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Overseas Career Drive
Following the successful conclusion of the Myanmar and Shanghai Career Drives in 2017 and 2018, the Overseas Career Drive in Yangon took place for its second run in the summer of 2019. 18 ofourBurmese students had the opportunityto meet over10 companies in seven different industries — such as banking, auditing, FMCG, telco, marketing and media, logistics, etc — and explore job and internship opportunities. Among the home-based enterprises and MNCs visited were CB Bank, PwC Myanmar, Telenor, Mango Media Group and Unilever.
Besides the company visits, the students also had the opportunity to meet and network with the SIM alumni community in Myanmar as well as our industry partners at the annual Overseas Alumni Chapter @ Yangon event.
Let us hear from two of our students, Hnin A Kery and Wai Wai Myint, on their enriching experience!
Hnin A Kery
BSc in Banking and Finance, SIM-UOL Intern, Finance Department
Yoma Bank
Wai Wai Myint (right)
Diploma in Management Studies, SIM
“I had the opportunity to represent SIM Global Education by giving a presentation about SIM to my future employers. This experience taught me how to present professionally, which I believe is an essential skill set to acquire. I managed to secure a two-month internship with Yoma Bank, eventually.”
This career drive was definitely an eye-opening experience as I got to see the trend of the job market and how I should prepare myself to secure a job after I graduate. ThroughtheguidancefromthestaffoftheCareerDevelopment Office, we had ourrésumés prepared beforehand and applied for internships in the companies we were interested in. Besides having the opportunity to meet the top management of some of the companies, we also attended the Overseas Alumni Chapter networking event where our seniors shared their career success experiences with us. I am grateful to have the exposure as they shared their experiences and provided useful advice for our careers. From this career drive, I learnt that Myanmar is actually developing at a fast pace and leaning towards using Fintech in the financial sectors. This made me realise the importance to be equipped with relevant skills to have a comparative advantage in the job hunt. “As I am currently still doing my diploma, my objective of joining this career drive is to know more about the job market in Yangon, such as the working environment of the companies in Myanmar, and to secure an internship for the 2020 summer break.”
Besides visiting companies and meeting employers, we also attended the Overseas Alumni Chapter networking event where the alumni shared their working experiences in the companies in Myanmar. I learnt that the working culture in Myanmar is very different from Singapore. Through this career drive, I understood that Myanmar is still a developing country and the country needs talents who have studied abroad to bring in new skills. The country is also in need of people with IT skills to help the banks move towards Fintech. Therefore, I realise that having solely academic knowledge is insufficient as we need to equip ourselves with relevant IT skills to remain competitive.