Georgia Tech Alumni Magazine Vol. 39, No. 3&4 1960

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— t h e editor's notes




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J. L. BROOKS '39

MUSICAL GIFTS for GEORGIA TECH MEN and Their Families Imported Swiss Movement Plays:

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but the accumulation of the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and touches of 12 months of staying alive. Here, is 1960 recorded through the senses of one man from one city in one country on one planet in a rapidly-shrinking universe.

toughest city at an age when most people are retiring. A THE SOUNDS: The roaring din of a

crowd during a basketball rally, ricocheting around the steel and brick until you understand what causes mass hysteria. The comforting yet brutal sounds of * * * Bernstein's West Side Story. The tinkle A THE SIGHTS: Atlanta under the beauty of the giggles of little girls and the strong of an unexpected snow — stalled, con- laughter of big ones. The grunting sounds fused, yet enjoying every minute of an of football up close. And the rollicking, unscheduled holiday. Five men named exploding, whistling sounds of the Reck Kaiser, Denton, Dews, Riley, and Rich- Parade from a distance. ards, turning into the best basketball The soothing, confident words of a team in Tech's history, a feat they had physicist named Crawford, speaking of no physical right to accomplish. Whack the profession of teaching as if it is the Hyder calling time out from the bench, most important thing in the world— the smile of victory on his face. which it is. The big, fat silence of a class Tech students snowballing everyone in during finals. sight (including the president) simply bePresses rolling, cameras clicking. The cause they are young and exuberant, crackling sound of an MG engine. The and because no one understands them whoosh of a jet. And the tap of heels. even though we were all young and a bit * * * wild ourselves only yesterday. The face of spring on the campus and A THE SMELLS: Popcorn at a basketball the lilt that it brings to the step of both game, coffee at Grant Field. The rottenthe young and the not-so-young. The soft egg odor issuing from the Chemistry look that night brings to Tech. The ex- Building, without it you couldn't possibly citement that a set of contacts by Bill find your way around the campus. AuDiehl can bring to an editor who desper- tumn leaves smoldering at twilight. The ately needs something to pull the next rich smell of ink on paper. The freshlywashed hair of your woman. Steaks on issue through. charcoal. A swimming pool after dark The vision of Anne Bancroft in all of and a trout stream at dawn. her earthy magnificence moving across the stage as The Miracle Worker. Former cohort Dick Van Dyke sitting A THE TASTES: Chicken livers at home back-stage after a matinee of Bye Bye on Saturday night. The roast beef sandBirdie, talking about the old days at the wiches at McGinnis' in New York. AnHenry Grady, a man of success with cient Age on the rocks at 5:50 P.M. The none of the conceit that accompanies it. taste of fried egg sandwiches, a habit we The quiet, moving beauty of a service have been unable to break. Coca-Cola anytime, we have been addicted to it in your own church. The eye-popping, since a great man started taking us to a ahing faces of children at Christmas. The look of three girls moving quickly drug store in a small town in Pennsylvainto maturity when you want so desper- nia long ago. ately for them to remain young forever if only because you dread the day when A THE TOUCHES: The firm, strong handthey discover that their father is just shake of a man named Tonto Coleman. another man with his share of clay below The feel of a leather automobile seat. the ankles. The soft look of your wife on The quality touch of a Leica. The brusha summer evening as you move up to ing good-night kisses of your daughters. the house after a day of fighting dead- Mixing it with your nephews once a lines and traffic. The way a woman we year. The solid feel of a good pipe or a know walks, head up, no side glances, a good fly rod. The comfort of the sack woman who knows the value of pride after a tough day. And the feel of a magazine just off the press. when her world comes crashing down. The strong look of your mother, a woman who dared to tackle the world's

"Bat- /t4t£Wj TECH


reetings to students and alumni everywhere. We share your interest in the advancement Donald W. Douglas, Jr., President of Douglas, discusses valve and fuel flow requirements for space vehicles with Dr. Henry Ponsford, Chief, Structures Section.

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of our alma mater, Georgia Tech. N

* • * « *


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12. 16. 17. 29. 38. 40. 42.

RAMBLIN'—the editor checks over a year through his five senses. MANY FACES OF HOMECOMING—introducing a special issue covering three days in the life of one university. THE FRIVOLOUS FACE—recks and rats. THE TRADITIONAL FACE—alumni. THE PHYSICAL FACE—football. THE INTELLECTUAL FACE—a section devoted to the 1st Alumni Institute. THE GEORGIA TECH JOURNAL—all of the news about the Institute, the clubs, and the alumni by classes. WIN SOME, LOSE SOME—a wrap-up of the 1960 football season. SOUND OF BELLS—craft and science get together on a research project. THE REACTOR—groundbreaking.

Officers of the Georgia Tech National Alumni Association R. A. Siegel, '36, Pres. I. H. Hardin, '24, VP J. F. Willett, '45, VP J. L. Brooks, Jr., '39, Treas. W. Roane Beard, '40, Executive Secretary Bob Wallace, Jr., '49, Editor Bill Diehl, Jr., Chief Photographer Mary Jane Reynolds, Editorial Assistant Tom Hall, '59, Advertising Mary Peeks, Class Notes

THE COVER In a series of photographs by Bill Diehl and Bernard Wenke, a few of the many, varied faces of a Tech Homecoming are shown. You can learn more about these and the other faces of a Georgia Tech Homecoming by turning to page 7 of this issue. Over 21 pages of this special combined issue are devoted to Homecoming. Published eight times a year—February, March. May, July, September, October, November and December*—by the Georgia Tech National Alumni Association, Georgia Institute of Technology; 225 North Avenue, Atlanta, Georgia. Subscription price (35c per copy) included in the membership dues. Second class postage paid at Atlanta, Georgia.

"The Odds Are Against Us," recently published by a special presidents' committee of the University System of Georgia hits hard at the fact that state-supported higher education in Georgia is now at the crossroads. In recent talks by key political figures in this State, practically everything but the University System has been mentioned for additional State support. Yet, the 19 colleges and universities which make up this system are now taking care of six out of every ten students in college in Georgia. These institutions have furnished our state with the large majority of its teachers, scientists, engineers, agriculturists, foresters, home economists, industrial and business administrators, and scientific technicians. Research programs at these institutions have created new products, new industries, a better understanding of the world in which we live and a higher per capita income for Georgians. This research has been directly responsible for Georgia becoming one of the nation's leading poultry producers as well as one of the South's strongholds of advancement in the fields of electronics and computer applications. Georgia now stands eighth among the 12 southeastern states in the amount of personal income spent on higher education. If we are expected to compete favorably with the other states in the country's fastest growing, most industrially competitive area, the State of Georgia must better this ranking. It is well to bear in mind that every other state is also going to increase the percentage of its per capita income spent for higher education. With an increase in enrollment of almost 50% expected during the next ten years, the alumni of University System units must do all they can to see that the System gets the additional financial support it needs to get ready for this increased enrollment. The University System needs your help now. Without increased support for the entire system, Georgia will not get the new manufacturing plants, the new pay rolls, the higher per capita income, and the increasingly better standard of living that our people deserve.




*This year the November and December issues are combined. TECH ALUMNUS

Photographed by the Alumnus team of Bill Diehl. Jr., Bernard Wenke, Jr., Larry Lord, Bob Bland, Frank Kiernan. and Ken Walend


THE MANY, VARIED FACES OF HOMECOMING No HOMECOMING in the history of Georgia Tech could possibly match the 1960 one. All of the usual events of a Reck Homecoming were present: the Ramblin' Reck parade, the reunions, the Freshman Cake Race, the queens, the Alumni Luncheon, the Annual Meeting, and the big dance and concert. But, this year, the Alumni Association, the Department of Short Courses and Conferences, and several members of the Tech faculty started a new and important phase of Homecoming—the Alumni Institute. Its success dictates the continuance and even the enlargement of this method of continuing education for Tech alumni. The face of this Institute and all the other faces of a Tech Homecoming are the basis for this issue.



Recks, rats and revelry combine to create a homecoming that is unmistakably Tech ^•••"•••ffifl!!


MAXIMUM NUMBER OF PASSENGERS RIDING ON IT. One Reck lost its goose (left) and a passenger starts the chase. In back of it, a Reck with a guide in front starts up the long hill to the Tech Library parking lot.


Another extremely crowded vehicle makes an appearance (left) while an Atlanta policeman stands by to hold the crowd.



THE FRIVOLOUS FACE - continued A Bulldog Club member with the winner's cake moves out in front of the line of freshmen lined up for the start of the race.

The freshmen run for a cake and a 1 s The rats come roaring out to start the cross country grind finally won by Earl Gillespie who is busily engaged (below) collecting the first prize from Queen Connie Loy.





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Three steps to a fraternity house decoration: at the far left members of Phi Gamma Delta start work on the main part of their display, in the next picture a brother puts on the finishing touches and finally the completed display. It didn't place. The winner was the Lambda Chi Alpha house.

And everyone enjoys the rest of the day At Friday night's concert, Fred Waring directs his glee club before a crowd of 5,000 at the Alexander Memorial Coliseum.

At the bonfire, Mrs. Homecoming, June (Mrs. Bobby) McKenzie, talks to the assembled freshmen and upperclassmen while Student President Snooks Saye looks on. NOVEMBER/DECEMBER, 1960


The returning alumni taste the levity of the reunions and the gravity of the annual meeting

MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING R. A. SIEGEL, '36, vice president, called the meeting to order at 10:05 A.M. Mr. Siegel stated that he was serving today in place of President Joe Jennings, '23, who was in Europe and unable to be present. He welcomed the 145 alumni present and thanked them for taking time from their busy schedules to attend this meeting. 1. The minutes of the previous annual meeting, held October 31, 1959, were approved as published in the November, 1959 issue of the Georgia Tech Alumnus. 2. Mr. Siegel outlined the Homecoming events of the weekend including the alumni seminars, the reunions and the Saturday events. 3. Treasurer J. Frank Willett, '45, gave the financial report covering the fiscal year ending June 30, 1960. He referred to the audit of W. H. James & Associates and stated that this report was available in the Alumni Office for examination by any interested person. The end of the year found us with $21,893 in our checking account and $33,365 in our reserve invested account. Total income for the year was $98,758 and expenses were $103,450. This gave us a deficit of $4,692. Our normal expenses were exceeded due to the acquisition of IBM equipment, and the publishing cost of our Roll Call Directory 12

being carried over from the previous year. A comparison of the Roll Call report for this year and last was given: 13th Roll Call (1959-60)—October 22, 1959 —3970 donors—$66,323.83; 14th Roll Call (1960-61)—October 21, 1960— 3888 donors—$72,369.15. The financial report was approved as presented. 4. Mr. Willett introduced the Homecoming Queen, Miss Conni Loy, her escort Steve Bowen and Miss Loy's attendant, Miss Tena Carpenter and her escort Jack Knight. He then introduced Mrs. Homecoming, Mrs. June McKenzie, her husband, Bobby McKenzie and Mrs. Connie Saye, her husband, Snooks Saye and Mrs. Carol Brittain and her husband, James W. Brittain. 5. Trustee Whitfield introduced the members of the National Advisory Board present and gave them framed certificates. Those honored included Robert Gregg, '05, Gainesville, Florida; Thomas F. Faires, '28, Memphis, Tennessee; Charles N. Witmer, '30, Charlotte; N. C ; J. Ferrell Nicholl, '27, New York, N. Y., and Eugene D. Drummond, '12, of Jackson, Mississippi. Other members of the Board unable to attend included Judge W. Bearden, '27, Detroit, and Joe P. Byrd, III, '38, of Denver, Colorado. 6. William E. Glenn, Jr., EE '46, was presented the George W. McCarty ANAK Award as the Outstanding Young Georgia Tech Alumnus for 1960. The presentation was made by George Beach, student president of the ANAK Society.

7. Five honorary alumni were inducted in the Alumni Association by trustee John O. Chiles. Those inducted included Jamie R. Anthony, controller, Georgia Institute of Technology; Dr. Edwin D. Harrison, president, Georgia Institute of Technology; Mr. W. E. Huie, Sr„ Route 2, Box 200, College Park, Ga.; Mr. Richard H. Rich, president, Rich's, Inc.; and Dr. Paul Weber, dean of faculties, Georgia Institute of Technology. 8. President Edwin Harrison said a few words of welcome to the group. 9. William C. Wardlaw, President of the Georgia Tech Foundation, gave a brief report on the activities of the Foundation and the Joint Tech-Georgia Development Fund. Mr. Wardlaw stated that so far in 1960 the Joint Fund has received $260,000. 10. On behalf of President Jennings, Vice President Siegel thanked all the trustees for their wonderful cooperation, and for being willing, interested, and working trustees. Vice President Siegel gave the report of the Association president for Joe L. Jennings. Highlights of his report included: Roll Call For the second year in a row our Annual Alumni Roll Call brought in gifts from over 10,000 alumni. Nationally our standing among public institutions in effectiveness has again found us right at the top. Only Douglass College, the women's division of Rutgers University, exceeded us in percentage and they only solicited 6,900 alumni. Our record among public institutions TECH ALUMNUS

E TRADITIONAL FACE From a standpoint of reunions, the 1960 Homecoming was the most successful in history. The 1910 Class (far left) poses for its portrait. The 1915 Class (below), the 1935 Class (right), and the 1950 Class (far right), all had big crowds. The World War II Class ('44-'45-'46) drew a record of 230. And the 1920, 1925, 1930, 1940, and 1955 had good turnouts.

of any size for the last three years is as follows: Year

Effectiveness Percentage 1956-57 Georgia Tech 43.1% Texas A & M 33.0% Miami (Ohio) ______ 32.2% 1957-58 Texas A & M 48.9% Auburn 42.0% Georgia Tech 41.9% 1958-59 Douglass College __ 50.3% Georgia Tech 42.1% V.M.I. 38.2% 1


eorgic Tech Alumnus

During the 1959-60 year the Alumni Association published 8 issues of the Georgia Tech Alumnus (including one alumni directory issue), 4 issues of Tech Topics, an alumni placement brochure, 2 Homecoming programs and special pamphlets ' concerning alumni affairs. The average circulation this year of the Alumnus was 13,500 copies per issue, while the average circulation of Tech Topics was 13,000 copies per issue. In addition, the editor of the magazine aided in the planning, writing and design of the Association's direct mail campaign and handled publicity for the Association. For the second year in a row, the Georgia Tech Alumnus was recognized as one of the country's Top Ten alumni magazines in the 1960 American Alumni Council's publications competition. Tech was the only state-supported school whose alumni magazine received the Top Ten Award in either of the past two years. In addition, the Alumnus received the NOVEMBER/DECEMBER, 1960

following awards in the competition among over 1,000 alumni magazines: honorable mention in the category of appearance and honorable mention in the category of the institution. In the same competition, it was one of the 12 American alumni magazines singled out by the panel of judges for a special recognition award. The Tech Alumnus received this award for its March, 1960 issue on "The Georgia Tech Student: 1960." Placement Our placement service continues to accomplish a great deal for our alumni. It is a real service in every sense of the word and in my opinion does more to cement relationships between Tech and our alumni than anything we do. The average number of alumni who used this weekly service in 1959-60 was 700. Approximately 33,600 bulletins were mailed during the regular 48 week year. Three thousand individual alumni received this free service, and 2,950 different employment opportunities were brought to their attention. Alumni Clubs Forty-eight of our clubs continue to meet once or more during the year. This is less than last year, but we have not pushed club activity to any degree during the past year. There have been 75 club meetings at which campus representatives were present. There were probably an equal number at which no representatives from Tech appeared.

Fund raising dinners were held in Nashville, Memphis, Chicago and New York with satisfactory results in each city. There is increased activity in club scholarships. During the year, the following clubs gave scholarships as indicated: Atlanta 15; Augusta 2; Birmingham 1; Chattanooga 1; Houston 1; Florida West Coast 1; Savannah 2; and Sowega 1. In addition, the Greater Atlanta Georgia Tech Club has offered an incentive to other alumni clubs in Georgia. They are putting up, on a matching basis, $150 per scholarship for as many as 2 scholarships, or a maximum of $300 to each club. Right now it looks like Augusta and Savannah will be the only one taking advantage of this. The Atlanta Club is also awarding the Georgia Tech band $500 this year and is continuing the freshman scholarship of those who make a 3.0 average or better during their freshman year or thereafter. Homecoming There were 119 present for the Annual Meeting on October 31. At this meeting the following pertinent things were accomplished. 1. Inducted the following as Honorary Alumni: Ed Danforth, Ted M. Forbes and Dr. D. M. Smith, 2. Inducted the following for 1 year terms on the National Advisory Board: R. Fulton Webb, '22, Coral Gables; Gordon Gambill, '16, Chattanooga; John H. (Continued on page 14) 13

New Alumni Association President R. A. "Pop" Siegel (left) gets enthusiastic over the growth of the Association during his report. ANAK President Bob Beach, '61, presents the ANAK award to Bill Glenn.


by typewriter in our office. A breakdown of the types of mailings follows: Vickers, '20, Charlotte; M. Berry Grant, '27, Allentown, Pa.; Earnest W. Harwell, '23, Cleveland, Ohio; William H. Saunders, '19, New Orleans, La.; and Edward C. Fant, '29, Bakersfield, Calif. 3. Cited Robert T. Davis, Jr., EE '47, as the Outstanding Young Georgia Tech Alumnus. Mr. Davis was presented the George W. McCarty ANAK award by Dean George C. Griffin, '22. The class of '09 was presented 50 year certificates by Joe L. Jennings at the alumni luncheon in the Old Gym. About 1100 were present at the luncheon. Personnel Robert E. Eskew, '49, resigned as Associate Secretary to become business manager of the Georgia Tech Athletic Association. Thomas H. Hall, III, '59, replaced Mr. Eskew in September, 1959. The loss of Bob Eskew was a serious blow but Tom Hall is taking his 'place adequately and learning fast. Mrs. Joan Batten replaced Mrs. Barbara Williams as secretary to Mr. Hall. There were no other changes. Mailings to Alumni Over 394,860 pieces of mail were machine addressed or sent in bulk mailings to alumni. This does not include the volume of regular correspondence addressed 14

Placement Magazine—8 issues Tech Topics—3 issues Direct Mail: Roll Call Acknowledgments Operations 4 Cities Surveys Homecoming Athletic Applications Atlanta Club Other clubs—Miscellaneous

33,600 108,000 39,000 94,819 10,811 1,533 2,740 11,811 60,573 13,867 8,511

Commencement Mr. Robert H. White, '14, was awarded the "Distinguished Alumni Service Award" by Dr. Harrison at Commencement. Over 900 of the 1960 class and their families attended the Senior ReceptionLuncheon following the graduation exercises. The past year has been one of little change in objectives and operations. As far as innovations are concerned there is only one additional worthy of note and that is the planning of the first Alumni Seminar to be held on October 20-21 in conjunction with Homecoming. Mr. Joe L. Jennings, '23, has been a very interested and good president. He has made many trips from West Point,

Georgia—some 100 miles away—on Association business, and has cooperated in every way. The other officers and trustees have functioned well individually and on committees. Close cooperation has been maintained between the Association, Foundation and the Joint Tech-Georgia Development Office. It is hoped that the establishment of a Development Office with Joe Guthridge as director will provide us with better direction and increase the scope of our activities and interests. We need to work in areas new to Georgia Tech, such as wills and bequests, trusts, etc. and close cooperation in these fields is anticipated. 11. Since it was a little awkward for Mr. Siegel to pass the gavel to himself, Mr. John Staton, past president of the Association, congratulated Mr. Siegel on assuming the job of president, presented him with the gavel and challenged him to improve on the past record of our association. 12. Mr. Siegel recognized those trustees whose terms expired with this meeting and introduced the newly constituted Board of Trustees. 13. Mr. R. J. Thiesen, '10, former Executive Secretary of this Association, arose to a point of order and introduced the following Resolution which was passed: "RESOLVED: That in keeping TECH ALUMNUS

Randy Whitfield presents one of the new National Advisory Board members with his plaque (left). And President Harrison takes his bow as an honorary alumnus.

with the full dignity of the Office of Executive Secretary of this organization and in line with other leading colleges of the nation, the trustees of the Georgia Tech National Alumni Association consider a change in title from Executive Secretary to Executive Director and from Associate Secretary to Associate Director for those respective offices. "FURTHER RESOLVED: That the action recommended be acted on before January 1, 1961." The meeting adjourned at 11:00 A.M. mi Attending Those attending the meeting were: Jack Adair, '33; D. R. Allen, '26; J. H. Baggarly, '28; John Baum, '24; W. Roane Beard, '40; Monty Bell, '55; E. R. Blount, '30; Arthur B. Boazman, '25; S. P. Boughton, '20; J. D. Brasfield, '38; J. L. Brooks, '39; Charlie Brown, '25; Ronald Brown, '55; Vernon S. Brown, '34; J. C. Browning, '32; Morris Bryan, '41; Sam Buckmaster, Jr., '53; Jay L. Cannon, Jr., '35; W. L. Carmichael, '26; John O. Chiles, '23; R. E. Clarson, Jr., '40; Harold Clotfelter, '31; S. B. Cockrill, '20; M. F. Cole, '41; J. Gray Commins, '35; George D. Coleman, Jr., '30; Marlow A. Cook, Jr., '26; Fred L. Coward, '35; Charlie Davis, '55; Jim Davis, '60; J. B. Dent, '35; L. M. Diana, '48; Paul Dorn, '31; Peter Dragan, '55; Eu-


gene D. Drummond, '12; Paul A. Duke, '45. Also Floyd Elsom, '23; Edward Epstein, '07; Bob Eskew, '49; Thomas F. Faires, '28; Alvin M. Ferst, Jr., '43; Bob Ferst, '38; T. T. Flagler, '37; Robert G. Frye, '50; Tom Fuller, '35; Jack F. Glenn, '32; W. E. Glenn, '46; Sid Goldin, '30; Berry Grant, '27; J. W. Gray, Jr., '50; Bob Gregg, '05; W. C. Grubb, '40; John Hall, '26; James L. Hall, '21; Jack W. Hall, '30; Thomas H. Hall, '59; Ed Hamilton, '55; Ira Hardin, '24; E. D. Harrison, Hon.; R. F. Hauenstein, '23; Charles N. Heston, '44; Frank L. Hicks, '30; W. E. Huie, Sr., Hon.; Nathan Hunter, '32; Everett Johnson, '37; Stephen L. Johnston, '48; Alfred W. Jones, '31; Paul Jones, '52; Thomas R. Jones, '39; Lawrence Kaufmann, '14; Jimmy Knight, '25; E. W. Kopp, '45; Dan Kyker, '46; R. D. Leverette, '54; Thomas L. Lewis, '10; A. L. Loeb, '13; J. W. Lucas, '35; Fred C. Lutter, '55; John H. Maddox, '25; Frank W. Manly, '48; H. P. Manly, '16; W. J. Manly, '18; E. G. McDonald, '30; D. A. McKeever, '32; John H. Mulder, '35; Edmond T. Miller, '55; Bob Morgan, '09; Donald Murray, '54; Ivey Murray, '28. Also Robert D. Neill, '43; J. J. Neville, '33; Edward T. Newton, '26; J. F. Nicholl, '27; James G. Nichols, '28; A. Gordon Oliver, '56; Leon M. Pearsall, '20; J. G. Perkins, Jr., '53; Claude Petty,

Jr., '50; John T. Phillips, '31; Tench Phillips, '22; A. V. Polak, '07; James P. Poole, '42; Joseph H. Powell, '50; W. L. Quinlen, '30; Rowland A. Radford, '22; James B. Ramage, '37; Richard H. Rich, Hon.; Roy Richards, '35; Fritz Roberts, '30; Tom Roberts, '20; Alton Rogers, '32; Wallace B. Rogers, '55; Oliver H. Sale, '26; Robert M. Sharp, '55; R. A. Siegel, '36; Charlie Simons, '37; Benson L. Skelton,'27; C. Carl Sloan, '12; Hal L. Smith, '26; W. Ches Smith, Jr., '25; John Staton, '24; William M. Tanner, '20; W. S. Terrell, '30; J. V. Thomas, '17; James R. Thompson, '30; J. Robert Thompson, '30; W. E. Tidmore, '30; Walter H. Tripod, '34; Charles F. Turner, '20; M. E. Turner, '22; Nat S. Turner, '27; Bob Wallace, Jr., '49; W. C. Wardlaw, Jr., '28; R. Fulton Webb, '22; Paul Weber, Hon.; Ernest G. Welch, '28; Joe Westbrook, '29; Randy Whitfield, '32; Marvin Whitlock, '35; J. Frank Willett, '45; Charlie Witmer, '30; John H. Woodall, Jr., '38; J. P. Woodall, '25; Bill Yopp, '50; and Warren G. Young, '19. Respectfully submitted,



Secretary 15


Photographs by Bill Diehl, Jr.

The Jackets win a bruiser for the alumni as they come from behind to edge Tulane ECH'S FOOTBALL TEAM added the final frosting on the most successful Homecoming in history by coming from behind to whip a determined Tulane team, 14-6, October 22. Billy Williamson's unbelievable steal of a Tulane pass and his twisting runback for a score on this third-quarter play broke the back of the determined Greenies. Early in the second quarter, Tulane got their scoring break when Tom Winingder fumbled a punt at the Tech 14. Quarterback Nugent of the Greenies ran once and then passed a perfect scorer to Mason. The point was missed and it was 0-6, Tulane. Tech took the kickoff and drove right on in for their first score. Chick Graning put the points on the board with


a great 12-yard sprint after bouncing off two Tulane tacklers at the scrimmage line. Wells added the point and the Jackets held a shaky 7-6 lead. Little Williamson made his great steal late in the third quarter when Nugent tried to hit Mason from his own 23. Billy leaped high in the air to take the ball from the shocked Mason and then twisted 31 yards for the touchdown. Wells again added the point for the final margin, 14-6. Tulane made two more determined drives, one running out of gas at the Tech 22, a minute before the end of the game and the other one ending on the Tech 7 on a fumble by quarterback Nugent.

Some of the top faces in the Homecoming game: at the left, Stan Gann throws one seemingly aimed at photographer Bill Diehl; below, leading ground gainer Chick Graning picks up yardage on a Tech drive; and right, Billy Williamson starts his cutback on his 31yard run with an intercepted pass that beat Tulane.





The First Alumni Institute was a success and here in synopsis form are the lectures presented to over 100 alumni who attended the two seminars

Photographs by Bill Diehl, Jr.

Sketches by Jane D. Wallace

The Jackets win a bruiser for the alumni as they come from behind to edge Tulane added the final frosting on the most successful Homecoming in history by coming from behind to whip a determined Tulane team, 14-6, October 22. Billy Williamson's unbelievable steal of a Tulane pass and his twisting runback for a score on this third-quarter play broke the back of the determined Greenies. Early in the second quarter, Tulane got their scoring break when Tom Winingder fumbled a punt at the Tech 14. Quarterback Nugent of the Greenies ran once and then passed a perfect scorer to Mason. The point was missed and it was 0-6, Tulane. Tech took the kickoff and drove right on in for their first score. Chick Graning put the points on the board with



a great 12-yard sprint after bouncing off two Tulane tacklers at the scrimmage line. Wells added the point and the Jackets held a shaky 7-6 lead. Little Williamson made his great steal late in the third quarter when Nugent tried to hit Mason from his own 23. Billy leaped high in the air to take the ball from the shocked Mason and then twisted 31 yards for the touchdown. Wells again added the point for the final margin, 14-6. Tulane made two more determined drives, one running out of gas at the Tech 22, a minute before the end of the game and the other one ending on the Tech 7 on a fumble by quarterback Nugent.

FREUD, SPENGLER, TOYNBEE: AND THE GREAT ALTERNATIVES Professor Glenn Rainey of the English Department discusses the greatest challenge of our times



o SAY that we live in an age in which everything is loose from its moorings—art, science, economics, morals, politics, philosophy—is merely to sound a little stuffy. Civilized man for thousands of years has looked about him at a chronically revolutionary world and felt a medley of awe, of bewilderment, and of exhilaration. The proportions of the ingredients in his response have depended in some large part on the way he himself in his current embodiment was compounded of blood and phlegm, yellow bile and black bile. It always remained for a man of another age to conclude that his predecessor's problems were elementary and quite manageable. Then while the later-comer looked down his nose, he in turn was very likely to find the rug pulled out from under him. What is new is not that we have vast mind-shaking and spirit-rending problems but that the necessities of finding an answer press down too terrifyingly upon us; the consequence of failure seems so nearly definitive; and our powers of invention, of healing, and of harmonizing seem so primitively inadequate. It was in what he did to our estimate of ourselves that Sigmund Freud had some of his most telling effects. Work-

Some of the top faces in the Homecoming game: at the left, Stan Gann throws one seemingly aimed at photographer Bill Diehl: below, leading ground gainer Chick Graning picks up yardage on a Tech drive; and right. Billy Williamson starts his cutback on his 31yard run with an intercepted pass that beat Tulane. •



ing first through hypnosis and then through the more productive techniques of psychoanalysis, Freud became not so much the discoverer as the great explorer and formulator of the unconscious—which, unanswerably, he proved to be a more fruitful field of study for the psychologist than was the conscious. In dealing with human beings unable to lead wholesome and productive lives, in many cases immoblized by fears and shames that they could not remotely understand, Freud dredged up old traumatic residues and old crippling experiences into the healing light of consciousness. In doing so he caused us to face up to the problem of creating good human personalities by the way in which we initiated our children into the world and by the way we warmed and guided and nournished them through all their formative years. He and his followers have helped us not so much to cure the sick as to keep people well—to give them healthful outlets, to save them from poisonous guilts and shames, and to encourage them to self-discipline based on good identifications and on mature self-esteem. Perhaps most of all, he taught us to value those rewarding sublimations which parents and teachers can help children to discover and to rejoice in. 17

So far so good—so infinitely good! The rest of the Freudian story, for our purposes, is not equally agreeable. Freud saw people, under hypnosis, given instructions as to certain acts which they were to carry out later. He saw them brought out of the hypnotic state without recollection of what had been planted in their minds. He saw them, in response to pre-arranged stimuli, do what they had been instructed to do—many times ludicrous and unrealistic things. We heard them give explanations for their acts which had a smack of rationality about them and which they believed to be the real explanations. And he himself came to a conclusion which is one of the most disturbing that any human being has ever reached, a conclusion with which philosophy and psychology struggle doggedly: we do things; we give our reasons for doing them; we think these are the real reasons; but they are not the real reasons. In the most important sense, we cannot know why we do the things that we do! Our personalities and our fate ride precariously on the surface of an ocean where sea monsters lurk, where treasure ships lie sunken, where drowned bodies disintegrate in the ooze—but where also there is a teeming creativity and a mystical utilization of the limitless energies of the universe. Looking at even the most placid mind, we are fascinated or aghast as we see the miracle of spar or fin break the surface. Freud, himself perhaps rationalizing the hate-ridden anger with which he was confronted, said that Galileo had proved to man that his earth was not the center of the universe but only a modest peripheral body; that Darwin had convinced man that he was not the special'and ultimate creation of divine wisdom but was only an incident in a billion year emergence from primeval slime; and that he himself had shown to man that he was not even the master in his own house! It is at just this point that Oswald Spengler, and more especially Arnold Toynbee, looms so large. For, following a pattern similar at first glance to that of Spengler, Toynbee raises a question which boils down to this: can we hope for the survival of a world in which a hundred anarchic nations are governed by individuals or groups of individuals answerable only to their own disparate or demonic urgencies—all armed, as they soon will be, with the weapons of total destruction? What chance of escape has a world in which the current Hitlers and the current Stalins, the Nassers and the Castros, the Spanish fascists and the Chinese Communists, the Apartheid South Africans and the Lumumbas and the Kasavubus and the Mobutus—severally and collectively—stand to gain possession of bombs which, once released in any quantity anywhere, will signal the end of human life on this planet? Spengler—invoking, as Freud did, the name of Galileo or Copernicus—enunciated a new view of history. "Cultures"' (destined to decline into the rigidity and sterility of "civilization") were to Spengler uniquely independent organisms sprung from a native soil. They passed from birth through youthful vigor to middle age and to deterioration, 18

as does a tree or a human being. Spengler scornfully rejected the straightline development of ancient-medievalmodern history and insisted on a Copernican view of societies, importantly independent of each other. It was his view that our own society had passed its peak of vitality and creativity, and had started into its phase of aging and senility not unlike that of Rome from the advent of the Caesars. This "pessimism," which appeared to give us only a few hundred years of steady decline, seems to us positively optimistic in the light of the choice with which Toynbee, Spengler's British successor, confronts us. Toynbee's notion is that civilizations are born or "invented," in the first place as the alternative to disaster— in the way that the Egyptians invented civil engineering and law and government in order to meet the challenge of desert and famine. Toynbee holds that civilizations grow and flourish as they continue to meet their challenges— and, plausibly, that they die when their challenges become too great for them. And so we are brought to the challenge of our time and to the tantalizing possibilities. The engineer and the scientist, the educator and the organizer have led us to the threshold of a promised land beyond the dreams of all the ages—food, housing, travel, leisure, recreation, health— and on the other hand to the brink of a disaster no less than the snuffing out of all hope, all intelligence, all life. If man could discipline himself and behave in some kind of rational and mature pattern, he could have all the joyful fruits of nuclear and of solar energy. He could explore our solar system and perhaps our universe. He could mine the virgin wealth of the ocean. He could plan the family that he wanted and could rear his children in vigor and in health. He could provide nutriment for every living being, with a minimum of effort. He could provide adequate leisure for all people, and could fill that leisure with books, with music, with drama, with sports, with travel, with enjoyment of nature. All of these if man could but rule himself! If he could but civilize the nations! The challenge to our society (in Toynbee's frame of reference), is not Russia, nor China. It is nuclear power in a lawless world. The power to destroy all life is in the hands of men who are themselves the heirs not alone of an immeasurable scientific legacy, but also of deeply rooted aggressions, of ruthless greed and competitiveness, and of suicidal mania. In the 1780's and the 1860's the United States had to choose between being a half-continent of warring states on the one hand and a functioning nation of unity and of law on the other. In precisely the same way, but with far more at stake and with much less allowable margin or error, the countries of the world must make the United Nations a reality of union and of law—or we perish! The only imaginable answer to the challenge of anarchy and of nuclear power is an orderly process of nations—a supranational unity and law. All else is darkness. 1 1 1 TECH ALUMNUS


i s+e*~


THE OLD VALUES IN THE NEW CONTEXT Professor David Comer of the English Department to grips with a modern


for order out of chaos, man has eagerly sought foundations for faith and criteria for conduct. The moral universe of Western man, painfully sprung from the Judaeo-Christian tradition, comprised a total, consistent philosophy of man, society, and the physical world constructed on the image of man as a creature of God. This view of man had succeeded in reconciling the rational metaphysics of the Greeks with the divine revelation of the Hebrews: St. Paul appropriated Plato for Christ; St. Thomas Aquinas annexed Aristotle to Christianity. Thus, the age-old antithesis between the two states of man, between flesh and spirit, became, in the medieval synthesis, so impressively imaged in Dante's Divine Comedy, a reasoned view of man and God in which good and evil fall into proper place in the divine scheme, so that sin and guilt are remedied by repentance and salvation. The last four centuries, however, have seemed to split this solid Rock of Faith. Twentieth-century man, with his religious faith shaken and his ethical creed convulsed with doubt, struggles, apparently in vain, against a feeling of anxiety and a sense of alienation. He stands alone and defenseless in a cold and hostile universe. "Wandering," as Matthew Arnold perceptively put it, "between two worlds, one dead,/The other powerless to be born," we seek today to reconcile the old values of life to the new context of living in a dislocated and deterministic universe. The modern dilemma actually began with the Renais^ sance Revolution. Renaissance Man still held the mirror of humanity up to a nature still divine; but the image was shifting from heaven to earth, and the focus, from the divine to the human. In the seventeenth century Rationalistic N HIS CONSTANT QUEST


comes dilemma

Man proclaimed the deification of human reason: Galileo, confirming Copernicus, toppled man from his preeminence in the universe, thereby decreasing still further the microcosm in relation to the macrocosm. Descartes, with his cogito ergo sum ("I think, therefore I exist"), made existence itself dependent upon mind; and God the Creator is in eclipse. In the eighteenth century Natural Man revolted against this concept of man as Reason Personified: Rousseau—with his cult of sensibility, his cultivation of the feeling heart, and his exaltation of the doctrine of progress and perfectibility—sounded the cry of "Back to Nature"; in his new Eden both God and Satan have been resolutely expelled, and instinct has conquered reason. The final link between rationalistic and natural man is Scientific Man: Newtonian physics, with its picture of the universe as a great machine, gave man the key to ultimate control of the physical world. But though Newton thought he had provided the definitive defense for traditional piety, he only opened a little wider the door to determinism by turning God into the Great Mechanic who, having set His clocklike universe in motion, was now powerless to influence or alter its course. The dogma of determinism was further reinforced by Darwinian theories which, in the nineteenth century, seemed to impose the implacable yoke of relativity upon even the biology of the human being. And Freud, with his new discoveries of the unconscious, provided additional props to the deterministic view of man by turning sin into disease and salvation into mental health. In the face extraordinary seemed about the Absolute

of these attacks, given new prestige by the achievements of science. Faith faltered and to fall altogether; the firmness of belief in yielded to the slippery uncertainty of the 19

So far so good—so infinitely good! The rest of the Freudian story, for our purposes, is not equally agreeable. Freud saw people, under hypnosis, given instructions as to certain acts which they were to carry out later. He saw them brought out of the hypnotic state without recollection of what had been planted in their minds. He saw them, in response to pre-arranged stimuli, do what they had been instructed to do—many times ludicrous and unrealistic things. We heard them give explanations for their acts which had a smack of rationality about them and which they believed to be the real explanations. And he himself came to a conclusion which is one of the most disturbing that any human being has ever reached, a conclusion with which philosophy and psychology struggle doggedly: we do things; we give our reasons for doing them; we think these are the real reasons; but they are not the real reasons. In the most important sense, we cannot know why we do the things that we do! Our personalities and our fate ride precariously on the surface of an ocean where sea monsters lurk, where treasure ships lie sunken, where drowned bodies disintegrate in the ooze—but where also there is a teeming creativity and a mystical utilization of the limitless energies of the universe. Looking at even the most placid mind, we are fascinated or aghast as we see the miracle of spar or fin break the surface. Freud, himself perhaps rationalizing the hate-ridden anger with which he was confronted, said that Galileo had proved to man that his earth was not the center of the universe but only a modest peripheral body; that Darwin had convinced man that he was not the special'and ultimate creation of divine wisdom but was only an incident in a billion year emergence from primeval slime; and that he himself had shown to man that he was not even the master in his own house! It is at just this point that Oswald Spengler, and more especially Arnold Toynbee, looms so large. For, following a pattern similar at first glance to that of Spengler, Toynbee raises a question which boils down to this: can we hope for the survival of a world in which a hundred anarchic nations are governed by individuals or groups of individuals answerable only to their own disparate or demonic urgencies—all armed, as they soon will be, with the weapons of total destruction? What chance of escape has a world in which the current Hitlers and the current Stalins, the Nassers and the Castros, the Spanish fascists and the Chinese Communists, the Apartheid South Africans and the Lumumbas and the Kasavubus and the Mobutus—severally and collectively—stand to gain possession of bombs which, once released in any quantity anywhere, will signal the end of human life on this planet? Spengler—invoking, as Freud did, the name of Galileo or Copernicus—enunciated a new view of history. "Cultures"' (destined to decline into the rigidity and sterility of "civilization") were to Spengler uniquely independent organisms sprung from a native soil. They passed from birth through youthful vigor to middle age and to deterioration, 18

as does a tree or a human being. Spengler scornfully rejected the straightline development of ancient-medievalmodern history and insisted on a Copernican view of societies, importantly independent of each other. It was his view that our own society had passed its peak of vitality and creativity, and had started into its phase of aging and senility not unlike that of Rome from the advent of the Caesars. This "pessimism," which appeared to give us only a few hundred years of steady decline, seems to us positively optimistic in the light of the choice with which Toynbee, Spengler's British successor, confronts us. Toynbee's notion is that civilizations are born or "invented," in the first place as the alternative to disaster— in the way that the Egyptians invented civil engineering and law and government in order to meet the challenge of desert and famine. Toynbee holds that civilizations grow and flourish as they continue to meet their challenges— and, plausibly, that they die when their challenges become too great for them. And so we are brought to the challenge of our time and to the tantalizing possibilities. The engineer and the scientist, the educator and the organizer have led us to the threshold of a promised land beyond the dreams of all the ages—food, housing, travel, leisure, recreation, health— and on the other hand to the brink of a disaster no less than the snuffing out of all hope, all intelligence, all life. If man could discipline himself and behave in some kind of rational and mature pattern, he could have all the joyful fruits of nuclear and of solar energy. He could explore our solar system and perhaps our universe. He could mine the virgin wealth of the ocean. He could plan the family that he wanted and could rear his children in vigor and in health. He could provide nutriment for every living being, with a minimum of effort. He could provide adequate leisure for all people, and could fill that leisure with books, with music, with drama, with sports, with travel, with enjoyment of nature. All of these if man could but rule himself! If he could but civilize the nations! The challenge to our society (in Toynbee's frame of reference), is not Russia, nor China. It is nuclear power in a lawless world. The power to destroy all life is in the hands of men who are themselves the heirs not alone of an immeasurable scientific legacy, but also of deeply rooted aggressions, of ruthless greed and competitiveness, and of suicidal mania. In the 1780's and the 1860's the United States had to choose between being a half-continent of warring states on the one hand and a functioning nation of unity and of law on the other. In precisely the same way, but with far more at stake and with much less allowable margin or error, the countries of the world must make the United Nations a reality of union and of law—or we perish! The only imaginable answer to the challenge of anarchy and of nuclear power is an orderly process of nations—a supranational unity and law. All else is darkness. 1 1 1 TECH ALUMNUS


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THE OLD VALUES IN THE NEW CONTEXT Professor David Comer of the English Department to grips with a modern


for order out of chaos, man has eagerly sought foundations for faith and criteria for conduct. The moral universe of Western man, painfully sprung from the Judaeo-Christian tradition, comprised a total, consistent philosophy of man, society, and the physical world constructed on the image of man as a creature of God. This view of man had succeeded in reconciling the rational metaphysics of the Greeks with the divine revelation of the Hebrews: St. Paul appropriated Plato for Christ; St. Thomas Aquinas annexed Aristotle to Christianity. Thus, the age-old antithesis between the two states of man, between flesh and spirit, became, in the medieval synthesis, so impressively imaged in Dante's Divine Comedy, a reasoned view of man and God in which good and evil fall into proper place in the divine scheme, so that sin and guilt are remedied by repentance and salvation. The last four centuries, however, have seemed to split this solid Rock of Faith. Twentieth-century man, with his religious faith shaken and his ethical creed convulsed with doubt, struggles, apparently in vain, against a feeling of anxiety and a sense of alienation. He stands alone and defenseless in a cold and hostile universe. "Wandering," as Matthew Arnold perceptively put it, "between two worlds, one dead,/The other powerless to be born," we seek today to reconcile the old values of life to the new context of living in a dislocated and deterministic universe. The modern dilemma actually began with the Renais^ sance Revolution. Renaissance Man still held the mirror of humanity up to a nature still divine; but the image was shifting from heaven to earth, and the focus, from the divine to the human. In the seventeenth century Rationalistic N HIS CONSTANT QUEST


comes dilemma

Man proclaimed the deification of human reason: Galileo, confirming Copernicus, toppled man from his preeminence in the universe, thereby decreasing still further the microcosm in relation to the macrocosm. Descartes, with his cogito ergo sum ("I think, therefore I exist"), made existence itself dependent upon mind; and God the Creator is in eclipse. In the eighteenth century Natural Man revolted against this concept of man as Reason Personified: Rousseau—with his cult of sensibility, his cultivation of the feeling heart, and his exaltation of the doctrine of progress and perfectibility—sounded the cry of "Back to Nature"; in his new Eden both God and Satan have been resolutely expelled, and instinct has conquered reason. The final link between rationalistic and natural man is Scientific Man: Newtonian physics, with its picture of the universe as a great machine, gave man the key to ultimate control of the physical world. But though Newton thought he had provided the definitive defense for traditional piety, he only opened a little wider the door to determinism by turning God into the Great Mechanic who, having set His clocklike universe in motion, was now powerless to influence or alter its course. The dogma of determinism was further reinforced by Darwinian theories which, in the nineteenth century, seemed to impose the implacable yoke of relativity upon even the biology of the human being. And Freud, with his new discoveries of the unconscious, provided additional props to the deterministic view of man by turning sin into disease and salvation into mental health. In the face extraordinary seemed about the Absolute

of these attacks, given new prestige by the achievements of science. Faith faltered and to fall altogether; the firmness of belief in yielded to the slippery uncertainty of the 19

Relative. The modern dilemma of the breakdown of faith is nowhere more poignantly expressed than in the haunting melancholy of Arnold's Dover Beach: The sea of faith Was once, too, at the full, and round earth's shore Lay like the folds of a bright girdle furl'd; But now I only hear Its melancholy, long, withdrawing roar, Retreating to the breath Of the night-wind down the vast edges drear And naked shingles of the world. Ah, love, let us be true To one another! for the world, which seems To lie before us like a land of dreams. So various, so beautiful, so new, Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light, Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain; And we are here as on a darkling plain Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight, Where ignorant armies clash by night.

But the spirit of man is never quiet and is seldom daunted for long. Even with the spectre of atomic destruction hanging over us—or perhaps because of it—there has been a resurgence of religion in our time, and such thinkers as Tillich, Barth, Maritain, and Niebuhr have given new dimensions to faith and a new intellectual respectability to theology. Nevertheless, our anxiety and our sense of alienation persist: We are more inclined to cry, with Job, "The thing that I have feared is come upon me," than to exclaim, with Shakespeare, "What a piece of work is a man! how noble in reason! how infinite in faculties! in form and moving how express and admirable! in action how like an angel! in apprehension how like a god! the beauty of the world, the paragon of animals!" The old values are not yet at home in the new context; we are not yet at ease in Zion. But, being men and having faith in the human condition, we continue to strive and to seek, doggedly hoping to find and grimly determined not to yield. 3

1 1 1

DETERMINISM AND UNCERTAINTY Professor Vernon Crawford of the School of Physics takes a stand in defense of the scientist


in his discussion of the great alternatives, left little doubt as to which alternative he thinks man will choose. Faced with the choice between self-destruction on the one hand, and a glorious future on the other, he will, being man, probably choose the former. Professor Rainey singled out scientists as the architects of doom. He suggested that they were incredibly naive not to have realized the significance of their discovery of nuclear energy, and implied that had they been more au fait with reality they would have refrained from making it. I challenge this concept. I believe that man was endowed by his Maker with a certain amount of intelligence 20


and an unlimited curiosity. Given these traits, the discovery of nuclear energy followed as inevitably as night follows day. It does not follow that man shall use this power to encompass his own destruction, although indeed he may do so. Very probably intelligent cultures other than our own exist elsewhere in the universe. If so, other intelligent species have faced, or will face the dilemma which confronts us today; shall we use nuclear energy creatively or destructively. Whether or not a given species can progress, or indeed should progress beyond this point in its development may well be determined by its answer to that crucial question. One difference between science and philosophy is that TECH ALUMNUS

whereas philosophers consider the same questions generation after generation and age after age, scientists occasionally find answers and move on to new questions. Each answer may raise several new questions, but at least they have the advantage of being new. Herbert Butterfield in Origins of Modern Science claims, correctly I think, that great advances in science came not as a result of new observations nearly so much as by "transpositions which were taking place in the minds of the scientists themselves." By "transpositions" he means changes in viewpoint from which to consider already well established bodies of fact. One of the remarkable transpositions was achieved by Galileo and others who were considering the problem of motion. The Greeks had believed that motion was an unnatural quality for a body to possess and that whenever it appeared it had to be explained as the result of the action of an external agent. The viewpoint adopted by Galileo, Descartes and Newton was that the state of motion is a natural state which does not have to be explained. A body in motion will remain in motion. An external agent need be invoked only to explain changes in motion. From such a simple transposition (so simple it only waited two thousand years to be made) came the science of mechanics. Modern astronomy was born when Copernicus took the fresh view and realized that the data which had been accumulated through the centuries on the motion of the heavenly bodies could be explained simply if the sun rather than the earth were considered to be at the center of things. Newton's greatest contribution to understanding consisted in his recognition that the same force which causes an apple to fall to earth causes each particle of matter in the universe to exert an attraction on every other particle. On the basis of this view, given quantitative expression in his law of universal gravitation, Newton could explain every observed astronomical motion with a precision and a simplicity hitherto undreamed of. "Nature and Nature's laws lay hid in night. God said, Let Newton be: and all was light." In the nineteenth century Michael Faraday formulated the concept of field to explain the action of electric and magnetic forces. James Clerk Maxwell gave mathematical expression to the pictorial representations of Faraday, and in a set of four equations completely described everything then known about electromagnetism. A profound consequence of his theory was that light was electromagnetic in character and that one all pervading medium, aether, sufficed to transmit electric and magnetic forces and light waves. At the end of the nineteenth century, when the work of Newton and Maxwell had been assimilated into the thinking of every physicist, it seemed that nature had yielded her last secret. It was fairly commonly believed and frequently stated that all which remained for physicists to do was to add more decimal places to the value of the fundamental physical constants, such as the gravitational constant and the velocity of light. It was the consensus of scientists that NOVEMBER DECEMBER, I 9 6 0

if the position and velocity of each particle of matter in the universe could be determined at some instant of time then it would be possible, in principle, to predict with certainty their positions and velocities at any subsequent instant. The state of the universe was completely determinable, and the doctrine of predestination had never had more scientific support. Fortunately for scientists, perhaps unfortunately for Presbyterians, the concept of a determinable universe was to be short lived. Let us return for a moment to a consideration of the aether, the medium which pervaded all space, and which supported the vibrations of light waves. Its importance lay in its universality. It was the frame of reference to which every motion in the universe could be referred. A laboratory measurement of velocity gives the velocity of the body in question with respect to the laboratory. But the laboratory is rotating with the earth which in turn is revolving about the sun which is rushing through the galaxy which is—? On the other hand, a velocity expressed with respect to the aether would have a unique quality of absoluteness. Before such a description of velocity could be given, however, it was necessary to measure the velocity of the earth through the aether. All such attempts failed even though the instruments used were capable of detecting a drift velocity much smaller than the velocity of the earth about the sun. In 1905 Albert Einstein made the transposition which resolved the dilemma. He said, in effect, that no reference frame is preferred in any way over any other; that the description of events cannot be given any aura of absoluteness but must be given with respect to a frame of reference; that the aether is a sterile concept which should be dislodged from the framework of physics. Some of the startling consequences of the theory of relativity are that motion has the effect of shortening rods, retarding clocks, and increasing masses as observed by someone with respect to whom the rods, clocks, and masses are moving. Another consequence is that mass and energy are merely different manifestations of the same physical entity, the equivalence being expressed in the most famous equation of physics: E = m c 2 . The whole idea of determinism went up in smoke with the advent of the quantum theory. By the beginning of the twentieth century a number of phenomena had been discovered which could not be reconciled with existing theories. Among these anomalies were the radiation of energy by heated solids, the ejection of electrons from metals by light, the characteristic spectra of the elements, and the behaviour of the specific heat of solids at low temperatures. The seven years from 1923 to 1930 were the most fruitful in the history of physics. In a series of brilliant coups in which deBroglie, Bohr, Schrodinger, Heisenberg, and Dirac figure most prominently, not only were the anomalies explained but man's whole concept of the structure of the universe was radically revised. The concept that the be(Continued on page 22) 21

Relative. The modern dilemma of the breakdown of faith is nowhere more poignantly expressed than in the haunting melancholy of Arnold's Dover Beach: The sea of faith Was once, too, at the full, and round earth's shore Lay like the folds of a bright girdle furl'd; But now I only hear Its melancholy, long, withdrawing roar, Retreating to the breath Of the night-wind down the vast edges drear And naked shingles of the world. Ah, love, let us be true To one another! for the world, which seems To lie before us like a land of dreams. So various, so beautiful, so new, Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light, Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain; And we are here as on a darkling plain Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight, Where ignorant armies clash by night.

But the spirit of man is never quiet and is seldom daunted for long. Even with the spectre of atomic destruction hanging over us—or perhaps because of it—there has been a resurgence of religion in our time, and such thinkers as Tillich, Barth, Maritain, and Niebuhr have given new dimensions to faith and a new intellectual respectability to theology. Nevertheless, our anxiety and our sense of alienation persist: We are more inclined to cry, with Job, "The thing that I have feared is come upon me," than to exclaim, with Shakespeare, "What a piece of work is a man! how noble in reason! how infinite in faculties! in form and moving how express and admirable! in action how like an angel! in apprehension how like a god! the beauty of the world, the paragon of animals!" The old values are not yet at home in the new context; we are not yet at ease in Zion. But, being men and having faith in the human condition, we continue to strive and to seek, doggedly hoping to find and grimly determined not to yield. 3

1 1 1

DETERMINISM AND UNCERTAINTY Professor Vernon Crawford of the School of Physics takes a stand in defense of the scientist


in his discussion of the great alternatives, left little doubt as to which alternative he thinks man will choose. Faced with the choice between self-destruction on the one hand, and a glorious future on the other, he will, being man, probably choose the former. Professor Rainey singled out scientists as the architects of doom. He suggested that they were incredibly naive not to have realized the significance of their discovery of nuclear energy, and implied that had they been more au fait with reality they would have refrained from making it. I challenge this concept. I believe that man was endowed by his Maker with a certain amount of intelligence 20


and an unlimited curiosity. Given these traits, the discovery of nuclear energy followed as inevitably as night follows day. It does not follow that man shall use this power to encompass his own destruction, although indeed he may do so. Very probably intelligent cultures other than our own exist elsewhere in the universe. If so, other intelligent species have faced, or will face the dilemma which confronts us today; shall we use nuclear energy creatively or destructively. Whether or not a given species can progress, or indeed should progress beyond this point in its development may well be determined by its answer to that crucial question. One difference between science and philosophy is that TECH ALUMNUS

whereas philosophers consider the same questions generation after generation and age after age, scientists occasionally find answers and move on to new questions. Each answer may raise several new questions, but at least they have the advantage of being new. Herbert Butterfield in Origins of Modern Science claims, correctly I think, that great advances in science came not as a result of new observations nearly so much as by "transpositions which were taking place in the minds of the scientists themselves." By "transpositions" he means changes in viewpoint from which to consider already well established bodies of fact. One of the remarkable transpositions was achieved by Galileo and others who were considering the problem of motion. The Greeks had believed that motion was an unnatural quality for a body to possess and that whenever it appeared it had to be explained as the result of the action of an external agent. The viewpoint adopted by Galileo, Descartes and Newton was that the state of motion is a natural state which does not have to be explained. A body in motion will remain in motion. An external agent need be invoked only to explain changes in motion. From such a simple transposition (so simple it only waited two thousand years to be made) came the science of mechanics. Modern astronomy was born when Copernicus took the fresh view and realized that the data which had been accumulated through the centuries on the motion of the heavenly bodies could be explained simply if the sun rather than the earth were considered to be at the center of things. Newton's greatest contribution to understanding consisted in his recognition that the same force which causes an apple to fall to earth causes each particle of matter in the universe to exert an attraction on every other particle. On the basis of this view, given quantitative expression in his law of universal gravitation, Newton could explain every observed astronomical motion with a precision and a simplicity hitherto undreamed of. "Nature and Nature's laws lay hid in night. God said, Let Newton be: and all was light." In the nineteenth century Michael Faraday formulated the concept of field to explain the action of electric and magnetic forces. James Clerk Maxwell gave mathematical expression to the pictorial representations of Faraday, and in a set of four equations completely described everything then known about electromagnetism. A profound consequence of his theory was that light was electromagnetic in character and that one all pervading medium, aether, sufficed to transmit electric and magnetic forces and light waves. At the end of the nineteenth century, when the work of Newton and Maxwell had been assimilated into the thinking of every physicist, it seemed that nature had yielded her last secret. It was fairly commonly believed and frequently stated that all which remained for physicists to do was to add more decimal places to the value of the fundamental physical constants, such as the gravitational constant and the velocity of light. It was the consensus of scientists that NOVEMBER DECEMBER, I 9 6 0

if the position and velocity of each particle of matter in the universe could be determined at some instant of time then it would be possible, in principle, to predict with certainty their positions and velocities at any subsequent instant. The state of the universe was completely determinable, and the doctrine of predestination had never had more scientific support. Fortunately for scientists, perhaps unfortunately for Presbyterians, the concept of a determinable universe was to be short lived. Let us return for a moment to a consideration of the aether, the medium which pervaded all space, and which supported the vibrations of light waves. Its importance lay in its universality. It was the frame of reference to which every motion in the universe could be referred. A laboratory measurement of velocity gives the velocity of the body in question with respect to the laboratory. But the laboratory is rotating with the earth which in turn is revolving about the sun which is rushing through the galaxy which is—? On the other hand, a velocity expressed with respect to the aether would have a unique quality of absoluteness. Before such a description of velocity could be given, however, it was necessary to measure the velocity of the earth through the aether. All such attempts failed even though the instruments used were capable of detecting a drift velocity much smaller than the velocity of the earth about the sun. In 1905 Albert Einstein made the transposition which resolved the dilemma. He said, in effect, that no reference frame is preferred in any way over any other; that the description of events cannot be given any aura of absoluteness but must be given with respect to a frame of reference; that the aether is a sterile concept which should be dislodged from the framework of physics. Some of the startling consequences of the theory of relativity are that motion has the effect of shortening rods, retarding clocks, and increasing masses as observed by someone with respect to whom the rods, clocks, and masses are moving. Another consequence is that mass and energy are merely different manifestations of the same physical entity, the equivalence being expressed in the most famous equation of physics: E = m c 2 . The whole idea of determinism went up in smoke with the advent of the quantum theory. By the beginning of the twentieth century a number of phenomena had been discovered which could not be reconciled with existing theories. Among these anomalies were the radiation of energy by heated solids, the ejection of electrons from metals by light, the characteristic spectra of the elements, and the behaviour of the specific heat of solids at low temperatures. The seven years from 1923 to 1930 were the most fruitful in the history of physics. In a series of brilliant coups in which deBroglie, Bohr, Schrodinger, Heisenberg, and Dirac figure most prominently, not only were the anomalies explained but man's whole concept of the structure of the universe was radically revised. The concept that the be(Continued on page 22) 21

haviour of a system was completely determined by the initial conditions was discarded. No longer did physics speak with precision concerning the state of a physical system but only of the relative probability of its being in any of its various possible states. Futhermore, physics takes the position that this is all that can be said about it. A limitation is set by nature on the precision with which the instantaneous position and velocity of a single particle can be determined. If we gain more information concerning its velocity we do so at the expense of our information concerning its position, and vice versa. Even if we were to determine the instantaneous velocity and position of each particle in the universe with the ultimate in precision, the

uncertainty is large enough to prevent us from having more than a vague idea about the state of the universe ten minutes later. Physics is no longer the exact science, even in principle. It is rather a science of probability. The "classical" physicist, that is one trained before 1927, could hardly be asked to swallow a more bitter pill. Not all agreed to swallow it. Until his death, Einstein, maintained his belief that the probabilistic philosophy of physics would be supplanted by a new determinism. "The good Lord does not shoot craps," he wrote. He failed to enunciate the new determinism, however, and chance remains the very warp and woof of the new physics. 1 1 1



THE NEW CONCEPTS IN PHYSICS Research Associate Professor Hal Brewer goes into the new perspectives


into the nature of atoms and their dense central cores, the nuclei, have i provided scientists with realms of new, unexplained phenomena. In attempts to correlate this data and therefore set up schemes for predicting the outcome of experiments, physicists have been forced into strange new concepts of our material world. These revisions have been so radical that many well trained physicists, laboring under heavy teaching loads and isolated from the current research activity of the last thirty years, have become laymen in their own profession. Here briefly we shall attempt to outline the nature and origin of these new perspectives of physics. During the years around I 9 l l , Rutherford and his colleagues performed a series of ingenious experiments. They directed beams of charged helium atoms against thin metal foils and observed the scattering of the helium ions by watching for the tiny flashes of light that the ions proXPERIMENTAL RESEARCHES


in nuclear


duced upon striking a zinc sulfide screen. A detailed mathematical analysis of their results indicated that the atoms in the metal foils consisted of an extremely dense central core, charged positively, surrounded by a light cloud of negatively charged electrons. A scale model of their findings for the metal gold could be drawn as follows. Draw two spheres 6 inches in radius and let them represent two gold nuclei. If we now place these two spheres twenty miles apart, we will have a scale model of two adjacent nuclei in the heavy metal, gold. The vast empty space in between is now the playground of the light electron cloud which contains approximately 0.022 per cent of the total mass of the gold atom. Physicists were stunned by the vacuumlike state of solid matter. Following the discoveries of Rutherford, two obvious questions had to be answered. What were the components of the dense atomic nucleus? What was the structure of the electron cloud around the nucleus? More than thirty TECH ALUMNUS

Nobel prizes have been awarded for researches stemming from these two questions. Each answer, like the Hydra of Hercules, has brought forth more questions and has led man farther from the comfortable, familiar concepts which had previously served to explain his personal observations of nature. A first try at explaining the electron structure was to adopt a model of our solar system and have the electron particles orbiting around the nucleus as our planets orbit the sun. The centripetal force required by Newtonian mechanics to hold the electron in orbit would be provided by the classical attraction between opposite charges contained in Maxwell"s laws for electricity and magnetism. Two irrepairable flaws developed in this appealing model. Maxwell's equations predicted the orbiting electron would radiate energy and thus spiral into the nucleus. Newtonian mechanics predicted every orbit was a satisfactory one for the electron. Maxwell's electrodynamics was obviously incorrect since atoms were stable; electrons simply did not fall into the nucleus. Analysis of light emitted by electrons as they jumped from orbit to orbit showed that if they were truly orbiting then they had one set of orbits, characteristic of the particular atom, and they never once ventured into any of the other orbits predicted by Newtonian mechanics. A successful description of the electron structure was found around 1926 by two independent investigators, Heisenberg and Schroedinger. At first it was thought that their two theories were distinct. But, after a year or so, Schroedinger was able to show that they were simply different representations of the same concepts. We will take Schroedinger's view. He realized that a new mechanics was required to explain the eccentricities of the electron inside the atom and, stimulated by DeBroglie's conjectures that waves might be associated with particles, he tried to extend the theory of classical mechanics. Over one hundred years after Newton had presented his laws of mechanics Sir William Rowan Hamilton had reformulated Newton's laws in a sophisticated mathematical model. His aim, and this will have later significance, was to describe classical mechanics by the same mathematical formalism as that employed by the geometrical optics treatment of light. He was successful. For years after, the Hamiltonian formulation of classical mechanics was dutifully taught to aspiring young physicists. Invariably the students would ask, "What does Hamilton explain that Newton did not?" The stock answer was, "Nothing, but isn't the Hamilton formulation elegant?" Hamilton's theory was more flexible than Newton's and was capable of generalization. It provided the springboard for Schroedinger's intuitive leap into quantum mechanics. Schroedinger was aware that in Hamilton's time classical mechanics and light had been described by the same mathematical model and he was also familiar with the extension of the description of light by Maxwell that culminated in the electromagnetic wave equation. He exNOVEMBER DECEMBER, 1960

tended Hamilton's mechanics in an analogous fashion to the previous development of the theory of light. With delight, he found that the solutions of his new equation predicted the electronic structure of the hydrogen atom or rather, to be more precise, the energy levels. Schroedinger published. One pressing question had been answered; however, many physicists were appalled at the price they had to pay for the answer. They protested "Schroedinger's equation is a wave question. Is the electron a wave or a particle?" The quantum theorists answered, "We do not know what an electron IS, but we can tell you HOW it acts. We can predict when it will act like a wave and when it will act like a particle. Schroedinger's equation describes all the attributes of the electron that we have presently measured. Thus when you say electron, we think of the equation describing it. As we learn more about the electron we will construct more intricate mathematical models. You are free to apply your old classical concepts to large macroscopic systems like baseballs and planets but stay away from the realm of the atom." (Later investigations of liquid Helium revealed macroscopic systems required quantum description.) Dirac took the quantum theory of Schroedinger and Heisenberg and distilled it to extract the bare physical concepts which had made the theory successful. After this, Dirac modified the theory so that it now satisfied the Einstein conditions for covariance (discussed earlier by Professor Crawford). The modified equations now predicted that the electron should have an intrinsic magnetic moment! This gave great strength to the new mathematical model since experiments on light emitted from atoms had indicated the electron was a tiny magnet. The secret of the loadstone had been found; large magnets were formed by the alignment of the tiny electron magnets in the individual atoms. Along with the new answers, Dirac carefully pointed out a flaw in his theory. The theory predicted the existence of positively charged electrons. It also predicted that when the two different types of electrons came together they would annihilate one another and release approximately one million electron volts of energy. This positively charged electron (positron) was experimentally observed by Anderson in 1932. In this same year Chadwick had discovered a new particle, the neutron, which had approximately the same mass as a proton (hydrogen nucleus), but possessed zero charge. With the proton and neutron, physicists had now found the basic constituents of the nucleus. They wondered, "Were there negatively charged protons? Is it possible that an antineutron exists which could annihilate a neutron?" If so there was an inherent symmetry in nature, particle and antiparticle; matter and antimatter. Over twenty years later, in 1955, the antiproton and, shortly afterwards, the antineutron were found by Segre and company at the University of California. The flaws in (Continued on page 24) 23

haviour of a system was completely determined by the initial conditions was discarded. No longer did physics speak with precision concerning the state of a physical system but only of the relative probability of its being in any of its various possible states. Futhermore, physics takes the position that this is all that can be said about it. A limitation is set by nature on the precision with which the instantaneous position and velocity of a single particle can be determined. If we gain more information concerning its velocity we do so at the expense of our information concerning its position, and vice versa. Even if we were to determine the instantaneous velocity and position of each particle in the universe with the ultimate in precision, the

uncertainty is large enough to prevent us from having more than a vague idea about the state of the universe ten minutes later. Physics is no longer the exact science, even in principle. It is rather a science of probability. The "classical" physicist, that is one trained before 1927, could hardly be asked to swallow a more bitter pill. Not all agreed to swallow it. Until his death, Einstein, maintained his belief that the probabilistic philosophy of physics would be supplanted by a new determinism. "The good Lord does not shoot craps," he wrote. He failed to enunciate the new determinism, however, and chance remains the very warp and woof of the new physics. 1 1 1



THE NEW CONCEPTS IN PHYSICS Research Associate Professor Hal Brewer goes into the new perspectives


into the nature of atoms and their dense central cores, the nuclei, have i provided scientists with realms of new, unexplained phenomena. In attempts to correlate this data and therefore set up schemes for predicting the outcome of experiments, physicists have been forced into strange new concepts of our material world. These revisions have been so radical that many well trained physicists, laboring under heavy teaching loads and isolated from the current research activity of the last thirty years, have become laymen in their own profession. Here briefly we shall attempt to outline the nature and origin of these new perspectives of physics. During the years around I 9 l l , Rutherford and his colleagues performed a series of ingenious experiments. They directed beams of charged helium atoms against thin metal foils and observed the scattering of the helium ions by watching for the tiny flashes of light that the ions proXPERIMENTAL RESEARCHES


in nuclear


duced upon striking a zinc sulfide screen. A detailed mathematical analysis of their results indicated that the atoms in the metal foils consisted of an extremely dense central core, charged positively, surrounded by a light cloud of negatively charged electrons. A scale model of their findings for the metal gold could be drawn as follows. Draw two spheres 6 inches in radius and let them represent two gold nuclei. If we now place these two spheres twenty miles apart, we will have a scale model of two adjacent nuclei in the heavy metal, gold. The vast empty space in between is now the playground of the light electron cloud which contains approximately 0.022 per cent of the total mass of the gold atom. Physicists were stunned by the vacuumlike state of solid matter. Following the discoveries of Rutherford, two obvious questions had to be answered. What were the components of the dense atomic nucleus? What was the structure of the electron cloud around the nucleus? More than thirty TECH ALUMNUS

Nobel prizes have been awarded for researches stemming from these two questions. Each answer, like the Hydra of Hercules, has brought forth more questions and has led man farther from the comfortable, familiar concepts which had previously served to explain his personal observations of nature. A first try at explaining the electron structure was to adopt a model of our solar system and have the electron particles orbiting around the nucleus as our planets orbit the sun. The centripetal force required by Newtonian mechanics to hold the electron in orbit would be provided by the classical attraction between opposite charges contained in Maxwell"s laws for electricity and magnetism. Two irrepairable flaws developed in this appealing model. Maxwell's equations predicted the orbiting electron would radiate energy and thus spiral into the nucleus. Newtonian mechanics predicted every orbit was a satisfactory one for the electron. Maxwell's electrodynamics was obviously incorrect since atoms were stable; electrons simply did not fall into the nucleus. Analysis of light emitted by electrons as they jumped from orbit to orbit showed that if they were truly orbiting then they had one set of orbits, characteristic of the particular atom, and they never once ventured into any of the other orbits predicted by Newtonian mechanics. A successful description of the electron structure was found around 1926 by two independent investigators, Heisenberg and Schroedinger. At first it was thought that their two theories were distinct. But, after a year or so, Schroedinger was able to show that they were simply different representations of the same concepts. We will take Schroedinger's view. He realized that a new mechanics was required to explain the eccentricities of the electron inside the atom and, stimulated by DeBroglie's conjectures that waves might be associated with particles, he tried to extend the theory of classical mechanics. Over one hundred years after Newton had presented his laws of mechanics Sir William Rowan Hamilton had reformulated Newton's laws in a sophisticated mathematical model. His aim, and this will have later significance, was to describe classical mechanics by the same mathematical formalism as that employed by the geometrical optics treatment of light. He was successful. For years after, the Hamiltonian formulation of classical mechanics was dutifully taught to aspiring young physicists. Invariably the students would ask, "What does Hamilton explain that Newton did not?" The stock answer was, "Nothing, but isn't the Hamilton formulation elegant?" Hamilton's theory was more flexible than Newton's and was capable of generalization. It provided the springboard for Schroedinger's intuitive leap into quantum mechanics. Schroedinger was aware that in Hamilton's time classical mechanics and light had been described by the same mathematical model and he was also familiar with the extension of the description of light by Maxwell that culminated in the electromagnetic wave equation. He exNOVEMBER DECEMBER, 1960

tended Hamilton's mechanics in an analogous fashion to the previous development of the theory of light. With delight, he found that the solutions of his new equation predicted the electronic structure of the hydrogen atom or rather, to be more precise, the energy levels. Schroedinger published. One pressing question had been answered; however, many physicists were appalled at the price they had to pay for the answer. They protested "Schroedinger's equation is a wave question. Is the electron a wave or a particle?" The quantum theorists answered, "We do not know what an electron IS, but we can tell you HOW it acts. We can predict when it will act like a wave and when it will act like a particle. Schroedinger's equation describes all the attributes of the electron that we have presently measured. Thus when you say electron, we think of the equation describing it. As we learn more about the electron we will construct more intricate mathematical models. You are free to apply your old classical concepts to large macroscopic systems like baseballs and planets but stay away from the realm of the atom." (Later investigations of liquid Helium revealed macroscopic systems required quantum description.) Dirac took the quantum theory of Schroedinger and Heisenberg and distilled it to extract the bare physical concepts which had made the theory successful. After this, Dirac modified the theory so that it now satisfied the Einstein conditions for covariance (discussed earlier by Professor Crawford). The modified equations now predicted that the electron should have an intrinsic magnetic moment! This gave great strength to the new mathematical model since experiments on light emitted from atoms had indicated the electron was a tiny magnet. The secret of the loadstone had been found; large magnets were formed by the alignment of the tiny electron magnets in the individual atoms. Along with the new answers, Dirac carefully pointed out a flaw in his theory. The theory predicted the existence of positively charged electrons. It also predicted that when the two different types of electrons came together they would annihilate one another and release approximately one million electron volts of energy. This positively charged electron (positron) was experimentally observed by Anderson in 1932. In this same year Chadwick had discovered a new particle, the neutron, which had approximately the same mass as a proton (hydrogen nucleus), but possessed zero charge. With the proton and neutron, physicists had now found the basic constituents of the nucleus. They wondered, "Were there negatively charged protons? Is it possible that an antineutron exists which could annihilate a neutron?" If so there was an inherent symmetry in nature, particle and antiparticle; matter and antimatter. Over twenty years later, in 1955, the antiproton and, shortly afterwards, the antineutron were found by Segre and company at the University of California. The flaws in (Continued on page 24) 23

Dirac's quantum model had not been flaws at all. They were new aspects of matter! One more curious phenomena and then we will move on. When an antiparticle is created in the huge accelerators so is a particle. They are created only in pairs. When the matter in our solar system (protons, neutrons, and electrons), was created, did God also create an equal amount of antimatter? After Dirac's success with the electron, he and other physicists turned their attention towards classical electrodynamics. Einstein had predicted, and it had been subsequently observed experimentally, that light and all other electromagnetic waves carried their energy in bundles (the photon). In fact, this knowledge had been the inital stimulus that gave birth to the quantum theory of mechanics. They modified Maxwell's theory of electric and magnetic fields in fashions analogous to the quantum modification of mechanics. Again success; more experiments could be predicted. In 1935 a Japanese physicist, Hidekei Yukawa considered the problem of the forces holding the dense atomic nucleus together. For positively charged protons to stay that close together a new attractive force must exist in order to overcome the electrostatic repulsion. This nuclear force must also be extremely short ranged since for distances larger than the size of the nucleus the protons acted as


though only the repulsive electric force was important. Yukawa theorized that perhaps this new force could be explained by an exchange of a new quanta or particle just as the electrostatic repulsion was explained by exchange of photons. His calculations predicted the mass of the particle as about 200 times the electron mass. In 1947 these new particles were discovered and given the name n meson. The term meson indicates they are intermediate in mass between the electron and proton and the prefix n because other particles intermediate in mass had also been found. Two force fields now have been seen to have quanta associated with them, the photon for electromagnetic fields, the meson for strong nuclear fields. Perhaps our universe may be described as interacting fields and all matter is but quanta of these various force fields. Physicists are currently speculating about the quanta of the gravitational field! Many other "fundamental" particles have now been found besides those mentioned here. Some are lighter than the proton and neutron while others are much heavier. They are not stable but decay into one another. Physicists are presently trying to find the rules which determine their behavior. Some day a genius will explain these behavior rules in terms of a new general concept, and we will all gain a deeper insight into space-time and matter.

NEW CONCEPTS AND THE CHEMICAL WORLD Assistant Professor Peter Sherry of the School of Chemistry talks about the changes in his area


is DIFFICULT to draw a precise boundary for any field of science; there will always exist certain areas of study that are claimed by two or more disciplines. We can say, however, that a chemist is fundamentally interested in chemical reactions, and we might define chemistry as that science which is concerned with the transformation of one chemical substance into another. It is a chemist's obligation to study not only how certain substances can be formed but also why they came to be 24


formed and why, when the conditions of reaction are changed, other substances are formed even though the same starting materials are used. The human body is an excellent example because each second countless numbers of reactions of a very complex nature occur: even the slightest movement of the eye must involve a large number of different chemical reactions. The enormous complexity of this chemical system is easily illustrated, for if the temperature of the body is changed even several deTECH ALUMNUS

grees, the system fails to function properly, and if this condition is maintained for even a short period of time, life will come to an end. Chemistry is a relatively new subject. A sharp break occurs between alchemy and the early formation of chemistry as we know the science today. The beginnings of present-day-chemistry occurred during the latter quarter of the eighteenth century, and the name of Antoine Lavoisier stands forth so boldly that he is often referred to as the father of modern chemistry. Lavoisier gave to chemical science its first great experimental tool—the precision balance. This instrument is still basic to all areas of chemical research. Experimental knowledge advanced rapidly using the techniques formulated by Lavoisier, and by the year 1937 sufficient data had been accumulated so that John Dalton was able to postulate his atomic theory of matter. This celebrated theory not only enabled chemists to explain the results of their experiments but to make predictions about the results of yet undone experiments. Chemistry received a new and vital impetus from the atomic theory, but soon it became apparent to many that some type of generalization of chemical behavior was needed. The generalization, or law, was given to the scientific world in the year 1869 by a man who is regarded by many as the most remarkable scientist of all time. His name was Dmitri Mendeleev and he gave to chemistry the periodic table of elements. The periodic table was no mere summary of the then known knowledge about chemical compounds, but its importance was such that it has remained forever after a part of chemistry. No chemistry classroom or laboratory is complete without such a chart, and most chemists have committed its salient features to memory at some time during their career. It must be emphasized, however, that the contribution was essentially empirical in its nature. And, although one could predict the nature of new elements and compounds, Mendeleev's periodic table did not provide a physical reason to show why atoms should form stable chemical groups. Why is it that two or more atoms combine together to form a stable compound? This was the riddle. Early experimenters knew that, at least with certain compounds, electric charges played some vital role, but it was also true that for a vast number of other compounds there existed no isolated charged atoms—ions— to account for the stability of the compound. Faced with a lack of physical principles, the chemists resorted to the expediency of inventing what was then (and is today) called a chemical bond. The notion of a chemical bond was extensively used throughout the latter half of the nineteenth century. But the nature of the chemical bond remained elusive until 1909 when Ernest Rutherford concluded from his experiments on the scattering of alpha particles that the atom consisted of a very small positively charged nucleus which containe. most of the mass of the atom and, at a distance of some ten-thousand nuclear diameters, electrons in a number so as to exactly neutralize the positive charge residing on the NOVEMBER/DECEMBER, 1960

nucleus. It thus became apparent to the chemist that the electrons were in some way responsible for all types of chemical bonding. In 1916 G. N. Lewis listed an extensive set of rules for determining the conditions under which chemical bonding might be expected to occur. But again these rules were empirical in nature, for no new physical principles had yet been brought to light to explain why the sharing of a pair of electrons between two atoms to form a bond should produce chemical stability. The sought after revelation came in the years 1924-25 with the introduction of the new physical concepts demanded by the quantum theory. The minute mass of the electron and the sub-microscopic volume to which it must be confined in an atom or a molecule were the conditions for which the new mechanics predicted that quantum effects would completely dominate the nature of the electron and that the properties of the electron would be completely at variance with classical ideas. One of the first problems to which the new mechanics was applied was the study of atomic structure. In 1927, F. London made the first attempt to describe a chemical bond by means of quantum mechanics, and he was successful in explaining the stability of the hydrogen molecule. This was the first instance in which the stability of a covalent bond could be explained by a principle of physics. Thus began a new era for chemistry. Using the uncertainty principle, one can obtain some insight into the nature of this bond. An electron—because of its very small mass—has access to regions of space forbidden to classical particles—particles with a heavier mass. Thus when we bring two hydrogen atoms very close to one another, we are unable to completely associate one electron with a given atom, for that electron will have a certain definite probability of being associated with the other hydrogen atom. Thus the two electrons become "smeared" between the two atoms, and when the problem is placed in a mathematical framework, it is found that this "smearing" of the electrons—the process is sometimes called exchange—causes a stable configuration. Researchers were quick to realize that the new theory could not possibly solve the major chemical problems because of the great complexity of the mathematical equations which resulted even when treating the simplest molecules. The chemist saw only a fleeting glimpse of his theoretical bourn. Immediately he had to set his creative imagination to the task of finding approximations to the mathematical problem which would give clearer insight into chemical bonding. While in the main he has been successful in this task, the job is unending. New approximations for the treatment of chemical bonds are to be found every year in the literature, and each adds some new understanding to the nature of bonding. Chemistry must remain essentially an experimental science, but the results of experiments can be understood and extended, often in remarkable ways, by the concepts introduced by quantum theory.


Dirac's quantum model had not been flaws at all. They were new aspects of matter! One more curious phenomena and then we will move on. When an antiparticle is created in the huge accelerators so is a particle. They are created only in pairs. When the matter in our solar system (protons, neutrons, and electrons), was created, did God also create an equal amount of antimatter? After Dirac's success with the electron, he and other physicists turned their attention towards classical electrodynamics. Einstein had predicted, and it had been subsequently observed experimentally, that light and all other electromagnetic waves carried their energy in bundles (the photon). In fact, this knowledge had been the inital stimulus that gave birth to the quantum theory of mechanics. They modified Maxwell's theory of electric and magnetic fields in fashions analogous to the quantum modification of mechanics. Again success; more experiments could be predicted. In 1935 a Japanese physicist, Hidekei Yukawa considered the problem of the forces holding the dense atomic nucleus together. For positively charged protons to stay that close together a new attractive force must exist in order to overcome the electrostatic repulsion. This nuclear force must also be extremely short ranged since for distances larger than the size of the nucleus the protons acted as


though only the repulsive electric force was important. Yukawa theorized that perhaps this new force could be explained by an exchange of a new quanta or particle just as the electrostatic repulsion was explained by exchange of photons. His calculations predicted the mass of the particle as about 200 times the electron mass. In 1947 these new particles were discovered and given the name n meson. The term meson indicates they are intermediate in mass between the electron and proton and the prefix n because other particles intermediate in mass had also been found. Two force fields now have been seen to have quanta associated with them, the photon for electromagnetic fields, the meson for strong nuclear fields. Perhaps our universe may be described as interacting fields and all matter is but quanta of these various force fields. Physicists are currently speculating about the quanta of the gravitational field! Many other "fundamental" particles have now been found besides those mentioned here. Some are lighter than the proton and neutron while others are much heavier. They are not stable but decay into one another. Physicists are presently trying to find the rules which determine their behavior. Some day a genius will explain these behavior rules in terms of a new general concept, and we will all gain a deeper insight into space-time and matter.

NEW CONCEPTS AND THE CHEMICAL WORLD Assistant Professor Peter Sherry of the School of Chemistry talks about the changes in his area


is DIFFICULT to draw a precise boundary for any field of science; there will always exist certain areas of study that are claimed by two or more disciplines. We can say, however, that a chemist is fundamentally interested in chemical reactions, and we might define chemistry as that science which is concerned with the transformation of one chemical substance into another. It is a chemist's obligation to study not only how certain substances can be formed but also why they came to be 24


formed and why, when the conditions of reaction are changed, other substances are formed even though the same starting materials are used. The human body is an excellent example because each second countless numbers of reactions of a very complex nature occur: even the slightest movement of the eye must involve a large number of different chemical reactions. The enormous complexity of this chemical system is easily illustrated, for if the temperature of the body is changed even several deTECH ALUMNUS

grees, the system fails to function properly, and if this condition is maintained for even a short period of time, life will come to an end. Chemistry is a relatively new subject. A sharp break occurs between alchemy and the early formation of chemistry as we know the science today. The beginnings of present-day-chemistry occurred during the latter quarter of the eighteenth century, and the name of Antoine Lavoisier stands forth so boldly that he is often referred to as the father of modern chemistry. Lavoisier gave to chemical science its first great experimental tool—the precision balance. This instrument is still basic to all areas of chemical research. Experimental knowledge advanced rapidly using the techniques formulated by Lavoisier, and by the year 1937 sufficient data had been accumulated so that John Dalton was able to postulate his atomic theory of matter. This celebrated theory not only enabled chemists to explain the results of their experiments but to make predictions about the results of yet undone experiments. Chemistry received a new and vital impetus from the atomic theory, but soon it became apparent to many that some type of generalization of chemical behavior was needed. The generalization, or law, was given to the scientific world in the year 1869 by a man who is regarded by many as the most remarkable scientist of all time. His name was Dmitri Mendeleev and he gave to chemistry the periodic table of elements. The periodic table was no mere summary of the then known knowledge about chemical compounds, but its importance was such that it has remained forever after a part of chemistry. No chemistry classroom or laboratory is complete without such a chart, and most chemists have committed its salient features to memory at some time during their career. It must be emphasized, however, that the contribution was essentially empirical in its nature. And, although one could predict the nature of new elements and compounds, Mendeleev's periodic table did not provide a physical reason to show why atoms should form stable chemical groups. Why is it that two or more atoms combine together to form a stable compound? This was the riddle. Early experimenters knew that, at least with certain compounds, electric charges played some vital role, but it was also true that for a vast number of other compounds there existed no isolated charged atoms—ions— to account for the stability of the compound. Faced with a lack of physical principles, the chemists resorted to the expediency of inventing what was then (and is today) called a chemical bond. The notion of a chemical bond was extensively used throughout the latter half of the nineteenth century. But the nature of the chemical bond remained elusive until 1909 when Ernest Rutherford concluded from his experiments on the scattering of alpha particles that the atom consisted of a very small positively charged nucleus which containe. most of the mass of the atom and, at a distance of some ten-thousand nuclear diameters, electrons in a number so as to exactly neutralize the positive charge residing on the NOVEMBER/DECEMBER, 1960

nucleus. It thus became apparent to the chemist that the electrons were in some way responsible for all types of chemical bonding. In 1916 G. N. Lewis listed an extensive set of rules for determining the conditions under which chemical bonding might be expected to occur. But again these rules were empirical in nature, for no new physical principles had yet been brought to light to explain why the sharing of a pair of electrons between two atoms to form a bond should produce chemical stability. The sought after revelation came in the years 1924-25 with the introduction of the new physical concepts demanded by the quantum theory. The minute mass of the electron and the sub-microscopic volume to which it must be confined in an atom or a molecule were the conditions for which the new mechanics predicted that quantum effects would completely dominate the nature of the electron and that the properties of the electron would be completely at variance with classical ideas. One of the first problems to which the new mechanics was applied was the study of atomic structure. In 1927, F. London made the first attempt to describe a chemical bond by means of quantum mechanics, and he was successful in explaining the stability of the hydrogen molecule. This was the first instance in which the stability of a covalent bond could be explained by a principle of physics. Thus began a new era for chemistry. Using the uncertainty principle, one can obtain some insight into the nature of this bond. An electron—because of its very small mass—has access to regions of space forbidden to classical particles—particles with a heavier mass. Thus when we bring two hydrogen atoms very close to one another, we are unable to completely associate one electron with a given atom, for that electron will have a certain definite probability of being associated with the other hydrogen atom. Thus the two electrons become "smeared" between the two atoms, and when the problem is placed in a mathematical framework, it is found that this "smearing" of the electrons—the process is sometimes called exchange—causes a stable configuration. Researchers were quick to realize that the new theory could not possibly solve the major chemical problems because of the great complexity of the mathematical equations which resulted even when treating the simplest molecules. The chemist saw only a fleeting glimpse of his theoretical bourn. Immediately he had to set his creative imagination to the task of finding approximations to the mathematical problem which would give clearer insight into chemical bonding. While in the main he has been successful in this task, the job is unending. New approximations for the treatment of chemical bonds are to be found every year in the literature, and each adds some new understanding to the nature of bonding. Chemistry must remain essentially an experimental science, but the results of experiments can be understood and extended, often in remarkable ways, by the concepts introduced by quantum theory.


Forecasting General Business Conditions: John W. Fulmer

THE ENGINEER IN MANAGEMENT Alumnus reporter Bill Miller reviews the eight presentations made by Tech faculty members in this seminar

T is LITTLE WONDER that the engineer now playing a major role in the management of industrial firms will be called upon more and more to fill future needs of our growing, ever-prolific industry! With this in mind, Doctor Sherman Dallas, supervisor of the Alumni Seminar "The Engineer in Management," stated: "With the advent of management complexity and specialized backgrounds of many managers, there is an urgent need for the professional specialist-turned-manager to become aware of the basic concepts of management, especially the current methodology and scientific techniques only recently being applied to the area of management." Because the organizations of business have become mammoths large enough to out-produce countries (General Motors produces more than the entire country of Norway) the manager feels less secure than ever before. In fact, survival now necessitates an understanding and recognition of such problems as operating on thinner margins, the necessity for higher productivity, the need for continuing product improvements, and many others. This special seminar was geared to explore new concepts in organization, planning, control, motivation, collective bargaining, and creative thinking for the engineer who participates in management. So appealing and timely was the Seminar, "The Engineer in Management," that two separate courses had to be conducted. Over sixty engineer-managers from all over the country attended this informative and stimulating conference. Here is a synopsis, by subject, of eight fundamental areas of management covered at the conference.



Organization Principles: George Maddox A key to the "executive restroom" may mean more to a manager than extra pay at the end of the month. This example and others were used to prove that in higher levels of management the effectiveness of money as the incentive decreases and various status rewards have taken its place. Because money seems to follow the Law of Diminishing Returns or Utility when a certain amount is obtained, it might be naturally concluded that something other than money or profit may be the primary objective of multimillion dollar corporations and their managers. A rather hazy purpose, that of service (an economic service) was presented and accepted by many participants. The theory, similar to the position taken by R. C. Davis in his book Fundamentals of Top Management, is one in which business as a collective is given the right to exist by Society. Business thus owes some obligation, service, to Society for this right. The right in the form of authority comes from the public to the Board of Directors, to the Administration, down to the operative level and then back again to the public in the final form of a service product. With the service objective to work toward, the next step in the organization session was to determine how to reach this goal. First, a policy based on the objective was developed for the express purpose of guidance in planning the activity of the economic enterprise. The rest of the management functions—organizing, motivating, and controlling were discussed in that order. It was agreed upon that to hold one responsible for an area, this person must be given authority over input into that area. This man was also deemed to be accountable to his immediate superior. TECH ALUMNUS

"If a regressing type of business forecast is accepted and listened to by the majority of businessmen, then that forecast will never come true," was the first statement made in the forecasting session of the conference. Some say that because of this fact, there will never be another major depression in the U. S. The reason—when such a forecast is made not only do businessmen take extra precautions to avert it, the Federal Reserve System has many stabilizers such as "tight" money policies that will lessen the anticipated damaging slump. Even recessions are much milder due to these stabilizers. Right now, we are at the end of 30 months of an expanding economy and are due for a recession which incidentally will not be as bad as some fear. Another turn up could begin in the fourth quarter of '61. This is known because for the past half century economists have studied business cycles and can predict every part of one within 6 to 12 months. They have found that the business cycle is 4 years long and that it expands for an average of 30 months plus or minus an average of 12 months. This cycle contracts for 20 months plus or minus an average of 12 months. Thus, if our economy has expanded for 24 months or more, the next 24 months should be a period where contracting will begin. And the economists can now say that the contracting period may last 24 months but more probably will last for about 12 months. It was brought out that forecasting is a necessity but that it has two major problems too often hindering its value. Information is usually incomplete and much of the information is out of date. This first problem is being continually coped with, but the second is impossible to solve. Here's why: There exists a 12 month chasm between the beginning of a forecasting attempt and its final applicability. Thus, a business firm must plan 12 months ahead when using a forecast because the data is 3 to 4 months old after collection, production leads the production effects on business conditions by 3 to 4 months, and the present production for 3 to 4 months is already planned by most firms. Financial Control: E. R. Bollinger An astounding fact, that many firms don't even know what their product costs, was brought out in the discussion seminar on financial control. Many firms keep books only for tax purposes! It was surmised that the reason for this ineffective control was not only due to lack of knowledge, but that the task of defining costs and finding them was over-bearing. However, because of advances in automation, costing can be made much easier and the relaying of costing information can be greatly speeded up. The accountant of the future because of the many advances in technology and communications, it was prophesied, will have to be a person adept at cybernetics (the science of communications and control), economics, operaNOVEMBER DECEMBER, 1960

tions research, management science, and electronic data processing. He will have to utilize that quantitative common sense found in OR and scientific management. In addition, there will be built into accounting methods, indicator tools and techniques so that accounting can itself be applied to the future. In fact, it was observed that internal accounting per se may even lose its identity and become only a managerial tool for decision making. Employer Organization For Collective Bargaining: Sherman Dallas Trade unionism has declined as a movement by 200,000 fewer members since 1957, but due to no effort by industrial management, it was concluded at the collective bargaining seminar. Astonishing as it may seem, management even after experiences of the most disheartening nature, still frequently is not prepared to negotiate with labor. Labor Relations as a management function has been subordinated too long to other managerial functions. In addition, the labor relations director has often been an incompetent person with less than needed authority. Firms should have a labor man knowledgeable and experienced in the ways of the union. General Motors was cited as an example of a company with a sound approach to labor. It not only has specially delegated persons to handle specific labor problems, but General Motors has also recognized the need for training its first-line supervisors. This company is cognizant of the fact that to labor or the operative employee, the front-line supervisor is the company. General Motors has actually printed folios for their front-line supervisors explaining common questions and situations arising in the labor-employer relationship and more importantly, solutions to the various problems are also included. Recent Trends in Management, Automation: Walter Buckingham The corporation is under more pressure from non-market sources than ever before. These sources—banks, agriculture, etc., are pressing the giants of business to develop a broader social responsibility. The momentous size of any of a number of the oligopolies makes a decision within one effect not only that company but the surrounding countryside, the state, and many times the nation. Not too long ago when a particular automobile firm was retooling, they offered, in southern papers, high-paying jobs to southerners upon arrival in Detroit. Thousands of families moved to Detroit and were accepted immediately. After this temporary workload was fulfilled, the families were without income—no jobs! Thousands of families with no income. The State of Michigan was helped toward bankruptcy due to the issuing of unemployment compensation for these families. All caused by one auto firm lacking social responsibility . . . What does this mean? Simply, that if business leaders don't think ethically in terms of the social effects and consequences that their decisions about (Continued on page 28) 27

Forecasting General Business Conditions: John W. Fulmer

THE ENGINEER IN MANAGEMENT Alumnus reporter Bill Miller reviews the eight presentations made by Tech faculty members in this seminar

T is LITTLE WONDER that the engineer now playing a major role in the management of industrial firms will be called upon more and more to fill future needs of our growing, ever-prolific industry! With this in mind, Doctor Sherman Dallas, supervisor of the Alumni Seminar "The Engineer in Management," stated: "With the advent of management complexity and specialized backgrounds of many managers, there is an urgent need for the professional specialist-turned-manager to become aware of the basic concepts of management, especially the current methodology and scientific techniques only recently being applied to the area of management." Because the organizations of business have become mammoths large enough to out-produce countries (General Motors produces more than the entire country of Norway) the manager feels less secure than ever before. In fact, survival now necessitates an understanding and recognition of such problems as operating on thinner margins, the necessity for higher productivity, the need for continuing product improvements, and many others. This special seminar was geared to explore new concepts in organization, planning, control, motivation, collective bargaining, and creative thinking for the engineer who participates in management. So appealing and timely was the Seminar, "The Engineer in Management," that two separate courses had to be conducted. Over sixty engineer-managers from all over the country attended this informative and stimulating conference. Here is a synopsis, by subject, of eight fundamental areas of management covered at the conference.



Organization Principles: George Maddox A key to the "executive restroom" may mean more to a manager than extra pay at the end of the month. This example and others were used to prove that in higher levels of management the effectiveness of money as the incentive decreases and various status rewards have taken its place. Because money seems to follow the Law of Diminishing Returns or Utility when a certain amount is obtained, it might be naturally concluded that something other than money or profit may be the primary objective of multimillion dollar corporations and their managers. A rather hazy purpose, that of service (an economic service) was presented and accepted by many participants. The theory, similar to the position taken by R. C. Davis in his book Fundamentals of Top Management, is one in which business as a collective is given the right to exist by Society. Business thus owes some obligation, service, to Society for this right. The right in the form of authority comes from the public to the Board of Directors, to the Administration, down to the operative level and then back again to the public in the final form of a service product. With the service objective to work toward, the next step in the organization session was to determine how to reach this goal. First, a policy based on the objective was developed for the express purpose of guidance in planning the activity of the economic enterprise. The rest of the management functions—organizing, motivating, and controlling were discussed in that order. It was agreed upon that to hold one responsible for an area, this person must be given authority over input into that area. This man was also deemed to be accountable to his immediate superior. TECH ALUMNUS

"If a regressing type of business forecast is accepted and listened to by the majority of businessmen, then that forecast will never come true," was the first statement made in the forecasting session of the conference. Some say that because of this fact, there will never be another major depression in the U. S. The reason—when such a forecast is made not only do businessmen take extra precautions to avert it, the Federal Reserve System has many stabilizers such as "tight" money policies that will lessen the anticipated damaging slump. Even recessions are much milder due to these stabilizers. Right now, we are at the end of 30 months of an expanding economy and are due for a recession which incidentally will not be as bad as some fear. Another turn up could begin in the fourth quarter of '61. This is known because for the past half century economists have studied business cycles and can predict every part of one within 6 to 12 months. They have found that the business cycle is 4 years long and that it expands for an average of 30 months plus or minus an average of 12 months. This cycle contracts for 20 months plus or minus an average of 12 months. Thus, if our economy has expanded for 24 months or more, the next 24 months should be a period where contracting will begin. And the economists can now say that the contracting period may last 24 months but more probably will last for about 12 months. It was brought out that forecasting is a necessity but that it has two major problems too often hindering its value. Information is usually incomplete and much of the information is out of date. This first problem is being continually coped with, but the second is impossible to solve. Here's why: There exists a 12 month chasm between the beginning of a forecasting attempt and its final applicability. Thus, a business firm must plan 12 months ahead when using a forecast because the data is 3 to 4 months old after collection, production leads the production effects on business conditions by 3 to 4 months, and the present production for 3 to 4 months is already planned by most firms. Financial Control: E. R. Bollinger An astounding fact, that many firms don't even know what their product costs, was brought out in the discussion seminar on financial control. Many firms keep books only for tax purposes! It was surmised that the reason for this ineffective control was not only due to lack of knowledge, but that the task of defining costs and finding them was over-bearing. However, because of advances in automation, costing can be made much easier and the relaying of costing information can be greatly speeded up. The accountant of the future because of the many advances in technology and communications, it was prophesied, will have to be a person adept at cybernetics (the science of communications and control), economics, operaNOVEMBER DECEMBER, 1960

tions research, management science, and electronic data processing. He will have to utilize that quantitative common sense found in OR and scientific management. In addition, there will be built into accounting methods, indicator tools and techniques so that accounting can itself be applied to the future. In fact, it was observed that internal accounting per se may even lose its identity and become only a managerial tool for decision making. Employer Organization For Collective Bargaining: Sherman Dallas Trade unionism has declined as a movement by 200,000 fewer members since 1957, but due to no effort by industrial management, it was concluded at the collective bargaining seminar. Astonishing as it may seem, management even after experiences of the most disheartening nature, still frequently is not prepared to negotiate with labor. Labor Relations as a management function has been subordinated too long to other managerial functions. In addition, the labor relations director has often been an incompetent person with less than needed authority. Firms should have a labor man knowledgeable and experienced in the ways of the union. General Motors was cited as an example of a company with a sound approach to labor. It not only has specially delegated persons to handle specific labor problems, but General Motors has also recognized the need for training its first-line supervisors. This company is cognizant of the fact that to labor or the operative employee, the front-line supervisor is the company. General Motors has actually printed folios for their front-line supervisors explaining common questions and situations arising in the labor-employer relationship and more importantly, solutions to the various problems are also included. Recent Trends in Management, Automation: Walter Buckingham The corporation is under more pressure from non-market sources than ever before. These sources—banks, agriculture, etc., are pressing the giants of business to develop a broader social responsibility. The momentous size of any of a number of the oligopolies makes a decision within one effect not only that company but the surrounding countryside, the state, and many times the nation. Not too long ago when a particular automobile firm was retooling, they offered, in southern papers, high-paying jobs to southerners upon arrival in Detroit. Thousands of families moved to Detroit and were accepted immediately. After this temporary workload was fulfilled, the families were without income—no jobs! Thousands of families with no income. The State of Michigan was helped toward bankruptcy due to the issuing of unemployment compensation for these families. All caused by one auto firm lacking social responsibility . . . What does this mean? Simply, that if business leaders don't think ethically in terms of the social effects and consequences that their decisions about (Continued on page 28) 27

employment, salaries, profit, etc. have on society, then the government will begin to do so by thinking for them. Business cannot continue to harm the society of which it is a part. Instead, it must support it constructively and positively. If it doesn't, the system will fail and then, where will business be? Since 1900 when there were 60 pounds of paperwork per man the paperwork has increased almost 7 times until now in 1960 it amounts to 400 pounds per person. Wernher Von Braun has said, "We can lick gravity, but the paperwork is over-bearing." Yet the future is not dismal. Because the complexity and growth in the size of the large enterprises should increase, it is fortunate that so much has been done and is continuing to be done in the area of automatic data and information flow. Performance Review: Victor P. Tabaka "This Performance Review form, prepared by the superior, is used in conjunction with a Self-Analysis Inventory, which is identical in content and is prepared by the subordinate Management employee." These were the opening words of the introductory purpose for the performance review program studied and analyzed at this session. Mr. Tabaka, an outside management consultant and sometimes teacher at Georgia Tech, presented his system for the difficult job of measuring performance at the various levels in an organization. He pointed out that not only is the manager given more reliable information which can contribute to more equitable and valid judgment in salary adjustments, promotions, and other personnel actions, but the subordinate achieves an understanding of what his superior expects of him, how well his superior judges how well he meets the requirements of his position, and how well he is progressing. Marketing Management: Maurice R.


The major point illustrated at the marketing seminar was: Business, shifting away from narrow thinking in terms of only production, has in the past 30 years become "customer oriented." In line with the philosophical implications about "service" objectives of business, the contemporary businessman in order to only survive must think in terms of the customer first and production second. In other words, the needs of the customer must be satisfied before profit can be realized. The importance of the customer has caused the increase in the significance of the marketing man because marketing management is closer to the customer. In fact, marketing is both the origin and the end and now is not restricted to the position of the middleman. Marketing research first determines the origin or what the customer wants. Marketing programs then determine what allocating efforts will be made. Marketing in the form of promotion and advertising attempt to let the customer know that the particular commodity produced is what he wants. Marketing then distributes the products. Thus it 28

creates the productive utilities of not only place but also time and possession. But it does not stop when the customer makes his purchase. Continuing service completes the total cycle of marketing. New product development and continuous progress in the areas of marketing and promotion were shown necessary by considering actual industrial cases, such as the awakening of Coca-Cola to Pepsi's increasing popularity and competition. Coca-Cola recently picked up advertising and initiated product development in the form of their new product "Sprite," a mixer for hard drinks. Product differentiation and diversification are only two of the ways in which price as a form of competition has been almost eliminated in our oligopolist economy. Convenience of location and packaging are among the many other competitive techniques used today in the dynamic efforts of marketing. Human Aspects of Control: Glenn Gilman So-called effective programs of control that do not truthfully consider the human element are doomed to failure. Unfortunately, management sometimes thinks that it can squint its eye and take in the human situation. The human is a varying inconsistent subject, and control planners must realize the various responses possible when any control techniques are applied. Unless this consideration is realized, such situations can and do exist like the following ones: Tightening up on quality may cause the quality control department to look good and operations to look bad; thus, operations may spend its time trying to cover up. When budget controls get tighter, departments look for ways to stick others with their costs. When efficiency standards are established for a department, the tendency is to try to rationalize deviations and to make the record look good. Volume standards of performance and budget standards of performance tend to establish demotivating rather than motivating forces. Managerial control is aimed at not going too far over the budget rather than at constantly evaluating so as to reduce costs. Managerial complacency sets in when managers see that they are approaching the budget. Controls, as currently perceived and as currently enforced, accept the premise that 5% work, 10% act like they are working and 85% "just don't give a damn" and are working hard only at staying out of work. Research on the human factors shows that it's the other way around and that if the 8 5 % aren't motivated, the boss can be blamed. The whole point is that where controls become impersonal, where they become rigid, where they cause people to look for faults and others to blame, where they are ends in themselves, where they indicate a lack of trust in mankind, where they fail to take the human factors into consideration, people will work only hard enough to satisfy the letter of the law and not the spirit of the law. TECH ALUMNUS

U)tr InstituteJoint Tech-Georgia Drive Sets Record


A T A special conference of the Joint TechGeorgia Development Fund held at Tech's Library. October 8, over 160 alumni leaders and wives heard 1960 drive co-chairman M. E. "Buster" Kilpatrick (Georgia) of Atlanta announce that this y e a r s drive had eclipsed any previous year by over $57,000. In making the announcement, Kilpatrick said that gifts from 480 of the State's business and industrial firms totaled over $259,000, $9,000 more than the 1960 goal, with 80 days still remaining in the fund year. He predicted that the year's total will reach $270,000 by the end of the year. Funds raised by this drive are split evenly between the Foundations of the two schools and are added to money raised from the alumni to support the extensive salary supplementation programs for key teachers at the two largest state-supported institutions. The Joint Tech-Georgia Development Fund grew out of a suggestion in 1955 by Senator Herman Talmadge, Robert Troutman, Jr., and Ivan Allen, Jr. The first step in its planned long-range program was to conduct a study of the two schools using business leaders as consultants. The studies showed clearly that both Tech and Georgia had critical needs—especially in teachers' salaries—that could not yet be met by State funds even though State support for the University System had been steadily increasing. The committees recommended immediate action to aid the alumni groups in supplementing faculty salaries to stem the tide of losses and insure the maintenance of standards at both Tech and Georgia. The alumni leaders also heard Georgia's newly-appointed chairman of the Division of Biological Sciences, Dr. John R. Totter, say that he came to the university rather than take other offers because, "The ten years of planning and hard work that went into the new Science Center was proof NOVEMBER/DECEMBER, I 9 6 0

enough to me that the people of this state are willing to make the sacrifices necessary to reach an important educational goal." Regents Professor Lamar Dodd. Chairman of the Division of Fine Arts at the University also spoke. He told the conference that he stayed at the University despite better offers from other universities because, "the atmosphere of freedom at the university and the strong support given Georgia by the alumni leaders and taxpayers of the State." Tech's Associate Dean of Faculties, Dr. Mario Goglia told the group that, "this country's greatest resource is its youth now being educated at institutions like Tech and Georgia and that the Tech and Georgia alumni leaders are actively helping to see that this resource is developed to its fullest potential in this State." Co-chairman of the 1960 Joint Fund, Walter Mitchell (Tech) of Atlanta, presided at the meeting. Prior to the short speeches he introduced Atlanta co-chairmen John Staton and W. L. Ramsey, who presented special citations to alumni of the two schools who worked on the campaign in the Atlanta area during the year. State co-chairman Gordon Jones of Atlanta and Howard Ector of Marietta then presented special citations to the 25 committee chairmen who headed the drive in key cities throughout the State, and Jack Glenn of Atlanta made the special gifts report. Opening speaker Tech Coach Bobby Dodd told the conference: "This campaign has brought Tech and Georgia closer together than anything in history. It has even brought the two athletic departments together." After the meeting, the alumni leaders and their wives were guests of Tech President, Dr. E. D. Harrison and his wife, at the president's home for lunch. Then the entire group attended the Tech-LSU game in the afternoon. Special guests present at the conference included Chairman Robert Arnold, Morris Bryan, Everett Williams, and James A. Dunlap of the Board of Regents; William Wardlaw, Jr., president of the Georgia Tech

Foundation; Harrison Jones, president of the University of Georgia Foundation: John Sibley, president of the Georgia Alumni Society: R. A. Siegel, president elect of the Georgia Tech National Alumni Association; and past chairmen of the Joint Tech-Georgia Development Fund—Ivan Allen, Jr., Inman Brandon, Robert H. White, Robert Troutman, Sr., Jack F. Glenn, Arthur L. Montgomery, C. E. Thwaite, Jr.. and Lee Price, Jr. New Faculty Members

FORTY-NINE full-time new faculty members have joined the staff of the Georgia Institute of Technology. In the Office of the Dean of Faculties. Dr. Warren W. Willingham has joined the staff as Director of Evaluation Studies. Other administrative appointees include George J. Budig. Assistant Dean of Students, and T. H. Crowder, Assistant Director of Guidance and Testing. Newcomers to the teaching faculty in both the Engineering College and the General College include the following: Aeronautical Engineering—James E. Hubbartt, Associate Professor. Civil Engineering—Billy B. Mazanti, Assistant Professor. Electrical Engineering—Dr. Fusachika Miyata, Visiting Associate Professor; Dr. Dankwart Koehler, Assistant Professor; and Thomas W. Morgan, and Aubrey M. Bush, Instructors. Industrial Engineering — Dr. Harrison Wadsworth, Associate Professor, and Paul M. Flood, Instructor. Chemistry —Dr. Raymond Kimbrough, Jr. Dr. Robert A. Pierotti. and Peter E. Sturrock, Assistant Professors. English—Michael W. Boatman, Wayne Hagood, L. Hugh Moore. James P. Smith, Frederick D. Weaver, Instructors. Industrial Management—Dr. R. W. Carney, Associate Professor; Dr. W. T. Hutton and Dr. P. B. Han, Assistant Professors; and J. E. Bolton, M. N. Dunham, and C. G. Haldi, Instructors. Mathematics—Dr. Mary K. Cabell and Dr. William J. Kammerer, Assistant Professors; and Roy B. Bogue and George L. Cain. Jr.. Instructors. Modern Languages—John S. Austin, Instructor. Psy29

employment, salaries, profit, etc. have on society, then the government will begin to do so by thinking for them. Business cannot continue to harm the society of which it is a part. Instead, it must support it constructively and positively. If it doesn't, the system will fail and then, where will business be? Since 1900 when there were 60 pounds of paperwork per man the paperwork has increased almost 7 times until now in 1960 it amounts to 400 pounds per person. Wernher Von Braun has said, "We can lick gravity, but the paperwork is over-bearing." Yet the future is not dismal. Because the complexity and growth in the size of the large enterprises should increase, it is fortunate that so much has been done and is continuing to be done in the area of automatic data and information flow. Performance Review: Victor P. Tabaka "This Performance Review form, prepared by the superior, is used in conjunction with a Self-Analysis Inventory, which is identical in content and is prepared by the subordinate Management employee." These were the opening words of the introductory purpose for the performance review program studied and analyzed at this session. Mr. Tabaka, an outside management consultant and sometimes teacher at Georgia Tech, presented his system for the difficult job of measuring performance at the various levels in an organization. He pointed out that not only is the manager given more reliable information which can contribute to more equitable and valid judgment in salary adjustments, promotions, and other personnel actions, but the subordinate achieves an understanding of what his superior expects of him, how well his superior judges how well he meets the requirements of his position, and how well he is progressing. Marketing Management: Maurice R.


The major point illustrated at the marketing seminar was: Business, shifting away from narrow thinking in terms of only production, has in the past 30 years become "customer oriented." In line with the philosophical implications about "service" objectives of business, the contemporary businessman in order to only survive must think in terms of the customer first and production second. In other words, the needs of the customer must be satisfied before profit can be realized. The importance of the customer has caused the increase in the significance of the marketing man because marketing management is closer to the customer. In fact, marketing is both the origin and the end and now is not restricted to the position of the middleman. Marketing research first determines the origin or what the customer wants. Marketing programs then determine what allocating efforts will be made. Marketing in the form of promotion and advertising attempt to let the customer know that the particular commodity produced is what he wants. Marketing then distributes the products. Thus it 28

creates the productive utilities of not only place but also time and possession. But it does not stop when the customer makes his purchase. Continuing service completes the total cycle of marketing. New product development and continuous progress in the areas of marketing and promotion were shown necessary by considering actual industrial cases, such as the awakening of Coca-Cola to Pepsi's increasing popularity and competition. Coca-Cola recently picked up advertising and initiated product development in the form of their new product "Sprite," a mixer for hard drinks. Product differentiation and diversification are only two of the ways in which price as a form of competition has been almost eliminated in our oligopolist economy. Convenience of location and packaging are among the many other competitive techniques used today in the dynamic efforts of marketing. Human Aspects of Control: Glenn Gilman So-called effective programs of control that do not truthfully consider the human element are doomed to failure. Unfortunately, management sometimes thinks that it can squint its eye and take in the human situation. The human is a varying inconsistent subject, and control planners must realize the various responses possible when any control techniques are applied. Unless this consideration is realized, such situations can and do exist like the following ones: Tightening up on quality may cause the quality control department to look good and operations to look bad; thus, operations may spend its time trying to cover up. When budget controls get tighter, departments look for ways to stick others with their costs. When efficiency standards are established for a department, the tendency is to try to rationalize deviations and to make the record look good. Volume standards of performance and budget standards of performance tend to establish demotivating rather than motivating forces. Managerial control is aimed at not going too far over the budget rather than at constantly evaluating so as to reduce costs. Managerial complacency sets in when managers see that they are approaching the budget. Controls, as currently perceived and as currently enforced, accept the premise that 5% work, 10% act like they are working and 85% "just don't give a damn" and are working hard only at staying out of work. Research on the human factors shows that it's the other way around and that if the 8 5 % aren't motivated, the boss can be blamed. The whole point is that where controls become impersonal, where they become rigid, where they cause people to look for faults and others to blame, where they are ends in themselves, where they indicate a lack of trust in mankind, where they fail to take the human factors into consideration, people will work only hard enough to satisfy the letter of the law and not the spirit of the law. TECH ALUMNUS

U)tr InstituteJoint Tech-Georgia Drive Sets Record


A T A special conference of the Joint TechGeorgia Development Fund held at Tech's Library. October 8, over 160 alumni leaders and wives heard 1960 drive co-chairman M. E. "Buster" Kilpatrick (Georgia) of Atlanta announce that this y e a r s drive had eclipsed any previous year by over $57,000. In making the announcement, Kilpatrick said that gifts from 480 of the State's business and industrial firms totaled over $259,000, $9,000 more than the 1960 goal, with 80 days still remaining in the fund year. He predicted that the year's total will reach $270,000 by the end of the year. Funds raised by this drive are split evenly between the Foundations of the two schools and are added to money raised from the alumni to support the extensive salary supplementation programs for key teachers at the two largest state-supported institutions. The Joint Tech-Georgia Development Fund grew out of a suggestion in 1955 by Senator Herman Talmadge, Robert Troutman, Jr., and Ivan Allen, Jr. The first step in its planned long-range program was to conduct a study of the two schools using business leaders as consultants. The studies showed clearly that both Tech and Georgia had critical needs—especially in teachers' salaries—that could not yet be met by State funds even though State support for the University System had been steadily increasing. The committees recommended immediate action to aid the alumni groups in supplementing faculty salaries to stem the tide of losses and insure the maintenance of standards at both Tech and Georgia. The alumni leaders also heard Georgia's newly-appointed chairman of the Division of Biological Sciences, Dr. John R. Totter, say that he came to the university rather than take other offers because, "The ten years of planning and hard work that went into the new Science Center was proof NOVEMBER/DECEMBER, I 9 6 0

enough to me that the people of this state are willing to make the sacrifices necessary to reach an important educational goal." Regents Professor Lamar Dodd. Chairman of the Division of Fine Arts at the University also spoke. He told the conference that he stayed at the University despite better offers from other universities because, "the atmosphere of freedom at the university and the strong support given Georgia by the alumni leaders and taxpayers of the State." Tech's Associate Dean of Faculties, Dr. Mario Goglia told the group that, "this country's greatest resource is its youth now being educated at institutions like Tech and Georgia and that the Tech and Georgia alumni leaders are actively helping to see that this resource is developed to its fullest potential in this State." Co-chairman of the 1960 Joint Fund, Walter Mitchell (Tech) of Atlanta, presided at the meeting. Prior to the short speeches he introduced Atlanta co-chairmen John Staton and W. L. Ramsey, who presented special citations to alumni of the two schools who worked on the campaign in the Atlanta area during the year. State co-chairman Gordon Jones of Atlanta and Howard Ector of Marietta then presented special citations to the 25 committee chairmen who headed the drive in key cities throughout the State, and Jack Glenn of Atlanta made the special gifts report. Opening speaker Tech Coach Bobby Dodd told the conference: "This campaign has brought Tech and Georgia closer together than anything in history. It has even brought the two athletic departments together." After the meeting, the alumni leaders and their wives were guests of Tech President, Dr. E. D. Harrison and his wife, at the president's home for lunch. Then the entire group attended the Tech-LSU game in the afternoon. Special guests present at the conference included Chairman Robert Arnold, Morris Bryan, Everett Williams, and James A. Dunlap of the Board of Regents; William Wardlaw, Jr., president of the Georgia Tech

Foundation; Harrison Jones, president of the University of Georgia Foundation: John Sibley, president of the Georgia Alumni Society: R. A. Siegel, president elect of the Georgia Tech National Alumni Association; and past chairmen of the Joint Tech-Georgia Development Fund—Ivan Allen, Jr., Inman Brandon, Robert H. White, Robert Troutman, Sr., Jack F. Glenn, Arthur L. Montgomery, C. E. Thwaite, Jr.. and Lee Price, Jr. New Faculty Members

FORTY-NINE full-time new faculty members have joined the staff of the Georgia Institute of Technology. In the Office of the Dean of Faculties. Dr. Warren W. Willingham has joined the staff as Director of Evaluation Studies. Other administrative appointees include George J. Budig. Assistant Dean of Students, and T. H. Crowder, Assistant Director of Guidance and Testing. Newcomers to the teaching faculty in both the Engineering College and the General College include the following: Aeronautical Engineering—James E. Hubbartt, Associate Professor. Civil Engineering—Billy B. Mazanti, Assistant Professor. Electrical Engineering—Dr. Fusachika Miyata, Visiting Associate Professor; Dr. Dankwart Koehler, Assistant Professor; and Thomas W. Morgan, and Aubrey M. Bush, Instructors. Industrial Engineering — Dr. Harrison Wadsworth, Associate Professor, and Paul M. Flood, Instructor. Chemistry —Dr. Raymond Kimbrough, Jr. Dr. Robert A. Pierotti. and Peter E. Sturrock, Assistant Professors. English—Michael W. Boatman, Wayne Hagood, L. Hugh Moore. James P. Smith, Frederick D. Weaver, Instructors. Industrial Management—Dr. R. W. Carney, Associate Professor; Dr. W. T. Hutton and Dr. P. B. Han, Assistant Professors; and J. E. Bolton, M. N. Dunham, and C. G. Haldi, Instructors. Mathematics—Dr. Mary K. Cabell and Dr. William J. Kammerer, Assistant Professors; and Roy B. Bogue and George L. Cain. Jr.. Instructors. Modern Languages—John S. Austin, Instructor. Psy29


Carl E. Kindsvater, regents' professor of the CE School, represented the American Standards Association and the U.S. Geological Survey at a meeting in Toulouse, France. Oct. 10-13. The meeting was sponsored by the International Standards Association. /. W. McCarly, professor in the A. French Textile School, has returned to Tech after a year's leave of absence. McCarty spent the year in Korea aiding in the rehabilitation of the laboratories and the upgrading of the curricula of Seoul University.

.J^ f*r~T.

William L. Carmichael, Georgia Tech's registrar and director of admissions, has announced that the 1960 fall quarter registration in the day school was 5,750. Evening School registration was 1,401, and Southern Tech registration reached a total of 846 for this quarter.

William B. Wrigley, head of communications branch of the Engineering Experiment Station now has a public service TV show on WLWA, channel 11, in Atlanta. Wrigley's show, "What's Your Trouble," is concerned with TV set problems and cures. Forrest Travis, senior mechanical engineering student from Jacksonville, Florida, has been tapped by A N A K, Tech's oldest honorary senior society. Travis, president of the senior class and of Pi Tau Sigma the ME society, was honored during t h e Homecoming dance. Don Rentz, senior industrial engineering student f r o m Warren, Ohio, was also tapped by ANAK during intermission at the Homecoming dance. Rentz, editor of the Technique for 1960-61, is a member of the athletic board and many of the Tech campus honoraries. 30

chology—Dr. Stanley A. Rudin, Assistant Professor. Social Sciences — Dr. Clark Choffy, Instructor, and Lewis Larson, Lecturer. In the Engineering Experiment Station new faculty include: Dr. Henry A. McGee. Research Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering, and Evan D. Porter, Research Assistant Professor of Applied Biology. Miss Martha D. Simpson has joined the staff of the Price Gilbert Memorial Library as Serials Cataloger. In the ROTC Units the following new officers have reported for duty: Air ROTC —Colonel Donald S. Dunlap, Professor and Commandant; Major J. W. Sims and Captain T. M. Hamilton. Army ROTC—Lt. Colonel Milton I. Wallace, Major Charles W. Carnes, Major James C. Gault, Captain. Andrew S. Dilts, Captain Julia R. Ridgdill, Captain Gregory L. Troutman. and Captain Henry M. Oliver. Navy ROTC—Major Frank W. Harris, III, USMC, Lt. Rex M. Williams. Lt. Howard L. York, Lt. jg Wayne D. Kilgore. Returning to the campus after absences of a year or more are, Dr. Mario J. Goglia. Associate Dean of Faculties; Dr. F . W. Schutz, Professor of Civil Engineering; James W. McCarty, Associate Professor of Textile Engineering; Dr. Kenneth G. Picha, Associate Director of Mechanical Engineering; Dr. M. L. Meeks, Associate Professor of Physics; Raymond Tooke, Jr., Special Research Engineer; Leroy A. Woodward, Research Assistant Professor of Physics and C. W. Tooles, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering. 1960 Class Gift to English Memorial Room T H E CLASS of 1960 recently presented $400 of the senior fund to the Department of English for the English Memorial Room located in the new Classroom Building. The room is dedicated to the memory of two Tech English Professors, Hal Brown and E. Folk, who died during the 1959-60 year. Old Blue Print Copies Available to Alumni EXTRA COPIES of the Blue Print for the years

1951 through 1958 (excluding 1952 and 1954) are now available to alumni at a cost of $5 per copy. Anyone interested in obtaining a copy of the Tech annual of these years is requested to send a check for $5 made payable to the Blue Print to: The Blue Print, Box K, Georgia Tech, Atlanta 13. Annuals are also available for the years 1959 and 1960. Anyone who was in school during either of these years but did not receive an annual can get one free by writing to the above address and requesting a copy. Your name will be checked against the school roll and the annual will be sent to you. Alumni not in school in 1959 and 1960 may receive a copy by sending a check for $5 to the above address. Dean George Griffin announced that he has extra copies of the following annuals which are available to alumni free of

charge on a first-come, first-served basis: 1931, 1934, 1942. 1943, 1945, 1946, 1947, and 1957. T o get one of these copies, simply write to George Griffin. Dean of Students, Georgia Tech, Atlanta 13. Tech Gets Big Ford Foundation Grant A TOTAL of $680,000 has been granted to Georgia Tech by the Ford Foundation to strengthen and expand the Institute's engineering education program at the doctoral level. The grant was one of four announced by President Henry T. Heald of the foundation on October 27. "The development of high-quality programs in engineering education at the doctoral level is an imperative national need," said Heald in announcing the grants to Tech, the University of Florida, North Carolina State College, and the University of Texas. "The South with its expanding industrial and research facilities shares the vastly increased demand for highly trained engineers," continued Heald. "The hope is that this grant will assist Georgia Tech to advance further its doctoral program, and improve even more the qualifications of its engineering faculties. Georgia Tech was selected as one of the institutions to receive a grant because it is one of the leaders in the South with respect to the number of fields of engineering in which doctorates are offered as well as the number of doctorates awarded." The beakdown of Tech's grant is $105,000 for additions to the faculty, $100,000 initially and $100,000 in matching funds for professional development of the present faculty. $60,000 initially and $180,000 in matching fellowship funds for increasing the quality and quantity of graduate students, $100,000 in a lump sum for loans, and $35,000 for discretionary expenditures of importance to the doctoral program. President E. D. Harrison stated after learning of the grant, "Tech has long recognized the necessity for expanding the engineering graduate program of furthering the engineering doctoral degree. "Expanding scientific and technical knowledge has made advanced study an essential background for high-level research and for advanced teaching. New technical developments originate far more frequently from those with this advanced education than was formerly the case. "We, along with the Ford Foundation, see the urgency and the need for our State and our region to move into this area in order that we can maintain and expand the economic advantage in growth which we are now experiencing. "This assistance will enable us to move much more rapidly than would otherwise have been the case and we are very grateful to the Ford Foundation for its interest in Georgia Tech and its engineering doctoral programs," added the president. Roy A. James, IM Professor, Dies

LONG-TIME Tech IM Professor, Roy A. James, who retired in June, 1959, died November 1 in an Atlanta hospital after a short illness. TECH ALUMNUS

when you look

at a knot

do you want to untie

it? If you're the type who enjoys unraveling tough problems . . . who finds it hard to resist any challenge . . . you're apt to discover unique satisfaction and opportunity in the dynamic field of electronic data processing. The marketing of data processing systems is challenging and fascinating. After comprehensive training, you work with management executives in diverse industries, study their business or scientific problems, figure out

the solutions by use of data processing systems, and assist the customer in putting the solutions into effect. Electronic data processing offers great opportunities for outstanding, technically trained young men with a flair for business. It's a new professional occupation offering unusual opportunities for personal and financial growth. There are openings throughout the country in either systems engineering or direct sales.

If you are a recent graduate and hold a bachelor's or advanced degree in engineering, science, or mathematics, call any of our 200 offices or send a resume to: Mr. Charles B. Finley IBM Corporation 425 Park Avenue New York 22, New York All inquiries will be acknowledged and treated confidentially.




Carl E. Kindsvater, regents' professor of the CE School, represented the American Standards Association and the U.S. Geological Survey at a meeting in Toulouse, France. Oct. 10-13. The meeting was sponsored by the International Standards Association. /. W. McCarly, professor in the A. French Textile School, has returned to Tech after a year's leave of absence. McCarty spent the year in Korea aiding in the rehabilitation of the laboratories and the upgrading of the curricula of Seoul University.

.J^ f*r~T.

William L. Carmichael, Georgia Tech's registrar and director of admissions, has announced that the 1960 fall quarter registration in the day school was 5,750. Evening School registration was 1,401, and Southern Tech registration reached a total of 846 for this quarter.

William B. Wrigley, head of communications branch of the Engineering Experiment Station now has a public service TV show on WLWA, channel 11, in Atlanta. Wrigley's show, "What's Your Trouble," is concerned with TV set problems and cures. Forrest Travis, senior mechanical engineering student from Jacksonville, Florida, has been tapped by A N A K, Tech's oldest honorary senior society. Travis, president of the senior class and of Pi Tau Sigma the ME society, was honored during t h e Homecoming dance. Don Rentz, senior industrial engineering student f r o m Warren, Ohio, was also tapped by ANAK during intermission at the Homecoming dance. Rentz, editor of the Technique for 1960-61, is a member of the athletic board and many of the Tech campus honoraries. 30

chology—Dr. Stanley A. Rudin, Assistant Professor. Social Sciences — Dr. Clark Choffy, Instructor, and Lewis Larson, Lecturer. In the Engineering Experiment Station new faculty include: Dr. Henry A. McGee. Research Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering, and Evan D. Porter, Research Assistant Professor of Applied Biology. Miss Martha D. Simpson has joined the staff of the Price Gilbert Memorial Library as Serials Cataloger. In the ROTC Units the following new officers have reported for duty: Air ROTC —Colonel Donald S. Dunlap, Professor and Commandant; Major J. W. Sims and Captain T. M. Hamilton. Army ROTC—Lt. Colonel Milton I. Wallace, Major Charles W. Carnes, Major James C. Gault, Captain. Andrew S. Dilts, Captain Julia R. Ridgdill, Captain Gregory L. Troutman. and Captain Henry M. Oliver. Navy ROTC—Major Frank W. Harris, III, USMC, Lt. Rex M. Williams. Lt. Howard L. York, Lt. jg Wayne D. Kilgore. Returning to the campus after absences of a year or more are, Dr. Mario J. Goglia. Associate Dean of Faculties; Dr. F . W. Schutz, Professor of Civil Engineering; James W. McCarty, Associate Professor of Textile Engineering; Dr. Kenneth G. Picha, Associate Director of Mechanical Engineering; Dr. M. L. Meeks, Associate Professor of Physics; Raymond Tooke, Jr., Special Research Engineer; Leroy A. Woodward, Research Assistant Professor of Physics and C. W. Tooles, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering. 1960 Class Gift to English Memorial Room T H E CLASS of 1960 recently presented $400 of the senior fund to the Department of English for the English Memorial Room located in the new Classroom Building. The room is dedicated to the memory of two Tech English Professors, Hal Brown and E. Folk, who died during the 1959-60 year. Old Blue Print Copies Available to Alumni EXTRA COPIES of the Blue Print for the years

1951 through 1958 (excluding 1952 and 1954) are now available to alumni at a cost of $5 per copy. Anyone interested in obtaining a copy of the Tech annual of these years is requested to send a check for $5 made payable to the Blue Print to: The Blue Print, Box K, Georgia Tech, Atlanta 13. Annuals are also available for the years 1959 and 1960. Anyone who was in school during either of these years but did not receive an annual can get one free by writing to the above address and requesting a copy. Your name will be checked against the school roll and the annual will be sent to you. Alumni not in school in 1959 and 1960 may receive a copy by sending a check for $5 to the above address. Dean George Griffin announced that he has extra copies of the following annuals which are available to alumni free of

charge on a first-come, first-served basis: 1931, 1934, 1942. 1943, 1945, 1946, 1947, and 1957. T o get one of these copies, simply write to George Griffin. Dean of Students, Georgia Tech, Atlanta 13. Tech Gets Big Ford Foundation Grant A TOTAL of $680,000 has been granted to Georgia Tech by the Ford Foundation to strengthen and expand the Institute's engineering education program at the doctoral level. The grant was one of four announced by President Henry T. Heald of the foundation on October 27. "The development of high-quality programs in engineering education at the doctoral level is an imperative national need," said Heald in announcing the grants to Tech, the University of Florida, North Carolina State College, and the University of Texas. "The South with its expanding industrial and research facilities shares the vastly increased demand for highly trained engineers," continued Heald. "The hope is that this grant will assist Georgia Tech to advance further its doctoral program, and improve even more the qualifications of its engineering faculties. Georgia Tech was selected as one of the institutions to receive a grant because it is one of the leaders in the South with respect to the number of fields of engineering in which doctorates are offered as well as the number of doctorates awarded." The beakdown of Tech's grant is $105,000 for additions to the faculty, $100,000 initially and $100,000 in matching funds for professional development of the present faculty. $60,000 initially and $180,000 in matching fellowship funds for increasing the quality and quantity of graduate students, $100,000 in a lump sum for loans, and $35,000 for discretionary expenditures of importance to the doctoral program. President E. D. Harrison stated after learning of the grant, "Tech has long recognized the necessity for expanding the engineering graduate program of furthering the engineering doctoral degree. "Expanding scientific and technical knowledge has made advanced study an essential background for high-level research and for advanced teaching. New technical developments originate far more frequently from those with this advanced education than was formerly the case. "We, along with the Ford Foundation, see the urgency and the need for our State and our region to move into this area in order that we can maintain and expand the economic advantage in growth which we are now experiencing. "This assistance will enable us to move much more rapidly than would otherwise have been the case and we are very grateful to the Ford Foundation for its interest in Georgia Tech and its engineering doctoral programs," added the president. Roy A. James, IM Professor, Dies

LONG-TIME Tech IM Professor, Roy A. James, who retired in June, 1959, died November 1 in an Atlanta hospital after a short illness. TECH ALUMNUS

when you look

at a knot

do you want to untie

it? If you're the type who enjoys unraveling tough problems . . . who finds it hard to resist any challenge . . . you're apt to discover unique satisfaction and opportunity in the dynamic field of electronic data processing. The marketing of data processing systems is challenging and fascinating. After comprehensive training, you work with management executives in diverse industries, study their business or scientific problems, figure out

the solutions by use of data processing systems, and assist the customer in putting the solutions into effect. Electronic data processing offers great opportunities for outstanding, technically trained young men with a flair for business. It's a new professional occupation offering unusual opportunities for personal and financial growth. There are openings throughout the country in either systems engineering or direct sales.

If you are a recent graduate and hold a bachelor's or advanced degree in engineering, science, or mathematics, call any of our 200 offices or send a resume to: Mr. Charles B. Finley IBM Corporation 425 Park Avenue New York 22, New York All inquiries will be acknowledged and treated confidentially.



»QO Paul McLarty, TE, has been proWfc moted to manager of sales publications in the marketing department of the ' 0 1 Johnston McCorkle died October 26 New York Life Insurance Company. His ^ I of a heart attack. He was superin- business address is 51 Madison Avenue, tendent of Harmony Grove Mills, a position New York 10, New York. Thomas A. Marshall, Jr., AE, has been he had held since 1941, and was a member of the Commerce City Council. His widow elected executive secretary of the American Society for Testing Materials. His business lives in Commerce, Georgia. address is 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia 3, Pennsylvania. ' O P Charles A. Ashby, Jr., EE, has been »nO C. H. Whitner, 604 E. North Green, James R. Wilkes, Jr., ME, died May 25, t U elected a vice president of Stone and U O Greenville, South Carolina, died June Webster Service Corporation, management 1960. His widow lives at 1819 East 7th 11, 1960. No further information was avail- consulting firm. His business address is 90 Street, Charlotte, North Carolina. able at this writing. Broad Street, New York, New York. Jack Russell Belsinger, GS, former Francis E. Cook, ME, a Gulf Oil CorAtlantan and an executive with InI j f l B. Earle Yancey, prominent Atlanta portion executive, died November 2 in Ifc businessman, died November 2 after Birmingham. He had been with the com- ternational Paper Company, died October an illness of several weeks. He was a co- pany for 25 years and was assistant district 2 in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania after a long illness. He was director of National Acfounder of the Yancey Brothers Road Ma- manager at the time of his death. His widow chine Company in 1914. In 1926 Mr. lives at 2021 21st Avenue, South, Bir- counts, Eastern Division, for the paper firm. J. M. Cheatham, TE, president of Dundee Yancey founded the Yancey Tractor Com- mingham, Alabama. Mills, Inc., Griffin, Georgia, has been named pany, which became the RCA Victor DisJack W. Price has been named sales manpresident of the American Cotton Manutributor here in 1940. His widow lives at 151 Peachtree Battle Avenue, Atlanta 5, ager for Gulf Oil Corporation in Atlanta. facturers Institute. He has been with the company since 1923. Georgia. Brig. Gen. Robert L. Watkins, Com, re» Q ^ Robert Tharpe, Com., president of tired July 1 as Assistant Division ComTharpe and Brooks, Inc., Atlanta M Q Charles Alwin Adair, TE, vice presimander, 81st Infantry Division. mortgage banking firm, has been elected 1 0 dent of Atlanta Federal Savings and A. W. Gunn, TE, former vice president, president of the Mortgage Bankers AssoLoan Association, died October 5 in an secretary and treasurer of Callaway Mills ciation of America. His business address is Atlanta hospital. For 30 years he owned at LaGrange, Georgia, has joined Abney 728 West Peachtree, Atlanta 8, Georgia. and operated C. A. Adair Company, genMills in Greenwood, South Carolina, as vice eral contractors. He joined Atlanta Federal president in charge of financing and other Savings and Loan in 1928 as a director and ' Q C Born to: Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Hall duties relative to mill operations. had served the Association in various caRobertson, Arch, a daughter, Mary Marcus Lafayette Hold died of a cerebral pacities. His widow lives at 58 Montclair Mikell, October 25. Mr. Robertson is a hemorrhage June 26, 1960. Drive, N.E., Atlanta. practicing architect in Augusta, Georgia. Their home address is 2418 Williams Street, ' O n Robert H. May of Martinsville, Vir- Augusta, Georgia. ' 1 R Joseph C. Broadnax, TE, prominent ^ 3 ginia, died February 13, 1960. • ** Anniston and Gadsden, Alabama ' O O William H. Kubler, ME, has been druggist, died September 29. He had been promoted to assistant manager of Inengaged in the drug business in these two ' Q 1 Dr. John Howard Hines, Com., of cities since 1925. His widow lives at 1103 w I Roswell, Georgia, died May 28, 1960 dustrial Sales, Engineering Division, GeorMontvue Road, Anniston, Alabama. of uremia. His widow lives in Roswell, gia Power Company in Atlanta. His new Georgia. business address is P. O. Box 1719, Atlanta Lucien N. Duggan, of Chula Vista, Cali1, Georgia. fornia, died October 10 at his home. C. G. Scrutchin, EE, of Athens, Georgia, Paul J. Mitchell, Ch.E., presented a Walter P. Marshall, Arch, died Novem- died September 29. He was with the Georber 24, 1959. His widow lives at 228 East gia Power Company at the time of his jointly-authored technical paper, "Physical 51st Street, Savannah, Georgia. death. Properties of Rubber Covered Rolls as Re' 1 ft John W. Looper, of Dalton, Georgia, 1 0 died February 6, 1960.


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lated to Proper Maintenance," at the 15th Engineering Conference of the Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry in October. He is Georgia Division Manager of Stowe-Woodward, Inc. Mr. Mitchell lives in Griffin, Georgia. W. Ashley Verlander, IM, was recently elected president of the Reliable Insurance Company of Dayton, Ohio. The company is a wholly owned fire insurance company subsidiary of the American Heritage Life Insurance Company, of which Mr. Verlander is executive vice president and treasurer. His business address is 218 West Adams Street, Jacksonville, Fla. Walter I. Nunnelee, Jr., Ch.E., died September 26 in a Petoskey, Michigan hospital. He was with the Penn-Dixie Cement Corporation as a chemical engineer at the time of his death. Wiley P. Ballard, Ch.E., is a copatentee of a recently issued patent assigned to Texaco, Inc., covering improvements in Fluid Contact Coking of Hydrocarbon Oils. Mr. Ballard is supervisor of Fluels Research at the Port Arthur, Texas plant. Colonel Henry M. Fletcher, Jr., USAF, TE, has been assigned to the Ballistic Missiles Center, Air Materiel Command at Inglewood, California. He lives at 30823 Rue Langlois, Palos Verdes Estates, California. J. L. Cochran, ME, recently attended the Pitt Management Problems for Executives Program at the University of Pittsburgh. He is with the U. S. Navy Department, Bureau of Ships in Washington, D. C. His home address is 1411 Noland Road, Falls Church, Virginia. Johnnie T. Graham, EE, is now Director of Graduate Training with Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. C. H. Mcintosh, Ch.E., has been promoted to Director of Lubricants Research at Texaco's Port Arthur and Port Neches, Texas Research Laboratories. W. Lewis Ferryman, Jr., IM, has been named president of General American Oil Company in Dallas, Texas. He joined the company in 1949 as an attorney, became a vice president in 1955 and executive vice president and general counsel in 1957.

cialist with Combustion Engineering, Inc., in Winsdor, Connecticut. Loche Thomison, ME, has been awarded the professional designation of Chartered Life Underwriter by the American College and Life Underwriters. He is a representative with the Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company and in 1959 was a member of the Penn Mutual Million Dollar Club. His business address is 1115 Hamilton National Bank Building, Chattanooga 2, Tennessee. I Charles C. Collins, EE, presented a ' jointly-authored technical paper, "Power Requirements of Feltless Pulp Machines," at the 15th Engineering Conference of the Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry in October. He is with General Electric. Mr. Collins lives at 22 Harwood Drive, Scotia, New York. ^oe M- Haas, ME, has been named a vice president of General American Oil Company in Dallas, Texas. L. H. "Hank" Klosterman, Jr., CE, has been promoted to the position of manager, Drainage and Allied Products Sales and Welded Pipe Sales for the Rocky Mountain division of Armco Drainage and Metal Products, Inc. with headquarters in Denver. He lives at 606 Miller St., Arvada, Colorado. 'AQ

Born to: Mr. and Mrs. James W. **U Southard, IE, a son, John M. Southard, May 30. They live at 780 North Superior Avenue, Decatur, Georgia. Born to: Mr. and Mrs. Terrell H. "Ted" Yon, Jr., AE, a son, Terrell, III, September 18. Ted is a test engineer with Avco at Cape Canaveral, Cocoa Beach, Florida. Robert P. Buerger has been proJ ÂŁ moted to commander and is now serving as Associate Air Officer aboard the USS Wasp. Born to: Mr. and Mrs. W. David Daniel, Ch.E., a daughter, Diane Susan, August 23. They live at 113 Hayes Drive, Smyrna, Georgia. Ben W. Martin, Ch.E., has been appointed manager of feed additives and special nitrogen products with Monsanto Chemical Company in St. Louis, Missouri.

Jim H. Zike, Ch.E., was a speaker at the fall meeting of the California Natural Gasoline Association in Santa Monica, California. His talk was entitled "Automatic Control of Propane Products by Closed Loop Chromatography." His home address is Vincent Route, Coahoma, Texas.

Born to: Mr. and Mrs. Milton W. J O Bennett, IM, a son, Matthew Warren, October 10. Their home address is 251 Tenth St., N.W., Apartment 18, Atlanta 13, Georgia. John H. Christeson, ME, is a design engineer with the Saco-Lowell (Shops) R & D Center. His address is 113 Fort Rutledge Road, Clemson, South Carolina. Charles Franklin Rich, IM, is now personnel director of Wallace Hardware Company in Morristown, Tennessee.

Robert N. Bruce, ME, presented a jointly-authored paper, "Reducing Down Time on Your Recovery Unit" at the 15th Engineering Conference of the Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry in October. He is a technical spe-

Born t o : Mr. and Mrs. William B. Bryan, Jr., IM, a daughter, Rebecca Lane, September 12. Mr. Bryan is a sales engineer for the American Air Filter Company, 1430 West Peachtree, Atlanta 9, Georgia.



tJacestntye^ews R. A. "Pop" Siegel, '36, has been elected the new president of the Georgia Tech National Alumni Association. Siegel, president of the R. A. Siegel Companies, was 1959-60 vice president of the Association and has served as president of the Atlanta Ga. Tech Club. Ira H. Hardin, '24, is the 1960-61 vice president of the Georgia Tech National Alumni Association. Hardin, president of the Ira H. Hardin Company of Atlanta, was on the Association Board of Trustees during the past fiscal year and is a local civic leader. J. Frank Willett, '45, has been elected vice president at large for the National Alumni Association for the 1960-61 year. Willett, treasurer of the Association for the past two years, is area manager for Westinghouse Electric Company in Chattanooga. J. L. Brooks, Jr., '39, vice president of the Atlanta firm of Tharpe and Brooks, has been elected treasurer of the National Alumni Association for the 1960-61 year. Brooks, former president of the Greater Atlanta Club, was a trustee on the 1959-60 Alumni Board. John J. McDonough, '23, president of the Georgia Power Company, has been nominated for "National Engineer of the Year" by the Georgia Society of Professional Engineers. McDonough, quarterback of the Tech teams of 1919-22, has been with Georgia Power since '27. Robert T. "Bobby" Jones, Jr., '22, has just written a book, "Golf Is My Game." Published by Doubleday & Co. of New York, the book is a must for every man who ever picked up a wood or an iron. The Old Master has scored another "grand slam." 33

tJaceswtfjeNews Arthur B. Boazman, '25, president of The Keyes Company of Miami, has been elected president of the Florida Association of Realtors. Boazman, creator of the idea "Realtor Week" now a national institution, has served twice as president of the Miami Realtors.

John Howell, '30, has been promoted to Southern regional manager of the Southern States Equipment Corp. of Hampton, Georgia. Howell, a veteran of 13 years service with the company, is a Registered Professional Engineer and a Member of AIEE. Holly W. Sphar, '31, has been elected to the newly created position of vice president-planning and commercial development of Consolidation Coal Co. of Pittsburgh. Sphar, formerly vice president of the company, will be responsible for long range planning and development in his job. Frederick G. Storey, '33, president of Storey Theatres, Inc. of Atlanta, has been reelected president of the Family Service Association of America. Storey, a past president of the Tech National Alumni Association, has been on the Family Service Board 7 years. H. W. Sams, '38, vice president of Scripto, has been promoted to assistant general manager of Scripto's U.S. Division. Sams joined the company in 1936 and was named a vice president in 1955. His new responsibilities relate to all the Atlanta operation.

Roy McCowen, '43, has been promoted to Southwest regional manager of the Southern States Equipment Corp. of Hampton, Georgia. McCowen will be responsible for all commercial and engineering activities for the company in the Southwest territory. 34

NEWS BY CLASSES-confinued Herbert G. Hicks, CE, is now an assistant professor in the Department of Management and Marketing at Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Joe B. Hobart, Jr., ME, has been transferred by U. S. Gypsum to their Chicago office where he is assistant insulation division engineer. His home address is. 1041 College Avenue, Wheaton, Illinois. Nat C. Hughes, Jr., IE, is manager of the Fort Myers (Fla.) sales office of Shands & Baker, Inc., manufacturer and distributor of crushed stone, sand and gravel. His home address is 2131 Chandler Avenue, Fort Myers Villas, Fort Myers, Florida. Born to: Mr. and Mrs. Russ Leverette, IM, a daughter, Kelli Dawn, October 16. Russ is now with New Riverside Ochre Company in Cartersville, Georgia. Their home address is 714 lones Mill Road, Cartersville, Georgia. Sydney V. Stern, Ch.E, has been awarded the Ethyl Corporation graduate research fellowship at Georgia Tech for the 1960-61 year. Robert J. Bitowft, Arch, has been *J** working for General Electric as an aviation electrical representative to all the European airlines. His assignment is from one to three years. He is living in Holland at Overboslaan 2 1 , Heemestede, the Netherlands. Married: John Fyfe, ME, to Miss leanne Elizabeth Skerrett, October 22. Mr. Fyfe is with the Signode Steel Strapping Company. His address is 347 South Cass, Westmont, Illinois. Born to: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Hall, IM, a son, John Grafton, September 20. Mr. Hall is a sales engineer with the Aluminum Company of America, 1615 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Georgia. John H. Reid, Jr., Ch.E, was killed in an explosion September 13 while in charge of a research project. He was with the Reynolds Experimental Laboratory of Atlas Powder Company in Tamaqua, Pennsylvania. He is survived by his wife and two sons, parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Reid, of 4271 Garmon Road, N.W., Atlanta, Georgia. Lt. Col. Eduardo M. Soler, USA, EE, is attending The Army War College at Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania. Born to: Mr. and Mrs. Graham S. Wallace, EE, a son, Steven Graham, July 2 1 . They live at 23835 Topar Avenue, Los Altos, California. E C Engaged: Robert Monroe McAlister, * Âť ^ ME, to Miss Mary Shower. The wedding will take place December 10. Mr. McAlister is with the International Paper Company in Georgetown, South Carolina. Robert W. Sherwood, IE, has been assigned to the service department of AllisChalmers Industries Group in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Born to: Mr. and Mrs. John H. Smallwood, TE, a son, Samuel Lucas, October 10. Their home address is 2835 North Arcadia, Colorado Springs, Colorado.

' C I Philip W. Frick, Math, is a Systems * J ' Analyst in the Programming Research Group of the Radio Corporation of America, Astro-Electronics Division, Princeton, New Jersey. Major James F. Holcomb, USA, Infantry, EE, has been awarded the Army Commendation Medal for meritorious service while assigned as Electronics Project Officer, Research Division, Department of Target Acquisition at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. He lives at 450-7 Kearney, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Born to: Mr. and Mrs. James R. Johnson, IM, a son, Jon Franklin, October 4. They live at 33 Clairview Drive, Chamblee, Ga. Married: Lt. W. O. Patterson, Jr., USAF, IE, to Miss Leslie James, April 2. Lt. Patterson is a Launch Officer for the SNARK (SM 62 A ) Missile. His address is Box 347, 702nd Strategic Missile Wing, Presque Isle, AFB, Maine. Born to: Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Townsend, IE, a son, Gerald, Jr., June 27. Gerald is with Container Corporation of America. They live at 3156 108th Street, S.E., Bellvue, Washington. Richard K. Whitehead, Jr., ME, has been elected president of Whitehead Die Casting Company in Atlanta. Lt. Col. Woodford T. Moseley, USA, IM, is attending The Army War College at Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania. C O Married: Frank E. Andrews, EE, to * * 0 Miss Chi-Chi Logan. The wedding took place in September. George W. Atwood, Jr., IM, is now an Account Salesman with the Crucible Steel Company of America. He lives at 3269 Oakcliff Road, Doraville, Georgia. Charles L. Aydlett, IE, is in his third year of General Electric's Manufacturing Training Program. He is now in a plant engineering position in the Large Jet Engine Department. He lives at 1939 A. Chaucer, Cincinnati 37, Ohio. Born to: Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Beard, IM, a son, Edward, Jr., March 6. Ed is with Conner and Baldwin in Little Rock. Engaged: Bobby Gene Beeland, TE, to Miss Evelyn Elizabeth Wilson. The wedding will take place December 10. Mr. Beeland is with Chicopee Manufacturing Corporation in Athens, Georgia. Born to: Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Bond, EE, a son, Edward Kelly, October 6. They live in Reynolds, Georgia. Engaged: William P. Britt, TE, to Miss Gwendolyn Barfield. The wedding will take place December 18. Mr. Britt is employed by American and Efid Mills, Inc., in Lenoir, North Carolina. Charles L. Simpson, USAR, IE, recently completed the officer orientation course at The Infantry School, Fort Benning, Georgia. Lt. Jimmy N. Towery is an instructor pilot at the Jet School, Craig AFB, Alabama. He is assigned to " D " Flight of the 3615th Pilot Training Squadron in the Air Training Command. Born to: Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wcissenberg, IE, a daughter, Ariel, July 16. Mr. more news on page 36 TECH ALUMNUS

8,000 Management Opportunities! That's right. There will be 8,000 supervisory jobs filled from within the Western Electric Company by college graduates in just the next ten years! How come? Because there's t h e kind of u p w a r d movement at Western Electric that spells executive opportunity. Young men in engineering and other professional work can choose between two paths of advancement—one within their own technical field and one within over-all management. Your progress up-the-ladder to executive positions will be aided by a number of special programs. The annual company-wide personnel survey helps select management prospects. This ties in with planned rotational development, including transfers between Bell Companies and experience in a wide variety of fields. Western Electric maintains its own full-time graduate engineering training program, seven formal manage^ ment courses, and a tuition refund plan for college study. After joining Western Electric, you'll be planning production of a steady stream of communications

products—electronic switching, carrier, microwave and missile guidance systems and components such as transistors, diodes, ferrites, etc. Every day, engineers at our manufacturing plants are working to bring new developments of our associates at Bell Telephone Laboratories into practical reality. In short, "the sky's your limit" at Western Electric. Opportunities exist for electrical, mechanical, industrial, civil a n d chemical engineers, as w e l l as physical science, liberal arts, a n d business majors. For more information about Western Electric, write College Relations, Room 6 1 0 4 , Western Electric Company, 1 9 5 B r o a d w a y , N e w York 7 , N . Y.



Principal manufacturing locations at Chicago, III.; Kearny, N. J.; Baltimore, Md.; Indianapolis, Ind.; Allentown and Laureldale, Pa.; Winston-Salem, N. C; Buffalo, N. Y.; North Andover, Mass.; Omaha, Neb.; Kansas City, Mo.; Columbus, Ohio; Oklahoma City, Okla. Engineering Research Center, Princeton, N. J. Teletype Corporation, Skokie, III.-, and Little Rock, Ark. Also Western Electric distribution centers in 32 cities and installation headquarters in 16 cities. General headquarters: 195 Broadway, New York 7, N. Y.

tJflceswvt»>eKews S. Russell McGee, Jr., '46, has been elected as associate vice president and director of agencies of the Piedmont Southern Life Insurance Co. McGee, a Certified Life Underwriter, has been with the company since 1958 as superintendent of agencies in Atlanta.

NEWS BY CLASSES-continued Weissenberg is on the Manufacturing Training Program at General Electric. They live at 3907 Lewis Avenue, Apartment 4, Erie, Pennsylvania.

' C Q Born t o : Mr. and Mrs. Jack Amason, * * 0 ME, a son, Jackson Lee, Jr., May 30. They live at 2249 Virginia Place, N.E., Atlanta 5, Georgia. Married: Frank Brian Arbour, IM, to Miss Bennett Ann Flattman, November 5. Mr. Arbour is with Cummins Engine Company in Columbus, Indiana. Adir Aronson, I M , has been elected Leo T. Bowles, '48, has president of Herman's, Inc., Atlanta clothbeen named manager of product planning for the ing firm. His business address is 469 Flat General Electric's ReShoals Avenue, S.E., Atlanta 16, Georgia. ceiving Tube DepartMarried: Lee Gary Ashley, I M , to Miss ment. In his new post, Judith Bruce, November 5. Mr. Ashley is Bowles will be responsiwith Boston Gear Works in Atlanta. ble for the development Born t o : Lt. and Mrs. Richard P. Braden, of new electron-control ME, a daughter, Lisa Carol, October 9. Lt. products, and product application for GE. Braden's address is 2nd Howitzer Battalion, 37th Artillery, A P O 108, N e w York. Engaged: Charles Robert Bryant, I M , to Thomas H. Ellison, '50, Miss Grace Twitty. The wedding will take has been promoted to place in December. Mr. Bryant is" with the Eastern Regional ManAllstate Insurance Company in Atlanta. ager for the Southern Dale K. Canfield, M E , is an assistant proStates Equipment Corfessor of Mechanical Engineering at the poration of Hampton, University of Arkansas. He lives at 836 Georgia, it was announced by J. E. Cordell, Lakeside Drive, Fayetteville, Arkansas. vice president. Ellison Born t o : Mr. and Mrs. John Scott Colehas been a district repman, Jr., I M , a son, John Scott, III, Octoresentative for them. ber 10. They live at 702 North Greenwood, LaGrange, Georgia. William A. Horton, I M , is now district Thomas H. Gunter, Jr., manager of International Rope, Inc. His '54, has been appointed business address is Old Louisville Road, a medical service repreSavannah, Georgia. sentative for the FlintMarried: Ensign Robert Oscar Lamar, Eaton division of Baxter Laboratories, Inc. He USN, C E , to Miss Pauline Roberts. T h e will represent the diviwedding took place October 22. Ensign sion (which produces Roberts is serving aboard the USS Putnam prescription pharmaceuin Norfolk, Virginia. ticals) in the Greater Born t o : Mr. and Mrs. John Almont Atlanta Sales region. Pierce, Arch, a son, John Almont, Jr., September 4. They live at 937 Carlisle, Jackson, Mississippi. Nelson K. Rogers, '56, Don C. Sistrunk, Jr., I M , is managewho helped design the ment engineering officer at Andrews Air first modern trailships, Force Base. His address is 5613 Maxwell has been named vice Drive, Washington, D . C. president of Sea-Land Service, Inc. of Port Newark, N. J. Rogers, ' f i d Married: Lt. Maurice Lynwood Atassociate editor of The *J*J kinson, Jr., Ch.E., to Miss Lyn HarJournal of Industrial ber. Engineering, formerly Homer C. Jennings, Jr., Ch.E., is with taught IE at Tech. the Research and Development Division of Humble Oil and Refining Company at Baytown, Texas. Charles G. West, '56, Married: Ensign Fred Homer Josey, Jr., has been appointed as a medical service represenUSN, IE, to Miss Jacqueline Ruth Parmertative by J. B. Roerig ton. Mr. Josey is assistant to the producand Co., the pharmaceution officer of the U. S. Naval Ordnance tical division of Chas. Plant in York, Pennsylvania. Pfizer & Co., Inc. He will Ensign Roy M. Judson, USN, is stationed bring information on the at the Fleet Weather Facility, Naval Stacompany's ethical drug tion, Sangley Point in the Philippines. His products to physicians, mailing address is Navy 961, Box 30, F.P.O., dentists, pharmacists, and others in theAtlanta area. San Francisco, California. 36

Married: Howard Lindsay McKinley, Jr., EE, t o Miss Linda Christmus, March 19. Mr. McKinley was commissioned a second lieutenant in the U. S. Air Force upon graduation and is now attending the Air Force Institute of Technology at Dayton, Ohio. They live at 93 Meehan Drive, Dayton 31, Ohio. Born to: Mr. and Mrs. James S. Sampson, I M , a son, September 25. They live at 8654 Piney Branch Road, Apartment 203, Silver Spring, Maryland. Engaged: Ensign William James Stewart, USN, EE, to Miss Jean Haynie. The wedding will take place December 17. Ensign Stewart is stationed at Pensacola, Florida. Engaged: Oscar Richard Strauss, III, to Miss Arlene Smith. The wedding took place December 4. Engaged: Daniel Vargas, IE, to Miss Gene Reinero. The wedding will take place December 10. Mr. Vargas is with the Institute of Colombian Industry in Medellin, Colombia, S. A. 'CI Engaged: Frank M. Ridley, III. to ^ ' Miss Bonnie Gene Butler. Mr. Ridley is attending Emory University.




Tech's recently-named assistant to the president, director of development and executive secretary of the Georgia Tech Foundation, was the guest speaker at the October 28 meeting of the Birmingham Georgia Tech Club. Guthridge spoke to the 65 alumni present at the stag meeting on "The Nine Faces of Georgia Tech." HUNTSVILLE,



Georgia Tech Club held its fall dinner meeting on October 27. Over 70 alumni and wives in one of Tech's most active clubs heard Tech's director of publications, Bob Wallace, speak about the Tech athletic program. Wallace also showed the films of the Tech-Tulane game and briefed the group on the Homecoming activities. Club president Ben Keyserling presided at the meeting at which past presidents of the club were honored. MACON, GEORGIA—Alumni Secretary Roane

Beard and Assistant to the President Joe Guthridge were the feature speakers at the September 27 meeting of the Macon, Georgia Tech Club. Sixty-eight Macon area alumni turned out for the stag meeting at which the following new officers were elected: Frank Baker, president; Tom Shockley, 1st vice president; Don Rosen, 2nd vice president; James S. Walton, secretary-treasurer; and Albert McCowen, membership chairman. RALEIGH,




Tech Alumni Club of Raleigh held a meeting on October 28 prior to the Tech-Duke game. Over 40 alumni heard a short talk by Tech Coach Bobby Dodd and viewed the Bowl Highlights film. TECH ALUMNUS

Success stories...

Bill McDonald delivers a policy for $250,000 after only 8 months of selling life insurance Bill McDonald had a fine record as an enlisted man and commissioned officer in (light engineering. After his discharge, Bill wanted a career where his initiative would enable him to get ahead fast. A job where his earnings would be directly related to his efforts and ability. A leading Sacramento employment agency told Bill thai life insurance selling — and specifically, life insurance selling with New England Life — would give him the best opportunity to realise his ambitions. He went to our General Agent in Sacramento and was impressed by what this company cuuld do for him. He was especially interested in the training and supervisory support which would quickly prepare him lo enter the more challenging areas or estate and business security planning.

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Bill has done an uuManding job. This quarter-million dollar policy is representative of the kind of performance

12SA Annivtrxiry of Our Charter

ing The Modem Library and

Bennett Cerf and Henry Moyer, Jr. collaborate on a Profit Sharing Plan for Random House Meeting and working wilh interesting men like Dennett

activity is just a part of the i

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Cerf is one of the most satisfying things about hi? career

ing for New England Life, ever since he joined us in 1952.

wilh New England Life, according to Henry Moyer, Jr.

If a career of this sort appeals to you, investigate the

(Dartmouth '51).

opportunities with New England Life. You get a regular

Recently, he presented to Mr. Cerf his proposal for a revised Pro lit Sharing Plan for the staff of Random House.

income from the start. You can work anywhere in the U. S. A. Your future is full or substantial rewards.

They went over the details together and developed a

For more information, write to Vice President L. M.

program which will benefit employees in every salary

Huppeler, 501 Boylstun Street, DOMIHI 17, Massachusetts.

bracket — providing more life insurance protection for less money than was previously possible. .

Henry will, of course, work closely with company officials in servicing this plan through the years. And he'll

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our field men write their own


These ads, and others like them, appear in college

Life. Write to us at Dept. A, Boston 17, Massachusetts.

alumni magazines across the nation. They demon-

Or, if you have specific questions please write

strate the success achieved by the New England Life

directly to Vice President John Barker, Jr., 501

agent through service to the important people in his

Boylston Street, Boston 17, Massachusetts.

community. Perhaps this kind of career appeals to you. If you meet our qualifications you'll receive a generous income while you're learning. We'll be glad to send,

NEW ENGLAND r^//f///j7/)fl



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without obligation, a booklet explaining the responsi-


bilities and rewards of representing New England

125th Anniversary of Our Charter

These Georgia Tech men are New England Life G. Nolan Bearden, '29, Los Angeles Carl S. Ingle, ' 3 3 , Jacksonville Joe A. Sowell, '47, Montgomery


Photographs by Bill Diehl, Jr.

PLAY OF THE YEAR: safetyman Walter Howard stops LSU's Daye at the Tech one on the final play of the first half to preserve the Jackets' narrow win.



TWO BIG RUNS: Chick Graning eases into the end zone after his 16-yard scoring jaunt against Tennessee (above), and Jimmy Nail starts his cutback on a score.


ADY LUCK, an old friend of Robert Lee Dodd, deserted ' The Tall Gray Fox in the 1960 season as his Jackets lost five games by a total of 11 points. The four conference losses were by a grand total of five points, three of them including the final two games by one point. It was a disappointing season for what Dodd called "one of my best teams, a group that deserved a better fate." The LSU game was played under terrible weather conditions, a factor that held back the offense of both teams. The field was wet from a long rain, and by the second half it was pouring once again. Both teams moved well between the 20's, but no one managed to get the ball across the final stripe except by kicking it. Tech scored in the first quarter after a long drive with the opening kickoff stalled inside the Tigers' 20. Tommy Wells kicked the field goal from the 12-yard line. In the second period, the Tigers reached the Tech 1-yard line where a great tackle by Walter Howard stopped them on 4th down as the half ended. In the third quarter, Gann mounted a passing attack that carried to the LSU 20 where it stalled. Wells again came in and kicked a 37-yarder to make it 6-0. In the fourth quarter, Dan Coker took an intentional safety to stop the Tigers, as the final was 6-2. The Tech-Auburn game was another in a string of close ones. The War Eagles tore Tech apart during the first half and were leading 9-0 on a touchdown and a field goal by Dyas before the Jackets knew what had hit them. Only a great interception by Chick Graning in the end zone kept the score from mounting. On Tech's only scoring opportunity of the half, set up by Graning's 48-yard run, Wells TECH ALUMNUS

0 THE '60 JACKETS missed a field goal for the first time in the season. In the second half, Tech came storming back. Taking the ball on their own 44, they drove all the way in on the passing of Gann. Williamson scored the touchdown on a 29-yard Gann pass and Wells added the point to leave it at 7-9, Auburn. Tech had one more chance, but a Harvard interception killed it. After the Tulane Homecoming victory (see page 16), the Jackets ran into Duke and were very hard-pressed to keep from getting routed. The final score, 0-6, was scarcely a fair measure of the difference between the two teams that afternoon. Tech held Duke off from the scoring territory for three quarters on a combination of great stands and Blue Devil fumbles. But, early in the final period, Duke finally eased in on a fourth-down play. Tech threatened on one long drive late in the game but couldn't hit the long pass when they had to. The Jackets played their best game in many a year to crush Tennessee on November 5 in Atlanta. Again, the final score was no indication of the differences in the two teams on this particular Saturday. Tech got off in front with a sudden burst of offensive might after a kick by Coker had rolled dead on the Vols' goal. On the return punt, Billy Williamson ran 26 yards to set the scene at the Tennessee 16. On the first play from scrimmage, Chick Graning cut off tackle and went into the end zone. Wells added the point and it was 7-0. The Vols came right back on a drive of 46 yards after a great kickoff return. They went in for the tie in a hurry, and with 4:11 left in the first quarter it was 7-7. Then on the ensuing kickoff, Billy NOVEMBER/DECEMBER, 1960

TRAGEDY OF THE YEAR: the faces of the crowd after the final-play field goal beat Tech, 15-16 for Alabama. Tech held a 15-0 lead at halftime against the Tide.

Williamson set a modern Tech record by running 93 yards for a touchdown behind great blocking. Wells again added the point to make it 14-7. The rest of the game was played in the typical Tech-Tennessee fashion. The Alabama game was the biggest heartbreaker for the Jackets in a long, long time. Tech led 15-0 at the half, and seemed in command until Bama mounted a counteroffensive, climaxed by a 22-yard field goal on the last play of the game to make it 15-16, Alabama. Jimmy Nail scored Tech's first one on a 6-yard slant and Wells had his PAT try blocked. Wells made up for this by toeing a record 47yard field goal a few minutes later to move the score to 9-0. Then a Tech drive from the Bama 39 put the final points on the board late in the second quarter. The Tide came back after intermission with first Trammell, then Skelton leading an aerial assault that got them two touchdowns, an extra point and the final field goal that left the Tech fans in a state of shock. The fans underwent another shocker in the final game as Georgia came from behind to edge Tech, 6-7. After blunting a first-quarter Bulldog drive at their own 10 on a fumble recovery by Walter Howard, the Jackets dominated the rest of the first half, scoring a 55-yard drive early in the second quarter. Tibbetts scored on a sneak from the one, but Wells' kick was blocked. Georgia scored after an interception put them in business on the Tech 13. The point try was good and that was the scoring. Tech threatened twice more but a short field goal by Wells missed after a determined drive carried the Jackets to the Georgia 10 midway in the final quarter. 39

by Cecil Phillips, IE '56, MSIE'59

THE SOUND OF BELLS An old world craftsman and new world science get together in a fascinating project H. I. van Bergen and his son, the entire staff of the foundry.

he role of science in music is a subtle one. Some years ago it was discovered that the flairs at the bell ends of trumpets, tubas and other horns follow very closely the curves of certain mathematical functions, such as parabolas, hyperbolas, and exponential functions. This fact led to better understanding of the sound qualities of various horns. Now modern manufacturers of horns and most other musical instruments make use of scientific and engineering principles in addition to their traditional artistic skills. The making of bells, especially tuned ones, is no exception. The process is both an art and a science. The large tuned bells that comprise church carillons are designed on drawing boards before they are cast in metal. The castings are then machined and tuned by artisans who pass on their special techniques from generation to generation. The design and techniques are different among bellmakers, and an expert can easily detect the characteristic sounds that identify the manufacturer. One such expert, among the very few in the world, is Mr. H. T. van Bergen of Greenwood, South Carolina. Mr. van Bergen is in the seventh generation of the Dutch family that has made tuned bells since 1729. He learned the art of making van Bergen bells at the family's foundry in Heiligerlee, Holland. Mr. van Bergen first came to the States to install a carillon of bells at the 1939 World's Fair in New York. He also sold two carillon units, one of them to the Callie Self Memorial Church in Greenwood. While he was in Greenwood supervising the installation, World War II broke out. Unable to return to Holland, he and his family remained in Greenwood throughout the war. When the war was over and the bell industry revived, van Bergen decided to stay in Greenwood and open a foun-




dry there. Since then he has made small hand bells and served as the American representative of the Dutch firm operated by his brothers. About ten years ago van Bergen began working on the idea of amplifying the sound of small bells to make them sound like big bells. The small bronze bells he was making were tuned just like the large bronze bells made in Holland. They are used primarily as hand bells for choral groups, and the sets are tuned in harmony just as the large carillons are. Why not, he thought, make a carillon of small, much less expensive bells, and amplify their sound electronically? The idea sounds simple enough in this age of electronic music. But van Bergen did not have in mind a recording device or any approximation to the tones of bells. As a traditional bell maker, only the true sounds of "live" tuned bells would be acceptable. In this respect the artist in van Bergen dominates the engineer (he has a degree in mechanical engineering). Consequently the problem was not a simple matter of placing microphones in the carillon. For each bell has one dominant note and four other notes, and all five notes are tuned in perfect harmony. The complex harmonics of the bell must remain intact through the amplification or else the timbre of the sound is distorted. Van Bergen decided to use individual pick-ups on each bell. The pick-up included a small magnetic field, in which a portion of the bell would vibrate when struck. The vibration caused variation in the magnetic flux, which in turn produced a current of electricity that varied proportionately with the bell's vibrations. Such a pick-up device is called a transducer. There are many ways to wire a transducer, however, and many ways to arrange its geometrical relation to the bell. Over a period of eight years, van Bergen tried a number of pick-up configurations and variations in other components, such as the striking mechanism. In this time, he and his son, Harry, constructed three complete carillons, each with 30 small bells. None of the units was completely free of distortion. Then on a visit to Atlanta in 1957 a friend gave van Bergen a tour of the Georgia Tech campus, and mentioned the research activities of the Engineering Experiment Station. A few days later van Bergen decided to go back to Georgia Tech and present his problem to the research staff to see what they thought of it. "They" turned out to be physicists Elmer Rhodes and John Brown, who thought a lot of it. Rhodes and Brown felt that the transducer idea was a good one, but that its optimum arrangement would require detailed analysis. Other components of the system, such as the striking mechanism, also appeared to need refinements in order to obtain the desired accuracy and reliability of the system. The study was undertaken, and during the following months the halls and laboratories of the Hinman Research Building frequently resounded with the amplified tones of little bells. NOVEMBER/DECEMBER, 1960

Rhodes and Brown approached the problem both analytically and experimentally. Mathematical analysis of the bell as a sound resonator and radiator indicated that the lip of the bell was the best location for the pick-up. It was also found that the bell should be struck at a point 90 degrees from the pick-up so that the slight motion of the bell caused by the strike would not interfere with the variations of flux in the transducer. A further refinement on the striker consisted of reversing van Bergen's method of using a solenoid to force the striker against the bell. Placing more faith in the consistency of the acceleration of gravity than in the consistency of solenoids, Rhodes and Brown redesigned the mechanism so that the striker was allowed to fall against the bell rather than being forced against it. Van Bergen's pick-up design was modified in several ways. His original transducer was a variable reluctance type in which the motion of a small, soft iron slug in the bell lip caused flux changes in a soft iron core magnetic circuit. The Georgia Tech design utilizes Helmholtz coils (named for a pioneer in the scientific study of sound and musical instruments) with no iron, and the magnet is placed on the bell rather than the stationary part of the transducer. The geometry of the pick-up was also rearranged so that the vibrations of the bell are more nearly perpendicular to the lines of flux, thus producing the variations in current more accurately and efficiently. The result of these refinements was that the distortion problem was eliminated. Van Bergen and his son incorporated the changes as they constructed a fourth model of the unit, which they call a Carillonette. The amplified sound of the bells is "100 per cent perfect" according to van Bergen, who hopes to sell the instrument to churches, universities and public buildings that do not have bell towers or cannot afford the expense of large bells. (To the best knowledge of the editor, there are no tuned, cast bell carillons in the State of Georgia.) The small bells, which weigh one to three pounds, have almost the same depth of tone as the large bells, some of which weigh 15 - 20 tons. Yet the Carillonette can be made at about a quarter of the cost of a full sized carillon with the same number of bells. The Carillonette also has many unique features as a musical instrument. Its keyboard is identical in form to that of a piano and may be played the same way. The fact that the bells are tuned in perfect harmony allows chords to be played. The keyboard and bell cabinet may be placed anywhere in the building, either together or separately since their connections are entirely electrical. The array of bronze bells may also be used to decorative advantage in the building. But above all, as Harry van Bergen likes to say, "They sound like bells for they are bells." The basic sound comes from bells tuned by the traditional van Bergen technique, bells whose tones and quality are accurately enlarged by the application of modern science and engineering. 41

Mrs. Frank Neely accepts the special citation for her husband from President E. D. Harrison during the groundbreaking ceremonies.

The Research Reactor Is Finally on Its Way for Georgia Tech's longawaited Nuclear Research Center were held at 4:00 P.M., October 20, at the site of the Center, Atlantic Drive and Eighth Street. Dr. Harmon W. Caldwell, Chancellor of the University System of Georgia, was the feature speaker at the ceremonies which marked the beginning of construction of the largest individual building project in the history of Tech. The Tech Nuclear Research Center, valued at over $4,000,000, is being built by Blount Brothers Construction Company of Montgomery, Alabama. Designed by Robert and Company Associates of Atlanta, the new Center will include a research reactor that will be, according to President Edwin D. Harrison: "As fine as any universityoperated nuclear facility in the world." The new Center will also include a complex of associated laboratories and office areas. The reactor—second of its magnitude to be located at an American university—was designed by General Nuclear Engineering Corporation, headed by Dr. Walter H. Zinn, one of the world's leading nuclear engineers. President Harrison added, "This reactor will be a domesticated kind of reactor for educational and research use. We have investigated all types of reactors whose performance has been definitely demonstrated and have decided upon one generally similar to the one located at Argonne National Laboratories, Illinois, and the one in the city of Cambridge, Massachusetts, operated by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "It will use as fuel, thin plates of an alloy of uranium235 and aluminum set in a large tank of heavy water. Although it is generally agreed that such a reactor is one of the safest known, it will be housed in a gas-tight steel




building. "Research done with this reactor, as well as the facility itself, will be open to all properly qualified students and staff members at Georgia Tech. Reactor facilities will also be available to outside agencies sponsoring research at Tech," continued the Tech President. "A construction permit was issued by the Atomic Energy Commission after Tech had complied with all requirements including submission of a safeguards' report for a detailed review by the A.E.C. staff," Dr. Harrison said. Tech's Nuclear Center officially got under way in August of 1957, when former Governor Marvin Griffin allocated the first 2y2 million dollars toward the design and construction of a nuclear facility. The project then received a $750,000 grant from the National Science Foundation. The heavy water and uranium fuel to be used in the facility will be furnished Tech by the Atomic Energy Commission upon completion of the reactor. Total value of this fuel and heavy water is over $500,000. This new facility—expected to be completed by the fall of 1962—will provide important research services for education, industry, agriculture, public health, and medicine in Georgia, the southeast, and the nation as well as help to maintain Georgia Tech's reputation as a leading technological institution. President Harrison credited Chairman Frank Neely and his Georgia Nuclear Advisory Commission for his group's continuing efforts toward the realization of this important goal. On behalf of Mr. Neely, who was unable to attend the ceremonies, Mrs. Frank Neely accepted a special award of appreciation from President Harrison. The plaque read in part, "To Frank H. Neely, '04, in recognition of the strong support and guidance he has given the Institute's research and educational programs as exemplified . . . by his service in behalf of the Georgia Tech Nuclear Research Center as Chairman of the Georgia Nuclear Advisory Commission . . . by his efforts toward the formation and continual effective operation of the Rich Electronic Computer Center . . . by his interest along with that of Mrs. Neely which made possible the establishment of the Neely Visiting Professorship . . . and by the great honor that he has brought his Alma Mater through his business, professional, and civic accomplishments." It making the presentation, President Harrison credited Mr. Neely with being "the man most responsible for the realization of the Georgia Tech Nuclear Research Center, the largest single building project in the history of the Institute." Project director on the Nuclear Research Center is Dr. William B. Harrison, who has worked actively on the project since 1956. Special guests at the ceremonies included members of the Board of Regents, the Board of Trustees of the Georgia Tech National Alumni Association and the Georgia Tech Foundation, members of the Georgia Nuclear Advisory Commission, as well as many top state officials. TECH ALUMNUS

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