MarchApril 1934
Vol. Xll-No. 4
Fronf View of the Electrical Engineering
Pure as Sunlight
The proof of its purity is in the t e s t i n g . Twenty-two scientific tests for purity, covering every step in its preparation, safeguard this drink of n a t u r a l f l a v o r s .
9 MILLION a day
Coca-Cola Co., Atlanta, Ga.
T E C H Y. M. C. A.
W H I T E and GOLD LAUNDRY and C L E A N E R S P H O N E H E M L O C K 8740
A BETTER POSITION YOU CAN GET IT Hundreds of teachers, students and college graduates will earn two hundred dollars or more this summer. SO CAN YOU. Hundreds of others will secure a better position and a larger salary for next year. YOU CAN BE ONE OF THEM. Complete information and helpful suggestions will be mailed on receipt of a three-cent stamp.
Denver, Colo.
Covers the ENTIRE United States School Officials! You may wire us your vacancies at our expense, if speed is urgent. You will receive complete, free confidential reports by air mail within 36 hours.
146 Marietta Street
• 52
March-April, 1934
SERVICE in even/ field. APPRAISALS- DESIGNING = SUPERVISING CONSULTING We render to our clients a complete architectural and engineering service under one control, with specialized departments for handling Architectural, Structural, Mechanical, Industrial, Textile, Electrical and Municipal Engineering Problems.
L. F . K E N T , '20, P r e s . & Gen. Mgr. G. R. CARY, *Z4, Engineer
&nqineercs •* W
. /
Heating, Ventilating and Cooling Systems for Residences, Schools, Churches and Theatres Designed, Manufactured and Installed Equipment Furnished for U s i n g Coal, Natural Gas or Oil Complete Engineering Service
Special Heavy Duty Heating Unit for Schools, Churches and Theatres.
Installations in All Southern States
Georgia School of Technology "cA technical School with cA Motional imputation" T H E GEORGIA SCHOOL O F T E C H N O L O G Y offers to young men of ability and ambition a training which will fit them for positions of responsibility and power. The national reputation of this institution is based not on claims, but on results. Its greatest asset is the record being made by its alumni in the productive work of the world. Complete courses in MECHANICAL, E L E C T R I C A L , CIVIL, CHEMICAL, T E X T I L E , GENERAL and CERAMIC E N G I N E E R I N G , A R C H I T E C T U R E , A E R O N A U T I C A L E N G I N E E R I N G AND GENERAL SCIENCE. COAST A R T I L L E R Y , SIGNAL CORPS, INFANTRY, ORDNANCE, S E A M A N S H I P AND NAVIGAT I O N U N I T S OF T H E U. S. ARMY AND T H E U. S. NAVY R. O. T. C.
For Further Information,
THE REGISTRAR Georgia School of Technology ATLANTA, GEORGIA
Annual Business Meeting Plans THE
GEORGIA TECH ALUMNUS Published every other month during the college year by the National Alumni Association of the Georgia School of Technology.
R. J. THIESEN, Editor RAY MILLER, Business Mgr.—M. G. REISER, Asst. Editor
GEORGIA SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY ATLANTA, GA. ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER MARCH 22, 1923, at the Post Office at Atlanta, Ga., under the Act of March 8, 1879.
Vol. XII
March-April, 1934
No. 4
President ...Vice-President ..Vice-President Treasurer ..Exec. Secretary Board Member Board Member -Board Member ...Board Member
Constructive Vote New
for National
Successful Important Prominently
Officers Construction
Meetings New
In order to combine alumni activities with the spring exercises at Georgia Tech, it has again been proposed that the date of the annual business meeting of the National Georgia Tech Alumni Association be set to conform with the time of Honor Hay, Visitors' Day, and the annual military review. These exercises were consolidated for the first time last year, and the result was a great success. The 1933 spring celebration was held on the last Friday in April; the same day, this year, will fall on April 27. The governing body of the college has made no official announcement, so far, as to 'the exact date of the exercises, and it is probable that the week end of May fourth and fifth will be chosen, as Tech and Georgia play two games of their baseball series in Atlanta at that time. The program will be publicly announced in 'the near future, however. All alumni and friends are cordially invited to attend all the exercises and the colorful military review. The alumni business meeting will follow at the Tech Y. M. C. A. in the evening, and the activities will be concluded during the night with the annual military ball.
Ferd Kaufman's Constructive Spirit I t is now a matter of general knowledge that the new naval armory-basketball building, as described in this issue, was made possible, largely through the generosity of Mr. Ferd M. Kaufman, Georgia Tech 1894. Mr. Kaufman first made his generous offer at the regular monthly meeting of the Executive Board of the Alumni Association on January ninth, at which time he was attending the meeting as a member of the present board. Assistant Dean George Griffin and Coach Alexander had presented tentative plans for the new armory building to the board, and they were at a loss to know where the necessary funds would come from to insure the erection of the building. The need was hardly expressed, however, before Mr. Kaufman came to the fore with his offer to see the project through. The gift comes in addition to Mr. Kaufman's unceasing services to his Alma Mater, in addition to his participations in the several Georgia Tech campaigns, in which he and many other loyal alumni contributed liberal sums to Georgia Tech. His present outstanding munificence has the distinction of being directed toward a special project which would have failed to materialize, no doubt, but for the benefaction. In benefiting his college, Mr. Kaufman followed an altruistic plan which he has had under consideration for some time; he expressed his thoughts in this connection when he said: " I am grateful for the opportunity and privilege to fulfill one of my lifelong desires—to do something for the boys and school that I love in time to see them derive some of the benefits while I am still living." Ferd Kaufman's philanthropy and inspiring words demonstrate the highest type of college spirit, and our sincerest thanks go out to him for his thoughts and deeds which are such worthy and significant examples to all of us.
Vote for Officers All active members of the National Georgia Tech Alumni Association are requested to send in their votes on the nominees for office for the year 1934-35, as shown on the next page of this number. lit isn't necessary to use the blank on the following page, but kindly follow its form and size should you send a typed or written ballot.
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Vote for National Officers
On "Sticking Together"
It is interesting to note that the present officers of the National Georgia Tech Alumni Association were unanimously nominated for their respective offices for the year 1934-35. This follows the somewhat general precedent that the alumni have set for themselves in returning a new administration for a second year of service. The present officers and hoard members have been most enthusiastic and progressive in alumni activities and their accomplishments have been outstanding; all of which will be recorded in the annual report of the secretary at the end of the fiscal year. Although the nominations were unanimous, it is felt that it would be an additional gesture to poll a sizable vote, regardless; so all active members of the Alumni Association are kindly requested to vote on the nominees at once and to send in their ballots on or before April 15. Please be sure to name class secretaries for your respective years of graduation. A convenient ballot is printed below for your use; however, a typed or written ballot of about the same form and size may be used, if preferred, for your votes on the following efficient and eligible active alumni as proposed on your nominations: For President: Rhodes Perdue, '21. For First Vice-President: A. L. Loeb, '13. For Second Vice-President: John G. Chapman, '09. For Treasurer: Edw. C. Liddell, '22. Alumni are requested to name secretaries for their respective classes on their ballots. Brief summaries of the business activities of those nominated for the national offices, are as follows: President: Rhodes Perdue, '21, President A. G. Rhodes and Son and Associate Companies, Atlanta, Ga. Mr. Perdue is a nephew of Mr. Joe Rhodes. First Vice-President: A. L. Loeb, '13, Vice-President Southeastern Bonded Warehouse, Atlanta, Ga. Second Vice-President: John G. Chapman, '09, Superintendent Samoset Cotton Mills, Talladega, Ala. Treasurer: Edw. C. Liddell, '22, Beer and Company, Brokers, Atlanta, Ga. All of the nominees are exceptional men, so KINDLY MAIL IN YOUR BALLOT AT ONCE.
Any number of encouraging letters reach our office every month; some of them strike a particular keynote, and we pass them on to our alumni for the very fine thought they contain. A letter has recently reached us in line with the foregoing from one of our 1932 graduates and it is a pleasure to publish it in part, as follows: " J u s t a line to let you know that I have received a copy of every number of the Tech " A l u m n u s " since my graduation and I assure you that I have enjoyed reading each one of them through. " I feel fortunate in being connected with my present firm and as I have been with them for several months now, I am in a position to pay some alumni dues. " I think the spirit of the Association in sticking by the less fortunate alumni has been a great help and if you will kindly give me a statement of the above mentioned dues, I'll pay them u p . " That's the spirit—think it over, alumni.
Fake "Stumpy" Apprehended A man representing himself as Jack G. ' ' Stumpy'' Thomason, was held in Eureka, Kansas, on complaint of Thomas Cole, 1919 graduate, who had been forewarned by the publicity that has been carried on against Georgia Tech impostors. Cole, who lives in Madison, Kansas, had the officers to call Atlanta, and the college authorities immediately got Jack Thomason, himself, who is residing in Atlanta, to wire that steps be taken against the offender. The impersonator has been photographed, recorded, and incarcerated; so it is hoped that his particular activities have come to an end. There are other frauds who prey upon Georgia Teeh alumni and other college men; consequently we again admonish all of you to forego a willingness to cash checks, lend money, endorse papers, or otherwise obligate yourselves for anyone not intimately known to you.
F i l l Out Your Ballot and Mail It to the Secretary, National A l u m n i A s s o c i a t i o n , Georgia School of T e c h n o l o g y , Atlanta, Georgia. ALL A C T I V E MEMBERS ARE R E Q U E S T E D T O V O T E A T ONCE I hereby vote for the following as N a t i o n a l Georgia T e c h A l u m n i Officers for the year 1 9 3 4 - ' 3 5 . For President F o r 1st Vice-President F o r 2 n d Vice-President F o r Treasurer
F o r Class Secretary
/Year. Signed
B a l l o t s due in by A p r i l 15.
Ferd Kaufman 1894 !
tenant Harry F . Dobbs, commanding officer of the First Battalion of the United States Naval Reserve, has won the effieiencj- trophy as the outstanding unit in the country for the past three consecutive years. The floor plan of the new armory will be T shaped, fronting on Third Street. I t will measure eighty-eight feet across the front and 230 feet in length outside and will be twostory in front where offices of the various units and the Georgia Tech Athletic Association will be located. Georgia Tech has been without any sort of gym or place to use as such for basketball and other indoor sports since the old frame gym, which was located on the same site, burned to the ground over three years ago, and the present structure will add greatly to the welfare of the present, and future, students at the college.
New York Club Holds Great Meeting The annual dinner of the New York City Georgia Tech Club as held on January 31 in honor of L. W. " C h i p " Robert, Assistant Secretary, U. S. Treasury, was the largest attended Georgia Tech dinner in the history of the club. As previously announced, one of the largest and most Dean Hill, the able secretary of the New York Club, writes modern naval armories in the United States is being con- that Coach Alex, Chip Robert, and Dr. Brittain gave very structed on the northeast corner of Grant Field, at the cor- good talks and everyone was pleased with the dinner. The ner of Techwood Drive and Fowler Street, for the joint use New York men felt particularly honored in having Dr. Britof the Atlanta Naval Reserve, the Georgia Tech Naval R. 0 . tain and Alex there, he said, in addition to Chip Robert; T. C. Unit, and the Communication Reserve of the U. S. he added that he could assure us that it was a good thing Navy. I t will also be used to house one regulation basket- for Georgia Tech. ball court, and one slightly smaller. Dean Hill further mentioned that they had men at the The new armory was made possible for the Atlanta Naval dinner who had never attended before. Two men of the Reserve, and associated branches, and Georgia Tech by the class of 1897 had not seen each other since the day of their high efficiency standing of the Atlanta unit and the coop- graduation. eration of Ferd M. Kaufman, one of Georgia Tech's most The following alumni were present: loyal alumni and President of the Empire Printing and Box Company, of Atlanta. Appleby, W. C , Alden, C. E., Anthony, J. T. Mr. Kaufman attended Tech in the class of 1894. He was Batterman, W. F., Borum, V. L., Bryce, J. W.. a member of the Tech football team in '93 and '94 and was Crutcher, F . B., Coleman, C. S., Corwin, T. L., Carroll, a team-mate and personal friend of the late Major General A. L., Cook, V. M., Connelly, Chas., Craig, J . C. Leonard Wood, in whose honor a tablet was placed on Grant Daughtry, H. L., Davenport, J. E., Davidson, J. L. Field a short time ago. Evans, H. B. Franklin, C. W., Funkhouser, J . C. and guest, Flowers, During the forty years since his graduation, Mr. Kaufman A. R., Freeman, Y. F., Franklin, W. C. has taken an active interest in the affairs of the school Grant, Berry, Goodloe, Thomas W., Gunn, Watts, Glisand particularly the football teams. He has attended the son, W. R., Gooeh, R., Gill L. M., Golden, R. F . daily practices for years and witnessed every Tech footHill, A. W., Hill, Dean and guest, Horn, R. L., Hansen, ball contest, in town and out-of-town, in the past eighteen H. F., Hawes, A. L., Hicks, R. A., Harden, F . H. and years, with the exception of the two games played in Caliguests, Hendrie, G. A., Henley, Frank, Heisman, J . W., fornia. Hubert, E. H., Howard, W. R. Hill G., Hunter, J . C. Mr. Kaufman is the only surviving member of the old Johnson, J. A., Johnson, W. L. guard of Tech supporters composed of Mr. George Adair, Kobak, Edgar. Mr. Joe Rhodes, Mr. Frank Holland, Mr. Billy Oldknow, Levy, Leon R., Livar, A. P., Locke, J. P., Lundy, C. A., Mr. Lowry Arnold and himself. • Lundy, T. F . , Jr., Landers, D. W. He has served on innumerable Georgia Tech committees Mavs. S. W., McClave, H. F., Moore, L. G., Moore, Mcand boards, as an officer and member and is a present memDonald, Means, A. B., Merrett, G. J., McMillan, W. V., ber of the executive board of the National Georgia Tech McNeice, E. S., Munson, R., Miller, T. T. Alumni Association. Nahas, Kennedy. In regard to his donation which made the armory posOhlman, Max. sible, Mr. Kaufman said, " I am grateful for the opportunity Phillips, C. F., Park, H. P . and privilege to fulfill one of my life-long desires—to do Richardson, H. M., Reynolds, W. A. something for the boys and school which I love in time Saunders, L. T., Spalding, Jack, Snyder, W. R. to see them derive some of the benefits while I am still Thiesen, J . H., Turner, W. E., Thompson, Albert. living.'' Walker, J. W., Wood, W. E., Wood, J. A., Wilburn, C. B., Williams, T. B., Waldrop, Guy. The Atlanta Naval Reserve, under the command of Lieu-
w 56
Major Howell New Regent Major Clark Howell, Jr., vice-president and general manager of the Atlanta Constitution, was appointed to the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia on February seventh by Governor Eugene Talmadge. He succeeds Mr. Hughes Spalding, former chairman of the board, who recently resigned. Mr. Cason J. Calloway, of LaGrange, has been elected chairman of the board for the time being only, in accordance with his wishes, as expressed by him at the time of his election. Major Howell becomes the fifth district's representative on the board and will serve out Mr. Spalding's unexpired term, which runs until July 1, 1937. He was born in Atlanta on March 23, 1894, and is a son of Clark Howell, president and editor of the Atlanta Constitution, and a grandson of the late Captain Evan P. Howell. It is of real interest to note that Major Howell had the distinction to serve on the former trustee boards of both Tech and Georgia, and his qualifications for his highly important post have been ably demonstrated.
Frank Spratlin Honored Prank M. Spratlin, president of Spratlin, Harrington, and Thomas, was recently named chairman of the newcomer's committee of the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Spratlin was a member of the graduating class of 1906. Mr. Spratlin is one of Atlanta's most faithful civic workers. He is a past president of the Rotary Club, a director of the Capital City Club and a member of the Executive Board of the Georgia Tech National Alumni Association. Among the other appointees to positions on the Chamber of Commerce Board were nine other Tech men. They are Otis A. Barge, D. C. Black, John 0. Chiles, R. A. Clark, C. L. Emerson, Robert T. Jones, Ed. C. Liddell, Willis J. Milner, Jr., and E. F. Yancey.
A . S. M . E. To Be Held A t Tech The Southeastern Student branch of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, oldest and largest professional engineering society, will meet in annual conference in the spring of 1934 as the guests of Georgia Tech. The exact dates will be announced later. The feature of the Southeastern Conference will be the presentation of Technical papers, one from each school represented, in competition for the Hillyer Award of $50 for first prize. Another feature will be the awarding of the annual Chas. T. Main Award of $150.00. Toward the close of the Conference, the Atlanta Chapter will be host at a banquet and dance given in honor of the visiting delegates. The A. S. M. E. was established in 1880. Dr. J. S. Coon, who for many years was head of the Mechanical Engineering Department at Tech, was one of the early members. This national professional society in 1931 established student branches, using southern schools as a proving ground. So successful was the experiment that student branches were established in schools all over the country. The southeastern group is made up of the following colleges: Alabama Polytechnic, University of Alabama, Clemson, University of Florida, Georgia Tech, University of Virginia, Louisiana State, University of Louisville, Mississippi State, North Carolina State, University of Tennessee, and Vanderbilt University.
Alumni Smoker Big Success Elliott Dunwody Honor Guest One of the most enjoyable and largest attended meeting of Atlanta alumni was the buffet smoker which was held for good fellowship and contact purposes only at the Atlanta Athletic Club on February eighth. Mr. Ed Miles, of the Atlanta Journal, writes about the meeting, as follows: " A long felt need of local Georgia Tech alumni was filled Thursday night, February 8th, at the Atlanta Athletic Club by the smoker held for them as the forerunner of such events to be held quarterly hereafter. "At least 200 loyal graduates responded to notices sent out by Jack Thiesen, national alumni secretary; Frank Spratlin, one of Tech's leading alumni, and George Griffin, assistant dean of men. The program this trio provided is sure to bringall of them back to the next one, if other and more pressing duties do not prevent their attendance. "Al Loeb served as master of ceremonies in the absence of Rhodes Perdue, the local alumni president, who was called out of town by the illness of his mother. Loeb introduced as speakers of the evening, Coach William A. Alexander, W. Elliott Dunwody, Jr., of Macon, member of the Board of Regents, and David I. (Red) Barron. The Tech coach welcomed the alumni to the meeting and congratulated the leading spirits of the get-together, while Dunwody and Barron told of the plans which the Board of Regents is working on in behalf of Georgia Tech. "Allen McKay, a freshman at Tech this year, and a very expert accordionist, launched the program of entertainment with several selections, following which talented members of the Euline Holmes Dancers were presented."
Marchmont Elected Tech "Y" Chairman George T. Marchmont, well known Atlantan and a graduate in E. E. in the class of '07, was recently elected chairman of the new board of the Georgia Tech Y. M. C. A. Dr. Gilbert Boggs, head of the Chemistry department, and C. D. Gibson, head of the Geology department, were elected vicechairman and secretary-treasurer, respectively. Other new members of the board are: George Winship, W. A. Alexander, G. W. Rainey, Dr. Louie D. Newton, and Dr. Herman L. Turner. The student representatives are: John McFarlane, J. W. Meehan, and Francis Dale. The new members of the board were selected recently by Dr. M. L. Brittain following the resignation of the old board.
C W A Aids Tech Students Through the aid of the CWA, many Georgia Tech students will be able to remain in school. Under the new program, one hundred Tech students have been given work to fill the hours between classes and any spare time they may have in the afternoons. The new plan went into effect the last week of February and the students have been only too eager to take advantage of this wonderful offer. The student, in order to be permitted to work, must furnish satisfactory proof that he is financially in need of work; he must be taking a required number of credit hours, and he must retain his scholastic standing. The majority of the students are working in laboratories or under department heads. They are allowed to work ten hours a week, with a maximum of fifty hours a month. The pay received is forty cents per hour.
Athletic Association Incorporates
New Course Offered
A charter to incorporate the Georgia Tech Athletic Association, which action school authorities hope will enable the association to receive a grant of PWA money for a gymnasium from the board of regents, is being drawn up by the school attorney, Robert T. (Bobby) Jones, Jr., and will be filed immediately upon completion, according to a recent announcement. Officials in charge of the PWA funds will not allow the money to go out to the state university system as a whole. Each institution receiving a grant is required to assume responsibility for money received. A legal technicality prohibits the board of regents from allocating the money to individual schools in the University' of Georgia System unless provisions are made which will require each institution to secure its loan. It is hoped that formation of the corporation will overcome these difficulties. The amount of the loan for the gymnasium has not been settled, but the association expects to receive approximately $100,000. No new dormitories will be built; however, it is practically assured that the faculty housing program will be carried out.
A new course, designed especially for students who Wish to become executives in industrial work, will make its innovation into the curriculum at Tech with the beginning of the fall term in September. The new course will embrace subjects fundamentally important and essential in both business and industry. The schedule of courses offered in the new Industrial Management course, which will lead to the degree of bachelor of science, is one of the most complete and comprehensive offered in the entire University System of Georgia. With the objective of preparing students for executive positions foremost, school authorities have planned a course which embodies a proportionate amount of business and industrial training. Demands of the business world for men with a general knowledge of engineering and science for executive positions in industrial fields led Tech to make the progressive step of adding this course to its present curriculum. In recent years technical graduates have been at somewhat of a loss for training in management and business. The new course in Industrial Management will afford one of the greatest opportunities for students industrially inclined now offered in this section.
Allen-Prather Mrs. Clarence E. Allen, of Atlanta, formerly of Macon, announces the marriage of her daughter, Helen Constance, to James Carter Prather, the ceremony having been performed February 18 in Atlanta. Mr. Prather received a B.S. in C.E. degree with the class of '32. Godd-ard-Bell Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Luther Goddard, of Griffin, Ga., announce the marriage of their daughter, Annie Louise, to Joseph Terrell Bell, of Newnan, Ga., the wedding rites having taken place in Griffin, February 22, Mr. Bell graduated with the class of '26, receiving a B.S. in Com. degree. Groover-Moye Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walter Groover, of Boston, announce the marriage of their daughter, Doris Dean, to Andrew Jacksen Move, of Cuthbert, Ga., the wedding having been performed in ThomasviUe, Ga., January 7. Mr. Moye is a member of the class of '32. Henderson-Mallory Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Henderson, of Flovilla, Ga., announce the marriage of their daughter, Mariam Angeline, to Roger Atkinson Mallory, Jr., the marriage ceremony having taken place in Atlanta December 23, Mr. Mallory is of the class of '21. Kidd-lVmrd Of interest to a wide circle of friends is the announcement of the marriage of Miss Verna Kidd, of Elmodel, Ga., and Mr. Rodney F . Ward, of Columbus, which was solemnized February 17 in Albany, Ga. Mr. Ward is a member of the class of '23. King-Von Herrman Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gray King, of Atlanta, announce the engagement of their daughter, Isabel Barnwell, to Charles Frederick Von Herrman, Jr., the marriage to be solemnized April 14 in New York City. Mr. Von Herrman received a B.S. in Co-op M.E. degree with the class of '33. Perry-Futral Miss Mattie Hines, of Atlanta, announces the engagement
of her niece, Miss Hilda Hines Perry, to Allen Ashley Futral, of Savannah, the marriage to be an event of the near future. Mr. Futral received his B.S. in C.E. degree in '32 and his M.S. in C.E. the following year. Pittman-Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Julius Pittman, of Decatur, Ga., announce the marriage of their daughter, Annie Kathrine, to Edward Victor Wallace, of New York City, formerly of Atlanta, the ceremony having been a quiet event of January 27, in Elkton, Md. Mr. Wallace, class of '22, received a" B.S. in E.E. degree from Tech. Pogers-Hamm Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Rogers, of Billings, Mont., announce the marriage of their daughter, Erma, to Mr. Edward Hamm, of Lonoke, Ark. The marriage was solemnized December 17. Mr. Tamm is a graduate of the class of '31 with a B.S. degree in Commerce. Mr. Hamm held the world's running broad jump record and was track coach at Tech until last year. Shoup-Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Richard Conwell Shoup of Atlanta, announce the wedding of their daughter, Sylvia Aldrich, to Mr. Earnest Robert Harrison, of Atlanta. The wedding was solemnized January 26. Mr. Harrison graduated from Tech in the class of '32, receiving a B.S. degree in Commerce. Smth-Kilgore Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Welley Smith, of Atlanta, announce the engagement of their daughter, Sarah Frances, to Mr. Gordon Winferd Kilgore, of Carrollton, Ga. Mr. Kilgore received a B.S. degree in Commerce with the graduating class of '26. Talmazshaya—Hunter Centering the cordial interest of hosts of friends is the announcement made by Mrs. Viadimir Talmazskaya, of Bucharest, Roumania, of the marriage of her daughter, Raice, to Mr. Archie G. Hunter, of Atlanta. Mr. Hunter graduated with the class of '29, receiving a B.S. degree in G.S.
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BIRTHS Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Heard, of Coconut Grove, Florida, announce the birth of a baby hoy, February 6, 1934, at the University Hospital, Coral Gables. Dr. Heard is a member of the class of '15. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mitchell announce the birth of a baby girl, named Harriette Turner Mitchell, born January 31, 1934. Mr. Mitchell received a B.S. in Eng. degree with the class of '25. Jere Wickliffe Goldsmith is the name given the young son of Mr. and Mrs. Jere Wickliffe Goldsmith, who was born February 20 in Atlanta. Mr. Goldsmith, who received his B.S. in Com. degree with the class of '33, was an outstanding end on the football team while at Tech.
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Trsating Plants: E A S T POINT, G A . CHA.TTANOOGA.TENN.
Clinton B. Amorous News was received recently of the death of Colonel Clinton B. Amorous at Washington, D. C. Colonel Amorous, who was a native of Atlanta, was 44 years old. He served in the air force during the World War, and after the war, settled in Washington where he was made vice-president of the Pierce Arrow Motor Car Company. Colonel Amorous was a member of the 1909 class. Hanford L. Hankinson Information has just reached the Alumni Office in regard to the death of Hanford L. Hankinson, of Augusta, Ga., who was struck by an auto in April, 1931, and fatally injured while working in the capacity of civil engineer of the State Highway Department. George Lamar Maddox Mr. George Lamar Maddox passed away at his home in McComb, Miss., November 23, 1933. Mr. Maddox was an executive bf the McComb Cotton Mills and an outstanding churchman and civic leader in the state. Mr. Maddox received his B.S. in T.E. degree with the class of '13. John Collier Beall This column carried a formal notice of the death of Mr. John Collier Beall, '10, in the previous edition of T H E ALUMNTJS. Since the publication of this issue the Alumni Office received a copy of January Long Lines, official publication of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company, which contains a fine article on Mr. Beall from which we quote in part as follows: "John Collier Beall, Plant Supervisor of the Southern Area, met death from injuries sustained in an automobile accident near St. Louis on the night of November 25, dying the following day. Apparently swayed by high, gusty winds, his ear left the road and crashed into an electric pole and a culvert. "Late in 1910, J. C. Beall joined the Long Lines as a clerk in the Division Three office. He was made Line Inspector in February, 1914, and went to Memphis as an Equipment man in December, 1914. Early in the following year he returned to Atlanta as a clerk, where he served until late in November, 1917, when he joined the Signal Corps as one of the eight Long Lines engineers assigned to the staff of General Edgar Russell, Chief Signal Officer of the A. E. F . "He returned to Atlanta and the Long Lines as a technical employee in April, 1919. He was made District Plant Superintendent at Charlotte, N. C , two years later, in August, and became Division Plant Supervisor at Atlanta in December, 1926. He was made Plant Supervisor of the Southern Area at St. Louis, in February, 1929."
March-April, 193',
D. I. "Red" Barron, class of '22, was recently elected president of the Georgia Vocational and Trades School, formerly the Fifth District A. & M. School. Red, the first of the Barrons at Tech, will always be remembered as one of the football immortals of the school, besides his baseball and track prowess. Mr. Percy C. Brooks, B.S. in M.E., '01, president of Fairhanks, Morse & Company, makes his executive headquarters at the Chicago offices of his company, 900 South V abash Avenue. A. M. Burt, B.S. in T.E., '11, is the selling agent of the Abington Textile Machinery Works of Abington, Mass., with his office in Philadelphia, Pa. C. S. Coleman, B.S. in M.E., '22, is the New York manager of the Stockham Pipe and Fitting Company, of Birmingham, Ala., with offices at 3701 Woolworth Building, New York City. alesman of the AtR. M. Dinsmore, B.S. in Com., lanta branch of the United States Rubber Products, Inc., was signally honored recently by the announcement that he was the leader of the entire sales staff of the company in the United States in attainment to quota. D. C. Black, B.S. in M.E., '12, prominent in Atlanta automobile business, has re-entered the field as a Ford dealer. Under the name of D. C. Black, Inc., the firm will soon open new quarters at 41 North Avenue. Arthur B. Edge, Jr., B.S. in T.E., '26, is employed in the personnel office of the Calloway Mills, LaGrange, Ga. This notice is printed to correct the one published in the November-December issue, under the name of " A . B. Edgar, J r . " Estill E. Ezell, B.S. in C.E., '28, received his L.L.B. degree last June from Georgetown University. At present he is attending National University, working for his M.P.I. and S.J.D. degrees. Albert Hill, B.S. in M.E., '19, was recently featured in the column "Famous Georgia Athletes" in the " A t l a n t a Constitution'' for his brilliant career as one of the Golden Tornado's greatest quarterbacks. Winthrop R. Howard, B.S. in E.E., '11, president of the Rawlplug Company, Inc., of New York City, visited Tech recently for the first time since 1916. Mr. Howard, a member of the International Rotary Vocational Service Committee, attended a Rotary luncheon while in Atlanta and was surprised and delighted to find another Tech alumnus, George Marchmont, '07, presiding over the meeting. A. G. Hunter, B.S. in Gen. Sci., '29, returned to Atlanta recently after two years spent as an electrical engineer in a tractor factory in soviet Russia. Mr. Hunter left Kharkov, Russia, in October and toured Europe before returning to the United States. E. J. Ladd, B.S. in Cer., '30, is a ceramic engineer for the Southern Refractories Company and also county surveyor in DeKalb County in Alabama. G. La Vance Maree, B.S. in Com., '32, is manager of the A. G. Rhodes & Son Furniture Company in Macon, Ga. Vance will be remembered as a star tackle of the 1928 National Championship team. Hugh M. Mauck, class of '19, is at present occupied in Fort Myers, Fla.
Fred E. McLeod, class of '04, is occupied as assistant manager of the Insurance Company of North America with offices in Philadelphia, Pa. R. A. Morgan, B.S. in T.E., '09, is president of the Morgan Mills, Rome, Ga., manufacturers of high grade hosiery. Mr. Morgan addressed the Phi Psi, honorary textile fraternity, and the Free Body Club, honorary mechanics organization, at a banquet held March 1 in the Brittain Dining Hall. R. S. Neblett, B.S. in E.E., '23, is employed at present in Schenectady, N. Y. Julian Prioleau, B.S. in T.E., '02, is special agent of the Springfield Fire & Marine Insurance Company, with offices in the Maritime Building, New Orleans, La. Harry Purvis, Cert, in T.E., '26, superintendent of the Johnson & Johnson Mills in Gainesville, Ga., received high praise from Arthur Brisbane, eminent newspaper writer, when Mr. Brisbane visited the plant February 22. Mr. Brisbane writes in his column: ' ' Mr. Harry Purvis, superintendent, very young, prematurely wise, thanks to the Georgia School of Technology, shows you a perfect manufacturing institution." Lieutenant Ralph Read, B.S. in A.E., '31, climbed in the cockpit of an army plane February 21 in Jacksonville and headed south for Miami with the first batch of mail carried over that route by an Army flyer. Lt. Read covers approximately 1200 miles in his daily round trip flight between these two cities. L. S. Redwdne, B.S. in M.E., '04, formerly of Douglas, Arizona, visited Tech January 16, on his way to Copperhill, Term., to begin employment at the Tennessee Copper Company. This was Mr. Redwine's first visit to the campus in 26 years. Redding Sims, B.S. in E.E., '10, is general superintendent of the Standard Fruit Company, La Ceiba, Honduras, Central America. Also, Mr. Sims is managing a soap manufacturing company, in addition to superintending the construction and operation of a coconut oil plant. In a letter to the Alumni Office, he advises Americans to seek employment in the United States instead of foreign countries. Norman A. Smyth, B.S. in Arch., '32, is connected with the firm of Martin J. Garry and Robert A. Sheffey, Architects, Blueiield, West Virginia. Albert Staton, B.S. in M.E., '22 and John Staton, B.S. in E.E., '24, visited the Alumni office during their vacation spent in Atlanta. Both of the brothers are connected with the Coca-Cola Company, Al being located in Brussels, Belgium, and John in Canada. John and Al, it will be remembered, were gridiron stars during the years that they were enrolled as students of Tech. F. H. Taylor, Special Textile, '21, is president of the Vesuvius Graphite Company of Connecticut, Stamford Building, Stamford, Conn. Gerald E. Wilcox, B.S. in C.E., '25, is connected with the Federal Transient Bureau of Georgia as work supervisor, with offices at 603 Ten Forsyth Street Building, Atlanta. Hugh Williams, is secretary and manager of the Rhodes Futch Collins Furniture Company, Jacksonville, Fla. S. W. Whitthorne, class of '09, is connected with the Arkansas State Highway Commission, Rogers, Arkansas.
• 60
Gene Turner Report Letter At a dinner last summer the staff and board of the Wuchang Y. M. C. A. presented my wife and me with an exquisite piece of gilt framed embroidery. As we took our seat at dinner, it stood on a table near us and showed an old man fishing from a boat on a lake, with a tranquil woodland scene beyond. The interpretation of the picture as set forth in embroidered characters was: " H e catches only the fish whom he has first won to friendship." That presentation and its subtle, too generous, tribute meant that we were breaking camp and leaving another group of friends and associates. During the year at Central China College, we had maintained unbroken touch, despite the official transfer of work. Limited finances made permanent appointment at the College impossible, and we had accepted a call to the Kuling American School. This was our farewell. Two weeks later there came a cable, asking if we would consider a call to the Georgia School of Technology, where I began Association work twenty-five years ago. Needless to say, I was strongly moved by the possibility of returning to my "first love", and immediately took up the question of release from my school contract, enquiring in the meantime about possible sailings from Shanghai. The School •felt that notice was too short for them to secure others to take our work, and we had regretfully to turn from the possibility in Atlanta. Two days later, thanks to the generous offer of twothirds of our budget by friends in Boston, the International Committee cabled, offering re-appointment to Y work in China. Again we took up the question of release. This time the School Board, because they felt it better for us to return to Association work, granted the release, on condition that we remain with the school until the end of the fall term, thus giving more time to secure our successors. Beginning in January, I am for the next six months, or so, to be at Nanchang, the capital of Communist infested Kiangsi Province. For sometime there has been no foreign secretary in this city of more than 600,000, and from which the great anti-Communist drive is now going forward. The thought is that I may be able to help in staff training and make suggestion for improvement in program. In the fall we are to go to Hankow, across the Yangtze from Wuchang, when we shall certainly want a furnished home again, both for personal satisfaction and for use in our work. This too briefly recounts recent history and plans for the family. We have been deeply moved these past months by the unmistakable leading of Providence, and also by the unfailing loyalty of friends both here and at home, and have felt rebuked for too much anxiety and care for the morrow. There is a feeling of great expectancy that makes us believe our best years in China are opening before us. Certainly they will be testing years for this generation in China, and years to call out the best of one's heart in friendly co-operation in meeting problems. This will bear our Christmas greetings, and our location here in the mountains of this summering place of the Yangtze Valley and the winter home of this school for American children, makes it impossible to send more than greetings and wishes for the highest riches to each of you in the year ahead. Sincerely yours, November 18, 1933 (Signed) GENE TURNER. Address after January 1, Nanchang, China.
Spring Athletic Schedule For the information of the alumni who might be interested in attending some of the athletic events on the spring calendar, the schedules of the baseball, track, and tennis teams are printed below: Baseball April 6-7—Auburn at Tech. April 13-14—Alabama at Tuscaloosa. April 16-17—Vandy at Nashville. April 20-21—Alabama at Tech. April 23-24—Oglethorpe at Tech. April 27-28—Auburn at Auburn. April 30-May 1—Oglethorpe at Oglethorpe. May 4-5—Georgia at Tech. May 11-12—Georgia at Athens. May 18-19—Vanderbilt at Tech. Track April 7—Clemson in Clemson, S. C. April 14—Alabama in Atlanta. April 21—Kentucky in Lexington, Kentucky. April 28—Vanderbilt in Atlanta. May 5—University of Georgia in Athens. May 17—Auburn in Atlanta. May 19—The Southeastern Conference meet in Birmingham. The freshman schedule is as follows: April 14—Tech High. April 28—Boys High. May 5—Georgia freshmen in Athens. May 12—Auburn freshmen in Atlanta. Tennis March 31—Fort Benning at Fort Benning. April 3—Davidson here. April 6—Alabama here. April 7—Florida here. April 13—Sewanee here. April 14—Georgia here. April 20—Chattanooga at Chattanooga. April 21—Tennessee at Tennessee. April 25—Chattanooga here. April 27—Tennessee here. April 28—Vanderbilt here. May 5—Emory at Emory. May 10, 11, 12—Invitation tournament here. May 19—Georgia at Athens.
5 0 Jackets In Spring Practice Georgia Tech's annual spring football practice was begun Monday, February 5, with fifty candidates reporting to Coach W. A. Alexander and his aides. There will be six weeks of intense training during which fundamentals for all players will be stressed and experimental changes in the line and backfield will be effected. Following is a complete list of the candidates, including players now on the basketball team who will join the squad later: Centers—Lyons, Shaw, Smith (x). Guards—D. Wilcox, J. Wilcox, Brittain, Warner, Carr (x), Preston (x), Morris, Matthews (x), Drennan (x). Tackles—Williams, Eubanks, Chance, Lindsey, Gardner, Ray (x), Fitzsimmons (x). Ends—Stacy, Thompson, Katz, Gibson, Sackett, Ponder (x), Boulware (x), Dean, Tumlin (x), Davis (x). Quarterbacks—Roberts, Fisher (x), Moore (x), Hayes (x), Boyd. Halfbacks—Martin, Farguson, MeKinley, Street, Perkerson, Tharpe (x), Crichton, Owens (x). Fullbacks—Phillips, McKay (x), Beard (x). X—Denotes first-year men.
Southeastern Basketball
Kentucky "\ Kentucky Bye
I Florida, 38-32
Florida "l, Florida
Florida, 24-23
A, Georgia 33-19 Georgia Tech Bye
Vanderbilt, 46-29 y
"l; Vanderbilt Vanderbilt
Alabama, 41-25
L. S. U. "l. L. S. U. Bye
Auburn "\ Tennessee, 43-26 Tennessee
_r™ ^ Alabama, 29-26
Miss. State ^ Miss. State Bye
i{ Alabama, 37-25
\ Alabama Alabama
Alabama Wins Conference Title By defeating a dark horse Florida five 41 to 25 in the finals, a smooth-working Alabama team took the Southeastern Conference basketball title at the tournament held February 23, 24, 26 and 27 at the city auditorium in Atlanta. The big surprise of the tourney was the brilliant
performance of the 'Gator team, which was neither awed nor discouraged at drawing Kentucky, the outstanding favorite, in the first round, but swept through to the final round. The Tech quintet was eliminated in the first round by its old rival, Georgia, in a hard-fougbt struggle.
Track Stars Recommended for Meet
New Equipment for T. E. Department
Two Georgia Tech track aces, Jim Davenport, holder of the school record in the half-mile, and Perrin Walker, sensational sophomore dash man, are likely to represent the school in the National Collegiate track and field meet, June 22 and 23, in Los Angeles, it has been announced by Coach George Griffin. According to Coach Griffin, every coach of a recognized team has been asked to submit the records of his outstanding track men for consideration by the National Collegiate Athletic Association. Should Davenport and Walker be selected by the association, their traveling expenses will be given them from a fund of $20,000 guaranteed by the University of Southern California. Walker is co-holder of the southern record in the 220-yard dash, which he established last spring as a freshman, and is considered to have an excellent chance, together with Davenport, to be invited to the meet.
In order to take care of a larger number of Co-op students and to raise the Textile Department to a still higher level, several new machines have been added to the equipment of the department. A new type fancy half hose knitting machine just introduced and capable of producing the latest designs in men's silk and combination hosiery. A circular underwear knitting machine for producing both rayon and cotton underwear. A late model ribber for use in conjunction with the underwear machine to enable the production of finished garments. The cotton combing and spinning equipment has been reconditioned and rebuilt and one section of long draft spinning added to enable the department to produce finer yarns than were heretofore possible.
Alumni Organize Club at Rome
Navy to Cruise In Atlantic Waters
Action by Mr. R. A. Morgan, '09, prominent textile executive of Rome, Ga., has resulted in the installation of a very active chapter of the alumni association in that city. The formal installation of the organization took place at the Hotel General Forrest in Rome on Saturday night, March 10. The meeting was attended by Coach Mundorff, Assistant Dean, George Griffin, and Jack Thiesen, Secretary of the National Alumni Association and Sonny Kuniansky, Editor Technique, the student weekly. The formation of the Rome group came about as a result of an informal meeting of the Rome alumni after an address by Dr. M. L. Brittain to the Rome Rotary. This group, under Mr. Morgan, has proceeded with organization plans and has succeeded in arousing the interest of many friends of the school to the point where there is a lot of enthusiasm being displayed over the undertaking.
Official endorsement of the annual Tech Navy cruise has been received from Washington. Tech's seamen will again be given the privilege of three weeks on the "bounding main" with Uncle Sam's sailors. The itinerary of the cruise will be as follows: Disembark June 20th from Charleston, S. C ; proceed to Norfolk, Va., and Hampton Roads; then follows a visit of the Florida East Coast, stops being made at Miami and Jacksonville. The Fourth of July will be spent in Jacksonville. The annual competitive target practice will be held about July 7th and the unit will disembark at Charleston on July 10th.
Mr. Thiesen made the following statement in regard to the matter: "Co-ordination at this time is absolutely necessary. The strengthening of the Georgia Tech Alumni clubs will be encouraged and forwarded by the central office in every way possible. The new group at Rome is a welcome acquisition. It will cement a strong Tech following in a single oganization which can greatly aid our work. TVe are particularly grateful to those men who are responsible." The revival of alumni interest is an encouraging factor in Tech's progress. The formation of new clubs and the renewing of the old will further the best interests of the school. The Rome group will have an active membership of approximately seventy-five men and hopes to embrace many alumni in the surrounding country. The large group of alumni in attendance voted to hold regular meetings in the future and elected the following officers : Robt. A. Morgan, President; E. E. Lindsey, VicePresident, and Harold Clotfelter, Secretary-Treasurer.
Lieu. T. D. Guinn, '12, Praised Lieutenant T. D. Guinn, a former Atlantan and a member of the class of 1912, was a prominent figure in the recent record-smashing flight across the Pacific from San Francisco to Honolulu. Lt. Guinn's position, as commander of the pace-setting ship, 10-P4, which led the six 'other U. S. Navy planes, was one requiring a great amount of ability and judgment. Lieutenant Guinn received high praises from his Flight Commander Knefler McGinnis for his skill as a pilot, and the flight will go down in history as one of the greatest accomplishments of the twentieth century.
New Architectural Course Offered A five year course in architecture, to be offered to Tech students for the first time next year, was recently approved by the committee on curriculum. The plan consists of two courses, one of which will be a four year course terminating in a non-designated bachelor of science degree, and the other a one year course to be offered upon the successful completion of the first, terminating in a bachelor of architecture degree. The completion of the four year course will determine the students best fitted for the continuance in the study of architecture and also offer an opportunity to those so desiring to secure a more thorough knowledge of the subject.
Fifty naval students will make the cruise. All the junior students will be taken and vacancies will be filled from the sophomore class. Other units to be represented in this division are Yale, Harvard and Northwestern. The ships, Overton, Mauley, Fairfax, and Sturtevant, will work in cooperation during the cruise. The Tech unit will be aboard the Sturtevant. The usual routine work will be followed during the cruise. Instruction will be given in gunnery and navigation. The students will be allowed to handle the ship during the maneuvers. One of the added pleasures will be the showing of movies each night aboard ship.
Research Committee Plans Program Dr. T. J. Cauley, of Emory University, who will be head of the Department of History and Economics at Tech next year, was elected president of the Committee for Social Science Research at a meeting of the committee held Thursday, March 2, in the office of Dean Skiles. Professor Fred B. Venn, professor in the commerce department, was reelected secretary. As the name of the society implies, it is founded primarily for research work, and it endeavors to collect and study information of a social, economic, and political nature. At the present time, however, the society is confining its interests to those problems directly connected with the welfare of the school and the state at large. Later the scope will be widened to the extent of a study of the national affairs in detail. The society feels that the taxpayers of the state should have recourse to such information and that it is the duty of the institution of higher learning within the state to be familiar with and in a position to provide information of such a character. Members of the society are: Dean Floyd Field, Professors A. H. Armstrong, Noah Warren, E. H. Folk, Jr., H. E. Dennison, L. R. Siebert, R. L. Sweigert, R. M. Matson, H. A. Bunger, G. V . Rainey, C. A. Jones, V . H. Vaughan, V . V. Dunkin, and J. E. McDaniel. This is but one of the many changes that will be made at Tech next year. Other lines of advancement will be widened in a similar manner. The Social Science Research Committee in the future will be an even greater asset to Tech than it has been in the past.
Tennis Meet Georgia Tech will sponsor the first annual Southern Collegiate Invitation Tennis Tournament in Atlanta on May 10, 11, 12. The Atlanta. Georgian will donate all prizes and trophies for the winners. Fifty-seven southern colleges have been invited and many have signified their intention of accepting.
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the cigarette that's MILDER • the cigarette that TASTES BETTER © 1934.