The Organic Act of Guam and Related Federal Laws

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Richard F. Taitano

Micronesian Area Research Center The Organic act of guam and

Related Federal laws affecting the Governmental structure of guam through june 11, 2001

compiled by charles h. troutman


An online publication of the Micronesian Area Research Center University of Guam

The Founders

Baltazar J. Bordallo Mdmber,Pre-WarGuam Congress,Guam Legislature Francisco B. Leon Guerrero Member,Pre-WarGuam Congress,Guam Legislature Carlos P. Taitano Former Speaker,Guam Legislature Carlton Skinner First Civilian Govemor of Guam Antonio B. Won Pat Former Speaker,Guam Legislature First Guam Delegateto the Congressof the United States

Acr or Gueu THsOnceNtc


Lews RrrernnFrorRer THE AFFECTING

SrnucruREoFGueH,t GovBnNMENTAL

11,2001 TsnoucsTuNn


Cover Design MicronesianTravelers MagdalenaS.Taitano Copyright @ 2002 University of Guam and the Governmentof Guam All riehts reserved.

RichardFloresTaitano MicronesianArea ResearchCenter University of Guam University Station,Mangilao, Guam 96923

Manufacturedin the United Statesof America ISBN 1-878453-56-4


Orucr oFTHE

ArronxnvGnunner COtVtPu-eR or Lnws

RobertF.Kono ActingAttorneyGeneral ChiefDeputyAttorneyGeneral

H. Troutman Charles Compilerof Laws

Officeof theAttorneyGeneral Divisionof.Compilerof Laws JudicialCenter 120WestO'BrienDrive Hagatna, Guam96910 Phone:671-475-3309


federal lawsprovidethe TheOrganic Actcf Guamandrelated cf Guam. frameworkfcr thegc-,rernntent laws is to presentthe fundamental This publirationlsp',irpose while rnment.Similarly, anclitsgove creating theTerritcryof{lluam of the variousaspects tirerehavet'eenmanvcasesinterpreting ones"A OrganicAct,thisputrlication will includeonlyappellate rnnrecompiete caselistingcanbefoundin bothTitle48oftheU.S. It'rdeAnnotated(48 U S.[..A.)and in f itle 48 of the U.S.lode (48U.S.C.S.) andtheirrespective supplements. Service 'Ihisfune2{J0lpublication to all pertinent citations inciudes to Guarn madeapplicable TaxL,aws undertheIncome iasesdecided throuEhtheOrganicAct,anciothercourfdecisions. are of theOrganicAct,thesections Note: In thispuhlication of Title48U"S.C.A. according nunibered, to the1987republication underthe Act section numbersareindicated TheoriginalOrganic " Legisiatirre Historl"'. Thispublication madethroughJune conlains ailamendments 11.20 0 1 .



of TheOrganicAct of Guamandrelatedsubchapters Title48 U.S.C.A. Delegate to Congress Guamrs LandandConcurrent Submerged Jurisdiction ConstitutionAuthorizationAct



Protection andReforestation. Appropriations Authorized.


$1422c. SL422d.

Governor;LieutenantGovernor:Powers,duties. Initiative,Referendum andRemoval. Vacancy in Officeof Governoror Lieutenant Temporary Governor; Disability, or TemporaryAbsence of Governor. Executiveagenciesandinstrumentalities. InspectorGeneral:Functions;Duties.

3 SUBCHAPTER THE LEGISLATURE 51423. $1423a. S1423b. $1423c. S1423d. $1423e. Sl423f $1a23g. Sf423h. S1423i. $1423j. S1423k. 514231.

of Guam. Legislature Scope of Legislative Authority:Bonding:Guam PowerAuthorityRefinancing. Selection andQualification of Members;Officers; Rules;Quorum. Privileges of Members. Oathsof Office. Prohibitionagainstacceptingcertain appointments andsalaryincreases, of Legislators. Qualifications Vacancies. RegularandSpecialSessions. Approvalof Bills. Appropriations by theLegislature Authorized. Rightof Petition: Purchases throughGSA.

SUBCHAPTER 4 THEJUDICIARY 51424. 5I424-I. 91424-2.

$1424-3. 51493. 51424-4. $1424a. 51424b. $1424c.

Courtsof Guam;Jurisdiction; Procedure. l.ocalCourts;AppellateCourtAuthorized. Relations betweenU.S.courtsandGuamcourts: Ninth Circuitreview:Reportsto Congress: rules. AppealsBeforeLocalAppellateCourtCreated. CriminalAppealsby localgovernments. Applicabilityof Laws& Rules. Appealsfrom DistrictCourt. [Repealed] DistrictCourtJudge; U.S.Attorney;Marshal; Applicabilityof laws. Reviewof LandClaims.

SUBCHAPTER 5 PUBLICHOUSING& URBANREMWAL 51425. $1425a. $1425b. $1425c. $1425d. $L424e.

Mortgageinsurance on housingor property: conditions. GuamLegislature maycreatehousingauthorities: appointment; membership. Issuance ofnotes,bonds,andobligations. Authorization ofloans,conveyances. Ratification of prior act. Additionalpowers.


Authorizationof Appropriation. Submission of plan:contents; termsof loans.

s1428b. $1428c.

s1428d. $1428e.

maximum for loansandguarantees; Prerequisites reserves. participation; Procedures. Accounting Reportby Governor. Audits.



SUBCTIAPTER 1 GENEML PROVISIONS $[1] Short Title. This Act maybe cited astheOrganicAct of Guam. "ThisAct"istheActofAugustl, 1950,64Stat.384, SOIJRCE: codified as48 U.S.C. 1421-1425, asamended.

The territory $1421.Name and Territory Encompassed. cededto theUnitedStatesin accordance with theprovisions ofthe Treatyof Peacebetweenthe United Statesand Spain,signedat Paris,December10, 1898,and proclaimedApril 11, 1899,and known as the island of Guam in the MarianasIslands,shall continueto beknownasGuam. SOURCE: 1421. $2ofAct ofAug.l, 1950;48U.S.C. NOTE:Thenumberingof this (1992)entire publicationof theOrganicAct Lawsisthatfoundin Title 48oftheU.S,CodeAnnotated. andRelatedFederal

$1421a.UnincorporatedTerritory - Government. Guamis herebydeclaredto bean unincorporatedterritory of the UnitedStatesand the capitaland seatof governmentthereof shall be locatedat the city of Agana,Guam.The governmentof Guamshallhavethe powerssetforth in this Act, shallhavepower to sue by such name,and, with the consentof the legislature evidenced by enactedlaw,maybesueduponanycontractentered into with respectto, or anytort committedincidentto, theexercise by the governmentof Guam of any of its lawfulpowers.I The governmentof Guamshall consistof three branches,executive, legislativeand judicial, and its relationswith the FederalGovernmentin all mattersnot the programresponsibilityof another Federaldepartmentor agency,shallbeunderthegeneraladministrativesupervisionof the Secretary of Interior.. g3ofActofAug.1,1950, gra2laladded SOURCE: 48U.S.C. byActofSept. 21,1959;.adoptedby amendment ofSept.fl, f968,P.L.90492,l2(a1,82 Stat.847.



COURTDECISIONS: immunityfromsuit Guampossesses sovereign Regardless of itssource, it was writtenbeforethe Act as withoutits consent pursuantto theOrganic (Guam)1952)195 Guam,(C.A.9 l-959amendment. Crainv.Governmentof F.2d4L4, hasonlv territory,its government SinceGuamis an unincorporated Rodriguav.Gaylord, thosepowersconferreduponit by Congress. [1977DC Hawaiii429F.Supp.797. permitsuchaction,the Because the OrganicAct did not specifically GuamLegislature couldnotenacta lawwhichtookfromtheDistrictCourtall jurisdiction.Territory U.S.195.(1977). appellate ofGuamv.Olsen,451 providefor "diversity" Because Act(22)didnotspecifically theOrganic jurisdiction jurisdiction exists. Chase Manhattan in theDistrictCourt,nosuch Bank(Nat.Assn.) v.SouthAcresDev.Co.,iL978U.S.l98 S.Ct.544. ofpowersthanfound TheOrganicActprovidesfor a stricterseparation that thereshallbe "three in that thisAct specifies in theU.S.Constitution I GuamR.501 Sup.Ct.Guam, . Peopkv.Camacho, branches" of government Real Coux(Flores, (1975).FollowedinAttornryGeneral ofGuanv. Superior (1980). Civ.Case #79-153 Partl,D.C.Guam, Guamhasnot waivedits statutoryimmunity,grantedby $3 of the torts. arisingfromintentional OrganicAct,andsois not liablefor damages ClaimsAct- $6500et Thestatutory limitedwaiverofimmunity(Government MunozandMunozv.Govt.oJ seq.of theGovernment Code)is constitutional. (1980CAg)625F.2d257. Guam& Aguon, theLegislature may Because ofthedoctrineof"separation ofpowers", not hirean attorneyto represent ofGuamin theinstitution thegovernment ofa suitby andonbehalfofthe ofthe territory.Suchanactistheprerogative executive branch,as an act "executingthe laws" applicableto Guam. Government of Guamv.UnitedStafes, D.C.Guam1982,Civ.No. 82-0001. Thedoctrineof"separation ofpowers"doesnotpermittheLegislature a purely a personto undertake appoints to enacta lawbywhichtheJudiciary People of criminalcases. executive branchfunction,namely,theprosecution v.Camacho, l GuamRep.501. thegovernment only sovereign immunityis immunityagainst . Guamrs actingin theirindividualcapacities. andnotagainstofficersofthegovernment f,lgiraingas v.Sanchez, etal.,(C.A.Guam1988)858F.2df 368. tr. Territorieshavean "inherentsovereign immunity",thoughnot derivingit fromthesamesource asthatofthestates.


-ORGANIC ACIoTGUAM 2. While a sovereignmay waive its immunity by unequivocally expressing itsconsent to thecourt'sjurisdiction, a motionto dismiss for lack ofjurisdiction(because of suchimmunity)is not a consentto the courtrs jurisdiction,evenwhen rnotionisaccompanied byarequestforcourtmarshal to release itemsin his custody.Man v. Gavernment of,Gaam,(C.A.9Guam 1989)866F,2d294. Theimmunitygrantedunderthissectiondoesnotprovideimmunityto policeofficersin their individualcapacitiesin g1983.suits,Ngiraingas v. Sancha,C.A.9(Guam)1988,849F.2d372,959F.2d1368.Ali'dU.S.Sup.Ct (r989). " . the SuperiorCourt'sOrder placingAppelleeTaisipicinto the PREPARA Programis inconsistent with theOrganicActin thatit impermissibly encroaches uponthepowersofthe TerritorialParoleBoardto grantor denyparole.Furthermore, theOrderusurpsthepowerofthe GuamLegislature,whichvestedauthorig overparoledeterminations in theParoleBoard andnot in thecourts.Taisipkv. ltt[arion, etal [Parale Baardmembers],6 Gusm 7,33(Supreme Courtof Guam) "Therefore, becausewe find nodisruptionofthechargingftnction ofthe executive [in theFamilyViolenceAct], thesecondprongof theinquiryneed not be addressed and we hold that the instantstatutedoesnot violatethe Separation of PowersDoctrine."People v. Pera,1999Guam2, 19 Supreme Courtof Guam.

$1421b.Bill of Rights. (a)No lawshallbeenacted in Guamrespecting anestablishmentof religionor prohibitingthefreeexercise thereof,or abridgingthefreedom ofspeech, or ofthepress, or therightofthepeople peaceably to assemble andtopetitionthegovernment foraredress oftheirgrievances. (b) No soldiershall,in timeof peace, bequartered in any house, withouttheconsent oftheowner,norin timeofwar,butin amannerto beprescribed bylaw. (c) Theright of the peopleto be securein their persons, houses, papers,and effects,againstunreasonable and searches seizures, shallnotbeviolated; andnowarrantfor arrestor search shallissuebutuponprobable cause, supported byoathor amrma-

. p.3 SuBcH. I . GENER^T


tion, andparticularlydescribing the placeto be searched andthe personor thingsto beseized. (d) No personshallbesubjectfor thesameoffense to betwice put in jeopardyof punishment;nor shallhe be compelled in any criminalcaseto bea witnessagainsthimself. (e) No personshallbe deprivedof life, liberty,or property withoutdueprocess of law. (0 Privatepropertyshallnot betakenfor publicusewithout just compensation. (g)In allcriminalprosecutions theaccused shallhavetheright to a speedy andpublictrial;to beinformedofthenatureandcause oftheaccusation andto havea copythereof;to beconfronted with against him;to havecompulsory process for obtaining thewitnesses witnesses in hisfavor;andto havetheassistance of counsel for his defense. (h) Excessive bail shallnot be required,nor excessive fines imposed,nor cruelandunusualpunishments inflicted. (i) Neither slaverynor involuntaryservitude,exceptas punishmentfor a crimewhereofthe party shallhavebeenduly convicted, shallexistin Guam. 0) No bill of attainder,expostfactolaw,or lawimpairingthe obligationofcontractsshallbeenacted. (k) No personshallbeimprisonedfor debt. (l) The privilegeof the writ of habeascorpusshallnot be unless,when in casesof rebellionor invasionor suspended, imminentdangerthereof,thepublicsafetyshallrequireit. (m)No qualificationwith respectto property,income,political opinion,or anyothermatterapartfrom citizenship, civilcapacity, andresidence shallbeimposeduponanyvoter.



(n) No discriminationshallbe madein Guamagainstany personon accountofrace,language, or religion,nor shalltheequal protectionof thelawsbedenied. (o)No personshallbeconvictedoftreasonagainsttheUnited Statesunlesson the testimonyof two witnesses to thesameovert in opencourt. act,or on confession (p) No public moneyor propertyshalleverbe appropriated, supplied,donated,or used,directlyor indirectly,for the use, benefit,or supportof any sect,church,denomination, sectarian institution,or association, or systemof religion,or for the use, benefit,or supportof anypriest,preacher, minister,or otherreligiousteacheror dignitaryassuch. (q) The employmentof childrenunderthe ageof fourteen yearsin anyoccupation injuriousto healthor moralsor hazardous to lifeor limb is herebyprohibited. (r) Thereshall be compulsoryeducationfor all children, theagesofsix andsixteenyears. between (s)No religioustestshalleverberequiredasa qualification to anyofficeor publictrustunderthegovernment of Guam. (t) No personwho advocates, or who aidsor belongsto any party,organization, or association whichadvocates theoverthrow by forceor violenceof the government of Guamor of the United Statesshallbequalifiedto holdanypublicofficeor trustor profit underthegovernment of Guam. (u) The followingprovisionsof and amendmentsto the Constitutionof theUnitedStatesareherebyextended to Guamto the extentthat they havenot beenpreviouslyextendedto that Territoryandshallhavethe sameforceand effectthereasin the UnitedStatesor in anyStateofthe LlnitedStates: articleI, section 9, clauses 2 and3; articleIV, section1 andsection2, clause 1;the firstto ninthamendments inclusive; thethirteenthamendment: the



due process In the contextof juvenilecertificationproceedings, ofreasons adequate noticeanda statement ofrightto counsel, requirements motivesfor alleged at a hearingweremetin thiscase.Failureto investigate v, rights. People a violationofdueproeess criminalact do notconstitute (CAg1981)549F.2d74A" Kingsbury, of of Guamcouldcontinueits customssearches The Government Marianas; and theNorthem foreign countries arrivingfrom andgoods persons for fact Hawaiiremanded andgoodscomingfrom ofpersons issueofsearches v.Calvo,(CAg1982)685F.2d1199. finding.Barusch in violationofthissection by Ajuvenile isnotsubject todoublejeopardy in juvenilecourt,since,by thetermsof thestatute, proceedings certification thecertificationhearingis onlyto determinetheforumfor the proceedings, v. or delinquency. People thefactofguilt,innocence not for determining (CAg1982)687F.2d302. Fejeran, P.L. 13-115,the MalpracticeClaimsMandatoryScreeningand clauseof [5) of the MandatoryArbitrationAct, violatesthe dueProcess it is because of theU.S.Constitution OrganicAct andthe14thAmendment v, Boonprakong "incomprehensibly to anmonils vagueandirnpossible apply'IJ & #81-048A; & Awav.GMHA, (D.C.Guam,App.Div 1983)Civ.#81-003A F v, 726 594. affd. asAwa GMH, "2d foran eligibility Boarddetermines requiring thattheParole P.L.14-151, isinviolation ofthe14th theGuamPenitentiaryforanyreason, inmateleaving (through5(u) of the OrganicAct) Amendmentof the U.S.Constitution Parole to befollowed.Mendiolav, it failstosetforthproperguidelines beeause (Super.Guam 1981)SP#185-81. Board, against Civil Code5537(2),permittingprejudgmentattachments clauseofthe Constitution nonresidents ofGuam,violatedthe dueprocess (through5(u)oftheOrganicAct) noopportunityfora because hearingisgiven theattachment mustissueuponthefilingofanex thedefendants andbecause Udui,(Super.Guam 1982)Civ.#726-81. Holmes parteafiidavit. &Narver,lnc,v. isa"public in courtto regainhisposition Aformerpoliceofficerfighting figure"underthe lst Amendmentto the Constitution(here5(a))and, burdenin his attemptto provelibel mustmeetthe appropriate therefore App.Div.1983)Civ.#81Udick,(D.C.Guam against a newspaper.Canachov. 01034. "Thewaiverof juvenilecourtjurisdictionis a 'criticallyimportantl rvhichrmustmeasure up to theessential proceedings of dueprocess andfair Manglona, treatment." IAppliedto GuamthroughS(u)J.Peopleintheinterestof (D"C.Guam App.Div.1983)Cr.#02-0011A. PRovtstoNs Suncu.1- GrNrneL - P.7


Onlyan amendment to theUnitedStates Constitution cangiveto the people ofGuamtherighttovotefor president andVicepresident. Thereisno existing constitutional rightrequiringsucha vote.Attlrnq General of Guam v, United States, C.A.g1984,No.83-1890, 738F.2d1017. Because Guamisanunincorporated territoryhavingonlypowers given "it isin essence it byCongress, aninstrumentality ofthefederal government." As such,the negativeimplications of the commerce clauseof the U.S. Constitutiondo not applyto Guam. Sakamoto v. Duty FreeShoppers, Ltd., D.C.Guam 1983,613F.Supp. 381,affd.Z64F.2d 1285,cert.den.106S.Ct. 1457,89 L.8d.2d715. Underthecircumstances, bailof91,000,000 did notviolatetheEiehth Amendment prohibitingexcessive bail. people v.Bruneman,1996 Guair 3 Supreme Courtof Guam. DoubleJeopardy, asto sentencing, hasoccurred whentheDefendant is (twocharges-in-chiefand sentences onfourcharges twoenhancements) which arein realityonlydifferingtheoriesof theoneoffense of murder- onlyone personwasmurdered.People v.James E. Rqtes, lggSGuam32,23, Supreme CourtofGuam. A policeofficer, in orderto makeatraficstop,musthavemorethan,,the anonymous informantrs tip alone,whichcontained no predictive factsto be corroborated" in orderto meettherequirements ofthe4,hAmendment.people v.Johnson,1997 Guam9, 9 GuamSupreme Court. UndertheDueProcess Clause of the14 ,hAmendment, thecourtsof Guamhavejurisdiction overa commercial disputebetween two companies, oneofwhich,thoughlocated in Hawaii,hadsufficient contacts withGuamto besubjectto jurisdictionin Guam.pCI Communications, Inc.v. GSTpacwest Telecom Hawaii,1999Guam17,29-32, Supreme Courtof Guam.

$1421c.Continuationof Lawsin Force;Modification or repealof laws. (a)Thelawsof Guamin forceon Augustl, 1950, exceptasamendedby this chapter,areherebycontinuedin force, subjectto modificationor repealby the Congress of the United Statesor the Legislature of Guam,andall lawsof Guaminconsistentwith theprovisionsof thischapterareherebyrepealed to the extentof suchinconsistency. (b) Applicabilityof Federal Lawsto Guam.(Repealed) SOURCE: Act);amended 925ofActofAug.l, 1950(Organic byActofSept. 11,1968,PublicLaw90-497, gZ,82 Stat.847(Elective Governor Act). Codi_ SuBcH.1 - GENERAL PRovrsloNs - P.8


repealed requirement that,in orderto fiedas48 U.S.C. 1421c.Amendment statedin the law;and affectGuam,"Guam"or "possession" be specifically repealedreference to Commission to studyapplicabilityof federallawsto issued hadalready its report. Guam.ThislatterCommission

$1421d.Salariesand Travel Allowancesof officersand The salariesand travelallowances of the Governor, employees. theheadsoftheexecutive departments, other Lieutenant Governor, officersand employees of the governmentof Guam,and the membersof the Legislature, shallbe paid by the governmentof by thelawsof Guam. Guamat ratesprescribed Act);amended Aug.l, 1956, SOURCE:$26ofAct ofAug.1, 1950(Organic Sept. c.852, 30,1965,PublicLaw89-100,79 Stat.424; $21,70Stat.911;July Governor Act). I 1,1968,PublicLaw90-a97, $9(a),(b),82Stat.847(Elective Codified as48 U.S.C. 1421d.

$142le.Duty on articles.All articlescomingintotheUnited Statesfrom Guamshall be subjectto or exemptfrom duty as providedfor in section1301aof Title 19 [U.S.C.]. Act);amended Sept.1, 1954, SOURCE: $27ofActofAug.1, 1950(Organic The 68Stat.1140.Codified as48 U.S.C. c,1213,TitleIV, S402(b), $1421e. Guamrs customs has been repealed and now underlying 19U.S.C.A. $1301a 3. statusisfoundin 19U.S.C.A. $1202,Headnote COURTDECISIONS; TheCourtofAppeals heldthat:(1)theallocation ruleshada substantial relationto traditionalcustomspurposes, andthusjurisdiction to ofchallenge theruleswasexclusively vested in theCustoms Court,although rulesalsohad concurrent purposeof promotinginsulareconomic development, and (2) plaintiffshadanadequate remedyin Customs Courtof importingmorethan quotaalloeation, payingdutiesassessed, duty-free andthensuingfor refund, despitecontentionthatit wasfinanciallyimpossible for themto do so.Jerlian WatchCo.v, U.S.Dept.of Commerce & U.S,DEt pgtheInterior,C.A,9(Guam) F.2d687. L979,597

$1421f.Title to PropertyTransferred.(a) The title to all property,real and personal, ownedby the United Statesand employed by thenavalgovernment of Guamin theadministration ofcivilaffairsoftheinhabitants ofGuam,includingautomotive and other equipment,tools and machinery,water and sewerage PRovrsroNs SuBcH.1 " GENEMT- p.9


andother facilities,buslinesandotherutilities,hospitals, schools, of Guamwithin buildings,shallbetransferred to thegovernment ninetydaysafterthedateof enactment of thisAct [OrganicAct]. (b) All otherproperty,realandpersonal,ownedby theUnited Statesin Guam,not reservedby the Presidentof the UnitedStates within ninetydaysafterthedateof enactmentof this Act [Organic Actl, is herebyplacedunder the control of the governmentof Guam,to be administeredfor the benefitof the peopleof Guam, andthe legislatureshallhavethe authority,subjectto suchlimitationsasmaybeimposeduponits actsby this Act [OrganicAct] or subsequent to legislate with respectto such actsof the Congress, property, real and personal,in such manner as it may deem desirable. (c)All propergownedby theUnitedStatesin Guam,thetitle to which is not transferredto the governmentof Guamby subsection (a) hereof,or which is not placedunder the control of the (b) hereol is transferredto the governmentof Guamby subsection oftheInterior,exceptas administrativesupervision oftheSecretary thePresidentmayfrom timeto timeotherwiseprescribe:Provided, Thatthe Secretary ofthe Interior shallbeauthorizedto leaseor to sell, on such terms as he may deemin the public interest,any property,realandpersonal,ofthe UnitedStatesunderhisadministrativesupervisionin Guamnot neededfor publicpurposes. SOURCE:$28 of.Act of Aug. 1, 1950(OrganicAct); amendedby Elective GovemorAct,PublicLaw90-497bydesignating theadministrative controlof (c) to be in the Secretary subsection ofthe Interior. Codifiedas 48 U.S.C.

sr421f. (b), thePresident NOTB:Pursuantto subsection ofthe UnitedStatesissued the followingExecutive Orderreservingcertainlandsfor useby the United States:

Executive OrderNo. 10178

RESERVArroN oro*oolili?-t:i,ltri"tl,lttr r"r rNrrED srArES . GENEMLPROVISIONS. P.10 SUBCH'1

OR.cAh-tc Acr oFGUAM

WHEREAS, section 28oftheOrganic Actof Guam.approved Augusr 1,1950 (PublicLaw 630,81stCongress), reads:"(a) The title to all property,realand personal, owneciby the UnitedStatesandemployed by thenavalgovernment of Guamin theadministration ofthecivilaffairs oftheinhabitants ofGuam,including automotive andotherequipment, toolsandmachinery, waterandsewerage facilities, bus linesand other utilities,hospitals, schools,and otherbuildings,shallbe transferred to thegovernment of Guamwithin90 daysafterthedateof enactment of thisAct. (b)All otherproperty, realandpersonal, ownedbytheUnitedStates in Guam, notreserved by thePresident oftheUnitedstates withinninetydaysafterthedate ofenactment ofthis Act,is herebyplacedunderthecontrolofthe government of Guam,to beadministeredfor thebenefitofthepeopleofGuam,andtheLegislature shallhaveauthority, subject to suchlimitations asmaybeimposed uponitsactsby thisActor subsequent actsofCongress, to legislate with respect to suchproperty, realandperson, in suchmannerasit maydeemdesirable. (c)All propertyownedby theUnitedStates in Guam,thetitleto whichis not (a)hereof,or whichis not transferred to thegovernment ofGuamby subsection (b) hereo{, placedunderthecontrolof thegovernment of Guamby subsection is transferred to theadministrative supervision oftheheadofthedepartment or agency designated bythePresident undersection 3 ofthisActIDept.oftheInterior],except asthePresident mayfromtimeto timeotherwise prescribe; Provided,That thehead ofsuchdepartment ofagency shallbeauthorized to lease ofsell,onsuchtermsashe maydeemin thepublicinterest, anyproperty, realor personal, oftheUnitedStates underhisadministrative supervision in Guamnot needed for publicpurposes. WHEREAS, certainhereinafter described realandpersonal propertyof the UnitedStates in Guamis requiredfor therespective usesoftheDepartment ofthe Army,theDepartment of theNaly,theDepartment of theAir Force, andtheCoast Cuard,andit hasbeenmutuallyagreed thattheDepartment of theNaryshallacton behalfof theDepartment of theArmy,theDepartment of theAir Force,andthe CoastGuardwith respect to theirrequirements asto suchproperty; WHEREAS, certainotherhereinafter described realpropertyof the United statesin Guanihasbeenselected by theSecretary ofthe Naly for transferor sale to theactofNovember pursuant 15,1945,59Stat.584,to persons in replacement oflandsacquired for militaryor navalpurposes in Guam,andsuchpropertyshould remainavailable for disposition by the Secretary ofthe Interiorin his discretion undersection 28(c)of thesaidOrganic Actof Guam;and WHEREAS, certain otherhereinafter described personal property oftheUnited statesin Guamshouldremainavailable for therespective needs of theDepartment


ORcANrc AcroFGUAM oftheArmy,Department oftheNavy,Department oftheAir Force,theCoastGuard andotheragencies ofthe UnitedStates: NOW,THEREFORE, byvirtueoftheauthorityvested in mebythesaidsection 28oftheOrganieActofGuam,andasPresident oftheUnitedStates, it isorderedas follows: 1.Thefollowingdescribed realandpersonalpropertyofthe UnitedStatesin Guamis herebyreserved to the UnitedStatesandplacedunderthecontroland jurisdictionoftheSecretary oftheNavy:Provided, thatthesecretaryofthe Navyshall transfersuchportions of such propertyto the Departmentof the Army, the Department of the Air Force,and the CoastGuardasmaybe requiredfor their respective purposes: (a)All ofthatrealpropertyin Guamsituated withintheperimeter areas definedin thefollowingdesignated condemnation proceedings in theSuperior Courtof Guam,beingthesamepropertyquitclaimed by theNavalGovernmentof Guamto theUnitedStates of Americaby deeddatedJuly31, 1950, and filed for recordwith the Landregistrarof Guamon August4, 1950 (Presentation No.22063);

eivil No. Facilitv

Area IAcresl

2-48 5-48


648 7-48 2-49 3-49 4-49 5-49 2"50 3-50 4-50 5-50 6-50 7-50 8-50 9-50 10-50 11"50 12-60

North Field Mt. SantaRosaWaterReservoir andsupplylines Mt. SantaRosa-Marbo WaterLines TumonMaui Well Site NavalAmmunitionDepot PrimaryTransmission Line Mt. SantaRosa-Marbo WaterLine easement ApraHarborReservation AcecorpTunnel CampDealy TumonBayRec.AreaUtilityLines AganaSprings AsanPointTankFarm AsanPointHousing MedicalCenter 'AgafaGumas NavalCommunications Station Nimitz Beach CommandCenter . P. 12 PROVTSIONS SUBCH.1 . GENERAT

9.372 5.990 5.990 4,803,000 44.65I 12.169 6,332.000 6.450 35.391 U .O J/

24.9r4 41.300 85.032 137.393 45.630 4,798.682 TT,726 800.443


l3-50 l4-50 15-50

r6-50 i8-50 19-50 20-50 2i-50 22-50 23-50 21-50 25-50 26-50 .i r ')U

2E-50 29.50 -1G.50

3 r - 50 l2-50

i3-50 iJ-50 35-50 36-50


TaragueNaturalWells AganaDieselElec. Plant Generating Mt. SantaRosaHaulRoad,Water Reservoirand SupplyLines,VHF RelayStation,Mt. SantaRosaMarine Water Line NorthwestAir ForceBase MarboBaseCommandArea-Sewage Disposal LoranStationCocosIsland Av-GasTankFarm#12 Proposed BoundaryofNASAgana, HousingArea#7 C.A.A[FAA]Site(Area#90) TumonMauiWell (WaterTunnel) TumonBayRec.Area(Road& AV-Gas FuelLineParcel#1 from Rt. #1 to Rt. #6 Utility easement (CoontzJunction) TumonBayRec.Area(Area#78) MarboBaseCommand Mt. TenjoVHF StationSite SasaValleyTank Farm(Area#26) SubTransmissionSystemPiti Steam Plantto CommandCenter Route#1 (MarineDrive) (Portion) SubTransmissionSystem(34 KV Line) Piti SteamPlantto Agana DieselPlantand POLSystemSasa ValleyTank Farmto NAS Agana HarmonAir ForceBase RadioBarrigada AACSRadioRange(Area#30) Water LineApra HeightsReservoir to FenaPumpStation& AV-GasFuel System FenaRiverReservoir


4,901.100 5.945

23.708 4,562.r07 60.480 21.695 15.322 r,820.148 37.519 3.575 49.277 0.208 65.300 2,497.400 0.91E 285.237 t7.793 28.888

94.000 953.000 2,922.000 25.000

37.000 2,185.000


(b)Theroadsystem in thesaiddeedbetween described andutilitiessystems theNavalGovernment of GuamandtheUnitedstatesof AmericadatedIulv 31, 1950. (c)Thefollowingdescribed Light; Ilount LamLamLight;RearRange areas: MountAlutomLight;AreaNumber35culirerts; MountSantaRosaLight;36acres TripartiteSeismograph StationSite,LandUnite of CampWitek;AdelupReservoir; locatedon Lot 266, M. Section2, Land Square20; the Powersub-station Drive,Cityof Agat. Municipality of Agat,adiacent to Erskine (d)Lots2285-5 and2206-IinBarrigada. (e)All personal propertyrelatingto or usedin connection with anyofthe above-described realproperty. 2.Thefollowing described realpropertyofthe UnitedStates in Guamishereby reserved totheUnitedStates andtransferred totheadministrative supervision ofthe Secretary oftheInterior,andshallbeavailable for disposition bythesecretary ofthe Interiorin hisdiscretion under$28(c)ofthesaidOrganic ActofGuamIsubsection (c)ofthissectionl: All ofthoselandswhichhavebeenselected by theSecretary oftheNavyfor transferor salepursuantto theAct ofNovember15,1945,59 Stat.584,to in replacement oflandsacquired for militaryor navalpurposes in persons of suchlandsbeingonfilein theDepartment of Guam,a listanddescription theNary. 3. In additionto thepersonal propertydescribed in paragraph 1(e)hereo{ thereis herebyreserved to the UntiedStatesall personal propertyofthe United States in Guam,except thatwhichistransferred to theGovernment of Guamby or pursuantto Section28(a)of the OrganicAct of Guamlsubsection n(a) of this sectionl, whichon thedateofthisorder,Oct.31,1950,is in thecustody or control of theDepartment of theArmy,theDepartment of theAir Force, theCoastGuard, or anyotherdepartment or agencyof the UnitedStates; and all suchpersonal property shallremainin thecustody andcontrolofthedepartment oragency having custody andcontrolthereofonthedateofthisorder(Oct.31,1950).COURTDECISIQNS: The GuamLegislature is a part of the 'government of Guam'within the (48USCA1421f)and,assuch,maymakeappropriate la*firl meaning ofthisSection conditions, including approval bytheLegislature, onthesale,lease or disposition of anylandstransferredbytheU.S.toGuam. Bordallov,Camacho,(1973CAg)475F.2d 7L2. (a)and(b) provided Subsections for a complete actionby theUnitedStates within90daysofpassage. Thesesections haveno continuing effectintothepresent . P.14 1 . GENERAL PRoVISIoNS SUBCH.


day(2000).Gavt.of Guamv. USA, (CA9,Guam)No.97-L7I40 (08h2 / 99),cert.den. U,S._, March21,2000,U.S.Supreme Court. _ Ifthereis anyaboriginal (persons) titleit existsin thenativeinhabitants of Guam,notin theGovernment of Guam.If anygovernment istrustee of thesetitles, it istheUnitedStates Government.Govt.0fGuamv. USA,(CA9,Guam)No.97-17140 (OS/L2/99), cert.den.U"S.-, March21,2000,U,S.Supreme Courr"

S1421f-1.Acknowledgmentof Deeds"Deedsand other instrumentsaffectinglandsituatedin theDistrictof Columbiaor anyTerritoryof the UnitedStatesmaybeacknowledged in the is, landsof GuamandSamoaor in theCanalZonebeforeanynotary publicorjudge,appointedthereinby properauthority,or by any officerthereinwho hasex officiothe powersof a notarypublic: Provided,Thatthe certificate by suchnotaryin Guam,Samoa,or the CanalZone,asthe casemaybe,shallbe aceornpanied by the certificate ofthe Governoror actinggovernorofsuchplaceto the effectthat thenotarytakingsaidacknowledgment wasin factthe officerhe purportedto be; and any deedsor other instruments affectinglandsso situate,so acknowledged sincethe lst day of 1905,andaccompanied by suchcertifieate shallhavethe January, sameeffectas such deedsor other instrumentshereafterso acknowledged andcertified. SOURCE:Codified as48 U.S.C.142If-1.ActofJune28,1908,ch"3585,34 Stat.552.Not in Organic Act.

$1a21g.Establishmentand maintenanceofpublic bodies and offices. (a) PublicHealthServices. Subjectto thelawsof Guam,the Governorshall establish,maintain,and operatepublic health services in Guam,includinghospitals, dispensaries, andquarantine stations,at suchplacesin Guamasmaybenecessary, andheshall promulgate quarantine andsanitaryregulations for the protection of Guamagainsttheimportationandspreadof disease. (b) PublicEducationSystemJheGovernment ofGuamshall providean adequate publicedueational systemof Guam,and to PROVISIONS SUBCH. 1 . GENERAL - P. 15


fhat end shall establish,maintain,and operatepublic schools to thelawsof Guam" according (c) Offieeof PublicProsecutor;Officeof PublicAuditor. anOfficeof Public of Guammayby lawestablish TheGovernment PublicProsecutor The andanOffieeof PublicAuditor" Prosecutor and FublicAuditor may be removedas providedby the lawsof Guam. of (dxl) AttorneyGeneralof Guam. TheAttorneyGeneral of Guam. GuamshallbetheChiefLegalOffieerof theGovernment Guam shall of General Attorney of the At suehtime asthe Office next becomevacant,the Attorney Generalof Guam shall be of Guamwiththeadviceandconsentof by theGovernor appointed of the Governorof and shallserveat the pleasure the legislature, Guam. (2) Insteadof an appointedAttorney General,the oftheAttorney may,bylaw,providefor theelection legislature in general of Guam voters qualified the by Generalof Guam of Guamiselected. elections after1998in whieh theGovernor AttorneyGeneralshallbe4 years.The Thetermof an eleeted AttorneyGeneralmay be removedby the peopleof Guam in section9-A ofthisAct specified according to theprocedures with procedures or maybe removedfor causein accordance of in theofffice in law.A vacancy by thelegislature established an electeddttorneyGeneralshallbefilled(A) by appointmentby the Governorof Guamif such electionfor vacancy occurslessthan6 monthsbeforeageneral the0ffieeof AttorneyGeneralof Guam;or (B) by a specialelectionheldno soonerthan 3 months occursandno laterthan6 monthsbeforea aftersuchvacaney generalelectionfor Attorney Generalof Guam, and by appointmentby the Governorof Guampendinga special electionunderthissubparagraph.


ORcANrc AsroFGUAM SOURCE:$29of Act of Aug.1, 1950(Organic Act).Codifiedas48 U.S.C. (b)amended Subsection Actof by5 and13(a)(1) ofPub.Law99-396, $1421g. (c)addedby 13(aX2)ofPub.Law99-396, Aug.27,1986. Subsection Act of (d)addedby"TheGuamOrganic Aug.27,1986.Subsection ActAmendments of1998'r, HR2370,enacted Oct.1998,sec.2. COURTDECISIONS: The supewisionof all departments of the Government of Guam, includingthe Department of Education, restswith the Governorof Guam. Therefore, a 1972collective bargaining agreement exceeds theauthoritygiven to the signatories wherethat agreement requirestheprior approvalofthe unionbeforeanychanges, or complete termination thereof, maybemadeafter theterminationdateofthe agreement. People v. GuamFederation ofTeachers LocalI 581,Conrad Stinson, Presiilent, etal. IDCGuamApp.Div.19781 2 Guam Rep. 2 0 3 . (Organic Because Act) 29(a)givessupervision overhealthfacilities in Guamto theGovernor, theLegislature hasnopowerto enacta lawwhich,by determining thatcertainprivategroupswouldchosepersons theGovernor n rstappointtotheHospitalBoardofTrustees, insulates effectively theGovernorfromeffective controlof theHospital.Eordallov.Baldwin,[1980CAg]624 F.2d932. (a),"subjectto thelawsof Guam,"applies Thephrasein subsection (a)and(b). Therefore, equallyto bothsubsections theGoverror ofGuamis notfreeto ignorethelawsofGuamastheyoperate withregardto establishing rulesandregulations dealing with dismissal of personnel within thegovernment.Brownv.CivilSeryice (C.A.9Guam1987)818F.2d706, Commission, Govt.Code$5105,coupled with P.L.14-1,creatingan elected school board,violate29(b)of theOrganic Actasofthetimeoftheenactment ofP.L. I4-L by removingfrom the Governorthe powersgivenhim by this section. Theamendments madeto thissection in 1986arenotretroactive. Therefore, theelected schoolboardis nullandvoid,andtheGovernor hasthepowerto fire theDirectorandDeputyDirectorof Education.Nelsoz& Wolfv.Ada,et (11/6/87);affd,878F.2d277(CA9, al.,Superior CourtCase No.S.P.192-87 1989).

S1421h. Duties, taxes and fees;proceedscollectedto constitutefund for benefit of Guam; prerequisites,amount remittedprior to commencement ofnext fiscalyear.Allcustoms dutiesandFederal incometaxesderivedfrom Guam,theproceeds of all taxescollected undertheinternalrevenue lawsof theUnited SUBCH.1 - GENEMLPRovISIoNS- P,17


to theUnited in Guamandtransported Stateson articlesproduced Guam,and in possessions, or consumed its Territories, or States, theproceeds of anyothertaxeswhichmaybeleviedbytheCongress on the inhabitantsof Guam (including,but not limited to, andpensions of theArmedForces paidto members compensation United States, ofthe and military employees paidtoretiredcivilians of, or who aredomiciledin, or their survivors,who areresidents immigration,andnaturalizaGuam),andall quarantine, passport, tion feescollectedin Guamshallbe coveredinto the treasuryof of Guamandshall Guamandheldin accountfor thegovernment beexpendedforthe benefitandgovernment ofGuamin accordance withtheannualbudgets; thischaptershall be exceptthatnothingin construed to applyto anytax imposedby chapter2 or 2l of Title 26. Beginningassoonasthegovernment of GuamenactslegislaonOctoberl andending tionestablishing afiscalyearcommencing on September30, the Secretaryof the Treasury,prior to the of commencement of anyfiscalyear,shallremitto thegovernment the Governor of which the of taxes and fees Guam amount duties, Guam,with the concurrence of the governmentcomptrollerof Guam,hasestimatedwill be collectedin or derivedfrom Guam underthissectionduringthenextfiscalyear,exceptfor thosesums covereddirectlyuponcollectioninto theTreasuryof Guam.The Secretary of theTreasuryshalldeductfrom or addto theamounts soremittedthedifference between theamountofduties,taxesand feesactuallycollectedduringthe prior fiscalyearand the amount of suchduties,taxesand feesas estimatedand remittedat the beginningof that prior fiscalyear,includinganydeductionswhich mayberequiredasa resultof theoperationof PublicLaw94-395 (90Stat.1199)or PublicLaw88-170,asamended (82Stat.863). SOURCE: Act);amended Sept.13,1960, $30ofActofAug.1,1950(Organic PublicLaw86-778, Titlet, $103(u), 74Stat.941by addingclause beginning "except thatnothing.. .".;furtheramended byPublicLaw95-348, ActofAug. 18,1978.Amended by 9601ofActofOctober 5,1984,P.L.98-454relative to returnoftaxespaidby certainfederalemployees, retirees andtheirspouses. Codified as48 U.S.C. $1421h. SUBCH. 1 . GENEMLPRovIsIoNs - P.18


Guamimplemented thefederalfiscalyearby P.L.14-132:V:13, adding 1 GCA$ 1611.Thenewfiscalyearcommenced on October1, 1978. NOTE: The OmnibusTerritoriesAct of 1986incorporates the following relativeto the receiptby Guamof moneyunder30 (theabove language section). Thepurpose ofthenewlanguage isto exemptGuam(andtheother (DeficitReduction)Law territories)from theeffectsof theGramm-Rudman andsimilarlaws. to thetermsofthe OrganicAct ofGuam(64 $19(b).Pursuant Stat.384),asamended; . . . , andanActto authorize appropriations for (92 certaininsularareasofthe UnitedStates, andfor otherpurposes Stat.487]ds amended; thereshallbepaidintothetreasury[yl ofGuam, . . " , thefull amountswhichareto becoveredinto thetreasuries of said lslands orpaidpursuant to saidlawsasamended andsupplemented and suchamountsshallnotbereduced, notwithstanding PublicLaw99-l7V, FublicLaw99-366, or anyotherprovisions oflaw. COURTDECISIONS: UnderthisAct [Organic Actl Congress intendedemployees whoearn incomeforpersonal services in Guamto payincometaximposedbyprovisions ofActintotheterritorialtreasuryto sustainthelocalgovernment oftheisland. tsrown Lamkinv. & Root,1nc., C.A.Guam 1956,233F.2d320. Wherecorporateemployerof taxpayerin Guamwithheldincometax payments andpaidthemto ActingTreasurer ofGuamunderthis section, providingthatfederalincometaxesderivedfrom Guamshallbecoveredinto thetreasury ofGuamandheldon account ofthatgovernment, and1421iof thistitle,providingthatincometaxlawsin forcein theUnitedStatesandthose which hereaftermay be enactedshallbe in forcein Guam,and the U.S. construedthesesectionsasestablishing territorialtaxto beadministered by officialsof Guam,taxpayercouldnot be heardto saythat tax shouidbe returnedto him in orderthatit bepaidto UnitedStatesandreturnedto Guam treasuryfrom which it wastaken. Laguanav. Ansell,D.C.Guam1952,102 F.Supp.919; affd212F.2d207;cert. den.75S.Ct.51, 348U.S.830,99 L.Ed. 654.

tr 42Ii. Income Tax. (a) Applicability of federal laws; separatetax. Theincometax lawsin forcein the UnitedStatesof Americaandthosewhichmayhereafter beenacted shallbeheldto be likewisein forcein Guam:Provided,That notwithstandingany of Guammaylevya separate 'rtherprovisionof law,theLegislature



in an amountnot to exceed10per centumof tax on all taxpayers of Guam. theirannualincometax obligationto thegovernment (b) GuamTerritorial IncomeTax. Theincometax lawsin (a) of this sectionshallbe forcein Guampursuantto subsection to the TerritorialIncomeTax,payable deemed to imposeaseparate the"GuamTerritogovernment of Guam,whichtaxis designated rial IncomeTax". (c) Enforcementof TaxTheadministration andenforcement by or under oftheGuamTerritorialIncomeTaxshallbeperformed the supervisionof the Governor. Any functionneedfulto the administration andenforcement of theincometaxlawsin forcein (a) pursuant Guam to subsection ofthissectionshallbeperformed by any officer or employeeof the governmentof Guam duly authorized by theGovernor(eitherdirectly,or indirectlyby oneor moreredelegations of authority)to performsuchfunction. (d) 'Incometaxlaws"defined;administrationandenforcement; rulesand regulations.(1) Theincometaxlawsin forcein (a)of thissectionincludebut arenot Guampursuantto subsection Codeof limitedto thefollowingprovisions of theInternalRevenue or incompatiblewith the 1954,wherenot manifestly inapplicable intent of this section: SubtitleA [26 U.S.C.A.$1 et seq.l(not 931(26 includingchapter 2 [26U.S.C.A. etseq.landsection S1401 U.S.C.A. 24and25ofsubtitleC [26U.S.C.A. S3401 $931);chapters etseq.and$3501etseq.J, with reference to thecollection ofincome taxat sourceon wages; andall provisions ofsubtitleF [26U.S.C.A. $6001et seq.lwhichapplyto theincometax,includingprovisions in chapter75 asto crirnes, otheroffenses, andforfeitures contained [26U.S.C.A. 57201et seq.l.Fortheperiodafter1950andpriorto theeffectivedateofthe repealofanyprovisionofthe InternalRevenue Codeof 1939which corresponds to one or more of those provisions oftheInternalRevenue Codeof 1954whichareincluded (a) in theincometaxlawsin forcein Guampursuantto subsection

SUBCH. 1 - GENEMLPRowsroNS - P.20


of thissection.suchincometaxlawsincludebut arenot limitedto suchprovisions ofthe InternalRevenue Codeof1939. (2) TheGovernoror hisdelegate shallhavethesameadministrativeandenforcement powersand remedieswith regardto the and GuamTerritorialIncomeTaxastheSecretary oftheTreasury, branch,havewith other UnitedStatesofficialsof the executive respectto the UnitedStatesincometax. Needfulrulesandregulationsnotinconsistent with theregulationsprescribed undersection 7654(e) oftheInternalRevenue Codeof 1954[26U.S.C.S765a(e)] for enforcementof the Guam Territorial Income Tax shall be prescribed by the Governor.The Governoror his delegate shall havetheauthorityto issue,from time to time,in wholeor in part, the text of the incometax lawsin forcein Guam pursuantto (a)ofthis section.. subsection (e) Substitution of Terms.In applyingasthe GuamTerritorial IncomeTaxtheincometaxlawsin forcein Guampursuantto (a)ofthissection, otherwise subsection except whereit ismanifestly required,the applicable provisionsof theInternalRevenue Codes "Guam" for of 1954and 1939,shallbe readso as to substitute "UnitedStates","Governoror his delegate" or his for "Secretary "Governor delegate", orhisdelegate" for "Commissioner oflnternal "DistrictCourtof Revenue" and "Collectorof InternalRevenue", Guam"for "districtcourt"andwith otherchanges in nomenclature and other language, includingthe omissionof inapplicable language,wherenecessary to effectthe intent ofthis section. (f) Criminal offenses;prosecution.Any actor failureto act with respect to theGuamTerritorialIncomeTaxwhichconstitutes a criminaloffenseunderchapter75 of subtitleF of the Internal Revenue Codeof 1954[26 U.S.C.A.57201et seq.l,or the correspondingprovisionsof the Internal RevenueCodeof 1939,as includedin the incometax lawsin forcein Guampursuantto (a)ofthissection, subsection shallbeanoffense againstthegovern-

. P.21 SUBCH. 1 . GENEMLPRovIsIoNs


ment of Guamand may be prosecuted in the nameof the governmentof Guamby theappropriate officersthereof. (g) Liens.The Government of Guamshallhavea lien with respectto the GuamTerritorialIncomeTax in the samemanner asthe andwith thesameeffect,andsubjectto thesameconditions, UnitedStateshasa lien with respectto the UnitedStatesIncome Tax. Suchlienin respect ofthe GuamTerritorialIncomeTaxshall in be enforceable the nameof and by the government of Guam. Wherefilingof a noticeoflien is prescribed by theincometaxlaws (a)of this section,such in forcein Guampursuantto subsection noticeshallbefiledin theOfficeoftheClerkoftheDistrictCourtof Guam. (h) lurisdiction of District Court; suits for recoveryor collectionof taxes;paymentofjudgment. (1) Notwithstanding anyprovisionof Section22 of thisAct [section1424ofTitle48]or anyotherprovisionsof law to the contrary,the DistrictCourtof Guamshallhaveexclusiveoriginaljurisdictionoverall judicial in Guam,both criminaland civil,regardless proceedings of the degree oftheoffense or of theamountinvolved,with respect to the GuamTerritorialIncomeTax. (2)Suitsfor therecovery of anyGuamTerritorialIncomeTax allegedto havebeenerroneously or illegallyassessed or collected, or of anypenaltyclaimedto havebeencollected withoutauthority, or of any sum allegedto havebeenexcessive or in any manner wrongfullycoilected, undertheincometaxlawsin forcein Guam, (a) of this section,may,regardless pursuantto subsection of the amountof the claim,be maintainedagainstthe governmentof asareapplicable Guamsubjectto thesamestatutoryrequirements againstthe to suitsfor the recoveryof suchamountsrnaintained UnitedStatesin theUnitedStatesdistrictcourtswith respect to he United StatesIncomeTax. When any judgmentagainstthe government of Guamunderthis paragraphhasbecomefinal,the



Governorshallorderthe paymentof suchjudgmentsout of any fundsin thetreasuryof Guam. unencumbered (3) Executionshall not issueagainstthe Governoror any ofthegovernment of Guamon afinaljudgment officeror employee in anyproceeding againsthim for anyactsor for the recoveryof paidinto the moneyexactedby or paid to him andsubsequently treasuryof Guam,in performinghis officialdutiesunder the (a)ofthis incometaxlawsin forcein Guampursuantto subsection section,ifthe courtcertifiesthat (A) probablecauseexisted;or (B)suchofficeror employee of actedunderthedirections theGovernoror his delegate. When suchcertificatehasbeenissued,the Governorshall orderthe paymentof suchjudgmentout of any unencumbered fundsin thetreasuryof Guam. (4) A civil actionfor the collectionof the GuamTerritorial or for the with fines,penalties andforfeitures, IncomeTax,together of anyerroneous refundof suchtax,maybebroughtin the recovery the government of Guamin theDistrictCourtof nameof andby Guamor in anydistrictcourtof the UnitedStatesor in anycourt havingthejurisdictionof a districtcourtof theUnitedStates. (5)Thejurisdictionconferred upontheDistrictCourtofGuam bythissubsection shallnot besubjectto transferto anyothercourt by the legislature, notwithstandingsection1424(a)of this title. IOrganicAct] (a),ofActofAug.1,1950(Organic SOURCE: subsection $31,containingonly .Act);amended Aug.20, 1958,PublicLaw85-688,$1,72 Stat.681- added (b)- (h); tll Oct.15,1977, 91 TitleII,203(c), PublicLaw95-134, subsections g0 31, 1972. Codified Stat"1162.PublicLaw92-606, Stat. 1497, Oct. S1(d), as48U.S.C. S1424i. NOTE:Therearemanydecisions, bothin theDistrictCourtandtheNinth CircuitCourtofAppeals, dealingrvith sections oftheInternalRevenue specific Codeasappliedto Guam.Thesearenot annotated hereastheydo not deal SUBCH, PRoVISIoNS 1 " GENIP"AL - P"23

ORGANTC AcroFCUAM with thisSection asan OrganicAct section.However, seenotesto 48 USC for furtherinformation. $142liin USCAandUSCS CROSS-REFERENCE: Section 204oftheActofOctober 5,1984,P.L.98-454, addedthefollowingregarding specific authorityundertheInternalRevenue Code: "Section 204.(a)TheGovernor ofanypossession ofthe UnitedStates mayfor calendar years1984and1985proclaimaformula(different fromthat provided by$103A(g) oftheInternalRevenue the Codeof1954)forallocating Stateceilingundersuchsectionamongthe governmental units in such possession havingauthorityto issuequalified mortgage bonds(asdefinedin 103A(c) ofsuchCode). (b) Theauthorityprovidedby subsection (a)shallnot applyafterthe effective dateofanylegislation withrespect to theallocation oftheStateceiling enacted bythelegislature ofthepossession afterthedateofenactment ofthis Act..[Oct.5,19841

COURT DECISIONS: EventhoughGuamtaxpayers had,on January20, 1958,no right anywhere to reviewwithoutpaymentof incometax,theywerenevertheless entitledto samenoticebeforeassessment asif theyhadrightto TaxCourtor Tax Court type of review,and assessment made simultaneously with announcement ofdeficiency wasvoid.Bromberg v.I ngling,C.A.9(Guam)1962, 300F.2d859. An order,in a tax case,denyinga Motionto Dismissandto Quash Service of Summons is not appealable because it is an interlocutory order. Shaheen v.Govt.ofGuam,C.A.9(Guam)1955,229F.2d773. TheCourtofAppeals, Byrne,DistrictJudge, heldthatthestatute created a separate territorialincometaxin GuamandthattheGovernment thereof wasauthorized to enforce it. Wilson v"Kennedy, C.A.g(Guam)I1SO,232F.2d 153. Actionby citizens of Guamto recover incometaxesassertedly illegally collected, andpermanently to restrainenforcement of incometaxlaws.The DistrictCourtof Guam,Territoryof Guam,PaulD. Shriver, J.,dismissed actionfor wantofjurisdiction from ofsubject matter,andplaintiffsappealed priororderrefusing TheCourtof preliminary injunctionandfromdismissal. Appeals, Byrne,DistrictJudge, heldthatcomplaint wasinsumcient, in viewof OrganicActof Guam,whichimposes a separate territorialincometaxto be enforced bytheproperofficials of thegovernment of Guam,butthatthebasis of dismissal shouldhavebeeninsufficiency of complaintto stateclaimfor


AcToFGUAM ORGANIC (Guam)1956) Taitano,(C.A.9 ofjurisdiction.Phelanv. relielratherthanwant 233F.2dLr7. made TheCourtof Appealsheldthat Guamincometax assessment with announcement simultaneously of deficiencywasinvalidsince90-day hadnotbeengiven,lonesv, Ingling, e .A.9(Guam)1962, noticeofassessment 303F.2d438. UnderBusiness PrivilegeTax of Guamentitlinggovernmenthousing in computing grossincomesubject contraetor, to tax,to deductexpenditures for direct labor and materials.deductionfor direct labor and materials included alllaborandmaterialcostsofcontractor directlyandsolelyincurred in connection with housingprojectandwasnot restrictedto physicallaborat construction siteandto materialsbecomingpermanentpartof thecomplete job,|vtaddoxv. (ajointventure), Black, Raber-Kief C.A.9(Guam)f962,303F.2d 910. TheUnitedStatesCommissioneroflnternalRevenue maynotprescribe anyregulationswhich arenotconsistentwith thefederal taxstatutes orwhich or addarestrictionto a statutewhichisnotjustifiedby thestatutorylanguage theintentof Congress. Smithv,Commissioner Cir., ofInternalRevenue 9 332 , F.2d671,673. Except toovercomemanifestinapplicability, orincompatibility withthegeneralintent ofsection tax 3l oftheOrganicAct, asamended, Gua.m officialsaresimilarlylimited.Governmentaf Guamv.Koster, C.A.9(Guam) 1966,652F.zd648. Califomiaparentcorporationwasnotaforeigncorporation,for purpose of Guamcorporate incometaxlaws,whichwereadaptions taxlaws, offederal andGuamsubsidiary wasnot liablefor withholdingtaxon dividendspaidto (Guam)1966,367F2d. p*enfl AtkinsRtoll(Guan)Ltd.v,Govt,of Guam,C,A.9 127"[[Several Definitions,notablythedefinitionoDomastlchavebeenaltered sincethepromulgationof this Opinion. Theresultwouldbe thesame,but with morerestrictions addedby theIRC.-- Compilerof Lawsl Section31of theOrganicActwasenactedby theCongress primarilyto relievetheUSTreasury of makingdirectappropriations to theGovernment of Guam.AlthoughCongress delegated collection andenforcement functionof the incometax to the Governmentof Guam,the Governmentof Guamis powerless to varythetermsof the.lnternal Codeasappliedto Guam, Revenue BankofAmericav. Chaco, exceptaspermittedby Congress. C.A.Guam1976, 539F.2d1226. (GEDAlaw)did not violate Guamrs rebateandabatement provisions provisionsof this sectionsinceCongressfailed to annul the tax rebate provisions withintheone-yearperiod and,thus,impliedlyapproved thesame. . P,25 SUBCH, 1 " GENERAL PRoVISIoNS


approval of [Thatprovisionof 48 U.S.C.A. 91423iwhichgaveCongressional Guamlawsif notannulled byCongress withinoneyearwasrepealed afterthe passage ofthetaxrebate }aws.lRamsqt v.Chaco, C.A.9(Guam)1977,549F.2d 1335. TheCourtofAppeals, Browning, heldthat interestand CircuitJudge, commissions received byHawaiicorporation fromaGuamsoleproprietorship whosepayments weredeductible business expenses weresubject to the30% Taximposed byInternalRevenue receivedfrom Codeongrossincome sources within UnitedStates by a foreigncorporation.Sayre & Co.v. Riddell, C.A.9 (Guam)1968,395F,2d407. The DistrictCourt of Guamhasjurisdiction,by virtue of Guam Government Code19700,to redetermine deficiencies assessed underthe incometax lawsof the territoryof Guam.Forbesv. Maddox,C.A9(Guam) 1964,339F.2d387 reversing 212F.Supp.662. . . . , theGuamanian Government hasdenied JoseFloresthebenefitof certaindeductions andfilingprivileges, whichhasresulted in additional tax liability,baseduponthemistakenbeliefthatarmirroredr versionof section 932isapplicable andcontrolling. Floresv. Govt. ofGuam. C.A.9(Guam)1971, 444F"2d484, TheCourtofAppeals heldthattaxpayers, whowerecitizens ofUnited Statesandnonresidents of Guam,couldnot be deniedright to file a joint returnandright to a standard deduction with regardto transactions having theirtaxable locusin Guamandfurtherheldthatwith regardto transactions havingtheir taxablelocusin Guam,corporation, which had amongits shareholders at leastthreenonresidents of Guam,couldnot properlybe deniedtherightto a subchapter Selection.Manningv,Blaz,C.A.9(Guam) 1973,479F.2d.333. TheGuamterritorialincometax,enacted by Congress aspart ofthe OrganicAct of Guam,is not a taximposed by Guarnfor purposes of statute whichallowsa localgovernment to taxthenetincomeof a nationalbankbut once,andthustheimposition by Guamofthebusiness privilege taxdoesnot (Guam) violate saidstatute. Bankof Americav. Blaz,C.A.9 1976 ,539F.2d1226.

Because the CNMI Covenantprovidedthat, wherepertinent,the "CNMI"for "Guam"andalsofor InternalRevenue Codeshouldsubstitute "UnitedStates", thislanguage, beinga federalpubliclaw,affected themirror imagetaxcodemadeapplicable to Guambythisseetion. Holaesv.Dir.ofRev. & Taxation, C.A.Guam L987,827F.2d1243"

St'BcH. 1. GEiJERAT PRovrsroNs - p.25


$1421j.AppropriationsAuthorized. There arehereby authorizedto be appropriatedannuallyby the Congress of the UnitedStatessuchsumsasmaybe necessary and appropriateto carryout theprovisions ofthis chapter. SOURCE:$32of Act of Aug.1, 1950(Organic Act).Codifiedas48 U,S.C.

s1421j. S1421k. Naval and Military Reservations. Nothing contained in thischaptershallbeconstrued aslimitingtheauthority of thePresident to designate partsof Guamasnavalor military reservations, nor to restricthisauthorityto treatGuamasa closed portwith respect to thevessels andaircraftof fbreignnations. SOURCE:933of Act of Aug.1, 1950(Organic Act).Codifiedas48 U.S.C. s1421k. COURTDECISIONS: Thischapter, providinggovernment for Guam,did notby implication repealEx.Ord. No. 8683reserving territorialwatersbetween highextreme watermarksandthree-mile boundaries surrounding Guamasnavaldefensive seaareaandprovidingthatno person,unlesson publicvessel oftheUnited States, shallenterarea.U.S,v.Angcog, D.C.Guam 1961,190F.Supp. 696. NOTE:Section34of theOrganicActprovidedfor theeffective dateof theact andgavethePresident someleewayin puttingits provisionsinto effect.The effective dateoftheOrganic ActwasAugust1, 1950.

$1421k-1.Expensesfor GuamrsDelegateto Congress. Notwithstanding anyotherprovisionof law,the clerkhire allowanceand the transportation expenses subjectto reimbursement underFederal lawof theDelegate from Guamto theUnitedStates Houseof Representatives shall eachbe the sameas allowedfor Membersof theUnitedStatesHouseof Representatives. SOURCE:$35of theOrganicAct,asaddedby Act of May27,1975,Public Law94-26, as48U,S.C.91421k-1. Seealso48U.S.C. $1,89Stat.94,Codified

s17ls. $14211. Citizenshipof Personsliving in and born in Guam.(Repealed.)



SOURCE: Act94.Repealed Organic byActofJune27,1952,c.477,TitlelY, 66Stat.280.ThisSection, with changes, wasre-enacted asparr S 03(a)(a2), of theImmigration andNationality Actof 1952,g U.S.C. 407. Sf

$142lm.Marihuanaprohibited.(Repealed.) SOURCE: AddedbyActofAug.1,1956,c.852,915,70Star.910.Notpartof Organic Act.Repealed byActof Oct.27,1970, Pub.L.91-S13, TitleIII,partB, 84Stat.1292- Federal Controlled Substances Acr. S1101(aX8),

relatingto $142ln. Copyrights.Thelawsof theUnitedStates copyrights, and to the enforcement of rightsarisingthereunder, shallhavethesameforceandeffectin Guamasin the continentaL UnitedStates. SOURCE: g142tn.ActofAug.1,1956,c, gS2,g24,20 Codified as48 U.S.C. Stat.911.Forpresent copyright g10terseq. law,seeCopyright Act,17U.S.C. (Pub.L. 94-553, 90Stat.2541). Notin Organic Act.

$1421o.FederalAssistancefor Fire Control, Watershed Protectionand Reforestation.The Secretary of Agricultureis authorized to providefinancialandtechnical assistance to Guamfor improvingfire control,watershedprotectionand reforestation, consistentwith existinglaws,administeredby the Secretary of Agriculture, whichareapplicable to thecontinentalUnitedStates. The programauthorizedby this sectionshall be developed in cooperation with theterritorialgovernment of Guamandshallbe coveredby a memorandumor understanding agreedto by the territorialgovernment andtheDepartment. TheSecretary mayalso utilizethe agencies, facilities,and ernployees of the Department, and may cooperate with otherpublic agencies and with private organizations andindividualsin Guamandelsewhere. SOURCE: ActofSept. 19,1974, Public Law93-421, 1,88Stat.1154.Codified as48U.S.C. 14210.Notin Organic Act.

$1421p.AppropriationsAuthorized.Thereare hereby authorized to be appropriated suchsumsasmaybe necessary to carryout the purposes of sectionI421oof this title [48 U.S.C.]. Sumsappropriated in pursuance of sections and$142lpof $1421o this title [48 U.S.C.]may be allocatedto suchagencies of the SUBCH. 1. GENERAL PRovIsIoNS. P.28


Departmentas are concernedwith the administrationof the programin Guam. SOURCE:Addedby PublicLaw93-421,2, Sept.L9,L974,88Stat.1154. Act. 1421p.Not in Organic as48 U.S.C. Codified

$1421q.Applicabilityof FederalLaws. The lawsof the to theNorthernMariana whicharemadeapplicable UnitedStates Islandsby the provisionsof section502(aX1)of HJ. Res.549 and asapprovedby theHouseof Representatives IPub.L.92-2411, 428]and exceptfor Section228of TitleII [42U.S.C.A. theSenate, 1381et seq.Jasit TitleXVI of the SocialSecurityAetl42U"S.C.A. ClaimsAct [50 appliesto the severalStatesandthe Micronesian Territoryofthe Trust to the as it applies 2018 et seq.l App.U.S.C.A. PacificIslands,shallbe madeapplicableto Guamon the same termsand conditionsas suchlawsare appliedto the Northern MarianaIslands. ActofApril1,1976,PublicLaw94-255, SOURCE: $2,90Stat'300'Codified in Aet. Not Organic as48 U.S.C. $1421q.




5L422.Governor; Lieutenant Governor: Powers,duties. officer powerof Guam. Theexecutive shallbevestedin anexecutive whoseofficialtitleshallbethe"Governor ofGuam".TheGovernor by theLieutenantGovernor, shallbeelected ofGuam,togetherwith a majorityof thevotescastby thepeoplewhoarequalifiedto vote for the membersof the Legislatureof Guam.The Governorand LieutenantGovernorshallbechosenjointly. by thecastingby each voterof a singlevoteapplicableto both offices,If no candidate receivesa majority of the votescastin any election,on the fourteenthdaythereaftera runoff electionshallbe heldbetweenthe for Governorand LieutenantGovernorreceivingthe candidates highestandsecondhighestnumberof votescast.Thefirst election for GovernorandLieutenant GovernorshallbeheldonNovember 3, 1970. Thereafter,beginningrvith the year1974,the Governor and LieutenantGovernorshallbe electedeveryfour yearsat the general election.TheGovernor andLieutenant Governor shallhold officefor a term of four vearsanduntil their successors areelected andqualified. No personwho has been electedGovernorfor two full successive termsshallagainbeeligibleto hold that officeuntil one full term hasintervened. The term of the electedGovernorand LieutenantGovernor shallcommenee on thefirst lt4onday in January followingthedate of election. No personshallbeeligiblefor electionto the officeof Governor or LieutenantGovernorunlesshe is an eligiblevoterandhas beenfor fiveeonsecutive yearsimmediatelyprecedingthe election a citizenof the UnitedStatesanda bonafideresidentof Guamand will be,at thetimeof takingofiice,at leastthirty yearsof age.The 2 - ExSCLnVE BRANCH. P.30 SUBCHAPTER


in Guamduringhis Governorshallmaintainhis officialresidence incumbency. andcontrolofall TheGovernorshallhavegeneralsupervision of agencies, andotherinstrumentalities bureaus, thedepartments, may grant He Guam. the government of branch of the executive andremitfinesandforfeituresfor offenses pardonsandreprieves vetoanylegislationasprovidedin this He may againstlocallaws. all ofificersand chapter.He shall appoint,and may retrnove, of Guam, branch of the government the executive of employees providedin this or anyotherAct ofCongress, exceptasotherwise allofficershemay laws ofGuam, andshallcommission or underthe for the faithfuL be authorizedto appoint.He shallbe responsible the UnitedStates laws of Guam and the laws of executionof the necessary, in caseof in Guam. Wheneverit becomes applicable danger rebellion, or imminent invasion, insurrection, or disaster, hemaysummon lawless violence, thereof,or to preventor suppress request theassistance out the militia or thepossecomitatusor call of theArmedForcesof of theseniormilitaryor navalcommander theUnitedStatesin Guam,whichmaybegivenat thediscretionof suchcommanderif not'disruptiveof, or inconsistentwith, his Hemay,in caseof rebellionor invasion,or federalresponsibilities. imminent dangerthereof,when the public safetyrequiresit, proclaimthe island,insofaras it is underthe jurisdictionof the ofthe government ofGuam,to beundermartiallaw.Themembers may, by Legislature shallmeetforthwithontheirowninitiativeand two-thirdsvote,revokesuchproclamation. The Governorshall prepare,publish, and submit to the annual oftheInteriora comprehensive andtheSecretary Congress of theNational with thestandards financialreportin conformance Accounting within one hundredand Councilon Governmental twentydaysafterthecloseof the fiscalyear.The comprehensive annualfinancialreportshallincludestatisticaldataassetforth in oftheNationalCouncilonGovernmentalAccounting thestandards relatingto the physical,economic,socialand politicalcharacBRANCH- P. 31 2 - EXECUTIVE SuecFieT,TeR


teristicsofthegovernment, andanyotherinformationrequiredby TheGovernor Congress" shalltransmitthecomprehensive annual financialreportto theInspectorGeneralof theDepartmentof the Interiorwhoshallauditit andreporthisfindingsto Congress. The Governorshallalsomakesuchotherreportsat suchothertimesas mayberequiredby theCongress or underapplicable Federallaw. He shallalsosubmitto theCongress, theSecretary of theInterior, andthe cognizant Federalauditorsa writtenstatementof actions takenor contemplated on Federal auditrecommendations within sixtydaysaftertheissuance dateof theauditreport.Heshallhave thepowerto issueexecutive ordersandregulations not in conflict withanyapplicable law.Hemayrecommend billsto theLegislature andgiveexpression to hisviewson anymatterbeforethat body. Thereis herebyestablished theofficeof Lieutenant Governor Guam. The Lieutenant of Governorshall havesuchexecutive powersandperformsuchdutiesasmaybeassigned to him by the Governoror prescribed by thischapteror underthelawsof Guam. SOURCE: ActofAug.1,1950,c.512,96,codified as48U.S.C. 1422;amended byPublicLaw90-497, Act);PublicLaw97Governor Sl, 82Stat.842(Elective 357,5104,96Stat.1706(Omnibus Territories Act- l0/19/82). COURTDECISIONS: This Sectiondid not authorizethe Governorof Guamto issuean executive order establishing curfewregulations duringthe aftermathof (f 976).Gayle TyphoonPamela v Government of Guam,[1976DCGuam]414 F.Supp.636. TheGovernor ofGuam, pursuant to hisauthority to enforce federal laws applicable to Guam,hastheresidual authority, in theabsence oftheappropriatefederal enforcement officeonGuam,to deportanalienwhohasoverstayed hispermit.ExparteRogers, [1952DCGuam]104F.Supp.393. Section 6 oftheOrganic ActdoesnotpermittheLegislature to takefrom theGovernor all discretion in appointingmembers of theGuamMemorial HospitalBoardofTrustees and,therefore, P.L.14-9isvoidascontraryto the OrganicAct. Bordallo v.Baldwin,(C.A.g1980)624F.2d932. P.L. 16-72,by limiting the reasonsfor removingthe Territorial Prosecutor to certain, specific reasons, violates 6 oftheOrganicActbecause,

Suncsaprsn2 - ExrcurrvnBRANCH - p.32

ORCANIC ACToFGUAM by so doing,the Governor"lackssubstantialpower to superviseand control the office." Peoplev. Perez,et al., (1982 Super.Guam)Cr. Case#59F-82; rehearing 9/82, decisionsustained. Afd.,D.C.GuamApp.Div.CaseNo. 8202150 983). ". . . the Governoris authorizedto exercisehis executiveprerogativein adririnisteringthe expenditureofappropriatedfunds." Oncea sum hasbeen appropriated,the Legislaturecannotadministerit. Santosv. Calvo,(D.C. Guam,App. Div. 1982)Civ.#80-223A. Section6 doesnot permit the Governorto actby ExecutiveOrder,where such act is in direct conflict with law - Authorizins the Guam Memorial HospitalAuthority to continuecontrol overGMHp -Iwhen the law divested the Authority of suchpower. GMHA v. Health ManagementIntl., et al., (Super.Guam1982)Civ.#640-82. "lt seemsreasonableto assumethat if the Governorhas authority to executefederallawsapplicablein Guam,then executionofsuchlawsbecomes a rsubject oflocalapplicationrwhichtheGuamLegislatureisempoweredunder the Organic Act to legislatein such matters to assistthe Governor in the (Super.Guam1982) Cr.#47F-82. enforcementof his duties." People v. Salrzs, The supervisionof all departmentsof the Government of Guam, inch:dingthe Departmentof Education,restswith the Governorof Guam. Therefore,a 1972collectivebargainingagreementexceeds the authoritygiven to the signatorieswhere that agreementrequiresthe prior approvalofthe unionbeforeanychanges, or completeterminationthereof,maybemadeafter the terminationdateofthe agreement.Peoplev.GuamFederation ofTeachers Local1581, ConradStinson, President, eta/. [DC GuamApp. Div. 1978]2 Guam Rep .20 3. Govt. Code95105,coupledwith P.L. l4-1, creatingan electedschool board,violate$29(b)ofthe OrganicAct asof the time of the enactmentof p.L. 1a-1by removingfrom the Governorthe powersgiven him by this section. The amendmentsmadeto this sectionin 1986arenot retroactive.Therefore, the electedschoolboardis null and void, and the Governorhasthe power to firethe DirectorandDeputyDirectorofEducation.Nelson & Wolfv.Ada,etal., SuperiorCourt CaseNo. S,P. 192-87(lI/6/87); affd, 878 F.2d 277 (CA?, 1989). When counting the total number of votes to determinewhether a gubernatorialslatehasreceiveda majorityofthosecase,only votescastfor the gubernatorial slateswill be counted- blank ballotswill be ignored."' tAlny election,'therefore maybe readto makeit clearthat the runoffrequirement appliesequallyto theinitialelectionandto thoseperiodically scheduled in the



future.Thatmaynotbeveryhealyworkfor thephraseto perform,but ajob an fromdisqualiS'ing redundancy to bartheruleagainst isajob,andenough etal. V'Adae/a/. , No' 99-51,Jan'19, reading.Gutierrez sensible otherwise Cor,rrt. 2000,U.S.SuPreme

(a) The $L422a.Initiative, Referendumand Removal. to peopleof Guamshallhavetherightof initiativeandreferendum, in thelaws specified andprocedures underconditions Leexercised of Guam. (b) Any Governor,LieutenantGovernor,or memberof the of Guammayberemovedfrom officeby a referendum Legislature electionin whichat leasttwo-thirdsof the numberof persons votingfor suchofficialin the last precedinggeneralelectionat votein favorof a recallandin which whicirsuchofficialwaselected inthe a majorityof allthoseparticipating thosesovotingconstitute by be initiated electionshall election.Thereferendum referendum of Guamfollowing(a) a two-thirdsvote of the the Legislature in favor of a referendum,or (b) a membersof the Legislature by registered petitionfor sucha referendumto the Legislature centum of the whole votersequalin numberto at least50 per numberof votescastat the Iastgeneralelectionat which such thefiling of thepetition. officialwaselectedpreceding as48 U'S'C' Act),codified SOURCE:$7of theActof Aug.1, 1950(Organic Governor by PublicLaw90- 497,52,82Stat.844(Elective I422a',amended Act Territories Act);PublicLaw97-357, S101,96 Stat.1705(Omnibus ro/19/82).

$1422b. Vacancyin Office of Governor or Lieutenant Governor;TemporaryDisability, or TemporaryAbsenceof Governor.(a) Temporarydisability or temporaryabsenceof Governor. In caseof the temporarydisabilityor temporary shallhavethe Governor theLieutenant ofthe Governor, absence powersoftheGovernor" (b) Permanentvacancyin officeof Governor-In caseof a of arisingby reason in theofficeof Governor, vacancy permanent of disability orpermanent removal byrecall, thedeath,resignation, BRANCH.P.34 2 - EXECUTIVE SUBCHAPTER

Oncesrc Acror Guau

a Governor-elect, or for anyotherreason, theLieutenant Governor, or Lieutenant Governor-elect shallbecomethe Governor,to hold officefor theunexpired termanduntil heor hissuccessor shallhave beenduly electedand qualifiedat the next regularelectionfor Governor. (c) Temporarydisability or temporaryabsenceoflieutenant Governor. In caseof the temporarydisabilityo.rtemporary absence oftheLieutenant Governor, or duringanyperiodwhenthe LieutenantGovernoris actingas Governor,the Speakerof the GuamLegislature shallactasLieutenant Governor. (d) Permanentvacancyin officeof LieutenantGovernor. In caseofapermanent vacancy in theofficeoflieutenantGovernor, arisingby reasonof thedeath,resignation, or permanent disability oftheLieutenant Governor, or because theLieutenant or Governor Lieutenant Governorelecthassucceeded to theofficeofGovernor, the Governorshallappointa newLieutenantGovernor,with the adviceand consentof the legislature, to hold officefor the unexpiredtermanduntil heor hissuccessor shallhavebeendulyelected andqualifiedat thenextregularelectionfor Lieutenant Governor. (e) Temporary disability of temporary absenceof both Governorand LieutenantGovernor.In caseof the temporary disabilityor temporaryabsenceof both the Governorand the Lieutenant Governor, thepowersoftheGovernor shallbeexercised, as Acting Governor,by suchpersonas the lawsof Guammay prescribe.In caseof a permanent vacancy in theofficesof boththe GovernorandLieutenant Governor, theofficeof Governorshallbe filledfor theunexpiredtermin themannerprescribed by thelaws of Guam. (f) Additional compensation. No additionalcompensation shall be paid to any personactingas Governoror Lieutenant Governorwho doesnot alsoassume theofficeof Governoror LieutenantGovernorundertheprovisions of this chapter.


Onceurc Act onGuarvl SOURCE:$8 of Act of Aug,1, 1950(OrganicAct),codifiedas48 U.S.C. by PublicLaw 87-419, $M22b;amended 51,76 Stat.34 (Mar.16, 1962); PublicLaw90-497, Governor Act). $3,82Stat.844(Sept.11,1968)(Elective Forimplementation see5 GCA91101,et seq.

$L422c. Executiveagenciesand instrumentalities. (a) Appointmentof heads;merit systemThe Governorshall, except asotherwise providedin thischapteror thelawsof Guam,appoint, by andwith the adviceandconsentof the legislature, all headsof executiveagencies and instrumentaiities.The legislatureshall establish a meritsystemand,asfar aspracticable, appointments and promotionsshall be madein accordance with suchmerit system.The Government of Guammay by law establisha Civil Commission Service to administerthemeritsystem.Membersof mayberemovedasprovidedby thelawsof Guam. theCommission (b) Powersand dutiesof officers.AIIofficersshallhavesuch powersanddutiesasmaybeconferredor imposeduponthemby laworbyexecutive regulation notinconsistent with of theGovernor anylaw. (c) Reorganization. TheGovernorshall,from time to time, examine theorganization of theexecutive branchof thegovernment of Guam,andshalldetermineand carryout suchchanges therein asarenecessary to promoteeffective management andto execute faithfullythepurposes of thischapterandthelawsof Guam. (d) Continuationin officeof incumbents. All persons holdingofficein GuamonAugust1,1950may,exceptasotherwise providedin this chapter,continueto hold their respective offices until theirsuccessors areappointedandqualified. SOURCE: Act,asamended), codified as48 $9ofActof Aug,1,1950(Organic U.S.C. amended byElective Governor Act,Pub.L.90-947, $1422c; 94,82Stat. 8a5.$9(a)amended by Pub.L. 99-396, sec.18,ActofAug.27,1986. COURTDECISIONS: The powerto reorganize the executive branchdoesnot extendto creation, byExecutive Order,newagencies ofthegovernment. Creation ofnew agencies istheprerogative oftheLegislature. L GuamVisitors Bureau, ^guanav. SuscHapren2 - ExEcurrvEBRANCH - p. 36


Affd.C.A.9.,725F .2d519(1984). Seealso 1983, D.C.Guam Civ.No.83-0008. (1985). F.Supp. 1128; afld 1098 Bordallo v.Rqtes, etal.,610 763F.2d may theLegislature Because ofthedoctrineof"separation ofpowers", in institution hire to represent the government ofGuam the not an attorney territory.Suchanactistheprerogative ofthe ofa suitby andon behalfofthe thelaws"applicable to Guam. Govexecutive branch,asan act"executing Statrs, D.C.Guam 1982,Civ.No.82-0001. ernment of Guamv.United Thedoctrineof"separation ofpowers"doesnotpermittheLegislature appoints to enacta lawbywhichtheJudiciary a personto undertake a purely namely, theprosecution executive branchfunction, ofcriminalcases. Peoplev. l GuamRep.501. Camacho, Governorrs Memorandum 33-52,authorizing inspection of persons with,but properlysupplements customs enteringGuamis qq! inconsistent People v, law which refersonly to the inspection of a persoir'sbaggage. (C.A.Guam1988)846F.2d570. Sugiyama,

S1422d.InspectorGeneral:Functions;Duties. (a) Functions,powers,duties transferred.The following vestedin thegovernment functions,powers,anddutiesheretofore comptrollerfor Guamare herebytransferredto the Inspector an Department of Interior,for thepurposeof establishing General, whichwill maintainasatisfactory levelofindependent organization auditoversight of thegovernment of Guam: (1) Theauthorityto audit all accounts pertainingto the revenue andreceipts of thegovernment of Guam,andoffunds derivedfrom bond issues,and the authorityto audit, in accordancewith law and administrativeregulations,all expenditures of fundsandpropertypertainingto thegovernmentof Guamincludingthosepertaining to trustfundsheid of Guam. by thegovernment (2)Theauthorityto reportto theSecretary oftheInterior andtheGovernorof Guamall failuresto collectamountsdue thegovernment, andexpenditures offundsor usesofproperty whichareirregularor not pursuantto law. (b) Scopeofauthority transferred.Theauthoritygranted in (a) paragraph shallextendto all activitiesof the governmentof SuacHeprER 2 - ExEcurrvEBRANCH - p. 37


uponthe Guam,andshallbein additionto theauthorityconferred InspectorGeneralby the InspectorGeneralAct of 1978(92 Stat. 1101),asamended. (c) Transferof Officeof ComptrollerGeneralrs Office,etc. In orderto carryout theprovisions ofthis section,thepersonnel, liabilities,contracts,property,records,and unexpended assets, balances of appropriations, authorizations, allocations, andother fundsemployed, held,used,arisingfrom,available or to bemade available, of the officeof the government comptrollerfor Guam relatedto its auditfunctionareherebytransferredto the Officeof InspectorGeneral, Department of theInterior. (Elective Governor Act),S5,82Stat. SOURCE: AddedbyPublicLaw90-497, TitleII, $203(a), Oct.15, byPublicLaw95-134, 845Sept.11,1968;amended formbyPublicLaw in itspresent 1977,91Stat.1161.Repealed andre-enacted TerritoriesAct- I0/I9/8D, 96Stat"1706.Codified 97-357, $104(Onrnibus as48 U.S.C. S1422d.

2 - ExpcurrvrBRANCH SuscFleprsn - p.38


SUBCHAPTER 3 THE LEGISLATURE of Guam. $1423.Legislature (a) {Jnicameralnature; Powers.The legislative powerand authorityof Guamshallbe vestedin a legislature, consistingof a singiehouse,to be designated the "Legislature of Guam"uherein referredto asthelegislature. (b) Size;ElectionAt-largeor by Districts;Limitations.The legisiature shallbecomposed ofnotto exceed twenty-one members, to beknownassenators, elected at large,or elected from legislative districts,or electedin part at iargeand in part from legislative districts,asthe lawsof Guammaydirect:Provided,Thatanydistrictingandanyapportionmentpursuant to thisauthorization and providedfor by the lawsof Guamshallnot denyto anypersonin Guamtheequalprotectionof thelaws;And providedfurther,That in anyelections to thelegislature, everyelectorshallbepermitted to votefor the wholenumberof at-largecandidates to be elected, andeveryelectorresidingin a legislative districtshallbepermitted to votefor thewholenumberof candidates to beelected withinthat district. (c) Reapportionment;FederalCensusBaseAnydistricting andrelatedapportionment pursuantto thissectionshallbebased uponthethenmostrecentFederal populationcensus ofGuam,and any such districtingand apportionmentshall be reexamined followingeachsuccessive Federalpopulationcensusof Guamand shallbemodified,if necessary, to beconsistent with that census. (d) Timing of BiennialElections.Generalelectionsto the legislature shallbeheldon theTuesday nextafterthefirstMonday in November,bienniallyin even-numbered years.Thelegislature in allrespects shallbeorganized andshallsit according to thelaws of Guam.



by PublicLaw Act);amended SOURCE: $10of Actof Aug.1,1950(Organic Thedist48 U.S.C. as 2, 1966, 80 Stat. 375. Codified 89-552, $1423. $1,Sept. 13-152, P.L. implemented by Guam has been Legislature of the Guam ricting bycourtactionandnotrevived. butlaternullified 1459,S1460, amended 97Stat. ActofDec. 8,1983, P.L.98-213,S29(b), (c)by deleting whichlimited thefirstclause of theformersection Subsection in themannerofselection to makechanges thepoweroftheGuamLegislature no moreoftenthaneverytenyears. COURTDECISIONS: .

dct ($10)by failing hadnotviolatedtheOrganic WhiletheLegislature neverthelessthe datawasunavailable, to reapportionbecausefinalpopulation the schemeviolatedthis Section($10)because existingapportionment hadshiftedfromitsoriginal thatthepopulation datadidindicate preliminary 1982)Civ.#82-0185. CommissiordD.C.Guam v,GuamElection pattern.Ramsqt to Governor ofthepowerto amendstatutory byLegislature Delegation vesting section Actdoesnotviolate Substances undertheControlled schedules Fegurgur, C.A.9(Guam)1986'800 powerintheLegislature.Peoplev. legislative F.2dL470, cert.den.107s.ct.1570,94L.F-d.2s762.

$1423a.Scopeof LegislativeAuthority: Bonding:Guam powerofcuamshall PowerAuthority Refinancing.Thelegislative with of legislationnot inconsistent extendto all rightful subjects of the United States and the laws the provisionsof this chapter on property,internal applicable to Guam.Taxesandassessments license fees,androyalties for franchises, privileges, revenues, sales, of thegovernand concessions maybe imposedfor the purposes mentof Guamasmaybeuniformlyprovidedby theLegislature of Guam,andwhennecessary to anticipate taxesandrevenues, bonds may be issued by the government of Guam: andotherobligations That no publicindebtedness of Guamshallbe Provided, however, centum ofthe aggregate of 10per or allowedin excess authorized taxvaluationof thepropertyin Guam.Bondsor otherobligations derived of Guampayablesolelyfrom revenues of thegovernment from anypublicimprovement or undertaking shallnot beconsidof Guamwithin the meaningof this eredpublic indebtedness of Guamor by its section.All bondsissuedby the government authorityshall be exempt,as to principaland interest,from 2 - LEGISLATURE- P. 40 SUACHAPTEN


of theUnitedStatesor by thegoverntaxationby theGovernment mentof Guam,or by anyStateor Territoryor anypoliticalsubdiof TheSecretary visionthereof,or by theDistrictof Columbia.@ "Secretary") is to as (hereinafter referred in thissection theInterior Bank Financing bytheFederal for purchase to guarantee authorized maturing Authority of theGuamPower bondsor otherobligations in orderto 31,1978,whichshallbeissued on or beforeDecember 1, on refinanceshort-termnotesdue or existing June 1976and bybondsor notesin anaggregate notevidenced otherindebtedness amountof not morethan$30million,andsuchbank,in addition or otherwise receive to purchase, to its otherpowers,is authorized by purchased acquirethesesame.Theinterestrateon obligations Bankshallbenotlessthana ratedetermined Financing theFederal the of the Treasurytaking into consideration by the Secretary obligations marketable marketyieldonoutstanding currentaverage to the adjusted maturities, of the UnitedStatesof comparable of l percentum,plusl percentumperannum. nearestone-eighth ofthe Treaofthe Secretary with theconcurrence TheSecretary, provisionof theprevioussentence sury,mayextendtheguarantee thatthe upondetermining 30,1980.TheSecretary, untilDecember terms on reasonable GuamPowerAuihorityis unableto refinance the under Bank Financing bytheFederal purchased theobligations by December 31,1980,may,with the of thissection fifth sentence for purguarantee of theTreasury, concurrence of the Secretary Financing Bank;andsuchbankis authorizec chase by theFederal of the GuamPowerAuthorityissuedto obligations to purchase, under guaranteed refinance theprincipalamountoftheobligations such refinance that Theobligations ofthissection. thefifthsentence 31,1990, principalamountshallmaturenot laterthanDecember with in accordance and shallbearinterestat a ratedetermined of of theBoardofDirectors 2285ofTitle72. Attherequest section and refinancing agreement theGuamPowerAuthorityfora second of Guampursuant on theapprovalof theGovernment conditioned of an on the establishment to thelaw of Guam,andconditioned 2 - LEGISLATURE- P. 41 SUBCHAPTER


independent rate-making authorityby theGovernment of Guarr theSecretary mayguarantee for purchase bytheFederal Financing Bank,on or beforeDecember 31,1984,according to anagreement thatshallprovidelor -(a) substantially equal semiannualinstailmentsoi principalandinterest ; (b) maturityof obligations no laterthanDecember 31, 2004; (c)authorityfor thesecretary, shouldtherebea violation of a provision of thisiegislation, or covenants or stipulations containedin therefinancing documentandaftergivingsixty daysnoticeofsuchviolation to theGuamPowerAuthorityand theGovernorof Guam,to dismissmembers of theBoardof Directorsor thegeneralmanager ofthe GuamPowerAuthority, and (1) appointin their placemember\s or a general managerwho shallseneatthepleasure oftheSecretary, or (2) contractfor themanaqement of theGuamPowerAuthoritv: and (d) an annualsimpleinterestrateof sevenper centum; and the Federal Financing Bankshallpurchase suchGuam power PowerAuthorityobligations if suchGuam Authority obligationsare issuedto refinancethe principalamount scheduled to matureon December 3l, 1g90. Shouldsuch secondrefinancingoccur,(1) the independent rate-making authorityto beestablished bytheGovernment of Guam,or in itsabsence, theBoardofDirectors oftheGuamPowerAuthority, shall establishrates sufficientto satisfyall financial obligations andfuturecapitalinvestment needsof the Guam PowerAuthority thatshallbeconsistent withgenerally accepted rate-makingpracticesof public utilities,and (2) the Government of Guamshallnot modif the requirements of suchrefinancing agreement withoutagreement of the Secretary. Thereareauthorized to beappropriated to theSecretary SUBCHAPTER 2 - LEGISLATURE- P. 42

Acr or Gu,qv ORc,rNlc

Financing oftheInteriorfor paymentto theFederal Banksuch sumsas are necessary to pay (1) the repurchase payment requiredunderthefifth paragraph of theDecember 31,1980, notefromtheGuamPowerAuthorityto theFederal Financing Bank and any subsequent repurchase paymentsrequired underthesecondrefinancing agreement, and(2)theinterest ratedifferentialbetweenthe sevenper centumto be paidby the Guam Power Authority and the secondrefinancing agreement and the interestratethat wouldbe otherwisebe determined in accordance with theabovecitedsection2285of Title 12. ShouldtheGuamPowerAuthorityfail to payin full anyinstallmentof interestor principalwhendueonthebonds or other obligationsguaranteedunder this section,the Secretary oftheTreasury, uponnoticefromtheSecretary shall Secretary, deductandpayto theFederal Financing Bankor the according to their respective interests, suchunpaidamounts fromsumscollected andpayable pursuantto section142lhof thischapter. Notwithstanding anyotherprovisionoflaw,Acts makingappropriations mayprovidefor thewithholding of any from theUnitedStates payments to thegovernment of Guam whichmaybe or maybecomeduepursuantto anylaw and offsettheamountofsuchwithheldpayments againstanyclaim theUnitedStatesmayhaveagainstthegovernment of Guam or theGuamPowerAuthoritypursuantto thisguarantee. For the purposeof this chapter, under$3713(a) of Title 31 the termrpersonr includes thegovernment ofGuamandtheGuam PowerAuthority.TheSecretary mayplacesuchstipulations as he deemsappropriateon the bondsor otherobligationshe guarantees. SOURCE: Act);amended by PublicLaw94-395, $11ofActofAug.1,1950(Organic Sept. 3,7976,90 Stat.1199;amended by PublicLawg6-205, $1, 9303,March12, 1980.The1980amendment changes all after"December 31,1980"to enablethe Secretary to extendthe GPAloanguarantee" Amendedfurtherby $203ofthe Act of Oct.5, 1984,Pub.L.98-454,to providefor a secondrefinancing by theFederal Financing Bank.Firstsentence amended by TheOrganic Amendnents of1gg8,HR 2370(Oct"1998)S4. Amendment consisted ofenlarging thepowersoflegislation

2 - LecrsleruRE - P.43 Suecuaprrn

OFGUAM ACT ORGANIC . . . oflocalapplication". to "allrightfulsubjects from"legislation of legislation" Codified as48U.S.C. $1423a. CROSS-REFERENCE: Guamrsability to issuetax-freebondshas been circumscribed by theTaxReformActof 1986. COURTDECISIONS: rebateandabatement to Guamrs taxprovisions IGEDAlaw]designed encourage favoring business andindustrybyproviding various taxassistance quali$ingcorporations didnotviolateprovisions ofthissection requiring that taxes beuniformly applicable. Ramsq, v Chacl,[1977 CAg]549F.2d1335. LawofGuamimposing agrosstaxuponpersons engaged in thebusiness ofsellingtangible including personal property, thatsoldin foreigncommerce, wasinvalidasposinga burdenonforeigncommerce andwasalsodiscriminatory.Ambrose, Inc.v.Maddox, IDCGuam]203F.Supp.934. Issuanceof revenuebonds by Guam TelephoneAuthoritywith in P.L.13bythegovernment of Guamhascontemplated contingent backing within the meaningof this 110 would constitute"publicindebtedness" v.Rivera,[1976DC Guam]416F.Supp. Section.GuamTelephone Authority 283. "lt seems reasonable to assume that if theGovernorhasauthorityto execute federal lawsapplicable in Guam,thenexecution of suchlawsbecomes arsubjectoflocal applicationrwhich theGuamLegislatureisempoweredunder the OrganicAct to legislate in such mattersto assistthe Governorin the (Super.Guam enforcement ofhisduties." 1982)Cr.#47F-82. Peoplev.Salas, "Theappointment counsel to institute ofprivate andprosecute actions for andin thenameoftheGovernment ofGuamcannotbe construed asa legislative orjudicialfunction.It isclearlyanexecutive function."Therefore, P.L.16-53:10 is invalidas it attemptsto authorize the Legislature to hire counsel to prosecute actionson behalfof theGovernment of Guam.Govern(D.C.Guam mentofGuamv.U.S.A., 1982)Civ.#82-0001. TheLegislaturers is prescribed powerto legislate andlimitedby this chapter, hyotheractsofCongress, oftheU.S.Constitution. andbyprovisions U.S.v.Bor1a, D.C.Guam 1961,191F.Supp. 563. TheLegislature maypassappropriations withretroactive effect, and,in theinterim,emergency payments maybeprovide d. 13thGuamlegislature v. Bordallo,430 F.Supp. 405,affd 588F.2d265. TheCommerce Clause of theU.S.Constitution hasnot beenextended to Guam.Sakamoto v.DutyFree Shoppers, Ltd.,D.C.Guam 1983,613F.Supp. 381,affd.764F.2d 1285,cert.den.106S.Cr.1457,89L.Ed.2d 715. SUBCHAPTER 2 - LEGISLATURE - P. 44

ACT ORGANIC OFGUAM lawandenforcelocalcustoms haspowerto prescribe TheLegislature (C"A.Guam1988)846F.2d v.Sugiyama, mentfor territoryof Guam.People 570. lawisthe by afederal Thetestfor whethera territoriallawispreempted sameas the testfor preemptionby federallaw of'a statelaw underthe of Inc' v' Governor GuamFresh, Supremacy Clause of the U.S.Constitutian, (C.A.Guam1988)849F.2d436. Guam.

S1423b.SelectionandQualificationofMembers;Officers; shallbethejudgeof theselection Rules;Quorum.Thelegislature and qualificationof its own members.It shallchoosefrom its not membersits own officers,determineits rulesandprocedure, inconsistent with this chapter,andkeepajournal.Thequorumof shallconsistof a simplemajority of its members. thelegislature No bill shallbecomea law unlessit shallhavebeenpassedat a voteof by theaffirmative meeting,at whicha quorumwaspresent, a majorityof thememberspresentandvoting,whichvoteshallbe by yeasandnays. by PublicLaw Act);amended SOURCE: $12of Actof Aug.1, 1950(Organic (Elective Governor Act).Codified 90-497, S6(b),Sept.11,1968,82Stat.846. to "a simple amended were requirements as 48 U.S.C.S1423b.Quorum HR2370,53 of 1998, by TheOrynicActAmendments majority"from"eleven" Legislature from 21 reduction the response local of 1998) in to the 0ct. members to 15.

$1423c.Privilegesof Members.(a) The membersof the legislature shall,in all cases felony,or breachofthe excepttreason, peace,be privilegedfrom arrestduring their attendance at the legislature andin goingto andreturningfrom thesame. (b) No memberof the legislatureshallbe held to answer itselfforanyspeech beforeanytribunalotherthanthelegislature or debatein theLegislature. Act). Codifiedas48 U.S.C. SOURCE:$13of Act of Aug.1, 1950(Organic g1423c. COURTDECISIONS; (b) of OrganicAct $13) The"speech and debate"clause(subsection soughtis that protects a senator froma deposition in whichtheinformation


ORGANIC AcTOFGUAM which was "acquired"by the senatorin the courseof her official duties; therefore,a writ ofmandatewill issueforbiddingthe depositionofthe senator to be taken. Wilkinson, et al. v. OtNeil,(D.C.GuamApp. Div. 1983)Civ.App. #81-0100A. . "AlthoughtheSenator'sactionsaredisturbingand causeusconcern,the broadinterpretationofthe Speechor DebateClause,coupledwith the specific factualcircumstances ofthis case,leadusto the conclusionthat the playingof the tape was a legitimatelegislativeact protectedby the Speechor Debate Clause;therefore,the Senator'sactionswerep rivileged,." Hamletv.Charfauros, 1999Guam 19,SupremeCourtofGuam.

legislature and S1423d.Oathsofoffice. Everymemberofthe allofficersofthegovernment of Guamshalltakethefollowingoath or amrmation: ofAlmighty "l solemnly swear(oramrm)in thepresence Godthat I will wellandfaithfullysupporttheConstitutionof to thelawsof the UnitedStatesapplicable the UnitedStates, Guamandthe lawsof Guam,andthat I will conscientiously my dutiesasa memberof theGuam andimpartiallydischarge (or asan officerof thegovernment of Guam)." Legislature (Organic as48U.S.C. l, 1950 Act).Codified SOURCE: $14ofActofAug. s1423d. $1423e.Prohibition againstacceptingcertain appointmentsand salaryincreases" No memberof the legislature shall, duringthetermfor whichhewaselectedor duringtheyearfollowing the expirationof suchterm, be appointedto anyofficewhich hasbeencreated, or thesalaryor emoluments of whichhavebeen increased duringsuchterm. SOURCE: $15of Act of Aug.l, 1950(OrganicAct). Codifiedas48 U.S.C. 1423e . $

No personshallsit in $1423f"Qualificationsof Legislators. thelegislature whoisnot a citizenof theUnitedStates, whohasnot attainedthe ageof twenty-five yearsandwho hasnot beendomiciledin Guamfor at leastfive yearsimmediatelyprecedingthe sittingof theIegislature in whichheseeksto qualifyasa member,

SuscFlaprEn 2 - LEGISLATURE - P. 46


or whohasbeenconvicted of a felonyor of a crimeinvolvingmoral turpitudeandhasnot received a pardonrestoringhis civilrights. SOURCE: Act). Codified as48 U.S.C, $16of Actof Aug.1, 1950(Organic s1423f.

Vacancies occurringin the legislature $14239.Vacancies. shallbefilledasthelegislature shallprovide,exceptthatno person filling a vacancyshallholdofficelongerthanfor theremainderof thetermfor whichhispredecessor waselected. SOURCE: Act). Codified as48 U.S.C. $17of Act of Aug.1, 1950(Organic g1a239.

Regular sessions of S1423h.Regularand SpecialSessions. thelegislature shallbeheldannually, commencing on thesecond (unless Mondayin January thelegislature shallbylawfix a different date),and shall continuefor suchterm as the legislaturemay provide.TheGovernormaycallspecialsessions of thelegislature at anytimewhen,in hisopinion,thepublicinterestmayrequireit. No legislation shallbeconsidered at anyspecial session otherthan that specified in the callthereforor in anyspecialmessage by the Governorto thelegislature whilein suchsession. All sessions of the Iegislature shallbeopento thepublic. SOURCE: Act);amended by PublicLaw $18of Actof Aug.1, 1950(Organic 90-497, Governor Acr).Codified $6(a),Sept.11,1968,82Stat.846(Elective as48U.S.C. Thisamended section isimplemented byGuamP.L.1391423h. 152: 3.

by thelegislature S1423i.Approvalof Bills"Everybill passed shall,beforeit becomes a law, be enteredupon the journal and presented to theGovernor.If heapproves it, heshallsignit, but if not he shall,exceptas hereinafter provided,returnit, with his objections, to the legislature withinten days(Sundays excepted) afterit shallhavebeenpresented to him. If he doesnot returnit within suchperiod,it shallbe a law in like mannerasif he had signed it, unless thelegislature byadjournment prevents itsreturn, in whichcaseit shallbealawifsignedby theGovernor withinthirty daysafterit shallhavebeenpresented to him;otherwise it shallnot SUBCHAPTER 2 . LEGISLATURE - P. 47


bea law.Whena bill is returnedby theGovernorto thelegislature atlarge with hisobjections, thelegislature shallenterhisobjections on its journal and,upon motion of a memberof the legislature, twoto reconsider thebill.If, aftersuchreconsideration, proceed thirdsof all themembersof thelegislature passthebill, it shallbe items to theGovernorcontainsseveral a law. If anybill presented of appropriationof money,he mayobjectto oneor moreof such items,or any part or parts,portion or portionsthereof,while approving theotheritems,parts,or portionsof thebill.In sucha he shall case appendto thebill at thetimeof signingit, a statement of theitems,or partsor portionsthereof,to whichheobjects,and to shallnot take theitems,or partsor portionsthereof,soobjected shallbe reportedby the effect.All lawsenactedby the legislature bythe designated ofagency to theheadofthedepartment Governor ofthe undersectionl42laofthis chapter.TheCongress President the same. to annul thepowerandauthority UnitedStatesreserves byP.L.90-947, Act);amended SOURCE: $19ofActofAug.1,1950(Organic Act);andPublicLaw93Governor S8(b),Sept.11,1968,82Stat.847(Elective as48U.S.C. Stat.1969.Codified 608,$1(14), $1423i. Jan.2,1975,88 COURTDECISIONS: itemsvetoedby the UnderthisSection, theLegislature couldoverride veto. in thesamemannerasit canoverride general Governor theGovernorrs l3th GuamLegislature v. Bordallo,11977DC Guaml430 F. Supp.405. Affirmed,588F.2d265. Governorproperlyexercised his pocketvetoby failingto signa bill delivered to himduringa legislative wasin recess recess wheretheLegislature for a periodlongerthan10 daysafterit haspresented thebill to him, and communications wheretheLegislature provided noofficerofitsownto receive v Camacho, from theGovernor duringthis recess. Bordallo [1975CA9] 520 t.zo

/6 3 .

oflnterior is a Dutyofthe Governorto reportlawsto the Secretary nondiscretionary ofwhichcanbemandated ministerial duty,theperformance by a court.Bordallo v Camacho, [1975CAg]520F.2d763. NeithertheGovernment Department of Guamnor theGuamPolice were"persons"underthe I9Silgiaingas federalCivilRightsAct,28U.S.C.A. v.Sanchez, etal,,(C.A.Guam1988)858F.2d1368.



4 SUBCHAPTER THE JUDICIARY 5L424.Courtsof Guam;Jurisdiction;Procedure" The judicial (a) District Court of Guam;local courts. establishedby in a courtofrecord shallbevested authorityofGuam the"DistrictCourtof Guam",andsuchlocal designated Congress, by beestablished courtor courtsasmayhavebeenor shallhereafter the lawsof Guamin conformitywith sectionL424-Lof this Title. (b) |urisdiction. TheDistrictCourtof Guamshallhavethe jurisdictionof a districtcourtof the UnitedStates,including,but jurisdictionprovidedfor in 1332oftitle notlimitedto,thediversity courtoftlreUniteo Code,andthatofabankruptcy 28,UnitedStates States. (c) OriginalLocalJurisdiction. In additionto thejurisdiction (b) of this section,the DistrictCourtof in subsection described in Guam, Guamshallhaveoriginaljurisdictionin all othercauses jurisdictionoverwhich is not thenl vestedby the legislaturein broughtin the by it" In causes anothercourtor courtsestablished thedistrictcourt districtcourtsolelyonthebasisofthissubsection, the laws of Guamfor the by a courtestablished shallbeconsidered of indictmentby grand purposeof determiningthe requirements

juryortrialbyjury. by ActofAug. Act);amended SOURCE: $22ofAct ofAug.1, 1950(Organic 27,1954,c.1017,51,68Stat.882;Actoflune4, 1958,PublicLaw84-444, $1,$ (BankruptcyReform Act)P.L'952,72}tat.178;Act ofIL/06/78,Sec.335 by $801oftheAct ofOctober5, andreenacted 598,92 Stat.2594.Repealed 1424. as 48 U.S'C. 98-454. Codified 1984,Pub.L. GUAM COMPILER'SCOMMENT: The 1984 amendmentsare two which in $1424'1, to creationoflocalcourtsandtheirjurisdiction reference andrtheadditionof theword wasalsoaddedaspartof thesameamendments notthe "then"to referto thesituationat thetimethequestion at issuearises, jurisdictionin placeat the time of the amendment to thisAct, or at some fromthe alllocaljurisdiction timewith theLegislature hadremoved previous Divisionhadruledthat,oncetheLegislature DistrictCourt.TheAppellate - P.51 SuncHePren4 - JUDICIARY

ORGANrC Ac"roFGUAM turned overall localjurisdictionto the localcourts,it couldnot thereafteradd any local jurisdiction to the District Court. This amendmentcured such opinionby makingthedeterminationasto whetherthe District Courthadthe local jurisdiction at the time the questionarose,not when the Legislature transferredall localjurisdictionto localcourts(in 1974). COURT DECISIONS: SeeNotesof Decisionsfollowing $1424in Title 48, U.S.C.A. The District Court of Guam hasjurisdiction,by reasonof Government Code$L9700,[11 GCAS361011 to redeterminedeficiencies assessed underthe incometax lawsof the territory of Guam. Forbes v.2Maddor ICA 9] 339 F.2d. 387,reversing212 F. Supp.662. Removalby non-residentfrom the Guam Island Court to the District Court ofGuam is a corollaryto the existenceofdiversityjurisdictionin the SealifiPacifc,[1977,CA Ii GuamDistrict Court.Jones& Guerrerl,Companyv. v. 554 F.2d 984. [Reversed by ChaseManhattanBank[NationalAssociation] SouthAcresDevelopment Companl,(1978US)98 S.Ct.544.1Resultofthis latter caseoverturnedas to later cases,through amendmentto S1424(b)ofthis chapter. diversityjurisdiction as The DistrictCourtofGuam doesnot possess hasnot grantedsuchjurisdictionto the DistrictCourtin thisSection. Congress This sectiongrants[ederalquestionjurisdictionto the DistrictCourt,but does not grantdiversityjurisdictionsincethecauseofactionin diversitycasesarises underthelawsofthestatewhereinthe actionoriginated,ratherthan underthe lawsofthe UnitedStatesthroughthe diversitystatuteof28 USC1332.Chase Manhattan Bank INational Association]v, SouthAcresDevelopment Company, [1978US]98 S.Ct.s44. SincetheCourtReorganization Act of1974(GuamP.L.12-85)removed all local, original jurisdiction from the District Court, it cannot later add additional,original,localjurisdictionto that court and, thus,8 GCA S65.17, asamendedby P.L.15-94:2, whichgrantedcertaininterlocutoryreviewpowers to the "Trial Division"ofthe District Courtwasinvalidascontraryto Organic Act22(a).Guamv.Quitugua,(I981DCGuamApp. Div.) D.C"Crim.App.#7975A:affd CAg.654F.2d731. "The Guam Legislaturehas the power to determine the appellate jurisdiction of the District Court. Therefore,review from decisionsof motionsshouldonly be by the methodprescribedby the Guam $65.1s(a)-(c) Legislature." TheLegislature withdrewfrom theDistrictCourtthejurisdiction to heardefendantsr interlocutoryreviewsof$65.15 (a)-(c)motionsand gave to the governmentonly the right to appealpre-trial motions suppressing

- P.52 SuecrnprER 4 - JUDICIARY


(P.L.15-i47). Peoplev.DistrictCourtofGuan (ames,RealPartyin evidence 641F.2d816. Intercst), [1981CAg]No.80-7352, in 1958,theCourtwill not Whenthis section($1424)wasamended jurisdiction oftheDistrictCourt thecivil increasing interprettheamendment sincethereis especially criminaljurisdiction, existing asstrippingit ofalready has ofGuam District Court the Therefore, not statedintentto sucha thing. F.2d CAg) 623 v' Sanl0s,.(1980 U.S. jurisdiction criminal cases' federal to try 75. attackupon rightbywayofacollateral "Theassertion ofaconstitutional under'the of a cause'arising a criminalconvictionis no moretheassertion thanwouldbetheassertion ofthisprovision withinthemeaning Constitution beforetheSuperior of a criminalproceeding of thesamerightin thecourse (CAg1981)653F.2d1277. Mantanane, Courtof Guam."Padorv. courtrs ordercertifying to reviewjuvenile DistrictCourthadjurisdiction (CAg1981)649F.2d Kingsbury, defendantto standtrial asan adult.Peoplev. 740. of a locallaw judgmentquestioning theconstitutionality A declaratory theUnited laws of or Constitution the law, notrunderr arises'under'that to bringthe in which court is the proper Court the Superior therefore, States; (Super.Guam 1981)Civ' ElectionCommssion, AttornqtGeneralv. action.North, Commis' andtheCiuilService #595-79.SeealsoAueryu.16thGuamLegislature and & #81-0070; Civ.#81-0069 sion,(D.C.Guam1981)Orderof Remand, (D.C.Guam 1981)Civ.#81-0104' v.Superior Court, Suruhanu of causes overtransitory DistrictCourtofGuamdoeshavejurisdiction v. IJniteilStates, [DCGuam]191F. actionarisingoutsideof Guam.Pederson S upp. 95. function Supreme Courtof Guamcouldperformlimitednon-appellate prosecutorappointedunderthe to authorityofthespecial ofhearingobjection v. Act of 1974(PublicLaw l2'I73). Sanchez Independent SpecialProsecutor 1. 416 F.Supp. DC Guam] of Guam, Supreme Court [1975

$1424-1.Local Courts;AppellateCourt Authorized.(a) Composition;establishmentof local appellatecourt.Thelocal courtsof Guamshallconsistof suchtrial courtor courtsasmay bythelawsof Guam.On beestablished havebeenor mayhereafter .or aftertheeffective dateof thisAct [January5, 1985],thelegislacourt. an appellate may in of Guam its discretionestablish ture



(b) LocalCourtjurisdiction. Thelegislature mayvestin the in Guamoverwhichany localcourtsjurisdictionoverall causes andlawsof theUnitedStates bytheConstitution courtestablished jurisdiction. Suchjurisdictionshallbe doesnot haveexclusive on the conferred or concurrentjurisdiction subjectto theexclusive DistrictCourtof Guamby sectionI424(b)of thistitle. (c) Localpractice& procedure;localjudges.Thepractice andduties in thelocalcourtsandthequalifications andprocedure thereofshall begoverned by thelawsofGuamandthe ofthejudges rulesofthosecourts. 10/5/84.Codified as48 Addedas$22Aby 801ofPub.L.98-454. SOURCE:

u.s.c.A. s1424-1. betweenU.S.courtsand Guamcourts: 5L424-2.Relations Ninth Circuit review:reportsto Congress:rules.Therelations by the Constitutionor lawsof the betweenthe courtsestablished to appeals, andthelocalcourtsof Guamwith respect UnitedStates corpus, ofhabeas the issuance ofwrits removal of causes, certiorari, by thelawsof shallbegoverned andothermattersor proceedings theUnitedStatespertainingto therelationsbetweenthecourtsof the United States,includingthe SupremeCourt of the Llnited States,and the courtsof the severalStatesin suchmattersand Thatfor thefirstfifteenyearsfollowingthe Provided, proceedings: of of the appellatecourtauthorizedby $1424-1(a) establishment this title,theUnitedStatesCourtof Appealsfor theNinth Circuit shall havejurisdictionto reviewby writ of certiorariall final could decisions of thehighestcourtof Guamfromwhicha decision submit shall Council of the Ninth Circuit had. The be Judicial of the reportsto theCommitteeon EnergyandNaturalResources the of Affairs on Interior Insular the Committee and Senateand at intervalsof five yearsfollowingthe Houseof Representatives establishment of suchappellate courtasto whetherit hasdeveloped sufficientinstitutionaltraditionsto justify direct reviewby the Supreme Courtof the UnitedStatesfrom all suchfinal decisions. TheUnitedStates Courtof Appealsfor theNinth Circuitshallhave SUBCHAPTER 4 - JuDrcrARY- P.54


jurisdictionto promulgaterulesnecessary to earryout the provisionsof this subsection.l SOURCE: as48 $22Baddedby 9801oftheAct ofOctober5, 1984.Codified 1 U.S.C.A. isin original.Probably shouldbe"section". 91424-2."subsection" lNotefromU.S.C.A.l COURTDECISIONS: Thetestfor determining whetherdecision Divisionis of theAppellate finalforpurposes ofappeal iswhether U.S"Supreme Courtwould hearthecase ifit wereajudgment (C.A.9Guam1988) froma statecaurt.Kiaainav.lackson, 85LF.2d287.

$1424-3.AppealsBeforeLocalAppellateCourtis Created. (a) AppellateJurisdictionof District CourPriorto theestablishmentof the appellate courtauthorizedby $1424-1(a) of this title, jurisdiction the DistrictCourtof Guamshallhavesuehappellate may determine: overthe localcourtsof Guamasthe legislature maynot precludethe reviewof any Provided,Thatthelegislature judgmentororderwhichinvolves orlaws theConstitution, treaties, of the UnitedStates, includingthis chapter,or anyauthorityexercisedthereunder by anofficeror agencyof the Government of the UnitedStates, or the conformityof anylawenactedby thelegislatureofGuamor ofanyordersor regulations issuedor actionstaken by the executivebranchof the governmentof Guamwith the Constitution, treaties,or lawsof the UnitedStates,includingthis chapter,or any authorityexercised thereunderby an officeror agencyof theUnitedStates. . (b) AppellateDivision of the District Court; Judges;procedures;decisions.Appealsto the DistrictCourtof Guamshallbe heardanddetermined by anappellate divisionof thecourtconsisting of threejudges,of whomtwo shallconstitutea quorum. The districtjudgeshalibethepresidingjudgeof theappellate division andshallpresidethereinunlessdisqualified or otherwise unableto act. Theotherjudgeswhoareto sit in theappellate divisionat any session shallbedesignated judgeftom amongrhe by thepresiding judgeswhoareservingon,or areassigned to thedistricteourtfrom SUBCHAPTER 4 - Junrcnny : p"55


time to time pursuantto $1424bof this title: Provided,That no morethanoneofthemmaybeajudgeof a courtof recordof Guam. of to anydecision oftwojudgesshallbenecessary Theconcurrence of an merits the the appellatedivisionof the district court on appeal,but the presidingjudgealonemaymakeanyappropriate determinathehearingand to anappealpriorto orderswith respect tion thereofon the meritsandmaydismissan appealfor wantof with the it in accordance jurisdictionor failureto takeor prosecute lawor rulesofprocedure. applicable (c) U"S.Court of Appealsfor the Ninth Circuit:jurisdiction; appeals;rules.TheUnitedStatesCourtof Appealsfor the Ninth Circuit shall havejurisdictionof appealsfrom all final divisionofthedistrictcourt.TheUnited oftheappellate decisions for theNinth Circuitshallhavejurisdiction Courtof Appeals States to carryout the provisionsof this to promulgaterulesnecessary subsection. District effect on Llrstrlct (d) Appealsto local appellatecourt; ettect courtprovidedfor of theappellate Court.Upontheestablishment of thelocal decisions from the of thistitle all appeals in S1424-1(a) court. takenmustbe takento the appellate courtsnot previously loss in the result not shall appellate court ofthe Theestablishment divisionofthedistrictcourtoverany ofjurisdictionoftheappellate divisionof The rulingsof theappellate in it. appealthenpending in the United the districtcourton suchappealsmaybe reviewed in the Supreme Ninth Circuit and StatesCourtof Appealsfor the court. of theappellate theestablishment Courtnotwithstanding SOURCE: $22Caddedby $S01of the Act of October5, 1984,I{R5561. as48U.S,C.A. Codified COURTDECISIONS: for of thefederalgovernment thatGuamis notanagency Weconclude in suitsinvolvingsuchagencies of the60-daytimelimit on appeals purposes C.A.9(Guarn)1991,941F.2d778. underRule4(a).Blazv.Govt.of Guam,



NOTE:Section 1003,codifiedas49 U.S.C.A. 91493,of theActof October5, 1984,P.L.98-454,addedthefollowingregarding thejurisdictionof theU.S. DistrictCourtfor the9thCircuit: Theprosecution in $1493.CriminalAppealsby localgovernments. aterritoryor Commonwealth isauthorized precluded bylocallaw- unless to seekreviewor othersuitablereliefin the appropriate localor Federal court,or whereapplicable, appellate in the Supreme Courtof theUnited States from: (a)a decision, judgment, or orderof a trialcourtdismissing an indictmentor information asto anyoneor morecounts,exceptthat noreviewshallliewheretheconstitutional prohibitionagainst double jeopardy wouldfurtherprosecution; (b) a decision or orderofa trialcourtsuppressing or excluding evidence or requirirrgthe returnof seizedpropertyin a criminal notmadeafterthe proceeding, defendant hasbeenputinjeopardyand beforetheverdictor findingon an indictmentor information, if the certifies to thetrialcourtthattheappealis not takenfor prosecution ofdelayandthattheevidence thepurposes is a substantial proofofa factmaterialin theproceeding; and (c) an adverse judgment,or orderof an appellate decision, court." Section1005of the Act of October5, 1984,P.L. 98-454, provides, aseffective datesfor suchAct: "1005.TitlesVII,VIII,IX andX [dealing with thejudiciarylof thisAct shallbecome effective on theninetiethdayfollowing theirenactment." COURTDECISIONS: PanelofAppellate Division wasrequired to consider mandamus petition challenging assignment ofcriminalcases bypresidingjudge ofSuperiorCourt. Presiding Judgeof AppeliateDivisioncould not unilaterallydisposeof mandamus petitionon themerits.Cruzv.Abbate,C.A.9(Guam)1987, 812 F . 2d571 . 1.Deferential standard ofreviewisnotto beappliedto theconstruction oflocallawby theAppellate DivisionoftheDistrictCourt.Strictstandard of reviewdenovoreviewis applicable. 2.CourtsofGuammaynotrelyuponunpublished decisions oftheNinth Circuit.People v.YangC"A.9(Guam)1988,uponrehearing enbanc,850F.2d



(C.A.9Guam1987)(paneldecision) 800F.2d People v. Yang, 507;overruling 945. Divisionon of theAppellate Courtof Appealsmustaffirmdecisions mattersof locallaw,if theyarebasedupona tenabletheoryand arenot Hairv.Pangelinan, C.A.9(Guam)1987,816F.2d1341. manifestly erroneous. hadnoauthorityto divesttheDistrictCourtofGuam GuamLegislature whichjurisdiction wascreated underthissection ofitsappellatejurisdiction, Legislature has no power to, in effect, 1984 amendments]. The the [before throughtheDistrictCourtrs divesttheNinthCircuitofitsreviewoflocalcases Division.Peoplev. Olsen,ll977, USI431U.S.195,97 S.Ct.1774. Appellate "ln reviewing a decision ofa territorialcourt,wearerequiredto givea wemay of locallaw.Specifically, highdegree ofdeference to itsdetermination not overturnthedecision oftheDistrictCourtofGuamon a matteroflocal is basedupona tenable if thedecision law,custom,or policyif thedecision omitted)If wrongor manifest error.(Citations theoryandisnotinescapably evenif we not reverse is basedupona tenabletheory,we may thedecision isthe conclusion court's the territorial that withtherulingor believe disagree (Citations Schenckv' omitted) possible alternatives. ofseveral leastdesirable (1979CAg)609F.2d387. Govt.of Guam, Divisionof fromdecisions of theAppellate Guamrs authorityto appeal by federal,not locallaw.Guammaynot the DistrictCourtis determined of a guiltypleaassuchwithdrawal a decision afiirmingthewithdrawal appeal (C.A.9Guam1988) Estrebor, isnotafinaldecision underfederallaw. Peoplev, 848F.2d1014.[SeeNOTE,above.] Divisioncouldrendera decision by quorumof twojudges Appellate judge had recused afterthethird himselffromthecase. DeVerav.Blaz,(C.A.9 Guam1988)851F.2d294.

$1424-4"Applicabilityoflaws & Rules.Whereappropriate, ofPartII oftitle 18andtitle28,andnotwithstanding theprovisions the provisionin rule 54(a)FederalRulesof CriminalProcedure relatingto the prosecutionof criminal offenseson Guam by information,the rulesof practiceand procedureheretoforeor or the hereafter promulgated andmadeeffectiveby the Congress pursuantto titles11,18and28, CourtoftheUnitedStates Supreme shallapplyto the DistrictCourtof Guamand appealstherefrom exceptthat theterms"Attorneyfor thegovernment" and"United as in Federal States attorney", used the Rulesof CriminalProcedure, 4. JUDICIARY.P.58 SUBCHAT.TER


shall,whenapplicableto casesarisingunderthe lawsof Guam, includingthe GuamTerritorialincometax, meanthe Attorney Generalof Guamor suchother personor personsas may be authorized by thelawsof Guamto acttherein. SOURCE: Portionaddedby g1 of theAct of Aug.27, L954(68Stat.882). Reenacted by $801oftheActofOct.5, 1984,Pub.L.98-454.Clause relating to trial byjury beingsubjectto lawsofGuam repealed by 9803ofAct of October 5, 1984,Pub.L.98-454. Codified as48 U.S.C.A. 51424-4. ofOc. 30, $1424a. Appeals from District Court. RepealedbyAct 1951,c. 655,$56(e),65 Stat.729. For presentprovisions on appeals from the DistrictCourtof Guam,see28 U.S.C.$41,51252,91292and 91294.Formerly codified as48 U.S.C. $1424a.

$1424b.District Court fudge; U.S. Attorney; Marshal; Applicabilityof laws. (a) The Presidentshall,by and with the adviceandconsentof the Senate, appointa judgefor the District Courtof Guamwho shallholdofficefor the term of tenyearsand is chosenandqualifiedunlesssoonerremoved until his successor for cause.Thejudgeshallreceive a salarypayable by thePresident by theUnitedStates whichshallbeat therateprescribed forjudges of theUnitedStatesdistrictcourts. The ChiefJudgeof the Ninth JudicialCircuitof the United Statesmayassignajudgeofa localcourtofrecordor ajudgeofthe HighCourtof theTrustTerritoryof thePacificIslandsor a circuit or districtjudge oftheninth circuit,or a recalled seniorjudge ofthe DistrictCourtof Guamor of the DistrictCourtfor the Northern MarianaIslands, or theChiefJustice oftheUnitedStates mayassign anyotherUnitedStatescircuitor districtjudgewith theconsentof thejudgesoassigned andofthe chiefjudgeofhis circuit,to serve it is temporarilyasajudgein theDistrictCourtof Guamwhenever madeto appearthatsuchanassignment isnecessary for theproper dispatchofthe business ofthe court. (b) ThePresident shallappoint,by and with the adviceand consentofthe Senate, a UnitedStatesattorneyandUnitedStates



marshalfor Guamto whoseofficesthe provisionsof chapters35 shallapply. and37of Title28,UnitedStatesCode,respectively, SOURCE:$24 ofAct ofAug. 1, 1950(OrganicAct); amendedby Act ofJune 4, 1958,PublicLaw 85-444,$3, 72 Stat. 179;Amendedby $802ofthe Act of October5, 1984,P.L.98-454.Sectioncodifiedas48 U.S.C.$1424b. NOTE: Relativeto the appointmentand serviceof the district court judge, $1002ofthe Act ofOct. 5, 1984provides: "1002. (a) Any judge or former judge who is receiving,or will payments beentitledto receive, uponattainingtheageofsixty-fiveyears pursuantto $373oftitle 28, UnitedStatesCode.may electto becomea seniorjudgeof the court on which he servedwhile on activeduty. (b) The chiefjudgeofajudicial circuitmay recallany suchsenior judgeofthe circuit,with thejudgersconsent,to performin the District Court of Guam,the District Court of the Virgin Islands,or the District Courtfor theNorthernMarianaIslandssuchjudicialdutiesandforsuch periodsof time asthe chiefjudgernayspeci$. (c) Any act or failureto act by a seniorjudgeperformingjudicial dutiespursuantto this sectionshallhavethe sameforceand effectasif it werethe act or failureto act ofajudge on activeduty,but suchsenior judgeshallnot be countedasajudgeofthe court on which he is serving for purposesofthe number ofjudgeshipsauthorizedfor that court. (d) Any senior judge shall be paid, while performing duties pursuantto this section,the samecompensation(in lieu of payments pursuantto 373oftitle 28.UnitedStatesCode,andthesameallowances asa judge in activeservice. for traveland other expenses (e) Seniorjudgesunder subsection(a) ofthis sectionshallat all timesbegovernedby the CodeofJudicialConductfor the UnitedStates judges,approvedby the JudicialConferenceofthe United States. (0 Any person who has electedto be a senior judge under subsection(a) ofthis sectionand who thereafter(1) acceptscivil officeor employmentunder the Government of the UnitedStatesother than the performanceofjudicial dutiespursuantto subsection(b) ofthis section; (2) engages in the practiceoflaw; or (3) materiallyviolatedthe codeofjudicial conductfor the United Statesjudges,shall ceaseto be a seniorjudge and to be eligiblefor recallpursuantto subsection(b) ofthis section."

4 - Juotcnnv - n. 60 SUBCHAPTER


$L424c.Reviewof LandClaims. (a)JurisdictionNotwithstanding to anylawor courtdecision thecontrary,theDistrictCourtof Guamisherebygrantedauthority andjurisdictionto reviewclaimsof persons, theirheirsor legatees, from whominterestsin landon Guamwereacquiredotherthan throughjudicialcondemnation proceedings, in whichtheissueof compensation wasadjudicated in a contested trial in the District Courtof Guam,by the UnitedStatesbetweenJuly21,1944and August23, 1963,and to awardfair compensation in thosecases whereit is determined that lessthanfair marketvaluewaspaidas a resultof (1) duress,unfair influenceor other unconscionable actions,or (2)unfair,unjust,andinequitable actionsof theUnited States. (b) Acquisitionsaffectedthroughcondemnationproceedings. Landacquisitionseffectedthroughjudicialcondemnation in whichtheissueof compensation wasadjudicated in proceedings a contested trial in the DistrictCourtof Guam,shallremainres judicataandshallnot besubjectto reviewhereunder. (c) Fair compensation.Faircompensation for purposesof thisAct [Actof Oct.15,1977, PublicLaw95-134, 91Stat.1159]is definedas suchadditionalamountsas are necessary to effect paymentof fair marketvalueat the time of acquisition,if it is determinedthat, asa resultof duress,unfairinfltrence,or other unconscionable actions,fair marketvaluewasnot paid. (d) Specialmastersor judges.TheDistrictCourtof Guam may employand utilizethe services of suchspecialmastersor judgesasarenecessary hereof. to carryouttheintentandpurposes (e) Awards. Awardsmadehereundershall be judgments againsttheUnitedStates. (D Limitation on Attorneyrs fees: violation; penalty. Attorney's feespaidbyclaimants to counsel representingthem may notexceed 5 percentumof anyadditionalaward.Anyagreement to the contraryshallbe unlawfuland void.Whoever,in the United 4 - ]uDrcrARy - p. 61 SUBCHAPTER


Statesor elsewhere, demandsor receivesany remunerationin excess of themaximumpermittedby thissectionshallbeguiltyof a misdemeanor and,upon convictionthereof shallbe fined not morethan$5,000or imprisonednot morethantwelvemonths,or both. A reasonable attorneyrs feemaybeawardedin appropriate cases. (g) Availability of documents,recordsand writing. All agencies anddepartments of the UnitedStatesGovernment shall, upon request,deliverto the court any documents, records,and writingswhicharepertinentto anyclaimunderreview. SOURCE: AddedbyAcrofOct.15,1977,pub.L.95-134, TitleII, S204, 91Star. 1162.Finalsentence (c),prohibitingthepayment ofsubsection ofinterest on theawards, wasdeleted - thuspermittinginterest - by pub.L.96-205:301, Act of March12,1980.Codified as48 U.S.C. 91424c. COT]RTDECISIONS; (1424c) Underthissection theDistrictCourtofGuamhasdiscretionary authorityto granttrial byjury on theissueofjust compensation.Franquav. (1979CAg)604F.2d1239. UnitedStates, Whereplaintiflspredecessors in titlewerenotifiedof action,butnever oftrialdate,norofthefactthatfailureto appear wouldmeanthattheaction wouldproceed withoutthem;andtheydid notin factappearandcontest the action,thensuchnoticedoesnotconstitute a "contested trial",andtheplaintiffsmayproceed with theirclaimunderthissection(1424c).Limtiacoetal. v. (cAg1982)675F.2d1069. u.s.,4.,



SUBCHAPTER 5 PUBLICHOUSING& URBANRENEWAL $1425. Mortgage insurance on housing or property: conditions and limitations. [Omitted] PartoftheNational SOURCE: HousingAct.Actluly 14,1952madetheoverall both Actapplicable to Guam.See48 U.S.C.A. $1425for otheramendments, priorandsubsequent to itsapplicability to Guam.NotpartoftheOrganic Act. Supplement Omittedin 1992U.S.C.A. to Title48withnoteto "see12U.S.C.A. BanksandBanking." S1715d,

I425a. GuamLegislaturemay createhousingauthorities: appointment;membership.TheLegislature of Guammayby law by or authority,existingor to becreated grantto apubliccorporate undersuchlaw,powersto undertakeurbanrenewalandhousing activitiesin Guam.Suchlegislaturemay by law providefor the termsof office,or removalof the membersof such appointment, authorityandfor thepowersof suchauthority,includingauthority to acceptwhateverbenefitsthe FederalGovernmentmay make andto doallthings,to exercise anyandallpowers,andto available, andfulfill anyandall obligations, assume duties,responsibilities, includingbut not limited to thoserelatingto and requirements, planningor zoning, necessary or desirablefor receivingsuch Federal assistance, exceptthatsuchauthorityshallnotbegivenany powerof taxation,nor anypowerto pledgethe faith andcreditof the territory of Guamfor anyloanwhatever. Enacted SOIJRCE: by Pub.L.88-171, $1,Nov.4,1963,77Stat.304.Not part Act. of theOrganic

$1425b.Issuanceofnotes, bonds,and obligations. The Legislature of Guammay by law authorizesuchauthority,any provisions oftheOrganicActof GuamISS1421-1424c ofthisChapofCongress terl, or anyotherAct to thecontrarynotwithstanding, to borrowmoneyandto issuenotes,bonds,andotherobligations of suchcharacterand maturity,with suchsecuritv.and in such Housrnc - p. 63 SuacHRprrR5 - PUBLIC


manneras the Legislature may provide.Suchnotes,bonds,and otherobligations shallnotbea debtoftheUnitedstatesor of Guam otherthan suchauthority,not constitutea debt,indebtedness, or the borrowingof moneywithin the meaningof anylimitationor restrictionon the issuance of notes,bonds,or otherobligations contained in anylawsoftheUnitedStates applicable to Guamor to anyagencythereof. SOURCE: Pub.L.88-171, Not partofthe $2,Nov.4,1963,77Stat.304. OrganicAct.

etc. The $1425c.Authorization of loans, conveyances, Legislature of Guammaybylawassist suchauthoritybyfurnishing, or authorizing thefurnishingof cashdonations, loans,conveyances ofrealandpersonal property,facilities, andotherwise, andservices, andmaybylawtakeotheractionin aidofurbanrenewalor housing or relatedactivities. Pub.L.88-171, SOURCE: $3,Nov.4,1963,77 Stat.304.Not partofthe Organic Act.

$1425d.Ratificationofprior act. Eachand everypart of enacted PublicLaw6-135,approved December 18,1962,heretofore by the Legislature of Guamdealingwith anypart of the subject matterof sections1425ato1425eof thistitle andnot inconsistent therewithis ratifiedandconfirmed. Pub.L.88-171, SOURCE: $4,Nov.4,1963,77Stat.304.Not part ofthe Organic Act.

$1424e.Additional powers.Powersgrantedhereinshallbe in additionto, and not in derogationof, anypowersgrantedby otherlawto,or for thebenefitor assistance of,anypubliccorporate authority. Pub.L.88-171, Not a partofthe SOURCE: $5,Nov.4,1963,77Stat.304. OrganicAct.



SUBCHAPTER 6 GUAM DEVELOPMENTF[]ND $1428.Authorizationof Appropriationda)Forthepurpose ofpromotingeconomicdevelopment in theterritdryofGuarn,there is authorized to beappropriated to theSecretary ofthe Interiorto be paid to the Governmentof Guamfor the purposesof this subchapter thesumof $5,000,000. (b)In additionto theappropriations authorized in subsection (a)of this section,$1,000,000 is authorized to be appropriated to theSecretary of theInteriorto bepaidto theGovernment of Guam fiscalyearscommencing annuallyforfive in fiscalyear 1978to carry out thepurposes ofthis subchapter. (b) SOIIRCE: Pub.L.90-601, $1,Oct.17,1968,82Stat.1172;subsection TitleII, 5202,Oct.15,1977,91 Stat.1161.)Noneof addedby Pub.L.95-134, thissubchapter is a partoftheOrganic Act.

$1428a.Submissionof plan: contents;termsof loanPrior to receivinganyfundspursuantto this subchapterthegovernment of Guamshallsubmitto the Secretary of theInterior a planfor the useof suchfundswhichmeetstherequirementsof this sectionand is approvedby theSecretary.Theplanshalldesignate anagencyor agenciesof suchgovernmentas the agencyor agenciesfor the administrationoftheplanandshallsetforth thepoliciesandproceduresto be followedin furtheringthe economicdevelopment of Guamthrougha programwhichshallincludeandmakeprovision for loansand loan guarantees to promotethe developmentof privateenterprise andprivateindustryin Guamthrougharevolving fundfor suchpurposes: Provided,Thatthetermof anyloanmade pursuantto theplanshallnot exceed twenty-five years;that such (exclusive loansshallbearinterest of premiumcharges for insurance,and servicecharges, if any)at suchrate per annum as is determined to bereasonable andasapproved bytheSecretary, but in noeventlessthana rateequalto theaverage yieldon outstanding marketable obligations of theUnitedStatesasofthe lastdayofthe



monthpreceding thedateof theloan,adjustedto thenearestoneeighthof 1 per centum,which rate shallbe determinedby the Secretary oftheTreasury upontherequestoftheauthorized agency or agencies of thegovernment of Guam;andthatpremiumcharges for theinsurance andguarantee of loansshallbecommensurate, in thejudgmentofthe agencyoragencies administeringthe fund,with expenses andriskscovered. g3,Oct.17,1968,82Star.1172.Not partofthe SOURCE: Pub.L.90-601, OrganicAct. TheGuarnEconomic Development Authority(GEDA)is the agency charged byGuamwithadministering theprograms esrablished bythis subchapter.

for loansandguarantees; maximum S1428b.Prerequisites participation;reserves. No loanor loanguarantee shallbemade underthis subchapter to anyapplicantwho doesnot satisfythe agencyor agencies administering theplan [GEDA]that financing is otherwise unavailable on reasonable termsandconditions.The maximumparticipation in thefundsmadeavailable under1428of thistitle shallbelimited(a)sothatnot morethan25percentumof thefundsactuallyappropriated by theCongress maybedevotedto anysingieproject,(b) to gOper centumofloanguarantee, and(c) with respectto all loans,to that degreeof participationprudent underthecircumstance of individualloansbut directlyrelatedto the minimumessential participationnecessary to accomplish the purposes of this subchapter; Provided,That,with respectto loan guarantees, the reserves maintainedby the agencyor agencies IGEDAIfor theguarantees strallnot belessthan25 percentumof theguarantee. SOURCE: Pub.L.90-601,94,Oct.17, 1968,82 Srar.1U2. Not part of the Organic Aet.

$1428c.AccountingProcedures.Theplan providedfor in $1428aof this title shallset forth suchfiscalcontrol and fund accountingproceduresas may be necessary to assureproper disbursement, repayment, andaccounting for suchfunds"



Pub.L.90-601, SOURCE: Not partofthe $5,Oct.17,1968,82Stat.1172. OrganicAct.

$1428d.Reportby Governor.TheGovernorofGuamshall includein theannualreportto Congress requiredpursuantto 1422 Act] of this report title a on the administrationof this [Organic subchapter. Pub.L.90-601, SOURCE: byPub.L. $6,Oct.17,1968,82Stat.1173;amended 96-470, TitleII, $206(c), Oct.19,1980,94Stat.2244.Not partoftheOrganic Act. 1980amendmentrequiredGovernorto includea reporton these in hisAnnualReport. activities

$1428e.Audits. The ComptrollerGeneralof the United States,or any of his duly authorizedrepresentatives, shallhave for the purposeof audit and examination, access, to the books, documents, papers, andrecordsoftheagency, or agencies IGEDA], of the governmentof Guam administeringthe plan that are pertinentto thefundsreceived underthis subchapter. Pub.L.90-601, SOURCE: $7,Oct.17,1968,82Stat.1173.Not partofthe OrqanicAct.



DELEGATETO CONGRESS FROMGUAM Delegate to theHouseof Representatives Electionof Delegates for Delegate Qualifications TerritorialLegislature to DetermineElection Procedure S1715. Operationof Office;HousePrivileges. S1711. S1712. S1713. $1714.

The $1711. Delegateto the House of Representatives. territoryof Guamandtheterritoryof theVirginIslandseachshall be represented in the United StatesCongress by a non-voting Delegate to the Houseof Representatives, electedas hereinafter provided. SOURCE: Enacted by PublicLaw92-271,5L,86 Stat.J.18, April 10,t972.

shallbe $1712. Electionof Delegates. (a) The Delegate electedby the peoplequalifiedto vote for the membersof the legislatureofthe territoryheis to representat thegeneralelection of L972,andthereafter at suchgeneralelectioneverysecondyear thereafter.TheDelegate shallbeelectedat large,by separate ballot and by a majorityof the votescastfor the officeof Delegate.If no candidate receives suchmajority,on thefourteenthdayfollowing suchelectiona runoffelection shallbeheldbetween thecandidates receiving thehighestandthesecondhighestnumberof votescast for the Officeof Delegate.In caseof a permanentvacancy in the officeof Delegate, by reasonof death,resignation, or permanent disability,theofficeofDelegate shallremainvacantuntil a successorshallhavebeenelectedandqualified. (b) ThetermoftheDelegate shallcommence on thethird day ofJanuaryfollowingthedateof theelection. SOURCE: Enacted by PublicLaw92-27L,92,86 Stat.119,April tO,tg72.

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$1713. Qualificationsfor Delegate.To be eligiblefor the Officeof Delegate a candidate must: (a) be at leasttwenfy-five yearsofageon the dateofthe election; (b) havebeena citizenof the UnitedStatesfor at least sevenyearsprior to thedateofthe election; (c) be an inhabitant of the territory from which he is elected; and (d) not be,on thedateoftheelection,a candidate for any otheroffice. SOURCE: Enacted by PublicLawg2-27I,93,86Stat.119,April 10,1972.

S1714. Territorial Legislature to Determine Election Procedure.The legislatureof eachterritory may determinethe orderofnamesontheballotfor electionofDelegate, themethodby whicha specialelectionto fill a vacancyin the Officeof Delegate shallbeconducted, themethodby whichtiesbetweencandidates for theOfficeof Delegateshallberesolved,andall othermattersof local applicationpertainingto the electionand the Office of Delegate not otherwise expressly providedfor herein. SOURCE: Enacted by PublicLaw92-271,94, 86Stat.119,April I0,L972.

51715. Operationof Office;HousePrivileges;Voting in Committee;Clerk Hire and Transportation Allowance;Salary, etc. The Delegatefrom Guamand the Delegatefrom the Virgin Islandsshallhavesuchprivileges in theHouseofRepresentatives as maybe affordedhim undertheRulesof theHouseof Representatives.Until the Rulesof theHouseofRepresentatives areamended to provideotherwise,theDelegatefrom eachterritoryshallreceive thesamecompensation, andbenefitsasa Memberof allowances, the Houseof Representatives, and shallbe entitledto whatever privileges andimmunitiesare,orhereinaftermaybe, grantedtothe ResidentCommissioner for PuertoRico:Provided,Thattheright to

P .6 9


votein committeeshallbeasprovidedby theRulesoftheHouseof Representatives. SOURCE:Enactedby Publiclaw 92-271,$5, 86 Stat.119,April 10,1972; by 935of theOrganicAct (seebelow). "CodificationrThelasttwo amended provisosin text,whichprovidedthattheclerkhireallowance ofeachDelegate shallbea singleperannumgrossratethatis60%oftheclerkhireallowance of a Memberandthat the transportationexpenses ofeachDelegate that areto reimbursement under2 U.S.C.A. thecostoffourround $43bshallnot exceed tripseachyear,wereomittedassuperseded by1421k-land1596ofthisTitle." 48 U.S.C.A.1715,codificationnote,48 U.S.C.A.1983CumulativeAnnual PocketPart.

P .7 0

Suer\4gRcru tr-,ANDS - CorucunnrrurTURISDICIO\

SUBMERGED LANDS AND CONCURRENT JURISDICTION Exceptions S1704. ConcurrentJurisdiction; Tidelands, etc., Conveyed to Guam 51705. Rights- Establishment of Defensive S1706. Reserved SeaAreas 51707 Paymentof Rentsto LocalGovernments S1708. DiscriminationProhibited exceptions. $1704. ConcurrentJurisdiction; (a)Exceptasotherwise providedby law,thegovernments of the Virgin Islands,Guam, and AmericanSamoa,shall have concurrentcivil and criminaljurisdictionwith the UnitedStates with regardto propertyowned,reserved,or controlledby the UnitedStatesin the Virgin Islands,Guam,andAmericanSamoa respectively. A judgmentof convictionor acquittalon the merits underthe Iawsof Guam,the Virgin Islands,or AmericanSamoa shallbe a bar to any prosecutionunderthe criminallawsof the UnitedStates for thesameactor acts,andajudgmentof conviction or acquittalon themeritsunderthelawsof theUnitedStatesshall be a bar to anyprosecutionunderthe lawsof Guam,the Virgin Islands,or AmericanSamoafor thesameactor acts. (b) Notwithstanding (a) of this the provisionsof subsection section,the Presidentmay from time to time excludefrom the jurisdictionofthegovernment concurrent ofGuampersons found, actsperformed,and offenses committedon the propertyof the whichisunderthecontroloftheSecretary UnitedStates ofDefense to suchextentandin suchcircumstances ashefindsrequiredin the interestofthe nationaldefense. SOURCE: Enacted by PublicLaw88-183, Nov.20,1963; 54,77Srar.339, amended by Pub.L. 99-396, ActofAug.27,1986.


SuauEncnnLeNIos- CoNcURRENT JuRISDIcrtoN

$L705.Tidelands,etc. Conveyedto Guam. (a) Subjectto validexistingrights,allright,title,andinterestof theUnitedStates by tidalwatersup to covered or periodically in landspermanently to a linethree but not abovethelineof meanhightideandseaward of theterritoriesof milesdistantfrom thecoastlines geographical or Guam,theVirginIslands,andAmericanSamoa,asheretofore erosion, andreliction,andin artifimodifiedbyaccretion, hereafter cially made,filled in, or reclaimedlandswhich wereformerly permanentlyor periodicallycoveredby tidal waters,are hereby of Guam,the Virgin Islands,and to the governments conveyed in trustfor asthecasemaybe,to beadministered AmerieanSamoa, thebenefitofthe peoplethereof. (b) Thereareexcepted from thetransfermadeby subsection (a)hereof: buttheterm (i) alldeposits ofoil,gas,andotherminerals, "minerals"shallnot includecoral,sandandgravel; (ii) all submerged landsadjacentto propertyownedby theUnitedStatesabovethelineof meanhightide; (iii) all submerged to propertyabovethe landsadjacent line of mean high tide acquiredby the United Statesby orgift,after exchange, purchase, eminentdomainproceedings, oftheDepartment October5,1974,asrequiredfor completion of the Navy Land AcqtiisitionProjectrelativeto the constructionof theAmmunitionPierauthorizedbythe Military ConstructionAuthorizationAct, I97l (64 Stat. 1204),as amendedby section201 of the Military ConstructionAct, 1973(86Stat.1135); (iv) all submerged landsfilledin, built up, or otherwise by theUnitedStatesbeforeOctober5,1974,forits reclaimed ownuse:

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(v) all tractsor parcelsof submerged landcontainingon anypartthereofanystructures or improvements constructed by theUnitedStates; (vi)all submerged landsthathaveheretofore beendetermined by the Presidentor by the Congress to be of such scientific, scenic,or historiccharacter asto warrantpreservation andadministration undertheprovisions ofsections 1 and 2 to 4 of Title16; (vii) all submerged landsdesignated by the President withinonehundredandtwentydaysafterOctober5,lg74; (viii)all submerged landsthatarewithintheadministrativeresponsibility of anyagencyor deparrment of theUnited StatesotherthantheDepartmentof theInterior; (ix) all submerged landslawfirllyacquiredby persons otherthantheUnitedStates throughpurchase, gift,exchange, or otherwise; (x) fiandin theVirginIslands];and (xi) land in BuckIslandReefNationalMonument]. Uponrequestof theGovernorof Guam,theVirginIslands,or AmericanSamoa, theSecretary oftheInteriormay,with or without reimbursement, andsubjectto theprocedurespecified in subsection (c) of this sectionconveyall right, title, and interestof the UnitedStatesin anyof thelandsdescribed (ii), (iii), (iv), in clauses (v),(vi),(vii),or (viii)of thissubsection to thegovernmenr ofGuam, theVirginIslands,or AmericanSamoa, asthecasemaybe,with the concurrence ofthe agency havingcustodythereof. (c)No conveyance shallbemadeby theSecretary pursuantto (a) or (b) of this sectionuntil the expirationof sixty Subsection calendardays(excludingdayson whichtheHouseof Representativesor theSenate in notin session because ofadjournment ofmore thanthreedaysto a daycertain)from thedateon whichtheSecretary of the Interior submitsto the Committeesof Interior and P .7 3


andtheSenatean insularAffairsof the Houseof Representatives to beconveyed proposed indicatingthetract statement explanatory andtheneedtherefor,unlessprior to theexpirationofsuchsixty thattheywish informtheSecretary daysbothCommittees calendar conveyance. to takeno actionwith respectto theproposed (d)(1) TheSecretary ofthe Interiorshall,not laterthansixty conveyto (60)daysafterthedateof enactment of thisSubsection, of Guam,theVirginIslandsandAmericanSamoa, thegovernments in asthecasemaybe,all right,titleandinterestof theUnitedStates lands depositsof oil, gasand other mineralsin the submerged (a)of of suchterritoryby Subsection to thegovernment conveyed thisSection. (1) (2) Theconveyance underParagraph of mineraldeposits shallbe subjectto anyexistinglease,permit or of this Subsection priorto thedateofsuch otherinterestgrantedby theUnitedStates AII rentals,royaltiesor feeswhichaccrueaftersuch conveyance. in connectionwith anysuchlease,permitor conveyance dateof of theterritoryto to thegovernment otherinterestshallbepayable whichsuchmineraldepositsareconveyed. Enacted by PublicLaw93-435, SOURCE: 51,88Stat.1210,Oct.5, 1974.See to landsreserved Proclamation No.4347,Feb.1,1975,40 F.R.5129relative byadding Amended bythePresident. for theUnitedStates underthisSection (d)(1)and(dX2)in P.L.96-205:607. Subsection certainlands to reserve NOTE:Pursuant to theauthoritygiventhePresident Ford: by President thefollowingwasissued fromtransferunderthissection, NO.4347 PROCLAMATION F.R'5129> < Feb.1.L975.40 ATOLL TOROSE LANDSADJACENT CERTAIN SUBMERGED RESERVING SAMOAAND CERTAIN IN AMERICAN NATIONALWILDLIFF REFUGE OFIINITED STATESIN GUAM SUBMERGED LANDSFORDEFENSENEEDS ANDVIRGINISLANDS

P. 74

LANDS- CONCURRENT SUBMERGED TURISDICTION The submergedlandssurroundingthe RoseAtoll NationalWildlife Refugein American Samoa arenecessary fortheprotection oftheAtoll'smarinelife,including thegreenseaandhawksbillturtles. The subrhergedlands in Apra Harbor and those adjacent to Inapsan Beachand UranoPoint in Guam , and certain submerged landson thewestcoastof St.Croix,UnitedStatesVirginIslandsare requiredfor nationaldefense purposes. Thesesubmerged landsin AmericanSamoa, CuamandtheUnitedStatesVirginIslandswill beconveyed to theGovernment of thoseterritories, onFebruary 3,1975,pursuant to Section 1(a)ofPublicLaw93-435 (88 Stat.1210)[subsec. (a) ofthis section],unlessthe President, underSection (b)(vii)ofthissectionl, 1(bXvii)ofthatAct Isubsec. designates otherwise. NOW,THEREFORE,I, GEMLDR.FORD,President oftheUnitedStates ofAmerica, byvirtueofauthorityvestedin mebySection1(b)(vii)ofPublicLaw93-435(88Stat. (b)(vii)ofthissection], 1210)[subsec. dohereby proclaimthatthelandshereinafter described areexcepted fromthetransferto theGovernment ofAmericanSamoa, the Governmentof Guamand the Governmentof the united Statesvirgin Islands underSection 1(a)ofPublicLawg3-435[subsec. (a)ofthissection]. American Samoa.The landsadjacent toRoseAtolllocated78miles submerged east-southeast ofTauIslandin theManuaGroupatlatitude14degrees 32'52rr south and longitude168 degrees 08r34rr wesr,which landsshallbe underthe joint jurisdiction administrative oftheDepartment ofCommerce andtheDepartment of theInterior. Guam. (l) The submergedlandsof inner and outer Apra Harbor; and, (2) the submergedlands adjacentto the following uplands: (a) Unsurveyed land,Municipalityof Machanao,Guam,asdelineated on Commander Naval Forces,Marianas Y & D Drawing Numbered 597-464,lying betweenthe seawardboundariesoflots Numbered9992through9997and the rneanhigh tide,containinganundeterminedareaofland, (b) unsurveyed land,Municipality of Machanao,Guam,asdelineatedon CommanderNavalForces,Marianas Y & D DrawingNumbered597-464,lyingbetweentheseawardboundary oflot Numbered10080and the line of meanhigh tide, containingan undetermined amountofland,and(c)LotNumberedPO4.1intheMunicipalityofMachanao, Guam,asdelineatedon Y & D DrawingNumbered597-464,moreparticularly describedas surveyedland borderedon the north by Lot Numbered10080, Machanao,eastby NorthwestAir ForceBase,southby U"S.NavalCommunitation Station (Finegayan)and westby the seacontaininga computedareaof 125.50acres,moreor less.All of the abovelandswithin the territory of Guam shallbe underthe administrativejurisdietion of the Departmentof the Navy. TheVirginIslands.(1) Thesubmerged landsasdescribed in the Codeof Federal Regulations revised asofJuly1, 1974,citedas33CFR207.817 areastrArt & ttgtt,(2) thesubmerged landsseaward of the100fathomeurveoffthe coastof St.



LANDS- CONCURRENT SUBMERGED JURISDICTION 40'30'rN andendingat a point 17 degrees at a point 17 degrees Croixbeginning 25250, ChartNumbered Survey 46130rrNorth asdepicted on CoastandGeodetic (3) the Range, and Virgin Islands Underwater Third Edition; Title: St. Croix, St. Center, Control Range Operational ofthe Underwater submerged landsseaward of theNaly anddescribed leased to theDepartment presently Croix,VirginIslands rrArr, St. locatedin northside asPlot#18of EstateSpratHallsubdivision, Quarter landswithintheterritoryof the 4.84acres ofland.All of theabove Croixcontaining jurisdiction ofthe oftheDepartment VirginIslands shallbeundertheadministrative Navy. IN WITNESSWHEREOF, I havehereuntosetmy handthis first day oI and of the February, in the yearof our Lord nineteenhundredseventy-five, ofAmericatheonehundredandninety-ninth. Independence oftheUnitedStates GERALDR.FORD to noteGuammaterial] addedby Compiler IBoldface COtIRTDECISIONS: Beforeenactment of thissection,theDistrictCourtof Guamadjacent to thesubmerged landssurrounding Guamheld,withrespeet to theNavalCommunications Station: to theNavalCommuthewatersadjacent In lightof theabove, nicationsStation,and belowthe low water mark, like the remainder of the Guamterritorialwaters,mustbe heldto be jurisdictionof the UnitedStatesand a outsidethe exclusive U.J.r. propersubjectof legislationby the GuamLegislature. Borja,etal.,D.C.Guam 1961,19LF.Supp. 563,566.

Rights- Establishmentof DefensiveSea $1706.Reserved Areas.(a)Nothingin Sections 1705to 1708of thisTitleshallaffect theright ofthePresident to establish seaareasand navaldefensive navaldefensive airspace reservations aroundandovertheislandsof Guam,AmericanSamoa,and the Virgin Islandswhen deemed necessary for nationaldefense. (b) Nothingin Sectionsl-705to 1708of thisTitle shalleffect the use,development, improvement,or controlby or underthe constitutionalauthorityof theUnitedStatesof landstransferred by section1705of this Title, and the navigablewatersoverlying suchlands,for the purposeofnavigationor flood controlor the P.v6

SusN4tncsoLANDS- CoNCURRENT iuRlslia -:"\

or reiinquis: astherelease of power,or beconstrued production mentof anyrightsof theUnitedStatesarisingundertheconsttt';or or improvenavigation. to regulate tionalauthorityof Congress to providefor floodcontrolor theproductionof power. (c) TheUnitedStatesretainsall of its navigational servitude and rightsin and powersof regulationand controlof the lands waters by Section1705of this Title, andthe navigable conveyed purposes ofcommerce, overlyingsuchlands,for theconstitutional andinternational affairs,all ofwhich navigation, nationaldefense, to include,proprishallbeparamountto, but shallnot bedeemed administraetaryrightsof ownership,or therightsofmanagement, tion, leasing,use,and developmentof the lands and natural resources which are specifically conveyed to the governmentof asthecasemaybe, Guam,theVirginIslands,or AmericanSamoa, Section 1705 this Title. by of (d) Nothingin Sections 1705to 1708of thisTitle shallaffect in Section limit described thestatusof landsbeyondthethree-mile 1705of thisTitle. SOURCE: Enacted by PublicLaw93-435, 52,88Stat.1211,Oct,5, 1974.

$1707.Paymentof Rents,to LocalGovernments.On and after October5, 1974,all rents,royalties,or feesfrom leases, permits,or userights,issuedprior to October5, 1974,by the with respect UnitedStates to thelandconveyed by Sections 1705to 1708of thisTitle,or by Section1545(b)of thisTitle,andrightsor for trespass occupancies of suchlandsshall actionfor damages accrueand belongto the appropriatelocal governmentunder whosejurisdictionthelandis located. Enacted SOURCE: by PublicLaw93-435, $4,88Stat.I2L2,Oct.5, 1g74.

S1708. DiscriminationProhibited. No personshall be to, or anyof the benefitsaccruingfrom, the lands deniedaccess conveyedby Sections1705to 1708of this Title, or by Section 1545(b)ofthisTitle,on thebasisofrace,religion,creed,color,sex, nationalorigin,or ancestry:Provided,however,that this section P. 77


in derogation ofanyoftheprovisions ofthe shallnot beconstrued April 17,1900cession of TutuilaandAunuuor of theJuly16,1904 cession of theManusIslands,asratifiedby theAct of February20, 1929(45Stat.1253)andtheAct of May22,L929(46Stat.4). SOURCE: by PublicLaw93-435, Enacted $6,88Stat.12L2,Oct.5,1974.




NUCLEARWASTEAND ENERGYRESOURCES Declaration of PolicyRespecting $1469a.Congressional "lnsularAreas"- Consolidation of GrantsandWaiverof MatchingFunds 81469d.GeneralTechnicalAssistance

$1492 EnergyResources

Declarationof PolicyRespecting $1469a.Congressional "Insular Areas". In order to minimizethe burden causedby for certaingrant-inandreportingprocedures existingapplication aid programsavailableto the Virgin Islands,Guam,American Samoa, theTrustTerritoriesof thePacificIslands,andtheGovernmentof the NorthernMarianaIslands(hereinafter referredto as "lnsularAreas")it is herebydeclaredto bethe policyof Congress notwithstanding anyprovisionof lawto thecontrary,that: (a)Anydepartmentor agencyoftheGovernment oftheUnited specifically Congress which Stateswhichadministersany Act of providesfor making grantsto any Insular Area under which paymentsreceivedmay be usedby suchInsularArea only for (otherthandirectpayments certainspecified purposes of to classes individuals) may, acting through appropriate administrative

P. 79


any or all consolidate authoritiesof suchdepartmentor agency' or years' grantsmadeto suchareafor anyfiscalyear Areashallnot be grantfor any.Insular (b) Any consolidated tttt *ould otherwisebe lessthanthe sumof all graritswhich'uih entitledto receivefor suchYear' grant shallbe (c) The fundsreceivedundera consolidated auffofzed purpose.s .* in furtheranceof theprogramsand which are for any of the grantswhich art 6eing consolidated' by thedepartment authoiizedunderanyof theActsadministered be applicableto ;;-;;.";y makingthe grant, and which would the absenceof the srantsfor suchprog,it' and purposesin

theproportion derermine shall i""i""n, uuitnlmrularAreas and such to whichshallbeallocated programs granted .iin. n "o, purposes. tnill!t grants-in-aid making oragency (d)Each department provide.themethod *g"l*;;ubiirh.d in theFlderlnegistei for a application (i) bv whichanvlnsularAreamaysubmit a single fiscalvearperiod'but not morethanone gr;nt ro' ;;;;;iid;;;i 'nv grantshallbe requiredby any r".n .ppfrc.ifn for a consolidated transdepartmentor agencyunlessnoticeofsuch requirement^is Congress oftheUnitedStates committees mittedtothe "ppiopri"t. for reqliring tosetherwith a completeexplanationof thenecessity suchdepartto report t"?n*tiai ."rt ,ppii.ttioni and(ii) a single grant: ment or agency*ith ,.,pect to eachsuchconsolidated preclude Provided,That nothing in this paragraphshall ror procedures departmentor agencyfrom providingadequate and reviewinganyprogramsor auditlng,evaluating, accounting, "benefits frJm any consolidatedgrant' The activitiesreceiving or agency'in its .arninirt.ring aJhority of any department for matchingfunds discretion,may (i) *riu. tny requirement the Insular Area otherwiserequiredby law to be providedby any Insular Area involvedand (ii) waive the requiiementthat

p .8 0


submit an applicationor report in writing with respectto any grant. consolidated TitleV, $501,91Stat.1164,Oct.15, Enacted byPublicLaw95-134, SOURCE: (a) Public Law rgbsection amended by 95'348,S9,92Stat.495,August -1$77; 1&.1078.

(a)TheSecretary of $1469d.GeneralTechnicalAssistance. ofAmerican to extendtothegovernments theIntdriorisauthorized Samoa,Guam,the NorthernMarianaIslands,the Virgin Islands, and andtheTrustTerritoryofthePacificIslands,andtheiragencies with or withoutreimbursement, technicalassisinstrumentalities, tance on subjectswithin the responsibilityof the respective territorialgovernments.Suchassistance maybe providedby the of theInteriorthroughmembersof his staff,reimburseSecretary Government oftheFederal or agencies departments to other ments undertheEconomyAct (31U.S.C.S686),grantsto or cooperative withtheFederal with suchgovernments, agreements arrangements or agencies of Stateor localgovernments, or theemployagencies ment of private individuals,partnerships,or corporations. Technicalassistance planningassistance, may includeresearch, studies,anddemonstration projects" (b) (Doesnot involveGuam.) (c)TheSecretary of Agricultureis authorizedto extend,in his discretion, programsadministered by the Departmentof Agricultureto Guam,theNorthernMarianaIslands,theTrustTerritoryof thePacificIslands,theVirginIslandsandAmericanSamoa(hereinaftercalledtheterritories).Notwithstandinganyotherprovisionof law,the Secretary of Agricultureis authorizedto waiveor modify anystatutoryrequirements relatingto the provisionof assistance in orderto adapt undersuchprogramswhenhedeemsit necessary theprogramstotheneedsoftherespective territory;Provided, That not lessthansixtydaysprior to extendinganyprogrampursuantto this sectionor waivingor modifring any statutoryrequirement pursuant to this section,the Secretaryof Agricultureshallnoti$

P .8 1

theCommitteeon AgricultureandtheCommitteeon Interiorand andtheCommittee InsularAffairsof theHouseof Representatives andthe Committeeon Agriculon EnergyandNaturalResources ture,Nutrition,and Forestryof theSenateof theproposedaction andthe of whyhisactionis necessary togetherwith anexplanation Such programs shal^ each territory affected. anticipated benefitsto of governments with the respective be carriedout in cooperation of be by a memorandum covered the territories and shall and understanding betweenthe respective territorialgovernment Department pursuant the of Agriculture.Any sumsappropriated of theDepartto this paragraphshallbe allocatedto the agencies mentofAgricultureconcerned with theadministrationofprograms in theterritories. (d) EffectiveOctober1, 1981,there are authorizedto be to carry out the appropriatedsuch sumsas may be necessary purposes of this section. 24,1980,P.L.96-597(94Stat. Addedby $601ofActofDecember SOURCE: 3480).

$1491.RadioactiveWasteStorage.(a)Priorto thegranting of anylicense, or permission by any permit,or otherauthorization oftheUnitedStatesto anypersonfor the agency or instrumentality waste transportation of spentnuclearfuelor high-level radioactive for interim,long-term,or permanentstorageto or for the storage of the United of suchfuel or wasteon anyterritoryor possession of the Interioris directedto transmitto the States,the Secretary Congressa detailed report on the proposedtransportationor or permit,or otherauthorization plan,andno suchlicense, storage or storage permission maybegrantednor anysuchtransportation hasbeen plan unless proposed transportation or storage occur the Provided,That the specificallyauthorizedby Act of Congress: to provisionsof this Sectionshall not apply the cleanupand rehabilitationof BikiniandEnewetak Atolls.

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(b) For the purposeof this Sectionthe words"territoryor possession" includethe TrustTerritoryof the PacificIslandsand any areanot within the boundariesof the severalStatesof the UnitedStatesover which the UnitedStatesclaimsor exercises sovereignty. SOURCE:Enactedby PublicLaw 96-205,Title VI, 5605, March12"1980.94Stat.90.

P.8 3



Beit enacted bytheSenate andHouseofRepresentatives ofthe UnitedStates in Congress assembled, ThattheCongress, recognizingthebasicdemocratic principleofgovernment by theconsentof thegoverned,authorizes the peoplesof theVirgin Islandsandof Guam,respectively, to organize governments pursuantto constitutionsof theirownadoptionasprovidedin thisAct. of the Virgin Islandsand Guam, 52 (a) The Legislatures respectively, areauthorizedto call constitutional conventions to relationship, constitudraft,within theexistingterritorial-Federal tions for the local self-government of the peopleof the Virgin Islands andGuam. (b) Suchconstitutions shall(1) recognize, andbeconsistent with, thesovereignty of the UnitedStatesoverthe VirginIslandsand Guam,respectively,andthesupremacy oftheprovisions oftheConstitution, treaties, andlawsofthe UnitedStatesapplicable to theVirgin IslandsandGuam,respectively, including,but not limitedto, thoseprovisionsof the OrganicAct and RevisedOrganicAct of theVirginIslandsandtheOrganicAct of Guamwhichdo not relateto localself-government. (2)providefor a republican formofgovernment, consisting of threebranches:executive, legislativeandjudicial (3) containa bill of rights; (4)dealwith thesubjectmatterofthoseprovisions ofthe Revised OrganicActoftheVirginIslandsofl954,asamended, andtheOrganicActof Guam,asamended, respectively, which relateto localself-government; P. 84


(5) with referenceto Guam,providethat the voting franchisemay be vestedonly in residentsof Guamwho are citizensof theUnitedStates; (6)providefor asystemoflocalcourtsconsistentwith the provisions of theRevised OrganicAct of theVirginIslands,as amended: and (7) providefor a systemoflocalcourtsthe provisions of whichshallbecomeeffective no soonerthanuponthe enactment of legislationregulatingthe relationshipbetweenthe judicialsystem. localcourtsof Guamwith theFederal shallbe $3 Themembersof the constitutionalconventions chosenasprovidedby the lawsof the Virgin Islandsand Guam, (enactedafter the date of enactmentof this Act): respectively Provided, however, Thatno personshallbeeligibleto bea member oftheconstitutional conventions, unlessheisa citizenoftheUnited andqualifiedto votein theVirginIslandsandGuam,respecStates tively. shallsubmitto theGovernoroftheVirgin $4 Theconventions Islandsa proposedconstitutionfor the Virgin Islandsandto the Governorof Guama proposedconstitutionfor Guamwhichshall complywith the requirementsset forth in 2(b) above. Such constitutionsshallbe submittedto the Presidentof the United Statesby theGovernors of theVirginislandsandGuam. dateson $5 Within sixtycalendardaysafterthe respective which he has receivedeach constitution,the Presidentshall transmitsuchconstitutiontogetherwith his commentsto the Congress. Theconstitution,in eachcase,shallbe deemedto have beenapprovedby the Congress within sixtylegislative days(not interruptedby an adjournmentsinedie of the Congress) afterits submission by thePresident, unlessprior to thatdatetheCongress hasapproved theconstitution, or modifiedor amended it, inwhole or in part, by joint resolution.As so approvedor modified,the constitutions shallbesubmittedto thequalifiedvotersoftheVirgin P .8 5


IslandsandG-uam, respectively, for acceptance or rejection through islandwide referendums to beionductedas providedunderthelaws (enacted oftheVirginIslandsandGuam,respectively, afterthedate ofenactment ofthisAct).Uponapprovalbynotlessthanamajority of the voters(countingonly the affirmativeor negativevotes) participatingin suchreferendum, the constitutions shalibecerne effective in accordance with theirterms. SOURCE: PublicLaw94-584, 94thCongress 90Stat.2899(1976).Amended by $501,ActofDec.24,1981,P"L.96-597(94Stat.3479). NOTE: For a completerecordof the proceedings of the Constitutional Conventionof Guam,and relateddocuments,seeGuamConstitutional Convention 1977.The Constitutionof Guamsubmittedto Congress was rejected by the peoplein a referendum heldin Augustof 1978. No new hasbeencalled. convention


END0FORGANTCAcT &Rrmlpp 14ry5:

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