Georgia Tech Alumni Magazine Vol. 29, No. 02 1950

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Georaia Tech dlumnus

HOME COMING FELLOWSHIP Oscar G. Davis, ' 2 2 , President Alumni Association, greets Dr. M . L. Brittain, left, Ga. Tech Pres. Emeritus and M r . John A . McCrary, ' 9 4 , right, at the October 2 8 , Home Coming Barbecue.




No. 2


Geomia Tecl^lumnus Published


other month during the college year by the National Association of the Georgia Institute of Technology



NO. 2






of the Annual Business Meeting President's Message "Georgia Tech Day" Nationally Observed History of Georgia Tech's First Band Report of the Secretary Home Coming Celebrated with Record Attendance Industrial Engineering Institute Address Club Meetings — Prominent Mentions — Sports NATIONAL




Oscar G. Davis, '22, President • Price Gilbert, Jr., '21, Vice-President • Frank R. Williams, '20, Vice-President • Chas. R. Yates, '35, Treasurer • R. J. Thiesen, '10, Exec. Secretary • Brian S. Brown, '50, Mgr. Alumni Activities Ivan Allen, Jr., '33; Frank W. Allcorn III, '41; Chas. M. Brown. '25; Henry W. Grady, '18; Roddey Garrison, '23; Jack F. Glenn, '32; Robert H. Tharpe, 34. G E O R G I A TECH A L U M N I F O U N D A T I O N , I N C . OFFICERS AND TRUSTEES

Geo. W. McCarty, '08, President • F. E. Callaway, Jr., '26, Vice-President • Thos. Fuller, '06, Vice-President • W. A. Parker, '19, Treasurer • Howard Ector, '40, Exec. Secretary J. E. Davenport, '08 • C. L. Emerson, '08 • Clement A. Evans, '22 • Y. F. Freeman, '10 • Julian T. Hightower, '19 • George S. Jones, Jr., '12 • George T. Marchmont, '07 • Walter M. Mitchell, '23 • Frank H. Neely, '04 • C. Pratt Rather, '23 • William T. Rich, '10 • John A. Simmons, '15 • Frank M. Spratlin, '06 • James F. Towers, '01 • R. B. Wilby, '08 • George W. Woodruff, '17 • Robert H. White, Jr., '14.

It isn't often that Georgia Tech Alumni, as a body and as individuals. are called upon to do a specific, critically needed job for Tech. The last time such a call came was 'way back in 1922, when the Greater Georgia Tech Campaign was staged in the Atlanta area. Probably never again will the chance come to do a material job for Tech and in so doing pay heartfelt tribute to a man who himself did much for Tech and who is beloved by all Tech men. That opportunity is presently offered by t h e W. A. Alexander Memorial Building Drive. This drive asks that Tech Alumni, along with the general public, contribute funds to erect a type of building that is not only a dire need at Tech but which will prove a t r e mendous asset to the community at large. Many badly needed facilities will be wrapped up in this one building, the description of which has been sent all Alumni and which is again briefly outlined in this issue of the Alumnus. Read about it, consider the need for it, remember that you are an Alumnus — and, DO YOUR SHARE! • O S C A R







Robt. B. Wilby • L. W. Robert, Jr., Honorary • John O. Chiles • J. J. Westbrook ALUMNI STATE ADVISORY COUNCIL BY DISTRICTS 1 Vacancy, 9-l-'50. 2 R. A. Puckett, Tifton. 3 W. C. Pease, Columbus. 4 & 5 Vacancy, 9-l-'50. 6 Jas. T. Kinnett, Macon. 7 R. A. Morgan, Rome. 8 I. M. Aiken, Brunswick. 9 W. H. Slack, Gainesville. 10 Wm. D. Eve, Augusta. STAFF R. J. THIESEN, Editor THEODOSIA A. STEELE, Staff Associate

HOWARD ECTOR, Assistant Editor BRIAN BROWN. Business Manager

Office of Publication: 208 Knowles Building Georgia Institute of Technology • Atlanta, Georgia ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER MARCH 22, 1923 at the Post Office in Atlanta, Ga., under the Act of March 8, 1879.

Cfjrisrtmas, 1950 •

The Best of Good Wishes to All And May Every Blessing With "Peace on Earth" Be With You and Yours At Christmas Time and Always; And May Your New Years Be Ever Joyous and Bright.

THE 1950 HOME COMING By OSCAR G. DAVIS Home Coming, 1950, is now a thing of the past. To us it seemed a good Home Coming, despite t h e fact that Kentucky finally won the game. It was the best attended Home Coming in history. A fine, happy spirit prevailed. The barbecue was good. The Rambling 'Reck Parade was great. The fraternities did the best job of decoration ever. Many classes held outstanding reunions. All of which added up to a really successful Home Coming. But — the next Home Coming can be even better. While memory is fresh, how about letting us have any ideas or criticism that is in your mind? We'd like very much to know what you think could be done to improve, change or add to Home Coming activities. Drop us a line—and speak out frankly. The Alumni Association wants your Home Coming to be as you want it. 3

GENERALLY OBSERVED GEORGIA TECH DAY INAUGURATES ALEXANDER MEMORIAL DRIVE Thousands of Georgia Tech alumni and friends from California and Massachusetts, and from Washington and Florida, gathered at dinner meetings on Georgia Tech Night, November 13, to honor the late Coach W. A. Alexander and the Georgia Institute of Technology. In Atlanta, 200,000 citizens turned out to witness the Georgia Tech-Alexander Memorial Parade with 15 college and high school bands, 17 "ramblin' recks," the Georgia Tech Army, Navy and Air Force R.O.T.C. units, a 30-foot float with a scale-model of the Alexander Memorial Building, 500 freshmen, officials of city, county and state, the 1950 football team, and two cars with members of the 1928 Rose Bowl football team. Under the auspices of local Alexander Memorial Committees, meetings ALABAMA ROBERT GREGG Birmingham, Ala. ARKANSAS JOHN MclNTYRE Pine B l u f f , Arkansas CALIFORNIA YOUNG FRANK FREEMAN Hollywood, Calif. COLORADO V A N HOLT GARRETT Denver 2, Colo. CONNECTICUT LARRY G. MOORE Bridgeport, Conn. DELAWARE E. D. RAMSEUR W i l m i n g t o n 9 9 , Del. FLORIDA JOHN H. M A R S H A L L Jacksonville, Fla.

IDAHO ANDREW S. RUSSELL, JR. Idaho Falls, Idaho ILLINOIS J. W . W H E A R Y Chicago 50, III. INDIANA W I L L I A M V. KINGDON Indianapolis, Ind. IOWA A R C H I B A L D B. WEST Cedar Rapids, Iowa KANSAS COL. G. R. BARKER Ft. Leavenworth, Kan. KENTUCKY EUGENE D. H I L L Louisville 2, Ky. LOUISIANA REDDING SIMS New Orleans, La.

were held throughout the nation as follows: Birmingham, Ala.; Mobile, Ala.; Los Angeles, Calif.; San Francisco, Calif.; Denver, Colo.; Wilmington, Del.; Gainesville, Fla.; Jacksonville, Fla.; Miami, Fla.; Orlando, Fla.; Tampa, Fla.; Indianapolis, Ind.; Boston, Mass.; Detroit, Mich.; Jackson, Miss.; Schenectady, N. Y.; Charlotte, N. C ; Greensboro, N. C ; Cincinnati, Ohio; Cleveland, Ohio; Tulsa, Okla.; Portland, Ore.; Philadelphia, Pa.; Columbia, S. C ; Greenville, S. C ; Kingsport, Tenn.; Knoxville, Tenn.; Nashville, Tenn.; Dallas & Fort Worth, at Dallas, Texas; Houston, Texas; Danville, Va.; Richmond, Va.; Washington, D. C ; Seattle, Wash., and Charleston, W. Va. In Georgia, meetings were conducted at Rome, Gainesville, Athens, Augusta, LaGrange, Newnan, West Point, Macon, Milledgeville, Columbus, Dublin, MAINE ROBERTA. HUDSON Middleford, Maine MARYLAND ERROLECKFORD Pikesville, M d . MASSACHUSETTS W I L B U R H. W H I T T Y Boston 10, Mass. MICHIGAN KENNETH C. McRAE Detroit, M i c h . MINNESOTA PAUL P.WELCH Minneapolis, M i n n . MISSISSIPPI EUGENE D. D R U M O N D Jackson, Miss. MISSOURI J. P. GARY St. Louis, M o .

M O N T A N A , N. DAKOTA, S. DAKOTA & W Y O M I N G CARL CLIFTON H I L L Helena, M o n t . NEBRASKA N A T H A N TURNER O m a h a , Neb. NEVADA & U T A H OLIVER COLE CUSTER Davis D a m , Nev. NEW HAMPSHIRE ERNEST T. S M I T H , JR. Claremont, N. H. NEW JERSEY W . J . H O L M A N , JR. P l a i n f i e l d , N. J. NEW YORK JAMES F. TOWERS New York, N. Y.

Moultrie, Valdosta, Dalton and Americus. It was reported early Tuesday morning, November 14, that incomplete reports indicated that more than $300,000 had been pledged through Monday night, November 13, the official opening of the campaign which proposes to raise $1,500,000 from all parts of the country by popular subscription towards the construction of the Alexander Memorial Building. General Headquarters of the committee is located at Georgia Tech in Atlanta, Ga. However, much of the work is being done by state chairmen who had been appointed for practically every state in the nation by Carter Barron, national chairman, whose lamentable death occurred on November 16 in Washington, D. C. State chairmen include:

NORTH CAROLINA MONTGOMERY S. H I L L Greensboro, N. C. OHIO B E N J A M I N J. G A N T T C i n c i n n a t i , Ohio OKLAHOMA C A R M I N E J. GROSSI Tulsa, O k l a . OREGON FOLGER JOHNSON Portland, Oregon PENNSYLVANIA CLARENCE L . J O R D A N Philadelphia, Pa. RHODE ISLAND COMDR. L. D. BELLINGER N e w p o r t , R. I. SOUTH CAROLINA WARREN I R V I N C o l u m b i a , S. C.

TENNESSEE GORDON G A M B I L L C h a t t a n o o g a , Tenn. TEXAS W I L L I A M STEWART BOYLE Houston, Texas VERMONT G. W . T A P P A N , JR. Rutland, Vt. VIRGINIA W I L L I A M ELLIOTT WOOD Richmond, V a . WASHINGTON C. P.JOHNSON Seattle, W a s h i n g t o n WEST V I R G I N I A W . L. HAWES Charleston, W . V a . WISCONSIN JOHNOSTER, JR. Racine, Wis.

T H E ALEXANDER MEMORIAL BUILDING The architects of the building state that: "After experimentation with the various possible types of structural systems, the simple form of a large playing floor with a tremendous stadium on each longitudinal side of the floor was adopted. The finished design resulted in a three sectional mass — the main central section 85 feet high, 455 feet wide, which houses the playing floor, stadia, access ramps, and the full locker room and shower facilities under the two stadia; the adjacent front section, 33 feet high, 215 feet long and 50 feet wide, which houses an entrance lobby, administrative section, handball courts, and Memorial Room; and the rear section, 30 feet high, 285 feet long, and 76 feet wide, housing the practice basketball court, wrestling room, gymnastics and weight room, and the combined shipping-storage areas."

Nationally Mourned Death of Carter Barron, Distinguished Alumnus, Follows Recent Georgia Tech Homecoming Reunion Carter Tate Barron, 1927, motion picture executive and one of Georgia Tech's well known trio of football playing brothers, died of a cerebral hemorrhage, Thursday, November 16, at his home in Washington, D. C. Mr. Barron was last in Atlanta, October 28 to attend Tech's home coming, to participate in the organization of the A l e x a n d e r Memorial Campaign ceremonies, and to have a reunion with his brothers. Second of the three brothers who played football at Tech under Coach Alexander, Carter Barron came to Tech several years after his famous brother David "Red" Irenus Barron, and was followed by his younger football-playing brother, Pat. All three were born in Clarke;sville, Ga. Carter Barron was graduated from Tech in 1927, and was president of the Student Council then, and a member also of Tech's basketball, baseball, and lacrosse teams. Barron, a protege of the late Coach "Bill" Alexander was, at the time of his death, National Chairman of the Alexander Memorial Fund Committee and Eastern Division Manager for Loew's Theatres with headquarters in Washington. President Truman heard of the death at his press conference on the afternoon of November 15. An Aide told the President that Barron had died. Visibly shocked, the President said Carter Barron was one of the ablest men in Washington and one of the greatest assets the District ever had. Barron had c o n f e r r e d frequently with the President in planning the Sesqui - centennial program and on other matters concerning the City of Washington. One of Barron's latest official acts in Washington was to guide 10-year-old Roy Morris of Monroe, Georgia, on a tour of the Capital. This youngster faces a loss of eyesight and possibility of living only a few months. Barron took him to the White House Capitol and other points of interest. In 1942, Mr. Barron was named Washington representative of MetroGoldwyn-Mayer Studios. A Democrat, he had served the National Party in many capacities. He had been Treasurer for the National Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner since 1945. A personal friend of President Truman, he served as chairman of the presidential inaugural parade and Special Events Committee in January, 1949, and was program director for November-December,


Happy Georgia Tech Home Coming Reunion of the Barron Brothers and Sons on October 28 was followed by the sudden death of the nationally prominent member. Carter Barron, shown in center of the front row. D. I. "Red" Barron, '22, also renowned, is on the front row, right. Standing, left, is Dick Barron and, right, Virgil Barron. On the back row are: Pat Barron, Jr., and Carter "Cracker" Barron, Jr. Pat Barron, Sr.. was unable to be present.

Cherry Blossom Festivals. The President appointed him in 1949 to the committee of the National Capital Sesqui-centennial Celebration and the committee subsequently named him executive vice chairman. Since going to Washington in 1931, he had been active in public affairs and played a leading part in Washington and District of Columbia municipal affairs. He was a member of the Board of Directors, Washington Board of Trade, member of the Executive Committee of the Greater National Capital Committee and chairman of the Entertainment Committee for the President's Birthday Celebration for 12 years, beginning in 1934. He was a director in the Washington Metropolitan Police Boys' Club and Treasurer of American Foundation for the Physically Handicapped. Mr. Barron's civic activities included service as Public Information Committee Chairman of the District of Columbia Chest X-Ray Survey, member of the Board of Directors of the District Chapter of American Cancer Society and Executive Committee of the District Chapter of National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, Chairman of the District's 1949 Red Cross Campaign and Co-chairman of the Chris-

tian Committee for the United Jewish Appeal. During World War II, he was active in support of bond drives and relief organizations, having been Co-chairman of the Amusement Division of War Bond Campaigns, 1942-45, member of the District Executive Committee for the Opportunity Bond Drive, and on the Executive Committee of the Community War Fund, 1943-1944. His f r a t e r n a l activities included membership in Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity, National Press Club, Rotary, Chatterbox, Variety and Touchdown Clubs. He was a leading Baptist. Carter Barron was married J u n e 6, 1928, to the former Velma Snelling of Bostwick, Ga. They have one son, Carter Tate "Cracker" Barron, Jr., 16year-old student at St. Alban's school. The funeral was held in Washington, D. C , and the burial services were conducted at the graveside in Westview Cemetery in Atlanta. Besides his wife and his two famous football-playing brothers, "Red" and Felton (Pat) Barron, he is survived by a son, Carter Tate Barron, Jr.; two other brothers, Dick Barron of Toccoa, and Virgil C. Barron of Atlanta, and a sister, Mrs. H. L. Upshaw of Toccoa, Georgia. 5

INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING INSTITUTE ADDRESS Excerpts from an address by Mr. W . E. Mitchell former Georgia Power Company President Members of Ga. Institute of Technology's 1950 Industrial Engineering Institute and Guests: This session of your Industrial Engineering Institute now drawing to a close has been concerned primarily and properly with the engineering and technical problems of production. If I may, I'd like us to consider for a few minutes some of the other phases of American business: Where we are today; where we have come from; and where do we go from here? I think it was Lincoln in the dark days a little more than 90 years ago who said in effect: "If we but know where we are and whence we came, we can better judge whither we are drifting and take the needed corrective measures." The airplane flying around the world in 80 hours makes Jules Verne's around the world in 80 days slow indeed! And 8 or 9 hours from Atlanta to San Francisco makes the Pony Express, with its 500 horses and 80 riders each doing 133 miles per day to get the U. S. Mail from St. Joseph, Missouri, to Frisco every eleven days, seem ridiculously slow. Yet that was fast time only 90 years ago! It is no stretch of the imagination, but genuine realism, to say our progress in the past half century is a miracle — U. S. A. I well remember as a college lad seeing that first steam driven automobile, 1900 I think it was. Yes, it usually came back at the tail of a farmer's wagon but it was the forerunner of today's auto, of which millions are produced annually, and which are causing such serious highway, city parking and congestion problems. Since 1900 we've increased our machine power 4% times. Since 1900 we've more than doubled the output each of us produces for each hour we work. Since 1900 the annual income per household has more than doubled, although we've cut more than 18 hours off our average work week. Benjamin Fairless, President of United States Steel Corporation, in a recent address entitled "DETOUR — T O UTOPIA," said: "I am not an alarmist, yet I am gravely disturbed by what I have seen. In my opinion, our American economic system is in deadly peril today — from self-styled 'friends' in Washington who would literally hack it to death on the pretext of saving its immortal soul. If these misguided planners and politically ambitious officeholders have their way, three of our most precious liber6

ties — freedom of opportunity, freedom of initiative and freedom of enterprise — will vanish from this earth. "These self-appointed saviours of our national welfare seem always to miss the point: that our American system of free competitive enterprise is the only one left in the world that is not controlled by power-hungry politicians; and that once the dead hand of politics gets its convulsive grip on American business and industry, free competition will be strangled and our economic system will be no different from those which are crumbling in Europe. "I am convinced that the American people will never knowingly travel that road to economic disaster. They have built the most magnificent industrial machine this world has even seen and they are certainly not going to wreck it that way as long as the road is clearly marked by sign-posts which honestly reveal its destination. But in Washington today there are theorists and bureaucrats who are trying to take down the honest guideposts and put up others reading: 'Detour — to Utopia'. "The m o s t d a n g e r o u s deception which has been practiced upon us is the fallacy that our whole economy can be divided into two parts labeled 'big' and 'little' business. Because some statistician has drawn an imaginary line between companies employing more and less than 500 persons, we argue about big business and little business as though they were two hostile armies warring against each other." Even here in our own Southland there are those who seem to think that size in anything, except a department store, denotes something sinister and improper. So, certainly today, with war in Korea, war in Indo-China, with the cold-war with Russia, and the fear that it may develop into World War III — with our failure to read history and be prepared and stay prepared, with our 60 cent dollars, and more inflation in the offing, the thinking business man has plenty of troubles. I like two stories I heard Mr. Kettering, the inventor of the self-starter, tell: He had to go almost weekly from Dayton to Detroit and he told a group of engineers that he drove it in five hours. The engineers all said "That is impossible." "But I do it" was his reply. How do you do it? was the next question. He outlined how he took back roads, avoiding the big towns, and in almost one voice the engineers said "Oh, but you didn't take Route No. —,

the red line standard highway marked on all road maps!" No, he left the travelled way and tried a new and different one. His other story was about the engineers who had it all figured out with many pages of theory that a certain machine couldn't operate. But he said "It does!" Hence, his remark: "Leave it to the machine — it frequently knows best." It may be a long look ahead but Mr. C. E. Wilson's recent statement is just as sound and realistic as Mr. Wilson is himself. You know he came up from office boy to President of General Electric Company without the benefit of a college education. This is what Mr. Wilson said: "We are not interested in driving out any particular union, or in discrediting union organization in general. We are interested in seeing that organized labor grows up mentally as well as physically. It is a big boy now, with big muscles, and its parents have great hopes for it. "We want to see strong unions, with democratic leadership that has a real sense of responsibility, not only for the individual members of the union, but for the great and successful American industrial democracy of which it is an important part. Labor must have dignity and understanding and patience and tolerance and fairness, as well as power. It will get those qualities only through the active interest and participation of the rank and file. It is later than you think. If we would preserve the freedom of action and individual initiative, and the opportunity for every man who has the capacity to become the manager of his own business — these things which have made American business what it is today and which have made America and Americans the envy of the whole world — then I think, difficult though it may be, business men will have to devote more time and attention to political matters and to those who make the laws — city, county, state, and federal — than they have in the past! When in Fulton County, out of a possible maximum registration of 354,000, actually only 129,000 or 36% registered; and in the 1950 primary for governor only 64,000, or 50%, voted; or in Atlanta, where only 12% of those eligible, both registered and voted — what kick have we got about the kind of government we have if we were among those who didn't register or vote? THE GEORGIA TECH ALUMNUS

History of Georgia Techs First Band By R. L. "BEDIE" BIDEZ, T.E., 1912 This interesting address was made at the Ga. Tech Home Coming luncheon on October 28, when a picture of the first Tech Band was presented to President Van Leer by R. L. Bidez who organized and led the band, while a student, in the fall of 1908. Mr. Bidez is an outstanding business, church, and civic leader of Mobile, Ala., and has always been prominent in Georgia Tech's activities. At the risk of being called an old man, I am going to reminisce a little. This occasion causes me to remember the many happy days I spent at Ga. Tech. I remember when 20% Davis, Buchannan, " P a p a " L u c k , Charley Sweet, "Chip" Robert, Cherry Emerson, "Piggy" Hightower, Dean Hill, Pat Patterson, Homer Cook and others — some of whom have gone to their reward and all of whom brought to "Tech" not only glory on the gridiron, but many of whom have brought great honor to the school, the state and the nation, as great engineers, great industrial leaders and great soldiers, all of them outstanding citizens of the United States. I remember the many happy days and intimate hours I spent with "Bill" Alexander as his classmate and roommate, for one year in the lower shack, an eight room, wooden building without electric lights or toilet facilities, located down the hill and just north of Knowles dormitory. We called him "Alex" in those days. How he lived to be one of the best loved men who ever attended Ga. Tech — and one of the great athletic coaches of the nation. Immortalized as a builder of men and character and named "Coach of the Year" in 1942 by the New York World Telegram, in addition to his many other sectional and national honors. I remember the day in September, R. L. Bidez, '12, right, is shown presenting a picture of Georgia Tech's first band, 1908-09, to Pres. Van Leer of Tech at the 1950 Home Coming Luncheon.

„ . .. . „ . „,.„., „ „ ,. , Front row (left to right): C. M. Gruber, Miami; M. A. "Mike Greenblatt, the host and first professional director of the band. Back row (left to right): J. G. Hardwick, Atlanta; R. L. Bidez, Mobile, Ala., and Robt. Mell, Atlanta. November-December,


1908, when a little Jewish boy named Cohen from Savannah, Georgia, pinned a notice on the bulletin board in the hall just outside the office of Dr. Branch, the Registrar, calling a meeting in the Y.M.C.A. room (a basement room below the auditorium in the main academic building) of those interested in organizing a band. About ten or twelve men attended the meeting. Gene Turner, beloved Secretary of the Y.M.C.A., was there to lend us his moral support and to tell us that our ambition was a worthy one. The band was organized and Cohen was named leader. Some of the boys had their own instruments, but we needed a bass horn, a baritone, an alto , , , , a n d a b a s s drum " 1 w e n t to m f h o m e (Continued on next page) 7

BAND HISTORY (Cont'd) at Rockmart, Georgia, that week-end and borrowed those instruments from the Craig-Cowan Band — an amateur organization that my father directed but which, at that time, had been disorganized. At a meeting a short time after that I was elected leader and led the band until the fall of 1912 when "Mike" Greenblatt, a young professional musician in Atlanta, a fine trombone player, came out and helped us; and, in the spring of 1913, he became Georgia Tech's first professional band leader. I remember the first trip that the band made with the football team, to Athens, Georgia. Dr. K. G. Matheson (then President of Ga. Tech), affectionately called "King George" by all Tech men, allowed us to call a general assembly and announce our plans for a special train to carry us to Athens and bring us back after the game — and I remember the beloved Dr. S. S. Wallace, known affectionately as "Cocky" Wallace, Head of the English Department and Superintendent of the Dormitories, after much persuasion, giving permission to all the men in the dormitories to make the trip. I remember, too, when I wrote a letter to the Athletic Association of the University of Georgia, offering them the services of the Tech band to play for Georgia at the GeorgiaAlabama game to be played at Piedmont Park. Tech was playing out of town that day, I believe against "Tenn." They accepted the offer. Some of the boys said, "I'll be damned if I'll play for Georgia," but they did, and it was on that afternoon that Derrill P r a t t immortalized himself by kicking two field goals, one from the 35 yard line and the next one from the 40 yard line, to win the game for Alabama. In 1909 we had a picture made for the "Blue Print," Tech's Annual, of the first Georgia Tech Band. I secured a print and made a frame for the picture myself. It hung in my father and mother's home until I married and it has hung in mine from then until this day. I have had the picture enlarged and have had one of the boys in our engineering department nicely letter the names of the members of the band on the mat below the picture. I have thought that the school may want to perpetuate the identity of these men and, with that thought in mind and the hope that you will find a suitable place to hang it, I present to the school, in a spirit of deep humility but of great pride, through you, Dr. Van Leer, President of Georgia Institute of Technology, this picture of Ga. Tech's first band. 8

MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING, GEORGIA TECH NATIONAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION, OCTOBER 27, 1950 President Oscar G. Davis called the meeting to order at 5:00 P.M., in the auditorium of G e o r g i a T e c h ' s new Harrison Hightown Textile Building. Thfre were 51 alumni present at the opening of the session. Upon motion, the minutes of the annual business meeting of October 28, 1949, were approved, as published in the November-December, 1949, issue of the Georgia Tech Alumnus. President Davis welcomed the alumni and introduced the trustees of the National Alumni Association and the Alumni Foundation, respectively; and then asked each alumnus to stand and give his name, class, and hometown. Howard Ector, Executive Secretary of the Georgia Tech Alumni Foundation, reported on the activities, objectives, and financial set-up of the Foundation and added that the Fourth Annual Alumni Roll Call, which began on June 1, 1950, was ahead of what it was at this time last year; showing 617 donors for the first few months with contributions amounting to $9,385.00. The Roll Call for the current year will end on May 31, 1951. Treasurer Charles R. Yates was out of the city and R. J. Thiesen, Executive Secretary, made the Treasurer's report. He also submitted copies of the report and the audit of the C.P.A., for the 1949-50 fiscal year; and stated that the reports would be on file in the alumni office, and open for inspection by the alumni at any time. He then gave his annual report which is published, separately, in this NovemberDecember, 1950 number of the Georgia Tech Alumnus. The reports were approved, upon motion. President D a v i s then introduced Brian S. Brown, I.M., 1950, as the new Manager of Alumni Activties, succeeding Roane Beard who resigned on April 8, 1950. Brian Brown assumed his duties with the alumni office on September 11, 1950. There was neither any old nor any new business to be considered; so President Davis called everyone's attention again to the Alexander Memorial Building Campaign; and invited all the a l u m n i , faculty and Georgia Tech staff members and their respective families and friends to attend the annual home coming luncheon at noon on the following day, October 28. The meeting then adjourned. Out-of-Town and Atlanta Alumni Attend Business Meeting. Many Classes Represented Many classes were represented at the business meeting by those who sent in cards, and other alumni in attendance,

as follows: J. E. Aderhold, Jr., '45, Atlanta; Frank Allcorn III, '41, Atlanta; R. A. Anderson, '30, Decatur; J. H. Asbury, Jr., '30, Lookout Mtn.; Harry L. Baker, Jr., '34, Atlanta; R. P. Black, '12, Atlanta; Harry E. Blakeley, '28, Marietta; William O. Britt, Jr., '24, Thomaston; J. C. Broadnax, '15, Anniston, Ala.; Brian S. Brown, '50, Atlanta; Charlie Brown, '25, Atlanta; John P. Brown, '25, Milledgeville; E. P. Cauldwell, '24, Atlanta. Evert E. Clark, '47, Atlanta; George D. Coleman, Jr., '30, Atlanta; Chester C. Courtney, '42, Atlanta; Fred S. Dale, '33, Gainesville; Oscar Davis, '22, Atlanta; F. M. Dickerson, '22, Homerville; John A. Dodd, '18, Atlanta; Paul A. Duke, '45, Atlanta; Howard Ector, '40, Marietta; Cherry Emerson, '08, Atlanta; Ashley T. Gibbons, '47, Atlanta; David O. Gunson, '44, Atlanta; Henry W. Grady, '18, Atlanta; R. R. Garrison, '23, Atlanta; Price Gilbert, Jr., '21, Atlanta; Herbert F. Hall, '23, Concord, N. C ; James T. Hendricks, '35, Bristol, Tenn.; Harold N. Hill, '24, Atlanta. Hugh Hill, '23, Savannah; D. C. Hornibrook, '44, Decatur; F. W. Hausmann, '10, Atlanta; Clint Hugerly, '26, Atlanta; Julian C. Jett, '28, Atlanta; William S. Jett, Jr., '23, Ormond Beach, Fla.; L. F. Kent, '20, Atlanta; E. B. Lee, '25, West Palm Beach, Fla.; M. F. Legg, '10, Henderson, N. C ; J. M. Leverett, '25, Moultrie; Sam E. Levy, '17, Atlanta; R. H. Maupin, '17, Athens; Bob McCamy, '25, Dalton; John C. McGaughey, '43, Atlanta; R. D. McGaughey, '12, Atlanta; Walter M. Mitchell, '23, Atlanta; Dillard Munford, '39, Decatur; Robert D. Neil, '43, Atlanta; Homer L. Newsome, '50, Marietta; George D. Newton, '24, Gainesville. John Nichols, '28, Atlanta; James O'Callaghan, '37, Atlanta; Edward L. Patton, '38, Baton Rouge, La.; John T. Phillips, '31, Atlanta; J. L. Reeves, '24, Gainesville; L. W. Robert, Jr., '08, Atlanta; Marthame E. Sanders, '26, Atlanta; Edward H. Shannon, '34, Gainesville; Charles R. Simmons, '37, Gainesville; W. Ches. Smith, Jr., '25, Atlanta; R. J. Thiesen, '10, Atlanta; Noel Turner, '47, Atlanta; Victor G. Vaughan, Sr., '15, Attleboro, Mass.; Henry O. Ward, '42, Atlanta; Joe Westbrook, '29, East Point; Frank B. Williams, '20, Lanett, Ala.; Charles Witner, '30, Charlotte, N. C ; J. W. Youmans, '26, Lexsy; Sam R. Young, '37, Montgomery, Ala. Respectfully submitted, Signed: R. J. THIESEN, Executive Secretary, Ga. Tech National Alumni Association THE GEORGIA TECH ALUMNUS

REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE GEORGIA TECH NATIONAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION FOR THE YEAR 1949-50 Through the great interest and untiring work of Oscar G. Davis, B.S. in M.E., 1922, President of the Georgia Tech National Alumni Association, and that of the other trustees of the organization, continued growth and progress has been made in alumni affairs during the past year. President Van Leer of Georgia Tech has been most helpful and has co-operated in every way with the Alumni Association, together with the members of his staff and the faculty in general. Following an admirable precedent, the active members of the Alumni Association have returned their officers for a second term of incumbency for the 1950-51 year, as follows: President, Oscar G. Davis, '22; Vice-President, Price Gilbert, Jr., '21; Vice-President At Large, Frank B. Williams, '20, succeeding Wm. Stewart Boyle, '28, of Houston, Texas, who was not in position to accept the renomination; Treasurer, Charles R. Yates, '35. R. J. Thiesen was named by the Trustees to succeed himself as Executive Secretary of the National Association. W. Roane Beard, Manager of Alumni Activities, resigned in April to enter the business field; his successor, Brian S. Brown, I.M., '50, was appointed to fill the position on Sept. 11, 1950. Beginning with the present fiscal year, under President Davis, the fall Home Coming and Reunions were among the largest in attendance in the history of the Alumni Association. There were 1,050 present at the Home Coming luncheon on Oct. 28, 1950. These gatherings are underwritten entirely by the National Alumni Association. It is particularly gratifying again to report that the unity existing among the students, alumni, and the Institute is undoubtedly the best that has ever been attained; this is evidenced by the fact that a larger number of the younger alumni have contributed to the present Roll Call than those of the older groups. Throughout the year, alumni office representatives, principally, also officials from the college and officers of the alumni body, have met at least once, and as often as two or three times with Georgia Tech Clubs in Georgia and throughout the United States, for a total of 73 meetings with the 72 alumni clubs and additional out-oftown alumni groups for a grand total of 90 in all. The annual A l u m n i A s s o c i a t i o n luncheon-reception in honor of the graduating seniors, as inaugurated a few years ago, proved to be probably November-December,


the most enjoyable and certainly the largest ever, as to attendance, with more than 1,200 seniors, dates, family members, faculty and other friends present for the memorable occasion. The Alumni Roll Call, which was begun in November, 1947, continues to show remarkable growth. The alumni magazine has grown in size and interest and now has a circulation of 4,750 copies. Placements of alumni in good positions is highly satisfactory and most gratifying to all concerned. There are now 4,471 active members of the Georgia Tech National Alumni Association, comprised of 2,058, Roll Call contributors of 1949-50 and '51, together with 2,313 members from the last graduating classes, not including the members of the June, 1950, class. The classes are inducted into the Alumni Association upon graduation. Following a comprehensive and careful check of World War II veterans, 15 additional names were added to the Gold Star list of Georgia Tech alumni, which now shows a total of 290 who gave their all for home and country. Alumni members of the Student Activity, War-Memorial Building committee have given much time, study and travel in an endeavor to assist with the development of the project. The proposed Alexander Memorial Building plans have been enthusiastically endorsed by the Trustees of the Alumni Association and the co-operation of the alumni throughout the state and the nation will be heartily enlisted for the successful consummation of that very worthy project. There are now 19,156 current alumni addresses in the alumni office files from a list of approximately 27,000 who have attended Georgia Tech, not including the present large number of students. A Digest of the Report of the President of Georgia Tech for the year 194950, was sent out by the Alumni Association and the Alumni Foundation during the current period to 19,000 or more on the alumni office mailing list; likewise, a number of informative bulletins and other literature was mailed, in the interest of the college, throughout the year. In conclusion, all of us in the Alumni Office wish to state that we are most grateful, indeed, to the National Officers and Trustees of the Association for their kind, untiring, and cordial cooperation at all times; and it is a genuine pleasure, an honor, and a privilege to express every w a r m appreciation to them for their always helpful assistance and cordial consideration. Respectfully submitted, R. J. THIESEN, Executive Secretary


Brian S. Brown, I.M., '50

R. J. Thiesen, Executive Secretary of the National Alumni Association, announces the Alumni Trustees' appointment of Brian S. Brown, 1950, Industrial Management graduate, to the position of Manager of Alumni Activities. Brian is the son of Brian S. Brown, Sr., Ch.E., 1907, deceased; and is a native of Savannah, Georgia, where he attended grade and high school. After leaving Savannah, he attended the McCallie School of Chattanooga, Tennessee, and served with the U. S. Navy in World War II. Among the many Ga. Tech honors held by Brian Brown were membership in Anak, O.D.K., Pi D.E., Koseme, Geechee Club; Associate Editor of Blue Print, President of Ramblin' 'Reck Club, President of the Junior Class, Vice-President of Student Council, and a member of the A.T.O. Fraternity. Brian is 23 years old, single, and a member of the Methodist Church. He holds membership in the American Legion and in the Atlanta Junior Chamber of Commerce; and his appointment to this important post with the National Alumni Association is welcomed by all. Mr. Thiesen states that he hopes all Tech men everywhere will get to know Brian Brown well, as he is an excellent representative of the type of man that Tech turns out. 9

ALUMNI PROMINENTLY MENTIONED The United States Atomic Energy Commission announced the appointment of Marion W. Boyer, Vice-President in Charge of Manufacturing of the Esso Standard Oil Company, as General Manager of the A.E.C. on October 25, 1950. Mr. Boyer was born in Muncie, Ind., Aug. 14, 1901, and had been with the Esso Company since 1927. He attended Georgia Institute of Technology in 1919-21 and took his B.S. in Chemical Engineering from M.I.T. in 1925. He won his Master's Degree from the Massachusetts school the next year, and was an instructor there in 1926 and 1927.

Raymond W. Burkett of Milledgeville, Georgia, has been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in the Army Ordance Department. Colonel Burkett is field maintenance officer at European Command Headquarters in Heidelberg, Germany. Colonel Burkett's mother, Mrs. W. V. Burkett, lives at 1071 Highland Avenue in Atlanta. His wife, the former Julia Butts of Milledgeville, and their two children — Gay, 14, and Ann, 10 — are with the Colonel in Heidelberg. Mrs. Burkett's father, A. I. Butts, resides in Milledgeville. Colonel Burkett attended Boys' High School in Atlanta, and received his electrical engineering degree at Georgia Tech in 1933. He was a sales engineer in the Macon office of the Georgia Power Company before entering active duty as a reserve officer in February, 1941. He attended the Army Ordnance school at Aberdeen, Maryland, and served with the 21st Ordnance Maintenance Company, Camp Stewart, Georgia. From 1942 to 1945, he was maintenance and inspection officer at the San Francisco Port of Embarkation. In 1946, he returned to duty as a regular Army officer, and served with the Army Air Force for three years at Eglin Field, Florida. He attended Command Staff School at Maxwell Field, Alabama, before assignment to Heidelberg in July, 1949. * • James S. Campbell, Jr., a graduate of Georgia Tech with the class of 1934, is the author of "Casting and Forming Processes in Manufacturing." just published by the McGraw-Hill Book Company. Shortly after his graduation from Georgia Tech, Mr. Campbell joined International Business Machines Corporation where he entered their Student Engineer Course. Here he was introduced to manufacturing and mass 10

production methods. After the war, during which he served five years in the Army, he joined the staff of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute as an instructor in mechanical engineering. He is at present Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Rensselaer. "Casting and Forming Processes in Manufacturing" gives a condensed description of the various processes included under the title, introduces the student to the mass production point of view, illustrates the important advantages and disadvantages of each process, and brings out outstanding design rules connected with the various procedures.

Jack F. Glenn, member of a prominent Atlanta family, has been elected Assistant President and a Director of the Citizens and Southern National Bank. Mills B. Lane, Jr., President of the big Georgia banking institution, announced this election on October 10, 1950. The new assistant president, who now is a partner in the Investment Banking concern, Courts and Company, will take over his new duties January 1, 1951, after retiring from his partnership in Courts and Company. The C. & S. board meeting in Savannah selected the 39-year-old Atlantian for the high post in considering its present and future needs. With Courts and Company for 15 years, Glenn has operated in the same area where the bank operates. He is the son of the late William H. Glenn, one of the founders of Atlanta's street railway system and organizer of the Southeastern Warehouse and Compress Company and is the nephew of the late Thomas K. Glenn, who was president of the Trust Company of Georgia. His father-in-law is Philip Alston, a director of C. & S.; his brother-in-law is Philip Alston, Jr., a member of the bank's legal firm and a director of the Citizens and Southern Bank of East Point; his aunt is Mrs. Caro du Bignon Alston, wife of Robert Alston, who is the counsel and a director of C. & S. A graduate of Georgia Tech in the class of 1932, Glenn is a veteran of World War II, in which he served with the Navy as a Lt. Commander.

Sidney Goldin, class of '30, this week completes his twentieth year of service with the Shell Oil Company. He is manager of the company's asphalt department in New York. He was captain of the basketball team in 1930 and was active in tennis

Mr. Wayne J. Holman, Jr., B.S. in E.E., 1928, was elected by the Directors of Chicopee Mills, Inc., on October 19, 1950, to the presidency of the corporation. He succeeds G. O. Lienhard, who became chairman of the board. Mr. Holman had been vice president and general manager. Also a leader in civic affairs, Mr. Holman is Vice-President of the Georgia Tech Club of New York. through all of his four years at Georgia Tech. Goldin joined Shell in 1930 as a student salesman at Wood River, Illinois. In 1933, he was made assistant division manager, in charge of Florida service stations, at Jacksonville. In 1940, he became retail sales manager of Shell's Atlanta, Georgia, marketing division. Two years later, Goldin was promoted to the post of assistant manager of the company's New York marketing division. Goldin was granted a military leave of absence in 1943. He served with the Navy on Guam for 18 months, receiving the Bronze Star medal and was separated from the service in 1946 as a lieutenant commander. He returned to Shell as assistant manager of the company's asphalt department in New York and in 1947 was promoted to his present assignment. Goldin was born in Atlanta, where he lived for more than 20 years. He now lives in Great Neck, Long Island, N. Y., at # 4 Maple Drive.

Mr. Robert L. Hays, B.S. in M.E., 1925, has been made Manager of the Home Offices of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, 1 Madison Avenue, New York 10, New York. (Continued on page 12) THE GEORGIA TECH ALUMNUS

CLUB MEETINGS AND DALLAS RECEPTION DALLAS, TEXAS Dallas alumni gave the team and visiting alumni a tremendous reception the week-end of the Tech-S.M.U. game. Alumni from all over the South have commented on their hospitality and graciousness. Below is a description of their activities from Charlie McGill, Secretary of the Dallas Club. "By now you have probably heard of the activities surrounding the S.M.U.Georgia Tech game played here on September 23. However, I would like to give you a few details concerning the festivities. Throughout the day, alumni from Oklahoma City, Duncan, and Tulsa, Oklahoma; Monroe and Shreveport, Louisiana; Kansas City and St. Louis, Missouri; Memphis and Chattanooga, Tennessee; Dallas, Houston, Beaumont, Texas City, Fort Worth, Midland, Lubbock, San Antonio, and Tyler, Texas; and from all over Georgia flocked in and out of the Alumni Headquarters at the Baker Hotel in downtown Dallas. The alumni ladies and players' wives were, meanwhile, enjoying a conducted tour of the city and the Neiman-Marcus store. The tour ended with a tea at Neiman's. From 6:00 p.m. until game time there was a party for alumni and their friends at the Picnic Pavillion adjacent to the Cotton Bowl. Approximately 600 Tech people enjoyed food and drink at the party. Mayor Wallace Savage of Dallas presented Colonel Van Leer with a Certificate of Honorary Citizenship of Dallas. The game, with all the attendant festivities, was a source of pleasure for all who attended. It was especially nice to renew old friendships and begin new ones."

Welcome to Texas! Dr. Vmphrey Lee (left) President of SMV and Tech President Van Leer look on as Miss Joanne Hill, SMV co-ed and daughter of Melvin T. Hill, Tech '29, pins a corsage on Mrs. Van Leer. INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA

On Sunday afternoon, October 1, 1950, the Georgia Tech Alumni Club, at the kind request of Mr. Paul Smith, met at his country home near Noblesville. There were 14 alumni present for the meeting and during the afternoon there was participation in horseshoe pitching and also some of the alumni tried their hand at fishing in the creek that runs through Mr. Smith's property. Later in the afternoon a very delicious barbecue dinner was served picnic style in the backyard of Mr. Smith's home. Mr. O. S. Brock, Mr. P. S. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smith shared in furnishing and preparing the dinner which was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone. After the dinner a short business session was held. Officers were elected for the coming year. Mr. P. S. Smith was elected president and Mr. A. W. Davis was elected secretary and treasurer. It was decided that, in addition

Indianapolis Alumni Barbecue. Front, I. to r., Bardwell, Brock, C. A. Short, Paul Smith, Mooney, Burns, F. Short, Kershaw McGraw. Back: Davis, Ray, Kellet, and Boyer. (Pierce Smith took the picture). November-December, 1950

Coach Rusty

to the two dollars collected from each person present for payment of the dinner, each member would contribute one dollar to the treasury so that some funds would be on hand for operating expenses and emergencies that might arise. Also, a suggestion was made that the club attend the Ga. Tech-Kentucky football game at Lexington next year. All present were in favor of the venture and it was decided that plans would be made for the trip at the next meeting, to be held sometime in the spring of next year. In the meantime, several of the members present volunteered to secure further information on securing tickets and would present their findings at the next meeting. The meeting closed with each member present giving a brief discourse about the company with which they are associated and their duties performed with the company. The meeting was adjourned in an atmosphere of good fellowship.


at the Dallas Airport

SMU, right,


when Tech arrived



to meet



CLUB MEETINGS (Cont'd) CHATTANOOGA, TENN. Tech alumni in the Chattanooga area met at the Town and Country Restaurant on September 27th. Campus guests were Howard Ector, Chick Hosch, and Brian Brown. Movies of the TechS.M.U. game were shown. Election of new officers was held. They are as follows: President, Bill Healey; VicePresident, Louis Chambless; Secretary, Al Hawkins; Treasurer, Pat Ryan. MACON, GEORGIA Macon Tech alumni met at the Lanier Hotel for a dinner on September 14th. President Tom Doughman presided. Present from the campus were Chick Hosch, Brian Brown and Bob Vierling. Brown introduced Hosch who described our football team and its prospects, and showed movies of the 1949 Tech-Florida game. Vierling of the firm of Ward, Wells and Dreshman, who are assisting in the Alexander Memorial Campaign, described the plans for fund raising.

JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA Jacksonville alumni met on September 18th, at a Smoker held at the Seminole Hotel. Present to tell the group about plans for the Alexander Memorial Building were Cherry Emerson, Howard Ector and Joe Westbrook. Movies of the 1949 Tech-Georgia game were shown. MOULTRIE, GEORGIA Alumni in Southwest Georgia met on October 4, in Moultrie. A highlight of the program was the golf match between Tommy Barnes, Billy Goodloe, Charlie Yates and Ramsey Pidcock at the Moultrie Country Club. Quite a gallery followed the famous golfers. That evening a delicious buffet supper was served at the Legion Club. The principal speaker was George Griffin. Howard Ector and Joe Westbrook also spoke and movies of the 1949 Tech-Tennessee game were shown. President Homer Ray presided.

ORLANDO, FLORIDA Tech men in the Orlando area met on September 19th at a dinner meeting. Guests from the campus were Howard Ector, Cherry Emerson and Joe Westbrook. Movies of the Tech-Georgia game were shown. The speakers described plans for the Alexander Memorial Building. Newly elected officers are: President, John Rourk, Jr.; Vice-President, R. B. Shugart, and Sec'y-Treas. Jim Heagel. TAMPA, FLORIDA Florida West Coast Alumni met at the University Club at the Tampa Terrace on September 20. Guests were Cherry Emerson, Howard Ector, and Joe Westbrook. Movies of the 1949 Tech-Georgia game were shown. Last year's officers were re-elected. They are President, R. Dudley Hayes, '26; Vice-President, Roy Strickland, Jr., '40; J. Brand Laseter, '40; R. E. Clarson, Jr., '40; Sec.-Treas., W. N. Hicks, '47.

ALUMNI PROMINENTLY MENTIONED (Cont'd) Mr. George B. Hills, Jr., B.S. in M.E., 1946, on October 25, 1950, was appointed Special Assistant with the Powell River Company, Ltd., Powell River, B. C , Canada, one of the world's largest manufacturers of newsprint.

The Thomson Board of Trade on Thursday, August 31, 1950, announced that Edgar Kobak, B.S. in E.E., 1918, New York Business Consultant and President, has agreed to be a consultant to the Little River Valley area and represent the area in New York. The announcement came from L. C. Bartlett, president of the Thomson Board of Trade. In accepting the offer, Mr. Kobak said, " . . . I am highly flattered to be a consultant to the Thomson Board of Trade and the Little River Development group. . . . My interest, naturally, is as great as the interest of any of you who spend all of your time in Thomson." The former President and Director of the Mutual Broadcasting System is owner of the Hickory Hill Broadcasting Company, WTWA, in Thomson. He is a Director, Vice-President and Treasurer of the station, which is managed by the President, his son, Edgar H. Kobak. 12

William L. Quinlen, native of Atlanta, a graduate of Georgia Tech in 1930, and secretary of Choctaw, Inc., Memphis, Tenn., has been elected president of the Memphis Cotton Carnival Association for 1950-51, according to Milton Schmith, association business director. After graduation from Georgia Tech, he joined General Motors Corporation in connection with southern operations. Prior to World War II, he joined his present organization. Mr. Q u i n l e n served as a lieutenant in the Navy for three years, working on navy contract negotiations and terminations. Organized in 1931, the Memphis Cotton Carnival has grown until now, in the month of May, the entire city goes all out for an entire week of parades, balls, parties, concerts, tours, etc. Last year, more than one million visitors from all parts of the world were attracted to the event.

Maj. Gen. Charles E. Thomas, Jr., of the class of 1918, native of Atlanta, commands the 14th Air Force and is in charge of Air Force reserve activities in the state. His headquarters are at Warner Robins' Air Base, near Macon. General Thomas holds the permanent rank of brigadier general. During a previous tour of duty at Warner Robins, he supervised construction of the base. During and after World War II,

he served in the South Pacific, in China and in Japan. He was deputy chief of staff of the 21st Bomber Command in the South Pacific, deputy Air Force commander in the Pacific area, and commanding general of the Island of Shima. His postwar service includes a tour of duty as chief of the Aviation Advisory Group at Nanking, China, and command of the 1503rd Air Transport Wing, Tokyo. A command pilot, he wears the Legion of Merit with Oak Leaf cluster. He married the former Gladys Whittington, of Atlanta, and the couple has one son, Robert William Thomas.


Appointment of Delbert Van Fletcher as assistant director of the technical division of the Grasselli Chemicals Department of the Du Pont Company was announced in September. He had been process manager in the manufacturing division. In his new position, Mr. Fletcher succeeds Dr. Max T. Goebel, who was promoted to director of the technical division in July. Mr. Fletcher is from Tampa, Florida, and a graduate in chemical engineering of the Georgia Institute of Technology, class of 1940. He received his Master's degree in chemical engineering from the University of Louisville in 1941, and then joined the Du Pont Company. (Continued on next page) THE GEORGIA TECH ALUMNUS

"UNCLE HEINIE" HENIKA GRAVELY ILL IN HOSPITAL As this issue of the Alumnus goes to press, the Alumni Office has been informed of the illness of J. H. "Uncle Heinie" Henika, beloved 95-year-old retired head of the Pattern Shop Department. "Uncle Heinie" was admitted at Grady Hospital emergency clinic after a fall and a possible heart attack on Thursday afternoon, November 16. On the following Friday afternoon he was out of danger, but seemed very weak. When he celebrated his ninety-fifth birthday the preceding Saturday, he was gay and full of spunk. He still works in the Woodshop and is now doing some work for the library.

PROMINENT MENTIONS (Cont'd) Frontis B. Wiggins, Jr., of Albany, Georgia, graduate of the Georgia Institute of Technology, B.I.E., 1950, is one of the 85 outstanding graduate students from 24 countries to be awarded a Rotary Foundation Fellowship for advanced study abroad during the 195051 school year. He is studying industrial conditions and labor relations at the University of Birmingham, England, in further preparation for a career as an industrial engineer. Mr. Wiggins was born in Atlanta, Georgia, 21 years ago and is single. The Rotary Club of Albany endorsed him as a Fellowship candidate. At Georgia Tech he was included on the Dean's list, and elected to Phi Eta Sigma, Tau Beta Pi, Alpha Pi Mu and Scabbard and Blade. He was recognized as the top ranking member of his junior class of the Georgia Tech Naval Reserve Officers Training Unit, and was awarded the Navigation Medal. He holds the rank of Ensign in the U. S. Naval Reserves. He is a member of Alpha Tau Omega, Alpha Phi Omega, and the campus chapters of the Society for the Advancement of Management, and the American Institute of Industrial Engineers.

R. H. Wright has been named general superintendent of Atlantic Steel Company, Atlanta, it was recently announced by J. H. Girdler, vice-president. R. E. Bobbitt was named superintendent of maintenance, and W. R. Potts, chief engineer. Mr. Wright, a graduate of Georgia Tech, has been connected with the company since 1936 in both sales and operating capacities. He has served as assistant superintendent of the Wire Mills since 1948. November-December, 1950

WEDDINGS AND ENGAGEMENTS Anderson-Stribling Miss Louise Hartwell A n d e r s o n , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alden Anderson, was married September 22 in Christ Protestant Episcopal Church to George Taliaferro Stribling, son of Mr. and Mrs. Taliaferro Stribling of Point Pleasant, W. Va. The Rev. Harold Hohly performed the ceremony in Bronxville, N. Y. Mrs. Stribling attended the New Jersey College for Women and Mr. Stribling received his B.S. in Ch.E. with the class of '43 at Georgia Tech. They are now living in Englewood, N. J., and Mr. Stribling is connected with the General Chemical Division of the Allied Chemical and Dye Corporation of N. Y. Brooks-Kraft Announcement is made by Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Burns Brooks of the engagement of their daughter, Miss Elizabeth Jane Brooks, to Harold Wright Kraft, Jr., of Savannah, their marriage to be an event of November 25 at the Peachtree Road Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, Ga. Miss Brooks was graduated from North Fulton School after which she attended the Atlanta Division, University of Georgia, for three years where she was a member of the Chi Rho Sigma Sorority. The bridegroom-elect was graduated from Savannah High School and received his degree in electrical engineering in June, '50, from Georgia Tech. He served as vice-president of the Sigma Chi Fraternity, president of the Georgia Tech Glee Club secretary of Student Council, secretary of the Omicron Delta Kappa leadership honorary fraternity and was elected to Who's Who in American Colleges. Mr. Kraft is now associated with the Savannah Electric and Power Company. Florence-LeCraw Announcement is made by Mrs. Hubert Florence of Powder Springs, Ga., of the marriage of her daughter, Miss Ruth Florence, to Carter Buck LeCraw of Atlanta. The wedding took place on Friday, October 6, 1950, at the North Avenue Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, Ga., Dr. Vernon S. Broyles, officiating. Miss Florence was graduated from the Powder Springs High School and attended the Atlanta Division of the University of Georgia. Mr. LeCraw is the son of Colonel and Mrs. Roy LeCraw and received his B.S. in I.M. with the class of 1942 at Georgia Tech, where he was a member of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity. He is now General Agent of the State Life Insurance Company.

Hancock-Smith Mr. and Mrs. James Harold Hancock announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Betty Jane Hancock, to Claiborne P. Smith of Charleston, S. C. The marriage took place November 4 in the chapel of the North Avenue Presbyterian Church in Atlanta, Ga., Dr. Vernon Broyles performing the marriage service. Miss Hancock was graduated from Napsonian School and received her A.B. degree in journalism from the University of Georgia where she was a member of the Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority. Mr. Smith graduated from Florence High School in Florence, S. C , and attended Georgia Tech where he received his degree in electrical engineering with the class of '50. He is now associated with Western Electric in Burlington, N. C. Hartman-Graham Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Henry Hartman announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Margaret Ann Hartman, to Herbert Paul Graham, Jr. The marriage took place on Tuesday, the 10th of October, in Brookhaven, Mississippi, at the Church of The Redeemer. Mr. Graham received his degree in mechanical engineering with the class of 1939 at Georgia Tech. He is now associated with the Southern Mapping and Engineering Company of Greensboro, N. C , where they will make their home. Morter-Lowry Mr. and Mrs. Charles David Morter announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Anne Lee Morter, to Robert Douglas Lowry on Friday, October 6, 1950, in Saint Mark's Episcopal Church of Shreveport, Louisiana. Mr. Lowry graduated from Georgia Tech with a B.S. in I.M. with the class of '47, and is now connected with the Arkansas-Louisiana Gas Company of Shreveport. Penn-Weitnauer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carson Penn, of Covington, Virginia, announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Margaret Neal Penn, to John Henry Weitnauer, Jr. The wedding will take place at the E m m a n u e l Episcopal Church in Covington in late December. Miss Penn was graduated from Randolph-Macon Woman's College where she was a member of Alpha Delta Pi Sorority. She received her Master of Arts degree from Ohio State University. Mr. Weitnauer was graduated from Georgia Tech in 1949, receiving his degree in I.E., and is now Production Manager of the Thomasville Laundry, Thomasville, Georgia. (Continued on page 17) 13


CLASS OF 1930 AT THEIR HOME COMING REUNION First row (left to right): Bob Gibbons, Red Williamson, Warner Mizell, Red Terrell, Jack Jetton, Charles Witmer, Sid Goldin, ht. Col. Coffee. Second row (left to right): Al Bain, Rice Crenshaw, Bill Gillham, Cecil Hefner, Guy Sanders (leaning in between), Bill Dulaney, Harold Asberry, Slick Quinlen, Ralph Heard. Third row (left to right, standing on chairs): Lynn Strickland, Phil Denton, Pat Napier.

Reunion Class Members at Home Coming Barbecue. Front row, left to right: B. S. Gantt, '15; J. S. Brogdon, '05; Saul Rosensweig '45. Back: John D. Bansley, '25; and Louis S. Chambless, '35.

4 glimpse Standing: talking to H. Wayne

of the 1910 table at the Home Coming Luncheon. P. R. Millsaps and Redding Sims leaning over and Frank Legg. Front row: Mrs. Redding Sims and "Pat" Patterson, '12.

1945 HOME COMING REUNION PARTY Front row (left to right): Bob Dutton, Ben Hutchison, Benno Rothschild, John Willingham, Bill Anderson, Frank Willett, Nelson Bruton, Howard McCall, P. D. Ellis (guest), Maurice Furchgott. Second row (left to right): Jack Kelley, Tim Creidelle, Lee Howard, Horton Rucker, Larry Gellerstedt, George Smith, John Franklin, Saul Rosenzweig, P. D. Bryan, George Hiles, Johnny Aderhold. Standing (left to right): Arnold Connell, George Wittlesy, Tal Dryman, Sidney Vicknair, Clayton Foscue, Bobby Austin, Joe Daniel, Jimmy Williamson, Sam Mangham, Carl Maddox, Warren Tiller. 14



1 9 2 5 REUNION PARTY, O C T O B E R 2 8 , 1 9 5 0 , AT T H E ATLANTA A T H L E T I C CLUB Pictured are: A. Fain Abbott, John D. Bansley, Thomas E. Bell, Charlie Brown, C. Fred Chandler, D. W. Clanton, Louis Cole, Joseph O. Eberhart, William R. Gilkerson, Wallace Grant, L. A. Hawkins, Dinsmore Holland, Hubert Hutton, Wingate Jackson, William Lang, E. B. Lee, J. M. Leverett, Robert S. Little, Bob McCamy, C. B. McGehee, A. J. McGlone, Julian L. Me Yere, Gerald E. Wilcox, Hamnett P. Munger, Phil B. Narmore, John D. Nash, George T. Papageorga, Gordon F. Price, H. H. Redwine, Clifford J. Roberts, Lee M. Sessions, George A. Shealy, J. D. White, John P. Woodall, Don E. Woods, Frank Shaw, Tom B. Bloomington, Ben Gordon, Alan B. Sibley. Their guests: Dr. M. L. Brittain, Dean George Griffin, Phil Brewster, Fred Moore and James Knight.

Pioneers A. D. Black, '93, of Washington, D. C, and J. McCrary, '94, of Atlanta, Ga., at Home Coming Luncheon.

Georgia Tech's first graduate, Mr. Henry L. Smith, 1890, of Dalton, Ga., right, and Mr. J. S. Brogdon, 1905, of Atlanta, Ga., at the Home Coming Luncheon.


GAY G R O U P AT CLASS O F ' 4 0 R E U N I O N PARTY Left to right are: Roy Goree, Glenn Dan Maclntyre, and Irvin Massey. November-December, 1950





Clay, Miss Dot Dunn,

Bob Ison,






DEATHS Bracewell Robert Eugene Bracewell, 24 years old, the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bracewell of 678 Moreland Avenue, N. E., Atlanta, Ga., died on Wednesday, September 20, 1950. In 1949, he received his bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Tech and later completed work for a degree in Electrical Engineering. He won the A. J. Garing Award in the Tech band for outstanding performance. Besides playing in Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, the Atlantan was a member of Druid Hills Baptist Church, where he sang in the Sanctuary Choir. He was a member of five fraternities: Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu, Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Eta Sigma, and Kappa Kappa Psi. Funeral services were held at Spring Hill, Dr. Louie D. Newton officiating, Other than his parents, he is survived by a grandmother, Mrs. M. C. Kennedy, of Atlanta, two brothers, J. L. Bracewell, of Toccoa, and J. R. Bracewell, Jr., of Washington, D. C ; a niece, two nephews and an uncle. Belcher Thomas W. Belcher, Jr., 42, engineer for Civil Aeronautics Administration, came b a c k t o A t l a n t a on one of his first visits since graduating from Georgia Tech in 1929, and died in Atlanta on Tuesday night, October 24, 1950. Mr. Belcher, a native of Dublin, Georgia, went to work with the State Highway Department after completing

work for his degree at Tech. For the last four years Mr. Belcher had been an engineer with the CAA. He and his wife lived at Neptune Beach, Fla., until a month before his death when they moved to Hialeah. He was a member of the Beach Methodist Church at Jacksonville. Funeral services were held in Dublin. Surviving are his wife; two daughters, Carol and Susan Belcher; his mother, Mrs. T. W. Belcher, of Dublin, and four sisters, Mrs. Calhoun Hogan, Mrs. W. C. Harper, and Mrs. Henry Hobbs, all of Dublin, and Mrs. Chris Bevil, of Oliver. Hamilton George Hamilton, member of a pioneer cotton mill family and President of Crown Cotton Mills at Dalton, Georgia, since 1936, died at his home Tuesday afternoon, October 17, 1950. Funeral services were held in Dalton at 10:00 A.M., Thursday, October 19, at the First Presbyterian Church. Mr. Hamilton was a native of Dalton and graduated from Georgia Tech in 1903. For a number of years he served as a Director of the Cotton Textile Institute of America. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Mary Carter Hamilton; three daughters, Mrs. John McKnight, of Long Beach, N. Y.; Mrs. Bill Davies, Dalton; Mrs. Robert McCallum, of Jackson, Tenn.; a son, Lane Hamilton; two sisters, Miss Jane Hamilton and Miss Elizabeth Hamilton, and a brother, C. L. Hamilton, all of Dalton, and seven grandchildren.

Moore Donald C. Moore, 51, District Manager of Sorter-Graf Agency, filing equipment company, died Friday, October 6, 1950, at his residence, 239 East Wesley Road, N. E., Atlanta, Georgia. Funeral services were held at Spring Hill, Canon Alfred Hardeman officiating, and burial was in Greenwood Cemetery. Mr. Moore was born in Montrose, West Virginia, and had lived in Atlanta since he was six. He received his B.S. in M.E. at Georgia Tech in 1923. He was a Mason and a member of the Cathedral of St. Philip. Surviving are his wife; a son, R. C. Moore, and his mother, Mrs. N. A. Moore, all of Atlanta. McAbee The body of Lt. Charles "Red" McAbee, killed in an airplane crash in France on September 2, 1950, was returned to the United States. Mr. and Mrs. McAbee, his parents, received the message about Lt. McAbee's death on Monday, September 4. Lt. McAbee, 24, who was always known as "Red," was an outstanding student and athlete at the R. E. Lee Institute. He completed his high school education at Gordon Military College. He was awarded a scholarship to Georgia Tech by the Hightower's Community Enterprises Foundation. This was a tribute to his scholastic record at R. E. Lee. After one quarter at Tech he joined the U. S. Army and went to the Army's O.C.S. School at Ft. Riley, Kan.


Picture of the new library which will be located on the west side of Cherry Street at Third 16


WEDDINGS AND ENGAGEMENTS (Cont'd) Ray-de Give Announcement is made by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Grady Ray of the marriage of their daughter, Miss Frances Elene Ray, to Laurent de Give, son of Mrs. Henry L. de Give. The wedding took place in October in Atlanta, Georgia. Mr. de Give is president of the engineering and construction firm of de Give, Dunham and O'Neill. He is a graduate of Georgia Tech, having received his B.S. in M.E. in 1934, and is a member of the Piedmont Driving Club, the Capital City Club and the Nine o'Clocks. Willett-Barnett Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bernard Willett announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Dorothy Rhea Willett, to Samuel Clarence Barnett of Fort Meade, Fla., and Atlanta. The wedding will take place November 25 in the Chapel at North Avenue Presbyterian Church with Dr. Vernon S. Broyles, Jr., officiating. Miss Willett is the daughter of the former Miss Lelia Cremeens of Paducah, Ky., and attended Commercial High School and the University of Georgia, Atlanta Division. Mr. Barnett attended Fort Meade High School and received his degree in industrial engineering from Georgia Tech with the class of 1948. He was a member of Phi Eta Sigma, Phi Kappa Phi and Tau Beta Pi honorary fraternities.


Jarvis Mr. and Mrs. C. Ed Jarvis III announce the birth of a son, C. Ed Jarvis IV. Mr. Jarvis III attended Georgia Tech and received his B.S. in I.M. in

1944. Their residence is 165 Haynes Street, S. W., Atlanta, Georgia. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. William S. Johnson have named their daughter Rebecca Ann. She was born at 3:12 P.M. on September 18, 1950. Mr. Johnson attended Georgia Tech with the class of 1949 and received his M.S. in Chemistry. Their residence address is Apt. 21-E, Summerside, Lawrence, Kansas. Wible Lieutenant and Mrs. John Voges Wible announce the arrival of a daughter, Katharine Diane, who was born on September 27, 1950. Lieutenant Wible graduated in 1948 with a B.S. in I.E., and is now connected with the 1735th A.T.S. Air Field Base at Brookley, Alabama. Yates Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Yates announce the birth of a daughter, Sarah Frances, on September 28, 1950. Mrs. Yates is the former Miss Dorothy Malone. Mr. Yates attended Georgia Tech and received his degree in 1935.

Knox-O'Callaghan Announcement is made by Mr. and Mrs. Blodget Britton Knox of the engagement of their daughter, Miss Helen Little Knox, to Ben Lacy O'Callaghan of Atlanta, Ga. The wedding will be an event of November 24. Miss Knox was graduated from Washington Seminary, where she was a member of the Phi Pi Sorority. She attended Mary

Washington C o l l e g e in Fredericksburgh, Va., and the University of Georgia. Mr. O'Callaghan is a graduate of Boys' High School and was a member of the Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity. He received his B.S. in E.M., in 1950 from Georgia Tech, where he was a member of the Chi Phi Fraternity.


Mr. and Mrs. Max Borges, Jr., announce the birth of their second son, Philip, on October 15, 1950. Mr. Borges graduated in 1939 with a B.S. in Architecture and the following year received his degree in Architecture from Harvard University. They are now living at 501 Dominguez Street, H a v a n a , Cuba. Cooney Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Cooney announce the arrival of a daughter, Barbara Eileen, who was born on September 20, 1950. Mr. Cooney attended Georgia Tech and received his B.S. in Aeronautics in 1944. He is now connected with the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics at Langley Field, Virginia, and resides at 5701 York Circle, Newport News, Virginia.


— Sketch by Bush-Brown, Gailey, Heffernan Building November-December, 1950

of Architecture

under construction

at Fourth and Cherry

Streets 17



S. C. UPSETS TECH, 7-0 For the first time since 1903, the Engineers opened the season with two defeats in a row. On September 30, the experts picked Tech over a South Carolina team that was badly underrated. YARDSTICK Ga. Tech (0) South Carolina (7) 9 First Downs 18 42 Yards Rushing 131 93 Yards Passing 93 21 Passes Tried 14 8 Passes Completed 7 3 Interceptions 7 37 Punting Average 36 60 Yards Penalized 60 Tech fought off two determined Carolina drives in the second quarter. One that carried to Tech's 13 blew up when three plays set the Gamecocks back over 50 yards. It was a series of fantastic misplays that suggested the Gamecocks had come apart. Yet, they rallied and were driving inside Tech's 20 when Bob McCoy intercepted a pass to stop them just before intermission. As the third quarter wore on, Carolina appeared tired and the Engineers began moving. Never allowing the enemy to penetrate beyond midfield, Tech began to force the play. Darrell Crawford was injured and Robby Robinson came in at quarterback. Robby can throw backhanded, but he played it straight and Tech began to move. The west stands were stirred into a roar as he steered the team into the fourth quarter with short passes to Buster Humphreys, Joe Cobb and Jim Patton. Chance Missed Bobby North added a few short gains on foot and when Dick Harvin made a miraculous catch of Robby's pass at the 14, it sounded like the bell for South Carolina. Then Robinson, back to pass, was nailed by a Gamecock end and he fumbled. Guard Roy Skinner recovered at the 17. Here came a second chance for Tech when Guard Matt Lyons pulled a Gamecock pass out of the air and Tech had a last shot from 13 yards. The door was blown shut when Tackle Don Earley collected Robinson's second down pass in his arms on the 9. From there a 15-yard roughing penalty started them off. Wadiak finished it a few minutes later, 91 yards away with too little time left on the clock. Steve Wadiak was South Carolina's standout. The hefty halfback was by far the best on the field in the running department. 18

Jack Thiesen. '10, right, Executive Secretary of the Georgia Tech National Alumni Association at the Annual Business Meeting on October 27, is shown welcoming Victor G. Vaughan, '15, of Attleboro, Mass., the Alumnus from the farthest point in attendance at the meeting.



Tech's first win of the season on October 27 was Florida's first defeat. Bob Woodruff's up-and-coming youngsters made it tough going all the way to the melodramatic Tech victory with seven seconds left to play. YARDSTICK Florida (13) Georgia Tech (16) 14 First Downs 12 122 Yards Rushing 163 120 Yards Passing 120 21 Passes Tried 13 9 Completed 5 1 Interceptions 2 37.5 Punt Average 35.6 2 Fumbles Lost 0 40 Yards Penalized 35

Tech spoiled the L.S.U. Home Coming in Baton Rouge by dumping the Tigers in a freakish upset on the night of October 14. The first half was a cockeyed one. North was bench ridden and the injured Crawford sat out most of it. What actually developed the victory was two passes, one from Sykes and the other from Joe Cobb, both to End John Weigle. In the second half, Tech moved directly from the kickoff, which Chappell Rhino returned 20 yards to the Jacket 25. Dick Harvin made a grandstand catch of a Red Patton pass on (Continued on next page)

The Gators kicked off to Tech and the Engineers rolled 60 yards to a touchdown by Buster Humphreys, to which Patton added the extra point. Joe Salome, starting his first game at quarterback, boosted the march along with a 7-yard toss to End Pete Ferris and Bobby North, in charge of transportation and delivery, reeled off a 30yard job to set up the score. All that happened in the first 3 minutes and 45 seconds of play when it appeared that the Gator Sophomores were gun shy in their first big game. They soon settled down, hammered through Tech's line where the Gators scored and missed the PAT, making it 7-6, Tech, when the half ended. During inconclusive scuffling in the third period, Salome was hurt and could not return which brought into action Lewis (Bubba) Sykes, of Wilmington, N. C , at quarterback. Sykes had never appeared as quarterback at the Flats before, but he was game. Also, he was the last shot in the locker.

FLORIDA-GA. TECH Early in the fourth quarter, the Floridians intercepted a pass on the Tech 41 and scored in five plays. Tech took the kickoff on their 36 and drove 64 yards downfield. Sykes scored from the 2. Patton missed the extra point and the score stood 13-13, so hundreds of fans started for the exits. The desperate Jackets held Florida four downs and took a punt on their own 41. Sykes ran to Florida's 43 when he found his receivers covered. His next pass was incomplete and Patton was hurt and helped from the game. On the next play, Sykes' pass to Harvin was ruled complete on the Florida six. Dodd sent Patton back in to kick with seven seconds to play. The kick was good to end another thriller. The standouts of the day were North who gained 103 yards in 19 tries, Bob McCoy and Red Patton for Tech; Sullivan, Huggins and Reddell for the Gators. THE GEORGIA TECH ALUMNUS

L.S.U. GAME (Cont'd) the Tech 38. Harvin, tackled on the 41, lateraled to M a l o o f w h o w a s downed on the 47. McCoy picked up one, and Crawford missed Harvin with a pass. Sykes came in and connected to Weigle on the 10 and Tech led 6-0. Patton's kick was good. After unsuccessful drives by both teams, Lamar Wheat blocked an L.S.U. kick and George Morris ran it to their 34. Humphreys got one. Ross blasted to the 22 and was helped off the field. Maloof came in and drove to the 15, then to the 12. Sykes sneaked to the 10 for a first down. Patton carried to the eight. Maloof to the five and again to the two. On the fourth down, Sykes pitched out to Joe Cobb who threw the first pass of his college career to the acrobatic Weigle in the end zone. Weigle caught the ball as he slipped to a prone position and Tech had a 13-0 lead. Patton missed the conversion. Tech had one more shot at the jackpot before the shop was closed for business. Knoz foolishly tried a fourthdown run from deep in L.S.U.'s territory and was thrown on his own 15. A Sykes pass on fourth down was intercepted in the end zone, however, and the night was done. YARDSTICK Georgia Tech (13) L.S.U. (0) 9 First Downs 11 35 Rushing Yardage 107 145 Passing Yardage 64 16 Passes Attempted 26 8 Passes Completed 8 2 Passes Intercepted 1 6 Punts 8 39.2 Punting Average 34.5 3 Fumbles Lost 3 25 Yards Penalized 100

KENTUCKY DOWNS TECH 28-14 The undefeated, championship-bound Wildcats of Kentucky, handed Tech a defeat before the Engineers Home Coming crowd on October 28, as they showed fine form in every department. Behind the brilliant running, passing and deception of Parilli, a thoroughly superior Wildcat team gave the Homecomers a view of fine teamwork against the game Jackets, who played over their heads all afternoon. Kentucky won the toss and elected to receive. Patton kicked deep into the end zone. Held on the 18, Kentucky kicked out. Tech made one first down and had to kick. Leskovar fumbled and Bossons recovered on the Kentucky 28. Crawford passed to McCoy on fourth down, and Tech led 6-0. Patton's kick was good. November-December,


Red Patton carries — Red, a senior from Bessemer, Ala., is caught from behind South Carolina player as Bobby North (under Mo. 45) lays a mighty block.

by a

TECH DEFEATS AUBURN 20-0 The Jackets overwhelmed Auburn on a wet field October 21, to take the SEC lead. Fine Auburn spirit made the game hard work all the way for the more powerful Engineers. Tech's first score came in the second quarter when standout Bob McCoy intercepted an Auburn pass on their 25 and raced over for a touchdown. Patton missed his only one of the day and Tech led 6-0. Auburn threatened after the kickoff and drove to the Tech 14, but a penalty and a fine tackle by End George Gilbreath drove the Plainsmen back to the 45 as the half ended. YARDSTICK Georgia Tech (20) Auburn (0) 12 First Downs 12 100 Rushing Yardage 63 119 Passing Yardage 63 15 Passes Attempted 14

8 Passes Completed 6 0 Passes Intercepted 2 5 Punts 8 35.4 Punting Average 34.8 1 Fumbles Lost 0 45 Yards Penalized 55 The third quarter was a battle of the lines with neither team threatening seriously. Gilbreath again stood out as he broke through and flattened Tucker on the Auburn two. Auburn kicked and Templeton returned it to their 27 and seven plays later Crawford sneaked over and Patton converted, making it 13-0 after 2:15 of the fourth quarter. After the kickoff, Tech regained the ball on their own 35. Tech marched downfleld as darkness settled and scored on a pass from Sykes to Weigle. Patton made the point good and the game ended a few plays later.


to midfield but lost the ball on an interception. The Kentuckians drove downfleld to score again. After the kickoff, the Jackets pulled together and drove down to score in the final minutes. The game ended with Kentucky in possession of the ball, a few plays later. Kentucky (28) Georgia Tech (14) 20 First Downs 12 262 Yards Rushing 87 102 Yards Passing 95 18 Passes Attempted 5 12 Passes Completed 7 1 Passes Intercepted 2 35.5 Punting Average 45.7 1 Fumbles Lost 0 65 Yards Penalized 65

The Engineers held after the kickoff and Fucci kicked to the Tech 21. Tech was stopped and Gain blocked Patton's quick-kick on the 13. On the first play of the second quarter, Webb scored and Gain converted. After several exchanges of punts, the Wildcats got rolling and scored on a series of passes. The half ended with Tech in possession and behind 14-7. The third quarter was viciously fought and no score was made until the last half minute of play when Jamerson ran 54 yards over left tackle to score and Gain converted. In the fourth period the Engineers halted a drive on their 29. Gain's field goal try was short. The Jackets drove


JACKET FRESHMEN BEAT ALABAMA FROSH, 19-0 A fine-looking aggregation of Tech freshmen blasted the highly rated Alabamians while Jacket s u p p o r t e r s waited for the Tech-L.S.U. game to begin on October 14. Coach L e w i s Woodruff's boys, sparked by Pepper Rodgers and Courts Redford's passing, showed great promise. Kicker Allen Morris averaged 42.2 yards. YARDSTICK Georgia Tech (19) Alabama (0) 13 First Downs 9 118 Yards Rushing 124 176 Yards Passing 61 26 Passes Tried 14 15 Completions 4 3 Intercepted 4 45 Penalties 0 42.2 Punting Average 27 In the first touchdown drive, Rodgers threw 27 yards to Dave Davis, 11 to Fullback Glenn Turner and 15 more to Henry Hair. Then Rodgers bucked the line for the score from the one. In the second scoring push, Rodgers found Hair for 21 yards to help move along to the 17. From there the exBrown High star calmly tossed 17 yards to Davis for the touchdown. Tech scored its third tally in the final period. Harry Goss blocked Stan Marks' kick at the Alabama 45, then recovered it at the Tide 15. Redford, whose passing led a previous drive to the 11 where it fizzled, took over. He threw 14 yards to Hardemar, who scored from the one. That wraps up the scoring highlights. Alabama pushed no closer than the Tech 29.

DUKE 30 —TECH 21 After taking a three-touchdown lead in the first nine minutes of the game in Durham, N. C , on Nov. 4, the Jackets were smothered by a fine Blue Devil team that never lost its courage. Duke simply overpowered the Jackets after they started rolling on the damp field. Tech, hampered by penalties and a fine Duke line, was bettered in all departments except punting. YARD STICK Georgia Tech (21) Duke (30) 11 First Downs 17 110 Yards Rushing 233 113 Yards Passing 181 15 Passes Attempted 23 10 Passes Completed 13 2 Passes Intercepted 0 31.6 Punting Average 28.5 0 Fumbles Lost 0 82 Yards Penalized 80 After Duke consumed nearly four minutes in a kickoff drive that carried to Tech's 39, Bobby North picked up three yards to Tech's 42. Darrell Crawford then pitched short to McCoy, who

stole away down the sideline and out of bounds at Duke's two, a 55-yard play. North crashed in and Red Patton converted. Linebacker George M o r r i s intercepted a Cox pass on the next Duke scrimmage play and returned to Duke's 25, where Patton took a pitchout and jump-passed to Pete Ferris in the end zone. Duke tried again and ran out of steam on the 50, where Ray Beck threw Cox for a 13-yard loss. Then Marion Akins, a sophomore tackle promoted from the Red Shirts two weeks ago, crashed through, took the ball off Cox's foot as he tried to punt and raced 42 yards for the third score. Patton converted and Tech led 21-0. Duke got back in the game with a bang on the third play of the second quarter when Cox flanked right end on a seven-yard touchdown run that ended a 65-yard drive. Sophomore Charlie Smith got 55 of them on a haul that carried to Tech's 21 after a 15-yard penalty on Duke. (Continued on next page)

Summary Tech Frosh 19 'Bama Frosh 0 Ends — Hair, Davis, Hall, Trainer, Drake, Hensley, Sennett, Traylor. Tackles — Sherman, Stoudt, Liddell, Frey, Anderson, Gossage, Banks, McDonough, Bullard, McGarr, Givins. Guards — Kerfott, Carithers, Lawrence, Hardison, McKenzie, Randolph, Vereen, Campbell, Corn, Colcord. Centers — Inman, Goss, Little, Hull. Backs — Rodgers, Hardeman, Malloy, Turner, Gilliland, Blackburn, Jenks, Redford, Clyburn, B r a n n o n , Ford, Ward, Propst, Milton, Edge, Graham, Hunsinger, Mayo. Tech TD —Rodgers, Davis, Hardeman. EP — Hardeman (placement). 20


VMI UPSETS JACKETS 14-13 V.M.I, squeezed by the Jackets in a heartbreaking up-set that added insult to the injury of earlier defeats, by bigger teams. The Cadets were up and Tech was badly down. YARDSTICK V.M.I. (14) Ga. Tech (13) 12 First Downs 14 68 Yards Rushing 114 219 Yards Passing 150 24 Passes Tried 33 14 Completions 17 27.3 Punting Average 36.2 0 Fumbles Lost 1 70 Penalties 25 V.M.I, drove 75 yards to a score which came on the first play of the second period, three passes from Quarterback Jimmy Coley accounting for 56 of the yards. The touchdown was made from the one by Joe Stump. Tech matched the touchdown by utilizing a one-yard punt by Neal Petree which gave the Jackets the Harvin pass, but Jim (Red) Patton missed his PAT kick, whereas Tommy Birge's had been good. Tech left for intermission, trailing 6-7, but most of the onlookers expected them to overpower the visitors in the

November-December, 1950

second half. They returned, all fired up, picked up an easy first down from their own 24, then suffered a 15 yard penalty. A few plays later, Colby jump-passed to Anson who went to the Tech 3. Two plays later Stump scored and Birge made the kick good to make it 14-6, V.M.I. Crawford Hits Weigle Late in the third period, Tech started an advance from their own 43 which culminated in a touchdown on the first play of the final period when Crawford connected with John Weigle from the Tech 37. This was one of the few times that Crawford was not smothered by Keydet rushers and one of the few times that V.M.I.'s defenders made a mistake by concentrating on Dick Harvin. The throw was a looping, but well-timed heave which Weigle caught in the open at the 12 and carried on across. Patton made this kick good, but it still left the Jackets a point behind. In justice to the Jackets, they obviously missed big George Morris' bruising tackles as a backerup and they missed the superior line blocking

DUKE 30 — T E C H 21 (Cont'd) Smith carried a Bob Robinson punt back to Tech's 31 moments later, and Duke drove home again on three plays, assisted by a 15-yard penalty that delivered them to the door. After the penalty, Mounie dived in from the one. Mike Souchak made the extra points. Three plays later Earon blocked Robinson's kick for a safety and Tech led 21-16 at the half. The third quarter was scoreless with both teams obviously toned down from the first two. In the fourth, Duke drove 70 yards in seven plays to make it 23-21. Tech began to roll again and drove to the Duke 12, where a much discussed clipping penalty set them back to the 39. Duke held and took over to score once more before the game ended 30-21. Tech's Bosson, Gilbreath, Beck and Frizzell were towers on defense. Ferris, McCoy and Patton were offensive standouts. Earon, Duke end, and Billy Cox were Devil standouts. It was Coach Wallace Wade's 200th victory. of their two first-string tackles, Hal Miller and Lamar Wheat.



Home Coming Alumni at Barbecue. tober 28.


President Van Leer welcomes Alumni and families at Luncheon in Tech gymnasium

on Oc-






Sigma Phi Epsilon's winning Ramblin' 'Reck Parade.


'reck in the Home Coming








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