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COMPETITORS In Singapore, driving instructor has to be licensed to teach regardless to be a private instructor or in a school. As there are more than 10 driving centers available to obtain license, I separated the competitors into 2 categories, Government driving schools, and Private Driving School
• Its location
• Government school
• Old
• Flexible lessons • Highest passing rate at the lowest cost
BRAND CREDIBILITY • Established in the year of 1988 • One of the most advanced driving centres in S.E.A
• Friendly assistants & experienced instructors • Flexible courses • Its location • Efficient in completing courses to obtain license
• Trustable • Established
BRAND CATEGORY • Life skill education - Driving
*blue text refers to what people did not thought/knew about BBDC
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//PROBLEM 01 People has the impression that BBDC is old instead of established
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//PROBLEM 02 The customers have had problems/confusion when enrolling with BBDC even with friendly staffs and station for enquiry
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//PROBLEM 03 Information on the website is not organised. //PROBLEM 04 Their materials do have a common branding/ layout. Comes in loose sheets and different sizes
PROJECT OBJECTIVES • Rebrand BBDC as a service orientated and result orientated driving centre so as to expand the current market base.
• To communicate BBDC’s open house(events) through ads + posters. The open house will showcase BBDC as a full fledge driving centre with the state of the art facilities
Narrowing down the target audience to everyone to a smaller younger age group as there are more people from theis age group who havenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t got their license, which that there will be higher probability that they will go and apply lessons for driving.
18-25 Young adults No license Not sure where to get license
18-25 Young adults No license Tried to get license, but failed to get one
Primary target audience
Secondary target audience
BRAND COLOURS Corporate colours
Supporting graphic colours
Targe;ng to younger audience not forge>ng the older audience as well, The logo is made in black and white to portray a more classic and established look. Using the elements that usually appear only in driving school, the driving circuits, the nega;ve spaces made up an overview of an driving circuit. Meanwhile the logo is also made up of the abbrevia;ons of BBDC.
This is the brochure which contained the information for enrolment as well as the course itself. It is a brochure which is less than A3 size which could be folded into a pocket size. Info graphics are included for easy reading
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Enrolment form
Inspired by the idea of iPhone x Book which is an interactive kidâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s storybook. Basically you insert your phone into this book like case and start the app. I wanted to make this app is so that students could actually remember their facts easier via games which further could help them pass the test and get their license faster. The content of the app will be updated bi-weekly if possible to allow them to learn more. Meanwhile ads could be added to publicize BBDC. Â
These are the banners that will showcase the events that is happening during the open house which could be done once or twice annually.
Decal for the shuEle bus which offers trips from the MRT sta;on to BBDC
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