Georgia Tech Alumni Magazine Vol. 42, No. 08 1964

Page 1


the editor's notes











beautiful English books and American silver dollars on festive occasions. But he never seems to remember their names. He has the physical stamina of two men half his age and the moral fiber of 100 men of any age. But he drives an automobile like a man whose senses have long departed him. He loves life and people and no one can convince him to ever believe the worst about any of his friends or, for that matter, about anybody. This love is honest and far from maudlin. But he covers it up by the gruffness of his approach to everyone around him. The louder his roar, the more you are getting to him.




OCCUPYING the cover and nine additional pages of this issue are pictures and copy concerning Dean George C. Griffin, who in addition to being the greatest of the sackbrains has now become the most feted man in Tech's history. If you are interested in what happened to George during the month of May and what the important Tech people had to say about him, don't stop here, just move on to page six of this issue. This column contains merely the thoughts that flitted through the mind of one man during that moving evening of May 16. This is our George Griffin.

J . L- BROOKS 39





WE SUPPOSE there are those who love the cliche enough to say, "There's a George Griffin on every campus." But we have no idea of swallowing this "Goodby Mr. Chips" malarky which indicates that there might be another George Griffin anywhere on earth. The others have to be charlatans . . . shallow imitations of the real thing . . . shadowy forms of a man so deep, so complex that even people who have known him for half a century still have no idea of what he will do or say in the next minute. Of course, he has his trademarks just as all of us do. He greets everybody, no matter what their station in life with the same growling, "What d'ye want, boy?" And each summer he shows up with a straw skimmer that brings back the memories of Saturday double-headers in a small Pennsylvania town when our world was young. But the greatest of his consistencies is his everlasting inconsistency.

GEORGE is no saint and to make him one is a mistake in our book. He is a man — the noblest one we have known — and like all great men he is temperamental and at times most difficult. He is prone to chew out his favorites before he hears what they have to say and often about something in which they were never involved. But a chewing-out by George amounts to considerably more than a hymn of praise from any one else we know. He is kind and considerate to children of all ages and gives his godchildren

LIKE ALL MEN, George has his share of prejudices and he is most outspoken about them. But if it comes to the point where he has to shunt them aside for the betterment of Tech or the community, he does it with the quickness of a chameleon changing color. We have seen him do it more than once. We have also seen him defeated in more than one campus battle and he takes his defeats hard. But he never carries any antagonism toward the person who whipped him. He suffers his defeats like Coach Alex once did — in complete silence — with maybe an added touch or two of grumbling to himself.




old-fashioned and personal. He dislikes machines almost as much as we do. But he is gifted with an extraordinary visionary sense. And when he crystallizes an idea in that mind of his, George will fight any one to see it through to either complete victory or utter defeat. Nothing reflects this facet of his personality better than the beginning of the Tech central placement system, second of its type in the country and now considered one of the best in operation. One spring day in the early thirties, George was wandering down the hall of the Administration Building when he happened to run into a representative of the Firestone Rubber Company who wore the expression that George refers to as "looking like an old sour." The man wanted to hire some Tech graduates but had no idea of where to go to interTECH ALUMNUS

view them. George sent him over to the Chemistry Department and the man finally hired a couple of seniors. The incident started George's creative juices flowing. "What Tech needs," he told himself, "is a central office where companies can come and talk to the seniors." Out of his own pocket, George opened a placement office. He did it on the sly without bothering to tell President Brittain or any other members of the administration. With the help of the WPA, George hired a part-time secretary for the operation for a spell until the administration finally got wind of the deal. It seems that George had hired this girl to work on a history of Tech athletics (which the president's office later lost) and during lulls in the writing, George put the girl to work on the placement correspondence. "This untimely discovery led to a knockdown, drag-out battle with the administration," recalls George. "And the president threatened to kill the whole operation. However, the late Dr. King of Mechanical Engineering and the late Dr. Daniel of Chemistry jumped in on my side and finally convinced President Brittain that this was a project that Tech had to support out of the regular budget. And in those days there sure wasn't much budget, so you can imagine what a fine pair of convincers those two gentlemen were." * * * A ANOTHER typical George Griffin promotion was the Emergency Loan Fund. It had its start also in the thirties when a disreputable student dropped into George's office and pleaded, "Mr. Griffin, I just have to have some help. Everything I own is on my back." George sent the student downtown to John Jarrell's store, and Mr. Jarrell at George's request outfitted the boy with a complete suit of clothes from the skin out. When the boy graduated he was so grateful that he sent $25 to George to begin a John Jarrell Loan Fund for other students in temporary need of funds. George then went to Dr. Brittain and told him Tech needed more funds for emergencies. This time the president agreed with George and the Emergency Loan Fund — still in operation — was opened for business.

reetings to students and alumni everywhere. We share •a*"-,

your interest in the advancement of our alma mater, Georgia Tech. k***** 1 „

S e r v i n g A m e r i c a ' s G r e a t N a m e s in I n d u s t r y f o r o v e r 4 2 Y e a r s

is a sure thing in each hot water generator built by FINNIGAN Finnigan Hot Water Generators are engineered to give you large quantities of hot water for low operating cost. T h e finest materials, creative skill and quality construction assure efficient performance . . . "Fabricated by Finnigan" assures quality. Finnigan builds hot water generators to your specifications. Call, wire or write today for complete information with no obligation to you. ^ ^ ^ ^ d C w

A GEORGE is still at it. He has a new

office in the Knowles Building and from it he will run a special employment agency for Tech alumni over the age of 40. And again he'll be running it just as he did the first Tech placement system— out of his own pocket. Although we suspect he will have much more help this time. B. W. JULY, 1 9 6 4

£ j


W . J. McAlpin, President,


w . J . McAlpin, Jr., Vice-President, '57 F. P. DeKoning, Secretary, ' 4 8

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Assignment: Quality Control. He's a very special engineer, at General Motors—a key man in a corporation which regards product dependability as a prime responsibility to its customers. He and a G M inspector are shown giving this transmission a final check. In addition to keeping an eagle eye on every phase of manufacturing, the quality control engineer is closely concerned with preliminary design and engineering. More than 13,000 individual parts go into a G M car, and every one must be as reliable as men and machines can make it. Raw materials, components, subassemblies—all get meticulous scrutiny. Tolerances to within fifty millionths of an inch are commonplace. Among G M production employes, about one of every twelve devotes full time to quality control or inspection. Approximately 50,000 inspections are involved in the building of a single car. In addition, every machine operator has the responsibility for the quality of his work and performance of his machine. He can accept or reject any part he makes. His work is checked by the quality control engineer and the inspector, who analyze machine capabilities and predict machine inaccuracy before it occurs—not after. They're mighty important people, these G M quality control engineers. They have an exacting job, and they take pride in doing it well. G M products bear witness to their effectiveness.

GENERAL MOTORS IS PEOPLE... Making Better Things For You



Number 8

THE COVER For t h e first t i m e in o v e r e i g h t y e a r s , t h e m a g a z i n e p r e s e n t s a c o v e r in f o u r c o l o r s . T h e s u b ject, o f c o u r s e , is D e a n G e o r g e G r i f f i n a n d t h e p h o t o g r a p h e r is Bill Sumits, Jr.

For m o r e

a b o u t G e o r g e a n d his r e t i r e m e n t a n d a d d i t i o n a l p i c t u r e s b y Bill, t u r n t o p a g e 6 o f this issue.



R A M B L I N ' — t h e e d i t o r ' s p e r s o n a l v i e w s o n t h e best o f t h e " s a c k b r a i n s . "



Tech's b i g g e s t t e s t i m o n i a l .


THE RETURN O F THE M I S S I N G W H I S T L E - a m y s t e r y is s o l v e d .






A R E A S O N FOR O P T I M I S M — t h e T - n i g h t g a m e is r e v i e w e d .


THE G E O R G I A T E C H J O U R N A L - a l l t h e news in g a z e t t e f o r m .

a f e w stories f r o m t h r o u g h o u t 1 9 6 3 - 6 4 .

a n e x p o s e ' o f sorts.



OFFICERS A N D TRUSTEES — William S. Terrell, Charlotte, president • Madison F. Cole, N e w n a n , vice president • Daniel A. McKeever, vice president • W . Roane Beard, executive secretary • W . Howard Ector, treasurer • L. Massey Clarkson • Charles L. Davidson, Jr., Avondale Estates • Robert T. Davis, Columbus • James R. Dellinger, Jr., Cartersville • Alvin M. Ferst • L. Larry Gellerstedt • Ira H. Hardin • J. Leiand Jackson, Macon • Dan I. Maclntyre, III • George E. Maddox • Frank Newton, Birmingham • C. T. O x f o r d , Albany • John P. Pickett • Glen P. Robinson, Jr. • W i l l i a m P. Rocker • Charles Smithgall, Gainesville • John S. Thibadeau, Decatur • Harry B. Thompson • Ed L. Yeargan, Rome • Thomas H. Hall, III, associate secretary •

THE GEORGIA TECH FOUNDATION, INCORPORATED OFFICERS A N D TRUSTEES — John C. Staton, president • Oscar G. Davis, vice president • Henry W . Grady, treasurer • Joe W . Guthridge, executive secretary • Ivan Allen, Jr. • John P. Baum, Milledgeville • John O. Chiles • Fuller E. Callaway, Jr., LaGrange • Robert H. Ferst • Y. Frank Freeman, Hollywood • Jack F. Glenn • Ira H. Hardin • Julian T. Hightower, Thomaston • W a y n e J. Holman, Jr., N e w Brunswick • Howard B. Johnson • George T. Marchmont, Dallas • George W . McCarty • Jack J. McDonough • Walter M. Mitchell • Frank H. Neely • W i l l i a m A. Parker • Hazard E. Reeves, New York • I. M. Sheffield • Hal L. Smith • Howard T. Tellepsen, Houston • Robert Tharpe • William C. W a r d l a w , Jr. • Robert H. White • George W . Woodruff • Charles R. Yates •

THE EDITORIAL STAFF Robert B. W a l l a c e , Jr., editor • Thomas H. Hall, III, advertising manager • Mary Jane Reynolds, editorial assistant • Mary P. Bowie, class notes editor • Frank C. Bigger, staff writer • Published eight times a year—February, March, May, July, September, October, November a n d December—by the Georgia Tech National Alumni Association, Georgia Institute of Technology; 225 North Avenue, Atlanta, Georgia. Subscription price (35c per copy) included in the membership dues. Second class postage paid at Atlanta, Georgia.

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THE DEAN GEORGE Sponsored by the ANAK Society

CLAYTON GRIFFIN Georgia Institute of Technology


P.M. Saturday, May 16,1084, 6:30 P



smiling, saddened, and silent group of Tech men shown in the picture below is but one small segment of -EL the crowd of over 550 who came to the Progressive Club in Atlanta on May 16 to honor retiring dean of students, George C. Griffin. It was by far the largest testimonial dinner in the history of Georgia Tech. And the alumni came from as far as California to pay homage to a man who became a legend in his own lifetime. At the exact moment that this picture was taken, another Alumnus photographer was catching George moving up to the speakers' platform — alone for the only instant during the long and moving evening. This combination of pictures came about only after a 15-minute delay during which master of ceremonies Fred Ajax pleaded with the guest of honor to stop shaking hands with everyone in the hall and come up where he belonged. It was that kind of an evening — one which will be talked about by Tech men in the same breath as the 1962 Alabama game, the 1955 Kentucky basketball games, or even the 1929 Rose Bowl game. And in years to come, if human nature prevails, the crowd of 550 will be stretched to the Nth power as once young Tech men tell their grandchildren that they were there on the night George was honored. For more pictures and text to substantiate any future claims, please turn the page. I H E APPLAUDING,


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People from every segment of Tech society laude






Sponsored by th*» ANAK Soolvtj


Gworgla Inatltut» of Technology


Saturday. May IB. i'»e*. 6:30 P.M.


has a Tech man been so lavishly feted as was George Griffin on his night. Fred Ajax opened the show by reading the announcement by Governor Sanders proclaiming May 16, 1964, as "Dean George Griffin Day" in Georgia. Griffin squirmed and scowled (see pages 10 and 11). Ajax then introduced five men representing segments of Georgia Tech and each gave a view of Griffin. The dean squirmed and scowled and laughed some more as President Harrison said, "A dean of students is a dad, a Dutch uncle, a wise man, a counselor, a judge, a disciplinarian, a guide, a walking bank, and a handy man. George is all of these and more and the phrase, 'let George do it,' has real meaning at Tech." Harrison also announced that Griffin had been named Dean Emeritus by the Board of Regents and would have an office in the Knowles Building ready for him when he moved out of his own building on June 30.



Student Body President John Hayes called Griffin "the best friend the students have at Tech. He treats everyone the same whether they are student officers or lowly first-quarter freshmen." The faculty point of view was presented by English Professor Glenn Rainey. Rainey denned Griffin as "a warm current going through the cold ocean in Tech's somewhat glacial atmosphere. He has counterbalanced some of our worse faults, and I don't know how we are going to replace him," he concluded. continued on page 10 JULY, 1964





Sponsored by the ANAK Society



Georgia Institute of Technology

APPRECIATION Saturday, May 16,1964, 6:30 P.M.


While the orators carried on


Bill Terrell represented the alumni and called Griffin "the most devoted and dedicated man to the best interest of Tech's alumni and friends." Terrell also inducted George's wife, Mrs. Genie Griffin, as an honorary member of the Georgia Tech National Alumni Association in a surprise ceremony. Athletic Director Bobby Dodd, another of Griffin's bosses, praised him as a "wonderful influence on our school" and presented the dean with the keys to a 1964 Buick Skylark with all the extras as a gift from the Athletic Association. Then came more gifts. Oscar Davis handed Griffin a silver tray engraved, "To the Greatest Dean of Them All, George C. Griffin, from his thousands of friends, May 16, 1964." Then Davis added, "as a means of getting polish to keep the tray shining, the alumni and friends of Griffin have come up with something tangible," and handed the dean a check for $5,223.23 which like the tray came from the "Gift for George" contributions as a result of a letter by Robert T. Jones, Jr., one of George's classmates. The final presentation of the night was the announcement by Walter Mitchell that the Dean George Griffin Scholarship Fund had already exceeded $28,000. John Staton, presidentelect of the Georgia Tech Foundation, Inc., accepted the fund, which when all was said and done probably pleased George Griffin more than anything else that happened all evening. More on page 12 10


Photographs by Bill Sumits, Jr.

G e o r g e s q u i r m e d and s c o w l e d and laughed

JULY, 1964


Photographs by Bill Sumits, Jr.

THE DEAN GEORGE Sponsored by the ANAK Soc

CLAYTON GRIFFIN Georgia Institute of Technol


On his feet finally, D e a n Griffin puts the perfect lid on the night .#--.

WHEN George finally got to his feet, he thanked everybody connected with the entire affair. But within a minute he had launched into a series of the stories that helped make him a legend. He flailed his arms, laughed at his own lines before he said them, and generally acted just as a Tech man would expect George Griffin to act in front of a crowd. After 30 minutes or so of assorted finished and unfinished story-telling, a small band suddenly appeared at the north end of the hall and broke into Rambliri Reck. Griffin, nonplussed, joined everybody in the place in singing three choruses of the song and then just as you would expect he went right back to his tall tales. He talked about Coach Alex and Bob Jones and Coach Dodd and President Van Leer and President Harrison and Fred Storey and John Staton and bankers and ticketsellers and others before he closed the evening out by saying what everyone already knew, "Really what I have been trying to do is sorta cover up my feelings a little bit by telling a lot of these lies. Thanks again for wasting your time here and thank the good Lord that I have so many friends. And I do hope that some way or other I can reach you to thank all of you for the many great things that you have done for me." After the crowd broke up, one of the late-leavers noticed George and Genie wandering around the parking lot. Asked what they were doing, George replied, "Looking for our new car." The new car, of course, was still at Hix Green's waiting to be selected. Nothing had changed. JULY, 1964


THE DEAN GEORGE Sponsored by lh» ANAK So

CLAYTON GRIFFIN G* org la Inatltut* of Tacrine

APPRECIATION Saturday, May IS, 1B64, 0:30


Postscript: seven students fete George in their own manner NONE of the ceremonies surprised George Griffin quite as much as the only one that wasn't planned by an official committee. The ceremony in absentia was organized by a group of seven unknown Tech students who call themselves the "Magnificent Seven." The group had snatched the Tech whistle from its moorings on October 3 1 . During the afternoon of May 16, they returned it—polished, mounted on a handsome base, and engraved—to the dean via a delivery boy and Griffin's yardman. The inscription read, "In behalf of all Tech men, this silenced memento is presented in the spirit of infamous Tech traditions to: Dean George C. Griffin who has contributed so much to the legend of Georgia Tech." On the base plate appeared the words, "To 'Mr. Georgia Tech' from the 'Magnificent Seven.' " Upon receiving the trophy, Griffin sat down and wrote a letter to President Harrison turning it over to Tech since the whistle was institutional property. In his letter, he wrote, "I am returning the old whistle for your disposal." And then the dean suggested that the whistle be held in a safe place until the completion of Tech's longawaited Student Activities Center, there 14


to be mounted in a suitable spot and each year the names of the top scholar and the captain of the football team might be engraved on it. This wasn't the first case of whistlenapping at Tech. In the fall of 1905 it only took four students to heist the whistle and the fear of reprisal kept the guilty from returning the noise maker until 1949, which amounts to 88 times as long as it took this year's group to hand it over. The first theft was engineered by L. A. Emerson, a 1907 Tech graduate who now lives in Columbia, S. C. It too took place in the dead of night and threw the campus into a much larger turmoil than the modern-day incident. According to an Atlanta Constitution news story following the theft, "The members of the faculty were almost frantic for a while, as they did not know how to summon the students. The wildest confusion prevailed. A

man was sent up to inspect the whistle, but it was found to have been cut entirely in two. "The result was that the schedule of recitations was greatly disarranged all day," continued the newspaper report, "and the students were silently chuckling in their sleeves." In a letter written May 21, 1949 to the late Jack Thiesen, then Tech's alumni secretary, Emerson recalled, "The recollection of the student body being called into chapel and the fearful consequences promised the guilty parties still gives me a numb feeling all along my ageing spine. It was even rumored that the cost would be taken from the 'damage fees' of the entire student body—unless the culprits confessed." Oh yes, the culprit first confessed to —you guessed it, the same George Griffin who received the second whistle. TECH ALUMNUS

An ending — a beginning

THE fEAR THAT WAS On a campus as busy as this one, no magazine can hope to cover all of the news during a given year. And often some of the best stories get lost in the shuffle of the monthly deadline, never to appear at all. Here are a few of those stories from the year, 1963-64.



Georgia Tech granted 1014 bachelor, 212 master and 27 doctor of philosophy degrees at the 81st commencement, held June 13 at the Fox Theater. During the ceremony, W i l liam S. Terrell, ' 3 1 , president of the National Alumni Association, inducted the entire class into the association by handing the traditional wallet to senior class president, Henry G r a d y Thrasher. In delivering the commencement address, D. W . Brosnan, '23, president of Southern Railway System (see photo), urged the graduates to meet the challenges of their opportunities as individuals. "The mark you make and the mark you leave behind you in this world can be sharp and clear only if you live life as an ind i v i d u a l , " Brosnan said. "Otherwise you'll be part of a meaningless blot that really represents the only mark a mass can make." Southern's president told the graduates that with their educational base laid for beginning the business of life " y o u will really start to show what kind of men and women you are . . . you will be subjected to pressures and challenges for which textbooks have given you no answers . . . you are entering the age of choice." Winner of the Alumni Distinguished Service A w a r d was John J. McDonough, '23, chairman of the board of the Georgia Power Company. President Harrison presented the award to McDonough for "His long and dedicated record of service to education in Georgia . . . and in gratitude for the many honors he has brought to the Georgia Institute of Technology through his business and civic leadership." After graduation the Alumni Association was the host at a special luncheon for the graduates and their families.

At far left. President Harrison reads the Alumni Distinguished Service Award for Jack McDonough (right) and President Bill Terrell passes the wallet.

THE YEAR THAT W A S - c o n t i n u e d


A study in coni


In February, Tech students were treated to two concerts by as different a pair of musical organizations as can be found in this country. Both Dave Brubeck (above) and Flatt and Scruggs and their Foggy Mountain Boys (left) were excellent, but what a contrast. Bill Sumits, Jr.


The cultural


The cultural binge on campus this year reached a climax in mid-May when the Student Lecture and Entertainment Committee presented a special art show that drew over 2,000 during a two-week stand at the Van Leer Electrical Engineering Building. The show


—The Robert Scharf Exhibit of Graphic Arts of Famous Originals — was made possible through the kindness of Dr. Scharf, professor of social sciences at Tech. It included some 80 pieces of his collection plus some of Professor Julian H. Harris' excellent sculptures.




The real

A dispossess

The 1964 academic scholarship winners of the Greater Atlanta Club are shown at the T-Night game which made possible their academic grants: kneeling left to right, K. H. Smith, K. F. Ledbetter, L. P. McCloskey, G. C. Leegate, D. N. Roberts, R. A. Brooks, and S. O. West. Standing, H. McKenzie, alumni chairman, T. R. Hayes, L. Moseley, Jr., Ava Smith, C. W . Ponder, W . A. Randolph, C. J. Bussey, and J. C. Shellnut. Not pictured, D. L M o r g a n , Jr.


In A p r i l , Technique editor, Guinn Leverett (right) was ousted by the Student Activities Committee, for his part in what was called an "obscene and pointless" April Fool's issue. Leverett, who had brought the newspaper national and local recognition as the best in years, overstepped the bounds and got the same treatment as past editors have received for that dangerous April 1 edition. CHARLIE OLDHAM






The biggest draw of all Sir Charles P. Snow, British author and scientist, shown with President Harrison and Civil Engineering Professor Paul Mayer (right, above), drew the largest lecture crowd of the year, May 19. Over 300 were turned away of the Van Leer Auditorium as the standingroom-only crowd filled the place (left) over 15 minutes before the lecture began.

JULY, 1964


THE CONFESSIONS OF A MOST HA] Illustrated by Joe McKibben

RASSED MAN Text by Bill Eastman Associate director of admissions

WIT comments that everyone is an expert on babies, A since all of us were babies once. It also appears that everyone is an expert on college admissions, since all of us were students once. College professors, businessmen, coaches, ministers, and doctors, all of whom would turn several interesting shades of purple if anybody tried to intrude into their field of specialization, have absolutely no qualms about volunteering their services as advisers to the director of admissions. In addition to the amid curiae (or semi-pro) advisers listed above, the admissions worker is besieged by professional workers in and on the fringes of college admissions. The points of view of the pros vary from the means and percentiles of the curve-fitting statistician to the dreamy generalities of the genuinely interested student personnel worker who maunders on about late-bloomers, underachieve™, educating the whole person and similar interesting but generally unprovable hypotheses. It is a well-established law that the degree of irritation of a director of admissions in contact with a pro is a linear function of time, whereas in contact with a semi-pro it is an exponential function of time. However, the irritability threshold in most directors of admission is so low as to make these differences negligible under standard conditions. Between interviews with his advisers, the admissions worker is faced with the small problem of what he will do with, for example, the 4,500 applications which were received by Georgia Tech during the current year. This brings him back to reality with such a shock that the impersonal third person of the first paragraph must give way to the agonizing "we" which begins the letters going out to these 4.5 kilopeople this year. This problem seems to be a simple one. All that is required is to decide which students get the letter that begins "we regret" and which get the one opening with "we are glad." But there are factors which complicate this choice. The first factor that must be considered is the number of students which Georgia Tech can admit in the fall quarter of the current year. This number has been set at 1,200 as an ideal goal, although it has varied in the past five years between 1,350 which delighted the controller and frustrated the freshman schedule advisers, and 1,148, which had the opposite effect. There are certain physical limitations, including the availability of chemistry and drawing labs, that are commonly referred to as setting this limit. However, a closer investigation appears to indicate that the 1,200 freshmen figure has been arrived at by that peculiar combination of mysticism, intuition, and hard-headed thinking which includes the size of the freshman class within the larger dimensions of the total present and long-term goals of the Institute. It does seem likely that these goals include a slight increase in the size of the freshman class, say to 1,600 by 1970. This assumes that no "brushfire" wars erupt, no economic recessions of great size occur, and that no educational legislation similar to PL 346 or PL 550 intervene. In continued on page 20

JULY, 1964


CONFESSIONS - continued other words, we are making that most dangerous of assumptions, normality, for the next six years. Assuming for the present that there are 1,200 places to fill, the next question which arises is: What should we look for in the selection of these students? This is the point at which the services of the pros become valuable. We are fortunate at Tech to have a continuing program of evaluation of student success, directed by Dr. Warren Willingham, a Tech graduate and a psychological statistician par excellence (who unfortunately left us in June to become director of research for the College Board). Using data on the relationship between high school grades, aptitude and achievement tests of the College Board, and freshman performance, the statistician provides the admissions office with a single figure which represents the best guess of a given student's freshman grades. Since the primary aim of the admissions office is to select students capable of absorbing Tech's curricula and graduating as competent engineers, scientists, architects, and managers, this figure must be the single most important factor in assessing a student's application. Each year, the office of admissions sets a rough cutting score, based on the estimate of applications which may be received. A student scoring below this figure will ordinarily not be considered for admission. As this number is actually a predicted grade average, it is easily understood by everyone involved—the student, the parent, the high school counselor, and the admissions officer. The method for computing the predicted grade-point average is published annually in the College Board's Manual of Freshman Class Profiles so that high school counselors can use it in pre-college counseling with their sophomores and juniors. This rough cutting score has risen from its first use at Tech in 1961 at 1.7, which is the minimum grade required for good standing in the freshman year, to 2.0 for the current year. This means that on the basis of the best information available, we are accepting students who have at least a 50-50 chance for success in the freshman year, if success is defined as the achievement of a "C" average. This method of selection of students is so simple, after it has been set up, that it might appear that the director of admissions job could be turned over to a competent clerk with a desk calculator and an automatic typewriter. There are times when we wish it could be done this way. But a lingering doubt about the infallibility of strictly actuarial methods and the presence of certain influences on admissions decisions keep the admissions business from operating this simply. There are other considerations, some legitimate, some (let us be charitable) illegitimate, that admissions workers must consider. No college wants to enroll a freshman class of greasy grade-grinds with neat IBM punches covering their cerebrums instead of a time-honored rat cap. One admissions officer has suggested, perhaps facetiously and 20

perhaps not, that if a college has a quota of 1,000 students, 800 should be selected by the admissions office using an objective standard, 50 should be selected by the athletic department, 50 by the alumni office, 50 by the board of trustees, and 50 by whatever experimental method the director of evaluation studies happens to be enthused over at the time. This method is not without merit. It would certainly bring home to people outside the admissions office the difficulty of selecting even so small a group as 50 students. This method would also insure that the student body would be more than just a group of adequate academic anonymities. Lacking the proposed method of quotas for each special interest group, how does the admissions office make sure that the students selected will be more than adequate academic anonymities? One obvious answer is through contact with the pros and semi-pros with their legitimate and illegitimate advice. For example, the ubiquitous Dr. Willingham has been researching in the area of non-intellectual factors affecting academic performance. The object of this research is to improve the selection of students who will be academically successful by finding out what non-academic factors are important to academic success. The first results indicate that the successful Tech student is a stereotype of the all-American boy variety. Jack Armstrong, himself, could not be possessed of a more perfect set of virtues. Such factors as leadership, holding a parttime job, balanced extracurricular activities, a liking for math and sciences, and a realistic self appraisal of ability are all positively related to success at Tech. However, a TECH ALUMNUS

word of caution is in order. The extracurricular activities and other non-intellectual factors listed still do not play as important a part in predicting success at Tech as does the predicted freshman grade average computed from direct academic grades and test scores. And most of our applicants have good extracurricular records in addition to good grades and test scores. So semi-pros take note, do not besiege your favorite admissions officer with statements such as "All you guys is (sic) interested in is (sic) eggheads." It has been proved and proved again that superior academic performance and superior extracurricular activity most often go hand in hand, and that no amount of extracurricular ability can give a boy the basic aptitudes and preparation he needs to handle a technical education. There are some additional reservations which the admissions officer must acknowledge in using non-intellectual factors such as extracurricular activities in the selection of students. As noted above, the typical successful Tech freshman appears to be a stereotype of the ail-American boy. This means that loo great a reliance on the use of conventional extracurricular activities in the selection of students results in the exchange of the adequate academic anonymity for the clean-cut well adjusted student. But what of the screwball? Every admissions officer has, cither publicly or privately, a "screwball quota." Without it, there would be a severe lack on college campuses of such necessary figures, as student newspaper editors, folk singers, peace marchers, and quite possibly future Nobel Prize winners. While these types are not calculated to guarantee restful nights to the dean of students, they do furnish the "ferment" necessary JULY, 1964

on any college campus. It is worth noting that a recent accreditation committee visiting Tech indicated their disappointment in the lack of such "ferment" here. It looks as though we should increase our "screwball quota." While the admissions officer labors onward through the year, surrounded by his Greek chorus of well-meaning advisers and filled with a growing number of paranoid symptoms, he comes up against another recurring problem. Invariably, the student selected by him as the brightest applicant of the lot will write a letter stating that he has received a $3,000 scholarship to M.I.T., Yale, R.P.I., Carnegie Tech, or some other Croesus among universities. Strange to say, the director of admissions at M.I.T., Yale, etc., never receives letters from his star student stating that he will attend Georgia Tech because Tech is giving him a $3,000 scholarship. The reason for this is that we don't have any $3,000 scholarships . . . or any $2,000 scholarships . . . and damn few $1,000 scholarships. This year, the scholarship committee has been unable to date to grant scholarship aid to any non-Georgia resident with a predicted freshman grade average less than 3.0. Since this group represents the top 1% of our freshman class, it is a simple deduction that we are not doing well in the brain-buying market. Of course, many of the students to whom we have made awards of $200 to $300 are turning us down because they have received awards of $3,000 to the University of Croesus. In the words of a scholarship committee member, "Offering a $200 scholarship to these boys is like spitting in their face." As an example of what other colleges are doing, one large public Midwestern university mailed to every high school student on the semi-finalist list of the National Merit Scholarship several letters encouraging these students to apply for financial aid. The letter suggested strongly that such aid would be available regardless of their eventual selection as a National Merit Scholarship winner. Now many people may object strongly to this as strictly brainbuying, and may say that we need more scholarship funds, but for financial need cases only. It is true that funds should be made available for needy students, but in addition to these funds, scholarship funds are needed to recruit top quality students for our programs. To those people who object, let us consider the analogy of the supplementation of faculty salaries. No university, including Tech, requires that an outstanding faculty member have a financial need before giving him a raise. All that is required is that he be outstanding. Or take the athlete, he need not be in financial straits to receive a grant-in-aid. He just has to be excellent in football or basketball, etc. Students, it is certain, have the same right. Other outstanding schools recognize this. Georgia Tech must come also to this realization. Last year, M.I.T. gave 49% of its freshmen financial aid . . . Cal Tech gave 66% of its freshmen financial aid . . . and Georgia Tech gave 3 % of its freshmen financial aid. Even allowing for the difference in educational costs between Tech and continued on page 22 21

CONFESSIONS - continued the other two schools, this is too big a gap. Tech has made significant progress with the present method of gradually increasing the quality of its students from the bottom up. But wc can never hope to enroll more than a handful of the really top students who can be expecied to make significant contributions to the school, the state, and the country without additional scholarship funds. Meantime, the admissions officer struggles on, attempting to find good reasons for bad decisions, hopefully inquiring of the teaching staff if they are noticing any difference in the quality of the students admitted this year, placating the pros and the semi-pros, and viewing witli a dour look the statistics projecting a 15% increase in high school seniors in 1965. Let us draw a charitable curtain over this tragic (and self-pitying) hero as he contemplates his yearly report of 200 high schools visited, 8,000 application forms mailed out, 4,500 applications received, 2,200 applications accepted, 900 applications refused, 100 applications placed on a waiting list for further action, 1,300 applications cancelled by the student, 1,600 acceptances eonfirmed by the student, 400 cancellations by the student after he confirmed acceptance, and hopefully, 1,200 faces shining up at him at the first freshman meeting of the fall quarter. May we rest in peace until the whole cycle starts again in October.

Be your own admissions officer, the easy way


EVERAL alumni magazines, massmarket magazines, and other publications have recently published quizzes in which the reader is asked to select students most likely to succeed at a given school, real or imaginary. An examination of these quizzes appears to indicate that they are loaded against the reader rather strongly, in that typical cases have been selected. Presented below is a random sample of freshmen from the class which entered in September of 1962. They have not been picked either as representative or special cases of students entering at this time. For your information, the "average" entering freshman in 1962 had a high school average of 3.1,>scores on the College Board examinations of 535 on the verbal section and 613 on the mathematical section, and a freshman grade average of 2.1. The object is to match up each student, on the basis of the information available to the admissions officer, with his actual performance as listed. Correct answers will be given in the next issue of the Alumnus. Send your answers to the Alumnus for checking. The first correct 22

matching to arrive will receive a FREE AUTOGRAPHED COPY OF Dress Her in White and Gold, liach person submitting an incorrect matching list will be made an Honorary Director of Admissions. 1. James M. Graduated 12 in a class of 165 from a high school in a Midwestern town of 7,000. Overall high school average was 3.5. College Board scores: SAT-Verbal 634, SAT-Math 674. Predicted freshman average was 2.6. Member of National Honor Society, social club, cross country, basketball, football, pep club. Intends to major in Mechanical Engineering. Has worked as paperboy, maintenance man, curb boy. Protestant, active in youth work in his church. 2. Henry B. Graduated 94 in a class of 136 from a private boys' school in Atlanta. Overall high school average was 2.3. College Board scores: SAT-Verbal 432, SAT-Math 539. Predicted fresh-

man average 1.7. Member of HiY, Key Club, Science Club, football, Math Club, Lagle Scout. Has worked as clerk in drug store, supply store. Protestant, active in church work. President of Sunday School class. Interested in Textiles. 3. Harry J. Graduated in top third from high school in town of 6,500 in Georgia. Overall high school average was 2.8. ( ollege Board scores: SAT-Verba I 412, SATMath 447. Predicted freshman average 1.7. Member of Latin Club. Physics Club, Letter Club, football, basketball, track. Vicepresident Latin Club, Captain of Football Team, Captain of Basketball Team, officer in ROTC. Intends to major in management. Has worked as lifeguard. Protestant, president of church and district youth fellowship. 4. Fred I. Graduated 8 in class of 52 from private school in Alabama. TECH ALUMNUS

Overall high school average was 2.6. College Hoard scores: SATVcrbal 477, SAT-Math 498. Predicted freshman average 1.8. Member of National Honor Society, Band, track team, school paper. First Lt. in band. Intends to major in Civil Engineering. Has worked as service station attendant, tractor operator, pecan grove worker. Protestant, member of church choir and young churchmen.

5. Thomas C. (iraduated 8 in class of 53 from suburban Atlanta high school. Overall high school average was 2.5. College Board scores: SAT-Verbal 421, SAT-Math 632. Predicted freshman average 1.9. Member of swimming team, Hi-Y, annual staff. Protestant.

6. Douglas P. (Iraduated 25 in a class of 139 from high school in Georgia town of 25,000. Overall high school average 3.0. College Board scores: SAT-Verbal 506, SAT-Math 473. Predicted freshman average 1.9. Member of Hi-Y, Red Cross, Science Club, Key Club, National Honor Society, Student Couneil. track and basketball teams. Vice-President of HiY, president of Science Club. Intends to major in Textile Chemistry. Protestant, member of youth group, Vacation Bible School, workshop.

7. Thomas L. (iraduated 16 in a class of 223 from a high school in a Georgia city of 70,000. Overall high school average was 3.3. College Board scores: SAT-Verbal 584, SAT-Math 648. Predicted freshman average 2.5. Member of Beta Club, magazine staff, honor

group. Intends to major in Electrical Engineering. Has worked as T.V. repairman. Protestant, member of choir.

8. David L. Graduated 8 in class of 79 from a high school in a Georgia town of 7,000. Overall high school average 3.1. College Board scores: SAT-Verbal 478, SAT-Math 668. Predicted freshman average 2.3. Member of Science Club, Debate Club, Projectionist Club, Beta Club, President of Science Club. Intends to major in Aerospace Engineering. Protestant, active in young churchmen. Has worked as car-hop, and carried newspapers. 9. Robert M. (iraduated 142 in a class of 433 from high school in a large Tennessee city. Overall high school average was 2.8. College Board scores: SAT-Verbal 610, SAT-Math 650. Predicted freshman average 2.3. Member of track team, Student Council, intramural athletics. Intends to major in Civil Engineering. Has worked as surveyor's assistant. Protestant, active in Youth Council of church, played on church basketball team.

10. Russell S. Graduated 23 in a class of 102 from a private school in Virginia. Overall high school average was 1.9. College Board scores: SAT-Verbal 548, SATMath 665. Member of photography Club, flying club, sports club, guidance club, officers club, varsity track team, honor roll. Intends to major in Electrical Engineering. Has worked as inspector for state agency. Protestant, president of youth league in church.

Match these answers with the questions and win a prize A. Student grades were 1.4 (warn), 2.3, 2.0, 1.8, 0.7, overall average to date 1.6 (probation). B. Student grades were 2.1, 2.9, 2.9, 2.9, 1.6 (warn.), overall average ^now 2.4. Has changed major. C. Student grades were 2.4, 1.0 (warn), 1.8, 0.5 (warn), overall average now 1.4. D. Student grades were 3.3, 3.6, 3.2, 2.9, overall average now 3.5. E. Student grades were 1.6 (warn), 1.1 (probation), 2.2 (warn), 2.2 (warn). Overall average now 1.8 (warning). F. Student grades were 1.4, 2.4, 1.7, .9 (warning), 1.3. Overall average now 1.5 (probation). C. Student grades were 2.6, 1.6 (warning), 2.0. Overall average now 2.1. H. Student grades were 2.4, 2.0, 2.3, 2.0, 2.0. Overall average now 2.1. I. Student grades were 1.4, 2.8, 2.1, 2.4. Overall average now 2.1. J. Student grades were 1.1 first quarter, 1.1 second quarter, (probation), 1.4 third quarter (dropped), re-admitted on probation .05 (dropped).

Fill out this contest entry and mail to The Georgia Tech Alumnus, Atlanta 30332 Questions


1. James M. 2. Henry B.


3. Harry J. 4. Fred I. 5. Thomas C.


6. Douglas P. 7. Thomas L.


8. David L. 9. Robert M. 10. Russell S. JULY, 1964




Halfback Craig Baynham of the Whites gathers in a pass with one eye on the onrushing Golds.

THE MOST OPTIMISTIC SPRING IN E NTHUSIASM—the mark of the 1964 spring practice— spilled all over Grant Field May 1 as the Gold team beat the Whites, 23-13, in what Coach Bobby Dodd called, "the best spring game I can remember." The crowd of interested fans stayed until the final whistle and showed their agreement with Dodd in their applause and cheers. The tackling was brisk and of the gang-variety, the blocking was positive, and the passing game that dominates "T-night" games was better than advertised or expected. Bruce Fischer, the thinking-man's quarterback, led the Golds to the win, completing 14 of 22 passes for 141 yards and two touchdowns, scampering about the field like an educated rabbit. Fischer and Jerry Priestley waged a twoman battle all spring for the-"Quarterback post vacated by all-American Billy Lothridge. But Priestley, who appeared to be gaining a slight edge over his rival, came up injured after the final Saturday scrimmage and was held out of this one, thus negating a battle that might have matched most regular season games for excitement. Charles Mason, one of the three good Sophomore quarterbacks, guided the Whites most of the way, completing 9 of 18 passes for 91 yards and one touchdown and scoring the other one himself on a heady lO^yard keeper. He was aided 24


in the second half by Bill Eastman, another of the Sophomores, who switched from the Golds to the Whites at halftime. Eastman, no man to show favoritism, hit 5 of 7 for 60 yards for the Whites and 3 for 3 for 61 yards for the Golds. His appearance in the white uniform almost pulled the fat out of the fire, but his 62-yard drive was halted 3 yards short of a score and ate up too much of the clock to do any good. Kim King, the other of the young hopefuls, was injured and did not play. The Golds took charge on their first drive from the opening kickoff. Fischer set the pattern for the evening by hitting his first four passes in a row. After a couple of runs and a pair of incomplete throws, Fischer found Haven Kicklighter, the outstanding Sophomore halfback of the spring, in the open at the five and the yearling went in for the score. The game's leading ground gainer, Giles Smith (13 for 63 yards), added the extra point. Smith, star halfback of last year's undefeated Freshman team, played at fullback all spring and gave indications, that he could handle the job without too much trouble. After an exchange when neither team could make much progress, the complexion of the game changed suddenly. Mason found the mark and hit Sophomore Richard RoseTECH ALUMNUS

bush to start the drive after Jimmy Cavan's 40-yard punt return had placed the ball on the Golds' 40. Terry Haddock, only one of Tech's expected top four halfbacks for 1964 to play in the game, then took charge, running twice for a total of 15 yards and breaking loose to take a 16-yard touchdown pass from Mason. Bunky Henry's PAT attempt was wide and with 5:04 remaining in the first quarter it was 7-6, Gold. The Gold opened the second quarter just as they did the first, with a long scoring drive. This one started at their own 7 and traveled to the Whites' 13 before it was halted and Navy veteran Jack Clark came in to put 3 points on the board with a 29-yard field goal from a difficult angle. The Gold team came back in a few minutes with Eastman at the helm and went 64 yards on a scoring drive after recovering a fumble. The fumble followed the best run of the night when Terry Haddock, by far the most exciting runner of the spring, returned a kick-off 62 yards before he was halted by Jimmy Sudderth the last man in his way. On the Gold drive Eastman batted 1000 in three throws and finally sent Kicklighter in from the 4 for the score that made it 16-6. Smith added the point and it moved to 17-6. Each team managed a touchdown in the second half. The Golds got the first one on a 60-yard drive highlighted by Fischer's passing and Smith's running. The scoring play was a 4-yard pass from Fischer to Smith, the two smallest men in the combat. Smith's kick was blocked by Tommy

Elliott, another Sophomore who has been switched to corner linebacker this spring and seems to have found a home. The Whites got six points on a 70-yard drive in which Mason suddenly found the range on four passes in a row, two to Haddock and two to Cavan, and then carried the ball in himself on two straight keepers from the 24. Henry's PAT was good and the final score was up at 23-13. The visiting coaches were amazed at the showing of the 1964 Tech squad. Considering that a full 13 of the Jackets who figure now to be in the top 33 players this fall didn't play in the game, the reasons for their post-game headshaking was obvious. Ends Gยงorge Morris, Steve Copeland, and Dave Sewell were out for injuries and Dick Emerson was excused for baseball. Tackles Bill Paschal, Tom Ballard, and Randy Watkins also missed the game as did halfbacks Gerry Bussell, Tommy Jackson, and Johnny Gresham. Center Bill Curry, the sensation of the spring and Tech's best candidate for all-American mention this year, was hurt in practice and fullback candidate Jeff Davis was held out of spring contact to allow his knee more time to heal. If Tech gets back 7 5 % of these boys plus Priestly, this could be the surprise team in the area this fall. In his first year as an independent, Dodd could well have one of his best teams. The spirit of this squad is the best this observer has witnessed since 1956. These Sophomores are making even the most blase of the veterans hustle. The notion persists in this corner that another 1951 may be in the making.

Nothing gets you into Tech football action like

Yellow Jacket-Confidential Exclusive pictures by Bill Sumits, J r . and Bill Diehl, Jr., along with the intimate copy of Bob Wallace, Jr., bring the readers of Yellow Jacket-Confidential closer to the action wherever the Jackets play. You g e t 10 game letters plus a spring bonus letter for $4.00 ($5.00 air m a i l ) . This y e a r you also get a special preseason letter to be mailed out a week before the first game and during bowl years, another bonus letter. Order now to be sure you g e t t h e 1964 fall bonus letter.

Order your on-the-scene report of all Tech games for 1964 starting with the special preseason letter by filling in the enclosed blank and sending it with your check for $4 ($5 for ail mail)




JULY, 1964


Tfye- Institute-

ty members from institutions to Kabul University to assist in the development of curricula, appropriate teaching methods, and teaching at research laboratories.

More evidence of Tech's international role

Eight retire at 1964 faculty dinner

A SECOND MEMBER of Tech's faculty has

THE ANNUAL Faculty Dinner honoring eight retiring members of the Georgia Tech faculty and staff was held on Thursday evening, May 7. Mr. Robert E. Stiemke, Administrator of Research and Associate Dean of Faculties, was the main speaker. Retiring members of the faculty included George C. Griffin, Dean of Students, with 40 years of service; Mr. A. Dinsmore Holland, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, with 40 years of service; Mr. Ralph L. Hill, Professor of Textile Engineering, after 38 years; Mr. William J. Proctor, Professor of Industrial Management, 33 years; Mrs. Blanche B. Turner, Registrar, Engineering Extension Division, 31 years; and Mr. Edward E. Perkins, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, 17 years. Also retiring this year were Mr. Earl R. Hay and Mr. Jennings B. Payne, Engineering Experiment Station, both of whom came to Tech in the late 1940's. Gold-T pins in recognition of twenty-five years of service were presented to Dr. Homer V. Grubb, Chemical Engineering; Mr. William A. Hinton, Mechanical Engineering; Dr. Jesse W. Mason, Dean of Engineering; Mr. Clarence A. Mayes, Chemical Engineering; and Dr. James L. Taylor, Textile Engineering.

been selected to teach at Kabul University in the capital city of Afghanistan under a program to assist that Asian nation's leap forward in education and economic development. Winston Boteler, head of Tech's Electromechanical Devices Branch, will leave for Afghanistan late in June and will teach Mechanical Engineering at Kabul University for at least a year. Two other teachers from American schools belonging to the program will complete the team for the coming year. Bobby F. Barfield, Mechanical Engineering, was among an advance group from the program which began work at Kabul in the spring of 1963 teaching undergraduate classes in Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics. In addition, one of the eight representatives of the Faculty of Engineering from Kabul now studying for higher degrees in the United States is a student at Georgia Tech. The Kabul Afghan-American Program was established in September of 1963 when 11 American universities and institutions of technology, along with Educational Services, Inc., (ESI) formed a "consortium" to assist the Royal Government of Afghanistan in development of engineering education at Kabul University. Financial support is provided under an agreement between the U.S. Agency for International Development (AID) and supplementary agreements between ESI and consortium members. The Kabut Afghan-American Program is administered by AID. Kabul University is Afghanistan's only center of higher learning. The consortium agreed to use its best efforts to render technical advice and assistance by sending facul26

School of Information Science wins award

GEORGIA TECH has won a Western Electric

Appreciation Award of $2,000 for work done in its new School of Information Science. The awards are made annually by Western Electric to "outstanding educational institutions that have pioneered in furthering academic excellence or contributed significantly toward meeting the educational needs of a free society." Western Electric Fund representative E. T. Hughes made the presentation to Dr. William F. Atchison, director of the School of Information

Science, and to Mrs. J. Henley Crosland, director of Georgia Tech's libraries. Information Science is the field of academic study and professional practice concerned with the investigation of the properties and functions of recorded knowledge and with all aspects of its generation, dissemination, storage, and use in society. Tech's School of Information Science, first of its type in the nation, was established as a graduate degree granting department in September, 1963, with the support of the National Science Foundation. The objectives of the present master's programs of the School are (1) to prepare students with undergraduate scientific and engineering backgrounds for professional practice and research in the field of Information Science, and (2) to lay the foundations for advanced study and research in this area on the doctoral level. The new school also offers special courses to Tech undergraduate students. In addition to this award, Western Electric recently presented Tech with a $7,500 grant to be used for purchasing equipment for the School of Mechanical Engineering.


ALBANY, GEORGIA — Author Bob Wallace,

Tech's publications director, was the guest speaker at the May 26 Ladies' Night Meeting of the Albany Georgia Tech Club. Wallace, introduced by President Mickey Marbury, spoke on his experiences in writing Dress Her in White and Gold, unveiled a few skeletons in Tech's closets, and talked about the 1964 Tech football team as viewed by a press observer. During the business meeting, the Scholarship Committee reported that $200 had already been raised for new scholarships for the club and appealed for additional support. New officers elected during the meeting which was attended by over 60, were J. Lamar Reese, Jr., president; John David, Continued on Page 28 TECH ALUMNUS

Engineering Evening School is d e a d a t 5 6

THE 56-year-old Engineering Evening School at Tech expired on June 30 under an extensive reorganization of the Engineering Extension Division designed to upgrade the Institute's after-hours educational program. Evening college credit work now comes under the same administrative procedures as the regular day school curricula. With the demise of the Evening School, the new Department of Continuing Education (an outgrowth of the old Short Courses and Conferences Department) will take over the evening adult education and pre-freshman courses. Richard Wiegand heads up the new department with Robert S. Herndon, formerly head of the Evening School, as associate director for special programs and James L. Garner as associate director for short courses. Here is a tentative schedule of short courses to be offered during the 1964-65 year. Alumni interested in any of these programs may get further information by writing to the Department of Continuing Education, Georgia Tech, Atlanta 30332.

Growing. Growing. Growing. Every study you see nowadays points to fantastic


expansion in the Greater Atlanta area. Our company is a progressive organization dedicated to the growth and future of this, the largest and fastest growing industrial center in the South. Our unique organization ^ i s designed to serve our clients from concept to completion for any type commercial or industrial development. Call us, we can help you implement your expansion plans.

National Programs Executive Program in Engineering Management July 6-31, 1964 Summer Institute in Urban Planning . . . -July 13-24, 1964 Theory of Metal Cutting Course August 10-14, 1964 Theory of Metal Shaping by Deformation . August 17-21, 1964 Professional Recruiting Seminar September 1-3, 1964 Quantitative Methods in Industrial Engineering September 14-26, 1964 Management for Engineers October 12-16, 1964 Advanced Surveying and Photogrammetry October 19-23, 1964 Mechanical Vibrations October 26-30, 1964 Automation Short Course November 2-6, 1964 General Supervisors Short Course . • • November 9-13, 1964 Project Management with CPM and PERT November 16-20, 1964 Management Dynamics December 7-11, 1964 Surveying and Mapping Short Course . . January 28-30, 1965 Urban Transportation Analysis January 18-22, 1965 Material Handling Short Course February 1-5, 1965 General Supervisors Short Course . . • February 15-19, 1965 Management for Engineers March 1-5, 1965 Management Dynamics March 15-19, 1965 Fundamentals of Engineering Statistics . . March 22-26, 1965 Chief Industrial Engineer's Seminar . . . .April 15-23, 1965 Management Dynamics May 3-7, 1965 Automation Short Course May 10-14, 1965 General Supervisors Short Course May 17-21, 1965 Management for Engineers June 7-11, 1965 Methods of Operations Research June 7-11, 1965 Local Programs General Engineering Refresher Course Sept. 14-Nov. 4, Work Methods Improvement Sept. 30-Dec. 2, Fundamentals of Plant Layout Oct. 1-Dec. 10, Management Principles Oct. 6-Dec. 8, Management Principles Jan. 12-March 16, Work Measurement .Jan. 13-Mar. 17, Production and Inventory Control . . . Jan. 14-Mar. 18, General Engineering Refresher Course Mar. 13-April 17, JULY, 1964

1964 1964 1964 1964 1965 1965 1965 1965 27

THE CLUBS-continued

of his speeches about Georgia Tech.

vice president; Robert F . Fowler, secretary; Tom Malone, treasurer; and Guy Ritter, sargent at arms.

COLUMBUS, GEORGIA—Over 70 alumni

ATLANTA, GEORGIA—A record crowd of over 235 turned out for the annual Hall-of-Fame Night meeting on April 30. Guest speaker was Coach Bobby Dodd who talked of Tech's 1964 prospects and then interrupted master of ceremonies, George Griffin, long enough to make him a member of the Athletic Hall of Fame. Others taken in to the Hall this year included the late General Leonard Wood, football; the late John Heisman, football coach; Oscar Davis of Atlanta, football; Hal Miller of Kingsport, Tenn., football; George Brodnax of Atlanta, football; Joe Helms of Atlanta, basketball; and Albert "Duck" Swann of Macon, golf. BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA—Over 100 attended

the May 4 meeting of the Birmingham Tech Club to hear Dean George Griffin reminisce about Tech. Other speakers on the program included Bill Eastman, associate director of admissions and Jesse Berry, assistant football coach. Special guests were nine Birmingham area high school students, including the eight applicants for the club's scholarships and Tommy Brooks who has accepted a football grant-in-aid for this coming fall. President Charley Bradley opened the meeting with a request for a moment of silent prayer for club members Oscar Price, Elmer Bandy, and Henry Morton, all of whom died during the year. A. R. "Buck" Flowers introduced Dean Griffin, who was given a standing ovation preceding and following his talk. CHARLOTTE,


crowd of 207 alumni and wives (50 more last-minute reservations had to be turned down due to the size of the room) attended the March 6 meeting of the Charlotte Club to hear Coach Bobby Dodd talk about Tech athletics and the withdrawal from the SEC. Appearing on the same program were Bill Terrell, President of the Georgia Tech N a tional Alumni Association; T o m Hall, Association associate secretary, and Assistant Coach Jesse Berry of the Athletic Association. Membership in the Charlotte Club is at an all-time high of 150 paid members, and such projects as high school visitations of outstanding students to Tech's campus and the annual Soap Box Derby sponsorship continue to draw wide interest from the membership. CLEVELAND, O H I O — The Northeastern Ohio (Cleveland-Akron area) Tech Club met on April 21 in Cleveland. During the short business meeting, the following officers were elected: Russell M. Quarles, president; Joseph F . Hutchinson, vice president; W. Donald Head, secretary; and Bruce E. Warnock, treasurer. Dean George Griffin was the speaker at the meeting and held the crowd with one 28

the old and new


guests attended the May 12 meeting of the Columbus Georgia Tech Club. Guest speaker was A. P. (Neil) DeRosa, Director of Placement at Georgia Tech. Mr. DeRosa presented a picture of growth at Georgia Tech, talked about placement and the value of our alumni to the institution. Other guests were Mrs. Virginia DeRosa and Roane and Peggy Beard. The meeting was staged, produced and directed by the three Georges — George Mathews, Jr., '48, George Trussell, '57, and George Bailey, '50.

from the SEC and the growth of the campus through the Urban Renewal project. Tom Hall, the Alumni Association's associate secretary, and George Maddox, professor of the School of Industrial Management, also contributed to the program. Following the main address of Dr. Harrison, the club unanimously elected as officers: J. A. Jordan, president; J. K. Dillard, vice president; and H . D . Beeson, secretary. Outgoing President Bob Holmes announced the club's interest in once again being first in club areas toward support of the annual Roll Call. This distinction was last won by Pittsburgh in the 15th (196162) Roll Call. ROME, GEORGIA — On March

HOUSTON, TEXAS—A record turnout greeted special guests George and Genie Griffin at the Southwest Texas' "Griffin Appreciation Night" dinner held May 21. Over 200 alumni and guests attended the meeting. During the business meeting, William B. Spencer was named "Alumnus of the Year" in the area and Allen Geiser of Waltrip High of Houston was announced as the club's 1964 scholarship winner. New officers announced by president Paul Woodruff were A. J. Pelletierri, president; Bob Grove, vice president; Lee Murphree, Jr., treasurer; and George Reynolds, secretary. MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE—Forty-three Memphis

area alumni gathered on a rainy March 24 to hear Coach Jack Griffin speak on Tech football and the athletic program in general. Coach Griffin gave an excellent speech, as evidenced by a very enthusiastic audience response. The club then viewed films of the 1963 football season—Coach Griffin was thoughtful enough to bring the "Alumni Edition," which featured only the best plays Tech made, which suited everybody. NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA—On M a y 3 0 , t h e

New Orleans Tech Club entertained all 13 of the area's high school and prep school seniors who have been accepted at Tech for the coming year. Over 15 key alumni met with the boys at the home of President Fred Fuchs where they answered questions about Tech and its academic programs, then showed the football highlights of the '63 season. N E W YORK, N E W YORK—Over 140 members

of the New York Georgia Tech Club came to the May 13 meeting to salute special guest speaker Dean George C. Griffin. The noted master-of-ceremonies team of Goldin (Sid) and Stein (Bill) handled the program which featured a talk about Tech by the honored guest and a short discussion of the current athletic and academic program by Assistant Coach John Robert Bell. PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA Seventy-tWO alumni, their wives and guests were on hand on February 28 for the largest turnout in the Pittsburgh Club's history. President Harrison addressed the group in a number of important areas in which the members showed particular interest. High on the list of priorities were the recent withdrawal

10 over 300

Tech alumni and other Tech fans and their guests attended the spring meeting sponsored by the Rome (Northwest Georgia) Georgia Tech Club. Honored guests for the evening was Coach Bobby Dodd who was introduced by his all-American guard of 1951, Ray Beck of Cedartown. Dodd brought two assistants from his own staff, Jack Griffin and Dynamite Goodloe, to help him entertain the large and enthusiastic crowd. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA — Louis E. Drane, Jr.,

was elected president of the Savannah Area Georgia Tech Alumni Association at the Club's annual meeting May 29. Principal speaker for the meeting was Coach Bobby Dodd, who explained the reasons for Tech's withdrawal from the Southeastern Conference and the effect that is likely to be felt by the action. Dodd also spoke about the 1964 Tech football team and future season schedules, as well as prospects for other varsity sports with Tech as an independent college. Another highlight of the banquet was the honoring of Savannahian S. Branch LaFar, who attended Georgia Tech as a member of the Class of 1896. Mr. LaFar retired two years ago after more than 53 years' service with Georgia State Savings Bank, and he is well known in Savannah for his activities in the Chamber of Commerce and other facets of coastal Georgia's business life. The Savannah alumni presented Coach Dodd with a game football autographed by all members of the 1931 Tech team and its coach, the late W. A. Alexander. Dodd joined the Tech coaching staff the same year. Other officers elected by the Club are Edwin C. Eckles of Statesboro, vice president; Ernest R. Clifton, Jr., secretarytreasurer; and William A. Binns, J. T. Coleman, Jr., and John C. Huskisson, Jr., directors for three-year terms. TAMPA, FLORIDA—Assistant Coach Jack Griffin was the speaker at the unique May 20 meeting of the Tampa Georgia Tech Club. Over 105 alumni attended the stag beer-andshrimp smoker held at the Schlitz Brown Bottle. T h e next meeting scheduled for this club will be on September 10 with Fred Ajax, Tech's director of public relations, as the featured speaker. TECH ALUMNUS

e growth of the campus Renewal project. T o m Association's associate ge Maddox, professor ndustrial Management, he program. i address of Dr. Harrianimously elected as n, president; J. K. Dil; and H. D. Beeson, President Bob Holmes ; interest in once again reas toward support of 1. This distinction was gh in the 15th (1961-

i March 10 over 300 ler Tech fans and their spring meeting spon(Northwest Georgia) Honored guests for the Bobby Dodd who was ill-American guard of ^edartown. o assistants from his n and Dynamite Goodntertain the large and

— Louis E. Drane, Jr., of the Savannah Area ini Association at the lg May 29. for the meeting was 1, who explained the withdrawal from the :nce and the effect that ' the action. Dodd also 54 Tech football team schedules, as well as arsity sports with Tech ollege. of the banquet was the ihian S. Branch LaFar, a Tech as a member of Mr. LaFar retired two than 53 years' service Savings Bank, and he annah for his activities Commerce and other )rgia's business life, rmni presented Coach ootball autographed by 931 Tech team and its

Allen Fairfax Mar ague died in October, 1963. His widow lives at 440 Wildcat Road. Columbia, S.C.


s ' 1 Q wimam - Lovell, ME, has been re1 0 elected councilman, Savannah Beach, Georgia for the 15th consecutive time, completing 30 years of service.

A. Carter Crymble, EE, has been chosen 1963 "Engineer of the Year" by the Upper East Tennessee Chapter, Tennessee Society of Professional Engineers. He retired in 1962 from Tennessee Eastman Company and is now a consulting engineer.


' O f l Grattan W. Rowland, Sr., EE, has fcU retired from James R. Kearney Corporation after 33 years of service. He was district manager in Atlanta. Mr. Rowland lives at 1104 Rosedale Road, N.E., Atlanta, Georgia. William T. Cox died last November in Dallas, Texas. James C. Shelor has been promoted to senior vice president and trust officer with the Houston National Bank. He lives at 12333 Pine Rock Lane, Houston, Texas.


Wilmer C. Davis, 3680 Peachtree Road, N.W.. Atlanta, died May 14 in an Atlanta hospital. He was owner of the Hampton Hotel and past president of the Atlanta Hotel-Motel Association. William T. Mealor, EE, died May 24 in an Atlanta hospital. He was part owner of Gainesville (Georgia) Iron Works and was also associated with S & H X-Ray Company of Atlanta. His widow lives at 2716 Lenox Road, N.E., Atlanta. Georgia. Harry Vane Star bird, 1042 Obispo Avenue, Coral Gables. Florida, died January 9, 1964.


1964. He was with Southern Bell Telephone in Birmingham, Alabama. John N. Neal, CE, has been promoted to superintendent of the Knoxville and Atlanta Division of the L & N Railroad Company. He was formerly assistant superintendent of the Chattanooga Division. Mr. Neal lives at 8008 Bennington Drive, Knoxville, Tennessee. Frank Player, CE, has been elected president of the Mechanical Contractors Assocation of America. He is President of the Frank A. Player Company, Atlanta, Georgia. ' Q f l Ralph E. Armistead died April 29 in *JU an Atlanta hospital. He was general superintendent for Shepherd Construction Company. His widow lives at 1846 Oak Grove Road, N.E., Atlanta, Georgia. I Q 1 Edward M. Harper, CE, died May 5 wl in an Atlanta hospital. He was with Robert and Company. His widow lives at 2092 Johnson Ferry Road, N.E., Atlanta. ' Q Q William Henry Beach, ME, died J O April 11, 1964. He lived in Petersburg, Virginia. Clarence A. Perry, Com., has been named manager of the Conyers Office of Georgia Natural Gas, a division of Atlanta Gas Light Company. J Q C Joseph William Meiere, ME, retired **w Navy Commander, died April 14. He has been on the faculty of the Forest Park High School for the past two years. Frank A. Trahcr, Sr., died April 17 at his home, 819 Courteney Drive, N.E., Atlanta. He was with the William P. Poythress and Company » 0 O Saul D. Wills, M E , has joined the 00 Bowles Engineering Corporation, Silver Spring, Maryland, as a principal engineer.


Elmer Lamar Green, ME, is an aero-

mental Facilities and Equipment Section of the John F. Kennedy Space Center, NASA. He lives at 890 Montigo Bay Drive, Merritt Island, Florida. IjH







tjFocestntfje Thomas E. Bell, '25, has been appointed Atlanta district sales manager in Rockwell Manufacturing Company's Measurement & Control Division. Bell has held various positions with Rockwell's Republic Flow Meters subsidiary for 38 years. He resides with his family in Decatur, Georgia.

Dr. Harold M. Spurlin, '25, of the Hercules Powder Co., Wilmington, Del., will receive the $1,000 Anselme Payen Award of the American Chemical Society's Division of Cellulose, Wood and Fiber Chemistry. The award will be presented in Chicago. John H. Pritchard, '30, prominent Tunica, Mississippi architect, made his first Who's Who in A merica appearance in the 33rd edition published recently, publishers of Marquis-Who's Who in America announced. Among the 34 Mississippians in the current edition is Governor Paul Johnson.


Sam DuPree, '31, has been elected executive vice president of The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Akron. For six years prior to taking over his present duties, DuPree served as vice president in charge of production. He was elected to the board of directors in 1959. Stanley P. Meyerson, '37, has combined with existing law firms to form the partnership of Hatcher,


^acesinwHews John B. Whisnant, '41, has been appointed president of Loomweve Rugs & Carpets, a division of Congoleum-Nairn, Inc. Whisnant joined the company in 1961 as vice president for manufacturing. He was previously associated with other manufacturers in the carpet industry. Harry N. Marvin, '42, has been appointed to the position of manager of a new marine sales section of the National Castings Company. Marvin will be headquartered in National's New York office in the Pan Am Building. He joins the company with 22 years in management. John T. Graham, '43, has been appointed manager of sales promotion for engineering products Allis-Chalmers, Milwaukee. He will be responsible for all the advertising and promotional requirements of the industrial equipment and utilities groups.

Robert M. Thibadeau, ME, has been named vice president of Burgess Pigment Company, Sandersville, Georgia. He lives at 466 Adrian Place, Macon, Georgia. ' A A Thomas C. Bazemore, EE, has been ^T*T elected to the new position of executive vice president of the Defense Research Corporation. He is one of the founders and a director of the three-year-old firm. His home address is 4878 Vieja Drive, Santa Barbara, California. ' A C William L. Pearson, ChE, has been I D named to the newly created position of manager of technical service with Firestone Synthetic Rubber & Latex Company, Akron, Ohio. ' A "1 Myron R. Haradon, ME, has been f / named plant superintendent at DuPont's Old Hickory, Tennessee plant. ' A 0 James Reed, Jr., IE, of Old Hickory, f 0 Tennessee, was killed in an automobile accident near Tachikawa City, Japan in April. He was a representative for General Electric in Japan for the last 7 years. His widow lives in Old Hickory, Tennessee.












' r j j elected vice president of Tenneco Oil Company of Houston. His home address is 119 Plantation Road, Houston, Texas.

Sam G. Brock, '49, has been made sales manager of Pfizer Laboratories, ethical marketing division of Chas. Pfizer & Co., Inc., New York. Brock had served as assistant sales manager since 1961, and has a total of 16 years of experience in drug sales.

irr\ Vernon T. (Bill) Baldwin, Jr., EE, 3 1 ) died April 12 in an Atlanta hospital. He was with General Electric at the time of his death. His widow and son live at 246 Candler Road, S.E., Atlanta, Georgia. Charles B. Bottoms, Jr., has been promoted to National Sales Field Representative in the Atlanta District for the Coca-Cola Company. He lives at 2827 Redding Road, N.E., Atlanta 19, Georgia. Edwin S. Gothard, ME, has been appointed to the new position of project technical coordinator, Chemback Project, for Chemstrand at Pensacola, Florida. Homer M. Lloyd, Jr., ME, has been elected chairman of the Birmingham Section, American Society of Mechanical Engineeers. He is associated with Rust Engineering Company, Birmingham, Alabama. Ralph O. Wilson, Jr., IM, has been appointed accounting supervisor for the Engineering Works Division of Dravo Corporation, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Witt I. Langstaff, '50, of Kingsport, an employee of Eastman Chemical Products, Inc., is one of 45 young business executives from the United States and abroad awarded 1964-65 Sloan Fellowships at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The award is for a full year of study in management.

'C1 Married: Lloyd G. Bordelon, IE, to 31 Miss Joycelyn Hurndon Ravain in March. Mr. Bordelon is a sales engineer for the Liquid Carbonic Division of General Dynamics in New Orleans. They live at 1402 Center Street, Arabi, Louisiana. H. Scott Fathera, IM, died November 5, 1963. His parents live at 4500 Park Avenue, Nashville, Tennessee. Born to: Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Pickett, IE, a son, Hunter Lynn, January 3 1 . Mr. Pickett is a sales representative with The

M. David Prince, '46 has been named associate director of research-systems sciences in Lockheed-Georgia's expanding research program. Prince was a research engineer, project engineer, and head of the Analog Computer Laboratory at Tech.



Buckeye Cellulose Corporation. They live at 3239 Lammermuir Road, Memphis, Tennessee. Virgil A. Stock, IM, is a sales representative with the brokerage firm of E. F . Hutton and Company, Inc. He lives at 32551 Nottingham, Farmington, Michigan. » r n Lavry M. Bell, Jr., has been made 3 Z vice president in charge of architecture and construction for Howard Johnson Motor Lodges, Inc. He lives at 6703 SW 103rd Terrace, Miami, Florida. / . Fred Claimson, CE, was recently promoted to the position of Senior Hydraulic Structures Engineer with the State of California Department of Water Resources. He lives at 4994 Pasadena Avenue, Sacramento 41, California. Douglas L. "Buddy" Fowlkes, IM, has been named the new track coach at Georgia Tech. Tech's most famous modern-day track star, Fowlkes is currently an Atlanta Alderman as well as a member of the Tech physical training staff. He replaces Norris Dean, '33, who resigned to devote his full time to teaching in the physical training department. William E. Gunson, ME, has been appointed a Fellow Engineer at the Westinghouse Atomic Power Division, Forest Hills, Pennsylvania. He lives at 55 Old Concord Road, Monroeville, Pennsylvania. Warren E. Lind, IE, has been transferred to corporate headquarters in Wilmington, Delaware by duPont's Photo Products Department. He is distribution sales manager for the department's sales division. James


Five ash,

M E , has been

'53 elected vice president of Management Science Atlanta. He was formerly plant

superintendent in the Buckeye Cellulose Division, Proctor & Gamble. Dr. Barton L. Hinkle, formerly assistant manager of duPont's Spruance Film plant at Richmond, Virginia, is now in charge of new facilities for the manufacture of polyolefen films at duPont's Clinton, Iowa plant. Born t o : Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. McKenzie, Jr., IE, a son, Harold C , III, April 3. They live at 2987 Westminister Circle, N.W., Atlanta, Georgia. »E J Dr. Thomas L. Newberry, IE, presiO T 1 dent of Management Science Atlanta, Inc., addressed the National Convention of the American Institute of Industrial Engineers in May. » C C Captain John Anderson, Jr., USAF, 0 3 IE, participated in Exercise Delawar, a joint Iranian-U.S. military training operation just completed in Iran. He is a pilot with a Technical Air Command Unit at Cannon AFB, N.M. Married: John P. Carley, IM, to Miss Mary Mehre, June 6. Mr. Carley is with the General Electric Computer Department, Charlotte, North Carolina. Captain Charles E. Connors, Jr., USA, IM, is a member of the Tactical Air Command, Fort Lewis, Washington. TECH ALUMNUS

rporation. They live at aad, Memphis, Tennes[, is a sales representage firm of E. F . Hutnc. He lives at 32551 ;ton, Michigan. '/, Jr., has been made in charge of archiion for Howard John[nc. He lives at 6703 liami, Florida. CE, was recently pron of Senior Hydraulic vith the State of Cali: Water Resources. He 1a Avenue, Sacramento ly" Fowlkes, IM, has track coach at Georgia nous modern-day track :ntly an Atlanta Alderlber of the Tech physireplaces Norris Dean, devote his full time to al training department. •n, ME, has been apgineer at the WestingDivision, Forest Hills, :s at 55 Old Concord 'ennsylvania. EL, has been transferred arters in Wilmington, s Photo Products De'ibution sales manager sales division. veash, ME, has been :sident of Management was formerly plant te Buckeye Cellulose Gamble. kle, formerly assistant Spruance Film plant ia, is now in charge • the manufacture of uPont's Clinton, Iowa Mrs. Harold C. Meson, Harold C , III, 2987 Westminister Cireorgia. . Newberry,

IE, presi-

Born to: Mr. and Mrs. David B. Donald, IE, a son, Michael David, April 5. Mr. Donald is manager of the Nassau ReadyMix Concrete. Their address is P.O. Box 44, Nassau, Bahamas. Born to: Mr. and Mrs. William Dinsmore Holland, ChE, a daughter, Sarah Boswell, March 19. Mr. Holland is a research engineer at Lockheed and is working on his doctorate at Georgia Tech. They live at 101 Sheryl Place. Atlanta, Georgia. Wofford N. Johnson has been promoted to Assistant Manager, T a m p a Office, Insurance Company of North America. William N. Mitchell, IM, has been named vice president of Tharpe & Brooks, Atlanta, Georgia. Guy F. Ritter has announced the formation of the firm of Lindsey, Tucker & Ritter, Inc., Consulting Structural Engineers, 415 Pine Avenue Building, Albany, Georgia. R. C. Russell, ChE, has been promoted to senior engineer in the fuels planning section, Technical Division, at Humble Oil Company's Baytown, Texas refinery. W. LeRoy Williams, ME, has been appointed economic analysis coordinator of Enjay Chemical Company's Synethetic Rubber Division. He lives at 17 Crane Court, Middletown, New Jersey. 'KC

William S. Linginfelter, IM, has been named to the newly created position of sales manager of the Southeast Georgia Division of Georgia Natural Gas, a division of Atlanta Gas Light Company. His office is in Brunswick, Georgia. Hiram S. Long, Jr., ME, has been transferred as senior engineer to the special development projects group in the Chemstrand Development Center. Pensacola, Florida. Lt. Col. Halbert C. Thaxton, USA, has graduated from the associate course at the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. R |

Engaged: Bernard S. Aw trey, Jr. to Miss Pamela Lewis. The wedding date will be announced later. Raymond W. Baker, IM, has formed a company, Overseas Economic Development, Inc., 40 Wall Street, New York 5, New York. The firm is concerned with developing finnnnnp and manneinp industrial nroi-

Unit at Minot A F B , North Dakota. Born t o : Mr. and Mrs. Allen M. Lubel, ME, a son, Steven Michael, December 19, 1963. Mr. Lubel is in commercial sales with Georgia Power Company. They live at 1506 Rock Springs Circle, N.E., Atlanta, Georgia. Wade T. Mitchell, T E , has been named Assistant Treasurer of the Trust Company of Georgia, Atlanta, Georgia. Born to: Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Ralston, a daughter, Jane Anne, August 22, 1963. Mr. Ralston is an electric utility sales engineer with Westinghouse, Tennessee Valley District. They live at 4607 Fall Creek Road, Chattanooga, Tennessee. Born to: Mr. and Mrs. W. Howard Rogers, ChE, a son, David Henry, February 3. Mr. Rogers is with Georgia Power Company. They live at 171 Octavia Lane, Marietta, Georgia. Engaged: W. Lucas Simons, Jr., IM, to Miss Susan Willingham. The wedding will take place this summer. H e is with the banking firm of J. C. Bradford and Company, Nashville, Tennessee. Charles H. Sudduth, IM, has been transferred from Chicago to Charlotte, North Carolina as plant manager for The Clorox Company. His new address is 2924 Goneaway Road, Charlotte, North Carolina. 'KQ

Married: Lt. William Wells Adams, / / / , to Miss Kay Fox, May 23. H e is stationed at Chase Field, NAAS, where he is an advanced jet instructor. Born t o : Mr. and Mrs. Don E. Bond, E E , a son, James Lee, March 25. They live in Reynolds, Georgia. Married: William Charles Boswell, CE, to Miss Betsey Brooks, April 4 in Macon. Born to: Mr. and Mrs. Jerry C. Brooks, IE, a son, Jerry Claude, Jr., February 12. Mr. Brooks is facility safety engineer for Cotton Producers Association in Atlanta. They live at 4474 Redwood Street, Doraville, Georgia. Gerald R. Epstein, Arch, recently opened an architectural office, Epstein & Epstein, located at 1132 West Peachtree Street, N.W., Atlanta, Georgia. Steve K. Ferrell is assistant comptroller for The Hammarlund Manufacturing Company, Mars Hill, North Carolina. Special Agent George N. Gabriel, Jr., USAF, IM, has graduated from the U.S. U U

Sam G. Slaughter is in Pi with Ford Motor Compani 1974 Birmingham Boulevarc Michigan. Born to: Mr. and Mrs. h nenbaum, IE, a son, An February 18. Mr. Tennenba investment banking firm of 1 Company. They live at 93 Staton Island, New York. RQ

Married: Alva Lee . to Miss Janella Sam Mr. Brand is with Americ; bility -^insurance Company, Louisiana. William E. Durrett, IM, 1 manager of the Industrial D partment of the Trust Comp Atlanta, Georgia. Capt. William F. Perkb has been named company U.S. Air Force Chief of 5 the graduating class at Si School, Maxwell AFB, Alab assigned to Robbins A F B , C Married: George Allen 1 to Miss Faye Elliott, April meyer is associated with Company, Inc., Atlanta, G Born to: Mr. and Mrs. G land, Jr., IE, a son, Grattan land is with Square D Com at 3013 Warren Avenue, Carolina. Born t o : Mr. and Mrs. D. a son, Earl Lowry, Novembi live at 165 White Bell Ci West Virginia. James Donald Wilkins, I degree of Master of Arts with major in Public Adm George Washington Univers He is employed as a man in the Atlanta Postal Dai Office Department. Mr. Wilk Chesterfield Drive, N.E., A 'CQ

Married: Gerald B Miss Julia Dunning Booth is with the Naval P n Indian Head, Maryland. Born to: Mr. and Mrs. / Jr., a son, Scott Patterson, live at 726 Scottsdale Dr:



Virgil E. New, '50, recently promoted to management development administrator in Southern Bell's Personnel Department in Atlanta, has been accepted as a Sloan Executive Fellow in the 1964-65 Stanford-Sloan Program at Stanford University. New joined Southern Bell in 1950. Maurice S. Spratlin, '50, has been named product manager for the MultiWall Bag Division of Cromwell Paper Company, Chicago. Spratlin was New York sales representative for Cromwell. He is now responsible for production, sales and market development. Lloyd M. O'Guin, Jr., '51, has been promoted to superintendent, Yarn Spinning, Knitting & Texturizing and Weaving within the Applications Research and Service Dept. of Chemstrand Co. Division of Monsanto Company, Decatur, Alabama. Dr. E. L. Pollitzer, '51, has been appointed an associate director of research with Universal Oil Products. Formerly assistant director of process reseearch, Dr. Pollitzer joined UOP in 1953 in the chemical research department at Riverside. Claybourn B. Rhinehart, '52, European sales engineer for International B. F. Goodrich Co. at The Hague, Netherlands, since 1962, has been named manager Aerospace-Europe for the company. In his new position, Rhinehart will deal with the European aeronautical industry. John Anton Tueni, '54, equipment engineer with Western Electric Company, Atlanta, was selected from the Company's potentially best engineers to attend the second class of the Lehigh Masters Program at Western Electric's Princeton, New Jersey Engineering Research Center.


NEWS BY CLASSES-continued Houze, ChE, a daughter, Laura Evelyn, November 30, 1963. Mr. Houze is working toward his doctorate in Chemical Engineering at the University of Houston. They live at 6009 Cherryhill, Houston 17, Texas. Ted G. Reddy, 111, IE, has been transferred to the Southeastern Zone Sales Office of the Worthington Air Conditioning Company in Atlanta. He and his family live at 3309 A Burke Drive, Chamblee, Georgia. Robert L. Stovall, Math, received his masters degree in math from California State College at Los Angeles in January. Robert A. Bellen, CerE, has been " I transferred from the New Jersey plant to the field operations office at Cape Kennedy with Hercules Powder Company as a rocket development engineer. Born t o : Mr. and Mrs. Otis Lamar Bishop, EE, triplets, Donna, Sandra and Phyllis, April 16. Mr. Bishop is with Westinghouse Aerospace Division. They live at 1214 Cathedral Drive, Glen Burnie, Maryland. Lt. Peter W. Gissing. USAF, EE, is a C-133 pilot with a Military Transport Unit at Dover AFB, Delaware. Douglas A. Hartman, IE, is a production engineer with Stromberg Carlson. He lives at 1077 Harvard Street, Apartment 3, Rochester, New York. Engaged: Robert Whitney Hubner, Jr., IM, to Miss Mary Frances Groos. The wedding will take place in July. Mr. Hubner is with Pollock Paper Company, Atlanta, Georgia. ASIC Albert J. McConkey, Jr., USAF, ME, has completed the technical course for fire protection specialists at Greenville AFB, Mississippi and is now assigned to Dobbins AFB, Georgia. Married: Lt. Charles Edward Porter, USAF, ChE, to Miss Rosemary Dubuisson, June 13. Lt. Porter is stationed at Barksdale AFB, Louisiana. Lt. Curtis B. Post, Jr., USAF, ME, has been reassigned from Guam to the 2025th Communications Squadron, Hunter A F B , Georgia as Chief of Maintenance. Engaged: Lt. Oliver Charles Rittenhouse, USA, ME, to Miss Carol Hardison. The wedding will take place August 29. Mr. Rittenhouse is stationed at Jefferson Proving Ground, Madison, Indiana. Born to: Mr. and Mrs. Manuel A. Rivkind, a son, David Barry, April 4. They live at Woodbury Terrace Apartments, 15-A, Woodbury, New Jersey. Lt. Jimmy H. Shuman, USAF, ME, has been awarded his pilot wings upon graduating from flying training at Laughlin A F B , Texas and is now assigned to his Georgia National Guard Unit at Dobbins A F B , Georgia. Lt. Edmund N. Summers, USA, IE, is serving with the 14th Armored Calvary Regiment in Germany. Born to: Mr. and Mrs. Earl M. Walker, AE, a son, Earl Morris, Jr., February 25. Mr. Walker is with Chrysler Corporation,

Missile & Space Division. They live at 3400 Venona Avenue, Apartment A-7, Huntsville, Alabama. Lt. George T. Weathers, Jr., U S A F , EE, has helped the USAF Nuclear powered 731st Radar Squadron set a unique record in accomplishing the longest continuous operation of a military nuclear power plant. He is an electronics maintenance officer at Sundance AFB, Wyoming. Married: Charles Edward Whaley, IM. to Miss Beverly Ann Barber in April. Mr. Whaley is with the Trust Company of Georgia, Atlanta, Georgia. James E. Winborn, EE, has completed advanced training on the Apollo guidance computer and will be an engineering representative for Raython Company at the Space Division of North American Aviation Company, Downing, California. He lives at 4882 Sanbert Street, Placentia, California. ' C O James M. Barber, IM, is a systems Âť*fc analyst with Atlantic Steel. He lives at 1284 Willivee Drive, Decatur, Georgia. Lt. Clyde E. Barnctt, USAF, E E , is a member of a special team to conduct second phase tests of the world's largest jet transport, the C-141 Starlifter, at the U.S. Air Force Flight Center, Edwards AFB, California. Lt. Fred E. Bearden, III, USA, AE, is serving with the 14th Armored Cavalry Regiment's 15th Ordnance Company near Fulda, Germany. Born to: Mr. and Mrs. Milton Edward Berry, ME, a son, Michael Edward, in March. They live at 5910 Brookgreen Road, N.E., Atlanta, Georgia. Bruce L. Bryson, CE. is now a chemicals development engineer with Aluminum Company of America, East St. Louis, Illinois. Lt. Raeburn V. Coalson, USAF, EE, has been awarded the U.S. Air Force Commendation Metal at Minot A F B , North Dakota for his meritorious service as an electronics engineer. Engaged: Carl H. Cofer, Jr., IM, to Miss Susan Seydel. The wedding will take place August 1. Mr. Cofer is with the law firm of Alston, Miller & Gaines, Atlanta, Georgia. Married: Lt. William N. Cox, HI, USN, to Miss Evelyn Hunter, May 2. Lt. Cox is supply officer aboard the USS Talbot County, stationed at Little Creek, Virginia. James L. Dobson, Jr., IE, has been transferred by DuPont from Seaford, Delaware to Chattanooga, Tennessee. James R. Griser, EE. is an equipment engineer with Western Electric. He lives at 881 North Highland Avenue, N.E., Atlanta, Georgia. Lt. Kenneth J. Gurry. USAF, CE, has been awarded U.S. Air Force pilot wings upon graduation from flying training at Moody AFB, Georgia. He was named distinguished graduate in his class. Lt. Gurry is now assigned to Perrin AFB, Texas. Gary N. Henkel is with Ford Motor Company as a numerical control field engineer. He lives at 32460 Birchwood, Wayne, Michigan. TECH ALUMNUS

sion. They live at 3400 rtment A-7, Huntsville, others, Jr., USAF, EE, Nuclear powered 731st a unique record in acÂťest continuous operalclear power plant. He vtenance officer at Sunig-

Edward Whaley, IM. 1 Barber in April. Mr. rust Company of Geori.

n, EE, has completed l the Apollo guidance e an engineering repreCompany at the Space nerican Aviation Com:ornia. He lives at 4882 ntia, California. rber, IM, is a systems Atlantic Steel. He lives ive, Decatur, Georgia. nett, USAF, EE, is a team to conduct second orld's largest jet transmitter, at the U.S. Air , Edwards AFB, Caliden, III, USA, AE, is 4th Armored Cavalry dnance Company near ( Mrs. Milton Edward Michael Edward, in 5910 Brookgreen Road, ;ia. CE, is now a chemicals r with Aluminum Comlst St. Louis, Illinois. oalson, USAF, EE, has U.S. Air Force Comt Minot A F B , North ritorious service as an Cofer, Jr., IM, to Miss vedding will take place r is with the law firm Gaines, Atlanta, Georiam N. Cox, HI, USN, ter, May 2. Lt. Cox is ard the USS Talbot

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NEWS BY CLASSES-continued William F. Hoadley, USAF, IM, has been commissioned a second lieutenant following graduation from Officer Training School at Lackland A F B , Texas. He is now stationed at Mather A F B , California. Married: Lt. Edward H. Johnson, Jr., CE, to Miss Ruby Outlaw in June. Lt. Johnson is stationed with the U.S. Coast Guard as base Executive Officer at St. Louis, Missouri. Born t o : Lt. and Mrs. William R. King, USA, IM, a daughter, Diane Michelle, March 17. Their address is Building 715, Apartment 171, Fitz Garden West, Fitzsimons General Hospital, Denver, Colorado. William B. McBride, IM, is a methods engineer with Prestolite Corporation, Decatur, Alabama. He lives at 613 Memorial Drive, S.W., Decatur, Alabama. Engaged: Wayne Brock McConnell to Miss Lil Harris. The wedding will take place in September. Brock recently received his Masters in Finance from Columbia Graduate School of Business. He is now with Allied Chemical. His address is Apartment 1-D, 6 Alden Place, Bronxville, New York. Married: Thomas S. Moss, Jr., CE, to Miss Jane Luke, June 28. Mr. Moss is with the Georgia State Highway Department, Atlanta, Georgia. Lt. Michael R. Myers, U S A F , EE, is a missile flight control engineer with the 6555th Aerospace Test Wing at Patrick A F B , Florida. F. Manuel Reyes, ME, is now a maintenance engineer with the Fibers Division of Allied Chemical Company. He lives at 639 Henderson Street, Apartment 10, Columbia, South Carolina. Born t o : Mr. and Mrs. Armin Richard Royal, IE, a son, Gary Raiford, February 20. His home address is 2620 Chancy Drive, N.E., Atlanta, Georgia. Milton E. Rozier, IM, has been promoted to first lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force at Stewart A F B , New York. Born to: Mr. and Mrs. Kendall M. Taylor, EE, a son, Brian Everette, February 7, Mr. Taylor is with Systems Engineers Laboratories in Fort Lauderdale. They live at 1240 SW Third Terrace, Pompano Beach, Florida. ' C O Married: Joseph Wilson Berry, Jr., **** IM, to Miss Mary Woodall Baker, June 6. Mr. Berry is attending Columbia Theological Seminary. Born to: Mr. and Mrs. Ed Biermaji, IE, a son, Edward Allen, February 12. Mr. Bierman is with the American Sugar Company. They live at Route 87, Lebanon, Connecticut. Lt. William H. Boswell, USAF, ChE, has been awarded his wings following graduation from pilot training at Moody A F B , Georgia. He is now assigned to MacDill AFB, Florida. Ens. William P. Carter, Jr., USN, IM, is stationed at the Navy Supply Corps School, Company X, Athens, Georgia. 34

Engaged: Lt. Ralph H. Cooper, Jr., USA, ChE, to Miss Glenda Elliott. The wedding will take place June 28. Lt. Cooper is stationed with the U.S. Army Chemical Corps, Edgewood Arsenal, Maryland. David Wesley Dennis, ME, is with AeroJet General Corporation, Sacramento, California, as a quality test engineer. He lives at 10833 Oakton Way, Rancho Cordova, California. Married: Lt. Robert E. Gahagan, USA, to Miss Judith Ann Newsom, March 14. Lt. Gahagan is stationed at the U.S. Army Chemical School. They live at 3528-A Church Street, Fort McClellan, Alabama. Married: Jethro Thurman Gregory, Jr., IM, to Miss Donna Dearman, June 27. Mr. Gregory is stationed with the U.S. Army at Fort Jackson, South Carolina. Charles Guffey, ChE, received his masters in Chemical Engineering from the University of Michigan in May. He is with Humble Oil & Refining Company, Baytown, Texas. Lt. Wesley N. Hawkins, Jr., USAF, IE, recently graduated from the Air Force Institute of Technology at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio and is now assigned to Dyess AFB, Texas. Engaged: Lt. William F. Hoadley, USAF, to Miss Carol Jones. The wedding will take place August 8. Lt. Hoadley is a member of the Mather A F B Manpower Validation Team. His address is P.O. Box 680, Mather A F B , California. Lt. William B. Huey, USAF, TE, has been assigned to the 351st Strategic Missile Wing, Whiteman AFB, Missouri. He lives at 239 Rainbow Drive, Sedalia, Missouri. Reuben Kyle, 111, U S A F , IM, has been promoted to first lieutenant at Brookley A F B , Alabama. William K. Lakeman, Jr., IE, has joined the Trane Company's Knoxville, Tennessee sales office as a dealer specialist. Engaged: William Edwin Lanham, Jr., ME, to Miss Patricia Middlemas. The wedding will take place in June. Mr. Lanham is a research and project engineer with Lanham Machinery Company, Atlanta, Georgia. Lt. James C. Majure, USA, EE, is a platoon leader, Company A, 25th Signal Battalion, near Karlsruhe, Germany. Engaged: Lt. George L. Miller, USA, ChE, to Miss Theresa Haynes. The wedding will take place in August. Lt. Miller is Technical Safety Officer, Chemical Operations Division, Pine Bluff Arsenal, Arkansas. Lt. John E. Minis, Jr., USAF, IM, has graduated from the U.S. Air Force course for communications officers at Keesler A F B , Mississippi. Born t o : Mr. and Mrs. Rox W. Pollard, CE, a daughter, Lynn Adair, February 7. Mr. Pollard is a structural designer with the J. E. Serrine Company. His address is P.O. Box 5456, Station B, Greenville, South Carolina. Married: Lee Harris Smith, EE, to Miss Cherallynne Wilson, February 28. Mr. Smith is an electrical engineer with General Electric. After July 1 they will live in Phoenix, Arizona. Born to: Mr. and Mrs. William M. Sned-

den, IE, a son, Anthony Maurice. Mr. Snedden is a trainee with General Electric. They live at 136 Main Street, Apartment 1, Stoneham, Massachusetts. Lt. Robert E. Thomas, Jr., USA, has completed an 8-week officer orientation course at the Army Southeastern Signal School, Fort Gordon, Georgia. Lt. Daniel R. Tucker, Jr., USA, IM, is assigned to the office of the Director of Maintenance at the Red River Army Depot, Texarkana, Texas. Lt. Russell E. Walden, USA, IE, has completed a 7-week installation direct supply officer course at the Army Quartermaster School, Fort Lee, Virginia. Lt. Charles H. Wimberly, U S A F , IM, has been awarded U.S. Air Force pilot wings upon graduation from flying training at Moody A F B , Georgia. He is being assigned to George A F B , California. Married: Gary Irwin Wittick, IM, to Miss Anne Johnson in June. Mr. Wittick is attending U.S. Coast Guard Officer Candidate School, Yorktown, Virginia. Lt. Fitzhugh L. Wood, IM, received his commission from the U.S. Air Force Officer Training School, Lackland A F B , Lowrey AFB, Denver, Colorado. ' C d Lt. Michael W. Bartlett, USAF, IE, **' is in navigator training at lames Connally A F B , Texas. Engaged: William Elzo Bradshaw, EE, to Miss Catherine O'Leary. The wedding will take place June 21. Mr. Bradshaw is with Page Communications Engineers, Washington, D . C. Married: Bruce Alan Crouch, ME, to Miss Suzanne Stone, June 20. Mr. Crouch is a chemical engineer with Mobile Chemical Company, Beaumont, Texas. Richard Daniel Davis is a reinsurance representative with Munich American Reassurance Company. He lives at Route 2, College Park, Georgia. Married: Robert Lee Floyd, Jr., Chem, to Miss Jill Robertson, June 20 in Gainesville, Georgia. Raymond D. Maddox, Phys, has joined the marketing department of Monsanto Company's Organic Chemicals as a sale trainee in Atlanta, Georgia. Married: Edward Preston Rahe, Jr., N E , to Miss Jerry Ann Brown, June 20 in Atlanta, Georgia. Born to: Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Thomas, a daughter Elizabeth Michelle, January 17. Mr. Thomas is serving with the Air Force. He is in undergraduate pilot training with the 3576th Student Squadron, Vance AFB, Oklahoma. Engaged: Charles Glenn Sexton to Miss Jean Tilton Daniel. Mr. Sexton will attend Graduate School at the University of Tennessee this fall. Married: Charles S. Young to Miss Sylvia Ann Smith, June 27. Mr. Young is with General Dynamics in Fort Worth, Texas. Ronald B. Wolff, IM, is associated with F I C in Atlanta. He is also employed by Lockheed. Mr. Wolff lives at 1150 Barclay Circle, Apartment 1, Marietta, Georgia. TECH ALUMNUS

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s it a fact that a leader in nuclear research has a hand in bringing music to the Wilkies'family picnic?



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