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PwC Malaysia

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RHB Banking Group

RHB Banking Group

Diversity & Inclusion

Promoting Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) is an important part of our firm’s values. We have a Partner who oversees our D&I strategy as well as a team that drives D&I efforts throughout the year in line with our focus area of ‘Valuing Differences’ - our theme since 2015. This includes striving to ensure women representation in our leaders such as recruiting women who have gone on career breaks, hiring people of different ages, experiences, and backgrounds, and are inclusive of hiring ‘differently-abled’ colleagues. This has helped us win the British Malaysia Chamber of Commerce (BMCC) Excellence Award 2019 for Diversity and Inclusion.

Workplace Culture

Our workplace culture is driven by our values of Care, Work Together, Reimagine the Possible, Make a Difference, and Act with Integrity, and its associated behaviours. Trust is the bedrock of these values especially when it comes to our flexible work arrangements known as flex+, that provides various forms of work flexibility and benefits. Our guiding principles help support these flexible work arrangements as we trust our people to operate at their personal best and provide high-quality work. An example of this would be our flexMed initiative, which allows our people to take medical leave without the need for a medical chit. We are also guided by our People Value Proposition (PVP) with the acronym GROW that stands for Growth, Recognition, Opportunities to make a difference, and Ways of Working. This PVP is a reference point (think of it like a career deal) so we can co-create a valuable career journey with each individual that joins us

Work-Life Balance

As we progressively change our ways of working, our flex+ programme helps to continuously address the challenges of work-life balance to ensure our people get the most value out of their professional world and with consideration of their personal lives. Whether within flex+ or team-organised


engagements, there are initiatives that recognise the uniqueness of each individual’s personal lives • Parents@work: flexMum and flexDad, it allows new parents to use their parental leave flexibly throughout the year. • flexFriday: a half-day off every second Friday of the month to provide people the opportunity to attend to personal matters that can’t be done so on a weekend. • Ongoing firm, business unit initiatives: Whether it is physical or virtual, activities such as Virtual

Away Day, Taxperience, and connect sessions, ensure that it is not just all work and no play.

Staff Benefits & Incentives

With Recognition as one of the pillars in our PVP, we believe that rewards go beyond just monetary. This informs the six pillars of our total rewards philosophy also known as MY PwC Rewards - Fixed Pay, Variable Pay, Recognition, Professional Growth, Core Benefits, Lifestyle and Wellness The first two pillars are more centred around monetary benefits which we consistently review to ensure that our people are compensated on par with market benchmarks. Examples of the latter four pillars are nonmonetary benefits such as: • flexpoints: A real-time recognition programme that’s both a mobile and web application. It allows our people to express appreciation and/or recognise the contributions of their colleagues by awarding points and badges. • flexBenefits: Flexibility to use benefits allowance in areas most needed. Employees can choose to utilise medical benefits over lifestyle-related benefits if this is an area of priority for them. • Birthday leave: Employees are able to take the day off on their birthdays.

Working Arrangements

Since the pandemic began and Malaysia’s various Movement Control Orders (MCO), the firm has provided support through: • Vaccination leave: Paid leave is provided to all employees and interns to allow them to receive their COVID-19 vaccinations and booster shots. • flexCare: This allows our people to assist their family members in receiving their vaccination.

Parents are allowed to take paid leave to care for their children who have contracted COVID-19. • Wellbeing pact: As working from home was the firm’s primary mode for the past two years, the line between personal and professional life was rather blurred. It was often hard to separate the two when both home and office were one.

To address this, we got teams to refer to a framework that helps them discuss and agree on wellbeing actions they can adopt. • Expansion of our flexBenefits claims: Ability to claim for work from home essentials (work furniture, computer accessories, etc), ergonomic tools, COVID-19 health support such as oxymetres, COVID-19 PCR and RTK self-test kits.

Weekly RTK self-test kits are also provided for free to all employees. • flexSpace reimagined: As the nation returns to some semblance of normalcy, our firm has taken a hybrid working model called flexSpace reimagined which is based on trust and allows our people to customise their work arrangement (be it from the office or from home). Each team’s and/or business unit’s work arrangements may look different based on a balance between personal.

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