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Housewarming Traditions From Around the Globe
A message from your 2021 GTR President Ellie Lambert
Among the things we love about where we live is our amazing cultural diversity, which includes the food, art and traditions that weave their ways into our community.
As the saying goes, all real estate is local, but certainly not all home buyers. According to the National Association of Realtors® 2021 Profile of International Transactions in U.S. Residential Real Estate, global buyers spent an estimated $54.4 billion on housing between April 2020–March 2021, responding to attractive prices, economic stability and welldefined property rights.
As more international buyers become a part of the fabric of American communities, they bring with them their many traditions and customs – including those that go along with moving into a new home.
Here are a few we are likely to see in the Tampa Bay region.
Russia. According to Russian custom, a cat should cross over the threshold of the new home before anyone else enters. This is said to ensure that the homeowners will have a happy and prosperous life.
Thailand. Thai tradition dictates that visitors should bring a new homeowner three items: rice, water and a knife. The rice and water are so that food will always be plentiful and the homeowner will know prosperity, and the knife is to protect them from any evil spirits. There is also a traditional ceremony known as ‘Sen Wai Jour Teen’, during which the homeowner asks the ‘Lord of the Land’ and any restless ghosts and spirits in the vicinity for protection through an offering of food and water, flowers and incense.
China. Before moving into a new home, Chinese custom is to shine a light in every corner, closet and wardrobe of the house. This is said to let any lingering spirits know that it is time to leave and how to find the way outside.
France. When construction of a new home is finished, the French throw a traditional party called the “pendre la cremaillere,” literally meaning ‘to hang the chimney hook.’ The phrase comes from medieval times when it was customary to invite over everyone who took part in the building of the house and eat dinner as a gesture of thanks. The food would be cooked in a large pot over a fire, where the chimney hook could be used to raise or lower the pot to heat or cool the food.
India. In India, it is generally considered lucky to move into a new house on Thursday, while Friday and Saturday are the unluckiest days to move. Many also hold Grinha Pravesh, a detailed ceremony intended to bring positivity and good fortune. This ceremony also has carefully chosen dates and specific customs, including sending guests home with sweets.
Buying a home in a foreign country can be a complicated and trying process. Fortunately GTR’s Tampa Bay Global Business Council (TBGBC) can provide you with the expertise to serve clients in a variety of international real estate transactions. By attending the Global Business Council meetings, you'll be able to:
• Broaden your knowledge of international tax and immigration laws, • Discover the latest international trends and opportunities for business, • And expand your referral base by networking with local, state and national entities.
Find out how you can increase your global business opportunities by visiting tamparealtors.org/tbgbc.
ELLIE LAMBERT 2021 President Greater Tampa REALTORS®
Vision, Values & Mission
Greater Tampa REALTORS® strives to be the valued voice of real estate by continuing to elevate and enhance our professional and ethical business practices.
Greater Tampa REALTORS® is driven by the needs of its members, led by dedicated volunteers and managed by professional sta . We are committed to providing exceptional service and valuable benefits for our members and communities.
Greater Tampa REALTORS® - your premier real estate resource.
Volume 5 | Issue 4
President: Ellie Lambert President-Elect: Ruth Bryson Vice President: Jay Quigley Treasurer: Tom Scaglione Secretary: Joe Perez Immediate Past President: Darlene Davenport CEO: Dennis MacDonald
Dao Alderman, Ashley Christie, Marie Gregorio, Adam Grenville, Connie Johnson, Sherman Milton III, Annette Newkirk, Melanie Norris, Jack Rodriguez, Ann Thompson and Tammy Kiehl
Kimberly Chin, Communications/PR Manager
Lisa Brosky, Director of Communications & Marketing Joey Henderson, Director of Community Affairs
Jennifer Lalji, Communications Coordinator
AJ Hlavac, Creative Content Coordinator
The Greater Tampa REALTORS® Inc. (GTR) is the largest Tampa Bay-based professional association of real estate brokers and sales associates conducting business throughout the Bay. GTR provides educational programs, ethical guidance and other services that enable licensed real estate professionals to help people buy and sell homes in the Greater Tampa area. For more information, please visit tamparealtors.org.
Tampa REALTOR® magazine is published bi-monthly for members of GTR in the interest of informing, promoting, and improving the real estate industry. With the exception of articles and materials from other publications reprinted in this magazine, members and affiliate members of GTR are hereby authorized to reproduce articles appearing in this publication, provided each such reproduction gives the following credit:
Reprinted from the Tampa REALTOR® magazine,
Greater Tampa REALTORS®.
Congratulations to our Director of Community Affairs Joey Henderson for becoming a Chairman of the Community Action Board (CAB). In this role, Joey will administrate the meetings for the CAB/ Community Services Block Grant Board (CSBGB) of Hillsborough County. This tripartite board includes representation from elected public officials, the low-income community and the private sector. The board oversees over $2.3 million dollars of CSBG funding with an objective to advocate on behalf of low-income citizens. The CAB also advises the Hillsborough County Social Services Department, the grantee agency, in order to ensure proper administration, planning, development, implementation and evaluation of programs designed to alleviate poverty. Additionally, the CAB promotes and supports opportunities for individuals and families to achieve self-sufficiency, as it strives to help influence improvement in the quality of life for individuals and families who live at or below the federal poverty level.
GTR welcomes Lisa Brosky as the new Director of Communications and Marketing. Lisa has extensive experience in brand management, marketing and crisis communication. Most recently she was vice chancellor for External Relations at Pima Community College in Tucson, Arizona, where she led a rebranding and a highly successful marketing program. She also has experience in government relations, fund-raising and corporate communications. Lisa has a master’s degree from The Ohio State University and a bachelor’s degree from Eastern Kentucky University. Lisa said she and her husband have planned a move to Tampa Bay since their first visit in 1996 and are happy to finally make it here. She is honored to join Greater Tampa REALTORS®.
Tony Green has joined GTR as the newest addition to our Member Services team. Tony is originally from New Orleans, Louisiana. He is a graduate from Southeastern Louisiana University. Tony enjoys exploring and experiencing all the local activities here in Tampa. Welcome Tony!
✓ Approve Vine IT to complete Greater Tampa REALTORS® Cyber Security work was adopted. ✓ Allocate $30,000 additional funding for recruitment of a Director of Marketing & Communications & Director of Learning and Development using Third Party Recruitment was adopted. ✓ Approve the EOP as presented by Dennis MacDonald and as outlined on OnBoard was adopted. ✓ Postpone indefinitely the consideration of the sale of the W. Kennedy Blvd Building was adopted. ✓ Work with a professional space planner to utilize the existing space in the building in order to accommodate the immediate additional staffing needs. Preferably the underutilized meeting spaces, leaving the tenant spaces for non-dues revenue sources was adopted. ✓ Begin to reopen our satellite offices was adopted. ✓ Move forward with a member engagement survey with Beyond feedback at a cost not to exceed $13,000 was adopted.
✓ Reopen the Wesley Chapel satellite office in the Seven Oaks location not to exceed $600/month was adopted.