4 minute read
Job Searching: The Ultimate Guide
As you step out into the working world as a recent graduate, make sure you know the various job portals and routes available, and explore all your options to get the best chance of finding what you are looking for.
There are a number of paths you can consider when looking for a job as a graduate. While one of the most common methods for applying for jobs is undoubtedly through the internet, there are a variety of other options available, so do not be afraid to make use of them, too.
Career services on campus
There is no need to be afraid of approaching your career centre on campus grounds. After all, the contacts and resources they can offer you may be more specific and targeted to your course of study.
Be transparent when you speak to your career counsellor so they have a better idea on how to help you. If you are facing any challenges in your job hunt, they are the people best suited to guide you.
With so many online career portals, you can take your pick, though you should ensure that the ones you join and subscribe to are the ones that suit you best. gradsingapore.com, for instance, curates both jobs and internships, and is considered a beneficial and helpful resource for both fresh graduates, as well as those who are in the early stages of their career.
Company websites and company social media pages are options as well, and on top of showcasing available vacancies first-hand, often offer a peek into their work culture. Some platforms also give insider information about a company’s culture and recruitment process, and give insights into hiring trends while also granting exposure.
Job search portals
Career exploration platforms
Sector-specific portals
Company websites and social media pages
Professional networking platforms
Although not a popular method any longer, employers do still place advertisements for various positions in printed publications. Graduate hiring schemes are also occasionally featured.
Using the wide range of contacts and resources you can leverage on in your career centre
Making your aspirations and goals clear to your career counsellor
Attending mentoring and networking sessions they organise
Drop by the Career Connect office at SIM HQ, Block B Level 1 (Opposite Foodfest) on Monday to Friday, from 9 AM to 5 PM!
Whether you choose to attend career fairs on campus or in public, go in with a strategy in mind.
Bring copies of your resume, as well as name cards, if you have any. After the event, be sure to establish your connection with your new contacts through email. In the note, include any interesting points of conversation you may have had to help the recruiter remember you out of the many faces they may have met that day.
Send your resume across one more time over the email, and add in the links to your online portfolio or LinkedIn profile as well. Do the same if the event was virtual.
Find out which employers are going to be there, and prepare some questions you would like to ask them
Bring copies of your resume to hand out to prospective employers
Email your new contacts after the event
Check out SIM’s annual career fairs, DREAMS (in February) and IGNITE (in October)!
Recruitment services
Another way to get suitable job offers is to engage recruitment consultation services. Although you will have pay a certain sum, you will be able to meet up with them for consultations to discuss your professional goals and use their connections to potential employers.
Although you will have to fork out some cash, recruitment services are a valuable resource
They can offer you information on how to prepare for assessments and interviews
Many young jobseekers and graduates profit from networks, both personal and professional, when looking for their first job. It is not just about what you know – it is about who you know.
Keep in touch with old contacts
Make new contacts
Avoid burning bridges
Never turn down a chance to network, whether it is in a personal or professional setting
Work placements and internships can lead to full-time positions, especially if you have proven yourself to be a good fit for the company and get along well with your co-workers.
Write in to prospective employers even if they are not advertising vacancies
Show your interest in the company
Indicate you have a solid understanding of their field
Prove that you are what they need
Apply speculatively
Enquiring with a company about available job positions is known as applying speculatively. This method has the potential to show that you have a strong interest in the company, though you will need to indicate your understanding of their field and why you are what they are on the lookout for.
If you are looking to earn a little more while gaining some work experience, apply for temp or part-time positons at companies you are hoping to join. Alternatively, you can also apply for relevant jobs that will give you some insight to your profession of choice – for example, a part-time role as an accounts executive.
Do not sweat it if your part-time gig has little to no links to your chosen Feld of study; you will still be able to elaborate on all the invaluable transferable skills you have gained in future interviews.
Try temp-ing Get creative
Take stock of all your skills and then look for opportunities wherever they may be, even outside your industry of choice. While this may not be ideal for you, when the job market has recovered more and you can move into your preferred sector, employers will be impressed by your experience, resilience and ability to leverage on your top skills in a different environment. Keeping your mind open to all the possibilities may even lead to great job satisfaction, as well!
Do not disregard graduate internship opportunities either; work hard and see if you can approach your manager to convert you to a full-time employee when things begin to look up again.
If you have a hobby you can turn into a short-term business, you can turn to that too. Do you like painting? Sell your art on the internet or offer commissions. Have a good grasp of English? Tutor children online or create online English papers.
Recruitment processes are long and tedious enough as they are, but add in social distancing measures, and you have a whole different ball game. Moreover, trust that this pandemic will not go on forever, and that the economy will make a full recovery. There is light at the end of the tunnel; we just have to stay on course to get to it!