Georgia Tech Alumni Magazine Vol. 09, No. 08 1931

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Georgia, Tech Alumnus Volume




Number 8

Vote for National Officers Annual Meeting May 15--Gene Turner Letter--Alumni Mention Admiral Inspects Naval Unit - Quarter System for Co-ops - Schedules - Sports

Published Ri cftiltmiQ, Qa- by ike Q^QiionQl (Alumni (Association op Qeorgio School of ^technology. ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER MAR. 22, 1923, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT ATLANTA, GA., UNDER ACT OF MAR. 1. 1879



Greatest advance since, TALKIES came!!! Soon you will hear talking pictures made with all 3

trie n u m m m

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Western Electric NEW


Noiseless Recording

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Makers of your Hell Telephone and leaders in the development of sound transmission.

Georgia Tech Alumnus Published every month, except July and August, by the National Alumni Association, Georgia School of Technology

R. J. THIESEN, Editor J. P. INGLE, JR., Asst. Editor LOUIE BRINE, Assoc. Editor


E. L. DANIEL, Business Mgr. J. E. NASH, Asst. Bus. Mgr.


NATIONAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION EXECUTIVE BOARD President W. G. BRYANT, '18 Vice-President R. D. COLE, III, '22 .... Vice-President A. L. LOEB, '18 Treasurer G. T. MARCHMONT. '07 -..._ R. J. THIESEN, *10 Secretary


_ _

Board Board Board Board

Member Member Member Member

Office of Publication GEORGIA SCHOOL O F T E C H N O L O G Y ATLANTA, GA. Entered as second-class matter March 22, 1928, at the Postoffiee at Atlanta, Ga., under the Act of March 8, 1879.





As important business will be brought before t h e National Alumni Association on Friday night, M"ay 15th, all active alumni of Georgia Tech are requested to be present at the annual business meeting on the date stated at 8 :00 l\ M., in the Tech Y. M. C. A., corner North Avenue and Fowler Street.

Georgia and Tech will meet on May 15 and 16 in the last two games of their usually exciting four game baseball series. From the present prospects it looks as if the teams are about evenly matched, 'rickets for the last game on Saturday will be available at the meeting for the convenience of the alumni who may desire them at that time. The games will be played on Georgia Tech's Rose Howl Field. Last year, the January 1, 1929, Rose Bowl Game between Georgia Tech and California was shown after the meeting to two hundred or more of the alumni in attendance. Plans are being made at this time for the showing of the January 1, 1931, Alabama-Washington State Rose Howl Game or something equally as entertaining following the business session. In addition to the general meeting ami reports of officers, plans will be made for the fall Home Coming and Official Reunions of the classes of 1891, 1896, 1901, L906, 1911, 1916, 1921, 1926 and 1931. Members of the classes just before and after each of the foregoing will also make arrangements for their unofficial homecomings with those holding reunions. Due to the fact that Tech and Georgia play their football game in Athens this fall, a number of the alumni are proposing that the Home Coming this year be held on the day of the Tech-Florida game, November 21 ; some favor a, day on which Tech plays one of the other colleges. This and other important matters will be acted upon at the meeting.


Number 8


A maker of men, an exemplary sportsman, gentleman, scholar, churchman, and an honored opponent, are but words too brief to express the thoughts occasioned by the tragic passing of Knute Rockne, on the last day of March. An outstanding character and builder of character has gone on to the Valhalla of his Viking ancestors but his ideals and teachings will ever endure. It is significant to note that just four weeks before his death, Knute Rockne philosophized on life when riding from Atlanta to Miami in an airplane. During the ride some reference was made as to the possibility of an accident and Mr. L. W. Robert, Jr., trustee of Georgia Tech, his companion on the journey, states that Rockne replied: " I think each of us has a time to go and when that time comes, no matter where we are, it strikes. So I figure that it might as well be in a plane as anywhere else." Undaunted and fearless, Rockne was ready when his biggest game was called.

The thousands of tributes that

have been written and said in his honor have come from the hearts of all. Knute Rockne more than merited his honors and it is so fine to know that although he wore them with becoming modesty, they were liberally bestowed upon him during his life time.


All active alumni are requested to vote for National Officers for the year 1931V32 as shown on the following page of this issue. The results of the recent nominations with the names of the nominees are published in alphabetical order under the positions for which they received the greatest number of nominating votes; so consult the ticket now and mail in your votes promptly.





April, 1031

Vote For National Alumni Officers It is fine to note that a great amount of interest is taken in the annual voting as has been in evidence for the past number of years. Nominations came in from active alumni both in and outside of Atlanta and from as far as New York City. All of which shows that the affairs of the National Georgia Tech Alumni Association are growing bigger and better every day in every way, if you will pardon the paraphrase. Nominations closed on April first, following the issuance of the blanks as printed and mailed in the March Alumnus on March tenth. In a very fine spirit, Mr. J. Tyler Montague asked that his nomination be withdrawn as he is completing the 193031 term as president. He served capably and faithfully during a busy period which required a lot of his time. All of the nominees are representative alumni, active and loyal, well qualified for any office; however, it is desired that you vote on them and bring out the largest vote ever cast. Ballots are due in hy May 1st, as the final annual business meeting of the year 1930-31 will he held on May fifteenth as stated on the preceding page; so please submit vour votes at once on the following eligible alumni members, opposed or unopposed, as proposed on the consolidated nominations, alphabetically arranged, for the following offices: For President: Robert T. "Bobby" Tones, '22. For First Vice President: A. L. Loeh, '13; N. Baxter Maddox, '22. For Second Vice, President: W. G. Bryant, '18; Carl C. Sloan, '12; Jack Spalding, '11. For Treasurer: Ed. C. Liddell, '22. Class Secretaries: Geo. W. McCarty, '08; R. J. Thiesen, '10; M. A. Ferst, ' 1 1 ; M. S. Hill, Ml; A. R. Flowers, '22; Clyde M. Kennedy, '23; Herbert Hntton, '25; Gil-

bert Boggs, '27; Warner Mizell, '30. Others to be designated on your ballot. Brief summaries of the activities of your nominees are as follows: President: Robert T. "Bobby" Jones, M. E., '22. Firm member, Jones, Evins, Powers and Jones, Attorneys, Atlanta, Ga. First Vice President: A. L. Loeb, M. E., '13. Vice President Southern Bonded Warehouse Co., Atlanta, Ga. N. Baxter Maddox, '22. Stocks and Bonds, First National Bank, Atlanta, Ga. Second Vice President: W. G. Bryant, '18. Engineer, Southern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co., Atlanta, Ga. Carl C. Sloan, E. E., '12. Division Supervisor, Southern Bell, Nashville, Tenn. Jack J. Spalding, M. E., Ml. Manufacturers' Agent, New York, N. Y. Treasurer: Ed. C. Liddell, B. C. S., '22, Beer and Company, Brokers, Atlanta, Ga. As stated in the opening paragraphs, all of the foregoing are exceptional men, so KTNDLY VOTE ON THEM NOW and SEND TN YOUR BALLOT BELOW AT ONCE—THANKS.

COACHES ALEXANDER AND CANNON ATTEND ROCKNE RITES TKad Coach Alexander and Jack Cannon, line coach, were official representatives of Georgia Tech at the funeral ican guard of Notre Dame. Coach Alexander, one of the honorary pallbearers, has been closely associated with Rockne in competition and on the national football coaches' committee and AH American Board. Cannon is one of Rockne's "boys", and All American guard of Notre Dame.

Fill Out the Ballot and Mail It to the Secretary, National Alumni Association, Georgia School of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia. ALL ACTIVE MEMBERS ARE REQUESTED TO BALLOT AT ONCE I hereby vote for the following as National Alumni Officers for the year 1931-'32: For President For 1st Vice-President For 2nd Vice-President For Treasurer For Class Secretary



Ballots due in by May 1st.


Volume IX



GENE TURNER REPORT LETTER To tell you that our membership campaign, which 1 referred to last time, came at a time of depression, will not be news, because you have a depression in the United States, and know also that it is world-wide in scope. Here, however, it pinches more viciously, because of long civil war, happily now over, and banditry in large areas. Prudence counselled delay, but since there is never a good campaign time, and needs were pressing, our committee voted to begin. Seventy-five workers were ready, and pledged to work. Their first discovery was that the salaries of many teachers and other government workers had not been paid for two to three months. An emergency meeting of the committee decided to extend the time over another pay day, and urged every team member to redoubled efforts. In the meantime, there came a pledge of $300.00 from President Chiang Kai-shek, in appreciation of work of the Association among wounded soldiers. When the end came, we had passed our goal of 600 members by twenty-four, and our cash goal of $3,000.00 by $302.00. Counting pledges, we are assured of over $4,000.00. That will not seem much, perhaps, but for its real significance, let it be coupled with these facts: Added to regular income, it will meet the needs of the year ahead; our remaining debt, a hold-over from the regimen of the communists here, is cleared; and here let me indent for emphasis, eighty-seven per cent of the leaders, all Chinese, of course, were non-Christians, and yet it was their sense of responsibility and concern for the success of the campaign, which drove it through. None of us feel that the deliberate, thoughtful decision of President Chiang Kai-shek to become a Christian will bring a land-slide toward Christianity, but we are sure that the Association, through its ability to command the support and loyalty of hundreds of non-Christian friends in the cities of China is preparing the soil and actually introducing Christian ideals of service and life into the habits and thought of the people and that these ideals will bear fruit increasingly. Here are some somber facts for China. Silver, the basis of her currency, has gone to a new low level, and her merchants now have to pay more than $4.60 for U. S. $1.00 in imports, which normally would cost $2.00. To this must be added Pacific and domestic freight and duty. Duty has recently run a dizzy course, rising from slightly under 5 per cent a few years ago to a highly protective basis, with woolens, e. g., at 35 percent, foreign foodstuffs generally about 30 per cent. Cigarettes now pay fourteen times their former low, while bulk whiskey is taxed at 50 per cent ad valorem. The lot of the boozer is truly deplorable! Let me give you something more cheerful: At the end of our board meeting on Dec. 22d, I was asked to leave the room. Later I clicked chop sticks with the board members at a Chinese supper, but no word of the after-meeting was spoken. After dinner, when I started home, the Chi-



BOB JONES PRESENTED WITH REPLICA OF BRITISH AMATEUR CUP Bobby Jones, B. S. in E. E., -22, has received a unique distinction at the hands of the Royal and Ancient Golf Club, of St. Andrews, Fife. A copy of the British amateur golf trophy, done in silver and slightly smaller in size, bearing the same inscriptions as the original, has been received at Bobby's home. On the cup is added the following expression: To Robert Tyre Jones Golfer matchless in skill and chivalrous in spirit from some fellow members of the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews. Those words, deft and gentle, convey the deep attachment that has grown up among British golfers for Bobby Jones since he first began play in British tournaments in 1921 at the age of 19. The gesture commemorates Bobby's first and only victory in the British amateur championship, May 31, 1930, at St. Andrews. That triumph started him on his amazing run of four championships—the British amateur, the British open, the American open and the American amateur. It was the one trophy that had eluded him in two previous attempts. The trophy is Bobby's permanent possession. It represents one of his most dearly desired objectives. And it presents in the wider sense the admiration and affection of a nation of golfers, significant of the international good will Jones promoted by his golfing skill and charm of manner. nese associate secretary fell into step with me. This was not unusual, but when he came to his "turning-ofi'" place, he continued on with me, and asked if I thought Mrs. Turner would still be up. I assured him that I thought she would be. Soon after we arrived, he told Mrs. Turner that the members of the board had presented her with a fur coat and lining, too late to have it for Christmas, but in time, they hoped, for the New Year. There was nothing to do but accept, though, in true Chinese style, and inward happiness, because of what it indicated, we demurred at their generosity, went the next day, with their representative, chose the fur and lining, left them at a tailor's and the coat was ready for New Year's day. Our family has grown, since my last letter, by the coming of a thirteen year old nephew, the age of our older boy. He has become one of us, will live with us, and share what we have. With three boys to grow up with, friends whose loyalty is time and distance proof, work which stimulates to best effort and faith in the future, we feel possessed of the secret of happiness. May this year ahead bring good fortune to all of you. As ever yours, (Signed) 'Gene Turner.




QUARTER SYSTEM FOR CO-OPS On June 4, 1931, the present co-operative system for engineering students will be changed to one run on the quarter basis. In the new system the men will study three months and then work three months, while under the present system they study one month and work one month. It will be run on the same schedule that the Commerce co-ops are now using. The system was passed February 26, and will become effective in June with the following schedule for all Coops: First Term Registration Bay for Section I—July 6th, 1981. Registration Bay for Section II—September 28, 1931. I—From J u ly 6th to September 26th, Section I will be in college while Section I I will be at work. 2 From September 28th to Becember 19th, the sections will change places—Section I being at work while Section I I is in college. 3—From December 21st to Becember 28th, Section 1 will be at work while Section 11 is on vacation. 4—From Becember 28th to January 2nd, Section 1 will be on vacation and Section I I will be at work. Second Term Registration Bay for Section I—January 4th, 1932. Registration Bay for Section II—March 21st, 1932. I—From January 4th to March 19th, Section I will be in college while Section I I is at work. 2—From March 21st to June 4th, the first section will be at work, and the second section will be in college. 3—From June 6th to June 20th, Section 1 will be at work while Section II will be on vacation. 4 From June 20th to July 4th, Section I will be on vacation while Section I I is at work. UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE DEBATE WON BY TECH Driving home the dire need of the United States for a constructive plan to combat its present grave unemployment crisis with attendant crime and distress, and citing the prominent example of nineteen foreign countries that have adopted unemployment insurance as a means of meeting this economic evil, the Tech debaters, Furman Smith and Russell Brooke, won a three-point decision over the invading team of the University of North Carolina. The North Carolina debaters, E. E. Fricson and J. M. Baley, upheld the negative side of the question: Resolved that the several states should enact legislation providing for compulsory unemployment insurance. Dr. M. L. Brittain presided, and reiterated his favorable opinion of this forensic sport. The judges were Br. Philip Bavidson, Bept. of History of Agnes Scott College, Br. C. B. Gosnell, Professor of Government and Politics at Emory University, and Br. B. Witherspoon Dodge, pastor of the Congregational church.

April, 1931



Five men of the 2,355 students enrolled at Georgia Tech were found to have made the coveted average of "all A's," when the grade for the first semester of the school year were checked over by the registrar's office. The five students so honored are: C. M. Witcher, a freshman in the engineering department; Edward Smith, a freshman in the commerce course; Ivan Allen, a sophomore in the commerce course; F. T. Meiere, sophomore in engineering; and B. L. Mattingly, a freshman in the engineering department. In no wise discounting the splendid scholarship of the other four, Tech authorities feel pardonable pride in the achievement of young Witcher, who has been totally blind since early infancy. Robbed of sight, he goes about the Tech campus in the dark, having absolutely the status of any other student. He does all the required work in a thoroughly scholastic manner, and does it so well that he has forged ahead to be a scholastic leader of nearly twenty-five hundred boys. Of the list of five super-honor students it is interesting to note that they all claim the city of Atlanta as their home town. Of the five, three are freshmen, the other two being sophomores. Neither the Junior nor the Senior class is represented on the star honor roll, although an exceptionally good record on the part of Harold Breedlove, a senior in Mechanical Engineering was revealed by R. S. King, head of the department, who stated that Breedlove had the highest average grade for the past three years of any senior in the school. COMMERCE NIGHT SCHOOL OFFERS NEW COURSES The Georgia Tech Evening School of"Commerce announced recently that with the beginning of the new term, twelve new courses are offered in this department. The new courses as outlined at the present time will concern interesting and varied subjects. Two of the most interesting, perhaps, will be radio advertising and writing for profit. The course in radio advertising is offered by only one other school in the United States, New York University. The other unique course, writing for profit, is not taught at any other school in the South. This is taught by Professor George W. Sparks.


Dinners and

Dean Hill, Secretary 2 Park Avenue, New York City Phone, Ashland 4-0730



Volume I X


MARRIAGES A N D E N G A G E M E N T S Bass-ScheU An .announcement of widespread interest is that made recently by Dr. and Mrs. G. E. Byers, of the marriage of their sister, Minnie Burden, to Mr. William L. Schell. Mr. Schell was in the commerce class of 1922. Oray-Rusiin Mr. and Mrs. J . Lanier Gray of Gastonia, N. C , announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Shepherd, to William Carl Eustin, the wedding to take place on April 22. Mr. Eustin is a graduate of the class of '26 in General Science. Hunt Northen Mr. and Mrs. Russel H u n t , of Birmingham, Ala., announce the engagement of their daughter, Jennie Hood, to Charles Swift Northen, the marriage to take place in J u n e . Mr. Northen received his B. S. in T. E. in the class of 1924. Lile-Jones The engagement of Miss Dorothy Arnold Lilc to Mr. Carl L. Jones of Valdosta was recently announced by the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Lile. Mr. Jones received his B. S. in M. E. in 1930. Kaplan-Turner A marriage of recent interest was that of Miss Ruth Kaplan to Mr. Nathan Turner, which was solemnized on March 22 in Omaha, Nebraska. Mr. Turner is a graduate of the class of 1925 in textile engineering. Little-Baker Mrs. William Jacob Little, of Macon, announced the engagement of her daughter, Elizabeth, to Mr. George Dallas Baker, of Old Hickory, Tenn., the marriage to be solemnized on May 12. Mr. Baker graduated in the class of '27 in textile engineering. Neal-Harwell An announcement of widespread interest is that made recently by Mrs. Cornelia Mayfield Neal, of the engagement of her duaghter, Rose Ann, to Ernest W. Harwell of Memphis. Mr. Harwell was in the electrical engineering class of '19. Pills b ury- To mpkins Mr. and Mrs. Rose S. Pillsbury announce the engagement of their daughter, Martha Harriet, to Raymond I. Tompkins, the marriage to be solemnized this spring. Mr. Tompkins was an E. E. student in the class of 1927. DEATH Alumni and friends of Arthur J . Booker will regret to hear that he met instant death in an automobile accident near West Point, Ga., his home. Mr. Booker was a member of the class of ' 2 1 .




Carl V. Cesery, who attended Tech for a year with the class of ' 3 1 , is seeking a place on the Jacksonville, Fla., city council, subject to the April 21 primary election. Cesery, the youngest of the city council candidates, has demonstrated his civic interest by work on the Junior Chamber of Commerce, Little Theater, and other civic a Hairs. James H . Conley, J r . , B . 8. in C. E., '30, has become associated with the Cyclone Fence Company, with offices in Birmingham, Ala. James E. Davenport, B. S. in M. E. & E. E., '08, now living in New York City, and formerly of Atlanta, has been appointed assistant to vice-president E. D. Starbuck of the New York Central Railroad. Mr. Davenport was also recently elected vice-president of the New York City Georgia Tech Alumni Club. Carl L. Jones, B. S. in M. E., '30, is now at the Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburg, Pa., where he is serving as instructor in Mechanical Engineering, Panchen Moore, B. S. in E. IE, "25, is novy connected with the Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company, in Newport News, Va. William A. Talbert, Gen. Science, '30, has recently become associated with the Vacuum Oil Company, No. 6 Faharia Nuber Pacha, at Cairo, Egypt. W. A. Teasley, of the class of '13, is now a Lieutenant Commander in the U. S. Navy. Joe Westbrook, B. S. in Comm., '29, and star football guard on the National Championship team of 1928, is now connected with Martin-Cadillac Company, of Atlanta, in the Used Car Department. BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Engel, of New York City, announce the birth of a son, Arthur Benjamin, Jr., March 1st. Mr. Engel graduated with a degree of B. S. in E. E. in 1923. ADMIRAL I N S P E C T S N A V A L U N I T Admiral R. E. Coontz, retired United States naval war veteran, inspected and reviewed the Georgia Tech Navy R. 0 . T. C. unit Tuesday, March 17th. Admiral Coontz came to Atlanta as junior vice commander in chief of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, and while here was was entertained by Atlanta Post, No. 390. A parade and review of the naval unit was held at 11 o'clock on the football field inside the Tech stadium. Admiral Coontz was accompanied by Dr. Brittain during his brief stay at Tech. He expressed himself as being well pleased with the fine showing made by the naval unit.




DODD REPORTS AS BAOKFIELD COACH The arrival of Bobby Dodd, the south's premier quarterback for the past three seasons, filled the last gap in the Jacket football coaching staff. Dodd's pleasing personality and likable countenance quickly won over the entire squad's friendship on his first appearance. Dodd, who was a few weeks late to spring practice, on account of being such a necessary part of Tennessee's quintet, has now assumed his duties as official back-field coach of Georgia Tech. Judging from hie actions he is not particularly torn up about leaving school and taking up a profession, as coaching must certainly be called in these days of highly trained athletic teams. He made himself popular at once by his hearty and friendly attitude. Yes, Bobby believes in beginning in the right way. He shook hands with every player present, Coach Alex making the introductions, and say what you please, a fellow like this is bound to be well liked by everybody. Dodd has just closed one of the most colorful careers ever made by a southern athlete. In his one year on the freshman team and three years on the varsity at Tennessee, he suffered only one defeat, and that was at the hands of Alabama's great team of last fall. He also played four years of basketball and was an excellent center. Dodd has been unofficially declared the South's all-time finest quarter-back; he was one of the greatest forward passers ever to hurl the oval in this section of the country; well to voice these sentiments of the south in one sentence, he was one of the coolest, flashiest, smartest, and best quarter-backs ever produced in Dixie. With his vast knowledge and experience in the old game, and with his extremely likable personality, Bobby is bound to make Tech a valuable and very capable back-field coach. RIFLE TEAM LEADS AREA The Georgia Tech Rifle Team has started its season off in a most successful fashion by making the highest average in the Fourth Corps Area Gallery Competition Match which has just recently been completed. This match was divided into two divisions, Senior and Junior, which included all of the colleges, prep schools, and high schools that were eligible to fire. The Tech Rifle Team made the exceptional high average of 3618 and has been designated to represent the Fourth Corps Area in the National Intercollegiate Match which is to be fired sometime before April 16th. Following is a portion of the order sent to the Commandant by the Headquarters of the Fourth Corps Area: "The gallery rifle team of your institution has been designated to represent this corps area in the National Intercollegiate Match, 1931." As in previous years the Tech Rifle Team is to fire in the Hearst Trophy Match which must be completed before April 10th. Judging by the results of the Gallery Competition Match, the Army Department will probably have another Hearst Trophy to add to their already sizeable collection of similar awards.


April, 1931

COMMITTEE NAMED FOR STUDENT ASSOCIATE PLAN Dr. M. L. Brittain, president of the Georgia School of Technology, recently announced through the Savannah Chamber of Commerce, the personnel of a committee from the faculty which will take immediate charge of going forward with a student associate plan recently inaugurated by the Savannah Chamber of Commerce. The committee is as follows: Dr. A. V. Henry, head of the ceramic department; Professor J. E. McDaniel, head of the co-operative department, and George Griffin, personnel man of the institution. Dr. Brittain advised that the committee would like to have a visit from a representative of the Chamber of Commerce and has written a letter to E. George Butler, in charge of associate membership activities, asking that such a visit be made. Mr. Butler is a prominent member of the class of 1907.

BASKETBALL LEAGUE PROPOSED The formation of the Southern Inter-col leg iate basket ball league comprising eight teams and filling a long-felt need in the cage circles of this section has been effected by a group of eight coaches and now awaits only the formal ratification of the faculties and athletic boards of the institutions concerned, before beginning preparations for the first season next year. The schools to be included in the new league are Alabama, Auburn, Florida, Georgia, Georgia Tech, Kentucky, Tennessee and and the season will consist of at least ten games and not more than fourteen, no team meeting any other team more than twice and each team meeting all the rest at least once within two years. The latter clanse was inserted in case some schools decide to Live only ten games per year, that is, two games with five teams, which might be the same five teams each year, thus two teams which they would not have played. Te originator and prime organizer of the new league is Roy Mundorff, far-seeing coach of the Tech basket ball team, who was prompted by the motives set forth in the following tentative preamble to the constitution: "To further the interests of basket ball in the south, to place the game on a higher level, to equalize competition among schools so situated geographically as to afford a convenient playing schedule, this organization of a basket ball league is effected." Under the present plans, the officials and the official scorers are to be selected by mutual consent from an accredited list. One annual business meeting will be held each year at the time of the annual S. I. C. meetings. The president of the league is to be a member of the faculty from one of the schools included in the league. The circuit will be governed by a board of directors made up of one member from each school and the southern conference rules will govern the eligibility of the players.

Volume IX





Georgia Tech Annual Wins "AlFAmerican" First Pri^e

Silver cup awarded to the "Blue Print" of Georgia Tech in the 1930 National Yearbook Contest. Fritz Roberts, Editor, and Bob Frederick, Business Mgr., in inserts. "For the first time in many moons, a Southern Yearbook FROSH NINE PROGRESSING UNDER DODD has won the coveted honor of "All-American" in the NaThe freshman baseball team has been progressing untional 'Yearbook Contest, sponsored by the National Scho- der the capable and directing hands of Coach Dodd. The team is looking exceptionally well, with about twenty-five lastic Press Association of Minneapolis. But how they did win last year! The Blue Print of men reporting to practice at the Rose Bowl field at twoGeorgia Tech copped the honor in the Men's College Di- thirty o'clock every day. Coach Dodd has a very fine pitching stall composed of vision, and just to prove that Southern Co-eds are as talthe following men: Crum, Sanford, McGarrity, Milligan, ented and versatile as their boy friends, Florida State .lolly and Lacky. College for Women took the grand sweepstakes in the WoThe infield is well cared for by Pool, Brady, Harden, man's College class. As a fitting monument to their effort, each staff re- Hunt, Paris, Maffet and Clark. In the outfield there is such heavy hitters as: Fergurson, ceived a beautiful, modernistic, silver loving cup, standing more than forty inches high. The cups, in a colonial sil- Rudd, Hammond, Powell, Wissler and Romellette. Behind the home-plate there are Laws, Quillian, Johnver finish, are expressively trimmed in jade Karolith stone, son and Enslow. and handsomely engraved with the name of the school, The schedule for the frosh nine will consist of twelve name and date of the yearbook, and the individual names games in all. The games will be as follows: of the editor and manager. Auburn1—four games. The Blue Print shared honors in the boys' school diviFederal Pen—two games. sion with Notre Dame, Stanford University and Texas A. Georgia—two games. & M. College, heading the list, however, of these schools, Lanier High—one game. with a total score of 900. Monroe A. & M.—one game. Frederic Roberts, better known as "Fritz," whose home town is Nashville, Tennessee, was the talented editor of The other games will be announced later. the Blue Print. Robert Frederick, who hails from Read- tribute to a well deserving editorial stall' and is an eviing, Pennsylvania, was the manager who saw to it that dence that Georgia Tech emphasizes all phases of upbuild"Fritz" didn't have to skimp on finances. ing student activity. We can but add our sincerest conThe foregoing article quoted in full from the South- gratulations and best wishes to the coming boards for conwestern Photo Process Company of Atlanta is a flattering tinued success.





April, 1931



Tech ended another successful boxing season on March 14, as two champions repeated in their classes, one relinquished his title, and six new champions were crowned in the final round of the annual tournament. The whole show was run off in a quick efficient manner that docs credit to the managing of Mike Chambers. The new champs are J. D. Lackey and J. Q. Adams in the heavy and light-heavy weight classes. Lackey rushed and slugged his way to a decision over Ben Cherry in a battle that was replete with thrills. Cherry seemed to be the better boxer as far as scientific knowledge of the game is concerned, but he did not get much chance to use his ability, as he was keeping covered up most of the time trying to ward off Lackey's fierce rushes. Lackey was always on the offensive, Cherry seemed to be waiting for him to tire, but it was a vain hope as the big freshman was still pumping hard rights and lefts to the side of Ben's head when the fight ended.

Crossed up by a forward pass over the left side of the line for a point after touchdown—a play termed illegal by the Alexander-Cannon faction under the rules existing for the day—the Neblettonians headed by the above pair, lost by 7-6 to the ColVmianl, who were directed by Tharpe and Dodd, in the regular practice game held Sa tun I ay, March 2 1st, bo wind up the six weeks of spring grid training at the Flats. Beginning the contest a little behind scheduled time, and despite the inundated field and the cold, raw rain and a wind that chilled to the marrow, the Alexander-Cannon team swept to a touchdown early in the first period, but McArthur's attempt at placekick failed. The 6-0 lead of the Neblett crowd appeared immense with the field in the condition it was and the players sliding four and five yards on their midriffs every time they hit the ground, so that sympathizers with the lads who wore the golden jersies settled back with a feeling of safety.

Quint Adams disposed of Joe Singleton in a businesslike manner in one of the best bouts of the evening. Both boys were good fighters and looked more like 'professionals than college boys. Adams by more endurance and a steadier pace came out on top. .1 £ Tech should ever have intercollegiate boxing this boy should bring some laurels to the old institute. Max Morris, Southeastern A. A.' U. middleweight champion, defeated Hungerford in a one-sided match that was featured only by the latter's courage. He was no match for the steady Morris, who is a finished boxer as collegiate boxers go. The only knockout of the evening was a technical one. Elmo Freyer was declared champion of the middleweight class, when his furious battle with Berlin was stopped in the third round. Berlin had gone down several times, but had staggered back to his feet and kept going in the hope of lasting to the end. However, Referee JJunlap stopped hostilities when it became evident that Berlin had no chance and could do nothing but take punishment.

And for the second quarter as the ball was switched back and forth, both teams failing to do much through the line and both kickers1—who at that time were McArthur and Galloway—getting off surprisingly good punts, their assurance seemed justified. But the Colvinians began a drive quite early in the third quarter which in effectiveness and smoothness of execution was well worthy of a dry field and a game of much greater importance. After an exchange of punts had given them the ball on their own 45-yard line, they launched a determined offensive. Black hit right tackle for 2 yards. Hart pushed the left side for two more and on the next play one of the goldcn-jersied players was off side, and the Colvins gained a first down, giving them the ball on the Gold's 45-yard line. Hart failed at the line, then dropped back and tossed a pass over.the right side of the line, which Casey Jones gathered in for a 21-yard gain, which gave the Colvins, or Whites, the ball on the Gold's 24-yard line.

The Thompson boys strode different paths this time. Jim managed to retain his title over Rip Hardeman in probably the closest bout of the evening. Blev Thompson, however, produced the big upset of the evening when he lost a quite evident decision to Hearne. The blond lad showed more ability and aggressiveness than he has ever shown before, and about the middle of the second round the effects began to show on the heavier member of the firm of Thompson and Thompson. He staged a rally in the last round and got in some terrific blows, but the fair-haired lad kept coming and gained a well-earned victory. The other two bouts were both close. McNichols retained his crown in the 115 pound class by a decision over Owens, due probably to his being in better condition. They started so fast that both were exhausted by the end of the

Then Hart punched through for 4 yards, following which Black cut off left tackle behind a screen of interference, broke into the open and legged it for a touchdown, tying the score; This was followed by the disputed pass for the point after—Black to Hart—when the Golden team was closely bunched for wild charge through to block an expected placekick. That won the game. All scoring attempts by the Golds thereafter were promptly nullified by the victory-mad

Whites. first round and it seemed to be merely a question of which one could keep his arms moving the fastest. In the first bout of the night, Scortas lost to Norton after a hard fight. He had been sick for several days, and Ids right arm was more or less useless, but he kept gamely on and gave the victor some marks to show that he had been in a fight.


Volume IX




TECH SWIMMERS WIN NINTH CONSECUTIVE S. I. C. MEET Paced by young Ish Williams, free-style ace, Georgia Tech's swimming team held their state tank title for the third straight year, repulsing the threats of Georgia and Emory decisively. The Jackets scored 46 points to 23 counted by Georgia and 16 by Emory. Williams flashed to a new southern intercollegiate record in the 100-yard free-style event, crossing the finish line in 55.2 seconds. Amassing 12 points with his record swim, a victory in the 220-yard free-style and a share in Tech's winning relay race, Williams also topped the night's scorers. Losing only one of the eight first places and gaining their shares of second and third places the Jackets swimmers kept up their undefeated pace when they defeated their old rivals the Georgia Bulldogs by the score of 47 to 19 at the A. A. 0. pool. The 100 yard dash went to the Bulldogs when Hodgson beat the Jackets in 59 seconds flat. Stover was the Jackets' big gun-with a first place in the 50 yard free-style and the diving. He was also on the winning relay team. The University of Florida was the next victim of the Jacket tankmen when they were defeated by a score of 44 to 31. Five new S. I. C. records were set during the meet by the victorious Techmen. Florida got off to a good start by winning the 200 yard relay and thereby getting four points up on the Jackets. The lead was short lived, however, for Tech won the next five events. In the 200 yard breast stroke event the home team took first and second place. Ingle came in in two minutes, 53.1 seconds, setting a new S. I. C. record. Brown was second. Ish Williams came to the spotlight in the 50 yard free style by making it in 24 seconds flat and setting another S. I. C. record. In the 100 yard free style Williams broke the record he made in the State Meet of 55.2 seconds. His new mark was 54.3 seconds. Stover came in third in the 50 yard and Ingle was number three in the 100 yard. Still another record was broken by Charlie Wagner in

the 150 yard back stroke. Wagner was in the lead from the start and gained ground on each turn. His time was 1 minute, 15.4 seconds. Ed Fain won the 220 yard free style with a time of 2 minutes and 35 seconds. The 300 yard medley brought the meet to a dramatic close. Tech gained with each style stroke and at the finish Williams came in with a good 80 ft. lead. The time was 3 minutes and 22 seconds; 19 seconds better than the previous S. I. C. record. The Tech swimmers paddled to their ninth conference swimming title when they ran up 53 points to 26 points for Georgia, the Jackets' nearest competitor. Tech got away to a swirling start and their tankmen kept, piling up points until they had the meet won. The Jackets won first places in the 200-yard breast stroke, the 220 free style, the 440 free style, the 150 backstroke, the fancy diving, the 300-yard medley relay. These six first places of the nine events gave the Jackets a margin of victory that was amply supplemented by places in several other events. , The Tech swimmers had style and speed, and clearly demonstrated their superiority over the other teams in the meet. Stover, Patton, Wagner, Brown and Fain, the Jacket first-place winners, showed speed in the dashes and the endurance in the longer races that carried the Jacket colors to victory through the whirling waters of the Atlanta Athletic Club Pool. ' Wil/iams Stars at National Meeet "Ish" Williams, sophomore flash, was barely nosed out in the 50 yard free-style at the national intercollegiate meet held in Chicago on March 27, by Scherer, the record holder for that swim. In addition to the second place in the 50 yard event, Williams placed third in the 100 yard swim to bring his total number of points for the night up to five. Williams has two more years at Tech and should prove to be good material for the next Olympic tryouts if he can keep up the pace he is setting now.

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April, 193i



Captain Henry W. Robinson, popular end coach at Georgia Tech, will again be in charge of the flankmen when September 1 and fall practice of the 1931 season rolls around, it was learned upon the receipt by him of an extension of his leave for another year. Robinson has for several years handled the Jacket flankmen, turning out, during this time, a large number of stars. For this reason the Tech authorities were very anxious for him to obtain a year's extension of time, his regular four-year assignment at Tech expiring prior to next football season. Robinson gained his football experience at Auburn, where a number of years ago he was one of the outstanding ends of the south. A keen student of football he has closely studied the varying styles of end play and out of these formed an individual system of instruction from whirh Tech football players have greatly profited.

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Ga .

Georgia Tech's Lacrosse team will open a schedule of six meets on April 1G when they go up against the University of Virginia team, at Charlottesville. Immediately following that meet they will go to Annapolis, Maryland, where they will meet the Navy on April 18 and St. John's on April 20. A four-game home-and-home series will be played with the University of Georgia. The Tech Lacrosse team will again be under the able and directing hands of Dr. J. B. Crenshaw, who is expected to be assisted by Kenneth Thrash, a former star player. Doctor Crenshaw has 45 men out for the varsity and 40 for the frosh team. The varsity is rounding into great shape, having already scrimmaged several times. Doctor Crenshaw says that the prospects are Jhe best in years, that the men are taking more interest and are reporting to practice daily. The schedule is as follows: April 18—Navy, at Annapolis. April 20—St. John's at Annapolis. April 24-25—Georgia, in Athens. May 21—Virginia, in Atlanta. May 8-9—Georgia, in Atlanta.


'West Point* Georgia



and I*nblie


Volume IX




BASKETBALL TEAM RECEIVES LETTERS Eight letters have been announced by Coach Roy Mundorff, coach of the jacket basketball squad. The men to receive the awards were: Captain "Ginny" Wages, Tom Jones, Ted Raines, Bill Perkins, Hugh Gooding, Ed Herron, Roy McArthur and "Pup" Phillips. A great nucleus for the 1931 squad will return and Coach MundorfT is expecting a representative team. Captain Wages and Jones will be the major losses, but Coach Mundorff is expecting good replacements from the reserves and freshmen. The Tech basketball squad will follow the policy of the 1931 football squad in regard to not electing a captain for the 1932 season. A leader probably will be appointed for each game as an experiment with a system which has been found satisfactory at other schools.

Apr. Apr. Apr. May May May

SCHEDULE OF EVENTS FOR 1931 TRACK 11 North Carolina in Atlanta. 18 • Clemson at Clemson. 25 Amateur Athletic Union in Atlanta. 2 Georgia in Atlanta. 9 Auburn at Auburn. 15-16 Southern Conference Meet in Birmingham.



Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May May May May

10-11 Mercer at Macon. 13-14 Florida at Gainesville. 17-18 Oglethorpe in Atlanta. 20-21 Mercer in Atlanta. 22-23 Florida in Atlanta. 24-25 Auburn in Atlanta. 1-2 Georgia in Athens. 8-9 Oglethorpe at Oglethorpe. 11-12 Auburn at Auburn. 15-16 Georgia in Atlanta. FOOTBALL

Oct. 3 Oct. 10 Oct. 17 Oct. 24 Oct. 31 Nov. 7 Nov. 14 Nov. 21 Nov. 28

South Carolina in Atlanta. Carnegie Tech in Atlanta. Auburn in Atlanta. Tulane in New Orleans. Vanderbilt in Atlanta. North Carolina in Atlanta. Pennsylvania in Philadelphia Florida in Atlanta. Georgia in Athens.


Georgia School of Technology "A TECHNICAL SCHOOL WITH A NATIONAL REPUTATION" THE GEORGIA SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY offers to young men of ability and ambition a training which will fit them for positions of responsibility and power. The national reputation of this institution is based not on claims, but on results. record being made by its alumni in the productive work of the world.

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DIRECTORY SUPPLEMENT 1897 Henderson, A. D.—Henderson Foundry and Machine Works, Hampton, Ga. 1898 Meador, Thos. Dent—Meador Const. Co., Eng'rs and Contractors, Atlanta, Ga. 1916 Schlesinger, A. L.—Pres., The United Manufacturing Co., 200 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. 1920 Wheeler, M. L., B. S. in C. E.—United Verde Copper Co., Clarkdale, Ariz;. 1921 Mew, G. H.—Treasurer, Emory University, Emory, Ga. 1922 Young, R. C , B. S. in E. E.—Dist. Mgr., Kuhlman Electric Co., 305 Bona Allen Bldg., Atlanta, Ga.

1925 Glass, Herman Alton, B. S. in M. E . —

Otis Elevator Company, 775 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Law, E. Mclvor, B. S. in E. E . — 3 5 6

Malaga Ave., Coral Gables, Fla. Wilson, Norville E.„ B. S. in C. E . ~

Asst. Engr. A. B. & C. Railroad, 710 Henry Grady Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. 1926 Wilson, James B., B. S. in C.

April, 1931 1930 Conley, James H., Jr., B. S. in C. E.

—Cyclone Fence Co., 1205 Martin Bldg., Birmingham, Ala. Johnson, Casper, Jr., B. S. in M. E . —

2865 Andrews Drive, Atlanta, Ga. Jones, Carl L„ B. S. in M. E.—Instructor, Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh, Pa.


Asst. Engr. A. B. & C. Railroad, 710 Henry Grady Bldg., Atlanta, Ga.


1928 Atwater, Montgomery, B. S. in Arch.

—Draughtsman, 1671 S. W. 15th St., Miami, Fla. Tracy, E. Jack—Asst. to Vice Pres., Mack Truck Co., Atlanta, Ga. 1929 Jenkins, Roland H„ B. S. in M, E . —

Andrews, S. C.

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