Zero Waste Pacific booklet

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Zero Waste Pacific Sustainable Materials Management Conference & Workshop

Hafa Adai and Welcome On behalf of Governor Eddie Baza Calvo and Lt. Governor Ray Tenorio, it is with great pleasure I, and our Deputy Administrator Yvette Cruz, welcome you to the inaugural Zero Waste Pacific Conference. Guam EPA is pleased to bring so many solid waste leaders together to discuss important issues facing our region. This type of event will help prepare our region for the future. We, as environmental leaders and solid waste managers in the Pacific region, have an important and critical set of tasks ahead of us. We must have knowledgeable and experienced professionals to manage solid waste correctly and move closer to our zero waste goals. This conference aims to increase knowledge for professionals in our region so we can achieve great solid waste management milestones in the near future.

Eric M. Palacios Administrator Guam Environmental Protection Agency

We must have a vision for how solid waste will be handled and used as a resource, instead of a hindrance. Take time this week to dream about what our region would look like as a leader of zero waste efforts for the world. What will our future look like if we are all working together toward the goal of zero waste? On behalf of the people of Guam, and our incredible team of professionals at Guam EPA, Yvette and I thank you for taking the time to attend this conference and learn about solid waste management. I look forward to meeting and having meaningful discussions with each of you.

Eric M. Palacios Administrator Guam Environmental Protection Agency

On behalf of the Guam EPA Board of Directors, I would like to welcome you to Guam and to the Zero Waste Pacific Training and Conference. As a solid waste manager, I know it is important to constantly improve our understanding of solid waste management practices. The more we know, the more we can utilize waste and help our community benefit from best management practices. I would like to thank you for attending this hallmark event. I would also like to encourage you to continue learning more about solid waste and resource management. Continuing our education and partnering with organizations like the Solid Waste Managers of North America (SWANA) and the Association of State and Territories Solid Waste Management Officials (ASTSWMO) to build capacity in our region will benefit everyone. This event is the beginning of great things for Guam and our island neighbors.

Bob Perron Chairman, Board of Directors Guam Environmental Protection Agency

Bob Perron Chairman, Board of Directors Guam Environmental Protection Agency Terry Brooks Vice Chairman, Board of Directors Guam Environmental Protection Agency Steve Carerra Member, Board of Directors Guam Environmental Protection Agency Bill Nault Member, Board of Directors Guam Environmental Protection Agency Ann Roth Member, Board of Directors Guam Environmental Protection Agency Flori Sanchez Member, Board of Directors Guam Environmental Protection Agency William Nault Member, Board of Directors Guam Environmental Protection Agency Victor Zhou Member, Board of Directors Guam Environmental Protection Agency

Swana Certification Sunday, May 4 to Wednesday, May 7 Hilton Guam Resort and Spa

Youth Convergence What is the Youth Convergence? The coordinating committee for the Zero Waste Pacific conference wanted to give students the opportunity to participate in the event and take key points back to their schools. High school students will be working together during the conference to take notes during sessions, brainstorm about what they learned and present a conference overview and their vision for the future on Friday. Students will also be participating in team building activities with each other and working with Froilan Grate. Although the 2013-2014 school year is ending soon, Guam EPA will be working with the Zero Waste Pacific Youth Convergence attendees next fall to encourage them in making changes at their schools.

Thursday, May 8

What schools are participating? Father Duenas Memorial High School Guam Homeschool Association Guam High J.F.K. High School Guam Adventist Academy Okkodo High School Southern High School Notre Dame High School University of Guam

Lunch Speakers

Esther Richards, Solid Waste Adviser for Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) Since 2008, Esther Richards has been the Solid Waste Management Adviser with the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme, based in Samoa. She works alongside, and on behalf of the Pacific island countries and territories to develop lo-

cal capacity, and to secure the resources needed to improve waste management practices in the Pacific region. Prior to this amazing Pacific experience, Esther was the Manager for the national solid waste management programme in her native Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. She is a trained Environmental Engineer and has over 10 years of solid waste management experience in small island environ-

ments in the Caribbean and the Pacific ranging from policy and strategy development, to waste services delivery and customer service. While Esther has previously explored a few other careers options including mechanical engineering, construction, and computer programming, she has always returned to waste management - once a garbologist, always a garbologist!

Friday, May 9

Dania E. Rodriguez, Executive Director, Association of State and Territorial Solid Waste Management Officials Dania Rodriguez is the Executive Director of ASTSWMO in Washington, DC. She has eighteen years of demonstrated national environmental experience with expertise in the field of technical, financial and policy development and

a comprehensive knowledge of State and Territorial (States) environmental programs. For a number of years, she has served as the liaison between the States and numerous Federal Agencies such as EPA and DOD on important policy issues. As the Executive Director she runs the day-to-day operations of ASTSWMO. This includes managing

the Association’s Grants and Cooperative Agreements, the ASTSWMO Staff, and providing support to the ASTSWMO Board of Directors. Prior to her career at ASTSWMO, Dania worked for the American Petroleum Institute (API). Dania received a B.A. in Political Science from Hood College, Frederick, Maryland.

Thursday, May 8 ......................................................................................................................... 7 a.m.

Registration Opens

Micronesian Room

......................................................................................................................... 8:30 a.m.

Conference Opens

Micronesian Room

National Anthem Nikita Mendiola Guam Hymn Matua Sablan Inifresi Pa’a Taotao Tano’ Welcoming Remarks Eric M. Palacios, Administrator Honorable Ray Tenorio, Lieutenant Governor of Guam Cheryl Coleman, Director, United States EPA Resource Conservation and Sustainability Division

......................................................................................................................... 9 a.m.

Keynote address Eric Lombardi,

......................................... 10 a.m.

Micronesian Room

Executive Director of Eco-cycle International

Concurrent sessions

......................................................................................................................... 12 noon

Lunch speaker

Esther Richards

Micronesian Room

Solid Waste Adviser for Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

......................................... Concurrent sessions 1:45 p.m.

Cheryl Coleman, Acting Director, U.S. EPA Resource Conservation and Sustainability Division (RCSD) Cheryl Coleman is the Acting Director for the Resource Conservation and Sustainability Division (RCSD) within the Office or Resource Conservation

and Recovery at the U.S. EPA. The Resource Conservation and Sustainability Division (RCSD) is responsible for: promoting the reduction, reuse, recovery and recycling of municipal, industrial and extractive wastes and the long term beneficial use and

sustainable management of materials; establishing collaborative partnerships with businesses and State, territorial, and local governments; and, developing policy, technical guidance, tools, and public information on sustainable materials management.

Eric Lombardi, Executive Director of Eco-cycle International Eric Lombardi is the Executive Director of Eco-Cycle International, a project of Eco-Cycle Inc. in Boulder, Colorado. Eric is a specialist in community recycling systems, social enterprise and public-private project development. He ran Eco-Cycle for 24 years and built it into the largest Zero Waste service organization in the U.S.A. with

a staff of 70 and processing of over 50,000 tons of diverse recycled materials per year (2013). Lombardi is an authority on creating comprehensive community-based programs and is often a keynote speaker and consultant on the social and technical aspects of creating a “Zero Waste - Or Darn Near” society.

Concurrent Sessions 10 a.m. to noon and 1:45 to 5 p.m. ........................................................................................................................ Zero Waste The Gallery An in-depth discussion on the development of the Guam Zero Waste Plan, the outcome of study performed and the recommendations on the way forward. Conchita S.N. Taitano, Guam EPA, Guam’s Zero Waste Plan Froilan Grate, Mother Earth Foundation, Zero Waste International ........................................ 10 a.m. Post-Secondary Educators Panel ...................... 1:45 p.m. Elvie Tyler, University of Guam ........................................................................................... 3:15 p.m. Joni Kerr, Guam Community College Moderator: Tammy Jo Anderson Taft, Guam EPA

........................................................................................................................ Capacity Building Integration Chichirika Room A showcase of projects that integrate recycling, beneficial use, and other waste diversion opportunities in the workplace, school, home and community. Matthew Cotton, SWANA, Composting Programs in Small Communities .................. 10 a.m. Timonie Hood, U.S. EPA Region IX, Recycling Rate Measurement Study................. 11 a.m. Scott Purdy, P.E. Geologic Associates, Construction Quality Assurance: .............. 1:45 p.m. Closing an Island Dump

........................................................................................................................ Traditional & Community-based environmental protection Chuchuko Room A showcase of projects implemented by individuals, non-profit, or non-government entities in their respective community. This Track is intended to promote traditional knowledge and support the ingenuity and relevance of cultural integration in environmental protection. Teava Iro, Titikaveka Growers Assn. - Cook Islands, Organic Composting ...........10 a.m. Guam Farmers Panel .................................................................................................................... 11 a.m. Benefits and Challenges of Composting in Farms Roland Quitugua, Angie Mendiola and Betwin Alokoa Moderator: Allison Hadley, Soil and Water Conservation District Mayor’s Council of Guam Panel ......................................................................................... 1:45 p.m. Green Grassroots Mayor Robert Hoffman - Sinajana Mayor Carol Tayama - Agat Mayor J. Margaret Blas - Asan Mayor Jesse Gogue - Ordot/Chalan Pago Mayor Melissa Savares - Dededo Moderator: Eric M. Palacios, Administrator, Guam EPA Teliphen Neamon, Republic of Marshall Islands, Atoll Solutions:....................... 3:15 p.m. Turning Paper to Briquettes

Friday, May 9 ......................................................................................................................... Doors Open Micronesian Room 8 a.m. ......................................................................................................................... Keynote address Micronesian Room 8:30 a.m. Froilan Grate

Mother Earth Foundation

......................................................................... Concurrent sessions 9:30 a.m. ......................................................................................................................... Lunch speaker Micronesian Room 12 noon Dania Rodriguez

Executive Director, ASTSWMO

......................................................................... Concurrent sessions 1:45 p.m. ......................................................................... Youth Convergence Presentation 3 p.m.

Efforts in Education Lorelei Nelson, Guahan Academy Peggy Denney, i*Recycle Conference Overview and Vision for the Future Students of the 2014 Youth Convergence

Froilan Grate President of Mother Earth Foundation

Mother Earth Foundation (MEF) is an NGO of men and women from the Philippines who seek to raise the level of public awareness on environmental issues and mobilize people to act positively on the resolution of these issues.

Mother Earth is also an active member of the Northern Samar Coalition for Alleviation of Poverty, a multi sectoral partnership formed to address specific issues faced by the people of Northern Samar.

Mother Earth is an active member of Eco Waste Coalition, GAIA (Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives), PNCC (Philippine Network for Climate Change), Partnership for Clean Air, ZWIA (Zero Waste International Alliance)and IPEN (International POPs Elimination Network). MEF lobbied for the passage of the Clean Air Act and the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act.

Mother Earth Foundation believes that the highest ethics is the common good. No town is too far to reach, no group too small to teach. For us, globalization is the name of the game – a global perspective, with a firm reality check when the vision is translated into action. We work to propagate the knowledge, through a vision that is as high, as far and as wide as can be, coupled with work that is as local as can be.

Mother Earth was instrumental in changing the title from “Integrated” to “Ecological”.

Concurrent Sessions 9:30 a.m. to noon and 1:45 to 5 p.m. ........................................................................................................................ Zero Waste The Gallery An in-depth discussion on the development of the Guam Zero Waste Plan, the outcome of study performed and the recommendations on the way forward. Eric Lombardi, Eco-Cycle International, Zero Waste Plan to Action .........................9:30 a.m. Timonie Hood, U.S. EPA Region IX, Opportunities to Support Zero Waste ........ 10:45 a.m. Legislative Panel ............................................................................................................................ 1:15 p.m. Zero Waste Policy Making Senators of the 32nd Guam Legislature Moderator: Eric M. Palacios, Administrator, Guam EPA

........................................................................................................................ Capacity Building Integration Chichirika Room A showcase of projects that integrate recycling, beneficial use, and other waste diversion opportunities in the workplace, school, home and community. Cheryl Coleman, U.S. EPA, National Trends & Projections on Sustainable Materials Management .................................... 9:30 a.m. Allison Rutter, Guam Sustainability Solutions, LEED and Construction Waste Management ........... 10:45 a.m. Pacific Panel 1:15 p.m. Pacific...................................................................................................................................... Challenges Esther Richards (SPREP), Calvin Ikesiil (Palau), John Ngiraked (Palau), Lani Milne (RMI)

........................................................................................................................ Traditional & Community-based environmental protection Chuchuko Room A showcase of projects implemented by individuals, non-profit, or non-government entities in their respective community. This Track is intended to promote traditional knowledge and support the ingenuity and relevance of cultural integration in environmental protection. Susana Laveti Evening, Catholic Women’s League (Fiji),......................................... 9:30 a.m. Faith-Based Environmental Protection Community Panel ........................................................................................................................10:45 a.m. The Womens’ Perspective Juanita Blaz, Mahencia Ngirairikl/Lorie Nelson (Palau), Susana Evening (Fiji) Moderator: Conchita S.N. Taitano, Guam EPA Mayor’s Council of Guam Panel .......................................................................................... 1:15 p.m. Green Grassroots Mayors of Guam Moderator: Conchita S.N. Taitano, Guam EPA

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