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Acing Assessment Centres
Assessment centres are not reality TV shows — you will not be seen in the boardroom a la The Apprentice and you will not be the victim of an onscreen sacking, either. So do not feel obliged to behave like you are taking part in a television show.
You are put into a room with a group of strangers, asked to play games and then observed to see whether you will go through to the next round or if your progress ends there. The situation is ripe with uncertainty and it sounds just like a scene from The Apprentice.
Unfortunately, that is where some participants at assessment centres take their cue from, and that is where they also come undone. Here is why being at an assessment centre is, frankly, not at all like being on a reality TV show.
First of all, and most importantly, there is usually more than one winner at an assessment centre – you are not in direct competition with the other candidates. You are being assessed against the employers’ criteria, not against each other, and it is important for you to show how well you can work in a team. In other words, you need to find a way to work together with your “colleagues” to achieve the goals and tasks set.
Secondly, remember that assessment centres are also a two-way street – this is your chance to evaluate a prospective employer and see if the shoe fits. Better to find out now than a few months down the line!
Know the difference!
Reality TV Shows
There are group tasks for you to complete.
You need to strike a balance between fitting in and standing out from the crowd.
You entertain a mass audience.
Your host reveals the rules of the game.
At some point, you will face a judge on the show.
You will need to get on the right side of the judge.
You are tempted into undermining your colleagues. The secret is to be who you are and get along with your colleagues.
Assessment Centres
There are group tasks for you to complete.
You need to strike a balance between fitting in and standing out from the crowd.
You entertain no one.
The task is described, but not the underlying rules.
You will probably never meet the people who write the assessment done on you.
You will be judged on how well you performed the tasks given to you. There is no boardroom “execution”.
What should I expect from an assessment centre?
Graduate employers design their own assessment centres to test for skills and aptitudes that are right for their own organisations. However, most of these assessments typically contain similar elements and exercises. You can expect to do a combination of the following in most assessment centres:
• Group work exercises • Presentations • Aptitude and psychometric tests • In-tray/e-tray exercises • Case studies linked to the job function
Recruiters will assess you for a number of things, including how you demonstrate core graduate skills and competencies such as communication, teamwork and problem-solving skills. The group setting also makes it easier for them to evaluate how well you work with others, how you influence and persuade those around you and how others respond to you.
The good news is that these exercises make it much easier for you to showcase a broader range of skills and competencies than you can at a one-on-one interview, though most assessment centres will also include at least one personal interview.
This is why some employers feel that assessment centres are a fairer and more effective way to select graduates than traditional interviews. Feeling worried? Do not be! We will show you how you can get past these exercises and even have some fun in the process!
How to behave at an assessment centre
Do not lose concentration
It is going to be a long and tiring day, so try to make sure you have a good night’s sleep beforehand! You will need to stay alert and engaged the whole day.
Even if you are assured that the informal food and drinks do not play any part in the selection process, you should be careful not to gorge yourself. It is best to assume that if you let your hair down too far, someone will notice.
Get your hands dirty
Do not stand back and turn your nose up. Group exercises are designed to see how well you work with others, so make sure you take part. Be enthusiastic and make an effort, whatever the task. Besides, concentrating on the task at hand will help you to forget your nerves.
Be professional
Arrive on time and look the part. Be friendly but polite. The assessment centre is partly a social exercise, so do chat with the other candidates during breaks and over lunch. Be prepared to initiate conversations. While it is fine to make small talk with assessors, do not be too familiar with them.
Do not fake it until you make it
Be yourself, but be the most positive version of yourself. Try to relax and behave naturally. You might even find it is possible to enjoy yourself despite the inevitable nerves. Also remember that a smile is more likely to make a better impression than a face frozen in fear!
How do I know if all is going well?
You know you are on track when: • You have achieved a mix of taking charge and taking a back seat.
• At the end of the day, you realise you actually managed to enjoy yourself.
Things are not going so well if: • You do not meet anyone, fellow candidates and assessors, whose company you enjoy. • You walk away feeling suspicious, judged and anxious.