panther Involvement Network (PIN) is a one-stop-shop for students to join and form organizations, attend campus events, find opportunities for involvement across every Georgia State campus and more.
Interested in joining a student organization but wondering where to start? With hundreds of organizations to choose from, you’re sure to find something that sparks your passion. To explore student organizations:
• Log in to PIN at pin.gsu.edu
• Click on the Organizations tab.
• Filter the list of featured organizations by location, interest or specific categories, or search using key words.
Interested in starting your own student organization? You can! All you need to get started is at least five currently enrolled Georgia State students and one faculty/staff member to serve as your advisor.
Your educational journey is designed to go beyond our classrooms and labs. Engaging socially with the Georgia State community is as important as committing to your coursework, and numbers show a direct connection between student engagement and positive academic performance. To explore campus events:
• Log in to PIN at pin.gsu.edu.
• Click on the Events tab
• Filter the list of featured events by date, location or specific categories, or search using keywords.
• Check for special event perks, like free food and gifts.
Your PIN Event Pass is your backstage pass to all parts of Panther life. You’ll be asked to show this pass at almost every Georgia State event. Follow the steps below to access your pass:
• Sign in to PIN at pin.gsu.edu.
• Click on your account in the top right corner.
• Click the QR code in the top left corner
• Save your pass to your phone.
Scan the QR code for more information.
Georgia State’s Spotlight Programs Board is a student-focused department that coordinates fun, social, cultural and educational events to enhance and enrich student life on the Atlanta Campus. Events are open to the entire university community and often free to attend.
Learn about upcoming events and opportunities to make your voice heard by joining the programming board. Scan the QR code.
On our Perimeter College campuses, the student-focused Panther Activities Council strives to create the same rich student experience you’ll get on our Atlanta Campus. We develop social, recreational, cultural and educational programming, plus community involvement opportunities that inspire you to get connected and get involved. To learn more, scan the QR code.
Fraternity & Sorority Life (FSL) offers students the opportunity to join a special, niche community at Georgia State. Participating in FSL helps students build lifelong relationships and form bonds with those who share similar interests. Being part of a fraternity or sorority can make Georgia State’s large campus feel smaller, more intimate and less intimidating. Details can be found at engagement.gsu.edu/fsl.
Learn more about the Greek community by attending one of our Live with FSL sessions over the summer and our FSL Expo at the start of each semester. For a list of FSL events and more information, visit our PIN page or scan the QR code.
The Atlanta Campus’ Student Center, which includes Student Center East and Student Center West, is a hub of student activity and a focal point for the rich social, recreational and cultural life that plays out on our diverse campus. The Student Center is the perfect place to hang out between classes, study, enjoy performances and events, and take advantage of the special amenities we offer to make your Georgia State experience more convenient and personalized.
The Student Center also houses a wide range of programs and facilities that promote student growth and development, enhance academic success and foster involvement in the university community. We’re home to more than 100 student leaders and employees who gain daily experience toward their college-to-career competencies.
Visit our website, engagement.gsu.edu/ studentcenter, by scanning the QR code.
Follow us on Instagram. @GEORGIASTATESC
Student Media at Georgia State provides support and gathering spaces for creative and journalistic activity across all of our campuses. Student Media supports the university radio station, Album 88, and other student media related organizations like the school newspaper. These outlets offer practical opportunities in radio, video production, print and broadcast journalism, and literature. All content and dayto-day operations are produced by students, offering them invaluable hands-on experience. In addition to media savvy, students engaged in Student Media develop skills for business, management, web design and graphic design roles — all transferable skills essential to college and postgraduate career opportunities.
We welcome all majors and experience levels.
Have questions?
Visit: engagement.gsu.edu/studentmedia
Atlanta Campus: Student Center West, Suites 250-254 & 271 Clarkston Campus: CB1100
Be sure to attend our open houses, which are held at the beginning of the fall and spring semesters.
Find more details by visiting the Student Media PIN page or by scanning the QR code.
Georgia State supports military-connected students by developing and implementing outreach programs and services tailored to the unique needs and challenges today’s military community faces.
The Military Outreach Center (MOC), located on each Georgia State campus, promotes and collaborates with community-based veteran and military-affiliated organizations, fostering partnerships that benefit student veterans academically and professionally.
The MOC provides reservists, National Guard and active-duty servicemembers, veterans and their dependents with the support and services they need to reach their academic goals. Each MOC employs a staff of military advocates, all of whom are military-connected or veterans prepared to serve those who have served. You can meet with your campus advocate personally.
Connect with a military advocate on your campus by scanning the QR code.
If you’re a military-connected student at Georgia State, you can choose from numerous scholarship and loan opportunities provided by the university and other organizations and companies.
The Office of the Registrar assists eligible military-connected students with their GI Bill ® educational benefits provided by the United States Department of Veteran Affairs (VA).
For more information regarding the certification of your VA benefits, contact the Office of the Registrar at 404-413-2283 or via email at vetstudentservices@gsu.edu.
Creating a campus experience where students, faculty and staff come together to do their best work is a priority. Our university’s urban location is one of our greatest assets, and our students are availed valuable experiential learning opportunities and visible career pathways.
In fall 2022, plans to enhance the campus experience began with several immediate actions taken, and today it continues as a sustained and ongoing effort. This comprehensive plan utilizes innovative technology, collaborative partnerships and a determined effort by our community to enhance the living and learning environment on our campuses.
Scan the QR code to visit our comprehensive safety website.
The Georgia State University Police Department (GSUPD) works across the university’s six campuses throughout metro Atlanta to protect the academic environment from crime and disruption.
Operating 24 hours a day, seven days a week, GSUPD’s divisions include Patrol, Security, Communications, Investigations, Special Teams and Office of Emergency Management. The Community Outreach Division offers crime prevention awareness training and operates the Homeless Outreach Proactive Engagement (HOPE) program. The Office of Professional Standards oversees the department’s certification by three separate accreditation bodies.
GSUPD maintains working relationships and written agreements with nearly two dozen law enforcement partners and security agencies throughout the metro area to investigate crimes and suspicious activity, including criminal activity by students at off-campus locations of officially recognized student organizations.
GSUPD’s Key Control office manages and secures access to Georgia State facilities, while security guards provide a variety of essential duties, including monitoring access, reporting emergencies and providing security escorts.
Academic Advisement
Access & Accommodations Center
Office of Undergraduate Admissions
Army ROTC/Military Science
Be Well Panthers
Black Student Achievement
University Bookstore
University Career Services
Cooperative Education (Co-Op) & Internships
Counseling Center
Office of the Dean of Students
Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning
ACCESS.GSU.EDU 404-413-1560
ROTC.GSU.EDU 404-413-6486
BEWELL.GSU.EDU 404-413-1577
CAREER.GSU.EDU 404-413-1820
CETL.GSU.EDU 404-413-4700 & Online Education
Student Financial Services
Fraternity & Sorority Life
Freshman Learning Communities
Gender and Sexuality Resource Center
Graduate Admissions
Health Clinic
Honors College
GRADUATE.GSU.EDU 404 -413-2444
HEALTH.GSU.EDU 404-413-1930
Housing MYHOUSING.GSU.EDU 404-413-1800
Office of International Initiatives
International Student & Scholar Services ISSS.GSU.EDU 404-413-2070
Center for Leadership in Disability
Learning & Tutoring Center, Perimeter College
PantherDining Meal Plans
Military Outreach
Multicultural Center
CLD.GSU.EDU 404-413-1289
MILITARY.GSU.EDU 404-413-2331
National Center for Sexual Violence Prevention NCSVP.GSU.EDU preventSV@gsu.edu
National Institute for Student Success NISS.GSU.EDU 404-413-2950
Naval ROTC NROTC.GSU.EDU 404-385-6307
New Student Orientation ORIENTATION.GSU.EDU 404-413-1580
Off-Campus Housing
Panther Involvement Network
PIN.GSU.EDU 404-413-1582
PantherDining DINING.GSU.EDU 404-413-0799
Parent & Family Programs PARENTS.GSU.EDU 404-413-1580
Parking & Transportation
PARKING.GSU.EDU 404 -413-9500
University Police SAFETY.GSU.EDU/POLICE 404-413-3333
Post Office and Mail Services
Recreational Services
Office of the Registrar REGISTRAR.GSU.EDU 404-413-2900
Scholarship Resource Center
Spotlight Programs Board
Student Civic Engagement
Student Government Association
Student Health Insurance
Student Media
Student Organizations
Student Success Programs
Student Victim Assistance VICTIMASSISTANCE.GSU.EDU 404-413-1965
Study Abroad Programs
Supplemental Instruction
Sustainability Initiatives
Instructional Innovation & Technology TECHNOLOGY.GSU.EDU 404-413-4357
University Library LIBRARY.GSU.EDU 404-413-2820
Vending Services SERVICES.GSU.EDU/VENDING-SERVICES 404-413-9500
Veterans Benefits & Programs
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