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Guam EPA Green Parcels (Brownfields)
Introductions Walter Leon Guerrero Guam EPA Green Parcel Program
Galo Baluran Guam EPA Green Parcel Program
Brian Thomas EA Engineering and Science Guam EPA Green Parcel Contractor
Brief History  Guam EPA created on March 3, 1973
What are Brownfields?  Brownfields are property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant.
In Guam, Brownfields are called Green Parcels.
Green Parcels Mission  Green Parcel oversees the Brownfields Program, promotes the protection of human health and the island environment through a system of planning, public outreach and education, and monitoring.  We places a premium on community and stakeholder involvement in the program implementation to ensure broad support and innovative solutions to environmental problems unique to island environments. This is why we are holding this meeting to get community stakeholders input.
What are Green Parcels? Green Parcel’s responsibility is to Provide the public with current information Conduct outreach Help the community to stay informed and make the best decisions as it relates to their health and the island’s environment.
What are Green Parcels? We conduct the environmental oversight of Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) related sites. Inform government agencies, private businesses, and the general public about the benefits of Green Parcels Ensure the community has access to information amd is able to provide comments and input about the sites; this includes the status of investigation/clean-up activities.
How do Green Parcels work? Site has previous activity that may cause potential contamination Site Identified for Green Parcels review Conduct Phase I Assessment Conduct Phase II Assessment, if necessay Cleanup (if necessary) and preparing site for redevelopment
What type of sites are considered Green Parcels?
Old sites that can bring new opportunities
Office and Quonset Area, Tiyan Guam
Sites that have Hazardous Substances Examples include: Paint Shops Landfills Salvage Yards Dry Cleaners Clandestine Labs
Some sites have Petroleum Examples include: Gas Stations Fuel Terminals Tank Farms Oil Fields
Sites may be singular
Sites may include a wide area
Leveraging resources
Harmon site part of larger sport complex projects
Examples of Green Parcels sites in Guam Sustainable reuse of a Green Parcels Site Development Potential Harmon Sports Complex – Former Typhoon Transition Site
Harmon Sports Complex
Before renovation – Typhoon Transition Site
After renovation – Full sports complex with swimming pool
Examples of Green Parcels sites in Guam and future use
Former NAS Agana – Tiyan Guam
Guam Sports Complex - Tiyan
Before renovation – Naval Air Station Agana
After proposed renovation– Full sports complex
Reuse of existing infrastructure
GCC Pistol Range
Reuse for the community
Liberation Day Carnival grounds in Tiyan
Getting community involvement
Community activities hosted on a Green Parcels site
Partnering with other entities
Guam EPA partners with Guam Community College to assess firing range on GCC’s Campus – April 4, 2013
Not all sites are eligible Facilities listed (or proposed for listing) on the National Priorities List (NPL) are ineligible Facilities subject to Unilateral Administrative Orders, court orders, Administrative Orders on consent, or judicial consent decrees issued or entered into by parties under CERCLA are ineligible Facilities that are subject to the jurisdiction, custody or control of a department or agency of the United States government (except land held in trust for an Indian Tribe) are ineligible
Green Parcels in Guam Father Duenas Production Well Site Airport – Former Airport Graveyard, Tiyan Airport – Former GSE Maintenance Facility, Tiyan VQ-5 Interceptor Drainage, GIAA, Tiyan Harmon Loop Transition Site Tiyan Transition Site Yigo Transition Site
Green Parcels in Guam Former Naval Gymnasium Site, Tiyan Former Navy Go Cart Track Site, Tiyan Former Office and Quonset Area, Tiyan Guam Community College Pistol Firing Range, Mangilao Farmer’s Market Site, Dededo Father Duenas Site Tamuning Industrial Park
Airport – Former Airport Graveyard
Airport – Former GSE Maintenance Facility
VQ-5 Interceptor Drainage, GIAA
Harmon Loop Transition Site
Tiyan Transition Site
Yigo Transition Site
Former Naval Gymnasium Site
Former Go Cart Track Site
Former Office and Quonset Area
GCC Pistol Firing Range
Farmers Market Co-op Facility
Father Duenas Memorial School Property
Tamuning Industrial Site
Green Parcel Database Pre-CERCLIS database identifies and characterize sites such as: GIS website application Formerly Used Defense (FUDS) Sites CERCLA and BRAC Sites UST Sites Hazardous Materials TSD Sites Green Parcels
Green Parcel Database
Green Parcel Database
Cost ceilings exist U.S. EPA guideline says no more than $200,000 can be spent on assessment at a single site. There may be ways to partner and leverage to ensure necessary work is done Green Parcels work as seed money
Grant Ranking Criteria  Learn more at applicat.htm
How can I get involved with Green Parcels?
Petition to review a site/property Petition to review a Site Community /Citizen Suggestion form
Hard copies available tonight
Name and contact information Owner name:___________________________________________________________ Email:______________________________________________Phone:______________________ Mailing Address:_________________________________________________________________
Site information Description of property (draw map on other side):_______________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Address:_______________________________________________Village:__________________ Block Number:___________ Lot Number:___________
Also available online at
Description of Site Current land use: __________________________________________________________________ Future land use: ___________________________________________________________________ Former property name (if any): _______________________________________________________ Former use of property: _____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Documented spill or release (petroleum or hazardous)? ___________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Potential or perceived spill or release (petroleum or hazardous)? ____________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________
Questions regarding this matter should be referred to Guam EPA at 300-4752/4797/4798
Can be submitted in hard copy or via email to Guam EPA.
Project should be competitive for Green Parcel funding Select site and reuse with Best economic impact Most job creation potential Greatest community need Incorporate LEED technology
If you want to apply for a federal grant Should be a team effort
Grant Writer Project Manager Community Stakeholders Planners Environmental Professionals Public Works Legal Financial Manager Developer / Real Estate Professionals Environmental Regulator
Considerations for choosing Green Parcel sites What is the potential reuse for the site? Would the site be redeveloped in the current real estate market if it was clean? What is the potential range of assessment and cleanup costs? How will the assessment and cleanup be funded? Do you have community support for the project?
Keys to successful Green Parcels Projects and Proposals Location of Project Infrastructure Redevelopment/Reuse Potential Community Support Leveraging / Investors / Favorable Economics Vision
Keep in mind Get started right away Many of the initial planning steps require minimal funds Community notification
Carefully read the proposal guidelines and respond to all criteria EPA grants are meant to be seed money Search for sources of funding, developers, or investors
Petition to review a site/property Petition to review a Site Community /Citizen Suggestion form
Hard copies available tonight
Name and contact information Owner name:___________________________________________________________ Email:______________________________________________Phone:______________________ Mailing Address:_________________________________________________________________
Site information Description of property (draw map on other side):_______________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Address:_______________________________________________Village:__________________ Block Number:___________ Lot Number:___________
Also available online at
Description of Site Current land use: __________________________________________________________________ Future land use: ___________________________________________________________________ Former property name (if any): _______________________________________________________ Former use of property: _____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Documented spill or release (petroleum or hazardous)? ___________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Potential or perceived spill or release (petroleum or hazardous)? ____________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________
Questions regarding this matter should be referred to Guam EPA at 300-4752/4797/4798
Can be submitted in hard copy or via email to Guam EPA.
If you have a site Contact Guam EPA Walter Leon Guerrero 300-4751/52/53
Questions? Si Yu’us Ma’ase and Thank You!