- Aldous Huxley
Established 2007
Article Title
ACS nano
Silicon-Based Hybrid Energy Cell for Self-Powered Electrodegradation and Personal Electronics.
Yang Y, Zhang H, Liu Y, Lin ZH, Lee S, Lin Z, Wong CP, Wang ZL.
Advanced healthcare materials
Development of Self-Assembling Mixed Protein Micelles with Temperature-Modulated Avidities.
Soon AS, Smith MH, Herman ES, Lyon LA, Barker TH.
Advanced materials
Ultra-Robust Graphene Oxide-Silk Fibroin Nanocomposite Membranes.
Hu K, Gupta MK, Kulkarni DD, Tsukruk VV.
Annals of biomedical engineering
Accuracy of a Mitral Valve Segmentation Method Using J-Splines for Real-Time 3D Echocardiography Data.
Siefert AW, Icenogle DA, Rabbah JP, Saikrishnan N, Rossignac J, Lerakis
Biology of Sex Differences
Addressing the gaps: sex differences in osteoarthritis of the knee.
Boyan BD, Tosi LL, Coutts RD, Enoka RM, Hart DA, Nicolella DP, Berkley KJ, Sluka KA, Kwoh CK, O'Connor MI, Kohrt WM, Resnick E.
Measuring in Situ Primary and Competitive DNA Hybridization Activity on Microspheres.
Hardin JO, Milam VT.
Functionalized dendrimer-based delivery of angiotensin type 1 receptor siRNA for preserving cardiac function following
Liu J, Gu C, Cabigas EB, Pendergrass KD, Brown ME, Luo
Biosensors & bioelectronics
Rapid, quantitative, reverse transcription PCR in a polymer microfluidicchip.
Curtis Saunders D, Holst GL, Phaneuf CR, Pak N, Marchese M,
Biotechnology and bioengineering
Dual factor delivery of CXCL12 and Exendin-4 for improved survival and function of encapsulated beta cells under hypoxic conditions.
Duncanson S, Sambanis A.
Biotechnology for Biofuels
Assessing the molecular structure basis for biomass recalcitrance during dilute acid and hydrothermal pretreatments.
Pu Y, Hu F, Huang F, Davison BH, Ragauskas AJ.
Aqueous-Phase Synthesis of Single-Crystal Pd Seeds 3 nm in Diameter and Their Use for the Growth of Pd Nanocrystals with Different Shapes.
Zhu C, Zeng J, Lu P, Liu J, Gu Z, Xia Y.
Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc.
Activity and school attendance monitoring system for adolescents with Sickle cell disease.
Venugopalan J, Brown C, Cheng C, Stokes TH, Wang MD.
Journal of biomechanical engineering
Mechanics of healthy and functionally diseased mitral valves: a critical review.
Rabbah JP, Saikrishnan N, Siefert AW, Santhanakrishnan
Magnetic resonance in medicine
Correction for the T1 effect incorporating flip angle estimated by Kalman filter in cardiac-gated functional MRI.
Shin J, Ahn S, Hu X.
Medical image analysis
Joint CT/CBCT deformable registration and CBCT enhancement for cancer radiotherapy.
Lou Y, Niu T, Jia X, Vela PA, Zhu L, Tannenbaum AR.
Molecular cell
Cyclic Mechanical Reinforcement of Integrin-Ligand Interactions.
Kong F, Li Z, Parks WM, Dumbauld DW, GarcĂa AJ, Mould AP,
Nano letters
Radioluminescent gold nanocages with controlled radioactivity for real-time in vivo imaging.
Wang Y, Liu Y, Luehmann H, Xia X, Wan D, Cutler C, Xia Y.
Nano letters
Toward large-scale energy harvesting by a nanoparticleenhanced triboelectric nanogenerator.
Zhu G, Lin ZH, Jing Q, Bai P, Pan C, Yang Y, Zhou Y, Wang ZL.
Nano letters
Record Maximum Oscillation Frequency in C-Face Epitaxial Graphene Transistors.
Guo Z, Dong R, Chakraborty PS, Lourenco N, Palmer J, Hu Y, Ruan
Nature neuroscience
Reading and writing the neural code.
Stanley GB.
Physical chemistry chemical physics
Hydrogen oxidation at the Pt-BaZr(0.1)Ce(0.7)Y(0.1)Yb(0.1)O(3 -δ) (BZCYYb) interface.
Sun W, Liu M, Feng S, Liu W, Park HC, Liu M.
You know you're desperate to solve the problem when you start Googling the aortic diameter of a mouse. I regret not signing up for this class with people I know. Thinks BME is a great idea for Medical School. It's not. Now I just want pie after working out Buckingham Pi Group problems. OMG when did March get here? Just realizing that finals are coming up Apply for internship as a Junior BME. Freshman gets the job instead. Ooh, it’s frog time in 3110. The professors think we are smart people. Decompressing in the computer lab after a long day not just a few steps down the hall. Machine Shop: never open when I need it to be. Slept in 'til noon, only got 6 hours of sleep... I get all wistful watching the kids in 2300 start freaking out right about now. Finish four years in one of the hardest engineering majors. Now, I’m realizing you can't get a job. I always get excited during Dead Week because that's when Paul starts sending out his daily haikus. Can we get ladders so we can use the top half of the whiteboards in the PBL rooms? I'm an ME. I got all your jobs! BOOM No idea what’s happening… guess I’ll integrate until the equation looks familiar <-- me in Lee’s class First time multiplying by (2/2) revolutionizes the ease of solving a problem.