Georgia Tech Alumni Magazine Vol. 40, No. 03 1961

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tTfc NOVEMBER, 1961


Southern Tech's Johnson and McClure "A happy journey to a new campus." see page 6

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A/so in fhis issue

A PRIMER FOR PARENTS AND ALUMNI New look at a Library • Football roundup • Problems of Basketball HELA: THE STORY OF A CANCER CELL






I N S U R O R 5




SHERWOOD 6 . - 9 6 9 1 MACON J . L. BROOKS '39





A THERE are those who shout that bigtime athletics profane the universities that endorse them. We disagree. Many a large corporation has spent millions attempting to create the type of company spirit the colleges have acquired with simple games played with balls of varying shapes. For all of their obvious weaknesses, the games still have a great deal to offer to those of us who unabashedly worship at the shifting shrine of the athletes when we should be thinking loftier thoughts about the helluva mess the world is in. Sports are toy versions of combat. And, to a man, combat of any type is the final test of his ability to face the brutal truths of life on a planet seemingly dedicated to self-destruction. We have worked the combat arenas in two wars. The absence of the loftier thinkers is especially noticeable there. Somehow, the philosophers prefer to stay at home to think. Often, in the combat zones, how the Yankees or the Notre Dames or the Georgia Techs made out last week is of considerably more importance than the magnificent thoughts of the philosophers. This is why it upsets us to see an athlete anywhere giving less than his complete self to a game. And, there are many of this type still going through college without paying the price. When you finally see one who is returning more to the games than is in him, then all of this fuss and fury seems to make some sense. Billy Williamson is such a man. They say in the brochures that the little man from Coral Gables stands 5 ' 8 " tall and weighs in at 158 pounds. Standing beside him, it appears that he more nearly approaches our own 5' 7 " 140pound limit. But, out on that field at a practice session or on any given Saturday, Billy Williamson is 10 feei tall. He is a 110 percenter every minute. A lot of men give less to nobler activities. Williamson is no student. He is a man always on the brink of academic bankruptcy. He gives of himself to his studies, but he gives more to the game that brought him the chance at a college education—a chance he would not have had any other way.

A ON THIS Saturday morning of the Auburn game he is checking his box at the post office still wondering if he will be allowed to play on an ankle injured last week against Duke. His only other quote is "Why do they have classes around this place on the Saturday of a game. I normally don't mind it, but today I should be down in the training room getting my ankle worked on." He said nothing of the fact that most of the athletes would not even be considering playing on. an ankle filled with so much pain. Just this past Monday, he was walking the campus on crutches. Last year the same thing happened in practice the Tuesday before the Alabama game. Williamson played in the game despite the fact that on the Wednesday before his ankle pained him so much that two of his friends had to carry him up the hill to his classes. Williamson has been on the first team since his sophomore year. In that first year, the fans who don't understand the game did a lot of complaining about his apparent (to them) inability to play defense. What they didn't realize is that his own dedication was forcing him to cover territory that was the responsibility of other men. When the plays gained, Williamson not the other back received the criticism. He was then as now the best defensive back that the Tech team has had since Paul Rotenberry.

A. WILLIAMSON didn't get to play the Auburn game. He paced the sidelines or fidgeted in a chair as his teammates edged Auburn, 7-6. We have a feeling that if Auburn had been successful in its two-point conversion Williamson would have gone in the game for Tech's final drive. Now, they are talking about holding him out of the Tulane game unless he is really needed. So valuable is this little man to Tech's fortunes that he is being guarded for the Florida-Tennessee-Alabama-Georgia stretch drive like he is a jewel of enormous value. And, to tell you the truth, even those who do not care for the game should cherish him as such. For, such devotion to anything is a rare commodity in today's market of cynicism.



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t/fe NOVEMBER, 1961

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2. RAMBLIN'—a few words about a man who is willing to pay the price of playing football. 6. HAPPIEST MOVE OF THE YEAR—after more than 13 years, Southern Tech gets a campus that doesn't look like a group of GI barracks (which the old one was). 10. PRIMER FOR PARENTS—if you are planning to send your son or daughter to college, heed the words of Tech's guidance director. 14. THIS is A LIBRARY—one of Tech's greatest assets,

the Price Gilbert Memorial Library. 17. AN ABSENCE OF GUARDS—there are no Kaisers or

Blemkers or Randalls this year. 18. FOOTBALL REPORTS—pictures and stories of Tech's game with Duke, Auburn, and Tulane. 20. HELA, THE PROGENY OF HELEN—a story of cancer research at Georgia Tech. 22. THE GEORGIA TECH JOURNAL—all of the news about the Institute, the alumni clubs, and the alumni by classes.

Officers of the Georgia Tech National Alumni Association R. A. Siegel, '36, Pres. I. H. Hardin, '24, VP J. F. Willett, '45, VP J. L. Brooks, Jr., '39, Treas. W. Roane Beard, '40, Executive Secretary Bob

Wallace, Jr., '49, Editor Bill Diehl, Jr., Chief Photographer Mary Jane Reynolds, Editorial Assistant Tom Hall, '59, Advertising Mary Peeks, Class Notes

THE COVER Two of the happiest men at Georgia Tech are Larry Johnson (left) and Hoyt McClure. For over 13 years Johnson, the former head of Southern Tech and now Tech's Extension Division Director and for 10, McClure the man who replaced him as director at Southern Tech have been waiting to move to a new campus. For the story of this move turn to page 6. Photograph





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by Bill Diehl,


Published eight times a year—February, March. May, July, September, October, November and December*—by the Georgia Tech National Alumni Association, Georgia Institute of Technology; 225 North Avenue, Atlanta, Georgia. Subscription price (35c per copy) included in the membership dues. Second class postage paid at Atlanta, Georgia.


Y TERM as president of your National Alumni

Association has been an extremely pleasant experience. Wherever I have gone during this year—from Georgia to California—I have found basically the most loyal group of alumni that an institution of higher learning could possibly have. Of course, there were scattered alumni unhappy about one or another phase of the Institute's operation. Many of you were unhappy about the desegregation of Tech. But, believe me your best interests were served in the way that this problem was handled by President \ Harrison and his staff. The local, state, national, and international image of Georgia Tech all improved through the handling of a difficult and unfortunate situation. Remember, this image will continue to relate to the value of your Georgia Tech diploma. There were—as always—alumni unhappy about the football ticket situation at Tech. Let me explain that your alumni organization has nothing to do with the sale of tickets. However, it does have the responsibility of appointing three representatives to the Athletic Board, which is composed of these alumni, faculty members, administration representatives, and student members. These alumni representatives have been kept informed as to how the alumni feel about the ticket situation, and they have tried to help alleviate the problems as much as possible under present conditions. But many of our ticket problems will remain unsolved, because there just isn't enough seating space to satisfy the alumni needs. For every alumnus who has indicated displeasure at one or another area of Tech activities, there have been hundreds who have indicated that they believe that the Institute and the Alumni Association are being operated with the best interests of the alumni always in mind. The National Alumni Association will continue to constantly strive toward this objective. Continue your faith in Georgia Tech and in the Alumni Association. Be tolerant of all of our shortcomings and mistakes. I am sure that under Frank Willett and his fine staff of officers and trustees, the Association will continue its efforts to aid Tech in its drive towards greatness. Thank you again for allowing me the privilege of serving you during this past year.

/cfcj^ef^ TECH ALUMNUS

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UNION CARBIDE ... a h a n d in things to come

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The old Southern Tech campus stands in desolution as the school moves to the new big campus (right) near Marietta, Georgia.

AFTER A WAIT of more than 13 years, Southern Technical - t v Institute—part of Tech's Engineering Extension Division—finally got its new campus. The two-year technician educational institution had been turning out top-quality engineering and science technicians (2,426) from its temporary quarters in Chamblee's nearby Naval Air Station since it first opened its doors in 1948. The move to the modern, $2,000,000, 8-building campus near Marietta is now complete. The Southern Tech people started moving September 25 after several delays caused by the usual plagues of building—strikes and bad weather. They opened for classes a week late this year on October 2 in six of the eight buildings. By November, the other two buildings were in operation and the beautiful new 120-acre campus was peopled by 895 students and 60 faculty members. Since its inception, Southern Tech has enjoyed support from a variety of sources. The new campus is another example of this diversified aid. The Board of Regents received an initial allocation from the governor of $2 million for construction. The Regents later authorized the purchase of 34 acres of land for the campus. The original site of 86 acres was provided by Cobb County. And, the City of Marietta and Cobb County joined forces to provide streets, sewers, sidewalks, light standards, rough grading, utilities, and parking lots. A Cobb County campus committee has worked with Tech and Southern Tech officials since 1958, planning the fullest use of city and county facilities. This committee includes representatives of the Marietta and Cobb County governments, news media and civic clubs. The total value of the contributions of Marietta and Cobb County has been estimated at between $250,000 and $350,000. The original two courses planned for Southern Tech grew to seven technical programs by 1948 when the school first opened its doors to 117 students. The Institute now offers Associate of Science degrees to all graduates. And, Southern Tech operates a highly successful placement

system that has managed to keep industry interested in hiring these graduates who are taking over many of the less theoretical tasks once handled by engineering and science graduates from four-year colleges. Thus, in its own way, Southern Tech is helping solve part of the problem of the shortage of engineers and scientists in this country.

Even the faces of the staff change with the new surroundings as shown in these before and after pictures of the PBX operator.

THE HAPPIEST MOVE OF THE YEAR Southern Tech packs its bags to leave a dreary temporary campus and moves to a brand-new plant near Marietta Photographed for the Georgia Tech Alumnus by Bill Diehl, Jr.

One side of the new classroom building, one of eight new ones now occupied at Marietta.




The smile of a student tells the story of the new eating place in the student center.

A big change in surroundings makes a bigger change in the faces is A SAYING in educational circles that it takes more than a beautiful, functional campus to make a good educational institution. That Southern Tech has prospered under almost impossible conditions for 13 years is proof of the accuracy of this philosophy. However, Southern Tech faculty members were happy to give the new buildings a try, and the students are easier to come by now that they can be shown a completely modern campus. The move of the campus was one of the largest in this country since Wake Forest abandoned its old campus to move to a new one several years ago. It was full of headaches, and trials. But the Southern Tech folks took to it as if it were a September picnic. They had been inconvenienced too long not to enjoy what was ahead for them at Marietta.



On the day of the first move, director Hoyt McClure survives what has been home for ten years. The next day, he checks the look of the new campus at Marietta.


The laboratory equipment is packed up to move from Chamblee, and then checked on arrival by Johnson and McClure (r).

The bright look of the new surroundings tell the story of the two campuses for everyone.

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"by James A. Strickland

A PRIMER FOE PARENTS Tech's Director of Guidance answers the most-asked questions from the parents of Georgia Tech freshmen over the past year It has been my good fortune to be a part of the Parents' Day programs each year both to listen to and to try to answer some of the questions which you, as parents, have asked. After the 1961 program, several parents expressed to me the feeling that both they and their sons or daughters would have benefited if they had known earlier in the freshman year answers to questions asked in April at Parents' Day. Also, it occurred to me that something should be done to answer the questions of all parents of freshmen students. If all parents of our students have more knowledge about Georgia Tech then all would benefit—Georgia Tech, you, and your son. Q. How is a freshman selected for admission to Georgia Tech? A. In selecting students for Georgia Tech, the question which guides our overall admission's policy is, "Does this student have a good chance of succeeding at Georgia Tech?" Of course, no matter how carefully we consider each applicant there are errors in judgment, and some students do not succeed. The freshman applicant's acceptance is determined primarily on the basis of his high school record and the results of the College Board examinations. The recommendations of high school principals and counselors are, also, considered. None of the criteria used to select students is perfect. However, the best single indication of future academic success is the student's high school record. Q. How difficult is an engineering education? A. An engineering education if" a very strenuous education. The engineering freshman is expected to work a 60-hour week. He will spend approximately 30 hours in classes and laboratory work. He is expected to spend approximately 30 hours per week in study. Some students are neither ready, mature enough, or willing to devote this much time to school work. Most of them did not have to study this much in high school and they find it extremely difficult to make the transition from high school to college. 10

Art by David Cooper ""'<l|,,..v-


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Q. How serious is academic warning? A. This is not too serious. The student is still considered to be in good standing. This is a reminder for him to look more carefully at his past behavior, to settle down, and to begin work. Q. How serious is academic probation? A. This is serious. If the freshman who is on probation makes an average for that probationary quarter below a 1.7 he may be dropped. Q. How serious is it to be dropped for academic reasons? A. This is extremely serious. The student who is dropped for academic reasons is not in good standing at Georgia Tech, and many accredited colleges will not accept him under these circumstances. According to a recent study by Tech, only eight per cent of the freshmen were dropped after being here three quarters. Q. If my son makes poor grades, how long is it before he is dropped from Tech? A. In the overwhelming majority of cases a student TECH ALUMNUS

has three quarters to prove that he can and will do acceptable work. Q. If my son is dropped by Tech for academic reasons, what can he do in order to reenter Georgia Tech? A. Georgia Tech has an evening school on its campus. The student who is dropped from our regular day school program is usually allowed to take prescribed courses either in the evening school or another approved college. If he does acceptable work in the evening school or another approved college, he is allowed to return to our regular day school program. So, you can see that the student has actually more than three quarters to reinstate himself. Q. What does Tech consider to be acceptable work? A. The minimum acceptable average for a freshman is a 1.7, which is approximately a D + . This average applies only to freshmen and does not apply to sophomores, juniors and seniors. Their minimum acceptable averages are somewhat higher. Q. Why is the minimum average for the freshman so low? A. We realize that the freshman student has many adjustments to make his first year of college. For many of them it is like moving from sandlot baseball to Yankee Stadium. Consequently, we want to give him time to make these adjustments. Q. What marking or grading system is used at Tech? A. The following marking system is now in effect: A—excellent (4 quality points) B—good, above average (3 quality points) C—satisfactory (2 quality points) D—unsatisfactory, but passing (1 quality point) F—failure, must be repeated if in a required course (no quality points) S—credit by transfer, examination for advanced standing, or satisfactory completion of a noncredit course (not included in calculation of scholastic average). A mark of D is passing in a single subject, but a general average of C is required for graduation. Q. What is the failure rate at Tech? A. In general, let me say that the percentage of students who fail at Tech is probably no higher and in some instances not as high as the percentage of students who fail at some other colleges and universities. An analysis of the records of 4,420 Tech students was made in 1960 to determine the total number of hours failed by these students since their admission to Georgia Tech. Of these 4,420 students, there were 1,210 students, or 28 per cent, who had not failed any courses. Approximately 64 per cent had failed 10 hours or less, or approximately three courses; and 92 per cent had failed 25 hours or less. Only eight per cent had failed 26 or more credit hours. NOVEMBER, 1961

Q. What percentage of the students who begin at Tech do not complete their education at Tech? A. In addition to academic difficulties there are several other important reasons why students do not complete their education at that college they initially attended. Among these reasons are financial difficulties, changing vocational interests, and personal problems. Nationally, approximately 50 per cent of the students who begin in a particular college do not complete their education at that college. At Georgia Tech, in 1955 there were 1,459 freshmen who entered. In 1959, there were 891 of these 1,459 freshmen, or 61 per cent, who had either graduated or who were still enrolled. Of the remaining 39 per cent who did not graduate or who were not still enrolled, some were dropped by Tech for academic reasons. Others withdrew voluntarily for various reasons. Q. What are the main reasons why some students do not succeed at Georgia Tech? A. Failure to succeed at Georgia Tech is not caused, primarily, by low ability. There are probably other more important reasons such as immaturity, poor study habits, inability to discipline oneself to the demands of the school, personal adjustment problems, and interests which are not similar to those required for the engineering-science curriculum. The choice of Georgia Tech and an engineering education is frequently based on the prestige of Georgia Tech, the reputation of Tech's football team, the importance of being an engineer, the salaries which engineers make, and a completely unrealistic idea of the work of the engineer. Very few freshmen have the slightest idea of the real work of the engineer and not many of them seriously consider the question, "Do I have the kind of ability which is necessary to become a successful engineer?" Although it sounds far-fetched, some of our students choose aeronautical engineering because it is the first program listed in our catalog. Some choose aeronautical engineering because they like to build and to fly model airplanes. Others choose electrical engineering because they enjoy repairing radios and television sets. And still others choose mechanical engineering because they enjoy working on automobiles. Consequently, some of our students find that engineering is not what they thought it was and became unhappy and confused. Q. Why do so many freshmen fail their mathematics and chemistry courses? A. There are probably three major reasons: (1) The emphasis on mathematics and science courses in an engineering school is more pronounced than in other types of colleges. (2) These courses are more concentrated and the instruction proceeds at a much faster pace than many students were accustomed to in high school. (3) Their high school background in these courses has been inadequate.



Q. Why does Tech allow graduate students to teach freshmen courses? A. In my opinion, the best qualified professors should teach our freshmen students. The proper motivation and the building up of the necessary basic skills for future learning is extremely important at this time. However, the demand for experienced professors is far greater than the supply. Also, because of inadequate funds it is very difficult to secure those qualified professors that we need at all educational levels. Consequently, we select very carefully the best qualified graduate students to teach some of our courses. Q. How can I find out how my son is doing in his courses before the final report?

All of these services are provided in order to help your son have the best possible learning experience at Georgia Tech. It is usually best for you to suggest that he avail himself of one or more of these services if he is having academic trouble. On the other hand, it does little good for you to demand or insist that he seek help. // is best if your son takes the initiative.

A. The simplest thing to do is to contact the Dean of Students. He will contact each of his professors and will relay their remarks to you. He will also recommend a tutor if this seems advisable.

Q. My son has become undecided about his major and does not know what he wants to do as his life's work. What should be done?

Q. If my son is having academic trouble, what should I do? A. This is a very difficult question to answer since academic difficulties are caused by a number of things, and there is sometimes very little, of a concrete nature, that you can do to help. Anyway, here are some suggestions. You, as parents, should first try to listen to your son and let him talk about his difficulties. Try not to make pompous, condemnjpg, and trite remarks. Sometimes the less you say is much better than talking too much. Try to offer him encouragement and attempt to keep blame and criticism to a minimum. Many students say that their parents, especially their fathers, are always criticizing them but never praising them. Usually, it is a good idea to encourage him to talk with the professor of the course in which he is having trouble. Many freshmen are rather shy around professors and must be encouraged to seek help from them. If your son has tried to talk with his professor but has 12

not found him available, suggest that he contact the head of the department for the subject in which he is having trouble. For example, if he is having difficulty with a subject in mathematics, suggest that he contact the head of the mathematics department. The administrative deans who are located in room 206 Administration Building are vitally interested in the progress and welfare of your son. You might suggest that he contact one of these deans. They can usually help him or direct him to the proper person who can be of most help. The office of the Dean of Students is concerned with all phases of the student's life at Georgia Tech. The services provided by this office include those of attention to his physical welfare through the Georgia Tech Infirmary; attention to his religious welfare through the Georgia Tech Y.M.C.A. and other religious organizations on the campus; attention to his financial needs through part-time employment opportunities, scholarship, and loan information; attention to his military obligations and questions; attention to his housing needs through our dormitory program which includes student counselors and resident advisors in each dormitory to help students with many of the problems encountered in the college community; attention to his social needs through helping him to evaluate the extracurricular and social opportunities available to him on the campus; and attention to his personal, vocational and educational problems through the Guidance and Testing Service.

A. You should encourage him to make an appointment for vocational counseling and testing at Tech's Guidance and Testing Office where trained specialists are available to help him. Indecision about one's major is a very common occurrence. Approximately 50 per cent of the students at Tech change their majors either at Tech or change from Tech to another college or university. This is not so surprising when one considers the hundreds of majors offered in colleges and the thousands of jobs which are available to young people these days. Q. My son seems to be thoughtless of his family. Why does he write so* infrequently and why doesn't he want us to visit him? A. Despite how hurt you feel about his "thoughtless" behavior, your son is probably having- a very difficult time trying to become an adult. Like most parents you view him as still a child. On the other hand, he views TECH ALUMNUS

both himself and his parents with mixed emotions. He is trying to pull away from his parents and yet he yearns for the love and security which is provided by his parents. At the same time, he is trying to adjust to the differences in college teaching as compared with high school teaching, the differences in the ideas and backgrounds of the students he is living with and the new and exciting area of social living on the college campus. In addition to the tremendous pressures which these forces are exerting on him, he is engaged in a battle involving other forces such as, "Who am I?" and "What do I personally believe about God?" Is it no wonder that your son appears to be thoughtless at times? With all of these things on his mind, it is really amazing that he remembers to write at all. Q.

What are the opportunities for financial assistance?

A. Opportunities for financial assistance are somewhat limited. However, if you have questions relating to financial assistance, you should write the Scholarship and Loan Committee or the Dean of Students. Q. What is Georgia Tech's rating as compared with other engineering colleges and universities? A. We are convinced that Georgia Tech's undergraduate engineering programs are the best in the world. However, there is no official educational or professional organization which provides rankings of colleges and universities. Q.

What is the Co-operative Plan?

A. The main objective of the Co-operative Program is to provide selected students with opportunities to practice on the job what they have learned at Georgia Tech. This interlocking of theory and practice is provided through the integration of technical theory and practical industrial experience. This is accomplished through a five-year course whereby the student alternates between the Tech campus and industry until he has completed his second or third quarter of the junior year curriculum. At that time, he is scheduled to attend classes continuously until he is graduated. Anyone interested in making application for admission into the Co-operative Division should write to J. G. Wohlford, director of the Co-operative Division, for a bulletin which gives full details. Q.

Under this plan the student may attend one of these liberal arts colleges for three years and then one of the nine engineering schools of the Georgia Institute of Technology for two years. Upon satisfactory completion of his two years at the school of engineering, he is eligible for the appropriate bachelor's degree from his original college and the bachelor of engineering in his particular field from the Georgia Institute of Technology. Colleges and universities associated with the Georgia Institute of Technology in offering the 3-2 Plan of Engineering Education include: The University of the South —Sewanee, Tennessee; Davidson College—Davidson, North Carolina; Univereity of Chattanooga—Chattanooga, Tennessee; Southwestern at Memphis—Memphis, Tennessee; and the University of Georgia—Athens, Georgia.

What is the 3-2 Plan of Engineering Education?

A. With more and more engineers occupying positions of leadership in the business, manufacturing, and governmental fields, there has developed a need for a plan of engineering education that will provide more courses in liberal arts, physical sciences, and mathematics than is possible under the regular engineering curriculum. Recognizing this need, the Georgia Institute of Technology in 1954, arranged a combined plan with a limited number of outstanding liberal arts colleges in the South to offer to qualified prospective engineers a more complete and well-rounded form of training for the world of today and tomorrow. NOVEMBER, 1961

Q. Isn't the freshman year at Tech the same as it is in all other colleges and universities? A. Although there are some similarities, the freshman year at Tech is not the same as the freshman year in many other colleges and universities which emphasize the liberal arts. At Tech, we place considerably more emphasis on the mathematics-science courses than is placed on similar courses in a liberal arts college. Consequently, the student who experiences trouble with his mathematics-science courses at Tech may do considerably better in another college which does not have the same emphasis that Tech does. Q.

What is meant by the "liberal arts?"

A. There are a good many persons who confuse "liberal arts" with "fine arts." The fine arts usually include such majors as art and music. The liberal arts include majors in such academic areas as sociology, English, literature, political science, psychology, economics, business, education, and history. Q. If my son majored in the liberal arts, what job would he be prepared for when he was graduated? A. First, let me say, your son would not major in liberal arts. He might major in political science, enter a law school, and eventually become a practicing lawyer. He might major in psychology, secure additional graduate training, and become a psychologist. He might major in "biology, enter medical school, and eventually become a medical doctor. On the other hand, a four-year education in a liberal arts college does not necessarily prepare your son for a specific job once he is graduated. For example, an undergraduate degree in psychology could lead into several vocational directions. Your son might go into personnel work in business or industry; he might use his college experience to enter the advertising profession; he might use his college experience to enter counseling and guidance work; or, he might decide to pursue the Doctor of Philosophy degree in psychology and become a psychologist. The main purpose of a liberal arts education is to provide a well-rounded, broad education rather than to train the student for a specific job. 13






by Graham Roberts

CAL LIBRARY The "information explosion" has brought about a completely new look to the libraries of this country's technological universities and institutes.


ushered in by World War II has brought about a revolution in the concept of the role of the technical library. The volume of research, both pure and applied, and the resulting publication have increased at an astronomical rate. The insatiable demands of today's research have destroyed the handbook-textbook concept in technical libraries. The present-day technical library, whether it be academic or industrial in nature, must be research-oriented and must be organized to locate needed information in the most selective and efficient manner. On the campus, such libraries have developed into storehouses of information geared not only to the factual needs of the undergraduate but also to the research needs of the graduate student, the teaching and research faculties, and their industrial clientele. The Georgia Tech Library is an example of the revolution which has taken place. The growth in its physical plant HE NEW SCIENTIFIC ERA



and facilities, the steady development in the services and caliber of its staff, the rapid increase of its resources of books, magazines and reports and their accompanying indexes, abstracts and bibliographies—all these provide concrete evidence of the new role played by the Georgia Tech Price Gilbert Memorial Library. Completed in 1953, this modern building is an air-conditioned contemporary structure of five floors designed to hold approximately 500,000 volumes and 800 people. Use of glass and color, a warm and friendly atmosphere, the general feeling of spaciousness and freedom of movement, and use of the best in furniture and equipment symbolize the new technological environment. Growth and specialization in teaching and research programs have led to a corresponding growth and specialization in library services as the library has tried to keep pace with the institution's accelerated demands for the acquiring, processing and servicing of materials and information. To meet the challenge a gradual expansion of the library staff has been necessary. From a total of 10 persons in 1946, the staff has increased to 41 by 1961. Special service areas for General Studies and for Science Technology have been established and are manned by professional librarians 84 hours per week. The library is open for study a total of 90 hours per week. Informational services on such special collections as patents, maps and technical reports are handled by staff members particularly competent in these areas. During the past fifteen years, the number of volumes has grown from 77,000 to over 240,000. However, it is the quality of the expansion far more than its physical volume which is of primary importance. In this short period, the library's collection has developed into one of both regional and national importance. Last year a total of 4,621 interlibrary loan requests were received from borrowers in 41 states and 8 foreign nations. A further illustration of growth and development is the fact that ten years ago the library did not subscribe to a single Russian journal. Today it subscribes to 82 scientific and technical journals either in Russian or translated from Russian. Researchers from all over the nation seek our research information at Georgia Tech. The current serial subscriptions, including newspapers, periodicals, transactions and yearbooks now number about 7000. Of these over 2800 are scientific and technical journals, half of which come from foreign lands. Reference books, monographs and textbooks are available in plentiful supply, but it is the current periodical which constitutes the core of the present day technical library. Several special collections also add to Tech's library resources. One is the collection of technical reports. The technical report is often the first place that the results of applied research are published. These reports which vary in length from a few pages to several volumes are the important product of the ever-expanding government—industry contract system which began to develop during World War II. The library now has 75,000 reports. It is a depository for publications issued by such agencies as the Atomic 15

LIBRARY REVOLUTION-continued Energy Commission, the Rand Corporation, the Army Map Service, the Office of Technical Services of the U. S. Department of Commerce as well as many outstanding American and foreign research laboratories, and experiment stations connected with educational institutions. The library's collection of patents is another significant source for the researcher. Since May 7, 1946 the library has received copies of all U. S. patents. These include the complete specifications and accompanying drawings of all patents beginning with patent number 2,399,611. The recent acquisition of an index to the classification system used by the U. S. Patent Office now enables the Library to identify all patents by class and sub-class which were issued between 1790 and September 1959. Also available is a complete file of the OFFICIAL GAZETTE O F THE UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE and a long run of its British equivalent, the ABRIDGED BRITISH PATENT SPECIFICATIONS. Current subscriptions are held to patent journals of Canada, England, Germany, Australia and Russia. The Tech Library has become a southeastern regional center for patent information and is providing service for an increasing number of researchers, patent lawyers, and aspiring inventors. As library collections have become larger and more complex and as research needs have placed a premium on the quick and accurate retrieval of information, those tools (abstracts, indexes, bibliographies, etc.) which serve as keys to the information have become all important in the technical library. The Tech Library has responded with its policy of acquiring all important bibliographic tools needed to further the institution's teaching and research programs. The end result is that today, Tech's collection of scientific and technical bibliographies is without peer in this region of the country. Without these keys to the books, periodicals and reports, the retrieval of information would be difficult. Tech's library also participates along with the other major university and research libraries in the Farmington Plan for the acquisition of foreign publications. Under this arrangement the Tech Library receives copies of all items in the field of textile engineering on a world-wide basis. This program has added materially to the strength of the research resources available to the nation's textile engineers. Similar strong collections are being developed in those fields in which the institution offers the doctorate: Aeronautical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Electrical Engineering, Physics, @vil Engineering, Sanitary Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Industrial Engineering. In the past two decades, the Georgia Tech Library has expanded into one of the major technical and scientific collections of the nation. Georgia Tech's educational and research programs are ably assisted by its library building and the collection which it houses. Creation of a graduate degree specifically for the technical librarian is being taken under serious consideration follow16

ing a recent conference at Tech's library on America's scientific information problem. The meeting was sponsored by the National Science Foundation with a grant of $28,348. The graduate degree plan gained strong support as leading scientists and science librarians at the conference studied and evaluated various proposals for controlling what has become known as "the information explosion," caused by the rapid growth of science and technology. Conference members agreed generally that short term solutions to the problem would prove inadequate and that the answer to this dilemma is much too vital to be left to stop-gap measures. It is the job of the technical library to act as the link between the divisions of science, supplying the information of one to the other. When, through lack of personnel, this link is placed under stress and fails to perform its task. America's defense effort and economic health suffer. Nearly a year ago, preliminary work on a scientific information control conference was initiated by the National Science Foundation (NSF). Mrs. J. Henley Crosland, Georgia Tech's director of libraries, acted as principal investigator. She submitted the conference proposal to NSF and was instrumental in securing the grant. It was largely as a tribute to her efforts that NSF chose Tech's Price Gilbert Memorial Library as the conference site. Mrs. Crosland was named general chairman for the session and she and her staff worked out details for the conference, held October 1.2 and 13. The fact that many of America's leading scientists and science librarians attended the conference indicates the importance of issues under discussion. The conference focused on both short range solutions such as summer institutes and internships; and long range approaches in undergraduate and graduate degree programs. An undergraduate degree in which a candidate would combine courses in science and processing scientific literature won a certain amount of approval. It was pointed out that a number of library schools offer such a degree at present. But this work is not technically oriented and conferees felt candidates need a heavier concentration of science training which they would receive in graduate work. Tech personnel plan to give more consideration to all methods proposed for solving the problem, according to Robert J. Kyle, head of Tech's Technical Information Section, who helped organize the session. There is a possibility that Tech will soon begin to offer some training in this field. Kyle said Tech personnel will spend about six months studying conference material and requirements for best meeting the problem. Their findings and plans will be presented at a second conference, tentatively slated next spring. The conference is recognized as a major step toward relieving the science information dilemma in America's libraries which constitute a vital resource for research and instruction. TECH ALUMNUS

Keith Weekly (32) drops two points in last year's home final against Florida. Weekly was injured badly on the very next play.



AN ABSENCE OF GUARDS There are no Kaisers or for that matter no Blemkers or Randalls in this year's crop of guards, but the forwards are tough


OR THE FIRST SEASON in over half a

decade, Tech will be opening a basketball season without a high-scoring guard around which to build a team. Roger Kaiser, the Jackets' first all-American basketball player, has joined other great scorers, Buddy Blemker, Bobby Kimmel, and Terry Randall in the alumni ranks. Other losses from last year's squad include forward Wayne Richards and guard John Hoffman. Leading star back from the 1960-61 team that set new attendance records despite a 13-13 season is feather-touch Keith Weekly, a forward who is apparently fully recovered from a bad face injury suffered in the final game of last season. He will be joined by big center Alan Nass, still recovering from a siege of summer illness and injuries; Captain Josh Powell, a forward of experience; Mike Tomasovich, another experienced forward; Roger Casida, a performer of some potential who hasn't proven himself as yet; and guards John Gehr and Frank Landrey, both erratic players during the past season. Up from the solid freshman team of last year are center Jimmy Tumlin, and strong guards John Herbert and Bill Nigg. Also adding strength are holdout Charles Spooner, a good-shooting forward; and sophomore Bill Eidson, a nonscholarship boy who led a campus team to the Georgia AAU championships last year. Herbert and Nigg are likely to see a great deal of service and may give Tech its first pair of starting sophomore guards since Randall and Blemker. The starting forwards at this writing look like Weekly NOVEMBER, 1 9 6 1

and Tomasovich with Powell and Spooner close behind. Nass will get the call at center if he stands up physically and Powell is likely to see dual duty at center also. Coach Hyder and his staff will be hard pressed to match last year's record with this squad. But, if they can adjust to a forward-oriented offense to take advantage of Weekly's and Spooner's shooting ability they'll surprise some folks on the way. 1961-1962 Basketball Schedule Date



Southern Methodist









William & M a r y












Dec. 2 9

Houston Atlanta


Poinsettia Tourney

Greenville Greenville

Dec. 3 0

Poinsettia Tourney














'Mississippi State
























'Louisiana State






















'Kentucky Georgia



Atlanta Lexington Atlanta

Atlanta Atlanta Knoxville

Athens Gainesville Nashville

'SEC G a m e


,— .*•:-



HE JACKETS rolled into the final four games of the 1961 season with a 5-1 slate after whipping Duke, 21-0; edging Auburn, 7-6; and crushing Tulane in the rain in New Orleans, 35-0. After two consecutive defeats by Duke, the Jackets rose up and knocked the Blue Devils from the unbeaten ranks with a 21-0 drubbing. Tech dominated the first half but couldn't score on the Duke defense which up until this game had not allowed a single touchdown. The first half cost Tech the services of star halfback Billy Williamson when "the little Indian" was injured in a pile-up on the last play. Williamson was out for the Auburn game also. Tackle Russ Foret was lost for the season when he injured his knee in the same manner. In the second half, Tech went to work with the kickoff and drove 65 yards to a score with Gann going over on a rollout from the Duke 6. Lothridge added the point and Tech had a 7-0 lead. Early in the fourth quarter, Joe Auer, subbing for Williamson, intercepted a short Duke pass at the Devils' 18 and raced in for an apparent score. However, one official blew his whistle by mistake and the play was called back to the 18. Tech went on in from here in four plays with Auer making most of the yardage on passes from Lothridge. Graning went the final four yards and Lothridge added the point to make it 14-0. Tech's final score came on a 31 yard drive set up by a Duke fumble. Tech had a score called back on this one also when Graning took a flat pass from Gann on second down and raced in only to be called back for a clipping infraction. Lothridge scored finally on a sneak from one yard out, and kicked his ninth RAT in a row to make the final score, 21-0. After four years of frustration with Auburn, Bobby Dodd finally got a touch of revenge when the Jackets edged the War Eagles, 7-6, on Grant Field. Dodd has seen his teams lose to Auburn, 0-3, 6-7, 7-9, and tie them 7-7 in the past four contests and stated after the game that he would have rather won this one by one point than by 30. Tech threatened early in the game when they drove to the Auburn 17 only to lose the ball on a Gann fumble. Big gainers in the


drive were Joe Auer, still sitting in for Williamson, and Mike McNames. The first half was all Tech until the closing minute when Auburn drove to the Tech 17 before end Bob Solomon intercepted a pass to halt the thrust. The Jackets scored midway in the second quarter on a 60-yard drive featuring a couple of great runs by halfback Zollie Sircy and some magnificent driving by fullback Mike McNames who finally scored on a dive from the Auburn 2. Lothridge added the point that made the final difference and it was 7-0. Auburn scored halfway through the final period after recovering a Gann fumble at the Tech 43. The War Eagles went straight in on a drive highlighted by a 28-yard burst by fullback Rawson that put them on the Tech 6. A pass to Burson ate up the remaining yardage in one big gulp. The War Eagles then went for broke on a two-point try on the same play but halfback Machen, the intended receiver, fell in the end zone and Auburn's hopes fell with him. Auburn got the ball once more after Tech had driven from its own 30 to the Eagles' 38 before a punt put the ball on the Eagles' 20. Tech choked this abortive effort with a great Watson tackle on fourth and two and took over at the Auburn 24. The Jackets killed the clock on a drive to the Auburn 9 as the game ended. Fans wondering why the Jackets didn't try a field goal on the last play only have to look at the Auburn-Kentucky game when the War Eagles blocked a Wildcat attempt and ran it back for a touchdown. The Tulane game was no contest as the Jackets jumped out front, 14-0, in the first period on an opening drive climaxed by a 10-yard dash by Sircy, and a long pass play from Lothridge to Auer that went 57 yards. Tech made it 21-0 when Mike Nicholl recovered a Greenie fumble in the end zone. The second half was more of the same as the Tech 3rd and 4th stringers took over and scored twice, both after blocked kicks. Lothridge went in on one after Solomon recovered a blocked punt on the Tulane one. Wright grabbed the other in the end zone after another blocked punt. Wright previously tackled Camp in the end zone for a safety. The final score on a wet, dreary day was Tech-35, Tulane-0. TECH ALUMNUS

The power of a Tech sweep is shown in these action pictures by Bill Diehl at the Duke game. Graning (r) goes right on one play and on the next Williamson comes back.

Evolution of a score. Zollie Sircy breaks loose to the Auburn 23 to start the drive (left) then McNames gallops through a hole to the two (r) and then dives over on a great effort to score the only Tech touchdown.

DOES NOT EXIST for these tiny units of life. They by Frank Bigger are held suspended in it with no yesterday and no tomorrow. Only the present, only now would be real for them, A dry ice and alcohol freezing bath is used in the first if they possessed an awareness. step of the technique for putting the cells into suspended In this state they do not belong to the 20th Century, or animation. The cells are capsulated in glycerine-filled amto any century, age or eon for that matter. Yet, locked pules before being placed in the bath where they are frozen inside these frozen microscopic beings are secrets which, to around minus 70 degrees centigrade. They must be if understood, could have tremendous consequences on this chilled at a constant rate of one degree per minute. In the and future centuries, even on man's comprehension of life next step they are placed in liquid nitrogen and frozen to minus 170 degrees centigrade. Their activity is suspended itself. These units are human cells. They are abnormal human by the cold, but they can live for months in this condition. cells. Some mysterious change took hold of them a long How this is achieved is not clearly understood, Fetner time ago and turned them into rogues, rebels. In a manner explained, but it is believed that the glycerine actually enters of speaking they are outlaws of the cell society. They the cells and prevents ice crystals from forming. turned malignant and brought about the death of the orEnglish scientists have been able to place monkeys and ganism of which they were a part. Now they are tamed rabbits into suspended animation by using similar methods. because they are imprisoned in cold; placed in a state of The body temperature of the animals is gradually dropped suspended animation. This way they may become the ser- until their hearts stop beating. Yet, they do not die. vants of life rather than destroyers of it. Aside from its ability to halt cell division, radiation, like The man who put these cells into this living-death con- ozone, has the capacity to produce changes without harmdition is Dr. Robert H. Fetner of Georgia Tech's bioengi- ing. Such materials are called "mutagens" and are of parneering and radioisotopes laboratory. Fetner's charges, the ticular interest. Killing a few cells most often has little cells, belong to a "family" he has been working with for significance because it is a terminal process. However, about 10 years. These cells are the progeny of those brought alteration of cellular activity may produce continuing and into his laboratory a decade ago and the name of the family profound influences particularly if the information centers is HeLa, from Helen, a woman whose body they were have been affected. taken from. Like other cells, these could live forever In considering such an aspect it is necessary to point out through the simple expediency of dividing themselves pe- that humans begin life as a single cell and reach full magriodically. nificence by numerous multiplications of this basic unit. Fetner's work, being done for the National Institutes of Each cell in the body produced from the initial cell must Health and the U. S. Air Force School of Aerospace Medi- contain all of the information developed through eons of cine, involves breakage of "information centers" in the cells time and must pass it along cell by cell to future generations. This is the work of the chromosomes and if this inby use of radiation, in this case X-rays. These information centers are rod-like bodies, .00008 formation is to be transmitted intact during cell division inches long, called chromosomes. They are located in the it must be duplicated with finite precision. Should some of nucleus of each cell. Cell division, or mitosis, can be the information be lost or distorted by radiation effects in stopped when chromosomes are broken. The importance of the genetic area, mere contemplation of the results can be halting cell division is obvious in arresting cancer. Fetner terrifying. seeks to learn how radiation inactivates cancer and normal Fetner, a Savannah, Ga., native, is a Ph.D. in radiation cells and how radiation can best be used to treat ma- biology. He explains that maintenance of human cells in lignancies. culture in test tubes is now routine in many laboratories Previously, the time factor had been a great stumbling all over the world. block in the study of cell reaction to radiation. Human "Such cells may be maintained indefinitely and under cells have been placed aboard satellites and sent beyond ideal conditions will double their numbers approximately the protective shield of earth's atmosphere where they were every 30 hours," he said. "But all of this work is in its bombarded by radiation streaming out from the sun. But infancy." they had to be returned from orbit in a given length of time Remarkable strides have been made within the past and rushed back to laboratories ^yhere they could be fed. decade in this field. Only in the last two or three years, for Fetner has made the HeLa cells "time independent" by example, has the chromosome number of man been defifreezing them. This permits him to subject the cells to an nitely established at 46. And it has been learned that such unlimited, but carefully checked amount of radiation. With mistakes of nature as mongoloids are characterized by the known accumulation of radiation, which could not be abnormal numbers of chromosomes. recorded aboard an earth satellite, Fetner can determine at So the HeLa cells sleep on in the frigid world created what level chromosomes begin to break. A certain amount for them in Fetner's laboratory, absorbing radiation and of radiation breaks a certain amount of chromosomes. This being changed by it. Their contributions to science may information will be useful in setting radiation doses in can- one day play an awesome role in man's efforts to comprecer treatment. hend the forces of life and to better understand himself.





THE PROGENY OF HELEN Sleeping cells may give man a new weapon against cancer


Dr. Fetner who for ten years has been studying a group of cancer cells for mankind.


An Alumni Association Citation

Tfye- InstituteThe Changing Faces of a Campus

THE CHANGING character of the Georgia Tech campus is never more apparent than in the fall of the year. Going over the list of new members of the faculty and staff this year, we came up with a grand total of 90, a figure that rather staggers us. For the statistically-minded, 52 of these 90 are new members of the teaching schools and departments, 20 are members of the Engineering Experiment Station staff, and eight are in the administrative category. In addition to this list, four of Georgia Tech's teachers have returned from leave, and Southern Tech has added six new staff members.

tjoces intfje News Dr. Newton H. Barnette, now associate director of Tech's Electrical Engineering School is the first recipient of Tech's Westinghouse professorship. Barnette came to Tech from Arkansas where he was head of the Electrical Engineering Department. Tech received the Nestinghouse grant this spring. Dr. Michael K. Wilkinson, a top international neutron diffraction authority, has been named the first annual Neely Professor at Tech. He will teach in the School of Physics. A grant from Mr. and Mrs. Frank Neely, '04, made it possible for Tech to get this experienced man. 22

AT THE September 30, 1961, meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Georgia Tech National Alumni Association the following resolution was passed: "RESOLVED: That the Board of Trustees of the Georgia Tech National Alumni Association hereby commend President Edwin D. Harrison, the members of his staff, the faculty of Georgia Institute of Technology, and the students of the Institute for their superior handling of the desegregation crisis of September, 1961. Further, that a copy of this resolution be sent to President Harrison and to the editor of the Technique for dissemination to all members of the Georgia Tech family and that this resolution be recorded in the minutes of this meeting." A New Enrollment Record

W. L. CARMICHAEL, director of admissions, reports the largest day-school enrollment in' the history of Georgia Tech with 5,847 students signed up for the Fall Quarter. The previous high was 5,747 in the fall of 1960. Evening School Division reports an enrollment of 1,470 as compared with last fall's enrollment of 1,404. Research Grants Pour In


has received

a National

Science Foundation grant of $28,348 for support of research in "Programs for Training Personnel for Scientific and Technical Libraries" under the direction of Mrs. Dorothy M. Crosland, director of libraries. A number of leading scientists and science libraries are taking part. NSF has also awarded Tech a grant of $27,800 for support of research entitled "Electron Transfer Reactions and Complex Ions of Transition Metals" under the direction of Dr. Henry M. Neumann and Dr. Harold R. Hunt, School of Chemistry. A third NSF grant for $17,200 has been awarded Tech for support of research on "Heinsenberg's Non-Linear Field Theory," under the direction of Dr. R. Martin Ahrens, associate professor of Physics and

Research Associate, Engineering Experiment Station. Dr. Robert H. Fetner, radiation biologist at Tech's bioengineering and radioisotopes laboratory, has received a grant of $12,535 from the National Advisory Health Council for the study of X-radiation effects in human cell cultures. The Lead Industries Association, under the AZI-LIA Expanded Research Program has awarded a $3,000 fellowship grant to Georgia Tech's School of Ceramic Engineering to be used to support research work in the field of "Lead Glazes for Structural Clay Products." Peace Corps Appointment

FREDDIE LANOUE, veteran swimming coach at Georgia Tech, has been appointed to President Kennedy's Peace Corps. Lanoue— the foremost "drownproofer" in the world —will aid in physical training of corps members.

"Tfje- Club


ATLANTA, GEORGIA—Over 100 Tech alumni heard Fred Ajax, Tech's director of public relations, give his version of "The Evolution of a Tech Alumnus," at the September 28 meeting of the Greater Atlanta Georgia Tech Club. Ajax received a standing ovation for his perceptive and humorous talk which will be edited into an article for the December issue of The Alumnus. Also cheered was Tech's new defensive coach, Charlie Tate, who briefed the group on the 1961 football team. Bill Home, Jr., is president of the club. BALTIMORE,



Georgia Tech Club held its annual summer picnic late in the summer and over 100 alumni and guests turned out for the affair. The club has plans for a winter banquet at a date to be announced to all Tech alumni in the area. TECH ALUMNUS

CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE Association President R. A. "Pop" Siegel was the featured speaker at the September meeting of the Chattanooga Georgia Tech Club. Over 80 alumni and guests (including seven new Tech freshmen from the area) heard Siegel's talk on the growth of the Alumni Association. Coach Joe Pittard briefed the audience on Tech's 1961 football team and the prospects for the season ahead. During the business meeting, the following officers were elected for the coming year: Robert B. Williams, president; J. Lamar Wheat, vice president; Marvin A. Turner, secretary; and Robert M. Compton, treasurer. DAYTONA BEACH, FLORIDA Coach Bobby Dodd was the guest speaker at the summer meeting of the Daytona Beach Area Club. Dodd talked on the Tech athletic and academic programs and capsuled the 1961 squad for the alumni present. Four 1961 Tech freshmen from the area were guests at the meeting. During the business meeting John L. Tennant of Daytona Beach was elected president and William T. Whitaker, Jr. of New Smyrna Beach was elected secretary-treasurer. HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA—Jack Griffin, head of Tech's offensive coaching staff, was the featured speaker at the August meeting of the Huntsville Georgia Tech Club. Griffin briefed the large crowd on Tech's 1961 prospects and the SEC race. Ray Rich is president of the club which will hold its next meeting on November 17 with Tech's director of development Joe W. Guthridge as the speaker. MEMPHIS,



He was an engineer and president of a building company. Mr. Newbanks built many Atlanta buildings, including the Aeronautical Engineering Building at Georgia Tech. His widow lives at 929 Todd Road, N.E., Atlanta, Georgia.


I4C / . H. Lucas, B.S. in M.E. 1915, B.S. 13 in C.E. 1921, M.S. in C.E. 1929. Professor of Civil Engineering for 41 years and retired in June 1960, is now doing Consulting Engineering. One of his recent consulting jobs was in connection with the investigation of the Khmer-American Friendship Highway in Cambodia. The trip to Cambodia was made by air and was by way of New York, Paris, Rome, Tehran, New Delhi, Bankok, and Phnom Penh. Two weeks were spent in Cambodia with headquarters at Phnom Penh, the capital of that country. The return trip was by air and included Hong Kong, Tokyo, Wake, Honolulu, Los Angeles, Dallas and back to Atlanta. The trip was made at the request of A. L. Dougherty Overseas, Inc. of New York, who was the contractor for construction of the highway.





nual August golf match between Atlanta and West Point alumni, the West Point Club held a meeting presided over by R. Fred Cook, Jr. Guest speakers were Dean George Griffin and Roane Beard. The Atlanta invaders who narrowly won the golf match, 9Vz to 7, were special guests at the meeting.

I f j O Joseph A. Brinson died October 18 U t in an Atlanta hospital. He was the retired manager of the old Robert Fulton Hotel. M fl Montgomery Haynes, an official of I" the Atlanta Roofing Company, died in September. His widow lives at 1371 North Highland Avenue, N.E., Atlanta, Georgia. '11 ^ e n a v e ' u s t been informed of the I I death of Robert F. Golden on December 19, 1959. His widow lives at 207 Elm Avenue, Riverton, New Jersey.


Tom Hall spoke to the Memphis Georgia Tech Club on October 20. Hall briefed the club members and guests on the current activities of the Alumni Association and showed movies cf Tech's 1961 victory over Rice. KINGS PORT,

picnic in August attended by over 40 alumni and guests and then followed this function up with the annual September dinner-dance. The club has chartered two buses for their biennial trek to the Tech-Tennessee game in Knoxville.


Georgia Tech Alumni Club held a steak

»1 O I£

F. Courtney Lewis died July 29, 1961 in Thomaston, Georgia.

'1Q Thomas C. Boy kin, retired assistant I w general freight agent for Southern Railway, died October 17 after a long illness. His widow lives at 1 Pine Circle, N.E., Atlanta, Georgia. Merrill W. Newbanks died October 12.

' 1 R Homer T. Meaders, Sr. died Septem•0 ber 2 at the Forest Hills Veterans Hospital in Augusta, Georgia. Tech's great 1916 football team held its 45th reunion in Atlanta on October 20, the night before the Tech-Auburn game. Returning for the reunion were the following members of the team which made an indelible mark in the record books with a 222-0 win over Cumberland: Talley Johnson (and Mrs. Johnston), Col. Douglas "Froggie" Morrison (the team captain), R. S. Bell (and Mrs. Bell), J. H. "Ham" Dowling, George C. Griffin (and Mrs. Griffin), Curtis McRee, Bob Lang, John Rogers, William E. Fincher (and Mrs. Fincher), Dawson Teague (Mrs. Teague), W. S. Lovell (and Mrs. Lovell), Franklin Aiken (and Mrs. Aiken), Ken Stambaugh (and Mrs. Stambaugh). Guests at the reunion included Professor Herty Lucas and George Lamar.

More news on page 24

ATTENTION ALUMNI! Y o u ' l l b e p r o u d to display this d r a m a t i c aerial p h o t o g r a p h of G r a n t Field with the stadium p a c k e d with fans, in y o u r office or den! Available in an 1 1 " x 1 4 " e n l a r g e m e n t o n d o u b l e weight m a t t e finish p a p e r , r e a d y for f r a m i n g . Enclose


for $3.95 plus $.50 for




Name Address-








TECH PHOTOGRAPH, P. O. Box 8 Nashville 1, Tennessee 23

^focestntfjeNews G. R. "Ray" Chestnut, '48, has been named manager of the ceramics fibers section at the refractories division plant of the Babcock & Wilcox Company in Augusta. Chestnut has been with process control department of the company since his graduation. Robert M. O'Hara, '50, has been named director of marketing for Mead Packaging of Atlanta, a division of the Mead C o r p o r a t i o n . O'Hara joined Mead in 1950 in the bottle master sales service department. He was general sales manager prior to his latest promotion. Dr. Lyman Morgan, '51, associate professor of petroleum refinery engineering at Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, worked during the summer as a member of the control systems engineering section of the manufacturing division of Humble.

George Nalesnik, '51, has been named assistant general manager of Kearfott Microwave Div. of General Precision, Inc. of Van Nuys, California. Prior to joining Kearfott, Nalesnik worked with the Eclipse Pioneer Division of Bendix Aviation. Powell Sheffer, '52, has succeeded Ray Chesnut (see above) as manager of the process control department of the Augusta plant of Babcock & Wilcox Company. He joined the company in 1952 and moves up from assistant manager of the department.

Ballus S. Chastain, '58, has been assigned to the Trane Company sales office in Greenville, S. C. Prior to receiving his field assignment, Chastain completed the Trane specialized training program for graduate engineers in heating and air conditioning.


NEWS BY CLASSES-continued "?0 ^»of the South

George P. McClenaghan died October 12, 1961. He was vice president J. P. Stevens Company in Greenville, Carolina.

' 0 0 Ray M. Matson, GE, former profes^ w S or of mechanical engineering at Georgia Tech, and professor of mechanical engineering and administrative director of admissions for the School of Engineering at SMU, retired June 30 from SMU. He now lives at 289 Orchard Terrace, Bogata, New Jersey. " J Q Arthur Lester Reynolds, Jr. died fcO April 18. His widow lives in Mayfield, Georgia. ' O Q Carra L. Lane, ME, has been elected fcO vice-president-plant operations, of Chicago Pneumatic Tool Company. He is in the executive offices in New York City. John W. Norris, ChE, chief of the Cataloging Branch with the Atomic Energy Commission at Oak Ridge, Tennessee, will participate in meetings and exhibits abroad this fall. He will visit Lima, Peru, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Chile and Brazil. ' 0 0 M. P. Drummond died August 27, W v 1961. N o further information was available at this writing. Eugene K. Graham, ME, has been named assistant general superintendent of Rail Transportation with TCI in Birmingham, Alabama. Virgil C. Sammons, ME, died in November, 1960 in Palmerton, Pennsylvania. His widow and daughter now live at 305 E. Ponce de Leon Avenue, Apartment B-3, Decatur, Georgia. ' 0 ^ T.J. Judge, EE, presented a paper at V T " the Annual Conference of the Engineering Division of the Technical Association of the Pulp & Paper Industry. He was recently promoted to assistant chief engineer and coordinator of power plants with International Paper Company, Mobile, Alabama. James F. Polk died in September, 1961. No further information was available at this writing. ' O K R. W. Nauman, CE, vice president J J of the Georgia Marble Company in Atlanta, has been elected president of the National Association of Marble Producers. ' Q C Haran W. Bullard, ME, has been *»U named general superintendent of the Fairfield Steel Works of TCI in Birmingham, Alabama. Dr. E. E. Lindsey, ChE, has been appointed Associate Dean of the Engineering School at the University of Massachusetts. » 0 0 Charles L. Cover, ChE, has been w O named liquefied petroleum gas sales coordinator in the new headquarters marketing department of Humble Oil in Houston, Texas.

Francis L. Shackleford, Jr., ChE, has been named manager of the Chicago district sales office with DuPont. ' Q Q Richard G. Brusch, IM, has been ap0 3 pointed assistant plant industrial engineer at U. S. Steel's Gary (Indiana) Sheet and Tin Mill. He l i v e s ' at 8646 Walnut Drive, Munster, Indiana. Col. William C. Mahoney, ME, recently retired from the U. S. Army after 27 years of service. Prior to his retirement he headed the Air Defense Branch of the U. S. Continental Army Headquarters at Fort Monroe, Virginia. H EE ' A 9 David - New°y, . addressed the *£ Atlanta Association of Federal Executives in October. He is a space engineer and director of the Office of Technical Services at NASA's George C. Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama.

» J Q Major William H. Avery, Jr., USA, • 0 IM, has completed the chemical-biological-radiological officer course at the U. S. Army Chemical Corps School at Fort McCellan, Alabama. ' A A E n § a g e d : Ivy Stewart Duggan r Miss Rena Barbara Lawson.


' A " l Dr. Alfred M. Bork, Phys., will serve * ' as regional counselor in physics in Alaska during the coming year for the American Institute of Physics. He is professor of math at the University of Alaska. ' A R Charles C. Collins, EE, presented a • 0 paper at the Annual Conference of the Engineering Division of the Technical Association of the Pulp & Paper Institute. He is an application engineer with General Electric in Schenectady, N . Y. Byron H. Pollitt, IM, received a Diploma in Agency Management September 27 from the American College of Life Underwriters in Denver. He is General Agent with Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company. His business address is 7215 York Road, Baltimore, Maryland. B. F. Smith, ChE, is a co-patentee of a patent assigned to Texaco, Inc. covering improvements in process for production of calcium carbide and hydrogen. He is supervisor of Economic Evaluation and Special Studies at Texaco. Mr. Smith lives at 3147 Allison, Groves, Texas. James H. Watson, ME, has been promoted to Power Plant Engineer with the Southern Kraft Division of International Paper Company in Mobile, Alabama. ' A Q Jennie L. DeLoach, IM, died Octo• w ber 20 in an Atlanta hospital. He was associated with the DeLoach Equipment Company. His widow and three daughters live at 1474 Pollard Drive, S.W., Atlanta, Georgia. ' C O Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Franklin, IM, J U announce the adoption of a daughter, Maria Kay, in September. They live at

More news on page 26 TECH ALUMNUS



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NEWS BY CLASSES-con'f/nued 1613 Fourth Street, Lake Charles, Louisiana. Joseph S. Rainey has opened an office for the practice of architecture. His business address is 221 West Germantown Pike, Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania.

the Potomac River Naval Command in Washington, D. C. They live at 313 Branch Circle, Vienna, Virginia.


Captain Boris E Bri ht

- S > USAF, EE,

*»™ recently returned to his home base, Charleston, AFB, South Carolina, after 10 days of combat training in NATO's "Exercise Checkmate II" in the Black Sea area ' C I William R. Home, ChE, was theof Turkey. Born to: Mr. and Mrs. Randolph W. **' senior author of a technical paper presented to the Water Pollution Control Cabell, EE, a daughter, Mary Elizabeth, meeting in Milwaukee in October. He is October 6. They live at 1200 Willivee Drive, Department Head with Merch & Company Decatur, Georgia. Married: Joseph Manning Mayo, IM, to in Elkton, Virginia. Miss Frances Estabrook, September 30. Mr. Leroy Lewis, IM, has sold his interest in the H. I. Lewis Steel Works and is now Mayo is with the Coca-Cola Company in Operations Manager with the Burns Manu- Chicago, Illinois. Born to: Mr. and Mrs. John L. Tennant, facturing Company, Louisville, Georgia. He CE, a son, Thomas Gregory, July 15. They lives at 802 Academy Street. live at 418 Nautilus Avenue, Daytona ' C O Captain William E, Dean, USAF, Beach, Florida. **^ AE, has been awarded the Air Force A ' 5 5 Ma'or Harold - Terrell, Jr., USA, Commendation Medal for outstanding and *»*» EE, is attending the regular course meritorious service as project officer from August, 1957 to December 1958. He is now at The Command and General Staff Colwith the Ballistics Missile Division, Air lege at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Force Systems Command at Los Angeles. ' E C John C. Howard, USA, IM, has been He lives with his wife and two daughters **v promoted to Captain. He is stationed at 749 - 35th Street, Manhattan Beach, Caliat Fairbanks, Alaska. fornia. A. M. Wright, IM, has been promoted to large job salesman in Atlanta with U. S. 'CTf Married: Myers Joseph Helms, IM, Gypsum. He was formely line salesman in * " to Miss Frances Elizabeth Skipper, Jacksonville, Florida. October 7. Mr. Helms is with the Georgia Tech Engineering Experiment Station. Engaged: Joe Harry Kilgore, Jr., AE, to ' C Q Born to: Mr. and Mrs. Delmont E. *»*» Beckemeyer, IM, a son, James New- Miss Elaine Burnett. The wedding will take ton, August 28. Mr. Beckemeyer is general place November 18. Mr. Kilgore is with traffic engineer, Georgia Area, with South- General Dynamics/Astronautics in Topeka, ern Bell. They live at 4371 Tree Haven Kansas. Drive, N.E., Atlanta 5, Georgia. Married: Charles Redd Moore, IM, to Married: Harry S. Gibson, Jr., Chem., to Miss Jane Rodgers, October 14. Mr. Moore Miss Charleen Remelle Buchanan. Mr. Gib- is with ITE Circuit Breaker Company in son is with Lockheed Aircraft, Marietta, Atlanta, Georgia. Born to: Mr. and Mrs. Paid L. Webb, EE, a son, Stuart Vance, May 20. Paul is ' C O Married: John Randall Adamson, chief engineer and industrial manager of *»0 ///, IM, to Miss Judith Glenn Good-

win, August 17 in Greenville, South Carolina. Born to: Mr. and Mrs. Myron B. Allen, EE, a daughter, Mary Elizabeth, May 13. Mr. Allen is with Bell Telephone Labs. They live at 68 South View Drive, Berkeley Heights, New Jersey. Born to: Mr. and Mrs. George W. Atwood, Jr., IM, a son, Barry, July 31. Mr. Atwood is with Crucible Steel. They live at 3269 Oakcliff Road, Doraville, Georgia. Cecil B. Day, IM, has been promoted to general manager of Scott Hudgins Realty, Northside Branch, and vice president of the company. Charles S. Johnson, Jr., Chem, recently received his doctorate in physical chemistry from MIT. He is now a National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Illinois. Dr. Johnson lives at 1105 South Euclid Avenue, Champaign, Illinois. William H. Leslie, IE, is attending the Officers Basic Submarine School. Upon completion of the course, he will be assigned to a fleet submarine. He lives with his wife at 11 Parkway South, New London, Connecticut. Born to: Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Marbut, IE, a daughter, Laurie, August 9. Bob is attending graduate school at Harvard. He recently completed a three year tour of duty with the Air Force. He received the Air Force Commendation Medal for his service at Hunter Air Force Base. They live at 35 Copeland Street, Watertown, Massachusetts. Donald S. Pirkle, IE, has joined Dow Chemical Company after completing three years duty with the Air Force. He is currently training for the position of Field Chemical Sales Engineer. He lives at 2431 Damman Drive, Apartment 204, Midland, Michigan. PFC Samuel S. Schoolsky, USA, has been named Soldier of the Month for the Army M o r e news on pci



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To develop and/or analyze logic diagrams, translate detailed flow charts into coded machine instructions, test run programs and write descriptions of completed programs. Requires experience in the operation and programming of large electronic data processing systems,- such as the AN/FSQ-7N8, IBM 700 series, or Philco 2000 series.


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SYSTEMS TEST ENGINEERS To plan, prepare and generate system test, data reduction, and analysis specifications. Develop methods and procedures for test implementation. Coordinate between interested agencies, and resolve problems between the specifications, test methods and actual procedures in use.

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All Qualified Applicants Will Receive Consideration For Employment Without Regard To Race, Creed, Color, or National Origin.

Pvt. Vernon C. Anderson, USA, IM, has been assigned to the 169th Engineer BatTransportation School at Fort Eustis, Vir- talion at Fort Stewart, Georgia. Pvt. Frank B. Arbour, USA, IM, has ginia. Married: Ellison Adger Smyth, Jr., TE, completed 6 weeks of basic unit armor to Miss Caroll Feld, October 14 in Baldwin, training at The Armor Training Center, New York. Fort Knox, Kentucky. Lt. John D. Askew, Jr., USA, ChE, has ' C Q Adir Aronson, IM, is attending grad- completed the engineer officer orientation J 3 uate school at Georgia State College course at The Engineer School, Fort Belin Atlanta. He is owner of Herman's, Inc. voir, Virginia. Married: Armand Enochs Breard, ME, Lt. William J. Bomar, USA, IM, has comto Miss Travis Moore Turner, September pleted the. field artillery officer orientation 22. They live at 18 Avery Drive, N.E., At- course at The Artillery and Missile School, lanta, Georgia. Fort Sill, Oklahoma. Lt. Cameron Page Cooper, USN, IE, died Married: Marshall Seawright Cooper, CE, in an airplane crash in the Atlantic Ocean to Miss Patricia Tolhurst, October 21. Mr. in September. He attended Georgia Tech on Cooper is a civil engineer with TVA in a regular NROTC scholarship and received Knoxville, Tennessee. the Convair Award for displaying among Born to: Lt. and Mrs. Tully J. Dawson, aviation qualified personnel the highest apti- USA, IE, a daughter, Trina Lynn, June 30. tude for Naval service during four years of They live at 6 Demere Street, Fort Stewart, reserve officer training. His parents live at Georgia. Lt. Dawson's tour of duty has 4708 Granny White Pike, Nashville, Ten- been extended to April, 1963. nessee. Lt. Rufus N. Ensley, USA, ME, has gradWilliam E. Durrett, IM, is now assistant uated from the basic officer orientation manager of the newly created Industrial course at the Army Signal Training Center, Development Department of the Trust Fort Gordon, Georgia. Company of Georgia in Atlanta. Married: Joel B. Esmond, IM, to Miss Lt. Jimmie M. Hester, USA, TE, is as- Barbara Goldberg, August 25. Mr. Esmond signed to the 7th Ordnance Company in is a production control supervisor with the Korea. Loch Haven Garment Company. They live Johnny Menger, IM, is football assistant at 227 South Burrowes Street, State College, at Furman University. He lives at 4 Forest- Pennsylvania. wood Drive, Taylors, South Carolina. Married: Lewis P. Kravitz, ME, to Miss Lt. Charles D. Preetorius, USA, IM, has Phyllis Brockly. Mr. Kravitz is now in the completed the officer orientation course at Southeast Zone Office of the Worthington The Finance School, Fort Benjamin Harri- Corporation. They live at 50 Lakeland Drive, N.E., Apartment E-4, Atlanta, Georson, Indiana. Captain Eugene M. Simonson, USA, IM, gia. Edgar L. McGee, ChE, has joined the is assigned to Headquarters, IX Corps, on Catalytic Cracking Section at Humble Oil Okinawa. Married: Herbert A. Smith, IE, to Miss in Baytown, Texas. He lives at 1407 E. Betty Ann Freeman, October 28. Herb is James Street. Married: Calvin S. Moore, ChE, to Miss with Burlington Industries at their Franklinton Fabrics Plant. Their mailing address Patricia Alice Thomas, October 1. Mr. Moore is with the Ethyl Corporation in is Box 343, Wake Forest, North Carolina. Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Lt Carey B Alper USA IM has R. Erie Norton, IM, is a sales repre" " completed the officer orientation sentative for Monsanto Chemical Comcourse at The Air Defense School, Fort pany's Agricultural Division in Atlanta, Georgia. Bliss, Texas.

News by Classes—continued




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Married: Lt. Edward Lawrence Chambless, IM, to Miss Helen Barbara Carpenter, October 14 in Augusta, Georgia. Married: Ens. William Burns Folsom, USN, IM, to Miss D'Orsay An Stover, November 5 in Atlanta. Engaged: Walter Edward Howard, IM, to Miss Mayre Janel Crutchfield. The wedding will take place December 28 in Atlanta. Mr. Howard is currently attending Naval Preflight School in Pensacola, Florida. E. George Hudson, IM, has completed the management training program with Bell Telephone and is now Foreman over a group of station repairmen with the Diamond State Telephone Company. He lives at 1201 Kynlyn Drive, Wilmington, Delaware. Warren J. Locke, Jr., ChE, has joined the Esso Research Labs in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Married: Robert L. Martin, CE, to Miss Patty Campbell, lune 10. They live at 617 Hardendorf Avenue, N.E., Atlanta. Lt. Ray A. Nixon, USA, ME, is assigned to the 1st Cavalry Division in Korea. Ens. Gilbert Norman Halpern, IE, to Miss Beverly Stein. The wedding will take place December 17. Engaged: Ens. James Lamar Parrish, III, USN, CE, to Miss Peggy Stewart. Lt. Leo G. Parrish, Jr., USA, EE, has graduated from the basic orientation course at the Army Signal Training Center, Fort Gordon, Georgia. Lt. Joseph J. Robinson, Jr., USA, Phys, has graduated from the basic officer orientation course at the Army Signal Training Center, Fort Gordon, Georgia. Married: Fred Roffe, EE, to Miss Frances Stuchin, September 16. They live at 1135 Walt Whitman Road, Melville, New York. Lt. Eulie A. Rushton, Jr., USA, ME. has completed the officer orientation course at the Engineer School, Fort Belvoir, Virginia. Hector M. Salgado, IM, has completed the U. S. Department of Labor's course and is now associated with the Tampa, Florida staff. Roy C. Sheffield, ChE. has joined the technical staff of Texaco, Inc. in Houston, Texas.


Pi0, Box 972

Atlanta, Ga. JA 2 8883



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