27th PIEC Conference Brochure

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Reduce - Balance - Enhance

June 26 - 28, 2013 - Hyatt Regency Guam Page 1

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Pacific Islands Environment Conference

This conference was made possible through funding from Guam EPA, American Samoa EPA and the CNMI Division of Environmental Quality.

Special thanks to our conference sponsors:

Aire Sponsors

PCR Environmental, Inc. Tri-Con Corporation City Hill Company (Guam), LTD dba: Guam Plaza EMPSCO-Engineering Consultants Xing’s Construction C&V Construction N.C. Macario & Associates, Inc. West Enterprises, Inc. RC Builders, LLC FC Benavente Planners Bascon Corporation Flex Builders, Inc. 5M Construction Corporation P&E Construction, Inc. Island Corner Stone Corp. JK Tile Store

Tasi Sponsors

NIPPO USA, Inc. Pryamid International Corp. P&S Construction, Inc. Culligan of Guam

T.G. Engineers IAN Corporation UMS Xiong’s Family, Inc.

Tano Sponsors

Global Recycling Center Sumitomo Mitsui Const. Co. LTD. HSG, Tommy Tanaka, Jr. APEC

Detry Corporation Equatorial Manufactory, Inc. Future World Corporation Inland Builders Corporation

Hanom Sponsors

Ambros Guam Home Center Benson Guam Enterprises, Inc. SOS Portables

Isagani B. Baluyut Construction Z&P Builders Duenas, Camacho & BME & Sons, Inc. Jae Hoon Corporation Associates, Inc. FSM Recycling Guam, Inc. dba: Pacific Grocers Tsang Brothers Corp. GEO-Engineering & Testing, Inc. Urunao Resort Development, Inc. Z4 Corporation W.B. Flores Engineering & Chi Construction, Inc. JRN Air Conditioning and Technical Services, Inc. Pepsi Refrigeration Maeda Pacific Corporation Foremost GSI Pacific AmOrient Engineering SSFM International Orion Construction Corp. (Guam) Reliable Builders, Inc. Also thanks to: Yoo Shin Construction, International Distributors, Inc., and Fukuda Enterprises.


4 - Welcome Messages 6 - Agenda Overview 7 - Room Layouts 7 - Internet Access 8 - Detailed Agenda 15 - Optional Activities 19 - Acknowledgements 20 - Sponsors

27th PIEC Executive Committee

Chairman and Field Trips Jesse T. Cruz, Environmental Monitoring and Analytical Services (EMAS) Administrator, Guam EPA

Speakers Walter Leon Guerrero, Green Parcel Program Manager, Guam EPA Entertainment and Hospitality Sabrina Cruz Sablan, Special Projects Coordinator, Guam EPA Finances Connie Benavente Aflleje, Administrative Services Officer, Guam EPA Sponsorships Angel Marquez, Safe Drinking Water Program Manager, Guam EPA Communications Tammy Jo Anderson Taft, Public Information Officer, Guam EPA Conference Coordinators Lee-Ann Choy, Pacific Rim Concepts, LLC Jon Ordenstein, Pacific Rim Concepts, LLC

Brief Conference Overview Wednesday, June 26

8:30 to 9:30 a.m. 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. 10:30 to 10:45 a.m. 10:45 to Noon Noon to 1:30 p.m. 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. 3:00 to 3:30 p.m. 3:30 to 5:00 p.m.

Opening Ceremony Keynote: Gil Masters Break Plenary Panel 1: Reduce Lunch & Awards Breakout Session 1 Break Breakout Session 2

Thursday, June 27

8:30 to 9:15 a.m. Keynote Sec. Ramon Paje 9:15 to 10:30 a.m. Plenary Panel 2: Balance 10:30 to 10:45 a.m. Break 10:45 a.m. to Noon Breakout Session 3 Noon to 1:30 p.m. Lunch Speaker Dr. Tom Schils 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. Breakout Session 4 3:00 to 3:15 p.m. Break 3:15 to 4:30 p.m. Keynote: Craig Clark 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. Optional Activities Tumon Fresh Water Seeps Tour Underwater World Aquarium

6:30 to 9:00 p.m.

Evening Activity

Guam EPA’s 40th Anniversary

Friday, June 28

8:30 to 9:30 a.m. Plenary Panel 3: Enhance 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Plenary Panel 4: Enhance 10:30 to 10:45 a.m. Break 10:45 a.m. to Noon Breakout Session 5 Noon to 1:30 p.m. Lunch Speaker: Kathryn B. Fuller 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. Breakout Session 6 3:00 to 3:15 p.m. Break 3:15 to 4:00 p.m. Keynote: Capt. William Marhoffer (ret.) 4:00 to 4:30 p.m. Closing Ceremony

Welcome to the 27th Pacific Islands Environment Conference It is with great pleasure I welcome you to the 27th Pacific Islands Environment Conference. Guam EPA has spent the past year preparing to host this important gathering. I hope your time attending the conference is educational, enjoyable and above all inspiring. We, as environmental leaders in the Pacific region, have an important and critical set of tasks ahead of us. We must be realists and deal with many challenges, including reducing negative environmental impacts, balancing the need between growing economies and natural resource management, and enhancing those natural resources to protect them for the future. We must also be visionaries. This conference can help inspire the next management techniques and help us complete our tasks in a more efficient and effective manner. Please accept my thanks for attending this important gathering and I look forward to meeting and having meaningful discussion with each of you.

Eric M. Palacios Administrator Guam Environmental Protection Agency

8:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:45 a.m.

Agenda Overview

Noon 1:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m.

8:30 a.m. 9:15 a.m. 10:45 a.m. Noon 1:30 p.m.

Opening Ceremonies Keynote Address - Professor Gil Masters Plenary Panel - Moving to Zero Waste Lunch & Awards Green Building Concepts The Wealth of Watersheds Alternative Energy

3:15 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m.

8:30 a.m.

10:45 a.m. Noon 1:30 p.m. 3:15 p.m.

Recycling Trends

Emergency Response Environmental Laboratories

Thursday, June 27 Keynote Address - Secretary Ramon Paje Plenary Panel - Micronesia Challenge Environmental Stewardship

Clean Drinking Water

Environmental Cleanup Levels

Lunch and speaker - Dr. Tom Schils Coral Reefs

9:30 a.m.

Page 6

Wednesday, June 26

Landfill Challenges in the Pacific

Protecting Drinking Water

Keynote Address - Biologist Craig Clark Optional Activities - Meet in Hyatt Regency Lobby

Guam EPA 40th Anniversary Dinner

Friday, June 28

Plenary Panel - Pacific Environmental Success Stories Plenary Panel - Sustainable Utility Management Waste Reduction Success Stories

Radon and Diesel Health Risks

Brown Fields to Green Parcels

Lunch and speaker - Attorney Kathryn B. Fuller Reducing Pesticides on Food

Improving Drinking Water Systems

Water Quality Management

Closing Keynote and Ceremonies Agenda Overview

Finding the Right Room

Each activity on the agenda overview (left) is colored by the room where the activity will happen. In front of each room there will be an agenda board with the name of the presentation and time frame for the activity.

Main Ballroom

Santa Rosa Room

Magellan Room

If you have any questions about where a presentation is happening, ask Guam EPA’s friendly staff at the Registration Table.

Room Layouts Main Level

Upstairs Level

Santa Rosa Room

Internet Access

The PIEC has open wireless internet access for every participant thanks to our sponsor, GTA. If you require access to internet and have no computer, please ask Guam EPA’s friendly staff at the Registration Table to assist you. Internet and Room Information

Page 7

Wednesday, June 26 8:30 a.m.

Opening Ceremonies Presentation of Colors - G.W. High School ROTC National Anthem and Guam Hymn R.D. Gibson Blessing - Pastor Alberto Alquero, President, Guam Ministerial Assn. Cultural Chant & Inifresi - Pa’a Taotao Tano Group

Welcome Remarks Eric Palacios - Administrator, Guam EPA Hon. Ray Tenorio - Lieutenant Governor of Guam Jared Blumenfeld - Regional Administrator, U.S. EPA Region IX 9:30 a.m.

Keynote Address - Professor Gil Masters Island Power: Challenges and Opportunities on Both Sides of the Meter Gil Masters

Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering (Emeritus), Stanford University

Break 10:45 a.m.

Plenary Panel: Reduce Moving toward Zero Waste

Panelists Jared Blumenfeld Regional Administrator, EPA Region IX Mark Calvo Special Assistant to the Governor of Guam and Military Buildup Director Mark de Bie Chairman, Sustainable Materials Subcommittee for the Association of State and Territorial Solid Waste Management Officials (ASTSWMO) Utu Abe Malae Executive Director, American Samoa Power Authority Chace Anderson Vice President, Gershman, Brickner & Bratton (GBB)

Moderator Noon

John McCarroll Pacific Islands Office, U.S. EPA Region IX

Lunch and Awards Ceremony Guam Flag

The sling-stone shaped emblem recalls the stones used by island ancestors. The art also shows a proa sailing in Agana Bay near Hagåtña. The form at the back depicts the Puntan Dos Amantes cliff on Guam. Charles Alan Pownall approved the flag’s shape in 1948. Page 8


Fanoghe Chamorro (Guam Hymn) Fanohge Chamoru put i tano’-ta Kånta i ma tunå-ña gi todu i lugåt. Para i onra, para i gloria Abiba i isla sen parat. Para i onra, para i gloria Abiba i isla sen parat. U todu i tiempo i pas para hita Yan ginen i langet na bendesion. Kontra i piligru, na’fansåfo’ ham Yu’os prutehi i islan Guåhan. Kontra i piligru, na’fansåfo’ ham Yu’os prutehi i islan Guåhan. (Translated to English) Stand ye Guamanians for your country And sing her praise from shore to shore For her honor, for her glory Exalt our isle forever more. For her honor, for her glory Exalt our isle forever more. May everlasting peace reign o’er us May Heaven’s blessing to us come Against all peril, do not forsake us God protect our isle of Guam. Against all peril, do not forsake us God protect our isle of Guam.

Inifresi (Offering)

Ginen i mås takhilo’ gi hinasso-ku I mås takhalom gi kurason-hu, Yan i mas figo’ na nina’siña-hu, Hu ufresen maisa yu’ Para bai prutehi yan hu difende I HINENGGE, I KOTTURA, I LENGGUÅHI, I AIRE, I HANOM yan I TANO’ CHAMORU Ni’ irensiå-ku direchu ginen as Yu’os Tåta, Este hu afitma gi hilo’ I Bipblia yan I Banderå-hu, I Banderan Guåhan. (Translated to English) From the inner-most recesses of my mind, From deep within my heart, And with all my might, This I offer. To protect and defend The Beliefs, The Culture, The Language The Air, The Water and The Land of the Chamoru. My heritage comes directly from God, This I affirm on the Bible and my Flag The Flag of Guahan. Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Gil Masters, Professor Emeritus, Stanford University Gil Masters is a professor (emeritus) in the Atmosphere/Energy program in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Stanford University. He has had more than 10,000 students in his classes during his 40 years as an instructor. Although he officially retired 11 years ago, Masters continues to teach courses on energy efficient buildings and renewable energy systems at Stanford. He is the author of a number of textbooks, including Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science (3rd edition) and Renewable and Efficient Electric Power Systems, the 2nd edition of which has just been released this month. This is his third keynote address to the Pacific Islands Environment Conference.

Jared Blumenfeld, Region IX Administrator, U.S. EPA Jared Blumenfeld was appointed in 2009 by President Barack Obama and former Administrator Lisa P. Jackson as Regional Administrator for the Pacific Southwest. Region IX is home to more than 48 million people, including 147 tribal nations. Blumenfeld has spent nearly two decades on the front lines of protecting the environment, both at home and internationally. Before becoming Regional Administrator, Blumenfeld was the Director of the San Francisco Department of the Environment. He helped to initiate many landmark environmental laws, including San Francisco’s ban of plastic bags, a 2020 zero waste goal, LEED Gold building standards, and an overarching precautionary principle framework. Mr. Blumenfeld received his law degrees at the University of London and the University of California, Berkeley.

Mark Calvo, Military Buildup Director, Gov. of Guam Mark Calvo is a Special Assistant to the Governor of Guam. He serves as the Military Buildup Director and is the key staff liaison to DOD. He is the Governor’s primary point of contact for all military buildup program related issues. Calvo also oversees GovGuam infrastructure and Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) as they relate to the military buildup. Prior to this, Mark was a Regional Business Development Manager for L-3 Communications. He also worked for the U.S. General Service Administration as the senior Customer Service Representative for Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands. Calvo served in the U.S. Army for 24 years. He retired from active duty service in June 2006. He has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from the University of Guam. Calvo was born on Guam and resides in the village of Talofofo.

Mark de Bie, Chair, Materials Mgt. Sub-Committee, ASTSWMO Mark de Bie currently serves as the Chair of the Materials Management Sub-Committee with the Association of State and Territorial Solid Waste Management Officials (ASTSWMO). The Sub-Committee includes task forces that focus on solid waste recycling, beneficial use, technical and regulatory issues associated with landfills and product stewardship. He is also the deputy director for waste permitting, compliance, and mitigation with California’s Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle). He was previously the chief for the Permitting and Assistance Branch. De Bie has worked as a facility inspector, a supervisor for solid waste facility inspections, and as a high school science teacher. He has a Bachelor of Arts degree in biological sciences from Humboldt State University and a Master of Science degree in marine science from California State University, Stanislaus, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories.

Utu Abe Malae, Executive Director, ASPA Utu Abe Malae is the Executive Director of the American Samoa Power Authority (ASPA). He was appointed in January 2013, but he held the same position for many years prior to his current term. He was Executive Director of the Commonwealth Utilities Corporation of the CNMI from 2010 to 2012. Through ASPA he helped found the Pacific Power Association and the Pacific Water and Wastes Association. In 2002 he was named one of the Top Ten Public Works Leaders by the American Public Works Association (APWA).

Chace Anderson, Vice President, GBB Chace Anderson is Vice President of Gershman, Brickner & Bratton, Inc., (GBB) a solid waste consulting firm helping governments for over 31 years. A Federal Court appointed GBB as Receiver of Guam’s solid waste division and Chace is the Receiver Operations Manager for the project. He currently resides on Guam, with his family, managing the Guam Solid Waste Authority. Chace is also the current Director of the Solid Waste Association of North America’s Planning and Management Technical Committee. Chace has been in the field of solid waste since the 1980s having worked in both the public and private sectors. Chace writes regularly for solid waste magazines such as “MSW Management Magazine.”

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

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1:30 p.m.

Breakout Session 1

Green Building Concepts The Wealth of Watersheds Main Ballroom

Concepts that Work to Increase Efficiency in Pacific Buildings Tumau Lokeni Public Awareness and Information Division Manager, AS EPA

Biography on Page 17.

Christianera Tuitele, Water Program Manager, AS EPA

Christianera Tuitele oversees the Laboratory Program, Enforcement and Compliance as well as Drinking water program within ASEPA. She has been a Program Manager for three years and enjoys serving the public interest. She has a Masters Degree in Education specializing in Curriculum and a B.A. in Public Administration.

John Setiadi, President, Setiadi Architects, LLC

John Setiadi has worked on various building types including hotel, tourist attraction facilities, residential and government facilities. A few examples of his work include Two Lovers Point Lookout and Fiesta Resort Guam. Mr. Setiadi’s expertise includes all phases of architectural practice. His wide range of experience includes projects for private developments and federal government projects in numerous locations in the U.S. and Pacific Rim countries. He has a Architectural Degree from the University of Oregon, and is a Registered Architect in Guam, CNMI and with the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards.

Michael Makio, Principal, Taniguchi Ruth Makio Architects

Michael Makio is a Guam and Hawaii native and has managed design and construction projects in the islands for over 27 years. He joined the firm in 1987, and has worked on a variety of commercial, academic, resort and airport improvement projects as well as branded boutique and restaurant design. Makio was the main architect for the Coast 360 headquarters and Guam Community College Learning Resource Center, both sustainable design developments achieving LEED Gold Certification. He is also the chairman of the Guam Historic Preservation Review Board and the chairman of the Guam Preservation Trust and currently serves on the Guam Energy Task Force.

Facilitator Michelle Lastimoza, Special Projects Coordinator, Guam EPA See page 17 for biography.

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Santa Rosa Room

Implementing Different Management Tools to Protect Watersheds in the Pacific Peggy Denney,

President, Marianas Resource Conservation and Development Council

Peggy has a BS in Agriculture and then pursued a masters in Environmental Science. She worked at Guam EPA for 2.5 years as a program coordinator for education and outreach. In 2007, Denney became the program administrator for the iRecycle Program that focuses on aluminum can recycling to benefit Guam’s schools.

Dr. Shahram Khosrowpanah,

Professor of Water Resources Engineering, WERI

Dr. Khosrowpanah has a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from Colorado State University. He is a certified master modeler for MWH Soft H20Map and Haestad Water CAD. He is interested in surface water hydraulics, watershed management, soil erosion and sedimentation. He is currently developing optimum operation scenarios for the water system in Saipan

Kaitlin Mattos, Watershed Coordinator, CNMI DEQ

Mattos is the Watershed Coordinator at the CNMI DEQ. She has spent the last year and half at DEQ creating watershed management plans and continuing past and creating new projects to decrease nonpoint source pollution in the CNMI.

Fran Castro, Nonpoint Source Manager, CNMI DEQ

Fran Castro is the Nonpoint Source Pollution Program Manager with the CNMI Division of Environmental Quality for 14 years. She has been working on various watershed restoration projects throughout the CNMI, and has been instrumental in obtaining funds to partially restore priority areas in Laolao Bay and other watersheds in the CNMI.

Facilitator Margaret Aguilar, Program Coordinator, Guam EPA

Margaret is one of the lead coordinators for the Ugum Watershed Restoration Project at Guam EPA and has worked on numerous nonpoint source pollution control projects.

Emergency Response Magellan Room

Various Tools Used for Response During Critical Situations Capt. Casey White,

U.S. Coast Guard Sector Guam Commander

Capt. White assumed command of Coast Guard Sector Guam in July 2011. She is by statute the Captain of the Port, Federal Maritime Security Coordinator, Officer in Charge of Marine Inspections, and Federal On-Scene Coordinator for Guam and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.

Capt. William Marhoffer (Ret.), U.S. Coast Guard District 14 Co-Chair, Oceania Regional Response Team

Biography on Page 19

Eric Palacios,

Administrator, Guam EPA

Palacios was appointed as the Administrator in 2012 and oversees a staff of more than 50 employees. Palacios is cochairman of the MIACP and also a member of the Guam Public Safety Committee.

Jack Ary,

Contingency Planner, U.S. Coast Guard Sector Guam Jack Ary is a Port Secu-

rity Specialist. He is responsible for preparing, updating, and exercising a coordinated response for oil spills in the waters of Guam and the CNMI through the MIACP. Ary retired from the US Air Force after a 26 years and has a B.A. of Science in Occupational Safety and Health from Columbia Southern University.

Ambrosio D. Constantino Jr., Guam Homeland Security Advisor

Constantino has served as an Anti-terrorism Program Manager for the Guam National Guard under the Department of Military Affairs, and a Commissioned Army Officer stationed twice in Korea and Washington State.

Marvin Seman, Special Assistant CNMI Homeland Security & Emergency Management

Marvin Seman was appointed as the Special Assistant for Homeland Security & Emergency Management (SAHSEM) for the CNMI Homeland Security & Emergency Management on March 2013. He worked with the CNMI DEQ for eighteen years as a section leader, diver and HazMat Team Leader.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

3:30 p.m.

Breakout Session 2

Alternative Energy Main Ballroom

Alternative and Renewable Energy Sources that Work John J. Cruz Jr., P.E.,

Manager, Strategic Planning and Operations Research Division, Guam Power Authority

John worked seven years in the Radar Systems Development Laboratories, Mode Development Department at Hughes Aircraft Company before joining GPA. He has several dozen published articles on various topics in peer-reviewed conferences and industry magazines. He developed GPA’s Performance Management Contracting Model and is GPA’s Smart Grid architect. SPORD is leading the effort to sign two firms to deliver 35 MW of renewable energy to GPA customers within the next two years. SPORD also leads the effort to convert GPA from residual fuel oil to LNG by 2018.

Jeff Voacolo,

Vice President, Micronesia Renewable Energy, Inc.

Jeffrey Voacolo is on the Board of Directors at Energy Infrastructure Global, Inc., and is a former president of Voacolo Electric Inc., a large public works contractor. Voacolo brings more than 33 years experience with him in the electrical infrastructure and renewable energy industry. He is Vice President of Micronesia Renewable Energy, Inc., in Guam. Prior to this appointment, Mr. Voacolo served as Executive Vice President of WPCS International, Inc.. He was instrumental in starting a renewable energy division in WPCS in Australia and the United States. Voacolo received his Engineering degree through the U.S. Naval Seabees.

Tommy Blas,

Business Development, Pacific Solar & Photovoltaics

Blas has a background in telecommunication and environmental technology before he jumped into the photovoltaic industry on Guam. He does sales, system designs and financial feasibility studies on PV systems as small as 1.7KW to as big as 100KW for both residential and commercial markets.

Facilitator Peter Calvo,

Director, Guam Energy Office

Peter Calvo is an active member of the Guam Energy Task Force and recently unveiled the Guam Strategic Energy Plan. Calvo was formerly the Director of the Department of Parks and Recreation .

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Recycling Trends Santa Rosa Room

Trends in Recycling and Solid Waste Management from the Pacific Region Mark de Bie,

Chairman, Sustainable Materials Subcommittee for the Association of State and Territorial Solid Waste Management Officials (ASTSWMO)

Mark de Bie currently serves as the Chair of the Materials Management Sub-Committee with the Association of State and Territorial Solid Waste Management Officials. Mr. de Bie is the deputy director for waste permitting, compliance, and mitigation with California’s Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle).

Jennifer Tosaki, Consultant

Jennifer Tosaki has more than 15 years of experience in resource conservation and project management. While employed with the State of Hawaii, Department of Health (2003-2011), her primary responsibility was the implementation and coordination of Hawaii’s deposit beverage container recycling program. She worked closely on all aspects of the program, including policy, enforcement and outreach.

Sabrina Cruz-Sablan,

Special Projects Coordinator, Guam EPA

Sabrina Cruz-Sablan is the recycling coordination officer for sustainable materials management activities at Guam EPA. She has been instrumental in key projects, such as the implementation of Mayor’s Council of Guam Islandwide Cleanup, development of the Bottle Bill and the completion of the recycling measurement study.

Facilitator Conchita SN Taitano,

Air & Land Division Administrator, Guam EPA

Conchita SN Taitano oversees the Air, Hazardous Waste, Pesticides and Solid Waste Programs and has over 25 years of environmental experience. She has a BS degree in biology and a MS in Environmental Science from the University of San Francisco. She also studied at the United Nations University in Tokyo, Japan, and UNESCO Water Institute in the Delft, Netherlands, studying sustainability and environmental policy making, respectively. Ms. Taitano is a Board Member on the ASTSWMO Board of Directors as the current elected representative for the Region IX States and Territories.

Environmental Labs Magellan Room

The Way Forward for Research, Analytical Services and other Tasks for Environmental Laboratories Vinnie F. Sablan,

Laboratory Manager, CNMI Division of Environmental Quality

Vinnie Sablan has been working in the environmental and utility laboratory field for 13 years. He has worked on complex analysis and completing reports for important documents including NPDES permits for the CNMI CUC. He joined DEQ as the Laboratory Manager in 2011.

Rudy Paulino,

Chemist and Laboratory Certification Officer, Guam EPA

Rudy Paulino has a B.S. in Chemistry from the University of Santo Tomas in the Philippines. He has worked in various chemistry-related positions since 1978, including as the Quality Assurance Manager at Foremost Foods, Guam. Currently he helps manage Guam EPA’s laboratory and oversees the certifying of other chemists and lab certifying officers. He was recognized in 2012 as a MagPro awardee. During the last PIEC in Guam, Rudy led the discussion about the Regional Laboratory Network idea.

Facilitator Clarissa Bearden,

Water Quality Program Manager, CNMI Division of Environmental Quality

Ms. Bearden’s excellence in the CNMI Division of Environmental Quality’s Laboratory was complemented by her field work. Her work doesn’t end at the office. She is a staunch supporter of environmental efforts and has been an avid supporter of the monthly CNMI Division of Environmental Quality’s Clean Up Brigade. Clarissa has participated in 39 clean ups and became the Clean Up Brigade’s organizer in 1999 and since then has been doing her part to “Pick it Up,” the Brigade’s motto.

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Thursday, June 27 8:30 a.m.

Keynote Address - Secretary Ramon Paje Balancing Population and Environmental Stewardship

Ramon J.P. Paje Secretary, Department of Environment & Natural Resources, Republic of the Philippines 9:15 a.m.

Plenary Panel: Balance The Micronesia Challenge: Progress, Perspectives and Lessons Learned

Panelists Vangie Lujan Administrator, Bureau of Statistics and Plans, Guam Coastal Management Program and Micronesia Challenge Steering Committee Chairperson Peter Houk Ph.D.,Assistant Professor, University of Guam Marine Laboratory Umiich Sengebau, Minister of Natural Resources, Environment, and Tourism in the Republic of Palau Willy Kostka Director, Micronesia Conservation Trust



Trina Leberer

Director of Micronesia, The Nature Conservancy

Trina Leberer Leberer is the director of The Nature Conservancy Micronesia Program. She has lived on Guam since 1994 and has an MSc in Biology from the UOG Marine Laboratory. Before joining the Conservancy in 2004, Ms. Leberer worked for the Guam Department of Agriculture, Division of Aquatic and Wildlife Resources for seven years as a biologist, Fisheries Supervisor, and Acting Chief.

Evangeline “Vangie” D. Lujan Vangie has been the Administrator for the Guam Coastal Management Program, BSP for nine years. One of her responsibilities is leading the effort to achieve the goals of the Micronesia Challenge. She started her career in government service as the Geographic Information System Manager at the Bureau. Vangie has a B.A. in Mathematics from UOG and a M.S. in Engineering from Arizona State University.

Peter Houk

Dr. Peter Houk recently started working at the UOG Marine Lab and focuses his research on coral-reef ecosystems across Micronesia in response to disturbance cycles, localized stressors, and management regimes such as MPAs. Prior to coming to UOGML, he cofounded a non-profit organization based in Saipan, CNMI, dedicated to generating and translating coral reef science to a wide array of audiences. He has published research on coral-reef ecosystems, including seagrass beds and watershed discharge to fishery land-

Umiich Sengebau Umiich Sengebau is the Minister of Natural Resources, Environment, and Tourism in the Republic of Palau. Sengebau worked for The Nature Conservancy (TNC) – Micronesia Program since 2002, based at the Palau Field Office. He joined TNC as a GIS Manager, and rose through the ranks to serve as the Regional Conservation Planner. By 2009, he became the Deputy Director for Conservation. He has a M.S. degree in Environmental Science from UOG’s Water and Environmental Research Institute.

Willy Kostka William Kostka was born and raised on the island of Pohnpei. In 1998, he helped found and became the first Executive Director of the Conservation Society of Pohnpei, the leading local Conservation NGO in the nation. In 2002, Kostka co-founded and currently serves as Executive Director of the Micronesia Conservation Trust, organized to support biodiversity conservation and related sustainable development by providing long term sustained funding and capacity building support.

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Secretary Ramon J.P. Paje

Secretary, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Philippines Secretare Paje has his doctorate in Public Administration from the University of the Philippiens in Diliman, Quezon City. He also has a Masters Degree in Urban and Regional Planning from the University of the Philippines, Diliman, Q.C. Paje has more than 30 years of continuous public service. He started as a forester conducting field inspections in 1982. Rising through the ranks, he served the environment and natural resource sector in various capacities including the Undersecretary for Forestry, Undersecretary for Field Operations, Undersecretary for Environment and Natural Resources Operations, Undersecretary for Policy and Technical Services, Assistant Secretary for Management Services, Assistant Secretary for International Environmental Affairs, and Director for Human Resource Development Service, among others. Paje has a Certificate on Environmental Economics and Policy Analysis from Harvard University, and a Certificate on Human Resources Development and Management from Australian National University He has received several prestigious Awards, namely: • The Ten Outstanding Young Men (TOYM) by the Philippine Jaycees, Inc. • Outstanding Professional of the Philippines by the Professional Regulations Commission • Dr. Jose Rizal Huwarang Pilipino Award for Public Service by the Parangal ng Bayan Awards Foundation • Outstanding Alumnus in Government Service by the University of the Philippines, Los Baños and • Distinguished Alumnus Award by the Harvard Club of the Philippines.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

10:45 a.m.

Breakout Session 3

Environmental Stewardship Main Ballroom

Connecting the Public to the Environment through Stewardship Projects, Social Media and Thinking Twice Before Speaking Frankie M. Eliptico, Chairperson, Mariana Islands Nature Alliance

Eliptico was recently elected as chairperson of the Marianas Islands Nature Alliance (MINA), a nonprofit organization dedicated to the conservation of the diverse natural resources in the CNMI. He currently works as the Director of External Relations Office at the Northern Marianas College, where he leads the College’s marketing and recruitment efforts.

Sam Sablan,

Executive Director, Mariana Islands Nature Alliance

Sam Sablan joined MINA as a member in August 2008. She then served as Board Treasurer and Interim Director of MINA a year later before becoming the Executive Director in June 2010. She is an indigenous Chamorro and Carolinian from Saipan and is passionate about working with communities to save our natural resources in the Marianas as well as the larger region.

Cheryl CalausFa’au’uga La’ititi

Chief, Pesticides Unit, American Samoa EPA

Fa’au’uga La’ititi has a degree in Political Science and History from Chaminade University in Hawai’i. He worked in Hawai’i and California before returning after 11 years to American Samoa in 2008. Since 2010, he has been the chief enforcement officer for the Piggery Compliance Program at A.S. EPA.

Cheryl Calaustro, Biologist,

Guam Department of Agriculture Division of Aquatics and Wildlife Resources (DAWR)

Cheryl Calaustro is a Wildlife Biologist for Guam Department of Agriculture in the Division of Aquatics and Wildlife Resources. She manages outreach programs supporting behavior change benefiting Guam’s native species. Her current campaign “Kontra I Kulepbla” seeks to gain public support for large scale brown tree snake suppression. She is also the group leader for the Tano Group of the Guam Environmental Education Committee.

Facilitator Tammy Jo Taft,

Public Information Officer, Guam EPA Thursday, June 27, 2013

Clean Drinking Water Santa Rosa Room

The Operator’s Role in Producing Clean Drinking Water Kenneth Kerri,

Ph.D., California State University Sacramento

Dr. Kerri has advanced degrees in sanitary engineering and water resources. He is a member of the California Department of Public Health, Operator Certification Stakeholders Committee, and the Water Distribution and Water Treatment O&M Committees of the American Water Works Association. Kerri is interested in the operation and maintenance of wastewater collection and treatment facilities, water supply systems and utility management. He also is interested in the impact of transportation systems on the environment and applications of systems analysis to environmental engineering problems.

Kevin Kundert,

Chief Instructional Systems Mechanic, eTRAIN ONLINE.

Kevin Kundert organized a multimedia training development company (eTRAIN ONLINE, Inc.) to create quality state- and country-specific training tools. His focus is building training tools and certification programs to enhance water system operations. He’s an experienced water treatment plant operator with a B.S. in Geo-Hydrology from Montana State University. He directed the MSU Water Center’s technical training production and created several national training tools you may be familiar with, including Operator Basics, Sanitary Survey Fundamentals, and Virtual System Explorer. Kevin is a long-time AWWA member/volunteer and Chair of the ABC (Association of Boards of Certification) Trainers Committee.

Facilitator Angel Marquez,

Acting Chief Engineer, Guam EPA Water Division

Angel Marquez has been working at Guam EPA for more than 29 years. He has a B.A. in Civil Engineering from National University in Manila. He started at Guam EPA in 1985 and became Program Manager of the Safe Drinking Water Program in 1987. He is now the Acting Chief Engineer. He oversees various permitting and certification activities at Guam EPA including those related to Water Pollution Control and Operator’s Certification.

Environmental Cleanup Levels Magellan Room

Research and Use of Environmental Screening Levels in the Pacific Basin Roger Brewer,

Sr. Scientist and Environmental Hazard Assessment Specialist, Hawai’i Department of Health

Brewer’s environmental experience includes regulatory compliance audits, field investigations, contaminant fate and transport modeling and human health and ecological risk assessments. Roger has also worked as an environmental consultant in the US, Asia and South America and as a senior geologist and environmental risk assessment specialist for the California Environmental Protection Agency. His academic background includes a Ph.D. in geology.

Melody Calisay,

Remedial Project Manager, State Brownfields Grants Coordinator, State of Hawai’i Dept. of Health, Hazard Evaluation and Emergency Response Office

Calisay has more than 12 years of Brownfield experience working directly with a variety of agencies on grant and loan opportunities. She also has provided technical assistance to land owners and prospective purchasers regarding site eligibility, land ownership issues, investigation approaches, and property re-use. Her work has continued to expand the Hawai’i Brownfields Inventory. She worked for various environmental laboratories before joining the State as Remedial Project Manager. She has a Ph.D. in Soil Science from the University of Hawai’i at Manoa.

Ray S. Masga

Ray S. Masga,

Site Assessment and Remediation (SAR) Branch, Division of Environmental Quality, Saipan, CNMI

Ray Masga has been with the CNMI DEQ for 15 years. He has managed Site Assessment and Remediation (SAR) Branch for the past nine years. The branch oversees the CERCLABrownfields State Response Program and the Formerly Used Defense Sites/DSMOA Program. He has a B.S. in Biology from Portland State University, Oregon, and a Master of Public Health (MPH) from the University of Hawai’i, Manoa Campus, Oahu, HI.

Facilitator Edwin Aranza,

Planner, Guam EPA

Aranza has worked for more than ten years identifying wetland areas and reviewing project plans to ensure compliance with local environmental law and regulation.

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12:30 p.m.

Lunch Speaker - Dr. Tom Schils Identifying Marine Species Using new Tools, Advanced Technology and DNA Strands Tom Schils

1:30 p.m.

Breakout Session 4

Value of Coral Reefs Main Ballroom

Coral Reef Projects in the Pacific Region Wendy Wiltse,

U.S. EPA Region IX

Wendy Wiltse is a Sr. Environmental Scientist with EPA Region 9 Wetlands Regulatory Program. She’s worked for EPA in Boston, San Francisco, and has been based in Honolulu for 20 years working on watersheds, water quality, wetlands, and coral reef protection. Wendy has a Ph.D. in marine biology from University of Massachussetts.

Steven Johnson,

Biologist, CNMI DEQ

Steven Johnson is a marine biologist for the CNMI Division of Environmental Quality. His primary work is related to the long-term coral reef monitoring program as a coral biologist. His secondary responsibilities are to help DEQ with projects that address climate change and the impacts it might have on coral reefs.

Hillary Gardner,

Assistant Attorney General, Legal Counsel, Palau Environmental Quality Protection Board

Before moving to Palau last year, Garnder worked as an attorney in New York. She earned her law degree at Emory University School of Law and has a B.S. from Cornell University.

Laurie Raymundo,

Director, University of Guam Marine Laboratory

Raymundo has a Ph.D. from Cornell and oversees multiple students conducting research at UOG’s Marine Lab. She is interested in the effects of human activity-induced impacts on coral reefs and how to mitigate the effects of those impacts.

Facilitator Valerie Brown,

Fishery Biologist, NMFS Pacific Islands Regional Office, NOAA

Page 14

Associate Professor of Marine Biology University of Guam Marine Laboratory

Landfills in the Pacific Santa Rosa Room

Landfilling with Limited Space: Challenges and Success Stories Chace Anderson, Vice President, GBB

A Federal Court appointed GBB as Receiver of Guam’s solid waste division and Chace is the Receiver Operations Manager for the project. He currently resides on Guam, with his family, managing the Guam Solid Waste Authority.

Mark de Bie,

Chairman, Sustainable Materials Subcommittee for ASTSWMO

Mr. de Bie is the deputy director for waste permitting, compliance, and mitigation with California’s Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle). He previously held the position of chief for the Permitting and Assistance Branch for four years. He has also worked as a facility inspector, and as a supervisor for solid waste facility inspections.

Brian Bearden,

P.E., Lt. Commander, U.S. Public Health Service and Senior Engineer, CNMI CUC

LCDR Bearden has more than 22 years of experience in environmental engineering including wastewater collection and treatment, solid waste management, and air quality management. He worked for the CNMI Division of Environmental Quality for almost 13 years and oversaw the construction of the Marpi Landfill.

Facilitator Conchita SN Taitano,

Air & Land Division Administrator, Guam EPA

Conchita SN Taitano manages the Air, Hazardous Waste, Pesticides and Solid Waste Programs at Guam EPA. She has a BS degree in biology and a MS in Environmental Science from the University of San Francisco. She also studied at the United Nations University in Tokyo, Japan and UNESCO Water Institute in Delft, Netherlands studying sustainability.

Tom Schils Schils has a MSc and PhD from

Ghent University in Belgium. His research interests include the ecology, biogeography and taxonomy of marine macrophytes.

Protecting Drinking Water Magellan Room

Gathering Data and Implementing Programs to Protect Critical Aquifers Gary Denton,

Ph.D. Professor of Environmental Toxicology, WERI. Denton is interested in

water quality including contaminant transport, bioindicators and toxicity. He leads the Pollution Monitoring and Assessment Program at WERI and is currently evaluating the ecological impact of landfill leachate, urban runoff, wastewaters and industrial discharges on aquatic systems in Guam and the CNMI.

Carmen Sian-Denton, MSPH, Laboratory Administrator, Guam Waterworks Authority

Carmen Denton, as the Laboratory Services Division Administrator, monitors Guam water quality to make sure that water from the tap is safe to drink. She oversees staff that check all discharges from the wastewater treatment plants to ensure that beaches and rivers are safe for public use.

Nathan C. Habana,

Staff Hydrologist, WERI

Nathan Habana was a student at WERI and conducted numerous studies related to the Nothern Guam Lens. In 2009 he developed a computer program called AquaCharge to bring together the spatially distributed properties of the aquifer and the recharge model with the time variable inputs of rainfall and pan evaporation.

Vivianna Bendixon, M.S. Environmental Science Program, WERI

Facilitator Gary Byrd, Hawai’I

Rural Water Association

Gary Byrd is the Water/Wastewater Circuit Rider for the Hawai’i Rural Water Association (HRWA). He has worked for HRWA since June 2012. Before joining the HRWA team, he was employed by the Alabama Rural Water Association (ARWA) for 12 years. During his time at ARWA Gary held many positions to including Wastewater Technician.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Keynote Address - Biologist Craig Clark Craig Clark is a Supervisory Wildlife Biologist with USDA, APHIS, Wildlife Services Hawaii/ Guam/ Pacific Islands program. He has more than twenty years’ experience involving research, control and interdiction of invasive species.

3:15 p.m.

Dealing with the Threat of Invasive Species on Pacific Islands

Craig Clark Biologist, USDA Wildlife Services - APHIS

Optional Activities Meet in the Hyatt lobby at 5 p.m.

Guided Outdoor Tour

Freshwater Seeps and Marine Life of Tumon Bay Marine Preserve

Guided Indoor Tour

UnderWater World Guam

Join Fisheries Biologist Brent Tibbatts in a unique tour of Tumon Bay to see a unique phenomenon that can only be observed in Tumon Bay during the lowest of tides.

Come see one of the longest underwater tunnels in the world just steps from the Hyatt Regency Guam. This guided tour will take you through a rainforest and under the ocean to see five different types of sharks.

This tour is free but participants are encouraged to bring a water bottle and wear beach shoes.

Tickets for the aquarium will be purchased at the door for a discounted group price of $11.50/adult.

Approximate tour length: 45 minutes

Approximate tour length: 1.25 hours

EPA 40th Dinner YouGuam are invited to AnniversaryYou are invited to

Join Guam EPA staff and guests celebrating the Agency’s 40th Anniversary.

A ticket to this dinner is included with your registration to PIEC, so a name badge must be worn to be granted entrance. Extra tickets will Thursday, 27,to2013 be sold at the door forJune $40/ticket benefit the 6:30 p.m. - Hyatt Regency Guam Guam EPA Employees Association. Please RSVP by Friday, June 21, 2013 to

Doors Open at 6 p.m. - Table Opens at 7 p.m. TammyJoAnderson.Taft@EPA.Guam.Gov For more information call 300-4751/52/53 Additional Tickets available for purchase ($40)

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Thursday, June 27, 2013

6:30 p.m. - Hyatt Regency Guam Please RSVP by Friday, June 21, 2013 to TammyJoAnderson.Taft@EPA.Guam.Gov For more information call 300-4751/52/53 Additional Tickets available for purchase ($40)

Page 15

Friday, June 28 8:30 a.m.

Plenary Panel: Enhance

Pacific Environmental Success Stories Panelists Carl Goldstein John Riegel Juanita Blaz 9:30 p.m.

Facilitator Ray Calvo

Senior Program Manager, Pacific Islands Office, EPA Region IX Chief Engineer, CNMI Commonwealth Utilities Corporation Program Director, Island Girl Power as part of Ayuda Foundation Planner, Guam EPA

Plenary Panel: Enhance Challenges and Solutions to Sustainable Utility Management in the Pacific

Panelists Simon Sanchez Chairman, Guam Consolidated Commission on Utilities Utu Abe Malae Executive Director, American Samoa Power Authority Alan Fletcher Acting Executive Director, Commonwealth Utilites Corp. Break


John McCarroll Manager, U.S. EPA Region IX Pacific Islands Office

Simon Sanchez Simon A. Sanchez II has been the Chairman for the Guam Consolidated Commission on Utilities (CCU) since 2003. He oversees Guam’s power and water utilities. Sanchez is a former senator and an active member of the Guam Chamber of Commerce. He is Vice President of Guam Dry Cleaners and has a B.A. from Stanford University and a M.A. in Urban Planning from Harvard University.

Utu Abe Male Utu Abe Malae is the Executive Director of the American Samoa Power Authority (ASPA). He was appointed in January 2013, but he held the same position for many years prior to his current term. He was Executive Director of the Commonwealth Utilities Corporation of the CNMI from 2010 to 2012. Through ASPA he helped found the Pacific Power Association and the Pacific Water and Wastes Association. In 2002 he was named one of the Top Ten Public Works Leaders by the American Public Works Association.

Alan W. Fletcher Alan W. Fletcher is the Deputy Executive Director, and for the last year, has served as the Acting Executive Director for the Commonwealth Utilities Corporation (“CUC”). He is a professional utilities manager that draws together thirty years of experience in private sector construction and publicly-owned utility management, including operations, construction, logistics and finance.

John McCarroll John McCarroll has been the head of US EPA’s Pacific Islands Office since 2001. John has served on the U.S. Coral Reef Task Force Steering Committee since 2003. Prior to joining EPA 22 years ago, John worked for the states of California and Nevada, for the U.S. Indian Health Service in Alaska, and for a small environmental monitoring firm. John has a B.S in Civil Engineering and M.S. in Infrastructure Planning and Management from Stanford University.

Page 16

Carl Goldstein

Carl Goldstein is the U.S. EPA Region IX Pacific Islands Office Program Manager for the CNMI. He hasworked at EPA for 38 years, spending 1979-84 in Saipan starting the CNMI DEQ. He worked for 13 years as technical advisor to the EPA Office of Inspector General for Audit and Criminal cases. His most enjoyable experiences and achievements were starting the CNMI DEQ; and with the help of others, initiating and developing the planning, design, and construction of the ASEPA LEED building, and the fuel off-load of the USS Chehalis.

John Riegel

John Riegel, P.E., has been the Chief Engineer with the Commonwealth Utilites Corporation in the CNMI since July 2012. Prior to coming to the CNMI, he worked for a consulting firm in Phoenix, AZ, and before that spent many years working for the Public Health Service. He has worked on designing and constructing water and sewer projects on Indian Reservations in the Western United States. Riegel has a BS in Civil Engineering from the University of Arizona, and an MS in Environmental Engineering from the University of Wisconsin.

Juanita Blaz

Juanita Blaz has been a Program Director for the non-profit Ayuda Foundation for more than 11 years. She is the leader of Island Girl Power (IGP). She has led numerous environmental projects with IGP including incorporating rain gardens and seed balls into ongoing programs. Blaz was the Guam Fellow for the SPF Prevention Fellowship in 2008. Friday, June 28, 2013

10:45 a.m.

Breakout Session 5

Waste Reduction Success Stories Main Ballroom

Using Stewardship, Innovation and other Techniques to Reduce Waste Peggy Denney,

Program Administrator, iRecycle Peggy has a BS in Ag-

riculture and then pursued a masters in Environmental Science. She worked at Guam EPA as a program coordinator for education and outreach. In 2007, Denney worked with multiple businesses in the community to start the iRecycle program. She became the program administrator and continues to administer the program that collects aluminum cans and provides additional funding to Guam’s schools. She is also actively invovled with the Guam Farmers Co-op and a member of the National Association of Women in Construction.

Tumau Lokeni,

Manager, Public Awareness and Information Division, American Samoa EPA

Tumau Lokeni was appointed Manager for the A.S. EPA’s Environmental Awareness & Education Division (EA&E) in 2009. She has a Master’s Degree in Public Administration specialized in Management Information System from Kentucky State University. She is passionate about promoting the mission of A.S. EPA through multiple outreach programs and educating the future generation of American Samoans to protect the environment and safeguard the quality of natural resources.

Kathy Sgro,

Chairwoman and Executive Vice President, Payless Supermarkets

Sgro, as Chairwoman of Payless Supermarkets, has led their effort to reduce the amount of plastic bags distributed in their stores. She is also Executive Vice President & Director of International Group, Inc., and on the Board of Directors for the Bank of Saipan. Sgro was honored as Guam’s Businesswoman of the Year in 2006.

Facilitator Michael Mann, Guam

Program Manager, Pacific Islands Office, EPA Region IX

Michael Mann is Guam Program Manager in the Pacific Islands Office of EPA Region IX. He previously served as CNMI Program Manager and lived on Guam from 2002-2006 under an intergovernmental personnel assignment with Guam EPA. In his 14 years at EPA, Michael has also worked on air issues, contingency planning, and water infrastructure.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Radon and Diesel Health Risks Santa Rosa Room

Brown Fields to Green Parcels Magellan Room

Looking at Two Potential Sources of Air Pollution and New Research about Both Brian Bearden,

An Overview of Sites that have been Selected and Completed as part of the Green Parcel Program

LCDR Bearden has more than 22 years of experience in a broad range of environmental engineering specialties including borehole geophysics, groundwater resources, stormwater management and erosion control, surface water quality, wastewater collection and treatment, solid waste management, and air quality management. He worked for the CNMI Division of Environmental Quality for almost 13 years.

Wesley was formerly the Mayor of Santa Rita and has been working closely with the Guam Mayor’s Council to ensure community participation in the Green Parcel Program.

P.E., Lt. Commander, U.S. Public Health Service and Senior Engineer, CNMI CUC

Dr. James Burkhart

Ph.D., Director, Western Regional Radon Training Center, University of Colorado - Colorado Springs

Jim Burkhart received his Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Wisconsin. He is the Chair of Physics at the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs. His work in radiation started with his participation in the atmospheric hydrogen bomb tests on Johnston Island in 1962-63. Since 1991, he has been the Director of the EPA-founded Western Regional Radon Training Center, responsible for radon measurement and mitigation curriculum development and training in the western United States, Guam and military installations on Okinawa and mainland Japan. He is the editor-in-chief of the annual International Radon Symposium and serves on many boards related to radon education, radon and radon decay product device evaluation and radon testing standards. He has approximately 50 research papers, books and presentations related to radon and is most recently finishing a case-control study striving to show a link between radon exposure and thyroid cancer.

Facilitator Michelle Lastimoza,

Special Projects Coordinator, Guam EPA

Michelle Lastimoza has a B.S. in Biology from the University of Guam. She has worked for various environmental entities including the Guam Department of Public Health and Social Services, private companies and as an Environmental Health Specialist for Guam EPA. She is currently working with Guam EPA’s Air Pollution Control Program. She has training in various aspects of compliance, enforcement, emergency response and Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act (EPCRA).

Joe Wesley, Special Projects Coordinator, Guam EPA

Ray S. Masga,

Site Assessment and Remediation (SAR) Branch, DEQ, CNMI See page 13 for biography.

Melody Calisay, Ph.D.

State Brownfields Grants Coordinator, State of Hawai’i Dept. of Health, Hazard Evaluation and Emergency Response Office. See page 13 for biography.

Yubert M. Alepuyo Environmental Specialist, Site Assessment and Remediation (SAR) Branch, DEQ

Yubert Alepuyo has been with the CNMI Division of Environmental Quality for 13 years. He has been working for the Site Assessment and Remediation (SAR) Branch for the past 2 years. The SAR Branch oversees the implementation of the following programs: CERCLA- Brownfields: State Response Program and the Formerly Used Defense Sites/DSMOA Program.

Jacob Lizama, Environmental Specialist, CNMI DEQ Jacob

Lizama is with the Pesticide & Tanks program at the CNMI Division of Environmental Quality. He is the sole inspector for all aboveground and underground tanks on Saipan, Tinian and Rota. Jacob’s always willing to step up to the plate to assist other DEQ projects. Jacob has been with DEQ since 2005 and he truly enjoys the realm of environmental protection.

Facilitator Brian Thomas,

Project Manager, EA Engineering, Science and Technology, Inc. Page 17


1:30 p.m.

Lunch Speaker - Kathryn Fuller

Breakout Session 6

Reducing Pesticides on Food Main Ballroom

Promoting a Healthier Pacific by Reducing Pesticide on Fresh Foods John Borja, Chief, Agriculture Development Service, Guam Department of Agriculture

John Borja has been the Chief of the Agriculture Development Services Division for almost ten years. He has a B.A. from UOG.

Phoebe Wall, Extension Associate, University of Guam Cooperative Extension

Phoebe moved to Guam in 1986 and has a M.S. from UOG. She helps farmers, homeowners, private companies and others with agriculture, horticulture and environmental issues.

Betwin Alokoa Program Manager, Pesticide Enforcement Program, Guam EPA

Betwin is the current Program Manager for Guam EPA’s Pesticide Enforcement Program. Betwin has a BS degree in agriculture science and biology from UOG. Alokoa has field and research experience in entomology, cultivation and invasive species with the UOG College of Agriculture and Department of Agriculture, Division of Fish and Wildlife.

Karl Olson Environmental Health Specialist, Guam EPA

Karl Olson is an Air Force Retiree who started at Guam EPA in 1996. Both he and Betwin were instrumental in getting Guam’s Pesticide Act passed in 2007, providing a badly-needed update to local pesticide law.

Rosanna Y. Rabago, Environmental Public Health Officer Administrator, Guam DPHSS

Rabago has a B.A. in Biology from UOG and a M.B.A. in Health Care Administration. She has worked at DPHSS for more than 20 years.

Facilitator Reina Camacho, Program Manager for Tanks and Pesticides, CNMI DEQ Page 18

The Insular Cases: Application of U.S. Law in the Insular Areas

Improving Drinking Water Systems Santa Rosa Room

Strategies for Improving Compliance in Small Drinking Water Systems Joy Gannon,

Rural Community Assistance Corporation

Before joining RCAC, Joy Gannon was a public works director for small communities in Arizona and Oregon. She supervised up to 14 employees performing water and wastewater systems operations, roadway and storm drain maintenance, public transportation, solid waste management, utility billing and parks and recreation. She has worked on all aspects of system master planning.

Jose Kaipat,

Safe Drinking Water Program Manager, CNMI DEQ

Kaipat was born on the island of Agrigan and grew up on Pagan. His career started in 1979 as an Assistant Medical Laboratory Technician and Mortician at Dr. Torres Hospital. In the early 80’s he was an Embalmer at Ada’s Funeral Homes. He moved back to Saipan and graduated from Northern Marianas College then took more than 100 college credits at University of Hawaii at Hilo. He returned to Saipan to take a break and quickly was hired, and became manager of the DEQ’s SDWP in November of 1998.

Gary Byrd,

Hawai’i Rural Water Association

Byrd is a Water Training Specialist with the Hawai’i rural water association and the Hawai’i Rural Water Association Water/Wastewater Circuit Rider. He has worked for HRWA since June 2012. Before joining the HRWA team, he was employed by the Alabama Rural Water Association (ARWA) for 12 years. Prior to employment with ARWA Gary was the Wastewater Superintendant for the City of Camden, AL. Mr. Byrd has 26 years of experience in water and wastewater operations and management in both the private/industrial and municipal treatment, distribution and collection systems.

Facilitator Kevin Kundert,

Chief Instructional Systems Mechanic, eTRAIN ONLINE See biography on Page 13.

Water Quality Management Magellan Room

401 Water Quality Certificates and Related Issues Wendy Wiltse,

U.S. EPA Region IX

Wendy Wiltse is a Sr. Environmental Scientist with EPA Region 9 Wetlands Regulatory Program. She’s worked for EPA in Boston, San Francisco, and has been based in Honolulu for 20 years working on watersheds, water quality, wetlands, and coral reef protection. Wendy has a Ph.D. in marine biology from University of Massachussetts.

Brian Bearden,

P.E., Lt. Commander, U.S. Public Health Service and Senior Engineer, CNMI Commonwealth Utilities Corporation

LCDR Bearden has more than 22 years of experience in a broad range of environmental engineering specialties including borehole geophysics, groundwater resources, stormwater management and erosion control, surface water quality, wastewater collection and treatment, solid waste management, and air quality management. He worked for the CNMI Division of Environmental Quality for almost 13 years. During this time, he developed the CNMI’s solid waste management regulations and permitting program, oversaw the development of stormwater and erosion control guidelines now in use across all of the Pacific territories and the Republic of Palau, and also held numerous board and committee memberships including DEQ representative to the CNMI Coastal Resources Management permitting board for more than eight years.

Ray Calvo,

Planner, Guam EPA

Ryan H. Winn,

Guam Field Office Project Manager, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Honolulu District

Ryan Winn has worked as a biologist and project manager with the Corps of Engineers for 20 years. He is currently the Honolulu District, Regulatory Branch, Guam Field Office Manager with regulatory authority over work occurring in waters of the U.S. in Guam and the CNMI.

Facilitator Margaret Aguilar,

Program Coordinator, Guam EPA Friday, June 28, 2013

Kathryn B. Fuller

Kathryn B. Fuller is a Assistant Attorney General working with the CNMI Division of Environmental Quality. Ms. Fuller has over 20 years of experience working as an environmental lawyer with government, private industry and NGOs. She has spent 8 years in the CNMI, in addition to working in New York, Palau, Uganda, and Indonesia. Ms. Fuller holds a B.A. in Classics from Wesleyan University and a J.D. from the Northwestern University School of Law.

Capt. William R. Marhoffer (Ret.)

William R. Marhoffer serves as District 14’s first District Incident Management and Preparedness Advisor, commencing this position in March 2012. His duties include service as Coast Guard Co-Chair of the Oceania Regional Response Team, D14 emergency preparedness liaison to FEMA’s Region IX and Pacific Area Office, and D14 disaster response liaison to USAID’s Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance. Mr. Marhoffer retired from the U.S. Coast Guard at the rank of Captain after more than 30 years of commissioned service. Prior to accepting the D14 IMPA position he served as an independent maritime consultant for shipping companies and law firms in the Mariana Islands and provided pro bono consultative technical assistance to the Port Authority of Guam and the U.S. Department of Justice’s Aviation and Admiralty Section. Captain Marhoffer’s final active duty assignment was as Chief, Fourteenth Coast Guard District Prevention Division. Friday, June 28, 2013

Closing Speaker - Capt. William “Bill” Marhoffer (Ret.)

3:15 p.m.

Perspectives on Preparedness and Environmental Response: Planning for Effective Response

Closing Ceremonies

4:00 p.m.

Hon. Ray Tenorio - Lieutenant Governor of Guam Eric Palacios - Administrator, Guam EPA Retiring of Colors - G.W. High School ROTC

Special Thanks to Guam EPA Staff and others who helped make this conference possible: Eric Palacios Maria Duenas Connie Aflleje Rose Perez Lisa Santos Serena Benito Galo Baluran Romeo Zacarias Tammy Jo Anderson Taft Conchita Taitano Vincent Pereira Michael O’Mallan Don Quinata Roland Gutierrez Laura Kanai Glenn San Nicolas Sabrina Cruz Sablan Betwin Alokoa Karl Olson Luong Truong Michelle Lastimoza Jesse Cruz Annie Leon Guerrero Bob Salas Danzel Narcis Rudolfo “Rudy” Paulino Edelisa “Del” Yanit Ray Calvo

Margaret Aguilar Susan Marquez Elvis Ventura Francis Mendiola Angel Marquez Jerry Aquino Carmencita “Chit” Cortez Edguardo Ibay Julie Mendoza Abdur Rahim Johnny Abedania Maricar Quezon Rustico “Ogie” A. Joya Mateo Paet Verony “Ron” Charfauros Jim Farnum Jun Quezada Darry Guzman Walter Leon Guerrero Michael Cruz Edwin Aranza Joe Wesley Trina Borja Arthur Root Virginia Castenada GW High School ROTC iConnect Guam

In memory of Benny Cruz & Peter Cruz

Dedicated men who will be greatly missed by all.

Page 19

We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Page 36

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