GEORGIA TECH ALUMNUS September October 1940
Campus View of Library
Vol. XIX No. 1 Continuing the Geographical
Alumni Directory
1940 ATLANTIC FOOTBALL BROADCASTS this year, The Atlantic Refining Company will broadcast your football games. As in other years, great care will be taken to give you the most accurate and exciting "word pictures" possible. Your commentator has been carefully trained in the art of play-by-play announcing. He knows football through and through. He will use advertising announcements sparingly — never when they might interrupt your enjoyment of the game. When you are unable to attend one of the games listed below, tune in the most convenient radio station and enjoy thrilling football with Atlantic. AGAIN
HAVE YOU TRIED ATLANTIC WHITE FLASH PLUS? If not, get a tankful of this new motor fuel today. Its unusual mileage, anti-knock and acceleration qualities were definitely proved in the 100,000-mile Florida Road Test.
WflU 9 M U V . i.
NOV. 9
DEC. 28
An organization with a Nationwide Scope, Serving Clients in Thirty
L. F. K E N T . '20, Pres. & G e n . M g r . G.R.CAKY."24. Vice-Pres. & Engineer
Heating, Ventilating and Cooling Systems for Residences, Schools, Churches and Theatres Designed, Manufactured and Installed Equipment Furnished for Using Coal, Natural Gas or Oil Complete Engineering Service
Special Heavy Duty Heating U n i t for Schools, Churches and Theatres.
Georgia School of Technology "A Technical School with A National
T H E GEORGIA SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY offers to young men of ability and ambition a training which will fit them for positions of responsibility and power. The national reputation of this institution is based not on claims, but on results. Its greatest asset is the record being made by its alumni in the productive work of the world. Complete courses in MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, CIVIL, CHEMICAL, TEXTILE, GENERAL and CERAMIC ENGINEERING, ARCHITECTURE, AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING, INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT AND PUBLIC HEALTH. COAST ARTILLERY, SIGNAL CORPS, INFANTRY, ORDNANCE, UNITS O F THE U. S. ARMY AND T H E U. S. NAVY R. O. T. C.
For Further Information, Address THE REGISTRAR Georgia School of Technology A T L A N T A , GEORGIA
OT E u r o p e , n o t even those outlying naval bases that protect our shores—America's first line of defense is American industry. It is to industry that the nation looks today for the armaments to protect America's high living standards, to defend the American way of life. In the last two generations American industry has built a great nation. Its workmen, scientists, and engineers have helped Not a cannon, but the 130,000-pound shaft for a great electric generator produce and put to work more being built in the General Electric shops in Schenectady. When completed, than one-third of the world's the generator will deliver 75,000 horsepower of electricity. electric power and one-half of Industry today undertakes the task of building, not its mechanical energy. They have given us electric lights only armaments, but, equally important, the machines in 24 million American homes and electric refrigerators that can be used to manufacture these armaments in in 13 million—conveniences which represent the highest quantity sufficient for any emergency. And General standard of living and the greatest industrial achieveElectric scientists, engineers, and workmen, w h o for ment in the world. And the manpower, the inventive more than 60 years have been putting electricity to and manufacturing genius, the experience, the daring work in America's peacetime pursuits, are roday turning to tackle difficult tasks — assets which have helped to to the new job—the job of defending the benefits elecproduce this high standard of living—are among Amertricity has helped to create. ica's strongesc resources today. G-E research and engineering have saved the public from ten to one hundred for every dollar they have earned for General Electric
September-October, 1940
W. Willis Battle, 1919, Appointed Regent
Published every other m o n t h during the college year by the National Alumni Association of the Georgia School of Technology. K. J. TIIIKSEN, Editor I!. E. FORREST, Asst. Editor W. R. SEALE, Bus. Mgr.
GEORGIA SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY ATLANTA, GA ENTERED AS SECOND GLASS MATTER MARCH 22, 1923, at the Tost Office at Atlanta, Ga., under the Act of March ft, 1879.
Scptembcr-Oelobcr, 1940
Vol. X I X
No. 1
Honorable W. Willis Battle, Ga. Tech 1919, was appointed by Governor E. D. Rivers on June 5 to the Board of Regents of the University System. He succeeds former Chairman Marion Smith, resigned, and was named on the Board as a member from the State-at-Large. Mr. Battle is an outstanding and widely known attorney and a former member of the legislature from Muscogee County. He is a member of the "firm of Battle and Smith, Lawyers, of Columbus, Georgia. Mr. Battle was a leader in campus activities at Tech and has long been prominent in the affairs of his city, state, and nation. In 1916, Mr. Battle established the half-mile track record, at Tech, in two minutes flat; it is still the Freshman record and remained as the top varsity mark in the event, until 1932. Mr. Battle, the Board of Regents, Georgia Tech, and the entire University System are all to be congratulated upon this fine and merited designation; and we are very much pleased over Governor Rivers' kind consideration and excellent appointment.
President Vice-President Vice-President Treasurer Exec. Secretary Board Member Board Member Board Member Board Member Board Member Board Member
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
ALUMNI STATE ADVISORY COUNCIL By Districts B. S. Brown, Savannah 6. W. E. Dunwoody, Jr., Macon R. A.Puckett, Tifton 7. R. A. Morgan. Rome W. C. Pease, Columbus 8. I. M. Aiken. Brunswick W.II.Hightower, Thomaston 9. W. H. Slack, Gainesville Forrest Adair, Jr., Atlanta 10. Wm. D. Eve, Augusta
T H I S ISSUE Honorable Home
Willis Battle, Regent Coming
Dedications Geographical
and Alabama
National Alumni
Nov. 16 Reelected
and Prominent Directory—Sports
Home Coming and Alabama, Nov. 16 Home Coming celebrations and class reunions will center around the Tech-Alabama football game during the week end of November 16. Georgia Tech alumni and students together with their families and friends are looking forward to the time and a large crowd of local and visiting alumni are expected to be present for the occasion. In addition to the classes in general, the following special reunion groups are scheduled to gather for the home coming: 1895, 1900, 1905, 1910, 1915, 1920, 1925, 1930, 1935, and 1940. Should any of the reunion classes plan to meet on the night of November 15 or at some other time during the home coming period, the members of the classes concerned will be notified accordingly; otherwise they will gather for the home coming luncheon, in the Georgia Tech Dining Hall, at tables that will beat theit respective class numerals. The alumni are welcome, of couise, to ask their respective families, dates, and friends to dine with them; this also applies to the alumni in general. The luncheon will be served promptly at noon, cafeteria plan as before, in the Georgia Tech Dining Hall, across from Grant Field, on Techwood Drive. There will be plenty of nearby parking space for the diners at the time of the gathering. Begin making your plans, alumni, to attend the home coming events; also, be sure to write at once to the Athletic Department for football tickets, if you haven't sent in your order, as yet.
1930 Class Plans Charles N. Witmer, 1930 Class President, with the Carrier Corp., 2022 Bryan St., Dallas, Texas, writes that his class plans to hold its tenth anniversary reunion during home coming, and he requests that all members of the class get in touch with him or with the alumni office at Georgia Tech stating whether or not they are interested in publishing a 1930 Class Directory. He is anxious for each member of the class to attend home coming at Tech on November 16, and wants very much to hear from all 1930 men. The class was the largest to graduate from Tech up to 1930.
September—October, 1940
National A l u m n i Officers Reelected Following the completion of the balloting in June, officers of the present alumni administration were reelected for the 1940-41 term. This action is a real tribute to the officers and board members, and is in keeping with the fine precedent as set by the alumni to return their executives for a second year of service. The reelected officers are: President, William A. Parker, Jr., 1919; Vice-Presidents, Robert B. Wilby, 1908, and E. George Butler, 1907; Treasurer, Charles R. Yates, 1935. The foregoing officers, Secretary R. J. Thiesen, 1910, and the alumni board appointees will constitute the Executive Board of the Association for the year. Brief summaries have been published on the activities of the officers; however, it is felt that the information is well worth repeating. Wm. A. Parker, Jr., '19, President, is President, Beck and Gregg Hardware Company, one of the largest hardware firms in the Southeast. He took the regular M. E. course at Tech and was outstanding in undergraduate activities. A liberal contributor to Georgia Tech affairs, he is also very prominent in the civic activities of his city and state, and is a member of the Board of Directors of the Trust Company of Georgia. Robert B. Wilby, '08, Vice-President, is President, Wilby Theatres, and Wilby-Kincey Service Corporation. He took the E. E. course and was a leader in campus activities. He also contributes most liberally to Georgia Tech affairs and is prominent throughout the Southeast in his business and civic undertakings. E. George Butler, '07, Savannah, Ga., Vice-President, Districts at Large, is Vice-President, John G. Butler Co., Savannah. A few years ago, he was named the First Citizen of his city. He took the M. E. course and was a member of the football and baseball teams, in college, and is another outstanding supporter of his college and a foremost civic leader in his city and the state. Charles R. Yates, Treasurer, graduated in General Science in 1935, and is now prominently connected with the First National Bank of Atlanta. Charlie Yates is also most active in college and civic affairs, and has won fame in national and international golf. Messrs. Jack Adair, '33; Chas. F . Stone, '03; Harold D. Hirsch, '31; Frank A. Hooper, Jr., '16; Robt. H.
W m . A. P a r k e r , J r . , M . E. 1919, President G e o r g i a T e c h N a t i o n a l A l u m n i Association.
Scott, '21; and Frank M . Spratlin, '06, were reappointed to serve on the Alumni Board. Class representatives are as follows: Ferd Kaufman, '94; Strother Fleming, '01; E. W. Klein, '02; P. M. Peteet, '03; Frank B. Davenport, '04; Robt. Gregg,'05; C. C. Day, '06; G. M. Stout, '07; Dan I. Maclntyre, '08; W. H. Hightower, '09; Frank Legg, '10; M . S. Hill, ' 1 1 ; W. A. Alexander, '12; Robt. L. Hughes, '13; A. F. Montague, '14; Edgar Montague, '15; I. W. Summerlin, '16; John M . Slaton, '17; Jas. S. Budd, '18; Morgan McNeill, '19; L. F. Kent, '20; Jas. H. Johnston, '21; A. R. Flowers, '22; C. M. Kennedy, '23; Jos. Daniel, Jr., '24; H. Hutton, '25; G. H. Traylor, '26; Gilbert Boggs, '27; Jack Holman, '28; Ben Eargen, '29; Chas. N . Witmer, '30; Hudson Edwards, ' 3 1 ; Randy Whitfield, '32; Ivan Allen, Jr., '33; Dudley King, '34; Jere Perkerson, '35; James K. Rankin, '36; Lawrence C. Hayes, '37; Jack Nixon, '38; Thos. J. Hughes, '39; and Chas. P. Richards, 1940.
Annual Business Meeting Report ALUMNI CARDS ADMIT TO PRACTICES A large and interested group of local and visiting solely to the academic affairs of the college and to alumni alumni attended the annual business meeting of the work. National Georgia Tech Alumni Association on the night "There is a great amount of general and detail work of M a y 31, during Commencement. The meeting was connected with an alumni office," the Secretary stated; called to order at 8:00 P. M. for, he continued, "it is really a registrar's office for all who Following a word of welcome, it was announced t h a t a have ever attended the college. " T h e publication of an alumni directory, even in inState Alumni Advisory Council had been appointed and t h a t committees on research and college equipment had stallments, and a magazine is quite an undertaking. been named to work with similar committees at the (a) We have mailed out some 6,000 information college. cards during the past year, on directory work, and have Reports of the Treasurer and Secretary were read and compiled and published some 2,000 of the returns, in the Geographical Directory section of our magazine, during adopted. The Treasurer stated that all books and records for the the year. "Alumni placement work is hard and exacting; yet, past year had been audited by a certified public accountant and found in first class order. He also reported that most gratifying, also. We have handled over 300 applicaaccounts of the current year are to be likewise audited tions with resultant correspondence and conferences and and reported upon. The treasury was in good financial have referred each applicant to two or more openings; and, with the exception of a very few, all are at work condition, with all bills paid to date. In the Secretary's report the fine progress of the Asso- either through our leads or their own efforts. There are no dues or any other charges, whatever, for our placement ciation was outlined and commented upon in detail. I t was also stated that the activities of the Georgia service. Tech Alumni Association, as an organization, applied (Continued next page)
September-October, 1940
Riverside Names Field For Strupper
Annual Dedicated To Robert Gregg
An outstanding feature of the thirty-second commencement exercises at Riverside Military Academy in Gainesville, Georgia, on June first was the dedication of the new athletic unit at the school in honor of Everett Strupper. A graduate from Riverside in 1913 and from Georgia Tech, Strupper was one of the greatest football players of all times at Riverside, and at Tech where his brilliant playing easily led to his selection as an All-America halfback. Colorful military ceremonies by the Corps of Cadets preceded General Sandy Beaver's speech of dedication and the acceptance by Mr. Strupper, nationally known Atlanta business man and athlete. The dedication marked completion of the expansion of athletic facilities to provide opportunities for participation of all of Riverside's 600 cadets and bring to a total of 1.5 Riverside's regulation football fields in Gainesville.
Regents' Committees Revised At its July 12 meeting, the State Board of Regents adopted a plan to confine the work of the board to six large committees. Chairman Cason J. Callaway stated that under the new arrangement each regent would be a member of not more than two committees all of which have been revised, as follows: Finance-Education—Clark Howell, chairman; George Hains, vice chairman; R. D. Harvey, John G. Kennedy and Miller S. Bell. Building— L. W. Robert, Jr., chairman; Miller S. Bell, vice chairman; J. Knox Gholston and A. S. Hardy. Organization and Law—John G. Kennedy, chairman; Willis Battle, George Hains and J. D. Gardner. Visitation—T. Jack Lance, chairman; R. D. Harvey, Earl B. Braswell, Willis Battle and George C. Woodruff. Agriculture—J. Knox Gholston, chairman; Clark Howell, J. D. Gardner and Albert S. Hardy. Trust Funds—George C. Woodruff, chairman; John G. Kennedy, Earl B. Braswell, L. W. Robert, Jr., and T. Jack Lance.
A n n u a l Business Meeting (Cont'd) "There have been 57 alumni and other group meetings, in out of town cities, these included 52 bookings of football pictures of the last and previous season. The attendances totalled over 2,000 persons at these gatherings. There were also about 600 at the Home Coming luncheon and the December Testimonial Dinner to Coach Alexander and his entire staff." A vote of appreciation was expressed to Head Coach W. A. Alexander and to the Georgia Tech Athletic Department for furnishing the Alumni Association with the football pictures that have been so much in demand. Those present at the meeting and all other alumni in general were earnestly requested to write to the candidates for the state legislature and to urge their assurances of sufficient appropriations and financial support for the State Educational System. Following a fine talk by Dr. Brittain on the present world wide emergency, pictures were shown of the Georgia Tech-Missouri, Orange Bowl Game by Coach Roy Mundorff who received a vote of thanks and much applause for his well explained and efficient exhibition, in addition to the praise tendered him for his excellent photographic portrayal of the game.
R o b e r t Gregg, M . F . 1505
Commemorating industry, Georgia Tech's 1940 Annual, the "Blue Print," was most fittingly dedicated to Mr. Robert Gregg, M. E., 1905. An opening two-page spread with a full page picture of Mr. Gregg was comprised in the following fine and appropriate dedication: A TRIBUTE "To Robert Gregg whose brilliant career in Southern industry has been history making and whose executive ability is recognized throughout the nation. Civic leader, industrialist, and alumnus, Robert Gregg was president of the Atlantic Steel Company for ten years, and has been president of the Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad Company for the past eight years. To him this thirty-third volume of the BLUE PRINT is sincerely dedicated." M a y we add our congratulations again to Bob Gregg, Georgia Tech, the 1940 Blue Print Staff and Seniors, and to the Alumni as a whole, for this great and fine tribute of which we are all so justly proud.
C. H . Commander Heads Tech Y M C A Officials of Georgia Tech announced on July 8 that C. H. Commander would become general secretary of the Georgia Tech Y. M. C. A., following which Mr. Commander assumed his duties on August 1. The new secretary succeeds Walter McGee, who resigned as general secretary to join welfare department activities in Louisiana. Mr. Commander is a graduate of Clemson College, a member of the class of 1936. He received his B. D. degree from Yale in 1939, and for the past year has been associated with the Virginia Polytechnic Institute. He was president of the Clemson College Y. M. C. A., 1935-36.
Births Alexander Mr. and Mrs. J. Cantey Alexander of Spartanburg, S. C. announce the arrival of James Cantey Jr., on Sept. 16, 1940. Cantey Alexander, 1916, one of Georgia Tech's immortals in football and otherwise, will have to look to his laurel in about 1957, when Cantey Jr., starts romping on Grant Field. Baum Mr. and Mrs. John P. Baum are the proud parents of a daughter, M a r t h a Lucile, born on June 25, 1940. "Johnny" Baum, 1924 Baseball Captain, B. S. in T. E. 1924, B. S. C. 1929, is Assistant Manager, Pepperell Mfg. Co., Opelika, Ala. Crook Mr. and Mrs. Lewis E. Crook, Jr., announced early in July, the birth of a daughter, Lois Elaine, on June 30, at the Piedmont Hospital in Atlanta. Mr. Crook graduated with a B. S. in Arch, in 1919, and is a partner in the firm of Ivey and Crook, Architects, Atlanta. Mrs. Crook, formerly Miss Florence Hammers, also graduated from Georgia Tech, and holds a B. S. in Commerce degree, class of 1926. Mrs. Crook is the only registered woman C. P. A. in Georgia, according to our information. Mr. and Mrs. Crook are also the only married couple in the history of Georgia Tech who are both graduates of the college, in accordance with our present records. Fry Mr. and Mrs. Frederick E. Fry announce the birth of a son on July 25, Frederick E. Fry, Jr. Mr. Fry graduated with a B. S. in Commerce in 1934, and is now Sales Engineer for the H. A. Wilson Company in Newark,
N.J. Widdows Lacy W. Seawell, 1917, informs us of the birth of a grandson, Robert Wayne Widdows, on September 5 in Atlanta. The new arrival is expected to attend Tech in 1957. Lacy Seawell is probably the only "grandfather" of his class; his father and two uncles also attended Georgia Tech.
Deaths Blake Mr. Orton Van Patten Blake, 1923, died July 6, 1940, at his home, 178 Eightieth Street, Brooklyn, N . Y. Miller Mr. J. Hall Miller, 1902, former Atlanta business executive, died in Los Angeles, California, in June. The burial was in Atlanta where Mr. Miller resided until he moved to Los Angeles in 1920. Sparks Mr. Andrew H. Sparks, Sr„ B. S. in E. E. 1907, died at a hospital in Millen, Georgia, on July 28, after an illness of several weeks. Mr. Sparks was very active in civic affairs and was manager of the Sparks Motor Company from 1922 to 1930 in Millen, Ga. He was manager of the Georgia State Employment Service in Swainsboro, Georgia, at the time of his death. Upshaw Mr. Elbert M. Upshaw, B. S. in M. E. 1917, of College Park, Ga., died suddenly on August 12 following a heart attack at the offices of the Atlantic Steel Company, in Atlanta, where he held an important engineering position. Wohlwender Mr. Thomas Wohlwender, B. S. in Gen. Sci., 1928, died on June 5, following serious illness contracted during his vacation. Mr. Wohlwender was associated with Wohlwender and Company in Columbus, Ga.
September-October, 1940
Weddings and Engagements Cheney-Boggs The marriage of Miss Mary Frances Cheney of Marietta, Georgia, to Gilbert Hillhouse Boggs, Jr., of Atlanta, was a most interesting summer event. Mr. Boggs was graduated from Georgia Tech with a B. S. in C. E., 1927. Basch-Mayer The marriage of Miss Jane Hoffman Basch of Savannah, to Irving Samuel Mayer of Schenectady, N. Y., was solemnized on July twenty-third. Mr. Mayer finished at Georgia Tech with a B. S. in E. E., 1935. Cherry-Chivington A summer marriage of great interest was that of Miss Marie Turner Cherry of Atlanta to John Logan Chivington of Chattanooga, Tenn., former football captain, and B. S. in Textile Engineering in 1939. Connell-Phillips An attractive marriage of the summer was that of Miss Louise Marie Connell of Atlanta to George William Phillips of Birmingham and now with U. S. Industrial Chemicals, Baltimore. Mr. Phillips, Business Manager of the 1940 Annual, was graduated in Chemical Engineering, in June. Dawson-Floyd The marriage of Miss Mary Bealle Dawson and Frank Emmett Floyd, Jr., took place in Mobile, Ala., on August 17. Mr. Floyd is a 1938 graduate with a B. S. in E. E., and is now an Ensign in the U. S. Navy Supply Corps. Gay-Woodall A prominent event of September fifth was the marriage of Miss Kathryn Gay of Gay, Georgia, to John H. Woodall, Jr., of Woodland, Ga. Mr. Woodall was graduated in 1939 with a degree in Industrial Management. Johnson-McKinstry A marriage of wide interest during the summer was that of Miss Eleanore Bailey Johnson of Zanesville, Ohio, to Richard G. McKinstry, B. S. in Ceramic Engineering in 1929, formerly of Atlanta but now living in Zanesville. Norris-Waltman An announcement in M a y of much interest was that of the marriage of Miss Doris B. Norris of Atlanta to J. A. Waltman, B. S. in Industrial Management, 1939, of Sierra Madre, California, where the couple will reside. Mr. Waltman attended the Harvard Graduate School of Administration after leaving Georgia Tech. Parks-Miller Mrs. Iby Baker has announced the marriage of her granddaughter, Louis Garner Parks, to William Marion Miller. The marriage took place on the first of June in New Orleans, La. Mr. Miller graduated with a B. S. in Industrial Management in 1938. Phillips-Swift Of much interest throughout the South this summer was the marriage in Griffin, Ga., of Miss Anne Dismuke Phillips, to Henry Woodruff Swift, of Columbus. Mr. Swift was a member of the class of 1937, and graduated with a B. S. in Textile Engineering. Saville-Gantt Attracting sincere interest is the annoimcement of the engagement of Miss Edith Charles Saville, daughter of Mrs. Charles Saville, of Dallas, Texas, to George W. Gantt, Jr. Mr. Gantt was a member of the class of 1937. Magill-Van Houten The marriage of Miss Rosetta Ann Magill to Louis Van Houten on July 29 was a social event of much interest. Mr. Van Houten graduated with a B. S. in Commerce in 1.929. (Continued next page)
September-October, 1940
Alumni Attain High Distinction Ivan Allen, Jr., 1933, of Atlanta, Ga., who is secretarytreasurer of the Georgia Hospital Authority, has been named as a member of the State Board of Education and was sworn in July 11, 1940. He was a member of the Georgia delegation to the National Democratic convention in Chicago in July. Carter Barron, 1927, Division Manager, Loew's Eastern Division of Theatres in Washington, D. Cj, directed the musical programs at the National Democratic Convention. We quote from a letter of Mr. Barron's. " I t did give me quite a kick to be able to use my old melodic heart throb "Ramblin' Wreck" to start a demonstration in that great Democratic audience of 22,000-coupled with the knowledge t h a t my alma mater's song was heard on the air waves by an audience of millions. At one stage of the show, Ralph McGill hollered up on the platform to inquire if they were attending a Democratic Convention or a Georgia Tech home-coming." Frederick Bellinger, B. S. in Ch.E. 1926, received his Doctor of Engineering degree in June from Yale University. The subject of his Thesis was "Absorption of Carbon Dioxide in Packed Towers." Charlie Brown, 1925, of Ficket Brown Mfg. Co., was elected in June as a Fulton County Commissioner. Burns C. Cox, 1924, is now on active duty as Captain, Ordnance Dept., U. S. A., stationed at Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana. He wrote t h a t you could imagine his joy recently at an official Division Review for the Second Army Commander when all of a sudden the Division Band started playing "Ramblin' Wreck" when the Seventh Engineers passed the reviewing stand. Frank "Pete" Freeman, Jr., 1937, has been the recipient of many congratulations on his fine work in assisting with the production of "The Biscuit Eater", one of the most popular motion picture productions of the year. Robert L. MacDougall, 1925, WPA administrator for Georgia with offices in Atlanta, has been appointed assistant to United States Housing Co-ordinator Charles F. Palmer, it was announced on Sept. 3. While Mr. MacDougall is occupied with his new work his place in Geoigia will be taken by C. A. Strickland, 1927, who has served in the office as assistant WPA administrator. As officials in Washington put it, Mr. MacDougall was "loaned" to the housing agency. He will not give up his title as Georgia WPA administrator. Dr. Wadley R. Glenn, 1928, was recently elected to the board of directors of the Trust Company of Georgia to fill the vacancy created by the recent death of J. Bulow Campbell. Mr. Campbell died June 28 in Baltimore, Md. Dr. Glenn, one of Atlanta's prominent younger surgeons, also is a member of the board of trustees of the Crawford W. Dong Memorial Hospital, being secretary of the body. Sid Goldin, 1930, former Tech Athlete, was appointed retail sales manager in the new divisional offices of Shell Oil Company, recently opened in Atlanta. Harold W. Gee, 1917, was installed during the summer as President of the Johnson City, Tenn., Rotary Club. Childress B. "Buck" Gwyn, Jr., B. S. in E. E. 1926, Chief Engineer Fansteel Metallurgical Corp., North Chicago, III., has recently been issued his thirty-ninth patent; the latest patented April 30, 1940, is for a "Silver Faced Contact" for electrical make and break contact assembly. J. Edgar Hamlett, 1921, of Baltimore, Md., has been elected First Vice President of the Baltimore Rotary Club; he was also most successful with his work as chairman of the Baltimore Red Cross Roll Call during the year.
U. S. Agency Borrows MacDougall
R o b e r t L. MacDougall, B. Sci. 1925 R o b e r t L. MacDougall. W. P. A. A d m i n i s t r a t o r for Georgia w h o h a s b e e n " l o a n e d " to t h e U. S. Defense H o u s i n g project as Assistant C o - o r d i n a t o r to Charles F . P a l m e r in W a s h i n g t o n . Messrs. P a l m e r a n d MacDougall are b o t h from A t l a n t a , Ga.
Edgar Ernest Lindsey, Jr., B. S. in Ch.E., 1936, received his Doctor of Engineering degree in June from Yale. His Thesis was "Electrolytic Regeneration of Waste Chromate Pickle Liquor." Dr. Sam D. Murray, 1927, graduate and former football captain, M. D., Tulane University in New Orleans, La., where he practiced for some years, is now a practicing surgeon in Atlanta. L. W. Robert, Jr., 1908, was reelected Secretary of the National Democratic Committee in July. W. E. Tidmore, 1930, was confirmed as city mechanical engineer of Atlanta to head the new Bureau of Smoke Abatement. Selected by the board upon the basis of merit, Mr. Tidmore was chosen from among a score of persons considered for the job. Professor R. S. King, chairman, said the board considered Mr. Tidmore an ideal director for the new city work and expressed the belief he will employ to the greatest benefit the new antismoke laws recently adopted by City Council. Mr. Tidmore is 34 years old, a graduate of Georgia Tech in the class of 1930, and for the past 10 years has been engaged in combustion engineering work. Charles R. Yates, who graduated with honor, 1935, has been appointed Assistant Vice President of the First National Bank of Atlanta, as announced July 11.
W e d d i n g s and Engagements-(Cont'd) Treadwell-Flynt Attracting sincere interest was the marriage of Miss Frances Lillian Treadwell to Collins Moore Flynt, of Decatur and Macon. The marriage took place on August 3, at the First Methodist church in Decatur. Mr. Flynt is of the class of 1939 with a B. S. in Industrial Management.
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September-October, 1940
« « Alumni Mention » » Louis Aichel, B. S. in C. E. 1916, is Vice President of the Florida-Georgia Brick & Tile Co., in Jacksonville, Fla. James B. Baggarly, Jr., B. S. in M. E. 1932, is Asst. Superintendent of the Board of Water Commissioners, in Macon, Ga. James J. Colvin, B. S. in E. E. 1934, is Supt. Moncrief Furnace Co., Atlanta, Ga. Wm. E. Dimmock, B. S. Chem. Eng. 1923, is Chief Chemist, National Nu Grape Company, Atlanta, Ga. Edwin Durham, B. S. in M. E. 1929, is Service Engineer, Babcock & Wilcox Co., Koppers Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. William E. Elliott, B. S. in E. E. 1930, L. E. B., G. W. Univ., 1934, is a Patent Lawyer, 1080 National Press Bldg., Washington, D. C. Prentiss E. Findlay, Jr., Spec. Tex. 1927, is Supt. Mill No. 1, Bibb Manufacturing Co., in Macon, Ga. J. M. " M i t " FitzSimons, B. S. in Gen. Sci. 1937, is special agent, Home Insurance Co., Atlanta, Ga. Wm. F. Floyd, B. S. in Ch.E. 1935, is Plant Supt., Arkansas Fuel Oil Co., Shreveport, La. J. B. Frankum, M. E. 1921, is now Asst. Mechanical Engineer, Dept. of Operations, T. V. A., Chattanooga, Tenn. F. E. Fry, B. S. in Comm. 1934, is Sales Engr., The H. A. Wilson Co., of Newark, N . J. Inocencio A. Galindo, B. S. in Arch. 1933, is a partner of Galindo & Co., Architects, Engineers & Contractors, Panama City, Republic of Panama. Wallace E. George, B. S. in C. E. 1921, is Assistant to the Management, Campbell Wyant & Cannon Foundry Co., Muskegon Heights, Mich. Louis M. Gill, B. S. in Ch.E. 1919, is Director of Sales, Darco Corporation, in New York City. E. Glennan Grady, 1923, is Chief Engineer, Masonitc Corp., in Laurel, Miss. John D. Green, T. E. Sp. 1926, is Asst. Gen. Mgr., Springs Cotton Mills, Lancaster, S. C. Nathan J. Greene, B. S. in E. E. 1930, is Chief Engr., National Electric Coil Co., Columbus, Ohio. John S. Gruel, Jr., B. S. in E. E. 1933, is Supt. of Maintenance, Construction, & Engineering, A. A. C. Co., Pierce, Fla. C. F. Hammond, Jr., B. S. in M. E. 1934, is Sales Manager, The Steel Products Co., Inc., in Savannah, Ga. Edwin L. Hanna, B. S. in E. E. 1930, is Manager, Westinghouse Electric Supply Co., Greenville, S. C. Wade P. Harding, Jr., 1920, is Sales Mgr., Tri-State Culvert & Pipe Co., Atlanta, Ga. W. S. Heath, 1936, is Sales Manager, Carolina CocaCola Bottling Co., in Sumter, S. C. Cecil M. Hefner, B. S. in M. E. 1930, is a Captain with the American Airlines, New York City. Gordon M. Hill, 1915, is a partner in Haskins and Sells, C. P. A.'s, New York, N. Y. W. Norman Home, 1923, is Vice President of the Ocala Lime Rock Corp., in Ocala, Fla. W. W. Huff, B. S. in Ch.E. 1933, is Assistant Manager, Rockwood Mills, in Rockwood, Tenn. H. A. Hunnicutt, B. S. in M. E. 1932, is now Sales Engineer in Charge of Sales for Nickel and Nickel Alloys in Brazi', for the International Nickel Co., Sao Paulo,' Brazil. Charles P. Hunter, Jr., B. S. in Gen. Science 1927, is Manager Des Moines Coca-Cola Bottling Co., Des Moines, Iowa.
Student Develops Waste Granite Use A process designed to make granite waste valuable to the state's pottery industry has been developed at Georgia Tech. T. M . Simmons Jr., Atlanta graduate student, has found t h a t iron-bearing minerals can be removed from the waste through electro-magnetic refining, making the waste useful as a hardening agent. Georgia's wealth of kaolin has attracted potters to the state, but they have had to import feldspar, used to harden pottery. Development of granite waste as a hardening agent would provide a plentiful substitute for feldspar. Harry Vaughan, head of the ceramics engineering department and under whose supervision young Simons worked, says Georgia potters, who located in this state because of the huge kaolin reserves, must import the essential feldspar "hardener" for costs up to $20 per ton because of expensive mining and hauling operations. "On the other hand," Professor Vaughan says, "granite waste from the production of aggregate and monumental stones is accumulating at the rate of 300 tons per day in one plant—and there are many plants operating in the state." Vaughan pointed out that a few uses have been found for this waste material, such as in fire brick, but they have not supported a high value per ton for granite waste. With the new process developed in his department, it is not optimistic, Vaughan also stated, to hope t h a t refined waste soon may sell to potters for at least $6 and up to $12 per ton.
Alumni Mention-(Cont'd) R. H. Jewell, 1919, is Vice President, Crystal Springs Bleachery, Chickamauga, Ga. C. Gale Kiplinger, B. S. in M. E. and E. E. 1917, is Supt. Maintenance and Construction, National Aniline & Chem. Co., Buffalo, N . Y. Dr. Sam D. Murray, B. S. in Comm. 1927, M. D. Tulane Univ. 1936, former star fullback at Tech, is now a practicing surgeon in Atlanta with offices in the Doctors Building. Robert S. Neblett, B. S. in E. E. 1923, is Asst. Manager, Turbine Division, General Electric Co., in Schenectady N. Y. Dan Sanford, B. S. in C. E. 1920, is with the Flathead Indian Agency, Dixon, Montana. William H. Saunders, B. S. in M. E. 1919, is President of International Lubricant Corp., New Orleans, La. W. P. Stevens, 1914, is President of Atlantic Refractories Co., in Macon, Ga. William H. Smith, 1918, Attorney at Law, formerly with Smith-Smith and Bloodworth, is now practicing in Atlanta with offices in the Trust Co. of Ga. Bldg. Edward W. Swift, Jr., T. E. 1929, is Vice President of the Muscogee Mfg. Co., in Columbus, Ga. L. H. Tippins, B. S. in E. E. 1911, is the Owner of Tippins Machinery Co., Koppers Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. Guy B. Turner, M. E. 1921, is Sales Representative for the Lewis-Shepard Sales Corporation in Atlanta, Ga. H. L. Waddell, B. S. in Comm. 1932, is now Personnel Supervisor, American Can Co., Atlanta, Ga. William C. Wardlaw, Jr., B. S. in T. E. 1928, is a Partner in Fleet & Wardlaw, Inc., Investment Counsel, in Atlanta, Ga.
Coach Alexander Receives Distinguished Service A w a r d
TRIBUTE T O ALEXANDERâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Georgia Tech took t i m e in t h e m i d s t of t h e g r a d u a t i o n r u s h to h o n o r Athletic Director William A. Alexander, since 1920 J a c k e t football coach a n d head of t h e physical c u l t u r e d e p a r t m e n t . " F e w , if a n y , of our a l u m n i h a v e b r o u g h t m o r e credit t o Gcorg'a T e c h , a n d i t gives m e p l e a s u r e to p r e s e n t t h i s 1940 t o k e n to h o n o r o n e w h o t h r o u g h good deeds h a s served his a l m a m a t e r , ' " Dr. B r i t t a i n s t a t e d in t h e c i t a t i o n to Alex. Left to r i g h t above a r c David E. L i l i e n t h a l , director of T . V. A., w h o rendered t h e c o m m e n c e m e n t a d d r e s s ; Dr. B r i t t a i n , president of T e c h , a n d Coach Alexander.
Dr. M . L. Brittain, President of Georgia Tech, confined himself to the campus, this year, in his excellent selection of an outstanding alumnus for the annual Distinguished Service Award which he presented to Head Coach William A. Alexander during the graduation exercises of the college on June 3. Coach Alexander, B . S. in C. E. 1912, needs no introduction to our alumni nor to his host of other friends throughout the nation. T h e award given to him was a feature of the commencement program and was made in recognition of his untiring, successful and devoted service to his college, combined with his ever helpful cooperation and loyalty. The gold plaque award bears the inscription: " T o honor one who through good deeds has served his alma mater." The honor, so well deserved by Coach Alexander, is considered one of the greatest that is conferred by Georgia Tech. Among the many other fine recognitions of Coach Alexander, was an editorial in the Atlanta Journal of September 4 which was headed, " T h e Old Master." I t mentioned the tribute to him in being selected as one of the outstanding coaches of the nation to lecture on football a t the World's Fair Court of Sports; and further stated that it was doubtful if in all the width and breadth of the land a more authoritative speaker on t h e subject could be found. The article brought out many high lights of Coach Alex and his teams, championship elevens and those that met defeat, and commended every team that wore the gold and white as a fighting aggregation which always commanded the healthy respect of all opponents. Tech has every right to be proud of Coach Alexander and his many honors, on and off the campus.
SEC Commissioner A p p o i n t e d Former Governor of Mississippi, Martin Sennet "Mike" Conner was named commissioner of athletics for the Southeastern Conference at the August 20 meeting of the conference officials in Atlanta. In accepting the appointment the former Mississippi Governor declared he would not be a dictator or seek to exercise czar-like powers in his efforts to keep the conference schools free of rule infractions. Instead, he said, he would seek the cooperation of the various schools. Conner's contract is for a one-year term of office, and the conference reserved the right to cancel it earlier. This clause was inserted, it was indicated, due to uncertainty over what effect a conscription bill would have on the athletic program of the conference. At the same time, conference officials announced five new rules designed to clean up the athletic policies of the schools: 1. Jobs cannot be given freshman athletes. 2. Athletes transferring from schools that have closed will be eligible for athletic participation. 3. Scholarships will be limited to five years. 4. P a y for jobs given must not exceed $10 monthly. 5. When a student enrolls a t one school he automatically becomes ineligible for participation in athletics at another school, even though he does not participate in athletics a t the school where he first registered. The commissioner has the power, it was announced, to fine member colleges up to $1,000 for rule violations and also to suspend colleges from the conference, if such action should become necessary.
September-October, 1940
"Football Thru The Years" Dean Hill, prominent alumnus and captain of the 1910 Georgia Tech football team, has recently written "Football Thru The Years," a most interesting pictorial history of American football. Born in Gloversville, N. Y., Dean Hill spent one year at Phillips Exeter Academy and then attended Georgia Tech where he became Captain of the 1910 Football team; he was one of the few northern students to play football in the South during those days. He has been a collector and writer of American football history for over thirteen years and his exceptional book contains magnificent reproductions of football prints dating back to 1876, the majority of which few people have ever seen. A page of the book is devoted to a photograph of the first Georgia Tech team and the first game played with Georgia in Athens under the leadership of General Leonard Wood. Another page is given to a picture and story of Riegel's run in the Rose Bowl game. Georgia Tech alumni and the public in general may obtain copies of the book, at its published price, from Dean Hill, 470 Fourth Avenue, New York City, if it is not locally available.
Cavette Captain, A d e r h o l d Alternate Neil M . "Hawk" Cavette of Memphis, was elected captain of the 1940 football team, on Wednesday, September 4, and Robert "Butch" Aderhold of Atlanta, was named alternate. Both players are guards; whereas, last year the leaders were Murphy and Gibson, both backfield men. Although an excellent guard, Cavette is really a fine back as well for he pulls out of the line to punt, pass and run plays from punt formation on offense. He also backs up the line when Tech uses a five-man defensive line. AH in all, he probably is the most valuable man on the squad, as his great punting was unsurpassed in the south last season. Aderhold came to Tech a scrawny kid from Russell High school who wanted an education. He obtained a few odd jobs and paid his own way. He played tackle on the Red Devils and showed promise after gaining weight and growing up. Coach Alexander helped him along and he is now one of the hardest hitting tacklers and blockers on the team. Cavette weighs 194 pounds and stands an inch over six feet while Aderhold weighs 185 and is five-eleven. Both are seniors and their selection by their team-mates is a tribute to their ability and leadership.
Notre Dame Series Extended Notre Dame and Georgia Tech have extended their football series through the fall of 1945, as recently announced. The present contract extends through 1941 and it has proved most satisfactory to the respective coaches, and to their teams; as well as to the alumni and the public in general. Notre Dame kindly transferred its home date to Tech's field a t Atlanta in 1938 for Georgia Tech's Fiftieth Anniversary; this, in turn, was followed by the scheduling of the 1939 and 1940 games in South Bend. The home dates will again alternate after this season. The schedule for singing and playing "Ramblin' Wreck" will continue ad infinitum, by the way.
The name Creo-pine on Creosoted Southern Pine is more than a trade mark. It is a pledge of honest, accurate manufacture and rigid inspection from standing tree to finished product. Back of it are 34 years of wood preserving experience. Specify Creopine products for long life and lowest cost per year of service.
Creo-pine Products Poles Piling Conduit Cross Ties Cross Arms
Floor Blocks Subflooring Bridge Timbers Structural Timbers Guard Rail, etc.
ClMrtT-. «*• DETROIT
IMlir Sxa tp a T—fr •*>!.
Varsity Football Squad Name Pos. J.E.Wright C. S.!B. S u t t o n — C. J.>W..Hughes C. N. M . Cavette G. Robert Aderhold G. C.R.Sanders G. K. G. Q u i g g G. : W. W . Jordan..... G. C. W. Hood._ G. A. M . M u e r t h T. H. E. Dyke .... T. W.iT. Carden T. C. h- Lee _.. T. L. N.|;Perkerson T. T. G. Anderson T. J. J. Wild T. G. J. H o l l y T. R. L. Ison E. G. I. Webb ... E. J. P . Sprayberry. E. H. B. Arthur E. C E. Burroughs E. P . F . Page E. Gene Shaw Q. B. R. O. Dodd Q. B. G. C. Wilkir.s Q. B. H. W. L a m b Q. B. Roy Goree E. B. Ralph Plaster F. B . 0 . D . Dnlton F. B. L. L. S. Boor. F. B. R, H . P a i r . W. B. J. S. B a r t l e t L . W. B. J.E.Netties W. B. J. K. Hancock W. B. J. W. Bosch — T. B. C. R. Bates T. B. R. E . Beers T. B. R. W. Sheldon T. B.
CI. Jr. Jr. Sr. Sr. Sr. .Ir. Jr. So. So. Jr. Sr. So. So. Sr. So. Jr. Sr. Sr. Jr. Sr. Jr. Sr. So. Sr. So. Sr. So. Sr. So. So. Jr. Jr. Sr. Jr. So. Jr. Jr. Sr. So.
Wt. 200 185 198 194 185 196 185 175 165 19.5 190 108 185 180 200 190 200 195 200 192 180 ISO 105 175 180 182 185 171 190 175 185 165 195 160 160 HO 185 155 165
Ht. 5-11 6-0 6-3 6-1 5-11 6-1 5-10 5-11 5-10 6-0 5-11 6-0 5-11 6-0 6-2 6-1 6-0 6-2 8-4 6-3 5-11 .5-11 6-1 5-10 5-10 5-11 5-10 5-S 5-11 5-10 6-1 5-11 6-1 .3-11 5-10 5-6 5-11 5-8 5-9
Home Town L a n e t t , Ala. Vidalia. Ga. Anderson, Ala. Memphis, Tenn. East Point, Ga. Birmingham, Ala. Rome, Ga. Dublin, Ga. Atlanta, Ga. Chattanooga, Tenn. Selmn, Ala. Chattanooga, Tenn. Atlanta, Ga. Atlanta, Ga. M t . Hope, W. Va. Lynbrook, L. I., N.Y. Elizabethton, Tenn. Atlanta, Ga. Easton, M d . Alexandria, Ala. Albany, Ga. Brandsville, M o . Laconia, N . H. Fort WTorth, Texas. Hinton. W. Va. Dallas, Texas. Chattanooga, T e n n . Atlanta, Ga. Atlanta, Ga. Valdosta, Ga. Cumberland, Md. Atlanta, Ga. Asheville, X . C. Atlanta, Ga. Jacksonville, Fla. Atlanta, Ga. Chattanooga, Tenn. Xewnan, Ga. Atlanta, Ga.
September-October, 1940
Football Prospects For 1 9 4 0
Naval Reserves M a y Be Commissioned
People have learned in the past few years that the Georgia Tech games are always a joy to watch. The wide open play which Coach Alexander has devised never fails to puzzle the opponents and to keep the spectators thrilled. Who would have thought last August that the 1939 team would play in the Orange Bowl? Yet the team wound up with a 21 to 7 victory over Missouri, climaxed by Bob Ison's 59-yard gallop around end for a touchdown! What about the 1940 team? The Tech alumni believe that this team will be on a par with t h a t of last year. The centers, guards, and ends will return intact. Muerth and Dyke at tackle will fill the places of Wood and Lackey. However, who will take the places of Murphy, Ector, Wheby, and Gibson in the backfield? Coach Dodd is concerned b u t optimistic. To offset the above losses are the experiences gained by the many sophomores of last year's team and the fact t h a t the coaches found more material on the freshman team than was thought possible after the game last Thanksgiving Day. Eighteen of last year's Orange Bowl championship squad will return as lettermen but the Yellow Jacket coaches have a couple of headaches trying to replace Buck Murphy, Billy Gibson and Howard Ector in the backfield, as stated. T h e tackle position, too, is causing some concern but holdovers are expected to come through in pleasing style to help Red Muerth and Elmer Dyke. The team is well fortified at ends with All-Southeastern Rob Ison and George Webb, Paul Sprayberry and Harry Arthur returning. The guards will be headed by the veterans Hawk Cavette, star punter and newly elected captain, and Butch Aderhold, alternate captain. A hot tip is to watch the work of little Wex Jordan, 175-pound fireball, who is likely to play a lot more than is expected at present. Johnny Bosch, 145-pound razzle-dazzle tailback, heads the list of backs returning. He will be ably assisted by Bobby Pair, speedy wingback, Roy Goree, light but hard-hitting fullback, and Bobby Dodd, sophomore blocking back. Coach Alexander, who is starting his twenty-first year a t Tech, plans on only one practice a day, as usual. About 60 candidates reported on the first day of practice. Tech will also have an unusually good Freshman squad; the personnel of which, however, will be announced after all registrations have been completed. R. G. Moye, formerly end at Florida and athletic director at Emory, will assist in coaching the Freshmen.
A recent announcement states t h a t Congressman Carl Vinson of Georgia expresses the belief that R. O. T. C. students of Georgia Tech who have completed their course may be commissioned as line officers in the United States Navy. Congressman Vinson is chairman of the Committee on Naval Affairs of the House of Representatives, and one of the most influental members in either branch of Congress. He is sponsoring legislation to authorize and facilitate the commissioning of R. O. T. C. graduates. " I have little doubt of the passage of the legislation, and before adjournment of the current session of Congress. The Navy will need many more line officers t h a n are now available, or are likely soon to be available. I t is my proposal—and it has the approval of the Navy Department, to bring R. O. T. C. graduates into the service as ensigns." "In this connection it is a pride and joy to say that the R. O. T. C. unit at Georgia Tech is tops. It ranks among the highest, if not the very highest in the nation, and naval officers familiar with the unit count on Tech to provide many excellent fine officers." Selections will be made on merit and merit alone, it was announced, and nothing can be done until the bill is passed and approved by the President.
1940 Football Schedule October 5
Howard at Atlanta.
October 12
Notre Dame at South Bend.
October 19
Vanderbilt at Atlanta.
October 26
Auburn at Atlanta.
November 2
Duke at Durham.
November 9
Kentucky at Louisville.
November 16
Alabama at Atlanta—Home Coming.
November 23
Florida at Atlanta.
November 30
Georgia at Athens.
December 28
California at Atlanta.
" U n c l e B i l l y " O n Grady Board "Uncle Billy," William H. Van Houten, Georgia Tech instructor for many years, and holder of various offices in the Atlanta Federation of Trades, was named to the Grady Hospital Board of Trustees at the M a y 20 meeting of the Board. He succeeds to a vacancy on the board created by the resignation more than a year ago of Leon D. Wofford. Thomas K. Glenn, Atlanta banker, is board chairman serving with the mayor, Councilman Frank Wilson, Kendall Weisiger, Edwin R. Haas and James L. Wells. Known to thousands of Georgia Tech graduates and students as "Uncle Billy," Mr. Van Houten has been foundry instructor at the school for more than a half century. He foremerly was president of the Atlanta Federation of Trades, and is now secretary-treasurer of the Labor Temple Association. His appointment as labor representative on the board was made upon the recommendation of the federation. He will serve a four-year term.
Bobbitt Wins Dixie N e t Title Russell Bobbitt, 1940 graduate, Georgia Tech's tennis ace spotted Louis Faquin of Memphis, Tenn., the first two sets, then came back to win the Mid-Dixie Singles championship in a five-set match in Spartanburg, S. C , on July 13. The scores were 2—6, 4—6, 6—3, 6—2, 6—1. Bobbitt, favorite and top seeded, had to extend himself to the limit to conquer the persistent fourthseeded star, who lacked the strokes but made up for it in aggressiveness. The Atlantian gained his second leg on the Mid-Dixie Trophy, which is still in competition after ten years of play. Bobbitt and Earl Bartlett of New Orleans, Southern doubles champions, defeated Billy Farmer of Tampa, Fla., and John Ager of Birmingham, Ala., for the doubles title, 7—5, 3—6, 6—3, 7—5.
September-October, 1940
1925—Geographical Directory—1927 ( 1 9 2 5 — 1 9 2 6 Concluded) ABBREVIATIONS—(Engineering)—Architecture— Arch., Aeronautical—A.E., Civil—C.E., Chemistry—E.C., or Chem., Electrical—E.E., Co-op. or General—Eng., Mechanical—M.E., Science—Sc, Textile—T.E., Master Science—M.S. Commerce— Comm., Commercial Science— B.C.S., Industrial Education—Ind., Educ. Specials—in courses as shown. 'Indicates last known or unknown address. ALUMNI NOTE :—Kindly supply us with any information that you may have on those with last known addresses ; also submit corrections and additions to us for publication in subsequent issues. To be continued through all classes. 1925-1926 Concluded
GEORGIA DOUGLAS '25—Hardigree. R. R., BS in CE. DOUGLASVILLE '25—Papageorge, G. T., BS in CE, P. O. Box 222. DUBLIN '26—Brown, J. E., BS in Comm., Dist. Mgr., Am. Natl. Ins. Co. '26—Dunn, J. V., BS in Comm. '26—Sturgis, B. K., BS in ME. ATHENS '26—Hollingsworth, L. C , BS in ME. AUGUSTA '25—Athanason, Nicholas A., BS in EE, 429 Reynolds St. '25—Dodd, F. J., BS in EE, Division Sales Supervisor. Ga. Power Co. '25—Law, W. F., Jr., Gen. Insurance Agt., Masonic Bldg. '26—Market, P. M., Jr., BS in EE, Route 5. •25—Merry. Arthur B., BS in Arch., Arch., Sou. Finance Bldg. '26— Reddy, T. G., BS in EE Colonial Court Apt., C-l. Walton Way. '25—Thompson, Wesley W., BS in EE, 1233 Broad St. '26—Wilde, G. W„ BS in Comm.. Real Estate & Ins., 1132 Greene St. EAST LAKE '26—Clements, S. R., Cerf. in TE. EAST POINT '25—Brown, Hoyt C , BS in CE. Ga. State Highway. '25—Keith, Gay P., BS in ME. State Hwy. Dept. EATONTON '26—Gooch, B. E., BS in ME. ELBERTON '25—Almond, Alexander P., GAL SIX BS in Arch., 469 Mcintosh St. '25—Mcintosh, Wm. M., BS in Arch. ESOM HILL '25—Griffis, Paul M.. BS in Comm. FAYETTEVILLE '25—Fife. D. C , Mgr., Fife Bros. FITZGERALD '25—Mayes, Mark W., BS in TE. FT. BENNING '25—Amorous, Wm. W., BS in EE, U. S. Army Air Corps. 16th Obsn. Sqdn. FT. McPHERSON '26—Lewis, J. A., BCS, 4th Corps Area Bldg. FT. OGLETHORPE '26—Collier, C. F „ Jr., BS in CE. GAINESVILLE '25—Carter, L. C , Sec. & Treas., Carter Groc. Co. '26—Dillard, R. M„ BSC, CPA, Sidney Smith Bldg.
'26—Purvis, H. H., Cerf. in TE, Overseer, Chicapee Mills. GIRARD '26—Hillis, J. L., BS in Comm. GORDON '26—Tidwell, H. A., BS in TE. GRIFFIN •26— Bell, J. T., BS in Comm. '26—Mathews, J. B., BS in EE, 322 Meriwether St. '25—Wheaton, G. H., BS in ME, Secy. & Trea3., Robt. Wheaton & Sons, Box 264. HIGH POINT '26—Barker, J. W., BS in CE. HIWASSEE '26—Watson, Frank, Cerf. in Ind. Edc. IRON CITY '26—Harlow, M. V„ BS in ME. KATHLEEN '26—Kersey, W. D.. BS in EE, Superintendent. LaGRANGE '26—Callaway, F. E., Jr., Spec. Tex., Pres., Callaway Mills. '26—Edge, A. B., Jr., BS in TE. Callaway Mills. LINDALE '26—Gilbert, H. T.f BS in TE, 7 Terrace 4ve. LOUISVILLE '25—Murphy, John K., BS in Comm., Deputy Clerk, Jefferson County. MACON '25—Arenson, Abe, BS in CE 239 Bond St. '26—Brown, R. L., BS in Comm., Broker, 341 College St, '25—Collins, J. D.. Jr.. BS in Ch. E., Macon Gas Company. '26—Gardiner, A. S., BS in Eng., Box 17. '26—Grayson, J. H., BS in Gen. Engr., Foreman. Cent, of Ga. R. R. '26—Herring. O. W., BS in EE, 124 Hines Terrace. '25—Hodges, George S., Cert., in TE, 177 Boulevard Ave. '26—Oliver, W. H., Gen. Sci., Engr. Home Bldg., Service Co. '26—Parker, L. A., BS in EC, Procter & Gamble. '26—Poullin, C. S., BS in EE. 608 Forsyth St. '26—Ricketson, J. L., BS in EE, 101 Ryals Ave. '26—Waters, R. E.. BS in Comm., 136 Colest. MADISON '26—Nash, J. L., BS in EE. MARIETTA '26—DuPre, W. A., BS in TE, Marietta Knitting Co., 406 Whitlock Ave. '26—Glover, J. B., BS in ME, J. B. Glover Mfg. Co. '26—Jones, E. B., Jr., BS in Comm., Ga. Marble. '26—Sessions, G. H., BS in TE. '25—Underwood, W. L., Accountant. The McNeel Marble Co.
MEIGS '25—Stevens. A. Foster, BS in Engr. MILLEDGEVILLE '26—Leonard. A. H., BS in TE, 103 Franklin St. '25—Sibley, Alan B., BS in TE. '26—Williams. I. A., BS in CE. '26—Williams, M. R., BS in CE. MILLEN '26—Brinson, J. C , BS in EC '25—Daniel, Robert G., BS in CE. NEWNAN '26—Cole, F. B. NORCROSS '26—Dean, M. P., BS in CE. PELHAM '26—Bates, Dawson B., BS in EC, Hand Trading Co. RED OAK '26—Johnson, C. B„ Cerf. in Comm., Route 1. RIPLEY '25—Pierson, John E., BS in Arch. ROME '25—Brannon. John R., BS in TE, 509 S. Broad St. '25—Gunn, Donald, BS in Engr. '26—Hart, J. R., Cerf. in TE, 905 Maple St. •25—Laird, H. E.. Booking Mgr., Lam Amusement Co. '26—Lease, Daniel, BS in EC, Tubize Chatillon Corp. '26—Marshall, S. A., Jr., BS in CE. '26—Reynolds. J. R., Jr., BS in ME. Ga. Power Co., Sales Dept. SAINT MARYS '26—McDonell. J. R., BS in Engr. SANDERSVILLE '26—Bell, D. T., BS in Engr. SAVANNAH '25—Averett. Jas. E., BS in Engr., Sales Mgr., Savannah Elec. & Jfower Co. '26—Badenhoop, A. G., BS in CE, Pres., BadenhoopDotson Ins. Agency., 18 Whitaker St. '25—Barton. H. P., BS in Engr., Asst. Area Eng., WPA of Ga. '26—Bond, S. P., BS in Arch.. 1115 E. Anderson St. '26—Brown. G. S„ Jr., BS in EE. '26—Bryson. W. H., 9 Perry St., E. '26—Hankins. D. D., Jr., BS in CE. Engr., State Hwy. Dept. of Ga. •25—Hughes. Thomas W., BS in Comm., 511 E. 55th St. '25—Hutton. Herbert, BS in ME, 101 East 31st St. '26—Johnson, C. O., BS in Engr., 205 W. 38th St. '25—LeBey. Charles A., BS in EE, 306 E. 59th St. '26—Loyd, C. Y., BS in Comm., 907 Jefferson St.
'26— Murphy, C. E., BS in EC, Papermakers Chem. Co., Route 2. '25—Robey, Curry S„ BS in Engr., Robey Battery Co. '26—Swicegood, H. L.. BS in EE. 137 E. 46th St. '26—Terry, G. R., BS in CE, 6181/, E. 40th St. '26—Waite, A. F., BS in Engr., Isle of Hope. SHANNON '25—Hull, Arthur D., BS in TE, Sou. Brighton Mills. SMYRNA '26—Crenshaw, W. P., BS in Comm., Gen. Deliv. '25—Manning, U I a L., Cerf. in TE. '26—Nash, R. R., Jr., BS in Arch. STILLMORE '26—Durden, C. E., BS in Engr. TALLAPOOSA ;25—Howe, Donald B., BS in Comm. TATE '25—Cureton, Wm. C , Jr., BS in Engr., Ga. Marble Co. THUNDERBOLT '25—Teeple, Frank A., Jr., BS in ME. TIFTON '25—White, John D., BS in EE. VALDOSTA '26— Race, G. W., BS in CE, 1509 N. Williams St. WATKINSVILLE '26—Montgomery, H. E., BS in Comm. WAYCROSS '25—Bates, Leonard E., BS in CE, 601 Stephens St. WAYNESBORO '26—McCathern, J. M., Cerf. in TE. WEST POINT •26—Childs, J. F., Cerf. in TE. West Point Mfg. Co. WINDER •25—Poole, Wm. F„ BS in ME, 472 Athens St.
ILLINOIS CHICAGO '26—Gwyn, C. B., Jr., BS in EE, Engr., Fansteel Metallurgical Corp. '26—Wheary, Warren. BS in Comm., Sales Mgr., Schneider Metal Mfg. Co. PETERSBURG '25—Dohbs, I. S., BCS.
INDIANA INDIANAPOLIS '25—Bardwell, Geo. E., BS in ME. 2003 South East St. '26—Sparks, J. D„ BCS, 129 E. Market St. ROCKPORT '25—Morris, Harold R., in EE. ROCKPORT '25—Morris, Harold R., BS in EE.
KANSAS WICHITA '25—Bozarth, Richard V., BS in Comm., 812 S. Chatauqua Ave.
KENTUCKY LOUISVILLE '25—Roberts, BS in CE, Co. MAYFIELD '25—Griffith, BS in EE. thing St.
Clifford J., Mgr., Trane James C, 200 W. Far-
LOUISIANA BATON ROUGE '25—Laycock, John K., BS in EE, 527 Park Blvd. BENTON '25—Vance, William C , BS in ME. JACKSON '26—Meeks, H. C , BS in Comm. '26—Meeks, N. S., BS in Comm. MONROE '26—Alexander, P. L., BS in ME, 1211 St. John Drive. NATCHITOCHES '26—Franklin, Selmon, BS in Arch. NEW ORLEANS '25—Luehrman, Arthur W., BS in Engr., S46 Baronne St. '25—Miller, Joe A., BS in CE, 448 Canal Bk. Bldg. '25—Rucker, Louis D., BS in ME, 6023 Freret St. '25—Selser, Samuel G. BS in CE, 7812 St. Charles Ave. '26—Staples, L. A.. BS in ME, 5101 Pitt St. '26—Stewart, J. A., BS in ME, New Orleans Public Service. '25—Winkler, T. Q., Pres., Gillis-Winkler Ins. Agency, Inc., 839 Union St. SHREVEPORT '26—Bolton, F. R., BS in Comm., Hodge - Bolton Ins. Agency. '25—Dickson, Carter O., BS in Arch., 1165 Kings Highway. '25—Newton, Frank, BS in EE, Dist. Traffic Mgr., Sou. Bell T. & T. Co. '25—Rosenblath, Phil F., BS in Arch., 403 Texas St.
MARYLAND BALTIMORE '26—Barron, Blackeslee, BS in Gen. Sci., 612 Reservoir St.
MASSACHUSETTS BOSTON '25—Snead, John H. W., BS in ME, 75 Federal St. LYNN '26—Brandt, M. H„ Jr., BS in EE, General Electric Student Engr.
MICHIGAN DETROIT '25—Brooks, Neill E., BS in ME, Continental Motors Co. FLINT '25—Stribling, John W., BS in EE, Buick Motor Co.
September-October, 1940
1925—Geographical Directory—1927 MISSISSIPPI ASHLAND '26—Gresham, W. I., BS in Arch. GREENVILLE '26—Thomas, S. M., BS in EE. JACKSON '26— Blanks, Ed. C , Spec. Arch., 952 Harding St. '26—Boots, H. M., BS in Arch., care of C. H. Lindsley, Jackson Tower. MACON '25—Carleton. Finis E., BS in CE. STONEWALL '26—Morgan, C. 0., BS in TE, Stonewall Cotton Mills. VICKSBURG '26—Warren, L. P., 1420 Washington St.
MISSOURI CARTHAGE '25—Walton, W. T., BS in Chem., Hercules Powder Co. ST. LOUIS '26—Dutton, R. A., BS in EE, Engr. Wagner Elec. Co. '25—Lanier, W. J., BS in ME, Allis-Chalmers Co. PACIFIC '26—Anding, J . L., BS in CE, Attorney at Law.
NEW JERSEY CAMDEN '26—Rumble, E. B., BS in ME., Gen. Foreman, RCA Mfg. Co. NEWARK '25—Johnson, W. L. G., BS in Comm., Amer. Ins. Co.
NEW YORK BROOKLYN '25—Bartlett, Allen L., BS in Arch., 205 Hicks St. '25—Cerf, Edgar A., BS in EE, 71 Pine Pt. NEWBURGH '26—Carpenter, S. M., BS in CE. 14 Farrell St. NEW YORK '26—Alford, B. A., BS in TE, Sales Promotion, Cluett Peabody & Co., 40 Worth St. '25—Blackman, Thos. S., BS in CE, Engr. U. S. Tobacco Co., 630-5th Ave. '25—Dodds, R. B., BS in EE. Sales Engr., Safety Car Heating & Lighting Co., 230 Park Ave. '26—Elliot, R. A., BCS, International Tel. & T., 67 Broad St. '25—Glass, Herman A., BS in ME, Otis Elevator Co. '26—Griggs, F. H.. BS in Arch.. 808 W. 107th St. '25—Holder. A. O., BS in Comm., Pres., Jas. MeCreery & Associated Dry Goods. '25—McCrea, T. R., BS in Ch.E., Chem. Engr., Merck & Co., Inc., Mfg. Chemists, Rahwav, N. J., Res: 106 Bedford St.. N. Y. C. '26—Miles, M. L., BS in EE, New York Edison Co. '25—O'Brien, Edw. D., Vice Pres., Vandewater Paper Co., Inc., 17 Vandewater St. '26—Roberts, Lindsey, BS in Engr., Modern Bldg., Insulating Co. '25—Rogers, Warren O., BS in EE, 30 Rockefeller Plaza. '25—Sowards, Clyde O., BS in EE, 117 Liberty St. '25—Spalding, Wm. F., American Enka Corp., 206 Madison Ave.
'26—Spaldings, W. Francis, Jr., BS in TE, 79 Leonard St. '25—Turner, W. H.. BS in ME, Lawyer, 200 Madison Ave. '25—Werner, August F., BS in EE, Mgr., Howell Elec. Motor, 17 E. 42nd St. '25—Wood, J. A., BS in EE, Engr., A. T. & T. Co., Long Lines Dept., 32-6th Ave. SCARSDALE '25—May, S. C , BS in ME, Eastern Mgr., G. S. Blakeslee & Co., N. Y. C , Res: 15 Dobbs Terrace, Scarsdale. UTICA '26—Lathe, W. S.. BS in EE, Engr., Utica Gas & Elec. Co.
NORTH CAROLINA ALEXANDER '25—Waldrop, James M , BS in Comm., Route 2. ASHEVILLE '26—Gudger. L. M.. BS in Arch., Sunset Drive. CANTON '25—Gates, Louis E„ BS in Chem., Champion Fibre Co. CHARLOTTE '25—Betts, Robt. H., BS in Comm., Mgr., Retail Credit Co. •26—Beyea, R. S„ Retail Credit Co. '26—Davis, A. R.. BS in TE, Selling Agt., SacoLowell Shops. '26—McLean, H. D., BS in ME, La. Oil Refining Co. '26—Seigel, Harry, Sears, Roebuck Co. DILLSBORO '25—Enloe. Scropp W., Jr., BS in TE. FAYETTEVILLE '25—Mallory, Roswell T., Cerf. in TE, Box 243. GREENSBORO '26—Brown, E. H., BS in Gen. Sci., Draftsman. City of Greensboro, 975 Spring Garden St. '25—Makasiar, Vincente V., Engr., V, B. Higgins Co. '26—Wilkins, J. D., BS in ME, 305 Victoria St. HENDERSONVILLE '25—Gibbs, R. S., Jr., BS in EE, Duke Power Co. NEWTON '26—Lanford, C. C , BS in EE, Supt.. Public Works. YADKINVILLE •26—Parker, A. R., BS in Engr.
OHIO AKRON '25—Bradley. Harry P., BS in Chem., Chem. Lab., Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. CINCINNATI '26—Butter-field. W. M.. BS in Comm., Acct.. Buckeye Cotton Oil Co.. '25—Petty, J. W.. Jr., Publicity Dir., The H & S Power Co. CLEVELAND '26—Burke, C. E., BS in EE, Engr.. Gen. Elec. Co., 4966 Woodland Ave. IVORYDALE '26—Brown, M. J.. BS in EC, Proctor & Gamble Co. LIMA '25—Watson, J. G.. CocaCola Plant Works. . MIDDLETOWN '25—Munger, Hammett P., BS in Chem., care of Armco.
YOUNGSTOWN '25—McGehee. C. B., BS in CE, Mgr. of Sales, Highway Products Div., Truscon Steel Co.
OKLAHOMA TULSA '25—Blakey, Lawrence M., BS in EE, Box 2604.
OREGON PORTLAND '25—Talley, B. B., BS in EE, Capt.. Corps of Engrs, care of Army Engrs., 628 Pittock Block.
PENNSYLVANIA PHILADELPHIA '26— Quinn, T. W., BS in EC, 1602 Packard Bldg. PITTSBURGH '25—Blackmon. Hendley N., BS in EE, Westinghouse Elec. '25—Broughton, John J., BS in EE, 600 Arrot Bldg. '26—Hamilton. C. W., BS in Engr., ]31(i S. Broadway. '26—Leffler. Abian, BS in EC. 425 Morewood Ave. '26—White. Howard, Jr., BS in EE. Relay Engr., Duquesne Light Co. SCRANTON •25—Parker, R. J., 1217 Linden St. WILKINSBURG '26—Heck. C. V., Jr., BS in EE, 90!l Rebecca Ave.
RHODE ISLAND PAWTUCKET '26—Ashby, C. A., BS in EE, 110 High St.
SOUTH CAROLINA BISHOPVILLE '25—Krasnoff, L. I., 10 Lee St. CHARLESTON '25—Kyer, David B., Jr., BS in EE. COLUMBIA '26—McLendon. J. F., BS in Comm.. Dist. Mgr., Monroe Calculating Machine Co., 301 Mangel Bldg. '26—Wagener, F. W., 119 U. S. Court House. BNOREE '25—Morgan, Duman H., Cerf. in TE. Riverdale Mills. GREENVILLE '26—Lowndes, Wm., BS in Gen. Sci.. Southern Weaving Co. LANCASTER '26—Green, J. D., Spec. Tex. LAURENS '26—Garrett, C. C , BS in Arch. NEWBERRY '25—Chandler. Benj. E„ BS in CE, 1203 Drayton St. SUMTER '25—Ryttenberg. H. J.. V-Pres., Sumter Brick Works. YORK '25—McBrayer. Thomas B., BS in ME, Box 496.
SOUTH DAKOTA LEAD '26—Flucker. R. A., BS in ME, Mining Eng*.
TENNESSEE ALCOA '26—Traylor, George H., BS in EE, Aluminum Co. of Amer. CHATTANOOGA '26—Bickers. C. W., BS in ME, Box 276, James Supply Co. '26—Brown, W. C., BS in Comm.. 109 E. 8th St., Insurance.
'26—Cater, F. E., BS in TE and GS, Partner, Ray-Ser Dyeing Co. '25—Chapman, R. L„ BS in Comm., Provident Life & Ace. Ins. Co. '26—Diamond, Felix. BS in Comm., Felix Diamond Ins. Co. '25—Ewing, Charles R„ Cert, in TE, central Franklin Process Co. '25—Gilkeson, Wm. R., BS in EE, Elec. Engr., T. V.A., 711 Power Bldg. '26—Webb, W. R., Provident Life & Accident Ins. Co. '26—Winer, Meyer, BS in Comm., CPA, Volunteer Bldg. MEMPHIS '25—Chandler, George A., BS in Arch., Arch. PWA Project H3403, North 3rd St. '25—Fischer, Wm. H., 1430 Bank of Commerce Bldg. '25—Hays, Robert L., Jr., BS in ME, Otis Elevator Co. '25—Usury, Joseph A., BS in ME, 515 Farnsworth Bldg. SHELBYVILLE '26—Woosley, W. B., BS in TE, Pres., Woosley Knitting Mills.
TEXAS ABILENE '26—Hardin, E. J., BS in CE. FORT WORTH '26—Hollis, H. D„ BS in ME, 2328 Irwin Ave. GREENVILLE '25—Thompson, Joseph R., Cerf. in TE, 281 Jones St. LONE OAK '25—Grundy, E. T. PORT ARTHUR '26—Stephenson, E. L., BS in TE, Texas Co., Box 712. TEMPLE '26—Newton, H. S., Cerf. in TE.
VIRGINIA MAX MEADOWS '26—McGavock, H. K., BS in EE. RICHMOND '25—Underwood, E. T., Engr, System Operating Dept., Virginia Elec. & Power Co. WAYNESBORO '26—Atkinson, C. E\, BS in EC, care of DuPont Rayon Co.
WEST VIRGINIA HUNTINGTON '25—Rozier, Harold F., BS in EE, Appalachian Elec. Power Co.
WISCONSIN MARINETTE '25—Lovett, Alex H.. B3 in CE, P. O. Box 77. MILWAUKEE •26—Copeland. L. W., BS in EE. 4520 N. Woodburn St. '26—McDonald, A. F., BS in ME, Milwaukee Elee. Ry. & Light Co. PORT WASHINGTON '26—Buchanan, H. S., BS in EE, Wisconsin Elec. Power Co.
FOREIGN CUBA CAMAGUEY '26—Veltre, F. E., Jr., BS in EE. Chief Elec. Engr., Baragua Sugar Co., Baragua. GUANTANAMO BAY '25—Lasek, Louis, BS in CE, Asst. Civil Engr., U. S. Naval Station.
JAPAN FUKO TOKIO 26—Seki, Suekichi, BS in Arch., 39 Nishiokubo. TOKYO '26—Ford, T. B., Jr., BS in Engr. Chem., Mgr., in Japan, Sanki Engr. Co., Sanshin Bldg.
PERU LIMA '26—Isola, E. A., BS in TE, Box 668.
PHILIPPINE ISLANDS ZAMBOANGA '26—Powell, T. R., BS in CE, Mgr., Goodyear Rubber Plantation.
TERRITORIAL ISLANDS HONOLULU '26—Tull, L. H., BS in Comm., Luke Field.
1927 ALABAMA ANNISTON '27—Yecmans, S. J., BS in Comm., Commercial Nat. Bank. BIRMINGHAM '27—Avram, Elijah, Sp. Tex., 1200 N. 11th Ave. '27—Cole, Harrv, BS m Engr., 2516 19th Ave.,N. '27—Phillips, J. L., Gen. Engr., Alabama Power Co. •27—Rice, W. F., BS in Comm., Terrace Court Apts. DOTHAN '27—Schwalb, C. T., BS in CE, Engr., Atlanta & St. Andrews Bay Ry. Co. GREENSBORO '27—Whittlesey, J. H., BS in ME.
ARKANSAS LITTLE ROCK '27—Felix, V. L., Salesman, 111S Polk St. PINE BLUFF '27—Crump, J. F., BS in EE. PORTLAND '27—Cummings, O. O., BS in EE.
CALIFORNIA LONG BEACH '27—Wardlaw, A. B.. BS in EE, P. O. Bin-V. SAN FRANCISCO '27—Bethel, Stamps, BS in Comm., Asst. Mgr., Nat. Outdoor Adv. Bureau, Inc., Shell Bldg. '27—Hogue, T., BCS, MarkHopkins Hotel.
COLORADO PUEBLO '27—Kennedy, K. W., BS in CE, Colorado Fuel & Iron Co.
DIST. OF COLUMBIA WASHINGTON '27—Barron, C. T., BS in Comm., Div. Mgr., Loew's Eastern Division of Theatres. '27—Connelly. Vaughn B., 54 Independence Ave. '27—Purnell. H. S„ Jr., BS in EE.
FLORIDA CLEARWATER '27—Coachman, S. C , BS in ME. Bnx 900. MIAMI '27—Dibble, C. H., BS in EE. PENSACOLA '27—Smith, Eugene Clyde, BS in Comm., Hygeia Coca-Cola Bottling Co. ST. PETERSBURG '27—Knoener, C. J., BS in CE.
September-October, 1940
1927—Geosraphical Directory—1927 QUINCY '27—Higdon, R. H., BS in Comra,, Wholesale Groc. TAMPA '27—Hollingsworth, K. E., Gen. Engr., 909 S. Dakota St.
GEORGIA AMEKICUS '27—Broadhurst, D. J., BS in TE. •27—McNeill, A. T., BS in Comm., £16 Brown St. ATLANTA '27—Adams, J. R., BS in CE, 415 Trust Co. of Ga. Bldg. '27—Ansley, N. E., BS in Comm., 403 Boulevard, N. E. •27—Ball, H. C , BCS, Mack Trucks. '27—Banton, J. A., BS in EE, 27 The Prado, N. E. '27—Barnes, R. M., BS in EE, 1669 Westwood Ave., S. W. '27— Becknell, H. M„ BS in Comm., Sloan Paper Co. '27—Benny, F. R., Gen. Sci., 90—5th St., N. W. '27—Bird, G. T., BS in ME & EE, Bird-Potts, Inc., Marietta St. '27—Bleich, J. K., BS in E. Ch., Physician, 310 Doctors Bldg. '27—Boggs, G. H., Jr., BS in CE, 733 Williams St. '27—Boston, R. J., BS in CE, 787 Barnett St., N. E. '27—Brooks, L. B., BS in CE, 1667 Gordon St., S. W. '27—Bullard, R. G„ BS in CE, 1309 Rhodes-Haverty Bldg. '27—Cannon, J. S., BS in ME. '27—Carev, G. A., BS in Arch., 241 Elizabeth St., N. E. '27—Carson, R. E., BS in CE, 334—3rd St., N.W. '27—Cathey, J. W„ BS in Comm., P. O. Box 1433. '27—Clarke, W. T., BS in E. Chem., Ind. Chem. Research, Nunnaly Co. •27—Cole, H. O., BS in CE, A. K. Adams Co. '27—Cole, K. O., BS in CE, Engr., MacDougald Construction Co., P. O. Drawer 16.55. '27—C'onnally, C. P., Jr., BS in Engr., DavisonPaxon Co. '27—Connell. A. R., BS in CE, 433 Euclid Terrace, N. E. '27—Daniel, Joel, BS in ME, 3S7 Central Ave. '27—Douglas, W. C , BS in Arch., 97—14th St.,N.W. '27—Dunn, W. P., Jr., BS in EE, 31 The Prado.
'27—Edwards, P . M., Gen. Engr., 688 Fair St.,S.W. '27—Edwards, W. C , BS in EE, Contractor, City Hall. '27—Ellison, L. B., Sp. Comm., Sou. Bell Tel. Co. '27—Embry, B. S., BCS, Sec'y-Treas., American Bakeries Co. '27—Fickett, R. N., Ill, 1783 Ponce de Leon Av. '27-Frohsin, L. J.. BS in Comm., Leon Frohsin. '27—Geffkin, J. W., BS in ME, 680 Juniper St., N. E. •27—Glenn, W. H., BS in TE, 1366 Peachtree St. '27—Graham, E. P., BS in EE. '27—Green, Lee Aaron, BS in ME. '27—Harris. R. O., BS in CE. 956 Waverly Way. '27—Hartman. E. S.. Gen. Sci.. 1073 St. Charles Place. '27—Hill, F. M., Gen. Engr., 811 Vedada Way, N. E. '27—Irwin, C. R., BS in EE, 1479 Lee St. '27—Irwin. T. J., Gen. Engr., Sales Engr., 801 Bona Allen Bldg. '27—Jamison, C. A., BS in Comm., 1224 North Ave., N. E. '27—Keller, A. A., BS in EE, Am. Tel. & Tel. Co. '27—Lanier, W. P., BS in Comm., The Buckeye Cotton Oil Co. '27—Lewis, J. H., BS in EE, 780 St. Charles Av. •27—Lewis, J. M., BCS, Atlanta Journal. '27—Loach, H. D., BS in EE, City Hall. '27—Lovell, R. C , BS in ME, 420 Lawton St. '27—Lovette, F. D., BS in EE, Ga. Power Co. '27—Luter, J. G., BS in ME, Georgia Tech. '27—McCain, W. F.. BS in Comm., Battery Sales Co. '27—McAlpin, Wm. J., BS in Comm., Pres., J . J. Finnigan Co., Inc. '27—Maddox, W. A., Gen. Engr. '27—Malone, S. N., BS in Comm., Am. Tel. & Tel. Co. '27—Marshall, F. G., BS in CE. '27—Moreland, R. B., BS in TE, 866 Boulevard, N. E. '27—Parkins, W. D., Gen. Engr., % Scripto, 142 Jackson, N. E. '27—Patrick, J. V., BSC, Legal Dept., Ga. Power Co., 1607 William-Oliver Bldg.
'27—Peacock, Ben B., BS in ME, 946 Glen Arden Way, N. E. '27—Perkins, P. H., Jr., Gen. Sci., 706 Bona Allen Bldg. '27—Pitts, L. W., BS in Arch., 96 Ponce de Leon Ave. '27—Polk, J. M., Gen. Engr.,- 139 Moreland Ave., N. E. '27—Pope, W. B., Sp. Comm., Paymaster, S. A. L. R. R. '27—Rankin, V. O., Jr., BS in Comm., 610 HaasHowell Bldg. '27—Riley, N. W., BS in EE, 268 Lakeview, N. E. '27—Schartle. R. N., BS in TE, Design Engr., Elevators, Riidford & Co., 13 Porter Place. '27—Seal, G. M., BS in EE, 1142 Briarcliir PI., N. E. '27—Shelor, .1. C , BCS, Dorsey, Shelor, Dorsey. '27—Singer, .1. H.. BS in Comm. '27—Smith, J. G., BCS, 208 Murray Hill Ave. '27—Smith, Moreland, BS in Arch., 1310 Morningside Thrive, N. E. '27—Smith, ,S. M., BS in ME. '27—Tharpe. M. M., BS in Comm., Insurance, Adams, Holmes, Tharpe, Trust Co. of Ga. Bldg. '27—Walker, J. R., BS in EE, 645 Lexington Ave. '27—Waller, J. C , BCS, Sou. Bell Tel. Co. '27—Webb, W. J., BCS, Citizens & Sou. Bank. '27—Wells, T. C., BS in Arch., Draftsman, Wm. J. J. Chase. '27—Whaley, R. L., BCS. Calotabs, Inc. '27^Williamsnn, R. L.. BS in Comm., Battery Sales Co. '27—Young, J. H., BS in EE, 80 Spruce St. AUGUSTA '27—Byrd. W. O., BS in CE, 1511 Walton Way. '27—Fincher, W. H., Jr., BS in Engr., Broadway Apts. '27—Reeves, H. B., BS in CE, 1460 Walton Way. BACONTON '27—Dean, J. J., BS in CE. BONAIRE '27—Penn, H. L., BS in EE, Box 15. BREMEN '27—Lanier, J. W., BS in Comm., Box 150. BUENA VISTA '27—Butt, J. C , BS in EE. CALHOUN '27—Hardy, R. L., BS in CE.
'27—McDaniel, A. R., Gen. Sci. CARTERSVILLE '27—Sewell, C. M., Jr., BS in Comm. CEDARTOWN '27—Roberts, J. R., BS in EE, R. F. D. No. 2. COLLEGE PARK '27—Angley, T. S., BS in Comm., 229 E. John Calvin Ave. COLUMBUS '27—Groves, J. H., Jr., BS in TE, Bibbs City Hotel. '27—McClellan, T. M., BS in Comm., 1322 Talbotton Ave. '27—Watterson, J. G.. BS in EE, 1445—20th St. CORNELIA '27—Greene, W. J., Gen. Engr. COVINGTON '27—Turner, N. S., Jr., BS in TE, Covington Cotton Mills. DALTON '27—Head, L. Q., BS in TE. '27—Huff, J. M., BS in ME. '27—Jones, C. W., BS in ME., Supt., Water. Light & Sinking Fund Comm. DECATUR '27—Camp, Felin, Jr., BS in TE, 309 McDonough St. '27—Carmack, S. M„ BS in TE. '27—Daniel, J. C , BS in Arch., Box 224. '27—Fleming, J. T., Spec. Tex., 235 Carter Ave., East Lake. '27—Mallory, H. L., Gen. Sci., 242 East Ponce de Leon Ave. '27—Whorton, B. W., Spec. Tex., 116 W. Nevis St. DOERUN '27—McGraw. W. M., BS in EE. DUBLIN '27—Ash, L. R.. BS in Comm.. 208 Outley St. EATONTON '27—Gammage, Charles Edwin, BS in CE. ELBERTON '27—Crisp, C. W., BS in CE. '27—Johnson, G. M., BS in Cer. E. FORT BENNING '27—Eaton, H. D., BS in EE. FORT McPHERSON '27—Sansbvrv, D. G., Jr., BS in EE. FORT VALLEY '27—Taylor. J. F.. BS in Arch., 438 Church St. GAINESVILLE '27—Haile, W. A., Jr., BS in ME. GRIFFIN '27—Brewer, Lewis, BS in CE, Route D.
'27—Hammond, J. W., Jr., BS in EE, Hardware. LA GRANGE '27—Gunn, A. Wilkerson, BS in TE, 103 Gordon St. '27—Hudson, W. L., BS in TE. '27—Ott. T. O., Jr., BS in TE. LAMBERT '27—Miller, W. H., BS in CE. McCOLLUM '27—Park, C. L., BS in Comm. McRAE '27—Whatley, B. J.. BS in TE. MACON '27—Findlay, P. E., Jr., BS in Spec. Tex., 160 Gardner St. '27—Wright, Allen V., BS in CE, 324 College St. MARIETTA '27—Bishop, A. H., BS in Comm., 203 Washington St. MATTHEWS '27—Lucky, M. H., BS in EE. MONTEZUMA '27—Marshall, W. E., Jr.. BS in EC. NEWNAN •27—Nixon, K. B., Gen. Supt., Newnan Cotton Mills. NORCROSS '27—DeJarnette, J. L., Gen. Sci. '27—McDaniel, C. K„ BS in CE. '27—Pirkle, A. G., Gen. Engr. ODESSADALE •27—Smith, G. C , BS in Comm. ROME '27—Doyal, G. M., BS in EE. SAVANNAH '27—Hutton, P. W., Gen. Sci. '27—LeBey, J. C , BS in Arch. '27—Parnelle, S. W., Jr.. Gen. Sci., 2307% Whitaker St. '27—Pirog, J. T., Gen. Engr., 415 E. 35th St. '27—Powell. H. E., Gen. Engr., Savannah Electric & Power Co. STATESBORO '27—Aldred, W. H., Jr., BS in Arch., Owner, Walter Aldred Company. '27—Shruptrine, H. O., BS in TE. STILSON '27—Warnock, R., Gen. Engr. THOMASTON '27— Pasley, D. C , BS in Comm. WASHINGTON '27—Wood, T. W., BS in CE.
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EDGAR E. DAWES, (M.E. WIS) Manufacturers' Rhodes Bldg., Annex
Agents Atlanta, Ga.
September-October, 1940
1927—Geosraphical Directory—1927 WAYCKOSS '£7—Wine. L. R„ Gen. Engr., State Hwy. Dept.. WEST POINT '27—Askew, W. B„ BS in TE. '27—Booker, W. E., Jr., BS in Comm. '27—Bruce, F. B., BS in TE, Lanett Bleachery & Dve Works. '27—Turner, A. D., Jr., BS in TE.
ILLINOIS CAIRO '27—Powell, V. O., BS in CE, U. S. Engineers Office. CHICAGO '27—Holmes, J. P., PS in TE, 222 W. Adams St. "27—Napier, L. M., BS In CE, 462 Winneconna Av.
IOWA ALBIA '27—Rosenfcer, Sam, BS in CE.
KENTUCKY LOUISVILLE '27—Greene, Robt. W., Jr., BS in EE, V.-Pres., Colonial Supply Co., Inc. SOMMERSET '27—Coleman, D. T., BS in EE.
LOUISIANA NEW ORLEANS '27—Murray, S. D., BS in Comm., Tulane U. Unit, Charity Hospital. PATTERSON '27—Chiasson, E. A., BS in CE. RUSTON '27—Lewis, W. A„ BS in Comm., 210 E. Alabama Ave.
MARYLAND BALTIMORE '27—Cross, R. D., BS in EE, Technical Dept., Socony Vacuum Oil Co., Baltimore Trust Bldg.
MASSACHUSETTS BOSTON '27—Brown, Wm. T., BS in CE, 1201 Custom House, U. S. Treasury Dept. CAMBRIDGE '27—Frederick, H. W„ BS in ME, Dept. o£ Grounds & BIdgs., Harvard Univ. NORTH ABINGTON '27—Colyer, C. M., BS in ME, The Elec. Light & Power Co.
MICHIGAN DETROIT '27—Bearden, Judge W., BS in TE, Sales Rep., Callaway Mills, Gen. Motors Bldg-.
MISSISSIPPI COLUMBUS '27—Morris, Wm. Little, Gen. Engr. COMO '27—Alexander, A. P., BS in Comm. JACKSON '27—Garber, I. C , Jr., BS in Gen. Sci. McCOMB '27—Turner, B. M., BS in EE, 203 Oak St. WESSON '27—Furr, C. T., BS in MH.
MISSOURI KANSAS CITY '27—Merry. B., BS in ME. Supt., Fulton Bag & Cotton Mills. ST. LOUIS '27—Miller, J. H., Gen. Engr., G. E. Service Shops.
NEW JERSEY TRENTON '27—Kennedy. T. L.. Jr., BS in CE, American Bridge Co.
NEW YORK BUFFALO '27—Crosswell, W. J., BS in ME, Curtiss-Wright Corp. FLUSHING '27—Rankin. T. H „ BS in CE, 10 Bovven Ave. NEW YORK CITY '27—Anderson, W. M., BS in Arch., T. B. Stout Co., 420 Lexington St. '27—Beatty, T. C , BS in Engr., Combustion Engr. Co., 200 Madison Ave. '27—Chaille. J . H., BS in Gen. Sci., Box 396, Gen. P . O. "27—Godwin, Owen Hill, BS in Arch., 731 Custom House. '27—Grant, M. B., Gen. Sci., Hornblower & Weeks. '27—Gray, J. F.. BS in Arch., Tudor City Apts. '27—Holland. R. F.. BS in Comm., Harris - Forbes Co. '27—Lundv, C. A„ BS in EE. Room 83S, 466 Lexington Ave. '27—McRae. D. F., BS in Gen. Sci., % Lazard Freres & Co.t Investment Bankers, 120 Broadway. '27—Mejio, Elias, BS in CE. 99 C'ourtland St. '27—Strickland, C. A.. BS in Comm., 1775 Grand Converse. '27—White, E. D., BS in CE, 421 W. USth St.
PORT IVORY, L. I. '27—Alsobrook. A. E., BS in Engr. Chem., Procter & Gamble Mfg. Co. SCOTIA '27—Kaestle. F. L., 'BS in EE, 232—4th St. STATEN ISLAND '27—Ross. Clunis Hayden, BS in CE.
NORTH CAROLINA ASHEVILLE '27—Broderick. R. S., BS in EE, Carolina Light & Power Co. '27—Felmet, Jackson, Gen. Sci., 15S Penn Ave. BILTMORE '27—Merchant. L. C , BS in CE, Rt. 1. GREENSBORO '27—Chandler. H. S., BS in Arch.. 4(18 W. Washington St. '27—Makasinr. V. V., BS in ME, Engr., V. B. Higgins Co. HICKORY '27—Bisanar, G. Norman, BS in Gen. Sci., 1328— 16th St. SOUTHERN PINES '27—Steed. J. N., BS in EE. Carolina Power & Light Co. WILMINGTON '27—Gore. E. J., BS in Comm. '27—Page, R. Mc., Jr., BS in CE, Wilmington Star News. WINSTON-SALEM '27—Allen. R. W., BS in EE, 412 N. Spruce St.
OHIO AKRON '27—Dorey, J. H., BS in Arch., 6ir> Belleview Av. CLEVELAND '27—Claflin. J. M„ BS in ME. 1911 Shaw Ave. COLUMBUS '27—Haggard, R. C , BS in TE. 3205 First Ave. IVORYDALE '27—Fincher, H. D., BS in Ch. E., Chem. Div., Procter & Gamble.
OKLAHOMA ARDMORE '27—Alexander, H. B., BS in EC, Sales Agent, Mag. Pet. Co.
PENNSYLVANIA CORAPOLIS '27—Scherffius, Wm. Simeon, BS in CE, Koppers Constr. Co. MOORES '27—Smith. J. L., BS in ME, 1421 Lincoln Ave.
PITTSBURGH '27—Freeman, Harry, BS in CE, 4800 Forbes St. '27—Stalker, W. G., BS in (Jen. Engr., Frick-Reid Corp., 117 Sandusky St. WILLIAMSPORT '27—Rickenbach, A. W., BS in ME, Engr., Lycoming Mfg. Co.
SOUTH CAROLINA ANDERSON "27—Sullivan, V. D., BS in CE, 326 N. McDuffy St. CAMDEN '27—DeLoach, L. D., BS in TE. CHARLESTON '27—McMillan, K. P., BS in EE. 294 Sumter St. COLUMBIA '27—Arnold. W. H., BS in EE. Federal Land Bank. '27—Mylius, F. G., BS in CE. P . O. Box 653. DARLINGTON '27—Haynesworth, J. S., BS in TE. FT. MOULTRIE '27—Nance, J . E., BS in ME.
TENNESSEE ALCOA '27—Newterry, H. W., BS in Engr. Chem., Al. Co. of Amer. Reduction Pit. CHATTANOOGA '27—Garcia. P . B., Gen. Sci., Patten Hotel. '27—Kelly, H. J., BS in CE, Engr.. T. V. A., Pound Bldg. '27—Peek, H. H., Jr., BS in ME, Pres., Lookout Boiler & Mfg. Co. '27—Saperstein, S. E., BS in Comm., Packer Adv. Co. '27—Silverman, Wm., BS in Comm., 1320 Dugdale St. KNOXVILLE '27—Walker, H. A., Spec. Tex., Cherokee Spinning Co. MEMPHIS '27—Brankstone, R. M., BS in CE. OLD HICKORY '27—Baker, G. D., BS in TE, Dupont Rayon Co. '27—Dean, J. E., BS in TE, Dupont Cellophane Co.
TEXAS CAMERON '27—McGregor, H. H., BS in Comm. DALLAS '27—McNeice. E. S., BS in Comm., Mgr., Consolidated Millinery Co., Sanger Bldg.
'27—Nicholl, J. F., BS in CE, 315 W. Brooklyn Ave. '27—Young, J. L., Jr., BS in TE, V.-Pres., Hesalein & Co., Inc., 1104 Santa Fe Bldsf. GALVESTON '27—Smith, J . W., Gen. U. S. Engr. Office. HOUSTON '27—Perlitz, F. W., BS in TE. '27—Perlitz, Wm. H., BS in EE, McCollum Exploration Co. '27—Schwartz. C. A., BS in ME, 3003 Louisiana St. PAMPA '27—Barnett, J. N., BS in Comm. PORT ARTHUR '27—Stephens, E. L., Gen. Engr., Texas Co., Box 712. WACO '27—Tillery, J. G„ BCS, 2405 Ginn Ave.
VIRGINIA HOPEWELL •27—Sanford, R. M.. BS in E. Chem., 407 Spruance St. NEWPORT NEWS '27—Ankers, J. S., BS in ME. '27—Williams. R. E„ BS in CE, Newport Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co. RICHMOND '27—Harris, C. Del., BS in TE, 15 E. Franklin. ROANOKE '27—Stephens, J . W., BS in EE, Appalachian Electric Power Co. SALTVILLE '27—Myers, C. B., BS in E. Chem., Mathison Alkali Co. WAYNESBORO '27—Scarborough, W. L., BS in Comm., Box 965.
WISCONSIN MILWAUKEE '27—Harris, R. M c , BS in Gen. Engr., Line material Co.
FOREIGN SALVADOR AHUACHAPAN "27—Magana, A. A., Gen Sci. (To he. Continued)
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