4 minute read

Job Offers: Take or Wait?

It can be hard to figure out what you should do when job offers come in, especially when they do not meet your standards or expectations.

The stage was set when you graduated. The struggling economy, just recovering from the global pandemic, served as the dreary backdrop, and student loans hung over the proceedings like a pall. But hey, at least your job hunt was a success! You applied to the relevant dream roles, and you have received some job offers.

Except none of those offers live up to your expectations. Perhaps some aspects of the job are not part of The Right Job you have for yourself in mind, such as a requirement to work on some weekends, or a smaller remuneration package.

But on the other hand, ongoing economic woes also mean that you might not get another offer as good as the one(s) you are considering passing up. Not to mention you will be throwing away the time and energy you have invested in your long, and sometimes agonising, hunt.

And then there is the fact that you have put so much time and money into your education to think about. You are the new and very proud owner of your shiny degree – and you want to put it to good use in a role worth its value.

Which leads us to the milliondollar question. Do you take up the role you were offered, though it is less-than-perfect for you and your degree? Or do you hold out for The Right Job?

Unfortunately, we do not have the right answers for you. But what we can do is put up some factors you might want to consider, and that might help you come to a decision.

There are times that you will get an offer for a job that is close to what your dream job is, barring a few aspects that do not appeal to you. But here is the thing. It will definitely get you the experience you need to work towards your dream job.

For instance, you want to work for a finance firm, but you have only gotten offers from the financial departments of companies in different industries. The role may not be your dream job in your dream company, but you have taken the first step to your dream job.

If this the case, the role could be worth taking!

Take: Finances are tight

As harsh as this truth is, financial needs sometimes force your hand and cause you to take an offer you are not too enthusiastic about. But even if you are not too financially strapped yet and you still have some wiggle room, taking a job can help you keep your finances buoyed and put you in a better place for when you start your job search again in the future.

Although this sounds all doom and gloom, do not let your hopes drop. There are some advantages to taking care of your finances. For instance, you will have better flexibility and stable finances when you decide to pursue your dream job later. Moreover, you will also be able to gather valuable experience and build transferable skills, such as communication skills, as well as time management skills.

If you have only a vague idea of what your dream job is, consider being adventurous and try out jobs that may not initially pass off as your dream job. Take up the offer that best suits your present likes and dislikes in a role.

This will give you a sense of what your dream job is, and may even give you the time and experience needed to refine your career goals.

You may even discover some things about yourself along the way! For example, you may find that you prefer working on detail-oriented projects at work, rather than high-pressure ones. Or perhaps other aspects of work you enjoy, like networking and working in larger or smaller teams. You may even find out what company culture fits your personality and lifestyle best!

If you have done up a comprehensive job search plan with a solid timeline, and found out that you have a very high chance of landing your dream job within the time given, consider doing so.

However, keep in mind that there are many factors to this job search plan. You need to crunch the numbers and figure out a budget for yourself to see you through the duration of your job search, for starters. And you need to find out what job search resources are available to you as well, like your university job search portal, other platforms, or even industry magazines. You will also need to create a resume and cover letter, and have your campus career coach look over, and approve, them.

If you have completed all that and it is still well, check if your dream company is recruiting, and that you have the qualifications required. If they are, and your qualifications pass muster, ensure the contacts you have in the industry are solid. Then, speak to the relevant recruiters and see if your chances of getting a role are good!


If you are going to turn down a job offer and continue waiting for The Right Job, it is important that you have a very clear idea of which offer you will accept. After all, if you have no idea what you are waiting for, you could end up waiting forever for that mysterious offer to come!

Having a solid understanding of the factors that should be must-haves in your dream job will be a great help in deciding this.

Your job should always add value to you in a meaningful and purposeful way. In that vein, you would not apply to a role that you know would make you miserable. Instead, you would gun for a role that would not leave you feeling so down based on the job description given, right?

Except, when you went for the interview, you found out that the job scope was completely different! If you feel that you can still build skills and experience, though there will be less meaning and purpose for you, give it a try. But be sure to explain that to your prospective employer, as well as that you may not hold the position for long.

However, if you think that the job scope will give you no meaning and purpose, and that there is no reason to take it on, it would be better to hold out.

Making a decision when it comes to job offers is never easy. However, we hope we have made it clearer with these tips!

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