IN THIS ISSUE The new look in higher education
A LOOK AT THE FRESHMEN Dodd, Toppy and Friends
Alumnus ——:—
— •
THE CHAIRMAN see page 5
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—the editor's notes
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J. U. BROOKS.'39
on the September football issue. Most of it was very complimentary. And a number of you read the issue so carefully that you noticed our rather startling error, printed in large, black type, on page 14. One letter from a Mr. George P. Burdell of Flushing, Washington ribbed us in verse for the prime typographical miscue in the subhead of our "Tickets" story. And here, in print, is the deathless rhyme just as the later-day Longfellow banged it out on his Underwood. Some words seem designed to confuse. Like who, whom and to, too and twos; But I sure don't remember Before this September An editor confusing whose with who's.
book, especially on the Tech coaches. The book is definitely worth adding to your collection and makes a fine Christmas gift for the gridiron follower.
N THE MAY ISSUE, we ran a photo of
Allen Morris, '36 and Guy Bailey, '40 of Miami. The caption pointed out that these two Tech leaders in the Miami area were members of the Young Presidents' Organization, a national group made up of presidents of corporations doing at least $1 million per year in sales and employing at least 100 people. Since that time, we have learned through Dillard Munford, '39 of Atlanta, that Tech has nine alumni in the exclusive membership of that organization. In addition to Morris, Bailey and Munford ( President of the Munford Co.) Tech men in the Young Presidents' ORMALLY, WE DON'T REVIEW books in the pages of The Alumnus, preferring Organization include: Ivan Allen, Jr., '33 to leave this task to the literary-type of Atlanta, president of the Ivan Allen magazines. But recently, we managed an Company; Roy Richards, '35 of Carrolladvance peek at a new book that made ton, Ga., president of Richards & Asus break this rather small rule of ours. sociates, Inc.; Fred F. Phillips, '38 of It's a book that we feel all Tech football Siluria, Alabama, president of the Buck Creek Cotton Mills; Homer G. Ray, Jr.. fans will want to read. The title of this book is FOOT- '34 of Moultrie, Ga., president of the BALL'S GREATEST COACHES ($3.95, Georgia Peanut Company; Henry Knox Tupper & Love, Atlanta) and it's coming Burns, Jr., '33 of Macon, president of the off the presses about the time you get Burns Brick Company and William C. this issue of the magazine. FOOTBALL'S Vereen, Jr., '36 of Moultrie, president of GREATEST COACHES is a 120,000- the Riverside Manufacturing Company. * * * word volume which discusses the works of 28 of America's top football mentors, HE RICH E L E C T R O N I C C O M P U T 1 R selected by a vote of 50 of the nation's CENTER is not too far from dedication sports columnists. Georgia Tech is the day. The man, who more than any other only school to place more than two was responsible for this fine addition lo coaches in the book, as all three of her the campus, is leaving Atlanta. Ben R. full-time coaches won chapters. Gordon, '25, has resigned as executive The chapters on the Tech coaches are vice-president of Rich's Inc. to take on subtitled "The Father of the Forward the challenging task as president of City Pass" (Heisman), "Grand Old Man of Stores Co., one of the nation's leading the Flats" (Alexander) and "If You retail chains with headquarters in New Think You're Lucky, You Are" (Dodd). York City. Losing Ben's advice and Each contains never-before-written epi- enthusiasm is a great blow to the comsodes from the lives of the Jacket puter center. coaches. The book took two years to The Alumnus adds its congratulations compile, as the author corresponded with to the many Ben has already received. more than 1000 of the coaches' players, Every one at Tech sure hates to see you intimates and rivals for source material. leave Atlanta, Ga.. Ben. * * * The author of this book is, of all things, a Georgia graduate. He is Edwin COUPLE OF MONTHS AGO, Dean George (Ed) Pope, executive sports editor of the Griffin, who seems always to be doing Atlanta Journal. Despite his educational something for somebody else, started affiliation, Pope does a fine job with this soliciting ex-Tech band members who
Calf Mr. Amco—WA.
for Quick Delivery
IVAN ALLEN CO. 29 Pryor St., Atlanta Augusta • Rome Gainesville * Macon Athens, Tenn. Greenville, S. C.
Tech Alumnus
had worked under Major Garing while he was at Tech. The Major was very ill and needed financial help badly. The response from the bandsmen was very gratifying as the following report by Dean Griffin shows: 190 subscribers sent in $951.50. The mailing and secretarial costs came to $44.57 and the balance of $906.93 went to Mr. Garing. Dean Griffin added a personal note on his report expressing his great pleasure in handling this job for the ex-bandsmen and thanking them for their help. How we will ever be able to thank Cieorge Griffin is beyond us. This is just one of the many small jobs he's done that makes him Mr. Georgia Tech. * * * UST AS WE WERE putting the September edition to bed at the printers, a most interesting letter came in from Washington, D. C. It was signed by Rear Admiral H. G. Rickover, head of the Navy's atomic program, and it concerned the work of a Tech graduate with the Atomic Energy Commission. Here is what Admiral Rickover had to say: 'The nuclear submarine NAUTILUS, which was pictured on the cover of your July issue, resulted from the combined efforts of many persons. A fairly small group, however, directly managed this large, complex effort from start to finish. "Mr. Lawton D. Geiger, a 1939 graduate of Georgia Tech, was an invaluable member of this group. As the Atomic Energy Commission's Pittsburgh Manager from 1948 to this date, he has a record of effective and devoted service to this work that deserves mention whereever the development of the NAUTILUS is reviewed. "Mr. Geiger is currently engaged in newer reactor development and construction programs which are following in the wake of the NAUTILUS. He is also deeply engaged in the design and construction of the first central station atomic power plant — the 60,000 K W plant at Shippingport, Pa. "I feel that you would be interested in this comment on the outstanding accomplishment of one of your alumni." Our thanks to Admiral Rickover for bringing these facts on Mr. Geiger to our attention even his name fits atomic energy. * * *
he Designs For America s Future
Are On Today s Drafting Boards
p YOU'RE LOOKING FOR some reading
material on Tech, get a copy of the October isue of the Reader's Digest and turn to page 53. You'll find a wonderfully humerous story on "The Funniest Football Game Ever Played," the TechCumberland massacre of 1916.
Call, wire or write todayfor further information ... there is no obligation.
October, 1955
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ARRING UNFORSEEN CIRCUMSTANCES (which I hope we can) a special committee of the Alexander Memorial Building held its last official meeting on Thursday, September 29. I don't know how the others present felt. But 1, for one, was greatly relieved to know that it would not be necessary to again get this hardworking bunch together to work out and sweat out a means of finding the money to build this memorial. As you know, the campaign began in 1950, dragged on for three uncertain years (including the Korean War years) then practically sputtered to a halt in 1954. Don't think that the problem was ignored or tabled. It wasn't. The problem just seemed insurmountable. Finally, with great courage (and from necessity) the elaborate and expensive plans for a huge 4 million dollar field house were scrapped. Nowhere, in the foreseeable future, was 4 million dollars in sight. Also, the more Coach Dodd and others learned about field houses at other colleges, the more they realized that they could not afford to maintain and operate such a white elephant —even if given to them. We're going to have a fine building. One that you can be proud of, and one that is extremely useful. It is well under way and going according to schedule. At present, it appears that the Georgia Tech Athletic Association will have to borrow between $250,000 and $300,000, provided new pledges and reconfirmed old pledges are paid out. Although a debt this large is not desirable, it is one which the A A feels is not too large considering the excellent facility being provided for our students. For the first time since before WW II, alumni and the public will be encouraged to support basketball. WGST will have fine new studios, and physical training facilities will be adequate. Many of you have made pledges. Some of our alumni clubs promised to conduct campaigns this fall to help out. I hope you will pay off your pledges. But I suggest that our Clubs and individuals who prefer the academic approach, give to our new Foundation Program which is getting under way now. Our needs are many. Our appeal to you is sincere. Your philanthropy, large and small, is solicited from the top to the bottom of the Tech campus. In the next issue of the ALUMNUS, you'll get a feature story on the Alexander Memorial Building with an up-to-date financial report.
CONTENTS 2. RAMBLIN'—the editor talks about a man named Geiger, a book about coaches, and other matters. 5. PROFILE—Ivan Allen, General Chairman. 6. THOSE FIRST FEW DAYS—the class of 1959 gets an early taste of college life at Tech. 12. A NEW LOOK IN HIGHER EDUCATION— some questions answered about the new program. 14. DODD PULLS A DODD—the overstuffed dreams of Miami go a-glimmering on national TV. 16. TOPPY PULLS TWO TOPPIES—the Vann way. 18. ON THE HILL—back on the campus, Gordon looks at football, frats and freshmen. 20. WITH THE CLUBS—Hall of Fame Dinner. 22. NEWS BY CLASSES—an alumni gazette. O f f i c e r s of t h e G e o r g i a Tech N a t i o n a l A l u m n i Association Fred Storey, '33, Pres. I. M. Sheffield, '20, V-P Charles Simons, '37, V-P Walt Crawford, '49, Treas. W. Roane Beard, '40, Executive Secretary Staff Bob Wallace, Jr., '49, Editor Mary Peeks, Assistant THE COVER Standing in front of Tech's tower is the General Chairman of Tech's new development program explained on page 12 of this issue. His name is Ivan Allen, Jr., and he graduated from Tech in 1933 with a BS in Commerce. He is a former president of the National Alumni Association (1953-54) and now is the responsible head of what stands to be the greatest aid to Tech in history. For more about him look at page 5.
Published eight times a year •— February, March, May, July, September, October, November and December — by the Georgia Tech National Alumni Association; Georgia Institute of Technology; 225 North Avenue, Atlanta, Georgia. Subscription price (35c per copy) included in the membership dues. Entered as second class matter at the Post Office, Atlanta, Georgia under the Act of March 3, 1879.
/&JQA& Tech Alumnus
A profile of the man who will head the most important program in Tech's history
situated on the fourth floor of the 29Pryor Street Building in downtown Atlanta, a 1933 Tech graduate runs one of the nation's largest office supply and equipment firms. In his nine years as its president, Ivan Allen, Jr. has led the Ivan Allen Company to its present position as the largest company of its type in the South. Yet, during this span of business achievement (since 1946, the company's gross sales have jumped 4 0 0 % ) , Ivan Allen, Jr. has managed to become one of Atlanta's outstanding civic leaders. In 1952, he won the Rotary Club's coveted Armin Maier trophy for outstanding service to the community. Last month, the man in the glass cubicle took on another major task â&#x20AC;&#x201D;General Chairman of the new Georgia Tech Development Program, (see page ! 2 of this issue). Convincing Ivan that he should take on this new job was no major problem. For the first time he heard a discussion of the new University of Georgia Foun-
dation plan, he was intrigued with the possibilities of a similar plan for Tech. When the Georgia leaders asked Tech to join with them in a joint four-ply program, Ivan Allen was one of the leaders urging the Tech Foundation to readily accept the offer. "I thought," he recalled, "that it was about time Tech and Georgia people joined forces to help the cause of higher education in this state. Petty differences have held back the advancement of Georgia's institutions much too long. Herman Talmadge and Bob Troutman, Jr. have started something that bids well to be the greatest aid to higher education in Georgia's history." These initial thoughts of Ivan Allen's are a tip-off to the amazing things that this joint Tech and Georgia effort has already accomplished in one month. For it's certainly no secret that Ivan and exGovernor Talmadge have had their political differences in the past. But this is a program that must be and is above political differences as witnessed by the fact that two of the leaders of the
Georgia portion of the program are Talmadge, the leader of the state's procounty-unit-system forces and Morris Abram, the outspoken anti-county-unitsystem leader in Georgia. But in the mind of Ivan Allen, Jr., the most amazing thing about this proposed joint effort is that for the first time in history, Tech is put on equal basis with the University in the solicitation of funds for development. ' T h e fact that the University Foundation's leaders have asked us to join them in a concentrated effort to secure more funds for the two institutions from the legislature is the part of the program that sold me," he says. "It made my mind up for me when I was approached to head up the program. "Sure, I'm busy with my business and other time - consuming jobs such as president of the 6000-member National Stationers' Association. But everybody is busy these days, and this is an obligation that no Tech man can refuse. It's our chance to help make Tech the strongest engineering institution in the country. All the school needs is a stronger alumni interest in the instituion's problems and additional funds. This program gives us a chance to kill both of these birds with a single stone. "The job will be a tough one, and I'm going to be calling on many Tech alumni to help. After all, the general chairman cannot make or break a campaign. That's up to the people who will be working with him. I do have one big advantage in this campaign â&#x20AC;&#x201D; the best staff in the business, the Tech alumni body." To which it might be added that their choice of a leader in this important campaign reflects this statement. The new general chairman( left) takes the gavel from retiring president Charlie Yates, '35, during the '53 Homecoming. Mr. Allen served the Association as president for the '53 - '54 year. Now he comes back to help Fred Storey, new Association president and Walter Mitchell, Foundation President in a program that bids to be a tremendous aid to higher education in the State of Georgia.
October, 1955
for the Alumnus
by Wallace and
The Class of 1959 gets oriented, feted and photographed
During the T O D A Y TV show the day before the Miami game, the freshmen go on the network. Two of them send contradictory greetings home.
A birdseye view of one of the 4 freshmen groups as they work out the answers to the placement tests in the drill room of Tech's Naval Armory.
A freshman concentrates on a test that decides whether he gets non-credit math or not. Tests are also given in English and aptitudes for Tech work.
is ONE of the major steps in a young man's life. He is usually leaving behind him most of the familiar things in his life—the home town, his family and his friends. In a lot of ways, he's starting life all over again with a new (adopted) home town, an institution for a family and a brand-new set of friends. It's a big jolt, this leaving everything behind . . . being on your own for the very first time in your life. But the Tech of today tries its best to ease the pain with a ten-day period known as "Freshman Orientation." During this period, the new freshmen get a great deal of help in making the difficult transition from home-town life to college life. When he comes to the campus, the new freshman finds himself as the focal point of a program planned just for him. Explanations of Tech's traditions and how to study in the TARTING COLLEGE
October, 1955
modern engineering institution go along with the talks he sits through on campus life, fraternity life and dormitory living. Then he goes through a battery of placement tests and physical exams. Before he knows it, the upperclassmen are back and the fraternities roll out the carpet for Rush Week. For seven days, he is the big shot at Tech. Then pledge day—the big shots become rats, and the freshmen come down to earth. By the time classes get underway, he has established a new set of friends and customs through this common bond of orientation. And he has forgotten that—just ten days ago —he was one of the lost and lonely souls faced with what looked like an impossible adjustment. Georgia Tech's rough freshman curriculum looms now as the impossible adjustment that has to be faced immediately.
Deep under the stands of Grant Field (the men's room), the freshmen get their pictures snapped for the Blue Print by a local photographer. Note coat and tie here.
The lines really start to get long when you get around to paying your fees. In the hallway of Knowles Building, the freshmen get their cards checked before they pay.
Then to Tech's Industrial Engineering Building and a complete examination which starts with a thermometer being shoved into your mouth by a ROTC sergeant.
And during all of this hassle, any old break in the routine is a sign for the inevitable bull session that is a product of standing in line and waiting for your turn.
Spending money is relatively easy these first few days and the college book store gets its due. The books he's buying are for his first quarter at Tech. The cost â&#x20AC;&#x201D; $27.00.
At 10:30 A. M. on the day for paying fees, the line had reached from Knowles Building back to the Athletic Assoc, offices, winding around the Chemistry Bldg. in transit.
But standing in line does have its advantages. You make friends and have time to compare your schedules as these two freshmen are doing near the end of the line.
THEN COMES THE FRATERNITY RUSH Hanging on a peg in the outer hall of a fraternity house, these rat caps indicate that rushing season has started.
The fatal day arrives and upperclassmen of one house rush out to greet the first of what they hope is many freshman pledges.
A well-fed freshman (with glasses) grins as he gets the feel of fellowship in a Tech fraternity house. In this instance it's cards.
In this instance, it's women and two actives who have a couple of prospective pledges cornered and are concentrating on selling. 10
Tech Alumnus
A NEW LOOK IN HIGHER EDUCATION The leaders of the Tech Foundation join those of the Georgia Foundation in a new show of strength by IVAN ALLEN, JR.
progress of education. For no other influence outside of religion is as important to the economic, social and cultural development as the schools of higher learning. We in the South, and particularly in Georgia, have been lagging behind in our support of these institutions. We have done but little to meet the challenge of our new scientific and technological age. We have watched other states pour millions into their colleges, attract the best faculties and draw the outstanding students. We are now seeing these states well on their way to reap the benefits of their far-sighted investment in higher education. Every year we are losing more and more of our fine faculty members to those other schools and to industry. The eleventh hour has struck for our two state universities—Tech and Georgia. But we still have time to surge to the pinnacle of higher education in the South and the Nation. The trustees of the Georgia Tech Foundation and the Alumni Association voted unanimously to join with the University of Georgia Foundation and Alumni Society in a joint program for the advancement of higher education in Georgia. Without a doubt, this is the greatest step forward in the history of either institution. The leaders of this joint effort are Herman E. Talmadge, president of the Georgia Alumni Society; Robert B. Troutman, Jr., fund chairman for the University of Georgia Foundation; Fred Story, president of the Georgia Tech National Alumni Association; Walter Mitchell, president of the Georgia Tech Foundation and the author, who will act as general chairman for Tech. 12
The program has these important points, all looking to developing Tech into one of the really great engineering institutions in the Nation. Schools of higher learning are the foundations of growth and progress. They are the ke\ to a greater Georgia, a greater South and a greater Nation. We must have superior engineering schools if we are to give the youth of this country the technological training necessary to keep us ahead of the race of nations in this atomic and electronic age. This is no time for procrastination. The Soviet Union, working on this principle, is turning out many more engineers and scientists than are we at the present time. Soon they will catch us in numbers of trained scientific personnel. This is a race we cannol afford to lose. And now is the time to start winning it. WHAT DO WE REALLY NEED?
What is needed? It takes three things to make a great school. First, you must have a superior faculty—the qualit\ of instruction will determine, to a large degree, the qualit\ of the graduate. Second, you must have outstanding students —your school must attract those who are looking for the best. And third, you must have all of the facilities necessary for both teaching and outstanding research. These research facilities are doubly important in that they offer the institution an opportunity to help the industry of the state directly through special creative industrial research as well as act as a selling point to attract outstanding faculty members to come to Tech to teach. Tech has been a good school even though it has been operating on a starvation diet for years. Its present standing is largely a tribute to the devotion of men who have stayed with the institution in the face of much more attractive financial offers at other schools or in industry. Today Tecli Tech Alumnus
needs many things to even maintain its position, much less achieve our goal of the finest engineering university in America. What then are these needs? To find the answer to what Tech should have to make it the best, a fine study committee headed by Cherry Emerson, '08, has been appointed. Other members of this committee are Fuller Callaway, '26, of LaGrange; William Wardlaw, Jr., '28, of Atlanta, and W. A. Parker, '19, of Atlanta. These men will study each field of engineering and science—atomic, electronic, textile, mechanical, chemical, etc. For help, they will call on leaders from the related industries to determine what a great engineering school needs to do an outstanding job. Then they are going to study Tech to find out where we are weak. And out of these combined studies will come our blueprint for action. The 1955-56 Roll Call is the key to achieving our goal. Around it we will build our campaign for alumni support. We plan to go to the Legislature and to industry cooperatively with the University of Georgia alumni, headed by Herman Talmadge. But before we can approach either of them, we must have the enthusiastic support of our alumni. We cannot give nickels ourselves and expect millions of others. At every important discussion by American industrialists on the subject of corporate giving, the major question asked is, "What are the alumni doing for the institution?" The legislature and industry are sources of the substantial financial help Tech needs. Properly approached by the leaders of our combined alumni forces, we will get from them the money we need. WHAT HAS BEEN DONE TO DATE?
Our major step is to enlist the support of the Georgia Legislature. Being a state institution, we must look to the legislature for essential capital improvements, enlarged facilities and base faculty salaries. No concerted effort has ever been attempted by the combined leadership of the alumni of Tech and Georgia to get the legislature to support the cause of higher education in Georgia with adequate funds. It will take millions, and those millions can be secured if we go after them properly. Next in importance, financially, is to sell industry and other foundations on a great and continuing support of higher education. Corporations, large and small, have caught the vision the country over of what Universities can do to train their future leaders, discover new ways to do things, and new things to enrich life and raise the economic standards of the people—thus guaranteeing greater and greater markets for their products. Foundations with millions in assets have been set up to give outstanding students an opportunity for a college education. Industry is pouring money into the colleges in this country, often offering to match contributions made by alumni in their employ. Foundations are making larger and larger grants to statesupported institutions for definite projects in which they October, 1955
are interested. Substantial sums of money can be secured from these foundations provided they are properly approached. Already, the University of Georgia has launched its campaign to secure $250,000 a year from her alumni. Our drive through the 9th annual roll call will try to match the University's campaign with a five-year goal of $250,000 per year from the alumni. This is slightly more than three times the amount of our highest previous roll call total. WHAT IS OUR MAJOR GOAL?
To start the ball rolling and set the pace for this new roll call plan, the Association and Foundation Trustees have made their own pledges as a pattern of their enthusiasm for our program. They have given us a wonderful inspiration. Thirty-three men who have been giving approximately $6,984 a year to the roll call have pledged $27,450 per year for the next five years. Pledges of $5.00 have been raised to $100, and pledges of $1,000 to $10,000—proof that our alumni have just been waiting for someone to come along and catch the vision of what can be done at Tech and then go out and make this vision a reality. This is only a start. To reach our goal of $250,000 per year, we will need 100 men to give $500 or more a year, 200 men to give $250 a year, 500 men to give $100 a year, plus all of the $50, $25 and smaller gifts we can secure. Surely every alumnus of Tech will want to have a part in this drive. Our plans are to contact personally every alumnus in Georgia—telling the story of this opportunity and asking for their help for Tech. Already, our organization is being formed. We still need organizational assistance as well as financial. If you would like to help with this important part of the program, contact the alumni office. I hope you will join with the trustees in raising your pledge to the Georgia Tech Foundation to a true measure of what your education and training have meant to you. In terms of today's dollars, it costs Tech approximately $500 more than you paid for every year you were in school. On that basis, every Tech graduate was given $2000 on his education. It's a debt we owe the school. Let's begin to pay it. $250,000 a year from our roll call and an equal amount from industry can work miracles in securing state help and building up Tech to further benefit the South and the Nation. Have you ever stopped to think what College education means to the economy of the country. Statistics show that the lifetime earnings of a man with a college education are $150,000 more than the average man without this higher education. And a college education costs only $7,500. Georgia Tech's average graduate not only makes $142,500 more for himself, but he contributes that much more to the economy of the country through his training. Now, more than ever, we need your pledge and help. This is Tech's chance to become the greatest of engineering institutions in this country. It's up to you. 13
Big Stan Flowers makes his running debut with this 10yarder in the first quarter. The big man led Tech averages.
PRODUCER-DIRECTOR BOBBY DODD and his staff of coaches put on one of their patented shows on September 17. And the actors in the drama (including Miami's Hurricanes) followed the script from start to finish. When the TV cameras were put away for another year, Tech had won its seventh consecutive nationally-televised game, 14-6. The Jackets played for Miami mistakes and won with a great kicking game featuring Dickie Mattison, Ken Owen and Johnny Menger. Miami made its first mistake when they bumped into Ken Owen before he could make a signaled fair catch. The ball never got to Owen, and when the flag went down, the Miamians stopped their action. An alert Paul Rotenberry grabbed the loose ball and scampered down the sidelines behind good Tech blocking to score. The point was good and Rotenberry became one of the few men to ever score on a fair catch. Tech held the 7-0 lead through the first half as Miami controlled the ball most of the time. In the third quarter, Miami drove 69 yards to score but missed the point. It was 7-6. The Jackets threatened on a great burst by Mattison to the Miami 5, but a penalty moved them out of contention a play later. Miami, backed up by a great Menger punt, tried to pass deep in their own territory. Jimmy Morris intercepted and raced 25 yards for the final Tech score.
One of Tech's problem positions is eased as both Ken Owen and D. Mattison (shown making first down) came through.
Tech isn't the on starts to undress
More help coming as little Jimmy starts to upend Miami's Oliver during the second quarter. The backs were busy all afternoon. Miami's famed drive series didn't attract near as much attention at the game as did her baton twirlers. The blonde is Miss Florida.
only school with tearaway jerseys. Jimmy Thompson ress Miami's Oliver in front of the TV audience.
Ictober, 1955
Tech's gang-tackling tactics paid off as the Jackets played a defensive gameâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Brooks, Ellis and Morris stop Bonofiglio.
Toppy Pulls Two Toppies quarterback named Vann, of the Rossville, Georgia, Vanns, led Tech to its second and third victories over Florida (14-7) and SMU (20-7). In the Florida game, Vann scored the second TD on a quarterback sneak after executing a beautiful screen pass to Jimmy Thompson for 22 yards and fourth down on the Gators' 2-yard line. He was also at the helm on the first Tech touchdown drive, an expertly executed 72-yard drive that took up 18 plays. Volkert went over from the four on a twisting slash. Mitchell kicked both points in this one as the Jackets let the Gators score first in a ragged first half. In the SMU game, things were different. The Jackets went 51 yards from the opening kickoff after fullback Ken Owen had made a fine return to the Tech 49. Vann went over on his patented quarterback sneak, his first of three for the afternoon. The Jackets fairly ran SMU out of Grant Field as they scored again after a short Mustang punt went out on their own 31. This drive ended with the sneak by Toppy. The third Jacket score came in the third period on a 94-yard drive climaxed byâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;you guessed itâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Vann. A RATHER UNHERALDED
Toppy peers through a crowd of Mustangs as he sneaks across for the second score. On the first score, Vann goes underneath as a frustrated Mustang clenches his fist.
Tech Alumnus
Flowers huffs and puffs as he lights out with a Vann pass to set up a score against Florida. Workhorse Owen shows his leg drive and a foot to a Mustang as he breaks loose for 7.
A Mustang halfback grabs one of Roach's infrequent completions for a short gain.
Thompson goes 5 yards with a Vann pass against the Gators as Tech drives to score. October, 1955
ALL . . . FOOTBALL . . . FRATS . . . FRESHMEN. E v e r y
school year starts with the same theme. The old order changes slow. You think of the first topic, and the other three follow almost of necessity. I won't try to take them up in any order because they have none. But just for a beginner, let's start with Fall. I think the Campus is at its best in the Fall. Everything is dressed up to give it a fresh start for the year. You hardly have a chance to notice it, though, falling as you do into the terrific beginning pace. But let's take a little time right here and now and do some noticing. We haven't lost any old faces from the Campus brick pile, but we have added a few you may be interested in hearing about. First of all, down at Fowler and Tenth, they have the great concrete ring that's to be the foundation for the Alexander Memorial firmly planted in the ground, and a lot of the structural frame is in place for the adjoining physical training building. Everyone seems to be quite interested in watching the architect's drawings take form. And of course the Architecture students are exercising their inalienable right to criticize. Closer at hand, the Rich Computer building is all in order, and should be dedicated sometime this Fall. It's part of the Research Building group and is of the same architectural line. I suppose most of the students will be a long time finding out about it. Over on Fifth Street, between Fowler and Techwood, the heavy hand of femininity has made itself felt in the form of the Coeds' Dorm. In reality it's a residence converted to that purpose, and not something new structurally. It's a good indication, however, that the gals is here to stay awhile. Matter of fact, this June should see Tech's first female bachelor take her degree at commencement. Time and tradition do fly. Meanwhile, back at the ranch on Fraternity Row, the social set has made, or is making, additions to the Tech skyline. The Delta Sigs just moved into their new abode on Fourth Street. And over on Fowler, the Sigma Nu's are in the process of piling another floor on top of their dormitory wing. us TO THAT time-honored tradition, Rushing. They got it compressed down to ten days this year . . . to nobody's chagrin . . . and everyone's sanity is much the better for it. They started it with something new and rather good this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Open House by all the Fraternities. This allows any Freshmen to visit any house he cares to on that particular afternoon, and the results were for the best. Sunday Quiet Period ended with the usual cheers, yells, shouted tallies, and pledges in abundance. The
entire ten-day proceedings were well controlled by the individual Fraternities themselves and the IFC Honor Board, and IFC Executive Committee to keep things sane and sober. Nobody's on social probation yet. The Freshmen were also well controlled at Grant Field Saturday, as football came into full view with the arrival of SMU. There's something strangely wonderful about seeing that forest of rat caps waving with the "Ramblin Reck." They pick up the spirit and tradition and feeling of Tech in a hurry, even though most of them see the game only by standing on tiptoe or looking around an end-zone. Then, too, Tech has a habit of late of giving them something to feel good about . . . like winning football games. This may not be Tech's greatest team, but it's trying to be. At the rate they're going, they're liable to make Bowl games a Tech tradition. Football also provided a rather unflattering conversation piece this year in the form of student tickets. They consist of an appallingly large plastic-encased mug picture complete with number across the chest. One would think the whole student body is composed of egotistical cons when they start flashing them at the gates each Saturday. It gets to be a bit embarrassing if you happen to have date tickets and have to let your favorite femme get a glimpse of the damning evidence that you ain't good-looking in print. the football team and the Frats are also warming up to their Fall duties. The Band looked pretty promising last Saturday, considering the small amount of practice time they've had. And Drama Tech has its cast set for the Fall production, "The Front Page." The club is doing a repeat on this show, having first put it on the boards in '48-'49 with great success, and hopes to do so again. Publications are one down with the demise of the Yellow Jacket last Spring, but are beginning to function as before. There is a possibility of another publication being spawned this year . . . something of a featurepictorial magazine, but its birthday party is still tentative. The Glee Club is tuning their pipes in the "Y" and hopes to get some more travel time logged this year. Mr. Walter Herbert, the Director, got them off on large scale by taking the group of entertainers, including a couple of the Glee Club members, on a USO tour to Korea this past Summer. Johnny Hunsinger, best remembered for his activities as Tech's fullback last year, was in the troupe. So, all in all, it appears that Tech's in for a good year at all positions. Come take a look at us at Homecoming. Us gonna have another Queen, Ramblin' Reck parades, parties. And your perennial nerve-wrecker, Duke, is scheduled.
Tech Alumnus
Bargains f r o m " Y e O l d R o b b e r y "
H6e &oUeye *)aa 'Pa^e • |
FOR THE T E C H FOOTBALL F A N , the perfect g i f t — a personally-autographed copy of Coach Dodd's book about the style of football that has made Tech famous throughout the country. A highly-technical, yet easy-to-read volume, handsomely illustrated with shots o f Tech footballers in action. $4.50 each plus $.25 t o cover tax, postage and handling—$4.75. THE JUNIOR-SIZED T E C H FANS will get a real kick out o f these football jerseys. They're exact replicas of Tech's
1955 team
type). A n d as an
not the tear-away
added feature, they have " W r e c k 'em Tech" printed across the front. On the back is a giant-size number, just like the Jackets'.
juvenile sizes—2, 4, 6 and 8 plus junior sizes— 10, 12 and 14. Only $2.75 each post paid.
78 RPM record album. The Tech
F O O T B A L L , plays
"Ramblin' Reck" when you t r i p the
Band and Glee Club give a su-
lever. The fine Swiss music move-
ment is encased in a pigskin-col-
Up W i t h
ored plastic football, four inches in
G o l d , the Alma Mater and other
length. The laces are painted white
Tech favorites. Packaged in an at-
the W h i t e and
and gold and even the grain of
tractive album with a gold color
the football is effectively imitated
scheme. A few left a t $3.60.
—$3.25 each, post p a i d .
M U S I C A L CIGARETTE CASE o f solid walnut. Reach in f o r a smoke, and the fine Swiss movement rings out with the "Ramblin' Reck". Finished with the Tech seal in silver, $10.75.
' i
FOOTBALL JERSFY (state size — $2.75 each)
[ 1 enclose my check for ! Name
RAMBLIN" 'RECK ALBUM ($3.60 each) MUSICAL FOOTBALL (3.25 each) BOBBY DODD'S BOOK ($4.75 each)
to cover the above items. Address.
October, 1955
ATLANTA, GEORGIA — t h e Greater Atlanta Georgia Tech Club held its first annual "Football Hall of Fame" banquet on September 16 at Atlanta's Yaarab Temple. Over 200 Tech alumni and guests turned out to see George Griffin induct the members of Tech's all-time team as selected by the Tech alumni in the March, 1955 issue of the Alumnus. Seven of the twelve stars picked by the alumni were represented at the meeting. End Bill Jordan, '37, of Kingsport, Tenn.; tackles Bob Davis, '47, of Columbus and Bill Fincher, '20, of Atlanta; guard Bill Healy, '47, of Chattanooga, and back Buck Flowers of Birmingham were there in person to receive their citations from Dean Griffin. Center George Morris, Jr., '52, of Vicksburg was represented by his father, and back Clint Castleberry, '42 (now deceased) was represented by his high-school teammate, Raymond Smith, '49, of Atlanta. Dean Griffin gave his own inimitable history of Tech football with special attention to the exploits of the members of the Hall of Fame being honored. Coach Bobby Dodd gave a talk on the prospects for the 1955 season plus a night-before view of the Miami game. His talk, as always, was well-received by the alumni. Special guests of the club were members Qf the visiting press: Francis Wallace of Colliers, Wirt Gammon of The Chattanooga Times, Zipp Newman of The Birmingham News, Larry Fox of The Atlanta Constitution and Bob Christian of The Atlanta Journal. Members of the all-time team unable to attend included Joe Guyon, '18; Doug Wycoff, '25; Bob Ison, '39; Ray Beck, '51, and Everett Strupper, '17 (now deceased). * * # BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA — the Birmingham Georgia Tech Club took in the Tech-Miami game in full-color tele-
vision in a special meeting in the showroom of the Lynn Strickland Tire Company. A good crowd was on hand to cheer the Jackets and partake of the refreshments and fellowship. The club will meet again later this fall with the date to be set this month. * * * HOUSTON, TEXAS — t h e South Texas Georgia Tech Club met in the showroom of the J. A. Walsh Company. Houston's RCA wholesaler, on September 17 to watch the Tech-Miami game on color television. Over 130 alumni and guests from the area turned out for the special meeting which also featured a steak dinner and a short talk by Miss Diane Michael, Tech's first co-ed graduate-to-be. Miss Michael, an outstanding student in Industrial Engineering, will graduate in June of 1956. All proceeds from the party went into the Houston club's scholarship fund to send an exceptional Houston student leader to Tech each year. This year, Patrick Michael Deats entered Tech as Houston's first scholarship winner. * * # JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA — the Jacksonville Georgia Tech Club held its fall meeting on September 12 at the Seminole Hotel. Bob Darby, '47, presided over the business meeting at which dues were established and a meeting schedule organized. He also handled the election of officers and the introduction of guest speaker, Roane Beard, the National Association's executive secretary. Roane spoke on all things Tech and presented two films: The Expanding Frontier and The Highlights of 1954. New officers elected at the meeting included O. J. Oosterhoudt, '22, president; Nathan Holman, '30, vicepresident; Steele Simcox, '50, treasurer and William D. Cromartie, '42, secretary. The Jacksonville Club plans to hold another meeting sometime in the near future.
Club held the first Georgia Tech meeting in the Canal Zone on Aug. 2, at the Panama Gold Club. Tech alumni present were: seated (left to right) Inocencio Galindo, '33; A. L. Loeb, '13, of Atlanta; Jorge Arias, '35 and standing (left to right) Harry Pearl, '34; Col. Hugh Arnold, '29; H. E. Claire, Jr., '34 and G. Qualquejeu, '44. 20
Tech Alumnus
"TTTyHATEVER the plan, there must be more support per person W and per corporation. We'll all just have to dig a little deeper. In recent years, our bill for organized education in all categories has been running at less than 4% of the Gross National Product. With predicted growth in our national output, if we can increase only a little the percentage spent on education, our needs will be met. "Under the Corporate Alumnus Program, the General Electric Educational and Charitable F u n d matches up to $1,000 donated by employees to their alma maters. This concept is based upon the belief that the individual decisions of thousands will form a sound basis for widespread support of education . . . The responsibility of the alumni group is, I believe, to sell the idea that in a free economy in the long run it is desirable that the real cost of education be borne by the individual who gets the education and benefits from it."*
Who's to pay the cost of education ?
— PHILIP D. REED, Chairman of the Board of Directors. Genera} Electric Company
' T r i m s approach (Corporate Alumnus P r o g r a m ) is only a start. J_ But it is rooted in the recognition that you and I can't longer continue to run a progressive and productive school system on a charity basis. I will answer the question as to who should pay for a college education by offering the cold-nosed conclusion that in a free economy in the long run it both should be, and rightfully can be, the man who gets the education; and that should be made clear to him the day he starts to get it. "Of course, we also favor business support, for business draws many of its ablest profit-making human resources from your institutions. We must examine such support, however, instance by instance, and never let it slide into any license to dictate policy or to restrict academic activities ably conceived by courageous and level-headed educators who are truly alert to both the challenges and the opportunities of the economy and the society in which they live."*
How far can our aid to education go?
— HAROLD F. SM1DDY, Vice President, Management Consultation Services, General Electric
What obligation does an alumnus have?
' T s it such a revolutionary idea that the real cost of education be J_ borne by the individual who gets that education and benefits from it? Not necessarily across the barrel head, not necessarily all at once, and not necessarily even under certain sets of circumstances. But I submit that it is an unhealthy idea for an individual to expect society to pay his education bill, any more than to expect society to pay for his food, clothing, shelter, hospitalization, vacations, and ultimately for the education of his children and grandchildren, too. "One of the first things that business babes in the education woods learned was that practically nobody pays the real cost of his education. One reason is that he is never asked to pay it. We have acknowledged that the organization of which an individual is a part shares the benefits, and we are willing to help pay the bill — but this is a joint undertaking."* — KENNETH G. PATRICK, Manager. Educational Relations, General Electric
*For free copies of any of the complete talks from which these remarks were taken, write to Educational Relations, Dept. 2-119, General Electric Company, Schenectady, New York.
Tbogress /s Our Most Important Product
' fl 7 R°bert Moore A ngas, prominent JackU I sonville consulting engineer, died June 21 at his home shortly after returning from Miami, where he was stricken with a heart attack earlier in June. H e has been active in many engineering projects throughout Florida and was a senior partner of Robert M. Angas and Associates at the time of his death. Mr. Angas was also active in civic affairs and held offices in various organizations. Surviving are his wife, of 3303 Bettes Circle, Jacksonville; brother, Vice Adm. William Mack Angas, and several nieces and nephews. Brig. Gen. Olin H. Longino, EE, veteran artilleryman and World War II commander of anti-aircraft centers in Mass. and 111., died September 7 at his home. He retired from active duty in 1945 after serving in the Army since 1907. Surviving are his wife, of 113 Georgia Drive, College Park, Ga., daughter, Mrs. Edward E. Singerfoos; son, Capt. Thomas D. Longino, Berlin, Germany; and two brothers, Kenton F . and Joseph W. T. Longino. ' f l Q Cherry L. Emerson, ME-EE, who reU u cently retired as vice president of Georgia Tech, has just joined the architectural and engineering firm of A. Thomas Bradbury & Associates, with offices at 60 Fifth St., N . E., Atlanta. '11 ®r- William M. Robinson, Jr. was re•' cently awarded the Doctor of Humanities, honoris causa from Florida State University. His address is P. O. Box 666, Quincy, Florida. ' 1 0 H. G. Moore, former representative to '*» the State Legislature, died August 15 in Atlanta hospital. Survivors include his
wife, of Conley, Ga., and one son, Hugh G. Moore, Birmingham, Alabama. »1C Isham F. Witherington of Mt. Olive l u N. C , died July 26. N o further information was available at this writing. ' 1 "I Col. Stewart Bird, EE, died August 22 ' * at his home, 3682 Peachtree Road, Atlanta. Surviving are his wife; sons, Samuel F. Dobbs and S. C. Bird. ' 0 0 Jesse Jewell, Gainesville, Ga., pioneer ^ w North Georgia poultryman, is extending his broiler industry to Puerto Rico. H e is one of the principal stockholders in the newly organized Caribe-Jewell Corp., with main offices in Hato Rey. ' 9 A Dr' H°mer $• Weber, Director of *• ' Georgia Tech's Mechanical Engineering School, was married recently to Miss Anne Lou Hardy. They reside at 2788 Peachtree Rd., N. E., Atlanta. ' O C Hammett P. Munger, Ch.E., is now ^ J Chairman of the Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering Dept., Syracuse University, Syracuse, N . Y. ' 0 0 Dr. Frederick Bellinger, Ch.E., head *•" of Chemical Sciences Div. at Ga. Tech's Experiment Station, is on a United Nations assignment in Egypt for one year. He will advise and assist the Egyptian Government in establishing an industrial research program. His address is 8 Sh. El Salamlik, Garden City, Cairo, Egypt. John P. Holmes, vice president of the Celanese Corp. of America, has been elected a member of the Board of Directors. He has been with the company since 1927. His home address is 6 Birchbrook Rd., Bronxville, N . Y.
' O Q Navy Capt. John E. (Jay) Bowen, Jr.. ^ 0 native Atlantan, took command of the Aircraft Carrier Essex Sept. 15. H o m e port of the Essex is Coronado Naval Base, San Diego, California. Wilfred Main Honour, CE, died Sept. 8 while attending a civil engineering conference at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania. At the time of his death he was a professor of C. E. at Tennessee Polytechnic Institute. H e had taught at Ga. Tech, Univ. of Texas, Auburn and Tenn. Tech. Surviving are his wife; daughters, Miss Main Honour of Auburn, Ala., and Miss Laurie Honour of Cookesville, Tenn. ' O H Russell L. Spelights, Com., has been wU elected to the board of directors of Newspaper Printing Corp. of Nashville. Tennessee. ' 0 0 Willis R. Greer, CE, is now assistant *}£• manager of Incor & Technical Service of the Lone Star Cement Company's N. Y. branch. His business address is 100 Park Ave., N. Y. 17, N . Y. Dan E. Hendricks, AE, a Naval Air Reservist was recently promoted to Captain. H e is a member of the Naval Air Reserve Sq. VR 831, Floyd Bennett NAS, Brooklyn. N. Y. Mr. Hendricks is with Shell Oil Co. His home address is 31 Virginia Ave., Freeport, N . Y. Richard Lord Jones, Ch.E., died Sept. 2 in Houston, Texas following a brief illness. At the time of his death he was vice president of the Tenn. Gas Transmission Co. Survivors include his wife; two sons, Richard L., Jr. and Tinsley, all of 7067 Academy St., Houston; brothers, George S. and G. Paul,
(More news by classes on pages 24, 25 and 26)
SPANS CHALFANT — C o n d u i t and E.M.T CRESCENT — W i r e , Cable and Cords STEEL CITY — O u t Boxes and Fittings WAGNER —E.M.T. Fittings KINDORF — C o n d u i t & Pipe Supports
Tech Alumnus
How I got into sales management after t w o years selling (Some questions answered by a New England Mutual Life General Agent)
"I WANT TO CREATE MY OWN F U T U R E . " With those words George G. Joseph left his old job and joined the New England Mutual Life Insurance-**Company in 1947. Today, 8 years later, Mr. Joseph is a General Agent, partner in the Bowes & Joseph Agency, Newark, New Jersey. (The two partners are shown here.) Not an unusual story, as you will see below. This proves that with New England Life a man can go as far as industry and ability will take him.
Had y o u any e x p e r i e n c e i n life i n s u r a n c e before y o u j o i n e d t h e New E n g l a n d Life? "None whatsoever. I joined the New England in 1947, after a short stretch as a sales representative for a large company. I wanted to prove how much I was worth by my own initiative. Two years later I was promoted to sales management, and in 1952 I became a General Agent." What was t h e chief factor i n your s u c c e s s ? "The attitude of my General Agent. His policy was to help young men progress, delegate responsibility, and give everyone a chance to prove his management capabilities. And my success is no exception. In my own agency alone, there are eight other men who got into management after less than three years of selling."
How about earnings? "Those eight men I mentioned, and I, earned an average of more than $11,000 our first year in Sales Management. Our present average yearly income is well over $18,000, and most of us are only in our middle thirties. You can see there are 'no strings attached' to a man in life insurance. A career with the New England Life is bound to mean a better life for you.'''' How can I tell what my c h a n c e s are for s u c c e s s i n life insurance? "The Company has a proved selection process for determining your aptitude, and will tell you frankly what the results indicate. Write Vice President L. M. Huppeler, 501 Borlston Street, Boston, Mass., forfu rther information. No obligation will be implied either way."
October, 1955
John W. Meehan, Jr. has been moved from the New Orleans area to cover Europe for the International Division of Mine Safety Appliances Co., Pittsburg. His permanent base of operations is to be Zurich, Switzerland. He will work with dealers and agents on the continent and assist in training programs and demonstrations. A. F. Perkins, EE, has been named manager of International Paper Company's Bastrop Mill at Bastrop, La. He has been with the company since 1936. ' O n MARRIED: Alfred Maloof to Miss " 0 Mary Cezar Sept. 11. Mr. Maloof is with Maloofs Dept. Store in Dawson, Ga. J. J. Powell, Jr., EE, Time Equipment Manager for IBM in Jacksonville, will handle Time Equipment sales activities in Tampa and Tallahassee as well as in Jacksonville. BORN T O : R. A. "Pop" Siegal, Ch.E., and Mrs. Siegal, a son, Robert Andrew, August 29. Their home address is 3119 Arden Rd., N. W., Atlanta, Ga. George A. Smith, AE, has been promoted to second vice president of Eastern Air Lines. H e has been with Eastern for 18 years. Mr. Smith's address is c / o Eastern Air Lines, Miami, Florida. ' O Q Cdr. Paul F. Cosgrove, Jr., IM, has MM been assigned to Headquarters, U. S. European Command near Paris. H e will take on duties as a staff officer in the logistics division of the headquarters. ' A f l BORN T o : James P. Clay, IM, and *" Mrs. Clay, a daughter,Dorothy Dunn, July 26. Their address is 3669 Peachtree Rd., Atlanta. BORN T O : Irvin M. Massey, Jr., IM, and Mrs. Massey, of Atlanta, a daughter Margaret Allene, August 11. Their address is 743 Forest Trail, N. W., Atlanta. W. V. Neisius, Ch.E., formerly assistant professor of math at Ga. Tech, has been appointed vice-president of Logistics Research, Inc., California electronic computer manufacturing firm. His address is 515 25th St., Hermosa Beach, California. Edward Stauverman, Jr., Ch.E., is now a staff engineer in the General Engineering Dept., Standard Oil Co., Whiting, Ind. His address is 8649 Greenwood Ave., Munster, Indiania. 'yl1 Morris M. Bryan, Jr., TE, has been • I named chairman of the committee on statistics of the American Cotton Manufacturers Institute. Mr. Bryan is president of Jefferson Mills, Jefferson, Ga. BORN T O : Edgar V. Carter, Jr., TE, and Mrs. Carter, a son, John Sullivan, July 26. Sheldon M. Whitney, IM, was killed on Sept. 2 in an automobile accident in Rumson, N . J. He was associated with Brandow, Inc., Tuckahoe, N . Y. » k*\ BORN T O : William Weldon Massen'£• gale, IM, and Mrs. Massengale, a son, Walter, R., II, August 2. Their address is 525 Pharr Rr., Atlanta. 1 AO MARRIED: Aaron Saul Epstein, Ch.E. " « to Miss Marianne Falck, August 21. Mr. Epstein is associated with the American Termicide Co. in Atlanta.
Joseph Freedman, Ph.E., recently received his master of science degree from Harvard. MARRIED: John C. McGatighey, CE, to Miss Martha Patterson Sept. 24. Mr. McGaughey is a partner in the McGaughey Co., contractors and engineers, Atlant.a ' ^ C Capt. John Robert Brownlow, AE, " J was killed August 1 when his jet bomber exploded and crashed into Lake St. Clair near Selfridge AFB, Selfridge, Mich. H e had been in the service since 1945. A pilot during World War II, Capt. Brownlow participated in the final three Air Force missions over Tokyo before the war's end. He was a jet instructor at Selfridge and was flying in a formation to Canada when the crash occured. Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Margarete Johnson Brownlow, Arlington, Va., sons, John Robert, Jr. and Roy Charles; mother, Mrs. O. M. Andrews, 890 Drewry St., N . E., Atlanta. ' A R William T. Clary, Jr., EE, has joined • " the Systems Division of Hughes Aircraft Co., Culver City, California. H e was formerly with Bell Telephone Laboratories. ' A f l " ^ ^ ' ^* e '< EE, has been promoted " 0 to Manager of Customer Engineering at IBM's Raleigh, N . C. office. He has been with the company since 1948. Joseph H. Anderer, M E & IE, has joined American Viscose Corporation's Research and Development Division as leader of the newly-created Viscose Staple Section, Philadelphia, Pa. BORN T O : George T. Cummins, CE, and Mrs. Cummins, a son, George Thorning, July 20. Their address is 2425 Clarendon, Louisville, Ky. BORN T O : James M. Galey, C E & IE, and Mrs. Galey, a son, George Thomas, in Augusta. Jim is with the Ethyl Corp., Baton Rouge, La. Byron H. Pollitt, IM, has been awarded the professional designation Chartered Life Underwriter. He is with Pacfic Mutual Life Ins. Co., Suite 503, Latrobe Bldg., 2 East St., Baltimore, Md. ' J Q Lt. William B. Abbott, IM, was killed ™y August 31 when his T33 jet trainer crashed near Newnan, Ga. Abbott, ah Air Force reservist, was on two weeks' active duty at Dobbins AFB at the time of his death. H e was a survey engineer with Southern Bell. Surviving are his wife and children, Ruth and Jeffret, of 3015 Woodbine Ter., N. E., Atlanta; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Abbott, also of Atlanta. MARRIED: Harold Reid Brewer to Miss Martha Cargill. Mr. Miller is with Union Bag Corp., Savannah, Ga. BORN T o : Eugene O. Chapman, EE, and Mrs. Chapman, a son, Michael Eugene, May 1. Mr. Chapman is a sales engineer for the Minneapolis Honeywell Regulator Co. Their address is 100 Brookside Cir., Greenville. Robert A. Collinge, IM, is now head of the methods and standards Dept., Trion Div. of the Riegel Textile Corp., Trion, Ga. His mailing address is P. O. Box 153, Trion, Ga. ENGAGED: Robert Stubbs DeBorde, IM, to Miss Patricia O'Gara. The wedding will take place in late fall. Mr. DeBorde is associated with the Trust Co. of Ga.
You can get the answers to these and other life insurance questions from the Georgia Tech men listed below. They are all New England Mutual agents — trained to help you plan your future. If none of these men live near you. very likely one of the 1300 other New England Mutual agents does, and will be glad to help you with your life insurance.
G. N o l a n Bearden, '29, Los A n g e l e s C a r l S. Ingle, CLU, '34, Jacksonville Albert P . Elebash, CLU, '34, M o n t g o m e r y H o m e r Lee N e w s o m e , '50, S a v a n n a h
Tech A l u m n u s
BORN T O : Edward G. Hansen, G E , and Mrs. Hansen, a son, Lorren Edward, July 28. Their address is 1422 Wyoming Ave., Niagara Falls, N . Y. MARRIED: Richard Kay Miller to Miss Martha Cargill. Mr. Miller is with Union Bag Corp., Savannah, Ga. Peter B. Sherry, Chem., has been awarded a Fulbright Scholarship for study abroad during the 1955-56 year. He will study theoretical chemistry at Wadham College, Oxford University in England. Fred J. Turner, Jr., EE, is now assistant district traffic superintendent with the Bell Telephone Co. of Pa. ' C f l MARRIED: Nathaniel Jackson Couch, v" Arch, to Miss Virginia Thompson Sept. 10. Mr. Couch is associated with the firm of W. Elliott Dunwody, Jr., Architect in Macon, Ga. His home address is 1167 Hendley Ave., Macon. BORN T O : C. H. (Buddy) Cowan, IE, and Mrs. Cowan, a daughter, Nancy Joe, August 16. Their home address is 1917 Hahn Ave., Aiken, S. C. BORN T O : Richard
A. Cox,
IE, and
Cox, a son, Staurt Anderson, August 20. Mr. Cox is with Westinghouse in Lake Charles, La. Their home address is 720 kerby Lane. Dakin B. Ferris, IM, has been named assistant coach at R. E. Lee High School in Thomaston, Ga. MARRIED:
Miss Kathryn Hairstan July 30th. Mr. Greene is business manager of the Bethesda Branch of the Chesapeak & Potomac Telephone Co. Their home address is 2307 Russell Rd., Alexandria, Va. BORN T o : Felix C. Posever, AE, and Mrs. Posever, a son, Michael Maquet, July 19. Mr. Posever is associated with North American Aviation, Inc., Aerophysics Dept., Downey, California. Their home address is 146V4 West Broadway, Whittier, Calif. ENGAGED: William Hartwell Sims, Jr., IM, to Miss Chloe Ann Harper. The wedding date will be announced later. BORN T O : Ernest S. Silcox, CE, and Mrs. Silcox, a daughter, Deborah Lee. Mr. Silcox is chief engineer with Florida Steel Buildings, Inc. Their home address is 312 So. MacDill Ave., T a m p a 9, Fla. BORN T o : James W. Southard, IE, and Mrs. Southard, a son, Thomas Kirby, June 29. Their address is 420 Nelson Ferry Rd., Decatur, Ga. BORN T O :
G. L.
IM, and
Suton, a daughter, Nan Ellen, July 31. Their address is Bluff Rd., RFD 3, Rome, Ga. BORN T O : Joe Szablowski,
ME, and
Szablowski, a daughter, Anne Adele, Aug. 27. Their address is 1228 Walker Ave., Winston Salem, N . C. ' C I MARRIED: William O. Burke, IM, to « • Miss Carol Allen. The wedding took place in September. Mr. Burke is associated with the Factory Insurance Assn. Their address is 850 Briarcliff Rd., N. E., Atlanta. BORN T O : Cecil C. Clements, EE, and Mrs. Clements, a son, Cecil, Jr., August 5. Cecil is with Tennessee Coal & Iron Co. in Birmingham. Their home mailing address is P. O. Box 213, Fairfield, Ala.
They had a party in Atlanta for Bobby Jones, '22, (second from right in picture). It was a big one honoring Bobby on the silver anniversary of his unmatched grand slam in golf. All of his old golfing friends were there, but O. B. Keeler was missing. The man who had reported all of Bobby's feats to the world had passed on. Anyone know (besides the editor) who the other three men are in this old photograph from the files of the Alumnus?
BORN T O : Melvin John Dold, IM, and Mrs. Dold, a son, Michael Alan, June 26. Mr. Dold is with Minneapolis Honeywell Regulator Co. Their home address is 722% Curve St., Chattanooga, Tenn. Mel is a formet Jacket basketball star. MARRIED: Harold Wilson Field, Jr., Ch. E., to Miss Elizabeth A n n Phillips Sept. 24. Mr. Fields has recently received his masters degree from Harvard. Bruce Sam Jones, IM, received his masters from Harvard this past June. His mailing address is 526 E. 41st St., Savannah, Ga. BORN T o : Herbert Rifkin, Ch.E., and Mrs. Rifkin, a daughter, Linda Ileen, August 3. Their home address is 636 Robertsville Rd., Oak Ridge, Tenn. ENGAGED: Patrick G. Smith, TE, to Miss Betty Roan. The wedding will take place in December. Mr. Smith is a sales engineer with Georgia Iron Works in Atlanta. Dr. Charles Marlin White, Ch.E., has accepted a position with Esso Laboratories, Baton Rouge, La. His address is 646 Westmoreland Dr., Apt. 1, Baton Rouge, La. ' C O MARRIED: Frank Barry Christiphine, *»^ IM, to Miss Barbara Deans. Mr. Christiphine is with the Sales Department of Eastman Chemical Products, Inc., Chicago. Robert A. Collins, IM, is now with Armstrong Cork Company and has entered the firm's Building Products Division Sales Training Program. His address is Armstrong Manor, Lititz Pike, Lancaster, Pa. MARRIED: Julius Emery Lloyd, Ch.E., to Miss Marion Ethel Cook June 4. Everett J. Daniel, Jr., IE, is now with the U. S. Phosphoric Products Co. in Tampa. His home address is 4209 Watrous Ave., Tampa 9. MARRIED: William David Daniel, Ch.E., to Miss Joyce Gunter August 14. Mr. Daniel is employed at DuPont's Savannah River Plant. His address is 1112 Short St., No. Augusta, S. C. Navy Lt. Robert M. Harp, IE, recently made his first solo flight at Whiting Field. His permanent mailing address is 37 Moreland Ave., N . E., Atlanta.
ENGAGED: George Bernard Maloof, IM, to Miss Edna Joseph. The wedding will take place this fall. Mr. Maloof is attending graduate school at Emory University. MARRIED: Alan Gene Feller, Ch.E., to Miss Bertha Louise Adams Sept. 10. Their address is 397 Woodcliff Ave., Pittsburg 16, Pa. MARRIED: William Leonard Willis, ME, to Miss Nancy Overholt Sept. 17. Mr. Willis is associated with the Aluminum Co. of America in Tampa, Fla. His address is 10 Adalia Ave., Apt. 204, Tampa. ' C Q Vernon Allen Crawford, Jr., IE, was ***» killed in the Swiss Alps in August attempting to climb the Matterhorn mountain. Mr. Crawford has been associated with the Gates Rubber Co. of Denver, Colo, since 1953. Surviving are his wife; parents, Rev. and Mrs. Vernon Crawford of Milledgeville, Ga.; brother, Jack Crawford, ministerial student at the Union Theological Seminary in Richmond, Va. MARRIED: Lt. Joseph Lamar Latimer, TE, to Miss Suzanne Brown Sept. 30. Lt. Latimer is stationed with the 185 Ordnance Bn., Red River Arsenal, Texarkana. John MacPerson, Ch.E., has become a member of the polyethylene production department of Monsanto Chemical Company's Plastics Division, Texas City, Texas. Marvin E. Perlman, TE, recently graduated from the 25th Infantry Division's Non-Commissioned Officer Academy in Hawaii. His permanent address is Thomasville Road, Moultrie, Ga. BORN T o : Dr. Ernest L. Pollitzer, Chem., and Mrs. Pollitzer, a daughter, Elizabeth Marylee, June 2 1 . Polly is with Universal Oil Products Co. in Chicago. Their home address is 61st and Brainard Ave., La Grange, 111. Richard W. Ralston, Jr., Ch.E., was separated from the service this past May. He is now with Gulf Oil Co. His home address is 199 Owen Ave., Lansdowne, Pa. BORN T o : Troy Williamson, Jr., IM, and Mrs. Williamson, a daughter, Julianne Marie, June 5. Their home address is 1383 Mark St., Lincoln Park, 111.
' R A ^'" ^ ' Ra'ford King, TE, has comJ " pleted the advanced helecopter course and is now assigned to duty in the Far East. His permanent address is 5445 So. River Rd., Jacksonville 11, Fla. PFC Fredrick H. Mappin, ME, was recently selected from The Engineer Center Guard Mount at Fort Belvoir, Va., as the outstanding soldier of the day and awarded the honorary post of "General's Aide." His permanent m a ling address is Rt. 2, Cordele, Ga. ENGAGED: Ens. James Bobby McCollum, IM, to Miss Martha Page. Ens. McCullum's service address is U.S.S. Yarnall, ( D D 5 4 1 ) , c / o F.P.O., San Francisco, California. 2nd Lt. Frank L. O'Steen, IM, is stationed at Cory Field, Pensacola,Fla. His permanent address is 2291 Blain St., Brunswick, Ga. Lt. Harry Lynn Spring, Jr., IE, recently graduated from The Infantry School's officer communications course at Fort Benning, Ga. His home address is 1045 Peachtree Battle Ave., Atlanta. ENGAGED: Charles Thomas Tillman, II to Miss Wight Crawford. Mr. Tillman is associated with General Outdoor Advertising Co., Inc., Atlanta. His home address is 109 Seventh St., N . E., Apt. F . ' C C BORN T O : Robert Norman Bailey, J J EE, and Mrs. Bailey, a daughter, Janice Audrey, Sept. 8. Their home address is 3007 Seneca Ave., Aiken, S. C. Oscar F. Bell, IE, is now with R. J. Reynolds Co., Winston Salem, N . C. His mailing address is 1940 Beach St. ENGAGED: Jesse Musco Boulware, AE, to Miss Elizabeth Anne Proctor. The wedding will take place October 15. Mr. Boulware is associated with Consolidated Vultee Aircraft in Fort Worth, Texas as an aerophysics engineer. Lt. George H. Corn, IM, is a member of the 4th Infantry Division in Germany. He is a platoon leader in Co. B of the division's 12th Regiment. His permanent address is 1590 Ocoee St., Cleveland, Tenn. Thomas J. Dillard, EE, is now president of the Jacksonville Concrete Pipe Co. He was formerly an engineer with the Atlanta Concrete Pipe Co. His business address is 5959 Pickett Rd., P. O. Box 1464, Jacksonville, Fla.
Navy Ens. Ronald E. Fincher, IE, recently graduated from the U. S. Naval Pre-Flight School at Pensacola and is now stationed at Whiting Field, Milton, Fla. His home address is 133 Barksdale Dr., Atlanta. MARRIED: William D. Griffiths, IE, to Miss Carolyn Handley August 27. Mr. Griffiths is associated with DuPont's Savannah River Plant. His address is 100 Colleton Ave., Apt. 7-B, Aiken, S. C. MARRIED: Spencer Pierce Grotheer, Jr., IE, to Miss Jane Bradbury Sept. 3. Mr. Grotheer is with DuPont at the Savannah River Plant. Navy Ens. Hiram S. Jackson, IE, is stationed at Whiting Field, Milton, Fla. He recently made his first solo flight. His home address is Popular St. Ext., Griffin, Ga. BORN T o : James B. Jones, EE, and Mrs. Jones, a son, Patrick Keith, July 28. Jim is now in the Engineering Dept., (Commercial), of the Florida Power & Light Co. Their home address is 262 N . E. 37th St., Miami, Fla. ENGAGED: Randall E. Jones, Ch.E., to Miss Caroline Cutts. The wedding will take place in December. Mr. Jones is with American Oil Co. in Texas City, Texas. MARRIED: James C. Leathers, ME, to Miss Sarah Crewe Hamilton Sept. 1. Ens. Leathers is stationed at the Navy Supply Corps, Athens, Ga. Lt. William S. Mayton, Arch., recently graduated from the Infantry School's basic infantry officers course at Fort Benning. His home address is 418 Winburn Dr., East Point, Ga. MARRIED: Mark D. Myers to Miss Elaine Metzner. Their address is 13315 So. Norfolk, Detroit 35, Mich. Mr. Myers is on the comptroller's staff of the Chrysler Corp. Navy Ens. Charles H. Oliver, ME, has qualified as a carrier pilot after training abroard the aircraft carrier U.S.S. Saipan in the Gulf of Mexico and is now stationed at Corry Field, Pensacola. His home address is 701 Glenwood Ave., S. E., Atlanta, Ga. MARRIED: John Thomas Row, Jr., IE, to Miss Emily Frapart October 8. Mr. Row is associated with Southern Railway System. ENGAGED: Raymond Willoch, IM, to Miss Agnes Scott. The wedding will take place December 2. Mr. Willoch is presently as-
GLASS for the Builder
Atlanta GLASS Company 82-92 Houston Street, N. E., Atlanta 3, Ga.
Bill Roman, '28, Manager 26
T e c h ' s 1955 H o m e c o m i n g set for O c t o ber 2 9 t h will feature several n e w i n n o vations in additional to t h e usual T e c h p r o g r a m . Old grads of t h e r e u n i o n classes ('05, ' 1 0 , ' 1 5 , ' 2 0 , ' 2 5 , ' 3 0 , ' 3 5 ' ' 4 0 , '45 a n d ' 5 0 ) will p a r a d e at halftime in a special c e r e m o n y featuring t h e H o m e c o m i n g Q u e e n . A n d for all alumni coming t o t h e A l u m n i L u n c h e o n , a free T e c h tie will b e available. T h e s e gold ties were furnished by t h e Gainesville, G e o r g i a T e c h C l u b , C h a r l i e Simons, president. Also available at t h e L u n c h e o n ( T e c h G y m 1 2 : 0 0 N o o n , O c t o b e r 2 9 ) will be distinctive T e c h hats with class n u m e r a l s . Y o u c a n b u y o n e of these hats at t h e College I n n B o o t h in t h e gym for cost. O t h e r features of the p r o g r a m include t h e A n n u a l M e e t i n g of the A l u m n i Association ( P r i c e Gilbert L i b r a r y , 1 0 : 0 0 A . M . ) and, of course, a g a m e with D u k e .
sociated with Jones Lauglin Steel Corp. in Pittsburg. He will enter the Air Force on December 9. John F. Vinson, ME, was married to Miss Margie Todd Sept. 24 in Atlanta. Mr. Vinson is associated with Lockheed Missile Systems in Van Noys, California. Their home address is 19520 Hartland St., Reseda, California. > E P MARRIED: William Richard Cooksey. J " / / / , IM, to Miss Elizabeth Ann Paschal September 17. Upon graduation this past September, Mr. Cooksey was commissioned a second lieutenant in the Air Force. His permanent mailing address is 470 Lakeshore Dr., N. E., Atlanta. MARRIED: Edward Michael Nussbaum, Ch.E., to Miss Beverly Rex Brumbach Sept. 18. Mr. Nussbaum is associated with Dow Chemical Co., Freeport, Texas. ENGAGED: Benjamin Harold Shackleford. ME, to Miss Betty Akerman. The wedding will take place November 12 in Atlanta. Mr. Shackleford is connected with Donald F. Lindstrom and Associates, Atlanta, Ga.
C O S T D E C O R A T I O N , IDENTITY, A D V E R T I S I N G Morse Decals, Inc. will assist you in developing a decal-identification program for any purpose
Decals for Equipment — to provide colorful, long-lasting identification for equipment of all types. • Decals for Marketing — t o give your product that final point-of-sale push.
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Art & Design Service Your Local Representative — MORSE DECALS, INC. Henry Granger, '22, P. 0. Box 373 1215 E. 14th St.-Los Angeles 21, Calif. Northside Station —Atlanta 5, Georgia
Tech Alumnus
LAST FALL, FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HISTORY, Tech had a Homecoming Queen. She was the hit of the weekend, so once again, the Bulldog Club will sponsor a pretty girl to rule over the festivities during the Duke weekend. We hope you will be in Atlanta for Homecoming. But for those who can't make it, The Alumnus will be covering the "Picking of the Queen" and the rest of the festivites at the flats. Blake Hawkins, the young man with the sensitive camera, will be doing the special photo story ©n Homecoming for you. The November issue will also present exclusive photo and text coverage of Tech's games with LSU, Auburn, FSU and Duke. This plus the many other features will be coming your way around the 27th of November. Hope you'll be looking for them.
W e buy, sell, rent and exchange Electrical Equipment. W e rewind and rebuild Electric Motors,
tures and all kinds of Electrical Apparatus to Factory specifications.
Electrical Equipment Company J. M. Cutliff, E.E. ' 1 5 , President and Gen. Manager
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