Georgia Tech Alumni Magazine Vol. 42, No. 01 1963

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the editor's

















J . L. B R O O K S






A FOR THE PAST 30 months, we have been engaged in an extracurricular activity that has monopolized our Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, not to mention our vacations. On this hot August Saturday afternoon as this column is being typed, we can happily report that the task is done. Just about the time you read this issue, a new history of Georgia Tech, Dress Her in White and Gold, will be delivered in Atlanta. It and some rather pleasant memories are all we have to show for those 30 months. I hope that someone besides us will consider it time well spent. We are now faced with that strange commercial custom—the autograph tea. From an ego standpoint, we imagine that this could be a most pleasing experience. But there is one small detail that makes us dread it more than most people might —our handwriting resembles that of a tired field hand who never made it to the second grade. In our youth, many a love letter, carefully thought out and laboriously worded produced nothing tangible—the objects of our affections simply couldn't read them. In high school we were eventually forced into printing all of our reports and still we received both passing and failing grades because the teachers often could not even make out our attempts at this ancient art. At Tech, the process repeated itself and with each passing year, the handwriting gets worse. We have been considering breaking tradition and asking for an autograph whiskey, but then bars just don't sell many books and book stores would undoubtedly frown on the request. Back of our thought was the selfish theory that if everyone got bombed, no one would notice that the book was written by a lousy author with miserable handwriting. Come to think of it this double meaning might contain more truth than our tongue-in-cheek approach intended it to. * * * * A ONE OF THE MOST PLEASANT


ries associated with the production of this book is the 10 days we spent with our family at the Port St. Lucie (Florida) Country Club working over the final page proofs, and watching over our Auburn-educated indexer.

If you are ever looking for a place to hide from the world, in luxury and economy, Port St. Lucie is it. And, in the summers, tarpon run up the North Fork of the St. Lucie so thick that between five and eight A.M. a man can get enough relaxation and exhiliration to carry him through an entire day of working over proofs. Prior to this trip we had always adopted the knowing smile of the habitual dry-fly nimrod when anyone mentioned the thrills of salt-water fishing. But those mornings of playing with the giar.t, leaping tarpon on spinning tackle converted us in a hurry. Even those who go to Port St. Lucie for the exceptional golfing facilities eventually succumb to the tarpon and snook that fill the river. * * * * A SPEAKING OF SPORT, lately the papers

down this way have been filled with predictions and illusions that Tech is within a step of withdrawing from the Southeastern Conference, a conference that the late Coach Alex was instrumental in starting back in 1933. Now we have very little information on this development that most of you have not heard, but we think that it is time we had our say about it. Let us hasten to add that this is not official administration or Alumni Association talk, this is just one man having his say. We hope that you will write in your views to us after you read this column. Anyone who is acquainted with us has heard our views on the subject. We have been proclaiming them to everyone who would listen for the past four years. We think that if Tech is to survive as a reasonable football power, it is imperative that the Institute withdraw from the SEC. This is true for several reasons foremost among them being the nature of the Institute itself. Tech is a tough academic school with demanding entrance examinations. Its athletic program has always been predicated on the fact that if a boy is signed to a grant-inaid here, the Institute has a moral obligation to keep him on this grant-in-aid whether or not he turns out to be an athlete capable of helping the squad. The SEC "140 rule" is diametrically opposed to this theory. Under it if Tech brings in 40 freshmen a year on football and


five on basketball grants each year and some of them take five years to get through this place, we will eventually wind up with an overage according to the "140 rule." Thus in one year, we can only bring in 25 or 30 and the football and basketball programs will suffer. The 45-a-year concept that Tech has advocated for the conference is a much more realistic one for a school that believes in living up to its obligations. Another case in point is the fact that some of the conference schools are bound by their own state laws to accept every high school graduate in the state for admission. This precludes the SEC ever adopting a common College Entrance Examination with a minimum score'for entering freshmen and hurts greviously those members of the conference who are attempting to select their student bodies on the assumption that everyone they take in has the ability to graduate. Add to this the fact that the conference is too big and covers too large a geographical area to be a true conference and you get some of the reasons why we think that Tech would be better off as an independent.

reetings to students and alumni everywhere. We share your interest in the advancement of our alma mater, Georgia Tech. *,<&&&*



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A. IT SHOULD BE pointed out here that any decision to withdraw from the conference will not be made by one man. The statutes of the Institute clearly state that the Georgia Institute of Technology (not the Athletic Association) is a member of the SEC. This means that it will take a faculty vote for Tech to take this step. The procedure will probably be something like this: if Tech officials decide that it is in the best interests of the Institute to withdraw, the Athletic Board will be asked to vote on the question. If this board approves it, President Harrison as chairman will bring the question before the faculty for the all-important vote.

A BEFORE W E LEAVE this subject, perhaps we should add another pet personal peeve concerning the SEC. It has never been run like a true athletic conference should be operated. The commissioner doesn't have enough power to punish or investigate alleged infractions of the rules by its members. And in cases where he does have the power, he seems reluctant to use it. We don't believe that if Tech pulls out that the SEC will go under. In fact, if Tech and some of the other members now contemplating this action go through with it, the conference may come out of it all a stronger and perhaps a wiser one. This winter's meeting should be an interesting one. B. W. SEPTEMBER, 1963

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Number 1

CONTENTS 2. RAMBLIN'—a few personal observations by the editor on such diverse things as autograph teas and withdrawal from the Southeastern Conference. 6. DNA—ah sweet mystery of life may be solved. 11. L I F E BEGINS AT 75—in its birthday year, the senior citizen of the campus undergoes a transformation of major proportions. 16.

1963 FOOTBALL R E V I E W — a close and pessimistic view of a squad shorn of its valuable middle.


A N AWARD FOR LARRY—the director of Tech's

Engineering Extension Division receives an honor. 22. T H E GEORGIA TECH JOURNAL—latest news about the Institute and the alumni by classes.

Officers of the Georgia Tech National Alumni Association W. S. Terrell, '30, Pres. M. F. Cole, '41, VP D. A. McKeever, '32, VP W. H. Ector, '40, Treas. W. Roane Beard, '40, Executive Secretary Bob Wallace, Jr., '49, Editor Bill Diehl, Jr., Chief Photographer Mary Jane Reynolds, Editorial Assistant Tom Hall, '59, Advertising Mary Peeks, Class Notes

THE COVER Back of a wall in the Administration Building the workers carrying out the rehabilitation of Tech's senior citizen found a blackboard. Back of this blackboard they found three more blackboards. On the final one was a series of chemical equations left by a professor in the first decade of this century. For more see page 11. Photograph—Grey Hodges, Diehl Assoc. Published eight times a year—February, March. May, July, September, October, November and December*—by the Georgia Tech National Alumni Association, Georgia Institute of Technology; 225 North Avenue, Atlanta, Georgia. Subscription price (35c per copy) included in the membership dues. Second class postage paid at Atlanta, Georgia.

RADITIONALLY, HOMECOMING at Georgia Tech is built of such things as Reck parades, cake races, class reunions, annual meetings, fraternity displays, and football. But, for the past three years, homecoming has meant much more to a small percentage of Tech alumni who return to the campus for the big weekend. The addition of the annual Alumni Institute to the traditional activities has brought the most important responsibility of the Institute—education—to those alumni still interested in using their Alma Mater for something other than a source of pleasure. This year, the Georgia Tech National Alumni Association will again sponsor a one-day lecture series for those alumni and their wives who desire to broaden their knowledge of life and the world in which we live. This year's Alumni Institute—set to begin at 9:00 A.M. on November 1—will feature lectures by five of the outstanding men on today's Georgia Tech faculty. The program opens with a discussion of "Folk Music—Poetry for Everybody" by I. E. "Bud" Foote, a Tech English teacher who is currently one of the most popular lecturers on the campus among the students. Foote, an Atlanta folk singer of note, will illustrate his lecture with song. Following Foote will be Dr. Peter B. Sherry of the School of Chemistry, who will speak on "DNA—the Information Storehouse of Life." Sherry, another favorite of the students, was one of the speakers at the first (and most successful) Alumni Institutes. (For a preview of the controversial DNA story turn to page 6 of this issue.) Another well-received speaker during that first Alumni Institute, Dr. Vernon Crawford of the School of Physics, will encore at this year's session. His talk on "Beyond the Solar System" will follow Sherry's lecture. Dr. Walter Buckingham, director of the School of Industrial Management, and Dr. Rod O'Conner, professor of the same school, will close out the Institute. Buckingham, successful author and consultant and one of the best-known international authorities on Automation, will speak on "Emerging Latin America." O'Conner, another noted consultant who joined Tech after a stretch in industry, will follow with "Colombia—Vital Case in Point." Both men have had wide experience in working with Latin American Countries on management problems.



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Tech's Dr. James R. Cox, Jr., assistant professor of Chemistry, is currently working with the key chemicals of life.

A free-wheeling discussion of thetontroversial "genetics explosion," a scientific discovery so filled with ramifications that one leading biochemist stated that "the control of Heredity raises problems too important to be left to cientists."


IFE, so the dramatist says, is a force that ever strives for •J greater power of contemplating itself. More profound and exciting than the conquest of space is the imminent possibility that man can do more than merely contemplate the force of life—that he can control it and ultimately create it! With such power at his bidding, man could, to quote a Nobel Prize-winning scientist, "play God for real." Recent dramatic progress by science toward discovering the basic chemical processes of the living cell indicates impending breakthroughs of awesome implications; breakthroughs that are both promising and frightening. The success of research with the basic materials of life are so startling that even the conservative scientific community has labeled it "the gentics explosion." It is an explosion that scatters sparks of controversy. Not too many years from now it may be possible to manipulate and adjust heredity, removing inherited conditions ranging from unsound tooth structure and baldness to diabetes and mental disorders. Further research could uncover the causes and perhaps cures of cancer, muscular dystrophy, epilepsy, and many other such baffling diseases. Indeed the future may see non-living chemicals spring to life in test tubes! The goal of science is to understand and control those mechanisms of reproduction which stray from normal genetic paths and produce defective offspring. To achieve the goal could subsequently lead to the controlled evolution of the human race. And it is here that the controversy begins. Has man the right to play God? As one of America's leading biochemists states, "the control of heredity raises problems too important to be left just to scientists." The power to control heredity, commonly known as SEPTEMBER, 1963

eugenics, has captured the interest of philosophers, scientists, rulers, social planners, plant and animal breeders down through the ages since the time of the Spartans. But efforts toward that end have, at best, been haphazard. Today science is examining the very substance that governs the function of every cell and sets the rules for all of life. Found in every living thing from the simplest one-cell creature to the fantastically complicated arrangement of 10 trillion cells that compose the human body, this key substance is known as deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). The double-strand DNA is tightly wound like a spring in the cell nucleus and has been referred to as the "thread of life." If the DNA molecule in one chromosome of a human cell were stretched out, it would be over two yards long. From the moment of conception to the death of the organism the DNA thread of life influences every thought, every act, good or bad. The science of genetics began in Czechoslovakia a century ago with an Augustinian monk named Gregor Mendel who, upon observing several generations of peas, concluded that a "unit" carried the genetic information from one generation to the next with mathematical precision. His findings, published in 1866, were almost totally ignored. In 1869 the Austrian scientist Friedrick Miescher isolated DNA itself, but being ignorant of its importance, consigned the white crystals to a shelf where they were forgotten. Around the turn of the century Mendel's work came to light as the foundation of modern genetic theory. His unit of inheritance was called the Mendelian unit at first, then renamed gene from the Greek word meaning "to be born." Over the following decades the theory that genes of heredity were found along the rod-like chromosomes in the nucleus of the cell

THE DNA CONTROVERSY—continued was confirmed and the fuse was ignited for the genetics explosion. Science began unraveling the miraculous workings of DNA in life's constant renewal of itself. Though only large enough to be seen vaguely with powerful electron microscopes, DNA is comparatively simple in structure. Structural units are composed mainly of four nitrogenous bases, adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine, referred to as A, T, G, and C. These components, linked by sugar-phosphate combinations, form two long chains which spiral around a common axis. The four basic units can join in our types of double units producing literally thousands of combinations. Arrangements of these pairs account for the difference in genes. The only difference in the gene of a human and that of any other living organism is the order in which the four DNA pairs occur. Although the chemical components are simple, the workings of DNA to guide the destiny of life are infinitely more complex. The first major breakthrough in comprehending DNA rules came in the early 1950s when James D. Watson, a young University of Indiana biology graduate teamed up with Francis Crick, an English physicist, to make the basic pieces fall into place. Using metal cutouts to represent the shapes and sizes of the four nucleic acids, they constructed a model of the DNA molecule which won them a Nobel Prize. From their work they concluded that the DNA molecule was double-stranded and shaped like a spiraling ladder with the four nucleic acids, linked in pairs, as the ladder's rungs. Here at last was revealed a relatively easy method for a parent to pass his characteristics along to the child. DNA reproduces identical offsprings of itself through

MAN IS PLAYING MAN Comments by the Rev. Harwood Bartlett College Chaplain All Saints Episcopal Church

its chain structure. As the cell divides to produce two new cells, DNA in the cell nucleus splits down the middle, separating the linked nucleic acids and forming two single strands. Now each half forms new linkage systems from more nucleic acids in the cell. The result is two double strands, one for each new cell. . The Watson-Crick model also showed how DNA carried directions governing the cells life. A, T, G, and C, the four nucleic acids, are actually a genetic alphabet and their arrangements spell out "word" orders for each genetic trait. DNA, like a miniature computer, also sees to it that the organism continues to exist by ordering the construction of proteins which, as enzymes and hormones, regulate all activity of the organs of the body from growing and thinking to the food digestion processes. DNA commands that these proteins be produced, but the actual work is apparently carried on by another key chemical, ribonucleic acid, (RNA). Following DNA blueprints, RNA is believed to perform the amazing conversion of non-living food chemicals into the living proteins. Investigations involving these key chemicals of life are being conducted by Dr. James R. Cox, Jr., assistant professor of chemistry at Georgia Tech, under grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR). The studies are aimed at further understanding of chemical reactions in cells of great biological importance. Cox explained that the ability of all living cells to carry on their vital processes depends on their ability to form esters of phosphoric acid. Esters are organic salts resulting from the action of an alcohol on an organic or inorganic acid which brings the dehydration of the acid. The miraculous workings of DNA and RNA are dependent on

| THINK it is encouraging that science is pushing toward the understanding and possible control of the genetic structure of life. As a Christian, I don't see how this threatens God in the least. According to the Genesis story in the Bible and according to my present-day observations, man has dominion over the creation and is continually exercising it more fully. By controlling and perhaps creating life, man is not playing God, but playing man for real. However, man does have responsibility for the life he controls. The deep question about man's ability to control heredity is how he will exercise this control. Will he make life fuller and freer or will he create an Aldous Huxley "Brave New World" nightmare? As with most anything man controls, it can be used for good or for evil. At the risk of prematurely tackling a problem that is still many years away, let me offer two guidelines by which the

uses of eugenics might be measured. First, eugenics must help a person lead a fuller and freer life. The cure of hereditary diabetes would surely do this for a particular person and his family. But the elimination of the possibility of selfishness, for instance, (if that is possible) would make a mockery of the antithetical possibility of love. That would be a frightening loss to man's fullness. Secondly, the application of eugenics to emotional disorders in particular must be on an individual case basis. The danger is that we will come up with a "model man" and try to fit all men to this model by the use of eugenics. I am deeply concerned that we would try to conform men to a model. And I am very pessimistic about our ability to arrive at an adequate one. We are still feeling the repercussions from John Dewey's model of free expression in education. Of course, elimination of hereditary diseases on a mass basis might be feasible, but we must be extremely careful. TECH ALUMNUS

J\NY description of the future work in genetics is of necessity phrased in dramatic language. The results will be dramatic. It should be emphasized that most of these developments, some of which are described here, will not be realized by the present generation of scientists, and probably not by their children or grandchildren. Significant advances have, however, already been made in this area with treatment of the so-called inborn errors of metabolism. These conditions are genetically caused defects in which the person is unable to carry out a specific metabolic function or to make a certain substance necessary for normal life. Until recently these inborn errors of metabolism were not recognized as such and children born with one of them could not be treated and either died at an early age or did not develop properly and could not have children. The result was that the defective genes responsible for these conditions were only propagated as recessive characteristics. Now, through the use of special diets, injections, or a combination of other procedures, these

children can develop and live normally. They can also have children and thus can propagate the defective genes directly. The result will be an increase in the number of people with defective genetic constitution and an increase in the number of people needing these special treatments. Therefore, in solving one problem, another has been created, and the necessity for further work in this area has been increased. One possible solution to this second problem would be the development of techniques, mentioned in the accompanying article, for the replacement of a defective gene with a whole one to produce a child with a completely normal set of genes. Now only a few diseases are understood to have specific genetic causes, but this number is growing rapidly. As more is understood about these conditions treatment procedures will be developed for increasing numbers of these genetic defects. Hence the problem of increasing numbers of defective genes in the population will be magnified and the ultimate solution of the problem will become even more pressing.

these esters of phosphoric acid. Cox said that although in many cases it is roughly understood what the cell does, very little is known about how the cell uses these compounds as storehouses of energy and chemical code books for carrying out its life and reproduction processes. "In order to gain such understanding," he said, "it is first necessary to understand how simple phosphate esters react with various things, that is, what an organic chemist speaks of as the 'mechanisms' of reactions of phosphate esters." Dr. Cox is carrying out research on several such reactions which seem to be of extraordinary interest. In particular, he is studying chemical reactions of phosphate monoesters, the product of one molecule of alcohol with one molecule of phosphoric acid, reactions with solvents such as water and alcohols. Dr. Cox has just received NIH support for the work for the third year. A second broad area dealing with mechanisms of depolymerization of RNA, that is, the breaking up of large molecules into smaller ones, is being supported by AFOSR. Understanding the mechanisms of cell division and knowing that the genetic alphabet exists are remarkable achievements for science. But this is not enough. Biochemists must also learn to spell words with the genetic alphabet. They must learn to "edit" mistakes in DNA commands if control of heredity is to be achieved. Some progress is already being reported in this area. A statement by Dr. Linus Pauling in a recent issue of Newsweek indicated that a casual glance at the world SEPTEMBER, 1963

RESULTS WILL BE DRAMATIC Comments by Dr.Raymond Kimbroughjr. Assistant Professor of Chemistry Georgia Institute of Technology

around us shows that there is much in life that needs editing: "The pool of human germ plasma contains many defective genes responsible for a great amount of human suffering. We should use our knowledge of heredity to decrease the number of grossly defective children." There are two broad methods for achieving this end. Science can compensate for the mistakes of DNA, or correct them. Easier of the two is to compensate by working with the end products of genetics, the hormones and enzymes. In a small way this is already being done with hormones taken from other animals and with carefully controlled diets. These methods represent a triumph for science, but raise still more extreme questions in the genetics controversy. For instance, advances have been made in this area with the treatment of phenylketonuria. Phenylketonuria is a genetically-caused metabolic defect in which the patient cannot make one of the enzymes necessary for the complete metabolism of the amino acid phenylalanine, a constituent of all proteins. The effect of this condition on the patient is to restrict normal growth and development, both physical and mental, necessitating institutional care for his entire life. Such patients could not have children so there was no possibility of propagating this defective gene, except as a recessive trait. Phenylketonuria can now be detected almost at birth and through use of a synthetic diet, one with almost no phenylalanine, the child develops normally. This diet contains no natural protein (meat, eggs,

THE DNA CONTROVERSY—continued milk, etc.) and in place of these a mixture of amino acids, extracts, etc. The child must continue on this expensive and complicated synthetic diet his entire life in order to remain normal. What this means and why it worries society is that a person who otherwise would have been only an inmate of an institution is now able to lead a normal and productive life. The moral question is immediately obvious. Should this person be allowed to have children and propagate this defective gene and thus increase drastically the number of people with this condition? Should he be forbidden to have children, be sterilized so that it would be impossible to propagate the defective gene? Who has the right to make such a decision? Who would assume the obligation? Another aspect of genetics that is presently under constant discussion both in the scientific journals and in the popular press is the effect of radiation, from fallout (strontium-90, etc.) on the genetic health of the population. There is evidence to indicate that abnormalities will result in the descendants of people exposed to high levels of radiation because of genetic damage caused by the radiation. Although at present once the damage is done there is no way to prevent this, it is possible that through research in genetics scientists in the future may be able to replace these defective genes and stop the propagation of these abnormalities originally caused by radiation. The true control of genetic diseases would be to switch off genes carrying defective traits and switch on normal genes which may be present but inactive. Many scientists are now searching for the chemical mechanisms which control the operation of DNA itself. One important family of compounds, called histones, seems to have the power to switch DNA off and on. A recent report to a meeting of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology described work in which a histone rich in the amino acid arginine slows DNA activity drastically. But when histones rich in lysine are employed, DNA activity climbs back up. In cancer cells multiplying wildly, scientists have found an abnormally high concentration of histones rich in lysine, a poor inhibitor. Apparently, cancer cells have lost their inhibitor and thus their inhibitions. Histones have already been used to halt tumor growth, but they do too much damage to normal cells useful. There are other influences on DNA and the virus, a small bundle of RNA or DNA encased in a coat of protein, is among the most important. Viruses can attack humans in many ways. How these attacks may occur was further clarified recently at a meeting of the National Academy of Science in Washington. Dr. Robert Huebner of the National Institutes of Health reported that hamsters had developed tumors a few months after he inoculated them with viruses from the upper respiratory tract of 10

humans. Yet despite the most elaborate tests, he was unable to find the viruses in the tumors they had caused. Dr. Albert Sabin, who developed the live-virus polio vaccine, got similar results with the SV-40 monkey cancer virus. Apparently, says Sabin, these viruses did not act in the normal way—that is, they did not move into a cell, take over its control from the host's DNA, and begin producing more viruses to continue the infection. Rather, each virus was apparently incorporated directly into the genetic structure of the cell, altering its make-up. Despite the controversial background of eugenics, alteration of genes in the laboratory may prove more acceptable than controlled breeding of humans as practiced by Hitler in his pursuit of a "race of supermen," or sterilization to prevent propagation of defective genes. Who could oppose the removal of faulty genetic instructions which result in the birth of about 250,000 defective babies each year? Undoubtedly the future will see a world of genetic manipulation and controlled evolution. Science is moving inexorably to that end. The work of Aaron Bendich and his staff of Sloan-Kettering in this area is particularly worth of mention. Bendich and his co-workers have announced that they have found what appear to be punctuation marks on DNA strands—perhaps the dividing lines between genes. They have also found certain amino acids which seem to be spotted at intervals on the chain. These amino acid links can easily be broken by a substance called hydroxylamine. From this point, it takes little imagination to foresee this future sequence of events. First, a particular gene that is coded for diabetes, for example, is located within the germ plasma of a parent. Then the defective gene is removed by breaking the amino acid bonds holding in on the DNA strand. Finally, a normal gene from a donor is installed in its place, artificial insemination takes place and a normal child is born. Handed such a power over heredity, society must consider profound questions. Who would exercise it? What would be its limits? Dr. Theodosius Dobzhansky of Columbia University, also quoted by Newsweek, says there must be an equilibrium between two extremes: "It is too easy to let our imagination strive for something with a body as beautiful as a Greek god, healthy, and resistant to cold and to heat, to alcohol and to infections, with the brain of an Einstein and the ethical sensitivity of a Schweitzer . . . It seems to me that we should strive to achieve an equilibrium between two extremes: the one which believes that the genetic basis of society and of culture is either unimportant or will somehow take care of itself; and the second, which would presume our being in possession of a truly divine wisdom, sufficient to plan man's future from 'here to eternity.' Just where this point of equilibrium may lie is, of course, the great question." TECH ALUMNUS

age of 75, Georgia Tech's senior citizen . has gone under the construction equivalent of the surgeon's knife. The major landmark of the Tech campus (known through the years as the main building, then the academic building, and now, the administration building) is currently undergoing a complete internal rehabilitation that will extend its useful life long past the normal age of retirement. Not a brick of that exterior will be changed, but little of the interior will remain the same.





LIFE BEGINS AT 7!i—continued

Only the Registrar's office remains in a building once full of people The workers came in during late July immediately after the last of the offices scheduled to vacate the building got settled in their new quarters in the old EE Building (now called the Administration Building Annex). The only office remaining in the old building to endure the sounds and smells of the catharsis is the Registrar's office. A total of $214,000 is being spent on the renovation of the building which will include a new lighting and heating system, air conditioning, new plumbing, an elevator (of all things), and the complete rebuilding of the offices on the first and second floor. The old circular staircase—a fire hazard of the first order for years—is being removed, and an internal fireproof stair tower is being added. Some work will be done on the third floor and in the basement area, and a lobby area will be added on the first floor. All of the ceilings in the offices will be lowered from 18 feet to 12 feet. The entire job is to be completed in six months and then the offices will be occupied once again. During the tearing-out segment of the work, photographer Grey Hodges, himself a Tech graduate, made a sentimental journey back to the building. And with his cameras he caught some of the devastation and memories of a building on its way to newness. The second-floor central rooms which once housed Tech's library take on the look of a segment of a victim of WW II bombing.

The left side of the famed and worn Tech Ad Building stairwell is being ripped out and will not be rebuilt. The right side will be an enclosed fireproof stairway. 13

The Registrar's staff must enter through a temporary door at the top of 13 temporary steps. Registrar Carmichael (bottom) and his top aides Horace Sturgis, Bobby Kimmel and Bill Eastman (above) must endure a tough period along with their compatriots.

On the west side of the building, a chute has been set up to speed up the tear-down, clean-up phase of the building's rebirth.


Unknown hands chalked these words on old blackboards uncovered in the Ad building.


A blow-up of a section of the blackboard from the front cover shows the ravages of time and usage on the old blackboards. When the workmen ripped out the old bulletin boards in the main floor, they uncovered this advertisement of many years ago. i 1

In a long-unused math classroom, a professor put this on the board and never erased it. The statement brings back memories of Dean Emerson's obsession with the "In the first place I would put accuracy" statement that is cut into Tech's Chemistry Building. 14


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On the third floor, a blackboard is still covered with the symbols of analytical geometry once presented in this classroom. Another sign fixed the date prior to 1906 were changed

back of the bulletin board of the first bulletin boards as when the class designations to freshman, sophomore, etc.


In the basement of the building this entrance takes on the look of a stage set for a play.




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faces what may be Tech's swan-song season in the Southeastern Conference with ;i scries of personnel problems unmatched here in the past six years. Only ends Billy Martin and Ted Davis, magnificent though they be, remain of what Dodd has often referred to as the "best first-string line 1 have ever had." Departed are tackles Larry Stallings and Ed Griffin, guards Rufus Guthrie and Dave Watson, and center Bobby Caldwell. Rebuilding that line is just one of Dodd's tasks. The strongest and most underrated fullback to anchor a Tech team in years, Mike McNames, has also closed out his career. With him went the fellow architect of the Ala-


HORT ( vl THE TOUGh YEAR Photograph • Grey Hodges


1963 TECH FOOTBALL PREVIEW—continued bama upset last year, defensive genius Don Toner and a pair of dependable halfbacks, Zollie Sircy and Tom Winingder. If this squad comes up with a 5-5 record or better, the Tech coaching staff should be collectively elected coach of the year. The schedule for 1963 is a reshuffled duplicate of the one over which last year's team traveled a 7-2-1 route before being upset by Missouri in the Bluebonnet Bowl. The opener—moved to September 14 to accommodate the NCAA television schedule—brings in Ray Graves' Florida Gators, who came alive late last season and looked magnificent in taking apart Penn State in the Gator Bowl. It will be the toughest opener (on paper) for Dodd since 1955 when the Jackets upset a highly-touted Miami team in front of another set of TV cameras. If Dodd, who has a consistent knack for getting a team up for the first game, gets by this one, he will have an extra week to get ready for the revenge-obsessed Clemson Tigers, a team returning 14 of its top 22 players from 1962. It is no secret that Frank Howard would rather beat Dodd than anyone on his schedule with the possible exception of Tom Nugent (Maryland) and Marvin Bass (South Carolina). Following Clemson, the Jackets will hit the road for the most feared of all contests in the South—LSU in Baton Rouge on Saturday night. The Tigers, shorn of the threeteam system by the new rules, return 17 of the 33 men who played most of the time last year. Tennessee—coming off a mediocre season with a new coach and a multiple offense (they have been talking "T" up that way and have even gone so far as to change the traditional Vols' uniforms)—must be faced in Knoxville. And this is seldom a picnic. The Vols open the season with half of their top 22 back, but the 1962 freshman team was one of the best in history. Auburn, the team that handed the Jackets their worst beating last year, arrives at Grant Field on October 19 with a heralded group of backs and almost as many line problems as Tech. Tech then journeys to New Orleans to take on snake-bit Tulane, winless last year but returning 15 of the top 22 players. Homecoming on November 2 features the always dangerous Duke Blue Devils, another team thirsting for a win over the Jackets after two rather severe beatings in a row by Dodd's teams. Dodd will have a built-in case oirrevenge of his own when the fast-rising Florida State Seminoles plays on Grant Field, November 9. Last year, they bounced the Jackets right out of the Orange Bowl via a 14-14 tie. But the final two games of the season will feature more revenge per minute than all of the others on the schedule. Alabama, smarting from the classic Tech upset that cost them among other things their number-one rating last year, will be primed to whip the Jackets, to put it mildly. With 14 of his top 22 back from last year's squad, Bear Bryant 18

has an additional incentive to win this year's game—it will be his final crack at Tech in Birmingham. The series ends in Atlanta in 1964. Georgia's Bulldogs, who play the season's finale at Grant Field, has been whipped handily by the Jackets for the past two seasons. Johnny Griffith has yet to taste victory in one of the South's classic fueds, and the Bulldogs return more starters (15) than any 22-man team on Tech's schedule. Some of the pre-season football magazines have rated Tech as high as fourth in the conference for 1963. How they arrived at this lofty standing is a mystery to Dodd and his staff. When pinned down, the Tech coaches will all tell you that this team has to be at least 20% weaker, both offensively and defensively, than the 1962 edition. Admittedly, the ends will be stronger because of the extra year's experience picked up by Martin, Davis, and top reliever Frank Sexton. But there isn't a single tackle close to the class of either Griffin or Stallings. Billy Paschal, out most of last season with an injury, and Tom Ballard, another junior, look like the starters now. But two sophomores, John Battle and Bill Moorer and old hands Bill Farrington, Joe Chapman, and Randy Watkins will have to come through in unexpected fashion in order that this position might be considered adequate. At guard the situation is equally discouraging. Guthrie and Watson both managed to pick up all-American credentials over the past two years and were often called the best two guards on one team in the country. Currently, their heir-apparents are last season's number-two men, Brad Yates and Jimmy Seward. The surprise package of spring practice, Joe Colvin, along with junior Bubba Shell may push Yates and Seward out of the starting jobs before the season ages two weeks. The center battle will be between John Matlock, Bill Curry, and Dave Simmons. All of them are competent but none of them have shown the dedication that brought Caldwell his reputation. Ed Weinman and John Martin will try to make the fans forget Don Toner, but they still have a long way to go. Toner has held the starting defensive specialist job ever since it was inaugurated in the Southern California game in 1961, and he will be missed more than many of the more heralded departed players. In the backfield, things begin to look up considerably. Billy Lothridge, the do-it-all quarterback, will be back for a final season with his eye on an eventual pro contract. And this year he will have some strong help from Bruce Fischer, a junior with an equal determination to get things accomplished. The best passer on the squad, a large imposing boy named Jerry Priestly, had an excellent spring and is a punter of great potential. The halfbacks are numerous and impressive. On the left side, Doug Cooper and Joe Auer will wage a battle for the starting position along with Gerry Bussell, the sensational spot runner of 1962. The best prospect from last year's weaker-than-average freshman squad, Craig Baynham, may turn out to be the best of them all at this position. TECH ALUMNUS

On the other side, Johnny Gresham and Tommy Jackson, the best of last year's lot except for Sircy, return for another go at it. They will get help from Johnny Nix and Terry Haddock. At fullback, Jimmy Barber is currently thought of as the starter, but Jeff Davis, who performed so well at halfback last year, particularly against Alabama, will give him a battle if his reconstructed knee holds up. Ray Medheim, last year's number two fullback will also be a factor at this position. Although Tech is planning the same basic offense this season, there will probably be more variation in the attack. Don't be surprised if the Jackets show a flashier attack early in the season. Dodd and his staff are plotting a more versatile game plan to take advantage of the strengths at end

and halfback. The defensive patterns that worked so well most of last season will be returned with variations, but as Charlie Tate, chief of this division, says, "We don't have the same personnel, not by a long shot." This team might have one thing going for it that most everyone perhaps overlooks-—a dedicated spirit. The team of last year with all of its greatness had a tendency to be rather matter-of-fact in their approach to segments of a given game. The determination to win was always there but individual lapses at times cost the Jackets dearly in a couple of games. This year's squad has no illusions about its greatness and should know bjwiow that it will take all-out effort on every play to post anything resembling a winning record. This fact and sound coaching could save the season.

Now is the time to order your 1963 edition of

Yellow Jacket-Confidential An expert, intimate, detailed report on the Georgia Tech football team after a bowl game, if any; spring practice, a n d each regular season game by Bob Wallace who has covered the

9 i

Yellow Jackets for over ten years. "Yellow Jacket-Confidential" now is in its thirteenth edition, its circulation larger than ever. Subscription rates $4.00 a year ($5.00 by air mail)

"One of the late Ed Danforth's closest friends during the final ten years of his life was Bob Wallace, editor of the Alumnus and publications director for Tech. Long before Wallace began winning national awards for his editing, the Colonel had spotted him as his successor on

these special game reports. We agreed with the Colonel and Wallace began his writing on Yellow Jacket-Confidential with the report on the Bluebonnet game, a report that received high praise from Tech fans and sports writers alike, as did his spring letters." Bobby Dodd

Order your on-the-scene report of all Tech games for 1963 starting with the Florida game by filling in the enclosed blank and sending it with your check for $4 ($5 for air mail) to: Address: Yellow Jacket-Confidential, Publications Box, Georgia Tech, Atlanta 13, Georgia





Tech's Larry Johnson receives top national award for his work in behalf of technical institutes "To LAWRENCE V. JOHNSON for his continuing leadership in the field of technical institute education—" So begins a national citation conferred on the director of Tech's Engineering Extension Division recendy in Philadelphia. The James H. McGraw Award in Technical Institute Education is given annually for outstanding contributions to this field of education. The award, administered by the Technical Institute Division of the American Society for Engineering Education, is sponsored by the McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc. The faculties of Georgia Tech and Southern Technical Institute (STI), the 2,850 young men and women who have received degrees from STI in its 15 year history, and the leaders of business and industry in the South who employ 90 percent of STI's graduates knew how much Larry Johnson deserved this award. Their fast-thinking, fasttalking, fast-acting, yet unassuming colleague and friend had been duly honored. The Larry Johnson story is the story of technical institute education in general and of Southern Tech in particular. It is a story of drive aijd success attested to by Southern Tech's new multi-million dollar campus at Marietta and the bright future of the engineering technician. Johnson, a native of Columbus, Ohio, began his career with Georgia Tech on Sept. 12, 1931 as an instructor in physics. The young teacher had only recently received his B.S. in Engineering Physics and his M.S. in Physics at Ohio State University. In 1942 he was appointed assistant professor at Georgia Tech's Daniel Guggenheim School of Aeronautics, and 20

served as its acting director in 1944 and 1945. During World War II, he coordinated Georgia Tech's Civil Aeronautics War Training Service. After a leave of absence in 1945-1946 to teach electrical engineering at the American University in Biarritz, France, Johnson became director of Georgia Tech's technical institute program. His leadership culminated in the establishment in 1948 of Southern Technical Institute as a division of Georgia Tech's Engineering Extension Division. Today, more than 900 students are enrolled in STI's 11 two-year programs, seven of which are now accredited by the Engineers' Council for Professional Development. Much of the success and high repute of STI today is due to Larry Johnson's activities. In 1948 he assumed a major role in explaining the purpose of technical institutes to educators, industry, and parents in the South and elsewhere. Over the years he has reached thousands of people through nearly 100 formal addresses and published articles. Another of Johnson's outstanding contributions to technical institutes was his sponsorship of the first motion picture on the subject, entitled "The Technician in Industry." Produced by STI's faculty, the film has been shown to high school students and civic groups all over the Southeast and in technical institutes throughout the United States. The Ford Foundation has used the film in its development of technical institute programs in foreign countries. During the past 15 years Johnson has assisted more than 25 American colleges in planning technical institute programs through direct consultation, preparation of curriculums, and specifications for physical facilities. Eight of these colleges now conduct technical institute programs, and others are approaching implementation. Mrs. Larry Johnson is the former Cecilia Coons. Their two sons, Ralph and Ray, both Georgia Tech graduates, are carrying on the tradition of education, engineering and science. Ralph is directing research at Boeing Aircraft's Huntsville, Ala., operation. Ray is now an engineer at Lockheed, but will soon transfer to the University of Mississippi as an assistant professor of Industrial Engineering. The James H. McGraw Award says in full: "To Lawrence V. Johnson for his continuing leadership in the field of technical institute education; for his tireless efforts, through public addresses, published writings, and the production of a motion picture, to acquaint the general pubhe, industry, and other educators with the proper place of technical. institutes in the educational spectrum; for his work in the establishment of Southern Technical Institute and his leadership as its first director in developing curriculums which became the South's first accredited technical institute programs; for his energies in encouraging and assisting many American colleges in the development of technical institute programs; and for his long and active service in the national technical institute movement, this 14th annual James H. McGraw Award in Technical Institute Education is presented." TECH ALUMNUS



announces the publication of a factual history of the first seventy-five years in the life of Georgia Tech BY ROBERT B. WALLACE, J-R.

Dress //er m White and Gold, the new history of the Georgia Institute of Technology, has been over two years in the researching and writing. This hard-bound book will contain over 400 pages of text and 32 pages of photographs selected from the collection of Dean George C. Griffin. It will also include special sketches by Jane D. Wallace of Tech's six presidents. The book will feature chapters on the six presidents, the three football coaches, the student of today and yesterday, and the traditions and legends surrounding the school ranging from Sideways, the dog with the poor front-end alignment to the bear that once lived under the East stands of Grant Field. The selected appendices will include records of legislation relating to Tech; complete scores of all Tech football games; the administrative and faculty leaders of the year 1888, and the present, and the great teachers who have passed this way. Publication is scheduled for mid-September and you can order your copy now by using the attached form.

Please send me a copy of Dress Her in White and Gold this fall and bill me after I receive the book ($5.00 includes postage and sales tax). NamePermanent Address. City and States Class and Course Fill out and return to: 75th Anniversary Committee, Georgia Tech, Atlanta 13.

Tf)e- InstituteKindsvater named to Executive Board

REGENTS' PROFESSOR Carl E. Kindsvater,

Director of the newly created Water Resources Center at Georgia Tech has been elected a member of the Executive Board of the Universities Council on Hydrology. The Council, a national association of leading universities active in the field of hydrology and related fields of water science, was organized in 1962 for the purpose of focusing attention on critical information and manpower shortages related to the conservation and development of our nation's water resources. Georgia Tech is one of twenty-six charter members of the organization. President Harrison, commenting on Professor Kindsvater's part in organizing the Council, observed that Tech is "widely recognized as one of the country's leading educational and research centers in the water sciences." He referred to the recommendations in the recently released report of the U. S. Study Commission (Southeast River Basins) as evidence of the urgent need to bring the state's best technological talents to bear on the solution of Georgia's water problems. The Tech President emphasized that the Water Resources Center, approved by the Board of Regents of the University System at its meeting on July 29, was a significant step in Georgia Tech's increasing emphasis on interdisciplinary education and research capability in areas related to the industrial and economic development of the State. New Research administration post created

ROBERT E. STTEMKE, director of the Engi-

neering Experiment Station at Georgia Tech since 1961, has been chosen to fill a new research administration post on the campus, according to Tech President Edwin D. Harrison. The new position, associate dean of faculties-administrator of research, has been 22

created as a staff position to the office of the dean of faculties. In the same action, Harrison announced that Dr. Wyatt C. Whitley, associate director of the Engineering Experiment Station, has been named Engineering Experiment Station director, and that Harry L. Baker, Jr., will assume the post of assistant controller at Tech, relinquishing the position of assistant director (contracts) of the Engineering Experiment Station. Baker will continue as president of the Georgia Tech Research Institute, contracting corporation associated with Tech. All of the new appointments became effective July 1. Harrison said these changes were prompted by the need for uniform procedures regarding research proposals and the fulfillment of research commitments with the necessary administrative and financial control. "For these reasons," he said, "and because of the increased research activities at Tech and the diversity of fund sources, the dean of faculties, who is responsible for overall research administration and also the instructional program, is in need of assistance. It is necessary that one individual be charged with the immediate administration of all research functions at Georgia Tech. These duties have been assigned to Mr. Stiemke as associate dean of facultiesadministrator of research." Harrison pointed out that the direction and conduct of research within academic departments at Tech will continue to be the responsibility of directors and heads through the appropriate college deans to the dean of faculties. Before being named director of the Engineering Experiment Station, Stiemke was director of Tech's School of Civil Engineering. He has been an instructor of civil engineering and engineering mechanics at Wayne University and associate professor of sanitary engineering at North Carolina State College, where he also was in charge of the Engineering Experiment Station. In addition to his teaching experience, Stiemke has had varied engineering practice.

Whitley was chief of the Chemical Sciences Division at Tech before being named associate director (research) in 1962. He was an instructor at George Washington University and a member of the chemistry teaching staff at Tech before turning his full attention to research. Baker became president of the Georgia Tech Research Institute in 1946 and assistant director of the experiment Station in 1948. Before that time he was associated with American Blower Corporation. Baker is an honor graduate of the School of Law, Emory University. NASA group tours Tech during summer

A TEAM of seven leading National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) technical personnel toured research facilities at three Georgia centers of higher education in a two-day visit to the state in mid-July. Primary purpose of the visit was to acquaint the NASA people with research capabilities of Georgia's University System and to explore areas of common interest where those engaged in research at the three schools might assist the NASA programs. Such research assistance may require joint efforts by the three schools. Facilities were inspected at Georgia Tech, the University of Georgia, and the Medical College. Leading the NASA team was Dr. George Simpson, assistant administrator. The other visitors were Dr. John D. Nicolaides, special assistant to the director of the Office of Space Sciences; Dr. John T. Holloway, chief of University Programs; Dr. Raymond L. Bisplinghoff, director of the Office of Advanced Research and Technology; Dr. Alfred Gessow, chief of the Physics and Fluids Program; Dr. Richard E. Melleville, Office of Space Sciences; and Dr. E. B. Konecci, director, Bio-Technology and Human Research, Office of Advanced Research and Technology. The NASA visit to Georgia was arranged through the efforts of James A. Dunlap, chairman of the Board of Regents, and Harmon W. Caldwell, chancellor of the UniTECH ALUMNUS

Floating on air...cushioned in foam Sleeping is like floating on air, when t h e m a t t r e s s is m a d e of urethane foam . . . a m a t t r e s s t h a t " b r e a t h e s " air through every cell, a n d weighs so little t h a t a housewife can lift it over her head! • B y combining exact proportions of five chemicals from Union Carbide, this versatile foam can be m a d e soft, firm, or rigid. Mattresses, upholstery, and pillows can be given their own degrees of resilience. Other formulations produce superior insulation in t h e form of prefabricated rigid panels or foamed in place. I n a refrigerator trailer body, this insulation can be used in m u c h thinner sections t h a n conventional materials, so cargo space is increased substantially. • Recently, Union Carbide introduced "climate-controlled" polyether, which results in uniform foam properties despite such curing variables as summer h e a t and h u m i d i t y . Another Union Carbide development is production of t h e first polyether for flame-lamination of thin foam sheets t o cloth, adding w a r m t h without noticeable bulk. • I n their work with chemicals, t h e people of Union Carbide have pioneered in developing polyethers a n d silicones for u r e t h a n e foam, found new uses for t h e foam, a n d shown customers how t o produce it. A HAND IN T H I N G S TO COMB


W R I T E for booklet D-50, "The exciting Universe of Union Carbide," which tells how research in the fields of chem icals, carbons, gases, metals, plastics, and nuclear energy keeps bringing new wonders into your life. Union Carbide Corporation, 270 Park Avenue, New York 17, N.Y. In Canada: Union Carbide Canada Limited, Toronto.

McNamara to speak at 75th convocation following abrupt withdrawal of President SECRETARY OF D E F E N S E

Robert S. McNamara will be the principal speaker at

Georgia Tech's "75th Anniversary Day" convocation scheduled for October 7 in the Alexander Memorial Coliseum. Word reached the Tech campus on Monday, August 19, that the popular former Ford executive would fill the void left when President John F. Kennedy suddenly withdrew from the ceremonies in a letter of August 13 to President Harrison. After the withdrawal, the White House aided Tech in securing McNamara for the ceremonies. Kennedy's reasons for withdrawing were given as "recent circumstances have made it necessary to change his (Kennedy's) plans for the fall somewhat." President Harrison's statement to the press on the day of the withdrawal said, "We certainly understand President Kennedy's position on his matter. We realized that when he accepted Tech's invitation to speak here at the Anniversary Convocation that there was always the chance that more pressing business might force him to cancel even at the last moment. In a way we are fortunate that the cancellation came when it did and that the White House has offered its help in securing a major speaker for the convocation which will go on as scheduled . United Press International

Fred Lanoue named to Hall of Fame FRED LANOUE, professor of physical educa-

In a letter signed by Kenneth O'Donnell, special assistant to the President,

this October 7."

tory, Rich Electronic Computer Center, Space Sciences Laboratory, and Radioisotopes and Bioengineering Laboratory. Visiting Dr. Simpson in Washington to arrange the NASA tour were Dr. Robert McRorie, director of General Research at the University of Georgia, Dr. Raymond Ahlquist, head of the Department of Pharmacology at the Medical College of Georgia, and Robert E. Stiemke, associate dean of faculties-administrator of research at Tech.


tion and head swimming coach at Tech, has been installed in the Helms Foundation Hall of Fame. Lanoue originated techniques of "drownproofing" and has been teaching it to thousands of men and women for 24 years. He is author of a new book on the subject of swimming and water safety entitled Drownproofing. The book was recently reviewed by Journal-Constitution staffer Margaret Bridges, and Constitution columnist Celestine Sibley devoted a column to the volume. The Constitution also serialized the book during the summer. Lanoue is recognized as one of the nation's outstanding swimming coaches. He had Southeastern Conference championship teams at Tech in 1942, 1948, 1949 and 1950. Chemistry professor wins Sigma Xi Honor ROBERT A. PIEROTTT, of the School of Chem-

Engineering; wind tunnels and structures laboratory in the School of Aerospace Engineering; stress laboratory in Engineering Mechanics; and School of Mechanical Enversity System, serving as coordinator of a committee of representatives from the gineering research laboratory. In the General College, the visitors saw schools involved. A full day was planned for the visitors facilities for physical, physical inorganic, and at Georgia Tech where NASA research ex- analytical chemistry research in the School penditures already total more than $3#0,000 of Chemistry; experimental nuclear physics, and 22 students are being trained for ad- microwave spectroscopy research facilities, vaced degrees under the NASA Fellowship and discussed theoretical physics with School Program. The group surveyed facilities and of Physics research personnel. They also interviewed personnel in Tech's Engineer- visited the School of Mathematics. ing and General Colleges and at the EngiAt the Engineering Experiment Station neering Experiment Station. the NASA group discussed research capaIn the Engineering College tour, they vis- bilities with key personnel from research ited the antenna, atomic collisions, analog units such as the Industrial Development computer, and systems engineering labora- Division, the Nuclear Research Center, the tories of the School of Electrical Engi- Electronics Division, and the High Temneering; the micromeritics and cryochemis- perature Materials Branch. They then visited the Experiment Station's Diffraction Laboratry laboratories in the School of Chemical THE INSTITUTE-conrinuecJ


istry, delivered the 1963 Ferst Research Prize Lecture, "The Butcher, the Baker, the Candlestick Maker," at the Sigma Xi initiation and awards banquet on lune 4 at the Progressive Club. The Georgia Tech Chapter of Sigma Xi, national honorary scientific society, holds this dinner annually for the purpose of recognizing outstanding research achievements during the past year through the presentation of awards sponsored by M. A. Ferst of Atlanta. The First Faculty Award for the best research paper during the year went to Pierotti, and additional faculty awards were presented to Dr. J. Q. Williams, Dr. T. L. Weatherly, and Dr. R. A. Young, all of the School of Physics. Young is also affiliated with the Engineering Experiment Station. Doctoral students, Martin Crawford, Mechanical Engineering; and W. M. Hubbard, Jr., Physics, received awards for their theses; and prizes went to G. L. Cain, Jr., Mathematics; and W. C. Lineberger, Electrical Engineering for their masters' theses. Undergraduate prizes for papers went to G. W. Brown, Aerospace Engineering; W. H. Miller, Chemistry; and L. N. Tharp, Physics. Prior to the banquet, the society initiated 48 new faculty and student members. New officers of the chapter include Dr. R. H. Fetner, president; Dr. W. H. Loveland, vice president; Dr. Clyde Orr, treasurer; and Dr. Peter Gaffney, secretary. TECH ALUMNUS

N e w traffic studies launched by Tech

STUDIES sponsored by the Institute of Traffic Engineers have been launched by Tech to determine the relationship between traffic flow and land use in central business districts of cities. The work may result in improved planning techniques for future transportation and parking facilities. Cities being studied are Atlanta and Gainesville, Ga., Chattanooga, Kansas City, Chicago and Philadelphia. The project will follow a new approach in investigating use of business district floor space as it relates to traffic attracted to the area. Survey results will be expressed in terms of mathematical models which should prove most helpful in estimating peak and off-peak traffic volumes. Project director Donald O. Covault, professor of civil engineering at Tech, said that reasonably precise estimates of future urban traffic are required for transportation and parking facilities planning. He pointed out that earlier studies of this nature found remarkably similar models for cities with approximately equal populations. "This suggests that if 'true' models could be developed for various city sizes, these would be helpful in planning transportation facilities," Covault added. Cooperating in the work will be the Georgia and Tennessee state highway departments and various cities in the United States.

' 1 0 A- W- Baker> Sr-. EE, died July 12 1 3 in a Marietta, Georgia hospital. He retired several years ago from General Electric. His widow lives at 3358 Gordon Road, S.W., Atlanta, Georgia.

' 9 0 Prank Player, CE, president of the ^ 3 Frank A. Player Company, mechanical contracting firm in Atlanta, has been elected senior vice president of the Mechanical Contractors Association of America.

' 0 0 Robert Donald Harvey, TE, former ^ U general manager of the Pepperell Manufacturing Company in Lindale, Georgia, died July 6 at his home. He joined Pepperell in 1920 and served the company in various capacities prior to his retirement in 1955.

IQA Harry Douglas Allen, Sr. died June OU 28 in an Atlanta hospital. He was with Western Electric from 1917 until his retirement in 1960. His widow lives at 2067 Fairhaven Circle, N.E., Atlanta, Georgia. Phillip D. Denton, Com., died July 7 after a brief illness. He was owner of the Phillip Denton Advertising Agency in Atlanta. His widow lives at 3675 Haddon Hall R o a d ^ . W . , Atlanta, Georgia.

' Q O Andrew B. Calhoun, TE, vice presi^ f c dent of the Wellington-Sears Textile Plant in Anderson, South Carolina, died June 19 in an Atlanta hospital. His widow lives in Anderson, South Carolina. Paul Radford retired from Wesinghouse Electric in Birmingham, July 1. He had previously served as manager of the Miami office. Flake A. Sherrill died June 27 after a long illness. He was president of Sherrill Furniture Company. His widow lives at 404 Ridgeway Avenue, Statesville, North Carolina. ' 0 Q ^ ' ^' Greene, Jr. retired in June fc*Âť from the Georgia Power Company in Atlanta after 44 years of service. At the time of his retirement he was superintendent of general plant construction. Arthur Boatman has been elected to a three year term as Director of the National Association of Real Estate Boards. He is owner of the Arthur Boazman Company, 8247 SW 124th Street, Miami 56, Florida. Russell P. Pool died June 20 in an Atlanta hospital. His widow lives at 400 Ridgecrest Road, N.E., Atlanta, Georgia. George P. Rosser, CE, has been promoted to manager of the eastern region of the Ethyl Corporation's Sales Department with offices in New York City. He has been with the company since 1930.


Olin L. Brooks, president of the American Home Assurance Company in Summit, New Jersey, died July 23.



' Q 1 ^arl ' / " Cesery, president of the W I Jacksonville Tile Company, Jacksonville, Florida, died July 7, 1963 of a heart attack. Hal W. Greer, Atlanta architect, died July 23. His widow lives at 1000 Buckingham Circle, N.W., Atlanta, Georgia.


J Q Q Colonel Erik W. Jordahn, USA, grad0 0 uated from the U. S. Army War College at Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania in June. Lt. Colonel Thomas S. Tryor, USAR, has completed the Reserve Associate Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. He lives at 707 Desoto Road, S.E., Huntsville, Albama. Lt. Colonel Robert W. Winfree, USAR, EE, has completed the Reserve Associate Command and General Staff course at the U. S. Army Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. " 1 7 LL Colonel Ben H. Keyserling, O I USAR, ME, has completed the Reserve Associate Command and General Staff Course at the U. S. Army Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. lAt) Lt. Colonel Lochlin W. Caffe, USA, ^ f c CE, is now Director of the U. S. Army Field Engineer Office in Orleans, France.


^acesinwHms Wayne J. Holman, '28, chairman of Chicopee Manufacturing Company and Personal Products Company, became treasurer of Johnson & Johnson, July 1. Holman joined the company in 1940 as an electrical engineer.

Col. William G. Thrash. USMC, '39, was recently selected for promotion to brigadier general. Thrash is currently serving as assistant chief of staff, G-3, Fleet Marine Force. He has earned 23 medals and decorations. William G. Jr., will entei Tech in the fall.

Col. James W. Heatwole, '40, chief of staff for the Defense Electronics Supply Center, Dayton, Ohio, has been named comptroller for the center. Heatwole entered the military in 1940 and for a time was asst. prof, of MS&T at the University of Minnesota.

Jackson S. Smith, Jr., '42, has been promoted to asst. vice president in charge of the operations of the Sperry and Hutchinson Company in the Southeastern Region. Smith joined the Company in 1953 as the firsl merchandise manager in the South.

/ . Bruce Campbell, '46, has been appointed sales manager for Perkins Electronics Corporation, California manufacturers of dc power supplies and ac line voltage regulators. Campbell will be responsible for the planning, control and direction of Perkinls sales organization.

R. G. Price, Jr., '47, has been appointed district manager of Delta-Star Electric Division, H. K. Porter Company, Inc. Price, formerly was associated with the Orangeburg Manufacturing Company as southeast regional manager. 26

NEWS BY CLASSES-conrinueci We were recently advised of the death of Gustave F. Johnson. His widow lives at 742 Gladstone Road, N.W., Atlanta, Georgia. ' / O A. C. Ford, IM, has been made sec'*J retary and auditor of the Chattahoochee Industrial Railroad, Cedar Springs, Georgia. Major George T. Sargent, USAF, died July 5 at Walter Reed Hospital in Washington, D. C. *At\ John S. Baldwin, GE, was elected a ™*» director of Esso International, Inc. recently. Since 1961 he has been manager of the Coordination and Petroleum Economics Department of Standard Oil in New Jersey. ' A f i D°nald H. Waddington, Jr. has been ' " transferred from Atlanta to Dallas, Texas as sales manager of The Barnham Company's Dallas office. His home address is 3663 Palos Verdes, Dallas 29, Texas. ' i l Joseph H. Anderer, ME, IE, has been • ' appointed product director, nylon, with Celanese Fibers Company. He lives at 4201 Oldfield Road, Charlotte, North Carolina. Major Leo T. Barber, Jr., USAR, CE, recently completed the Reserve Associate Command and General Staff Course at the U. S. Army Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. M Q Evert E. Clark, IE, formerly branch **" manager in Atlanta for the Turner Halsey Company, has been transferred to New York City where he will work in merchandising with the vice president in charge of the gray goods division. His business address is 40 Worth Street, New York 13, New York. A. P. Little, ChE, has been promoted to supervisor, process engineering (chemical facilities) with Chemstrand at Decatur, Alabama. His home address is 2405 Stratford Road, S.E., Decatur, Alabama. Alan E. Thomas has been named general personnel manager of Southern Bell in Charlotte, North Carolina.


Dr. George B. Hawthorne, Jr., EE, is now a member of the technical staff of the M I T R E Corporation in Bedford, Massachusetts.


' C O Married: Eben Fletcher Tilly, Jr., * J ^ IM, to Miss Nancy McFadden July 27 in Atlanta, Georgia. ' C O L. Jejjerson Knox, IM, has been pro*»** moted by Mutual of New York to take special managerial training at the company's home offiice in New York City. He lives in Columbus, Georgia. Born to: Mr. and Mrs. Stanley E. Tisdale, EE, a son, Kevin Andrew, May 23.

Mr. Tisdale is a Principal Engineer in the Communications Systems Engineering Department with Bendix Radio. They live at 3119 Summit Avenue, Baltimore 34, Maryland. ' C A Thomas E. Costlier, **' the summer sessions Academy of International Hague as a reporter for the Association.

ChE, covered of the Hague Law at The American Bar

' E C Born to: Mr. and Mrs. Seymour *}** Anderson, Jr., IE, a son, Lee Thomas, February 9. They live at 3181 Mathieson Drive, N.E., Atlanta, Georgia. ' E C L. E. Berrey, Jr. has been promoted * » " to commercial representative with the Florida Power and Light Company. His mailing address is General Delivery, Melbourne Beach, Florida. Married: Charles K. Cobb, Jr., TE, to Miss Carolyn Sue Webb. August 31. Donald William Llnde, ME, recently received his Masters in Mechanical Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Boyd C. Steed, Jr. is now Transportation Planning Engineer with Wilbur Smith & Associates. His new home address is 422 Edisto Avenue, Columbia, South Carolina. ' C 7 Allen Ecker has received an award *» ' for a special service to the U S A F for his efforts in leading a critical part of a special counter-insurgency study conducted by the Aeronautical Systems Division of the Air Force Systems Command. He is Acting Chief of the Operations Analysis Branch of the Aeronautical Systems Division at Wright-Patterson A F B . Ohio. Haywood L. Gibson. IE, has been transferred to New Kensington, Pennsylvania where he is division industrial engineer with the Aluminum Company of America. His home address is 2520 Elcor Drive, New Kensington, Pennsylvania. Captain Allan D. Guggolz, U S A F IE, is a civil engineer assigned to Spagdahlem Air Base, Germany. Engaged: Thomas Pendleton Henry, EE, to Miss Martha Ann Kieffer. The wedding will take place October 5, 1963. Mr. Henry is with Lockheed in Marietta, Georgia. Dale Henson, IM, is one of 13 southerners appointed by the U. S. Secretary of Commerce to serve on the Atlanta Region Export Expansion Council. Dale is an assistant research economist in the Industrial Development Division. Engineering Experiment Station at Georgia Tech. Born to: Mr. and Mrs. James E. Leben, ME, a daughter, Janet Elizabeth, April 19. They live at 1328 Lynn Drive, Marietta, Georgia. Major Charles R. Lehner, Jr., USA, EE, has completed a 39-week officer aviator course at the Aviation Center, Fort Rucker, Alabama. Peter L. Portanova, IE, recently received his Masters in Industrial Engineering from the University of Southern California and TECH ALUMNUS

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NEWS BY CLASSES - continued

John McGowan, Jr., '52, recently was elected assistant secretary of the Cockeysville, Corporation of the Aircraft Armaments, Inc. McGowan has been with AAI since 1952. He was assigned to the Government Contracts Division and then became the assistant manager of the division in 1962. Ervin C. Lentz, '53, has been named supervisor of new product engineering for the Walker Manufacturing Company, Racine, Wisconsin. With the promotion, Lentz will move to Racine from Jackson, Mississippi, where he was supervisor of research and development. Gerdis M. Martin, '53, has joined Robertshaw Controls Company as branch manager for the company's Control Systems Division, Knoxville, Tennessee. Martin will handle marketing and contracting arrangements for the company's new line of environmental control systems in East Tennessee. C. Leon Sherman, '56, has joined Bates Nitewear Co., Inc., Greensboro, North Carolina, in a newly created position of chief, production engineering. Formerly Sherman was associated with Society Brand Hat Company, St. Louis, Missouri as an industrial engineer. William P. Killian, '57, has been promoted to head the Process Engineering Department at Thiokol Chemical Corporation's Wasatch Division. Killian recently presented a paper at the 50th National Meeting of the AIChE in Buffalo. N. Thomas Williams, '60, a project engineer for The Rust Engineering Company, has been transferred to CoppeeRust, an associate company in Brussels, Belgium. His duties will consist of handling international design and construction services. 28

is now working on his doctorate. He is employed by the Aerospace Corporation as a manager assigned to the Ground Systems of the Titan III Space Program. He lives at 2107 Overland Avenue, Los Angeles 25, California. Born to: Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Rowland, HI, triplets, Andrew, Bruce and Sarah, June 18. Mr. Rowland is with Rust Engineering. They live at 904 Sheridan Place, Birmingham 13, Alabama. ' C O Born to: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. * " " Ackerman, IM, a son, William Albert, June 15. They live at 40 Peachtree Valley Road, N.E., Apartment L-10, Atlanta 9, Georgia. Peter S. Brandt, IM, has joined Paul A. Chapman and Associates, manufacturers' representative, in Charlotte, North Carolina. Captain Michael P. Charles, USAF, Phys, has been reassigned to L. G. Hanscom Field, Massachusetts following completion of college study sponsored by the Air Force. Born to: Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Ellis, a son, Herbert L., Ill, July 17. They live at 100 Thorn Hill Drive, Fort Worth, Texas. T. J. Elrod, Jr. has assumed ownership of the Shell Service Station at Ontario and Gordon Streets, S.W., Atlanta, Georgia. Born to: Mr. and Mrs. Henry O. Everitt, Jr., IE, a son, Henry Olin, III, May 6 in Huntsville, Alabama. Born to: Mr. and Mrs. Ben G. Furgitt, Jr., a daughter, Sarah, October 23, 1962. They live at 4978 Gwynee Road, Memphis, Tennessee. Robert G. Hill, ME, has been elected president of Polyco, Inc., a plastics blowmolding firm located in Smyrna, Georgia. He lives at 96 Roswell Court, N.E., Atlanta, Georgia. Robert P. Lofblad, Jr., AE, is now general manager, Sierra Screw Products. He recently received his masters in business administration from Stanford. The Lofblads live at 1311 North Azusa Avenue, Apartment 110, Azusa, California. Jean A. Mori, ME, received his masters in business administration from Emory in June. He received the Gordon Siefkin M.B.A. Award as the outstanding graduate business student. Mr. Mori is with Humble Oil. He lives at 9849 Damuth Drive, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Married: David F. Patterson, IE, to Miss Susan Kathleen Forshey May 18. Mr. Patterson is with Union Bag-Camp Paper Corporation. They live at 2223 Lenox Road, N.E., Apartment 6, Atlanta, Georgia. Born to: Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Prosser, IE, a daughter, Alice Marie, June 5. Mr. Prosser is with Caterpillar Overseas SA, 100 Rue DuRhone, Geneva, Switzerland. Married: Thomas J. Rabern to Miss Ann Schlemmer July 20 in Miami,-Florida. William H. Savell, IM, is now Field Director of the Fulton County Republican Committee. His business address is Republican State Central Committee of Geor-

gia, 416 Palmer Building, Atlanta 3, Ga. Born to: Mr. and Mrs. William T. Teague, CereE, a son, Christian Tracy, March 7. Mr. Teague is with Hughes Aircraft. They live at 7858 3/4 Flight Avenue, Los Angeles 45, California. C Q Born to: Mr. and Mrs. Ken J. Dolan, * ' * ' IE, a son, Steven Conrad, June 14. Ken has been promoted to project manager with Collins Radio Company and will manage a 13 1/2 million dollar project constructing a Toll Telephone Network for the Kingdom of Thialand. He and his family will remain in Bangkok. Thialand until the spring of 1965. His business address is c / o Collins Radio Company. O I C C / S E A , A P O 146, San Francisco, California. Major Donald H. Hilderbrand, USMC, Arch, recently assumed command of the Bulk Fuel Company which provides petroleum, oil and lubricants to the Third Marine Division in the Far East. His address is Bulk Fuel Company, Auto. Supply District Bn., Third Force Service Regiment, Third Marine Division, c / o FPO, San Francisco, California. Major Melvin H. Johnsrud, USA, has completed the regular course at the U. S. Army Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Born to: Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Langley, Phys, a daughter, Anne Elizabeth. They live at 43 Neillian Way. Bedford, Massachusetts. Leon H. Robertson, IM, has been promoted to manager in the Administrative Services Division of Arthur Anderson and Company in Atlanta, Georgia. William L. Schwanebeck, Jr., IM, has been named assistant manager of life, accident and health lines at the Travelers Insurance Company's agency office in Macon, Georgia. Leon Wayne Transeati, IE, received his masters of business administration from the University of Delaw in June. W. Douglas Williams. CE, is a construction engineer with Chemstrand. He lives at 1405 16th Avenue, S.E., Decatur, Alabama. Jfl Born to: Lt. and Mrs. Calvin Wayne D U Dahlke, USA, AE, a daughter, Dana Lynn, July 7. Lt. Dahlke is stationed at the Army Missile Command. Redstone Arsenal, Alabama. They live at 204-C Dyer Circle, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama. Kenneth Dupont, CE, received his masters in business administration from Louis* iana State University in June and is now with the Boeing Company as a Program Coordinator A. His new address is 455 Francis Drive, New Orleans 26, Louisiana. Gale R. Ernsberger, AE, is with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration at Redstone Arsenal. He lives with his wife and three children at 2135 Evans Avenue, N.W., Huntsville. Alabama. Edmund Cook Glover, CE, received his masters in business administration from Carnegie Institute of Technology in June. Arne Tonis Kint, IE. received his masters TECH ALUMNUS

COLLEGIAN He's a student at General Motors Institute. Today, he's absorbed in higher mathematics. Tomorrow, perhaps Plato and Aristotle . . . political theory and psychology . . . humanities and economics—in short, whatever makes for a well-rounded education. Next week, he may be on the job in an automobile plant. Twenty-four hundred other students like him are studying to be electrical, mechanical or industrial engineers, in one of the world's most unusual institutions of higher learning. jr.

During their first four college years at GMI, students alternate between six weeks of intensive study at GMI and six weeks of paid work at one of 133 General Motors operations across the nation and in Canada. Their fifth year is entirely in the field . . . preparing bachelor theses based on actual engineering projects of their sponsoring GM divisions. Since its small beginning, 37 years ago, GMI has graduated 6,000 engineers. The great majority chose to remain with General Motors and today are employed in a wide range of technical and managerial positions in GM plants throughout the world. The educational investment in these people has been a beneficial one—not only for them and for General Motors—but for the many communities where they now work and live. A.

GENERAL MOTORS IS PEOPLE... Making Better Things F o r You


NEWS BY CLASSES - continued in June from the University of California and is now a plant engineer with H. C. Macaulay, Inc. He lives at 1720 Delaware Street, Berkeley 3, California. Born to: Lt. and Mrs. Bobby E. Lawler, USAF, ME, NE, a son, Scott Allen, June 3. Lt. Lawler is in the Nuclear Power Branch of the Air Force Weapons Lab at Albuquerque, New Mexico. Wilbur F. Lowe, Jr., ChE, has joined the William S. Merrell Company in Cincinnati, Ohio as a project engineer. Frank H. Maier, Jr., IM., has completed requirements for his Master's degree in Retailing at New York University and is now with Maier & Berkele Jewelers in Atlanta. He lives at 2373 Dellwood Drive, N.W. Born to: Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Travis, AE, a son, Gregory Kenneth, July 31. Mr. Travis is employed by Lockheed. They live at 829 Ashwood Drive, Smyrna, Georgia. Born to: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walz, IM, a daughter, Lee Elizabeth, June 12 in Manchester, N . Y. 'CI Married: E. Maxey Abernathy, " • ChE, to Miss Carole Jean Moore, August 17 in Waco, Texas. Mr. Abernathy received his Masters in Physiology at Baylor and is now in his second year of medical training at Baylor in Houston, Texas. Warren L. Batts received his Masters in Business Administration from the Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration in June. Born to: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lee Hughey, IE, a son, Richard Lee, April 15. Mr. Hughey is with Research Analysis Corporation as an operations analyst. They live at 4845 Crescent Street, N.W., Washington 16, D. C. Lt. James B. Marks, USA, is serving with the 31st Artillery Brigade at Lockport, New York. Born to: Mr. and Mrs. G. Wayne Page, IM, a son, Garrick Wayne, June 11. They live at 131 East Chateau Place, Milwaukee 17, Wisconsin. Mr. Page is a customer sales and service representative with Chain Belt Company. Married: R. Y. Shuping, CE, to Miss Melissa Mitchell, August 24. Mr. Shuping completed a tour of duty with the Navy in August and is now with the Superior Stone Company. They live at 224 West Vineland, Augusta, Georgia. Married: John A. Siewert, IM, to Miss Alberta Sandau, July 5. Mr. Siewert JSp.attending the North American Theological Baptist Seminary in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. William I. Strauss, EE, an engineer with Collins Radio Company, Dallas, Texas, is currently in Formosa supervising the installation and alignment of a high-density, R.T. hetrodyne microwave system for the Taiwan Telecommunications Administration. His current address is c / o Taiwan Telecommunications Administration, 2 Changsha Street, Taipei, Taiwan, China. 30

' C O John W. Anderson, IE, has been proOfc moted to first lieutenant, USA. He is stationed in Germany with the 6th Missile Battalion. Born to: Mr. and Mrs. James M. Barber, IM, a son, James, Jr., March 25. Mr. Barber is with Lockheed. They live at 1266 North Highland Avenue, N.E., Atlanta, Georgia. Lenzo Chavis, EE, has completed a course in maintaining and programming electronic digital computers at Thompson Ramo Woolridge, Inc. and has been assigned as a field representative to the Naval Guided Missile School at D a m Neck, Virginia. His address is 405 Bradford Road, Lakeview Shores, Virginia Beach, Virginia. Lt. Richard T. Drummond. USAF, IM, is in pilot training at Williams Air Force Base, Arizona. A 2 / C Loren V. Greene, Jr., USAF, IM, has been reassigned to Hunter AFB, Georgia following graduation from the U. S. Air Force technical training course for air traffic controllers at Keesler A F B , Mississippi. Married: Robert D. Hayes, Jr. to Miss Dana Ball, April 20. Their address is 1606 Shawnee Road, P.O. Box 755, Lima, Ohio. Married: Clifford Raymond Holt, Jr., IM, to Miss Carey Collinsworth, July 27 in Atlanta. George William Knight, IE, was commissioned an Ensign in the USNR in March. His home address is 1101 Young Street, Thomasville, Georgia. Born to: Lt. and Mrs. Charles D. McWhorter, USA, EE, a daughter, Melanie Denise, March 29. Lt. McWhorter is stationed at Fort Monroe, Hampton, Virginia. They live at 17 Aspenwood Drive, Hampton, Virginia. Born t o : Mr. and Mrs. A. Rhodes Mitchell, ME, a son, Alan Rhodes, Jr., June 23. Mr. Mitchell is assistant district manager with Southern Bell in Athens, Georgia. Engaged: Aaron Dewey Morris, EE, to Miss Brenda Elsberry. Mr. Morris is an electrical engineer with Western Electric in Atlanta. Born t o : Lt. and Mrs. S. Taylor Rogers, USA, a daughter, Linda Diane, January 20. Lt. Rogers completed the Signal Officers Orientation Course at Fort Bardon and the Signal Missile Master Officer Management Course at Fort Bliss, Texas and is now a shift officer with the U. S. Army Signal Missile Master Support Detachment at Niagara Falls, New York. They live at 55-A Blanchard Drive, Niagara Falls, New York. Married: Wayne Alfred Sawyer, CE, to Miss Sheila Kay Bowman, April 20. Mr. Sawyer is serving with the Air Force in Clovis, New Mexico. Married: Lt. Ralph E. Vick, U S A F , AE, to Miss Patricia Ruth Sterling, March 9 at Webb AFB, Texas. Lt. Vick is in pilot training. They live at 1615 State Street, Big Spring, Texas. Peter D. Wev, IM, recently completed a tour of duty with the Army and is now associated with Studley, Shupert and Com-

pany in the Bank Portfolio Management Department. He is also attending graduate school at the University of Pennsylvania. His address is 3946 Pine Street, Philadelphia 4, Pennsylvania. ' C O Lt. Joseph L. Andrews, USA, IM, has " * * completed the officer orientation course at the Engineer School, Fort Belvoir, Virginia. Lt. Alfred A. Camp, USA, IM, has completed the officer orientation course at the Adjutant General's School, Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana. J. M. Bandy, ME, is now with Gulf Oil. He lives at 4801 7th Street, Port Arthur, Texas. Married: William Patrick Dickson, Chem, to Miss Pattie Crary, August 31 in Decatur, Georgia. Lt. John H. Edenfield, USA, IE, has completed the officer orientation course at the Engineer School, Fort Belvoir, Virginia. Engaged: Lt. Charles Shockley Gilbert, USAF, to Miss Herlene Coils. Lt. Gilbert is stationed at the Grand Forks AFB, North Dakota. Lt. Donald L. House, USA. TE, recently completed the officer orientation course at the Air Defense Center, Fort Bliss, Texas. Lt. Frederick A. Joyner, USA, has completed the officer orientation course at the Engineer School, Fort Belvoir, Virginia. Married: Charles Robert Kilgore, IM, to Miss Anne Anderson, July 20 in Columbus, Georgia. Married: Lt. Maurice Joseph Maguire, Jr., USAF, IM, to Miss Yvonne Neiner, August 17. Lt. Maguire is stationed at McGuire AFB, New Jersey. John E. Mims, Jr., IM, has been commissioned a second lieutenant in the U. S. Air Force following graduation from Officer Training School at Lackland AFB, Texas. He is now assigned to Keesler AFB, Mississippi for training as an aircraft maintenance officer. Claude R. Partain, IM. was honored as a distinguished graduate and received his commission as a second lieutenant in the U. S. Air Force following completion of the Officer Training School at Lackland AFB, Texas. William M. Peluso, EE, has joined Hazeltine Corporation at Little Neck, New York as a field engineer. Lt. Edward H. Selby, Jr., USA, has completed the officer orientation course at the Engineer School, Fort Belvoir, Virginia. Lt. Erik K. Straub, USA, CE, has completed the engineer officer basic course at the Engineer Center, Fort Belvoir, Virginia. Joe Lee Thompson, I M , loan officer for the Smyrna Federal Savings and Loan Association, Smyrna, Georgia, has been named a Cobb County Zone Chairman for this fall's United Appeal Campaign. James A. Wagner, USAF, AE, has been commissioned a second lieutenant upon completion of the Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps at James Connally Air Force Base, Texas.


The first telephone call ever made was a call for help as Alexander Graham Bell spilled acid on his clothes: "Come here, Mr. Watson, I want y o u ! "


Ever since that fateful evening in 1876, telephone people have been responding to calls for help—and training to supply it. A tradition of service—a knowledge of first aid—an instinct to help—these keep operators at their posts in fire or flood—send linemen out to battle blizzards or hurricanes— and save lives many times in many ways. Over the years, the Bell System has awarded 1,896 medals to employees for courage, initiative and accomplishment—for being good neighbors both on the job and off it. Here are some recent winners:

Kenneth E. Ferguson, Installer-Repairman, Newport News, Virginia. En route to a repair job, he came upon a burning house where a blind, bedridden woman lay helpless. Ripping out a window, he and a policeman entered the flaming room. They were forced out by intense heat and smoke. Mr. Ferguson ran to a nearby house for blankets. Wrapped in wet blankets, the two men re-entered and rescued the woman.

Leonard C. Jones, Supplies Serviceman, Morgantown, West Virginia. He noticed a neighboring house on fire. Rushing to it, he helped a father rescue three young children. Then he plunged back into the burning building and, guided only by cries through the choking smoke, found and saved another child who was hiding under a couch in the blazing living room. Minutes after he left, the wooden house collapsed.

Mrs. Dorothy Crazier, Operator, San Rafael, California. She took a call from a frantic mother whose small son had stopped breathing. After notifying both ambulance and fire department, Mrs. Crozier realized that traffic was heavy and time short. Over the telephone, she taught the mother mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. The boy was breathing when firemen arrived. Doctors credit his life to her alertness..

Franklin Daniel Gurtner, Station Installer, Auburn, Washington. He heard a request for emergency breathing equipment on his radio monitor and hurried to the address, where a baby was strangling. He found the child's air passage was blocked, cleared it, and successfully administered mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Then the fire department arrived and applied oxygen to help overcome shock.

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Charles J. Gilman, Communications Serviceman, Bellwood, Illinois. Driving to an assignment, he saw an overturned car and found a man under it bleeding profusely. Cautioning bystanders not to smoke, he helped remove the victim. The man's arm was almost severed below the shoulder and he seemed in shock. Mr. Gilman applied a tourniquet and kept pressure on it until an ambulance arrived.

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