8 minute read
Networking for Success
Networking can be pretty confusing: where do you start? What do you do? Where do you even go? Here are some ideas for you to explore!
As a graduate jobseeker, you have probably already heard of your fair share of seniors, peers and career advisors chanting: “Network, network, network if you want to succeed!”
Yet, ironically, networking events can be incredibly daunting, turning even the most eloquent of us into awkward stutterers. After all, aside from the need to obtain information from new acquaintances, you are also pressured to juggle building new connections, strengthen old ones and maintain a professional image in front of potential employers.
With so much multitasking going on – and with your future at stake, too – it is understandable why you may find yourself getting anxious during such events.
“How do I start a conversation with someone?”, “Can I join that group who started their conversation fifteen minutes ago, or would it be rude?”, “Wow, that is a big shot CEO – should I even approach him for a conversation?” and “Ack, awkward pause – what do I say now?!” are some very common thoughts that can quickly overwhelm you.
That said, the rewards you reap from good networking are definitely worth the effort it takes to overcome all this apprehension! Here are some tips to help you boost your networking skills.
Prepare and practise
Networking is not something that comes naturally to anyone, not even the most extroverted of us. Instead, it is a learnable skill that requires constant practice. Of course, that is not to say that you should start talking to your reflection in the mirror!
Most of your contacts can typically be divided into the following categories: good conversation starters. When in doubt, ask the other party questions about themselves. We all love talking about ourselves, after all!
• Casual networks: Contacts who you have met at open networking events or mixed industry events
Contacts who you have met at open networking events or mixed industry events
• Knowledge networks: Contacts from professional associations that cater to the improvement and regulation of a specific industry
Contacts from professional associations that cater to the improvement and regulation of a specific industry
Your university’s careers services centre may also organise workshops or courses on how to network successfully. These events are almost always free to current students, so why not attend one or two to clock in some hours of guided practice? Start early because you cannot learn how to be a good networker overnight. It takes plenty of trial-anderror to find an approach that works best for you.
• Strong contact networks: Contacts from groups established exclusively for building professional relationships
Contacts from groups established exclusively for building professional relationships
Ultimately, it is all about rehearsing to the point that you are confident enough to carry a conversation during any networking session while still being yourself.
Focus on your “VCP”
Contacts who you know from social media platforms
• Online networks: Contacts who you know from social media platforms
Use these categories as a guideline to help you expand your networks. But remember: you do not necessarily need to collect contacts in all four categories to succeed in your job search. Instead, expand the different categories according to the need of your desired job.
For example, if you are looking for employment as a social media strategist, you might find it more beneficial to have more contacts from the knowledge and online networks instead of casual networks. Alternatively, marketing people might find the opposite to be more useful. Flex your interaction and networking muscles with any of these contacts as you will be using the same skills!
The ability to make small talk is also a crucial skill that you will need to have when networking. You can start by practising with friends, people you meet during student club activities, or recruiters at career fairs. Try to keep abreast of current issues as they are
Although it is true that the purpose of networking is for you to obtain a favour or opportunity from your contacts, the sentiment behind these relationships is very real. You need to develop not just familiarity with your contacts, but also trust before you can request anything from them.
In other words, networking is a longterm investment of trust and confidence between individuals. There are three primary components to this:
• Visibility:
Your contacts need to know who you are
Your contacts need to know who you are
• Credibility:
Your contacts need to know your intentions, character and capabilities
Your contacts need to know your intentions, character and capabilities
• Profitability:
Your contacts need to know that they can trust you so much that they are willing to help you
Your contacts need to know that they can trust you so much that they are willing to help you
Recruiters do not expect new graduates to be overachievers, but they want to see your interest in them, their company and your sincerity in applying.
Make it a point to show up at multiple company events, approach them and make your interest in the company clear and consistent. If possible, always take the time to catch up with the same individuals who you approached before so that you can develop a rapport with them. Who knows? They might be the one to put in a good word on your behalf when the time is right!
The same basic rules of building relationships still apply: never lie and avoid “overselling” yourself. Not only it is detrimental to your relationship if they discover your falsehood, but it can also damage your professional reputation, as well!
Follow up Talk beyond business
Another way to establish your reputation as a great conversationalist is to connect with others on a level beyond business.
Recruiters and company representatives are also people with hobbies and interests, and are often happy to meet others who share the same passion. Bond over common interests, such as food, movies, fashion, or sports teams.
Put your observation skills to use, too. Distinctive cufflinks, keychains and jewellery can evoke interesting topics that will leave an impression! Use this opportunity to also show your keen eye for details.
This is one of the most important aspects of a networking session, and yet the one most often forgotten! Remember, there is really no point in attending a networking session if you are not going to make the effort to follow up with any new contacts you have made.
The average person’s attention span while performing a task lasts no more than 10 to 20 seconds. So remember that you only have a limited time span to highlight your selling points before the other party’s focus turns elsewhere!
Come prepared with a 30-second “elevator pitch” so that when recruiters ask you the ubiquitous “What do you do?” question, you will not be floundering around for an answer. Be sure to include the necessary information – who you are, what you are studying and where your interests lie – and keep it concise. Alternatively, prepare two or three introductory points about yourself if you do not feel like giving a 30-second pitch.
Just choose something that you are excited to talk about, and you will be able to portray yourself as a knowledgeable and capable person!
If you are nervous, speak to other students, interns or the event organisers to test the waters first. Find out what are some good small talk topics that you can use to approach the “big shots”. For instance, if no one seems interested in your talk about Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, then maybe you should leave that out.
It is also a good idea to stay away from touchy subjects like politics and religion. These are topics reserved for deep discussions over a cup of coffee between close-knit friends, not new acquaintances.
If you have promised to do something for someone – such as to give them a call, send an email or connect person A to person B – do it as soon as you can. There cannot be more emphasis placed on this. Keeping your promises in a timely manner helps you build your reputation as a prompt and responsible character. Also, if you helped connect a contact with someone else who can benefit them, they are bound to return the favour in the future, too!
Put the business cards you have collected to good use as well, especially ones from recruiters. Write a proper email thanking them for their time and insights, and sign off with a memorable detail from your conversation so that it will leave an impression on them. This way, they will be less likely to forget you if you bump into them again in the future.
Although it sounds easier than networking in-person – for starters, you do not have to worry about bad breath, something stuck in your teeth, or sweaty palms and handshakes – it does not mean that you can take virtual networking less seriously or strategically!
How to start Connecting with someone
The first step is the easiest step – look through all your social media accounts. Remove any traces of embarrassing posts or photos. It may be good enough to just set certain personal posts to “Private”, but with social media companies frequently changing their privacy policies, do not be surprised if your settings change without notice overnight.
Once that is done, look at developing your LinkedIn profile. Refer to other professional profiles and look at how yours can match up to theirs. Look at the language used and copy the relevant keywords. It does not bode well on you to have zero connections, so link up with people you already know offline, such as your friends, lecturers and even family members.
Look for and join relevant groups on LinkedIn, whether the groups are related to your future career or simply your hobbies. Take part in the discussions to increase your knowledge and make connections along the way.
Once you have set up your digital presence, you may think it is time to start adding everyone to your list. But hold your horses for the moment. Take some time to understand how you should act and communicate with others, first.
Adopt proper networking etiquettes
It does not matter how hard you try to make connections if you do not have good manners to begin with. The differences between networking face-toface or virtually are slim when it comes to etiquette, but you will still need to behave well in a professional setting. One good tip is to always put yourself in the other person’s shoes and re-read your messages before clicking “Send”.
Quick tip!
Remind yourself that if you dare not say something in someone’s face, chances are, you should not do it online either!
When you are ready to connect with someone you do not know, it is important to craft the right personalised message. The first thing someone will ask themselves when they receive a connection request is “Do I know this person?”
If they do not, you have 300 characters available to explain your intention and convince them to not only accept your request, but also to reply and engage with you. Always be sincere, transparent and polite when reaching out to others.
Quick tip!
Establishing the connection is not the end of the story. Be sure to interact with them, be it congratulating them on a milestone or commenting on their posts.
Strengthen your network
Ultimately, it is not about how many connections you have, but how strong your network is. This means bringing the relationship beyond LinkedIn and preferably to video calls, which are practically today’s version of face-to-face meetings, anyway.
You can also look at having virtual “dates” to make the setting more comfortable and less awkward. For example, order your favourite warm drink and get on a video conference to discuss your career aspirations and get advice on how to prepare for your future job search.
Other questions to keep the sparks alive
• What are your thoughts about the latest news in your industry?
• Where do you see this field going in the future?
• What is your biggest challenge at work currently?
• What training or courses should I take up to help me get into your field?
• How can I help you?