The Guam Recorder (1924 - 1940) Seventeenth Anniversary

Page 1

,TAn g"am ,Rurordu,


IJpTo Date KeepYourBusiness WithClipperAir trxpress TI

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the Guarn

as you lihe thern

tsaglle for



.7An Snrrice C/"6 Chief Storekeeper H. F. O'Reilly, U. S. N., Manager






Contents for April 1940 COVER Agana River west end before wall was constructed Photograph by Elliott Cover design by J. L. Salas

Magellan Day Celebration


Spanish Galleons


Extracts from Catalogue of Earthquakes Felt in Guam 1825-1938 25 -By

W. C. Repetti, S. J.

--By Comdr. P. J. Searles, (CEC), U.S.N.

Clippering Through -By

Boys' and Girls' Agricultural Club

Achievement Test



Daily Naval Historical Data


Shipping Notes


A Kapok Tree in Guam


L. T. Siguenza

Department of Education Notes


Local Sports


The Plants of Guam





Margaret Saunders


Small Pox Epidemic Victims of 1856


Magdalena V. Cruz

Vital Statistics of Guam


Former Editor Writes


Book Review


E. H. Bryan, Jr.

The Deceived Fisherman -By


M. T. Charfauros


Riding in Guam -By


SaIIy Rowan Pease

24 Lodge and Church Notices


The opinions expressed in articles published in this magazine are the private ones of the writers and should not be construed as official or in any way reflecting the views of the Navy Department, the Naval Government of Guam, or the naval service at large. Entored as sccond-cless mrttcr,


31,1924. at the Port Office rt Gu.m,


under thc Act of March 3, 1879.


The Guam Recordet' tin was discontinuedon February 15, 1924. The first edition of the Guu,m Recarder was MONTIILY MAGAZINE OF GUAM published in March 1924 under the editor,shipof Director Lieut. Comdr. P. J. Searles,(CEC), U. S. Navy, Captain Jaines T. Alexander, U.S,N., and under the businessmanagementof Mr. W. W. Governor of Guam Rolvley. Its main office was in the basement Editor of the building situated on Lot No. 4, on the Lieut. Comdr. Harold B. Edgar, U.S,N. corner of Dr. Hesler and Padre streets, Associate Editors just east of the former Officers'Club. During the Helen Edgar Herme Wakefield first nine years of publication,the paper was operStaff atiirg as a private enterprise under the ownership J. A. Crisostomo, Nat.Y,1c, U,S,N. of }fr. Rowley, printed by the Guam Press AssoPrinting Department ciation, until October 2, 1933, when it was purF. G. Guith, Frtr.1-c, U.S.N. R. F. Blaz, Printer chased and subsidized by the Naval Government Subscription Rates of Guam. The present Guam Recorder Offlce is To United States and Possessions,one year, $1.00 T o foreign countries, one year, $1.50 in the southr,vesternlower room of the Governlocal news stands, 10 cents per copy ment Flouse. The print shop is occupying the western portion of the Government building Nb. 4, southrvest of the Government House. With this, the two hundred and sixth edition, One of the most interesting features of the The Guam,Recorder completes its sixteenth year. Government administration was Our purpose is to stimulate every young man and early [6"rican the publication of a four-page organ called The wornan towards becoming intelligent and useful News Letter. The flrst edition of "Tlre citizens. We want the people to becorne better Gttctn't, llews Letter," containing articles of purely acquaintedwith the art of living together, and to GtLa.m local neu's, written in Spanish and English, was developthat friendly neighborly spirii that is espublished on February 29, 1908 by Governor sentiai towards the building of community spirit. Edward J. Dorn, Captain, U. S. Navy. It was This paper belongs,not to us, the editors alone, the first periodical published in Guam, and the but to every person in Guam. It is a medium of forerunner of Th,e Guum Recorcler. The prepa- geiting together ancl of expressing our ideas" ration of this paper was made in the Governor's We feel sure that you rvill be with us in giving Office, His Excellency, the Governor as Editor, this publication your fuii attention, interest and assisted by his clerical staff, the former and pres- cooperaiion. ent chief clerks to the Governor, Messrs. Atanasio T. Perez and Jose Roberto, respectively. The Errors. \Ve make them sometimes. If you printing was done by the Federal Government Print Shop housed in a very small lean-to at the have cause for complaint, rvrite us. We will do western end of the Government House kitchen, our part. Give us credit for the intention to deal under the management of John Henry Bell, fairly.



Anniversary Seventeenth

Prtr.Lc, U. S. N., and later on by C. C. Butler, Prtr.2c, U. S. N. The rnagazine, although published at irreguriar intervals, continued until December 1921 when the use of the Federal Government Printing Press was denied and the Janu:rr1' 1922 issue was published in mimeographedform. Thereafter, the island remained without an advocate of good will until the Inf ormation Bulletin, a single-faced, loose-leafed edition, containing brief information on vital statistics of the island, came into existenceon June 15,1922. This bulle-

Aur Plutforrn. The aim of this paper is to give busy, earnest people a digest of all the really important developments in island progress; in condensed,clean and orderly, yet sprightly and entertaining forrn. The editorial comment is written more from the personal point of view, but "with nialice toward none and charity far a11," never with the idea of forcing conciusions on ol.u: friends, but rather of stimulating thought and discussion.

-4y,i . l 19j0



Ferdinand Magellan

Ido one knows the actual place in Guam where the inLrepid Portuguese navigator, Ferdinand Magellan, landed when he is said to have discovered the Marianas Islands. No one has any authentic information either as to when the first Chamorros settled in Guam. And even though Magellan left no records of his exploits after his death, the date was set to be the sixth day of the third month of the year 1521 and the major scenewas in the tiny village of Umatac where he was said to have landed, it still being a very effective cliche of contemporary historians. Probably it was Umatac.

CIelobration prominent businessmen from the neighboring towns and many hundreds of citizens of Guam in automobiles,blrsses,some afoot and in bull-drawn carts came and participated in celebrating the discovery day. Magellan named the group of islands "Islas Latinas Latieras" or "Islands of the Lateen Sails," in reference to the fast-moving "proas" of the aboriginal natives, but when Padre Diego Luis de Sanvitores, Spanish Jesuit, flrst settled in Guam in 1668 for the purpose of converting the natives to Christianity, he changed the name to that of "Marianas Islands" in honor cf Maria Ana de Austria, who rvas the Queen of Spain and patroness of tlie expedition. The ruins of the three Spanish forts and of the chui:ch rvhich were built in the 18th century and have been destroyed by the earthquake catastrophe of 1849 were overcrorvdedwith visitors. The forts are situated on strategic high spots on the east and west sectionsof the town overlookins the entrance of the sn'iall harbor. The Penguiru,nestled in Apra Harbor, was seen

q 4,.',

,:lrui "6 "rw'

Nevertheless, the celebration of Magellan Day at Umatac on March 6, 7940, according to Mr. Francisco Q. Sanchez,Assemblyman of that district and Principal of Magellan School, was the most successful held in recent years. From the capital city of Agafla arrived the Aide for Civil Administration, Commander S. D. Jupp, U.S.N., accompaniedby other Naval Government officials. Several U.S. Marine officers and men, including representatives of the Pan American Airways' Company came from Sumay. Some

Pageant Scene at Umatac

The Guam Recorcler iorians on the other side of the world. On page 9, March 1939 edition of the Guam,Recorcler,tlne well-knolvn novelist Charles Ford asserts that Magell:rn anchored at Talofofo which is on the opirosite side of the island, facing the east, instead of at Umatac. Antonio Pigafetta who was the chronicler of Magellan's expedition in his account "Navigation and Discovery of the Northern Indies," gave some informi-rtion that Magellan landed in Guam. Some local students of history in Guam do not agree with the generally accepted belief dhat Magellan landed in Guam. Through industrious and intelligent research, these desirable informations miglrt develop. The people of Guam await authentic data on this question. GUAM QUESTTONS AND ANSIVERS

Young Performers in Pageant

migrating westward early in the morning of the 6th of March, with service personnel aboard, eager to participate in the celebration. The Boy Scouts of America nnder the leadership of ScoutmasterG. R. Barlow, Q.l{.1c, U.S.\L, embarked in a Navy motor launch at Navy Landing, Piti, on Malch 6, for Umatac. The Magellan Monument on the eastern part of Umatac which was erected by the Guam Teachers' Association on March 6, 1926, was the scene of the celebration this year. l-eature of the opening of the celebration was the Welcome Address delivered by Mr. Sanchez. Significant was the special program wherein Magellan's voyage was recited by the Native school children of thal, village. More educational in aspect was the song "Alexander's Rag Time Band" which, Mr. Sanchez says, was the center of attraction. There were many other dialogues presented by the residents of Umatac. The remarks by the Aide for Civil Administration at the conclusion of the program in which he expressed his appreciation of the excellent program presented by the community added a great deal to enliven the occasion. The celebration this year is not only of special interest to the people of Guam but also to his-

Q.l-Date Island of Guam becamea possessionof the United States. A.-The Island of Guam becamea possessionof the United States on 1 February 1899" Guam was captured on 20 June 1898 during the Spanish-American War by the U.S.S. Charleston, comrnandedby Captain Henry Glass,U.S.NI. Q.2-The Island of Guam Seal. A.-The Guam Seal emblem with a coconut tree and an outrigger canoe,symbolizes,( 1) The coconut tree represents the most irnportant product of the island; (2) The outrigger canoe symbolizes the early fame of the Chamorros in their skill in manning the caj'ioeas seen by Magellan who called it the "Flying Froas", and the means for their inter-island communication. Q.3--The Island of Guam l\{otto. {.-'(Qgnp fOr GUam." Q.4-The Island of Guam Flower. A.-Morning Glory. Vernacular: Abubu; Scientific name: Ipomea Choisiana. Q.5-The Island of Guam Bird. A.-Rose'Crowned Fruit Pigeon. Vernacular': Totot; Scientific name: Ptilopus Roseincapillus. Q.6-Derivative of the name Guam. A.-The name Guam derived from the original natives who called it 'lGuahan"-1nszning perhaps the land of plenty.



Spanish Galtreorns By CommanderP. J. Searles, (CEC), U.S.N. (Continued from last i,ssue) Water was carried in several thousand jars, some of which were stowed belorv, and others hung in the rigging" On a few galleons water was carried in bamboo tubes, and occasionall;,'11 cisterns. There never was enough water, and the insufficient amount was supplemented, when possible, by rain water. It was not uncommon for the water ration to be reduced to about a quart a day for all purposes, and on some trips men and women died of thirst. For scanty spoiied foo,d, insufficient water, crowded quarters, harsh discipline, discomfort, disease, sickness and perhaps death, passengers were called on to pay as much as 5,000 pesosfor the trip.

cause of wrecks. Some ships were lost because of rotten timbers, top heavy; improper and unsafe loading; incompetenceof offi.cersand seamen. Among other wrecked galleons were Nuestra Seitoru de La Vitlu,7620; San,1596; San Fi'ancisco: San Jose, whose loss was ascribed to the fact that the workmen who built her had worl<edon holy days; Saz Pctblo,lost near Guam 1568,the flrst galleonto be wrecked-she was carrying about 40,iJ00pounds of einnamon; Espiritu Stt'nto, 1576; San Juu.nillo, 7578; San Antonio, 1,603,while carrying an extremely rich cargo, as well as ]rany wealthy citizens of Maniia who were fleeing from the Chinese uprising; San N'icolas, lost in 162l with 330 persons; Concepcion, wrecked orr Saipatr,1638-six of the 28 survivors Loses by Siekness saiied in an open boat to the Phiiippines; So,n Galleons always lost a large number of the Antbrosio, wrecked on Luzon with a loss of 150 passengers and crew due to disease, mostly persons, \639; Encarnu"cion,1649; Santo Ct"isto scurvy. In 1606 eighty died while en route to de Burgos, burned at sea 1693,-one of the most Acapulco. In 1620, a galleon lost 99 at sea and ireart rending of all sea stories is that of cannibalrvas unable to proceed further than the Guadala- ism among the few who rnanaged to escape the jara coast. In 1629 the loss amounted to 105, in ship, oniy two reaching land alive, one insane and 1633 two galleons lost 140 at sea, w};ile the two the other long imprisoned for having eaten human galleonsof 1643 lost 114. In 1657 all aboard the flesh; San Jose,7694,-the largest galleonbuilt up San Jose perished; none were alive when she was to that time, she was wrecked near Mariveles with found floating south of Acapulco over a year after a ioss of 400 lives; Sc,iaFrancisco Xauier, 1705; leaving Manila. Still another galleon late in the Pilar, 1750; San Cristobal, 1735; San Andres, 17th century lost 208 out of her passenger and 1798. crew list of 400. Wreck of the Santa Margarita In 1755, eighty two of the Santisimo Tri,nidad,'s In 1600 the Santa Margctrita sailed from Manila 435 died at sea, over 200 sick were landed at the Jesuit Mission at Cape San Lucas, ancJ.only 27 w-ith a passengerand crew list of 260. Almost men were able to stand when bhe ship reached at once she was battered by storm after storm. port. Even as late as 1806 the San Anclt'es lost FIer commander, Juan Martinez de Guillestigui, and her pilot died. For eight months the galleon 36 from scurvy alone. was thrown helplessly about, finally to be cast Shipwrecks ashore on Saipan, with only 50 men still alive. "[he Santa Margo,rita, Santo Tomas, San Gero- Most of these 50 were killed by the Chamorros. In 1601 Lhe Santo Tomas sailed by Saipan and n' and. Sctn Antonio are four of about 35 galleons that rn'ere wrecked. Several thousand picked up a survivor of the Santa Margarita who lives were lost, and perhaps more than 50,000,000 came out in a native boat. Although other surpesos in property. Storms were not the only vivors were living ashore, Commander Antonio de

10 Ribera Maldonado refused to stop long enough to pick them up. Padre Juan Pobre jumped overboard and swam ashore in order to assist the poor sailors, and it is pleasing to relate that all were rescued by the Jesus Mario in 1602. It is not unpleasing to relate that Maldonado lost his ship and his life by wreck before he was able to reach Manila.

The Guo"m Recorder

Church vestmentsmade in China. Cotton and cotton goods from Bengal, Coromandel and Malabar. Persian and Chinese rllgs. Jewelry and jewels from the Orient, including rings, bracelets, earrings, necklaces, rosaries, cruciflxes, etc., set with diamonds, rubies and pearls. "A golden bird from China", seizedat Acapulco Guam as a Port of Call in 7767 as an illegal article of trade. Although Magellan discovered Guam in 1521, Jewel studded sword-hilts. and although many ships followed his route, startAliigator teeth, plain or mounted with gold. ing with Alvaro de Saavedra in 7527 and VillaWomen's combs; in !767 the Sun Caflos carried lobos in 7542, it was not until June 1668 that a 80,000. royal order was issued requiring all west bound Fans, ivory castanets, copper cuspidors, nugalleons to put in at Guam. The order further merous articles of ivory, jade and jasper. required that during the month of June beacorr Sandalwood.. flres were to be kept burning on the highest points Brass tooth picks and paper balloons. of Guam and Rota. T3ronzethimbles and eyeglasses. The galleons always lay to offshore while water Earthernware and porcelain. and fresh provisions were taken on board, and Chocolate from Guayaquil and tea from China. passengers and cargo landed. In 7674 a storm Manila Cigars. arising, the then visiting galleon had to put to Spices and "drugs", including clove, cinnamon, sea without her captain, and actually proceeded pepper, musk, borax, red lead, camphor and nutto Manila leaving the unfortunate man behind. lltA0 The Spanish crown orcleredabout 34,000pesos Animals including a white deer sent as a present annually from Mexico to Guam as "situado" and "socorro", or "subsidy" and "relief". Of this sent to the King of Spain in 1746. amount the Governor officially got 3,000 pesos. Slaves. The course of the east bound galleons was far to There follor,v accounts of the four captures of the north of Guam and, consequently, the island galleons made by the British. The first is taken was not a port of call for vessels bound for from Francis Pretty's account of the voyage of Acapulco. Thomas Candish. The second is taken from For over two centuries practically all passen- Woodes Rogers account of his voyage around the gers, cargo and money for Guam were carried in rvorld. The third is taken from Richard Walter's the Spanish galleons. account of Anson's voyage. The fourth has been pieced together from several sources and tells of Cargo the exploit of two ships of Admiral Cornish's Among the many articles carried by the command" galleons were: Other gaileons were pursued or attacked, but feur were captured by the Britist^. onlyr Gold from the Orient to Mexico. The flrst Englishman to capture a Manila Silver from Mexico to the Orient. galleon was the "Worshipful Master Thomas gauzes, Chinese silks, Cantonesecrepes, veivets, of Trimley in the Countie of Suffolk Candish grograins, taffetas, damask, brocades. Esquire", as he is described by Francis Pretty, (one galleon Stockings carried over 50,000), chronicler of the event. cloaks, robes, skirts, bodices, kimonos. Bed coverings and tapestries. Candish (Note: Also known as Cavendish) Flemish laces and Spanish cloth. went to London in his youth and early made the Table linen and handkerchief of Chinese work- acquaintance of Sir Walter Raleigh as well as of manship. some of Drake's veterans. Inspired by their

April 19110


example, he made an unsuccessful voyage to the cheerfull rvord the master of the ship and divers West Indies and Virginia, and then in 1586 re- others of the company went also up into the maine ceived command of three small vesselswith which top, who perceiving the speech to be very true he circumnavigated the globe, capturing Spanish gave information unto our Generall of these ships and looting and burning Spanish-American liappy ney/es, who was no lesse glad than the cities en route. Candisharrived back in England calise required; whereupon he gave in charge in 1588. The following extracts are taken from presently unto the whole company to put all things in readiness, which being performed we Pretty's account of the voyage. "Wee departed out of Plimouth on Thursday gave them chase sorne 3 or 4 houres, standing the 21 of July 1586, with 3 sayles, to wit, the with out best advantage and working for the Desire a ship of 120 tunnes, the Content of 60 winds. In the afternoone r've got up unto them, tuns, and lhe Hugh Gallant a barke of 40 tunnes: giving them the broad side with our great ordiin which small fleete were 123 persons of all narlce and a volee of small sl-rot,and pi'esentl1' the ship aboord, t'heleof t1-reIiing of Spain sortes. (Note: Pretty was aboard the Huglt }a1-ecl u-hich rvas Aclmiral of tire South Sea, \ras o\\'ner, Gallant). tltnnes Ait,tc,..and thottght to ire 701,1 the S. callecl "The 4 of November (Note 1587) the Desire Nou' as \\-ee l-ei'e leacl5-ou theil in burthen. and the Content-beating up and downe upon the ships side to enter het', being trot past 50, or 6t) headland of California, which standeth in 23 men at the uttermost in our ship, r,r.eperceived degrees and 2/3 to the Northward, betwene seven the Captaine of the said shrp had maclefights that and 8 of the clocke in the morning one of the fore and after, and lal'fl their sailescloseon theil company of our Admirall which was the trumpetpoope, their midship, r,vith their fore castle, anrl er of the ship going up into the top espied a sayle not one man to be seene,stood close unclei' having bearing in from the sea with the cape, rvhe,reLlpon lvith lances, javelings, rapiers and fights, their hee cryed out with no small joy to himselfe and (Continued on page 33) the whole company, A sayle, A sayle, with rvhich


The Guam Recorder



Bg Marguret Saunders

Aboard lhe Cali,forni,a Clipper was Mr. Joseph Gellson, a DuPont representative bound for India to report on some black sand which is to be converted into white paint (believe it or not). Mrs. Ramsey, Mr. Gellson and another passengerMr. Alfred Gemperle, took a drive into Agafla and up to our club and were extremeiy impressed with Guam. They took photographs of some of the old churches and native homes and scenes to carry back with them. The China Cli.pyterarrived the sarne afternoon as the California Clipper and brought six additional passengersto Guam. l\{r. Charles Corai, Executive of the Nestle's Milk, Inc. in Singapore. He flew from Singapore to Saigon via KNILM, from Saigon to Hong Kong via Air France, and is flying the Pacific via P.A.A. In San Francisco he will fly via United Air Lines to New Yolk. Mr. and Mrs. Mahomed-Akbar Fazalbhoy of Bombay were another much traveled couple. They had flown from Bombay to Karachi by Tata Airlines, thence to Hong Kong via Imperial Airrvays, to San Francisco via P.A.A. ancl finally to Camden, New Jersey by American Airlines. Mr. Stewart H. Durkee was returning to his home in San Merino, California after several years sojourn in Palembang, Sumatra, in the empioy of the Standard Oil Co. Mr. Sergius Klotz, Manager of Manila's foremost brokerage firm Swan, Culbertson & Fritz, is making a leisurely Clipper-Steamer round trip to the United States. Altho Mr. Klotz is a fre-

quent Manila-Hong Kong Clipper traveler, this is his lirst trans-Pacific crossing by Clipper. Mr. Laurence D. May, Executive of the Facific Cornmercial Co. in Manila, lvas returning to his home in Marion, Ohio. Mr. May, rvho was in Guam flve days when an engine was changed some months ago, said it r;raslike getting home to come to Guam. Mr. 1\4ay'sdelightful sense of humor liept passengers and crevlr alike cheerful and amused while they sat about the Hotel through the dela.y. He really was "the life of the party." CaptzrinKeuneth Beer brouglrt nine passengers, fivc of rvhom rvere corlrpany employees being transferred to island duty. Mr. Henry J. Belden, Executive of the Atlantic Gulf and Pacific Co. of iHanila, was making a businessand pleasuretrip to San Francisco where he will meet his wife. I{rs. Belden caxnethrough just before Christmas on her way home to spend the holidays with relatives. Mr. John D. I\{cCord,Executive of the Blue Bar Coconut Co. in Manila, r,vasstarting on his third rounil trip across the Pacific by Clipper. We'\'e often heard hor,vthe Charleston came into Guam in 1898 and fired on the Island. When no answering volley sounded from Fort Santa Cruz, the Chtwleston fired the national salute and waited. The Governor finally was rowed out from shore and regretted very much that he could not return the salute, but the island was out of amrrrreniiicn. On this plane was IIr. GeorgeSimmie of }f anila who was on the City of P.eking, one of

,\pril 19.10 the ships being convoyed by the C'h,at"lestonon this historical occasion. He substantiated the above story and said that no mail had reached Guam for over six months at that time so no one knerv that Spain and America lvere at War. Ih". Simmie is norv an Executive of the Luzon Stevedoring Co. and an old timer on the transPacific skyway. He is also one of the Phiiippine's rnost prominent yachtsmerr. Last year he bought the sailing ship that \\'as Lrsedin the fiiming of the motion picture "Hurricaue"' and sailed it l:ack to the Philippines himself r,vitha crew of 11. X{rs. Simmie n'as accompanyingher husband on this trip and expressed great sulprise at the beauty of Guam. She say she wonders why more people from Manila don't corne to Guam and stop over for a rest and some fishing. 1\{r. Simiaie is flying back to Rocirester for treatrnent and will retui:n by Clipper when his heaith is better. l,Xr. Ceorge Angns, Division Superintendent of Radio for Pan American rvas mahing his yeariy inspectiontrip as far as Hong Kong. The,ppine Clipper, under comrnand of Chief Pilot Jack Tilton, came staggering into Guam under the vreight of two of tire largest gentlemen ever to travel together over the airways, Baptiste Thunderbird, weil known wrestler, and Glenn Lee, boxer. The rest of the passengers and crew had numerous tales to tell. At \r/ake Island Thunderbird and Lee put on an exhibition in the hotel lobby, Ld claiming that Thunderbir'd was just a baby and didn't want to hurt him. Chief Thnnderbird has all his feathers with him and has promised to wear them ashore when he rc,turns from Manila so that the children of Guam rray seehow a real Indian looks. There were no women aboard so the Chief went barefooted and wore no shirt except at spots -where tlie clippei' landed. Captain Tiiton says that at one point in the trip, he noticed the ship acting rather strange1y, the alltomatic stabilizer trying to keep up with zl large arnolln'rof activity somewhere in the ship. Upon investigation he discoveredLee and Thunderbird doing their setting-up exercises in the lounge of the plane, playfully roiling about on the floor, jumping up and dolvn, shadow boxing, etc. The Chief weighs around 240 pounds and Lee somev,'hereciose behind. Mr. Wallace Kirkland, a photographer for Life Maguzine, abeady had j-iis arnl in a cast from an accident in California,

13 so he kept out of the way. Mr. Kirkland is on his way to India to cover the forthcoming Indian Congress. It is expected that there may be trouble and Mr. Kirkland's assignment is considered fft,e assignment of the year, so he didn't report his broken arm as he didn't want to miss out on this opportunity. He has his cast mace flat aiong the left arm so he can rest his camera on the flat surface and "grind" with his right. Captain Barrows brought in quite a sizeable passengerlist which included Mr. ConstantineLeo Zakhartchenko, Aeronautical Engineer who flerv through hele several r'veeksago to New York on business. Mr. Jean Lecornecof Paris was flying all the u'ay to Tokyo on a dipiomatic mission. He was accompaniedby his attractive 11 year old daug;hter Yannick and her governess, Mrs. Anne cl'Eauborrne. Mr. John O. Enberg, President of Il{:rlsmann Co. of California, was on his r,vayto I-'5anilafor a three months business trip. Mrs. Enbe,rg rvas rvith him again this trip. They are both getiing to be oid bimers oir this line. Vir. Paul LclviS, Export Manager of Coca-Cola v/as on another of his freouent trans-Pacific Ciipper crossings. Returning to Guam after participating in the construction of Pan American's newest transFacific Clipper base at Canton Island on the projected route from San Francisco to New Zealand, were: lVilliam Hughes, Jose Flores, Francisco l\{ufroz, Ernest Wustig, and Charles Wolford. On the return trip, Captain Tilton brought Mr. Frank B. Gummey, employee of Standard Vacuum Oil Co. who rvas returning to his home in Philadelphia,and Mr. Erwin Schwabe,importer and exporter of New York City. The two passengerssat about the hotel and told interesting stories of their trip to the Orient. Mr. Schrvabe says that ai one airport in French-Indo China, ihe passengersalighted frorn a plane and stepped off into tlie heartof the tropics. The temperature was around 90 degreesand the passengersthirsty. On a table at the airport were a few sandr'viches and some bottles of beer and coca-cola,practically steaming in the afternoon sun. Mr. Schrvabe turned to the native attendant and asked if they didn't have a refrigerator. "Oh yes," replied the boy, "l,./e catch icee box but no ice now. This tlinter time."

The Guam Recorder


Boyso and Girls' Agricultural


By Lorenzo T" Siguenza, Ass'istant Field, E rtensiotr, Agent and Superintendent, Boys' ancl G'irls' Clubs. The result of the judging of the boys' and girls' agricultu"'al club work for the year has been quite gratifying. The judges took great pains in deciding finally the winners who represented progressive club members, from practically all the farming districts of the Island. The judges selected were Mr'. Ramon S. Baza of Yofla, an outstanding rancher in the Island and for many years member of the Guam Congress serving his cornmunity in the capacity of a Councilman; Mr. Vicente C. Castro, Commissioner of one of the greatest vegetable producing districts of the Island, also one of the outstanding commissioners; Mr. Jesus Herrera, an ex-serviceman (U.S.N.) residing in Agat and ranching in Fena. Mr. ,:

.. ''



Herrera for years has worked for the interest of the young people of his community, serving in the capacity of an advisor to the local Boys Scout Troop. He is a big booster for both the boys' and girls' agricultural clubs and the Boy Scouts; Mr. Baltazar P. Carbullido, representative of the Department of Education and principal of Dyer School, Piti; Mr. Lorenzo Siguenza, Assistant Field Extension Agent and Superintendent of the Boys' and Girls' Agricultural Clubs. The judging of all outstanding agricultural club projects was based upon the following scores: I.




PRODUCTiON: 1. Quality 2. Quality METHODS: 1. Irnproved 2. Educat,ionalvalue

9% , 16% ---


RBTURNS FROM PROJECT: (Profit realized from project)


$% 15%


RtrCORD KEEPING ON PROJtrCT: 1. Figures on operation -,-------,-------- 9% 71% : 2. Story of project --

Below are the rvinners and the scores each made; awards given; and the relative standing of districts in all aericulturai club activities.

Rice club


at 'r.ork


Name of Membel

Copra Cltib Corn Club Garden Club Bean Club Horticultrire Poultry Club Pig Club Root Crop Calf Club Rice Club

JoseG. Castro A. L. Charfauros J. L.G. Cruz A. Certeza Pedro Salas Vicente Herrera E. S. Peredo Juan S. Salas Joaquin L. Paulino S. Castro

Point District Scored Talofofo Merizo Merizo Piti Talofofo Agat Jalaguag Talofofo Inarajan Agat

287 318 372 328 311 404 354 391 326 410

April 19/10


Department of Education for its unselflsh cooperation in the work of the boys' and girls' agricnltural clubs. The club supervisorsand the local ciub ieaders all of v,'hom are members of the Department of Education as principals and teachers Calf Ciub of the outlying schoolsare all to be commended 1. One Young Closs-bred bull (Indian-grade for ttre high spirit and untiring efforts putting native) across such great task which would have been impossibie to accomplish had it not been for their Corn Ch,rb Bean Club help. 1. One Plow 1. One Cultivator 2. One Fusino 2. One Pitch Fork Copra Club 1. One Macheteand Copra Extractor with casing 2. One Young Cross-bred boar (Duroc JerseyBerkshire)

Garden Ciub 1. One Cultivator 2. One Sirading Fork 3. One flattock

Horticulture C]ub 1. One Cultivator

Rice Clul; 1. One Pior'.' 2. One Pitch Fork

Root Crop 1. One Piorv 2. One Mattock

2. O r r e Pllr r ir ir r s

I{aval Station News St$ -

3. One lI:rttock

Enlistments The foilo*'ing narned uten \l-ere enlisted in the L.S. N:rr'1'as lless Attendants, thilcl Class, on 1 i'Iarch 1940 and n-ere transferr"ed to the U.S.S. R.L. Barnes for training and duty:

Poultry Club Mesa, Juan C; Leon Guerrero, Vicente C; 1. One Cross-bredgilt (Duroc Jersey-Berlishire) Sablan, Francisco B; Mangloffa, Manuel C; Tai2. One Cross-bred boar (Duroe Jersey-Berk- jeron, Vicente C; Garrido, Jose B; Toves, Elias shire) B; Carbullido, Luis A; Taijeron, Carlos C: Diaz, Relative standing of districts in all agr.icultural Manuel C; Quefiga,Silvino T; Cruz, Miguel J; Balajadia, Ramon I; Aguon, Jose C; Fejeran, club activities for seasonending 31 March 1940. ldauuel F. District Talofofo Piti

Local Club Leaders 2,904 L Quitugua


Jalaguag Sumay

2,888 .JUan ralmanglo 2,636 Alfred Sablan and Jose Rivera 2,275 C. Quinata 2,064 Jesus Quinata 1,846 Jesus Barcinas 1,783 Jesus Reyes 1,600 Antonio Crisostomo 1,515 Manuel Sablan


1,450 Vicente Benavente

Agat Inarajan Umatac Merizo Yona


1,347 Pedro Cruz Barrigada 1,136 Jose Taitano 1,104 Juan White Price Sinajana 1,089 Manuel Lujan Asan 743 Loyenzo Borja and Jose Rosario Machanao 431 Angel Flores Tumon 208 Felix Mesa

Local Club Superviscrs T r,

r \,,i+,,- ,,wur !u} .ua

B. P. Carbullido J, Torres F. Lujan F. Sanchez lL Charfauros L, D. Flores Jose Perez A. B. WonPat E. Untalan Pedro Cruz V. T1'ding6o P. B. L. Guerrero Manuel Lujan Mrs. J. Tydingco A. Martinez D. Perez

The Department of Agriculture through this medium takes the opportunity in thanking the

A colonel touring 'Europe did not believe in forgetting those he left behind. So to his son in collegein his home country he wrote: "I am nor,vstanding on the cliff from which the Spartans used to throw their defective children. Wish you were here." Illinois Siren.

MARCH OF TIME "Crisis oaer the Pucdfir" Last July a photographer from the March of Time studios made a motion picture of Guam - its people,its activities, its buildings and its scenery. This film is expecied 3 April and will be shown at THE GAIETY THEATER Sunday, April 7th. Don't fail to see this motion picture of your Island. You may see yourself on the screen --anyway you will see some of your friends and many familiar scenes.-Ad,uertisement.

The Guarn Record,er




of Ddueation

When this issue of the Recorder reaches you, the Schoolsof Guam will have passedtheir thirtysixth milestone since Guam became a possession of the United States. For the flrst six years of the presence of Americans in Guam some feeble attempts at the establishment of schools were made but with no apparent success. In 1904 a beginning was made. There were schools in Agafla and Asan. The first teachers lvere two clerks and one Marine who were diverted from their regular duties for a part of the day, and three native girls who knew enough of the English language to teach the beginners. Since 1904 each year has shown progress in educationalopportunities and standards. In every community there is now a school with its orn'nstaff of native teachers. This means that every boy and girl in Guam has the opportunity of schooling through the sixth grade, near his or her home. In addition, there is now a well established Junior High School course in Agafla giving opportunity to ali who show themselves qualified for further study. Here, along with academic studies, the student is taught the worth of industry in the Industrial Arts sections. But, this is not all. This year is the first that has offered a complete High School course as a definite part of the Guam school program.

Graduation Frogram -

Junior and Senior

Iligh School 1. ProcessionaiMarch, The Junior Graduating Class 1940

Navy Band

2. Triumphal March from "Aida" (Song) The Junior Graduates in honor of the Senior Class Accompanist, Thomas J. Johnston 3. WelcomeSong-------TheGraduating Class 1940 Accompanist, Antonia P. Mufla Flora L. G. Cruz Salutatorian Junior Graduating Class 1940

4. Our Resolutions-

5. Violin Duet, "In Old Madrid"----------Thomas J. Roberto and Pedro T. Limtiaco Accompanist, Antonia P. Mufla ClassAstrologist -- -- -- ------------Jose M. Guzman President, Junior Graduatins Class 1940 17 Vocal Solo, "Little Sir Echo"-- - ---Serifina S. Pangelinan Accompanist, Tomas F. Sakai Piano Solo, "Valse des Fluels' P. Mufia ----------Antonia

Roy C. Smith Sclool,'Anigua


ssnsfrusfsd 1925

ATtri.I 19/t0 9. Presentation of the Graduating Class


Garrido, Jesus B. San Nicolas, Vicenta M. I. Johnston Guerrero, Manuel C. Santos,,Enrique S. -- ----Agueda Princinal Guzman, Jose M. Taitano, Barcelisa C. Haniu, Fidela B. Taitano, Catherine M. 10. Presentation of Tenorio, Jose G. Diplomas----------Governor: James T. Alexander Ifara, Jesus C. Herrero, Regina S.N. iferlaje, Isabel C. 11. "Climb Though the 'J.;'dingco,Ruth L. Rocks be Rugged"----_---------Richard F. Taitano Imaizumi, Jose D. Indalecio, Emeteria C. Ulloa, Evelyn R. Valedictorian Senior Graduating Ciass 1940 Leon Guerrero, Francisco B. Ulloa, Paul D. Leon Guerlero, Glolia C. Untalan, Pedi'o L. G. 12. "My Boat is Waiting Here Yokoi. Jose O. for Thee" (Song)The Undergr.arluates Accoripanist. ThornasJ. Johnston Senior iligh School Graduates 13. Presentation of Medals Chaplain Par-rlG. Linau'eaver Valedictorian.- ----------Richalcl F. Taitano 14. "The Gratitudes' Lourdes S. Torres Salutatorian ,-----ConsolacionC. San Nicolas Valedictorian Junior Graduating Class 1940 Atoigue, Alejandrina lVL Qtritugua, Ana P. Cruz, Jose P. fioberto, MercedesD. 15. "God Bless Pangelinan,Francisca B. Rosario, Jose L. America" (Song) The Graduating Classes Santos, Rosa B. and Audience Accompaniedby the Navy Band Senior Valedictory Address 16. "We Cheer and March Arvay" (Song) The Graduating Classes1940 n'cLIMB,THoucH THE RocKs BE RUGGED" Accompanist, Antonia P. Mufla By Richurd F. Taitutto 17. Exit 1t/Iarch-------Band -------------Irlavy 'Iourists in mountainous regions at e often fascinated by the feats of daring performed by r Junior High School Graduates the natives. Up, 'Jp, up-over rocks that seem Valedictorian----------------Lourdes S. Torres impassableto the beholder, they climb with agility Salutatorian---,----------------Flora L. G. Cruz and easeto the highest point accessible,clinging to the smallest edge of rock, and finding a footAflague, Rosa S.M. Leon Guerrero, Pedro C. hold upon ledges that are scarcely perceptible. Aguigui, Delfina T. Limtiaco, Pedro T. It not seem remarkable to them. They are does Aguon, Isabel T. Lrl.iitti,Maria C. schooledto such efforts from their earliest years, Anderson, Joaquina A. i\facDonald,James B. and it has become as second nature to them. Anderson, Soledad B. I{ufla, Antonia P. Sometimes their hands may be torn in grasping Blas, Maria C. Pablo, Jose C. some sharp bit of rock, or their feet may be cllt Borja, Jose S. Pangelinan,Serafina S. b;z contact with its keen edge, but they do not Borja, Antonia S. Pereda,Jose P. heed Their it. eyes are on the goal ahead, and Perez,John A. Camacho,Nuncia E. pay little they but attention to the rocks that they Pet:ez,Tomas P. Crisostomo, Maria L. pass. They not do even question whether or not Punzalan,Antonio A. Colner, Howard U. tlrey can surmount the diflfrcultiesin the way; they Cruz, JesusH. Quan, Juan C. I'now they must surmount them, and nothing reReyes,Ignacio M. Cruz, Jesus P. rnains to be said. Iieyes, Rita R. Cruz, JoseD. Cruz, Jose P. I{oberto, Thomas J. In our daily lives we, too, are climbing toward Cruz, Jose T. Rosario, Joaquina L. some longed-for goal. The obstaclesin our path Cruz, Juliana R. Sakai, Tomas tr'. often look as fierce and irnpassable as the rocks Dueflas, tr'ranciscoS. Sanchez,Juanita C. in these mountain gorges, but if we have properll. Flores, RemediosB. Sanchez,Maria C. schooledourselvesfor the climb, we know that ali


The Guam Recorder

things are possible of attainment if we are orrly ward, determined to scale all heights, until we determined upon success. stand at last on the mountain peak of success. Ignore the obstacles and they are already half So, let us climb ever onward and upward, 0vercome. Longfellow says, though the rocks be rugged to our feet, and harsh to our hold. Let us regard the scars that every "We have not wings, we cannot soar, hard experience must leave on our lives as But we have feet to scale and climb badgesof our scholarship, remembering that "God By slow degrees; by more and more gives His best scholars the hardest lessons," and The cloudy summits of our time." that the rougher the journey, the sweeter the And the climbing is glorious work. There is successat the end. such an inspiraiion in every step forward, sueh And when at the summit. we are able to look a thrill of self-satisfaction in each rock left below down and see how the very jaggedness of the us that we share in part the mountaineer's ex- rocks has been our supreme source of assistance, ultation as he mounts higher and higher toward we may say, while we are grateful for the victory the glittering peaks above him. If we have a we have at last achieved over every difficulty, prize ahead of us that is worth striving for, and that we are thankful most of all that the rocks heep our eyes persistently fixed upon it, no were so rugged. obstaclesin our pathway can daunt us. Instead. Oh, pause not, then - nor falter, every hardship encounteredspurs us on to greate,r For Fate is in your hand; effort. and fires us with a firmer determination tr-.r Climb, ever, - onlvard, - upward, conquer anything-everything-that lies before To where your feet r'vould stand; LIS. The rocks are rough and rugged, But, laying aside all thought of reward at the But victory is sublime; end, it is well worth while to climb the rocks in Step bravely, boldly forward, our pathway for the sake of the character developAnd climb, and climb. and climb ! ment it brings to r-rs. The influence upon our iives of every victory we gain cannot be over.Junior Valedictory Address estimated, and what we acquire in self-control, ,.THE GRATITUDES'' in persistence,in earnestness,and in all those By Lourcles S. Torres sterling qualities that make the true man and woman, is worth every effort, it matters not holv We have many things to be grateful for at difficult or how prolonged it may be. Character this hour. is developedand strengthened through the buffet1. Grateful are rve for these medals and diploings of Fate just as the swimmer develops his mas, for they will always inspire us to future muscle by battling against the tide. achievements. If we can be sure that tve are climbing - earn2. Grateful are we to our instructors for they estly, steadfastly climbing - no rock that can have taught and guided us wisely. possibly confront us can be too rugged for us to 3. Grateful are we to the citizens of Guam for pass. the support they have given for our education. Our climbing so far has been easy, and the few .1. Grateful are we to our parents and relatives rocks we have encounteredin the ascent have been for the sacrifices they have made for our not hard to surmount. Well-informed guides have lvelfare. picked out the srnoothest places for our feet, and 5. Grateful are we to the Seniors of our School, have pointed out the heights above us so enthufor they, by precept and example, have siastically that it has been only a pleasure to seek us to follow in their footsteps. trained them. But the time is fast approaching when 6. Grateful are we to the undergraduates, for each of us must press forward alone. The rocks the;' 6lrrn helped us to learn to be future ahead look rugged and steep, but rve have been leaders. schooledto the ascent, like the rnountaineer in his climb, and we need not fear to step boldly for(Continued on page 36)




Loeafl Sgemrcs PLAYGROUND ACTIVITIES Riuerside Bctsketbctll Teq.m W'ins Junior League Championship: The Junior Basketball League which was reported sometime ago as beiirg underu.ay at the Central Agafla Playground, ended on the first week of March, u'ith the Riuerside Teurn emerging as the undisputed champions. The team was awarded a trophy as au emblen-r of supremacyin ten straight games. Each rnember of the team also receiveda silver medal. The presentationswere made at the Plaza de Espafla during one of the School Closing Exercises held last month. A silver medal n'as also arvardedto the player making the highest score in the whole ieague. The recipient of this coveted rnedal lr'as Joaquin E. Manibusan of the Washington High School team. The promotion of this popular activity at the CErtral Agafla Playglonnd u'as heai.tily v'eicomeci

Riverside Easketball Team -

by the youngsters. A11hands are again looking forr,vard to another ieague next year. Volletl Bctll th,e Nert Actiuity A rveek after the basketball season was over, Volley Bali was ushered in. The popular ThreeWay Volley Ball Leagues which were originated in 1931 got nnderway again with considerable interest ancl enthusiasm from all concerned. Beiovr is pr.rblishedthe standing of teams in each ieagr"teas of Jlalcli 20tl-r: Girls' League \\-on Lost Percentage Team 1000 2 Vlashington High School 11500 Evening High Schooi 2_ Cathedral Team Boys' League Won Lost Percentage Teatn 1000 High \V:ishington School-- 3 1 1 5 0 0 Root Aggies Evening High School

Junior League Champions for 1940

Frank A. Perez, Jose M. Cruz, Robert R. Butler, Team CapSitting, from left to right: tain; Jose B. Garrido, and Jose L. G. Taitinqfong. Atanacio Salas, Team Manager and Coach; Edmund Okada, Standing, from left to right: Jesus B. Garrido, and Juan D. Cruz. Enrique Cruz and Felix F. Sakai, two other nembers present of this tearn were not vrhen this nict-ure lvas taken.


The Gua,m Recorder

At present the Playground is the scene of a Tennis Tournament which is being sponsored by the members of the newly organized Guam Tennis Club. Seventeen players are competing in this tournament.

ment of W. U. Lujan, George Washington Junior High School, represent various local groups, and all inhabitants of Guam regardless of position or occupation are eligible to membership. To stage a "Glram Little Worid Series" similar to that of the United States ball season is the PLAY BALL aim of the two leagues. For the first time in baseball history a World Series is being run out tsy Lt. O. W. Robinson, (SC), U.S.l/. here in lonely Guam. Guam has no hit and run automobile drivers, The follorving eight teams, listed in order of but hit and run ball players are a dime a dozen. standing to date composethe American League: The great American game has been Guam's Won Lost favorite sport for many years, first as honest-toPiti Navy Yatd -- -- 7 1 . goodnessbaseball,and lately as the newly popular Police 62 softball. Although the softball is larger and Barnes 5 3 players expert are Guam softer than the basebali, Penguin 5 3 up of the slowing no appreciable and there is Eagles 35 game. Marines 35 Much has been said of the "Golden Era" of 26 Station Guam's baseball. Why not do something to bring Hospital T7 the game back out of the dim but glorified past

intolthe very real present? It must have been rvonderful when games 'lvere played in the Plaza rather than way out of toun in Bradley Park (1-1/4 miles from the Plaza), when teams were so great and playsrs so spectacular that everyone followed the league and governors even took teams to the Orient. But is baseball dead? Must we play it only in memoriam? We want to see a new league-a 1940 model-superior to any L929 model. A splendid league can be made up of three Service teams and three civilian teams. One civilian team of Sumay players might have local backing, and two teams could be organized in Agafla, one made up of talented youngsters, the other of veterans of the Golden Era-and we may live to see the youngsters wallop the tar out of these "greats" from 1929.

League play opened Saturday, March 2 at Bradley Park, by the Police and the Eagles. In this game the Police proved their mettle by beating the Eagles 5 to 0. Credit really goes to the Police's outstanding pitcher, Corporal Davis. In fact before the League opened Corporal Davis served notice that he fully intended to be the League shut-out king. And I think that Corporal Davis knorvs his onions by not eating potatoes "smashed"! LOCAL FANS CHEER NATIONAL By Bi,ll Lujan


The Guam National Softball Leagne got underway Sunday afternoon, 3 March 1940, with four teams in the organization. The first game of the season rvas a thriiler between last year's champions, Anigua Tigers, and the newly created Public Works ten. Throughout the game the fans rvere kept in suspense,but the champions emerged SOFTBALL LEAGUES OPEN SEASON as victors by shutting out the Public Works 1 to 0. By P. T. Franquez, Sltip's Store Ashore In the nightcap, the Carabaos, composedof oldSoftball players for the 1940 Season are or- timers, carved a close victory over the Togae ganized in two leagues, the American and the Rangers by the score of 3 to 0. The Carabaos played excellent ball throughout the game, and National. The American League under the management were never in a tight spot. The Rangers, though of F. C. Caplinger, C.S.K., U.S.N., includesteams youngsters playing their flrst seasontogether, displayed good rraterial for ivory hunters in future from different Service units ashore and afloat. (Continued, on page /+0) The National League teams under the manage-


Apri.l, 19!.0

The Plants of Guam By E.H. Bryu,n,Jr. PART XXVI The Legume Family, part 3, papilionatae This subfamily contains the peas, beans, and related grollps which have an irreguiar flower, in which the upper petai (standard) is large and folcls around tire other petals in the bud, the two lateral petals (rvings) are abotit equal, and the two lower petals are solnewhat united to form a keei, which enclosesthe stamens and pistil. There are more than forty representatives of this grottp in Guam. They include several which are cultivated for their edibie bezrnsand pods. A complete key to this group i,votildbecomevery technical and difficult for ihe person rvho is not a trained botanist to use. The foilowing is a very artificial tabulation of characters, omitting technicalities and small dist{nctions, which may help to separate some of the species. 1. Leaves simpie (with one leaflet).-2. 1'. Leaves compound (with more than one lea11et.-3. 2. Tree with leathery, oblong leaves, up to 12 by 5 inches; flov,'ersr,vhite;pod lalgc, hcartcdttli,s. shaped,1-seeded."Buoy"" Imocat"Tttts 2'. Erect, branching shrub, leaves oblong-ovate, 2 to 5 inches long, 1 to 2 inches ro,'ide;florvels ' small, yellow-green,an zig-zag rachis, hidden by iarge brownish bracts; pod 1/2 inch long, swollen, 2-seeded. Flemi,ngiu strobiliferu. 22. Shrubby herb, leaves thin, 2 to 5 inches long, oblong-ovate,acnte tip, rouncledbase; flowers smail, pale green or purple; pod cnrved, segmented,1 inch long. Tick-trefoil, tomates* gangeticurt'. Desmocliulrz aniti,utis-aniti. 23. Spreading, prostrate herb, leaves t/2 to 2 inches long; flowers pink-purple; pods segmerrted, 1/2 inch long, crowded, pubsecent. AIE sicar pus numrnulurif olius. 3. Leaves with one pair of leaflets; slender wiry herb; leaflets lanceoiate, acute, up to 1 inch iong; flowers small, yellow; pod slender,of 2 Zorn'in di,pltylkt. to 6 prickly segments. 3'. Leaves with more than three leaflets.-4.

3'. 4. 4'. 5.



6. 6'. 6'.

6". 7.






Leaves wibh three leaflets.-1l. Leaves odd-pinnate (with a terminal leaflet).-6. Leaves even pinnate.-5. Vine with pink flowers and flat pods containing round, scarlet and black seeds. Abrus preccttorius. l,orv, l-Lairy,branching shrub; 2 or 3 pairs of leaflets,I to 2 inches long; peanut. Aruchis h,ypogctea. Tree, leaves r,vitir 20 to 40 pairs of leaflets; l:Lrgewhite flor,vers;long slender pods (ttp to 2 feetby 1/2 inch). Sesbaniap1randiflorc". Srnall tree or shrubs with cylindrical or in{lated pods.-7. Shrubby herbs with 9 to 19 leaflets,and flat pods.-9. Glabrous herb rvith 31 to 41 leaflets crow-ded on 1 to 2 inch leaf rachis; jointed pod. A eschynom,ene intLicu. Clirnbing shrubs rvith 3 to 7 leaflets.-l0. Small tree; branchesvelvety; 15 to 21 almost scssile,circular, gi'ay pubescentleaflets, 1 to 1-l/2 indnes long; pod like velvety string of bends; flor.vclsyellor"t. Sophoru tantentoscr,. Pubescentshrubs with 5 (or 3 to 7) narrow leaflets, 2 ta 5 inches long; floi,"rersyeilov', niarked with purple; pods inflated, 2 inches long. Cr otcLlurictqwinquefolin. Weedy shrubs; 5 to 7 leaflets,not over t inch; flovlers reddish; pods numerous, cylindrical, like minnte sausages.-8. Leaves a.cuteor tapering at apex; pods much curved, not over 3/5 inch long, with 6 to 8 Indigof era suff'raticosa. seeds. pods nearly straight, apex; rounded at Leaves intervals, about 1 inch at slightly swollen Inctigof 12 erutinctoria. seeds. long, with 8 to Leaveswith 13 to 19 leaflets,long-oblong,3/4 to 1-L/2 inches long; flowers rather large on long, lax, terminal racemes. T enhrosi,ahookeriana.

The Guam Recorder

22 9'.

Leaves with about 9 leaflets, 2 inches long by I/3 to I/2 indn wide; flowers close together, almost sessile in the axils. Tephrosi,a mariana. 10. Flowers large, showy, deep blue, solitary in axils ; 5 to 7 leaflets, 1 to 3 inches long; pods flat, up to 5 inches long. Derris trif oli,ata. 10'. Flowers white with tinge of violet, L/3 inch long, in axillary racemes; pods I to 2 inches long, flat, winged, 1 or 2 seeds. Clitoria ternata. 10'z.Flowers small, crowded in very short pendulous bunches, less than 1 inch long; pod 1 inch long by 3/8 inch wide, 1 seeded;leaflets oval, l-I/2 inch long. Dalbergia candenatensis. 11. Tree with spiny branches;large recl florn'ers in dense terminal racemes; black pod, 4 to 10 inches long, containing 6 to 8 dark red Erytltrina uariegata. seeds. 11'. Shrubs.-Iz. 11'. Prostrate herbs; leavesnot over 1 inch long. -13. 113. Climbers.-14. 12. Leaves thin 2 to 3 inches long, pale, silky beneath; flowers yellow, streaked with red, 20 to 50 in terminal racemes; rattle-pods, 1 Length of leaflet (inches) I to 2 2-l/2 to 5

Color of flower purple, in axillary racemes scarlet in threes

Length of pod (inches) l-t/2,


4 by 2-lt2

greenish, 2 to 5 umbels in axils 2 to 5 purple, I-1/2 inch, 2 to 4 pendulous purple, pink or 3 to 6 6 to 10 flat, edible white, over'1 inch purple or rose 2 to 6 3 to 5 by 1 few on erect scapes rose-pink, in 5 by 4 4 inch racemes purple-pink, in 3 to 6 !.t9 2pairs, end of scape thick, broad. 1 to 1,-1/2 yellow, 2/5 inch 4/5 inch brown hairs, 1 to 6 white and purple, 2 to by 2/5 crowded flat 2-L/2 t'o 5 green and pale 2 to 5 by a/5 yellow. 4 to 5

to 2 inches long, containing 20 to 30 grayish seeds. Crotalari,a salti,ana. 12'. Leaves gray-white below, leathery 2/3 inches long; 6 to 12 white flowers in axillary umbels; pod I-l/2 to 2 inches long, of 3 to 5 thick segments. D esm oclium umb ellatu,m. 12'. Pigeon pea; leaflets 1 to 4 inches long, lanceolate, tapering, dotted with resinous specks; yellow or red flowers (all year), a few in axils; pods 2/3 inches long, hairy. Cujanus cajan. 13. Leaflets vp to g:/4 inch long, minutely toothed on outer curve; flowers small, yellow; pod spiraily twisted, margin with hooked spines; M edi,cago denticulat a. bur-clo"'er' 13'. Leaflets usually rounded at tip, l/2 to 3/4 inch long, hairy beneath; stems hairy; small purple flowers in axils; pod 3i5 inch long, of 4 to 5 segments. Desmodium heteroph'yllum. 13'. Leaflets l/4 to l/2 inch long, wedge-shaped, cut off or indented at tip; stems nearly bear; flor,versbr'ight purple, 7/4 inch long, 1 to 3 in axils; pods I/4 to 1/2 inch long, of 2 to 6 segments. Desmocliurn'trif olium. 14. The 17 speciesof .,zinesr,vhichhave leaflets in threes have the following characters:

Features of pod or seeds

Scientific name, corrmon name.

10 small red Teramnus lcr,bialis, seeds cfu,yguancacuguates. L or 2 black Strongytod,onluciclus seeds j:\1Y,h?]^f' Mucuna sigantea, seeds t rncn futyogoattitti. densely co-vered Mucunu prurietts, stinging hairs couitch 8 to 15 white see'dsCo?roualiaensiformis, akankan, jctck bean few, chestnut Canaaalia lineata, colored seeds akunkan tasi. Canaualia megulantha 6 black seeds 3 to 5 seeds many seeds I to 4 large seeds

Canaualia nuicrocarpa, ladosung tasai^ Santharos1ternllnn scarabaeoides, Phaseolus ctd,enanth,us, uc&ncan calatun. Phctseol,tls lunatus, l,ima bean

April 19/+0 3 to 6 2 Lo 4 2 to 6 6 by 8 3 to 6 3 to 6

23 yellow, in flat topped racemes yellow, 3/5 inch white or pale purple pale blue or blue'and white pink-purple, white or red light blue or lilac

3 by I/4 brown hairs 2toBby l/a cylindrical 18 to 36 by 2/5

small, edible 3to6 dark brown edible

4bv1/2'nat 5_by 4/5, flat 4 to.10 .by 4t5, 4 wings

Phaseolus radiatus, mung bean, mongos Vi,gna lutea, accLnca,nmalulasa V'igna sinensis uar sesqui,Tted,uli,s

a,?u'"n*l,"Ir:!m;;!tri;i,ilf,#* 3 to 6, , brown or white partitions between seeds

Sophora tomentosa Linnaeus, seacostlaburnum. Shrub or small tree, 3 to 12 feet high, with gray veivety branches. Leaves odd-pinnate, 15 to 2L leaflets, almost sessile,oLrovoidor nearly circular, gray-pubescent, about I to 7-l/2 inches long. Illowers yellow, petals 3/4 inch long, in erect, stout, ter'minal racc,mes. Pod 3 to 6 inches long, velvety, greatly constricted between the 6 to B seeds,resembling a string of fuzzy beads. Dr. Safford states that the plant is sparingly found on the sandy beachesfietween Pago and Talofofo; probably intro,duced. All parts of the plant are bitLer and yield a poisonousalkaloid called sophorine, said to have medicinal value. It is found in the tropics of both hemispheres, near the sea.

Dotichos faUmU, chuchumeco Psphocarpustetragonolobus, si.gadiltas-

mature, twisting and dehiscing its 20 to B0 grayish seeds. By some authorities called a native of tropical America; by others, of tropical Asia; norv widespread in the tropics of both hemispheres. Of some value as a forage plant.

Fleminglia strobilifera (Linneaus) R. Brown. An erect, branching shrub, 6 to 8 feet high, the small branches velvety; bark chocolate-brown. Le:rves simple, oblong-ovate,base rounded. Z Lo b inches long, I to 2 inches wide. Flowers in axillary or terminal racemes on zig-zag rachis, 2 to 6 inches long, the dwarfed cymes of small flowers hidden by large, folded, persistent bracts, rvhich become light brown; petals yellow-green, tinged with purple. Pods less than l/2 inchlong, Crotalaryiaquinkuef oli,a Linnaeus, cascabelesor: slvollen, containing 2 seeds. Noticed principally cascct't'r,etas, rattle-pod. An erect, branching, near Agafia Spring. Widespread in southeastern rather coarse annual herb, 4 or 5 feet high, r,vith Asia and Malaya. greenish stem, marked with longitudinal grooves. Medicugo denl,iculata Willdenor,v. bur-clover. Leaves with 5, or rarely 7, linear-lanceolate, alAn annual herb, prostrate or spreading, with rnost sessile leaflets, 2 to 5 inches long by I/4 to radiating, branched stems, up to 16 inches long. 3/4 inch wide, pubescent beneath. Flowers in Leaves with two prominent, tooth-like stipules at terminal racemes,with yellow petals, of which the the base of the stem-plasping leafstalk which standard is marked with purple-brown. pod inllated, boat-shaped, about 2 inches long by B/4 bears three obovate or ovate wedge-shapedleaf_ to 1 inch wide, containing 30 to 40 seeds. A lets, up to 3/4 inch long, minutely toothed on the common roadside weed, native in India and outer curve. Short axillary panicles of Z to 6 small yellow flowers, the calyx with five long Malaya. teeth. Pod spirally twisted, indehiscent, with Crotalaria saltiana Andrews, fomerly called many seeds, its margin feathery with many Crotalariu stri,ata, rattle-box. An erect shrub, 2 hooked spines. A common weed found in lawns, to 5 feet high, with robust branches, covered rvith meadows, and waste places. An immigrant from fine short hairs. Leaves thin with three leaflets, Europe and Asia, where it is found naturally. oblong-ovate, wedge-shapedat base, 2 to 3 inches Attempts have been made to grow alfalfa, long, smooth above, paler and obscurely silky Meclicago satiua Linnaeus, apparently without beneath. Florn'ers yellow streaked with red, 20 much success. to 50 in terminal or lateral racemes,6 to IZ inches long. Pod 7-1/4 to 2 inches long, yellow when (Continued on page [1)

The Guam Recorcler

The Deceived Fisherrnan

of young men (tautau mona), lvho v,tereplaying a game called "Guauho" in the form of a circle similar to the "Mulberry Bush."

By Pri,ncirtal Manuel Charfauros, Cook School

The flsherman was now almost overtaken by his partner u.ho had been pursuing, and he went Once there were two compadres (one being right into the circle of players with a dash. Being sponsor of the other's child), who rvere supposed in the circle his partner, who was very close to have iived in the old viliage of Umatac. Upon behind, shouted, "Guauho, guauho, tuguanho ! meeting' one day at worh on a farm, they agreed hasajun tuguanho, pau lulumog, pau lansahi, pau to go fishing with torches and spears (sulu) that aacho, pau mati." (Play guauho, play guauho, night. my partner ! I can detect my partner by the scent In the evening as they r'vere making prepa- of moss, sea-weed,rock, and lowtide). rations for their fishing trip, one of them bawled The young men seeing the nelvcomer in a great at the other to awake him at low tide at the time fright in their midst prepared to,defend him with to start out. "Yes, don't worry," shouted back all their might. The fisherman'senemy,who was the other, and both retired. one of their fellow-men, lvas not allowed to touch The hour to start flshing was soinetime after him, and rvhen he persisted by trying to enter the midnight. At lon' tide there came a voice bav'l- circle of players, the young men sprang upon him ing at the other "Pare !, (short for compadre). and soon had him vanquished. It was now dawnIt's time to go fishing nornv. tr'ind me on the ing, and the flsherman was allorved to leave with way." The man that was being awakened of uirtold gratitude. course recognizedthe voice to be his corlpadre's' and he foliowed behind as soon as he vras read-l,. On reaching th*outhern shore of llmatac Bay, he sar,v his partuer ahead already flshing. He Ifriving in Guam sLarted to fish also and tried to catch up with him in order to fish along together, but his partner ieemeclalways to be at abouLthe same distance Oh, the dogs of Guam ave a lvond'rous race, Ne'er seen in any other place. fi'om him and never looked back. Passing 'round the point at the opening of the You can blow your horn 'til your face is blue, bay without catching a single fish, he pauseclfor But they sirnply lie and stare at you. a moment to watch his partner, noticing at They simply lie, and stare, and starethis bime that he was picking somethirtg from They've lots of time-hit them if you dare I the water and saying "Bulahomo ! bulahomo!" (packed full) as he put it into his basket. This And the fowl of Guam is a r,vonderful thing, was repeated again and again, but the things he E'er seen at rest, or on the wing. put into the basket were sea-slugs. You siep on yollr brahes 'til your toes are blue, The fisherman was now certaiu that his partner glare at you. r,vasnot his cornpadre, and he began to think of But they only squawk, and hor,v he could dodge him without being noticed. Or down the road they'li madly race. He pretended to fish along, but he was so panic- Slor,ving you down to a funeral pace. stricken with fear that he could hardly walk. At tast he reached the Toguan Bay where a The piglets grunt, and the ducks they waddle, river of the same name empties. "IJere's my Unruffled b)' any such foolish twaddle chance rl.ow," thought he, and he looked at his As the frantic squall of a motor horn, partner. Seeing he was at the same distance as For they've owned the isle since they were born. before and was not looking back, he thrust his ten pounds each time I drive, torch into a hole on a rock and ran in the dark I lose following the river. Then he quit the river and But the soulful beasts live on, and thrive. -M. Juttp followed a course which brought him to a group

f 1 *


April 194.0

Extracts fromCatalogue Feltin Guam1825-1938 of Earthquakes W. C. Repetti, S.J. fuIanila Obseruatory The association of earthquakes with oceanic deeps is illustrated by the seismic history of the island of Guam, Marianas Islands. The Nero Deep, to the southeast of Guam, has a depth of 5,269 fathoms at a point about 90 miles from Guam and earthquake shocks can safely be charactefized as frequent in Guam. In the following catalogue we confine ourselves to the shocks which have been perceive,dby persons and reported. The records of the Wiechert Inverted Pendulum seismograph, installed in Agafia in 1914, indicate that there are quite a number of earthquakes which are felt and not reported, or which could be felt under favorable conditions. The reports from Sumay were made by the member of the Co4rmercial Pacific Cable Company who made thelroutine meteorological observations at the point. The reports from Agafla after August 1914, are due to Mr. W. W. Rowley who was in charge of the seismograph from the time of its installation to the time of his retirement in November 1935. Since then the instrument has been under the care of Messrs. Inocencio Aflague and Atanasio Haniu who continue to report the perceptible earthquakes. The fact that most of the earthquakes are reported as felt in Agafia does not imply that they rvere not felt in other places on the island. The sources of information used in the compilation of this catalogue were the following. B,-Diccionario-Geogr6fico-Estadistico-Hist6rico de las Filipinas. Fr. Manuel Buzeta. Madrid. 1850. CA.-Earthquake Records from Agafra, Island of Guam. Cleveland Abbe, Jr. Terrestial Magnetism and Atmospheric Electricity. June 1904, Vol. IX, No. 2. EC.-"El Comercia." A Manila nere'spaper. GM.-"Gaceta de Manila," The official government gazette. the year 1892 Miguel de Lasa of Guam sent to ML.-In Father Miguel Saderra Maso, S.J. a list of earthquakes which he had taken from a manuscript journal of important events in Guam, He ended with the note: "These are the scant data supplied by the above-mentioned book, and they have been verified by persons of that period (1825-70)

who are stiil living, We remind you, however, that the moderate and light earthquakes, which frequently shake us, are not mentioned, but merely the violent ones." -MOB, Sept. 1,902. MOB.-Manila Observatory Bulletins. MOR.-llanila Observatory Records. SM.-Some Notes Concerning the Volcanoes and Seismic Phenomena of the Marianas Islands. Rev. Miguel Saderra Maso, S.J. -MOB. Sept. 1902, VE.-"La Voz Espaflola." A Manila newspaper. do not know what standard time was followed in Spanish days; probably mean solar time, corrected at intervals. Our records carty a notation that up to 1916 the time in Guam was th 40- east of Greenwich; and that on August 16th of that year was changed to th 39-. On April 18, 1918 the official time was declared to be that of the meridian 1490 44' 55" east of Greenwich, the meridian of the governor's palace. This involved only a fraction of a second change from the existing standard, too slight to be of any practical importance. On February 7, 1922, the official time was decla;red to be that of the 10th time zone east of Greenlvich, the time of the 150th meridian east of Greenwich. Intensity-In some cases the Rossi-Forel scale of earthquake intensities is referred to. EARTHQUAKES1825 and 1834. During the months of April and lVlay of of the years 1825 and 1834 terrible earthquakes were experience din this island, causing great damage to buildings and spreading consternation among the inhabitants, who believed their last hour had come. 1849. on the 25th of January of this year, ,t t#";ti;* before 3 o'clock in the afternoon, a terrible subterranean noise was heard; at the same instant there was a terrific earthquake, with strong vertical and horizontal movements, lasting a minute and a half, during which time the last fearful hour of complete desolation seemed to have arrived. The tower of the parish church of San Ignacio, that had just been completed, was thrown dolvn upon the roof of the church. The parochial residence of Agafla, as well as those of Umatac, Pago, and Agat, with their churches, and various houses in the towns, were more or less ruined, one of those that suffered most being that of the college of San Juan de Letran. The roof and many timbers fell to the ground, the heavier timbers alone saving it

26 from complete destruction. As a result of the caving in of the earth from the great shocks, from the schooi of Santa Crtz in a line parallel to tlie river, twelve or fourteen holes opened in the ground, from which issued salt water and sand, In various other parts of the city great cracks appeared in the ground, from which gases issued, which, perhaps, hidden in the bosom of the earth, were the cause of the epidemic that then desolated the city; for this is shown from the fact that after these gases were thrown out the pest disappeared. There u'as only one fatal accident; it was the case of a woman of Inarajan, who happened to be near the river Talofofo, u'hen a great sea wave roliing over the road carried her off and she was never seen again. A person of this town had the curiosity and patience to count the earth shocks that occurred from the 25th of January to the 11tir of March, and he gives the number as 150. -ML. SM. A party of Caroline Islanders came to Guam frorn Satawal, 450 nautical miles SSE of Guan, saying that their island had been inundated by sea waves follorving -GR. Oct. 19331nn. 110 and 115. bhe earthquake. 1862. On the first of Ju1y, about ?:48 a.m" (the rnoment when the clock was stopped by the earthquake), a small but sufficiently perceptible vertical moveinent *'as felt, and soon terrible oscillations in a N-S direction follqwed, whi<lr caused the fall of many tile roofs. The earthquake iasted approximately for forty-five seconds. -ML. SI{. GM. Oct. 27, 1862. 1863. On December ?th, a little after three o'clocl<in the morning, a strong and long earthqquake consisting of vertical movements, aroused the inhabitants of this town. -ML. SM. 1866. On June 24, aL abottL 1:25 p.m., there was an earthqu ake simila r to t hat of 1863. S}I. -ML. 1870. On May 13th, at 3:27 p,m", tv,ro terrible verticai earthquake shocks were felt, which if they had been horizontal would have caused great damage to the stone buildings. There was an interval of about ten seconds between the shocks. 1892. May 16. At 9:10 p.m., the time shown by a stopped clock, there was a terrible vibratory movement which caused the people to ieave their houses. It was follorved by a very brusk oscillatioi'r from I'I to S and also E to W, in which direction it ended, as shown by pictures which were sv.ung to the west in the l-rouses. The earthquake lasted 60 seconds. Tiles of the masonry houses fell and some rn'alls were cracked. A league from the town there were some smalJ sinkings of the ground. The coast receded to the reefs, but, fortunatel-l' dus to its slow return, it dicl not pass iis ordinary line. If it had come back with a rush it would have dragged the in'hole village of San Antonio into the surf. That night there were three more small quakes, east to west, and others on the foliowing days. -ML. SM. 1893. February 17" At 1:30 a.m., three strong vibratorv shocks accompanied by subterranean noise. Iluration two minutes. Barely perceptibie shocks continued throughout tn" o3*r". in MoR. vE. March 18.189s.

The GucLmRecord,er 1902. September 22. Lt Il:.24 a.m., three heavy shocks and one light one, lasting in aII 21/z and 3r/z minutes, "during which time the island acted like a ship thrown on her beam ends in a heavy sea." Light aftershocks a t 1 : 0 0 ; 2 : 4 7 ; 6 : 1 4 ; 7 : I 4 ; 9 : I 7 ; a n d 1 0 : 4 4 p . m . Se ve n other shocks, time not noted. News of the earthquake was brcught to Manila by the station ship ',Justirr" and the following is a resume of the account ',vhich appeared in the Manila Times of October 7, Ig0Z. On September 22, at 11:15 a.m., a terrible subterraneous noise was heard, after which the earth began to tremble lightiy until the real earthquake, which, as it lasted 45 seconds, u'as long enough to overthrow everything and terrify not only the natives but the Americans also. With one or two exceptions, all the stone buiidings in Agaiia suffered considerably and will need much repairing. Some of the houses were completely ruined. One house in particular sank 2 feet at one end, presenting a very curious picture, and many of the houses are distorted all out of proportion. Walis 18 and 20 inches thick swayed to and fro, cracked, and came to the ground; tile roofs came dorvn on all sides; the ground opened in many places and spouted out salt -water frorn the cracks; at, Piti these crevices gave forth gases of a characteristic odor; huge rocks.*'ere dislodged from the hillsides and produced great landslides; rnany bridges were thrown dcwn, pre-.-enting the passing of vehicles behveen the citl' ef Agafla and the port of Piti, some 5 miles distant, r.vl-relethe N'arehouses are situated; telephone connection was also interrupted owing to the faiiing of inany of the posts. The casualties reported were only flve natives injured. On the trsland of Saipan, also, masonry buildings were shattered. After the earthquake the r,vhole island seemed to be in vibration; lvhen the "Justin" left for &Ianila more than 100 smali earthouakes had been felt. From the other isiands ar-rd even from other points of Guam outside of Agaiia no ne*,s has been received rrp to the present. The damage was estimated to amount to 2b0,000pesos. - SM . 1902, September 23. At 4:05 and 8:20 a.m., light shocks. At 12:45 p"m., two light shccks and one heavy. ,(There was an almost continuous tremor of the earth during the afternoon, i'ioi noiiceable apparently excepr ro persons cn floors of buildings elevated above the ground. Several quite marked shocks in the evening."-seaton Schroeder, Commandant. -CA. 1902" "Ever gince the earthquake of the 22nd,, a tremor or trembling of the earth occurs at intervals varying flom one to firre minutes. No mention of this was nrade jn our dail5' reports h,efore, for the reason that at first we thought it was all imagination, but without a doubt it is a fact. As man;,- other persons reported to us that they have felt tremors quite plainly and in the same r'vay." (Unsigned.) -CA. 1902. September 30. At j0:30 a"m., light shock. ,,Trenr-

(Contiwterl cn ?)ftqe 38)



Apri.l 19L0

SmallPoxEpidemic Victims in1856 Discovery of an old Chamorro graveyard, dating back to the terrible plague that swept the Island in 1856, was made in 1918 by workmen engaged in the excavation for the Marine Barracks then under construction at Asan. Skeletons were found, piled thickly together in trenches, when Captain W. F. Brown's crew reached a depth of three feet in their digging along the sandy beach where the new barracks were to be built. The bones were piled one atop of the other, as though the bodies had been dumped into the trenches in great numbers. It was believed that when the excavations extended further down the beach on the sea side, mere skeletons would be uncovered, as apparently only the outer edge of the old buriai ground had been brought to light. Bilntv-roui years ago a trrible plague of small pox swept the Island and natives died by tlie tLrousands,the bodies accumulating faster than they could be buried, even by utilizing trenches, where they were dumped by the cartloads. tr'ive bodies oflen 'uverepiled into one carabao cart, carried to the trenches and dumped in without ceremony. Natives were powerless to check the ravages of the disease and the families of the dead often too weak to bury its victims. The pestilence was not stopped until it had taken a toll of nearly 4,000 lives. Early records show that before the pestilence the population of the Island was 9,500 and a few years afterwards was only 5,500, a decrease of 4,000. Agafia alone had a population of 5,620 before the plague, while afterwards the towns of Agaffa, Pago, Sinajafla, Anigua, Asan and Tepungan had a total population of only 4,049. Chamorro history, according to Juan Perez, state that the visitation of the terrible plague was coincident with the arrival on the Island of Padre Palomo, the aged priest who came to Guam in 1856 about the time of the plague. So thoroughly did the epidemic take in every part of the Island that it is probable many other towns have burial grounds on their beaches, similar to the one unearthed by the Quartermaster's force at Asan. Excavations at Agafia sometime ago reveale'd a series of trenches that probably dated back to the time of the

Achievement Test Seventh Series 1. With what activity is the name of Alexander Graham Beil associated? What major city in the world is nearest to sea level? What were the two decisive battles of the World War? 4. If you ordered "pommes de terre" from a French menu what would )'ou get? 5. What state leads in flour mill products ? b. What country has a rent tax? 7. How much perspiration is normally discharged by a healthy person? What was the original purpose of Andrew Carnegie Foundation? q Is the dog or cat mentioned in the Bible? 1 0 . Besides sight, r,vhichof the other sensesdoes ja,de appeal to'l 1 1 . What is the piural of the word "axis" ? t 2 . What is a tocsin ? 1 3 . How does the size of the stomach of a doe compare to that of a human being? t-+. Wliat part of the people of the 'uvorlduse a knife and fork in eating? 15. At what age do the eyes of human beings attain their full size? 16. Who brought Jenny Lind, the famous Swedish songstress to the United States? 17. What hobby puts a premium on poor printing? 18. How much tax per year does a person pay who smokes a package of cigarettes a day? 19. What proportion of the women in the United States are \Mageearners? 20. What is a de facto government? See anszuers on page 4.3 7A

plague. The natives of this generation say that during the epidemic the neighbors were not always particular about waiting for death to be accomplished and sometimes carted away the plague victims as soon as it was evident that they had been caught by the disease. The skeletonsfound at Asan were charactefized by unusually thick skulls and protruding jaw bones and seemed to indicate that the plague victims were a larger people than the Chamorros of today.

The Guam Record,er


Daily Naval Historical Data April 1. Mon.-Aztec, American armed ship sunk in submarine zone-19]-7. 2. Tues.-U.S.S.Alliunce captured British Privateers Mars ancJ. Minerau off France-1781. D. Wed.-U.S.S. Constituti,on escaped from British Squadron off Massachusetts-l8l3. Thur.-Secretary of the Navy forbad serving intoxicating liquors in officers' rylsssss1914. 5 . Fri.-U.S.S. Cyane captured 5 slave vessels off coast of Africa-1820. 6. Sat.-North Pole discovered and reached by Robert E. Ferry, U.S.N.-1909. 7. Sun.-U.S.S. Lerington captured British) ship Eclwurd off Virginia capes-1776. Mon.-U.S. Navy captured Isiand No. 10, Mississippi River-l862. q Tues.-Naval Brigade from U.S.S. DaLe on expedition to Guaymas, routed enemy force --1848. 1 0 " Wed.-John Paul Jones sailed in U.S.S. Ranger to attack British ship Drake-1778. 11. Thur.-Treaty of Peace signed at Paris conciuding the Revolution-l783. 12. Fri.-U.S.S. Dolphin first vessel of "White Squadron"-1B88. 1 3 . Sat.-Count D' Estaing with French fleet sailed for United States-1778. L4. Sun.-Body of John Paul Jones found by General Porter-1905. 15. Mon.-Fort Pillow, Tenn. shelled by U.S. Monitor Flotilla-1 862. A

16. Tues.-Naval bombardment of Vicksburg, Adrniral Porter ran the batteries-l863. 17. Wed.-Captain Barry captured British ship E cltaarcl,first American prize-1777. 18. Thur.-Naval force under Cornmo'dorePerrv captured Tuspan-1847. 19. Fri.-Naval crew of Mongol,ia flred first gun in World War-1917. 20. Sat.-Norfolk Navy Yard abandoned by Union forces-1861. 2 T , Sun.-Landing party sent to seize customs house, Yera Cruz-19l4. force under Rear Admiral Mon.-Naval Fletcher captured Yera Cruz-19l4. Tues.-John Paul Jones raided Whitehaven. England-l778. 24. Wed.-Division of destroyers sailed for European waters-1914. Thur.-Naval ,{cademy made a military camp by General Butler-1861. Fri.-Fort Macon, Georgia captured by U.S. Navy-1862. 27. Sat.-First engagement of Spanish war, Matanzas, Cuba-1898. Sun.-U.S. Flag officially raised over Vera Cruz, Mexico-1914. 29. Mon.-U.S.S. Peacock sunk by British ship Emperuie'r-l814. 3 0 . Tues.-Navy Department established,Secretary of the Navy at its head-1798.

Shipping Notes ( Pr ospectiue Arri,uals and D epartures) SHIPS











27 Apr., San Francisco 15 Apr., San Francisco 27 Mar., San Francisco 6 Mar., San Diego


14 May

14 htay

7 May

9 May

L9 Apr

20 Apr

3 Apr

3 Apr


20 May, Manila 1 5 May, Manila zr) Apr., Manila 9 Apr., Manila



A Kapok Tree in Guam By Magd,ulena V. Cru.z George Wctshi,ngtonEueruing High School

29 Another way of planting kapok trees here is to cut off branches from a tree and plant them in properly prepared soil, whereupon the branches take root and with proper care sometimes make a quicker growth than is had by the seedling method. A kapok tree starts bearing when about three years of age. The trees bloom at different periods. The fruits do not ripen simultaneously and several pickings are necessary. Where the trees are not too high, the branches bearing the fruits are shaken from the ground by means of bamboo poles fitted with a hook. If the trees are higher, it is necessaryLo climb them to pick the fruits or shake them off; and care must be taken in doing this since the branches of the kapok tree are brittle and break easily. In dressing kapok the floss is freed by hand-picking the pods. The fiber is then sorted according to its color and other qualities, and the kapok is dried in the sun. When fully dried the seeds and fiber are separated by passing the kapok through a small electric cleaning machine. After all it can be kept indefinitely if necessary.


Kapok is a tree generally distinguished by its horizontal branches. Kapok is composed of flne white or usually light colored, smooth, hairlike fibers about an inch long. It is not a textile fiber, it does not cling together rvell, nor does it make a strong yarn. It is used in mattresses, pillows, and upholstery. In Guam kapok seed are planted in boxes containing any soft and mellow soil which can hold a reasonable amount of moisture without causing bhe seeds to rot be,fore germinatfon takes place. As soon as the seedlings are about four inches high they are transplanted into tin cans and left in these containers until about eight inches tall. This permits choosing of the healthiest plants to set out in the permanent fields. After the second transplanting care must be taken so that the young se,edlingsare not destroyed by animals or cror.rd:d out by weeds and underbrush.

The l\farines have staked out one more c]aim to fame by establishing the fact that the rikisha that furnishes a living for thousands of coolies in China, Japan and Singapore was the invention of a member of the corps. Private Jonathan Goble of the Marine detachment on the U.S.S. Susquehamn(tr, one of the ships in Commodore Perry's fleel, whreh visited Japan in 1854, conceivedthe idea. Goble had been a farmer in his native State of New York, before he enteredthe Marine Corps in 1851 at the age of 24, He remained in the servicefour years. Just rvhen Goble conceived his idea of the rikisha is not known, but after leaving the Marine Corps and returning to Japan as a missionary, he suggested to the Japanese the idea of making these enlarged gocarts a means of conveyance. The first rikisha, constructed as a result of his suggestion, made its appearancein Japan in 1867, and subsequently its use spread to nearly all the countries of the F ar East.

The Guam Recorcle,r


AncientNativeBake0ven andDistillerv The primitive metho,dof distillation was by the use of a barrel with both ends removed. This was placed over a kettle containing the fermented sap of the coconut palm. The joint between the kettle and the barrel was sealed with banana leavesto prevent the escapeof the vapor.Another round bottom receptacle was placed on the, top of the barrel and ryas kept filled with cool rn'ater by continual changing, this apparatus being the condenser. The hot vallor rising in the barrel came

in contact with the cool bottom of the top cover and it then ran dou'n to the lo.ll'estpoint, clropping off into a secticn of bamboo which was split lengthu,ise and acted as a trough. This trough was suspendedby cords and r,veightedwith stones to keep it in its proper position. The tr.ough extended through the side of the barrel and permitted the liquid, ctguardiente,to drop into a bottle or other recentacle.

Language 0ddities Coin: from the instrument that first rnade it. Our word coi, Cerirredflom the Latiln cuneus meaning "wedge," and then "die for stamping money." The French forrn of the rvord is coztz, taken into English first in the old sense of "die for starnping money," then coming to mean the "impression of the die," or the "piece of metal stamped rvith the die." Manufacture: literally, a making by hand.

The modern senseof nzanzt{o"cttlL"e is the contradiction of its original sense, for nrurufctcture comes from the Latin Mantts, "hand," and facere, "to make," that is, "a making by hand." The developmentof modern industr;r has carried the word along with the process which it named. Things are no longer made by hand, or almost never. Manufacture now suggests machinery and our word handttade must now be used to conl'ev the literal scnse cf ntcr,tzufacture.


Aprit' 1940

Vital Statistics of Guam February 1940 SUMMARY Marriages Births Deaths Present native population Other than native population

1.4 72 29 21,727 1,449


Tomas R. Fejerang to Ana C. Manibusan Jose S. Nauta to Rosa S. Aguon Jose S. Chargualaf to Julia P. Gamboa Francisco P. Cruz to Emilia R. Castro Gregorio A. Cruz to Rita C. Salas Jose G. Manibusan to Teresa C. Salas Felix S. Salas to Rosa R. Acosta Jose B. Eustaquio to Natividad D. Iriarte Jose S. San Nicolas to Dolores C. Wusstig Eugenio F. Cruz to Maria T. Cruz Edward N. Howard to Maria A. Perez Jose S. Perez to Ana G. Camacho trxequiel O. Ogo to Mercedes P. Delgado


SUMAY Gonzalo L. Fernandez to Beatris C. Camacho BIRTHS AGANA

Fyancisco and Maria M. Cruz, a son Enrique Antonio and Soledad T. Iglesias, a son Kenneth Anthony Vicente and Maria A. Taijeron, a son Vicente Juan and Ana C. Manglofla, a son Fedeberto Jose and Rosa P. Gogue,a daughter Tomasa Gilberta Lorenzo and Filomenia M. Manibusan, a son Jose Adriano Joaquin and Joaquina M. Palomo, a daughter Lourdes Candelaria Justo and Remedios Y. Chargualaf, a son Jose Jose and Magdalena I. Salas, a daughter Ana Jose and Brigida B. Cruz,, a daughter Virginia Jesus and Caridad C. Sablan, a son Jose

Joaquin and Rosario C. Blas, a daughter Marcela Dorothea Vicente and Soledad S. N. Mendiola, a daughter Brigida Manuel and Miscericordia S. Cruz, a daughter Maria Paul and Rosario C. Grey, a daughter Annie Joaquin and Ana T. Crisostomo,a son Juan Gonzalo and Isabel S, N. Eclavea, a son David Jesus and Maria T. Mendiola, a son Anthony Jesus and Ana T. Tenorio, a son Ricardo Tomas and Maria L. Mesa, a daughter Lourdes Augusto and Engracia M. Gutierrez, a daughter Jane Grace Jose and Vicenta A. Salas, a son Juan Juan and Guadaiupe S. N. Mufla, a son Tonny Vicente and Maria Q. Finofla, a son Joaquin Jose and Ana l\{. Gumabon, a daughter Maria Jose and Josefa A. Torres, a daughter Lourdes Antonio and Maria M. San Nicolas, a son Silvino Felix Jose and Vicenta C. Quitugua, a son Jose AGAT

Jose and Maria R. Aguigui, a daughter Doris Enrique and Bartola Q. Aguigui, a son Doroteo Joaquin and Rosa R. Carbullido, a daughter Frances Joaquin and Ana Q. Guerrero, a son Vicente tr'rancisco and Asuncion M. Taijito, a son Juan ASAN

Enrique and Catalina S. Quitugua, (twins) son Eloy and daughter Olimpia Bertha Lorenzo and Maria T. Gamboa, a daughter Lucretia Joaquin and Josefina L. Santos, a son John Silvestre Jose and Magdalena Q. Cruz, a son Antonio Juan and Urfia N. Lizama, a son Juan Juan and Maria C. BIas, a son Lot:enzo Jesus and Rosalia S. Cruz, a daughter Cecilia Teresita DEDEDO

Vicente and l\Iaria Q. Cruz, (twins) Remedio and Lourdes


The Guam Recorder


ModestaL. Unlalan Nicolasa D. Cabo Ignacio D. Palomo Ana J. Meno Enrique B. Roberto Juiia C. Mendiola Teresita C. Concepcion MERIZO Juan S. A. Taguacta Joaqquin and Rosa C. Barcinas, a daughter MaVicente F. Pangelinan riana Gloria N. Castro PITI Antonio F. Castro Joaquin and Isabel B. Finofla, a daughter Lourdes tr'ranciscoS. San Nicolas &Iaria R. Unpingco Jesus and Carmen B. Cruz, a son Antonio Consolacion C. Torre SINAJANA Maria C. Torre Antonio and Maria R. Tertaotao, a son Tomas Maria T. Santos Santiago and Trinidad S. M. Guerrero, a daughtqr Annie C. Grey I Brigida Engracia C. Quintanilla Henry and Regina M" Reyes, a daughter Doris Joaquin C. Baza Carmen BARRiGADA Jose and Trinidad A. Crisostomo,a son Jose Lucas and Felecita G. Tertaotao. a son Jose Antonio B. Santos Jose and Maria T. Gumatactao,a son Antonio AGAT Francisco and trmi1ia F. Santos, a son Joseph Antonio C. Chargualaf Manuel and Rosalia M. Tertaotao, a son Santiago Luis and Dolores C. San Nicolas, a daughter Rosalia Felipe and Maria C. Esteban,,,a daughter Jovita Jesus and Rosa C. Matanane, a son Emeterio Silvino Joaquin and Ana L. Rivera, a son Juan

3 years 3 months



Enrique and Maria C. Cruz, a danghter Aurelia Francisco arid Rita Q. Babauta, a claughter Leonila Manuel and Maria Leonora S. Calvo, a son Jose Mariano and Ana B. Santos, a daughter Bernice Dolores Joaquin and Tomasa D. Tolentino, a daughter Judid Jose and Isabel D. Chargualaf, a daughter Maria

27 years 74 years 77 years 1 year 34 years 18 years 1 year 1 year 51 years 10 months 31 years 3 months 62 )'s2Ys 35 years Stillborn Stillborn Stiilborn 35 years 51 years

Carlos M. T1'dingco

77 5rears PITI

Roman:r C. Cruz Ru{ina C. Mufla

37 years 73 years S IN A JA N A

Vicenta &I. Quitugua

6 months UX{ATAC

Pedro A. Sanchez

1 month


Manuel and 'Ieresa A. Mantanofla, a son Jose UMATAC

Francisco and Josefina S. Quinata, a son Fedro Vicente and Carmen A. Quidachay, a son Juan

Department of Industries Notes

The Department's se-reral maiirtenance crews r.epairing, weeding a.nd ditching the vai:ious roads throughout the Island. The project of reYONA surfacing Flarmon Road is progressing. The proManuel and Bartola P. Balajadia, a son Jose ject of repairing and re-constructing the Inarajan-Mer"izo Road is approximately 4 miles comDEATHS pleted. AGANA The Department has commencedon the project Nieves D. Lujan 85 years of consl,ructing a bridge across the Agafla River, Carmen B. Sanchez 32 years also resumed v"'ork on the new Agafia Springs Ana C. Santos 4 years Water Shcd road.

ApruI 1940


Spanish Galleons (Continued from page 11) talgets, and an innumerable sort of greatstones, that the ship was laden with, was in silkes, satr,vhich they threw overboard upon our heads and tens, damasks, with muske & divers other mer_ into our ship so fast and being so many of them, chandize,and great store of all maner of victuals that they put us off the shippe againe, with the with the choyse of many conserves,of all sortes losse of trvo of our men which were slaine, and for to eate, and of sundry sorts of very good with the hurting of 4 or 5. But for all this we wines. These things being made knorvne to ilre new trimmed our sailes, and fitted every man his Generali by the aforesaide Captaine and pilote, furniture, and gave them a fresh encounter with they were commanded to stay aboord the Desire, our great ordinance and also with our small shot, and on the 6 day of November following wee raking them through and through to the killing went into an harbour rvhich is called by the an'd maiming of many of their men. Their Cap- Spaniards, Aguada Segura, or Puerto Seguro. taine still like a valiant man with his company 'fiere the whole company of the Spaniards, stood very stoutely unto his close fights, not both of men and women to the number of 1g0 yielding as yet: Our General encouraging his personswere set on shore: where they had a fayre men a fresh with the whole noyse of trumpets river of fresh water, with great store of fresh gave them the third encounter with our great fish, foule, and wood, and also nlatlv hares and ordinance and all our small shot to the great disconies upon the maine land. Our Generall :rlso comforting of onr enemies raking them through gave thenl great stor.eof victuals, of garuansos, in divers places,killing and spoiling many of their peason, and some lvine. Also they had all the men. They being thus discomforted and spoiled, saiiesof their shippe to make them tents on shore, and their shippe being in hazat:d of sinking by i"ith licenceto take such store of plankesas should reason of the great shot which were made, wheLebee suf;icient to mahe thein a barke. Then rve fell of some were under lvater, within b or 6 houres to hoysing in of our goods,sharing of the treasure, fight set out a flagge of truce and parled for and alotting to every man his portion. In devi_ mercy, desiring our Generall to save their lives sion r,vhereofthe eighth of this moneilr, many of and to take their goods, and that they rvould thc company fell into a mutinie against our presenttryyeeld. Our General of his goodness Gerrerall, especialiy those which r,verein the Conpromised them mercy, and wiiled them to strike tent, s'vhichneverthelesswere after a sort pacified their sayles,and to hoyse out their boate and to for the time." come aboard: which newes theye rvere ful glad to Candish tock rvith him, from the galleon, two heare of, and presently strooke their sailes, hoysed their boat out, and one of their cheife marchants Japanese boys; three yollng boys from Manila; cameaboard unto our Generall: and falling dorvne Ni':holas Roderigo, a Portuguese, who ltad trar,iponhis knees offered to have kisseclour Generals vclled r,'ridelyin the Orient; and Alonso de Valla_ fee,te,and craved mercie: orlr General most gra- cioiid, pilot of the Santa Ana, who set the course ciotisly pardoned both him and the rest upon of ihc Desi,re act:ossthe Pacific. promise of their true dealing rvith him and his Pretty makes much of Candish'smercy, but the company ccincerning such riches as \,vere in the "Gcncrall" actr"raliyhanged a priest, Fray Juan shippe: and sent for the Captaine and their Pilote, de Almendariz. rvho at their comming used the like duetie and In his report to his patron, Lord Hundson, reverence as the former did. The Generall of his Candish briefly mentions capturing the galleon great mercy & humanitie, promised their lives as follows: and good usage. The sayd Captaine and Pilote presently certified the Generall i,vhat gooclsthey "The matter of most profit unto me was a great had within boorde, to r,vit, an hundreth and 22 ship of the kings which I tooke at California, thousandpezosof golde; and the rest of the riches rvhich ship came from the Phiiippines, being one

The Guam Recorder

34 of the richest of merchandise that ever passed these seas." The Sunta Ana was commanded by Tomas de Alzola. Althoug'h the Santa Ana had a tonnage of 600 as against 130 for the Desire and 60 for the Content, she had practically no guns, whereas the Desi,remounted eighteen and the Content ten. Roman, the royal treasurer at Manila, reported that the Santa Ana carried 2,300 marks of gold, equivalent to almost 85 pounds avoirdupois. She probakrly carried other gold that was not registered, in other words being carried illegally. Among other treasures were pearls, rich silks, cotton goods,muck and civet. Probably the total value of the ship's cargo was around 2'000'000 ; pesos. The Spaniards were enraged at the capture.

Bishop Salazar wrote: "The grief that affiicts me is not because this barbarian infidel has robbed us of the ship Santn Ana, and destroyed thereby the property of the citizens; but because an English youth of about twenty-two years, with a wretched little vessel of a hundred tons an'd forty or fifty companions, should dare to come to my own place of residence, defy us and boast of the damage that he had wrought. He went frorn our midst laughing, without anyone molesting or troubling him." Shortly after his arrival in the Philippines (Note. The Contenf was lost at sea on the trip across the Pacific) Candish attempted to burn the galleon Santiago, which was being built at Arevalo on the south coast of Panay, but was unsuccessful. (To be Continuecl)

Former Editor Writes and to the luncheon given by the Charleston Chamber of Commerce. At the luncheon I was asked to talk about the R.L. Barnes, and I gave Dear Sir: a brief summary of its present status and duties. Mr. Julius H. Barnes and his little granddaughter, Of possible interest to the Guam Recorder and Margaret Barnes Fiertz, who was sponsor of the its readers was the launching yesterday in new ship,'were much interested in hearing about Charleston of the Motorship Juli'us H. Barnes. Guam and the R.L. Barnes. This ship, 300 feet long, and similar in original The Julius H. Barnes, powered by Fairbanks purpose and construction to the U.S.S. R. L. Morse Diesel engines, is the first vessel to be man in honor the is named of Barnes at Guam, completed under the U.S. Maritime Commission name. the Barnes ships of who built all the and is probably the first all-welded ship in the Mr. Julius H. Barnes, originally of Duluth, world. It is the largest ship ever built in a comMinn., one of the leading citizens of the United mercial yard at Charleston, where it was conStates in the transportation and business world, structed by the Charleston Shipbuilding and Drywas present in person at the launching. He is dock Company. The building ways of this comnow President of the Erie and St. Lawrence pany are close to the Navy mooring buoys where Corporation, the owners of the new ship. Also the U.S.S. Cole moors when in port standing by present was his son Mr. Robert L. Barnes, after for neutrality patrol. whom the Guam Oil Depot ship was named when Hoping that the above information will be of it was built at Duluth in 1916-1917. The younger interest, I remain, with best regards to my friends years old when the R.L. Mr. Barnes was seven in Guam. Barnes was launched at Duluth. Editor, Guam Recorder.

As forrner Commanding Officer of the Guam vessel I was invited to the launching ceremonies

Sincerely yours, (Sgd) Paul F. Dugan



'*1 {.

Ag,ana Theatre f The (NEAR





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Cool and Comfortable AUDITORIUM WITH


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One feels perfectly Drinking - - -

safe in


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Butler's,Incorporated Here is another Department Store wit h - - A MODERN SODA FOUNTAIN

Guam's up-to-date Department Storen When Shopping. Consider too, that the money you spend with us is in turn spent within our community-so we both d.o our share to better local conditions.

A Department for Toilet Articles, Stationery, Magazines, Tobacco, etc. A Department for Hardware, Electrical Goods, Furniture and Paints. A

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The Guam Recorder


Department of Education Notes (Continued from Page 18) Grateful are we to our other schoolmatesfor they have taught us the true meaning and value of cooperation. 8. Grateful are we to the Department of Education for having provided the necessary facilities for our education, which has protected us from the evils of mischance and ignorance. 9. Grateful are we, that, though our pleasant school associationsare to be severedtonight, we are carrying away within our hearts many beautiful and cherished recollections of our school. 10. And last, but not the least, we are grateful to the Great Country under whose protection we live and which, for the past forty years, has showered upon us, unasked,all the Privileges and opportunities which the peopleof this Island have enjoyed and do enjoy. MAY GOD BI,ESS AII,{ERICA! (The audience joined the graduating classesin singing "God Bless America" written by Irving Berlin). 7.

Sixth Grade Examinations Three hundred fifty-nine pupils took the examination conducted by the Department of Education for pupils in the sixth grade on 2 March 1940. Of this number the following have been found qualified to enter the Washington Junior High School on 1 Juiy 1940. 147 Leary 12 Dyer', Piti 6 Cook, Merizo -.,----.-----|) Gilmer, Talofofo 8 Jalaguag 13 Maxwell, Sumay e Magellan, Umatac 2 Machanao 7 Potts, Inarajan 5 Price, Maflgilao 8 Olaiz, Agat . -- . a Sanvitores, Dededo 2 Shapiey,Asan --------Servell,Yofla ---- -22L Total -

FIRE PREVENTIOII{ IN TTIE HOUSE (Courtesy of the Bog Scowts of Am-, The fire loss in the United Stat"s and outlying possessionsreaches an enormous figure each year resulting in a large economic waste. This waste increases the cost of living for each person through an increase of taxes to maintain lire apparatus. 80% of all fires are due to careiessness. Observance of the suggestions below will eliminate many of the principal causes of fires. 1. Don't flll keroseneoil lamp or heater while lighted. Fire and explosionwill follow due to the kerosenevapors becoming ignited. 2. Don't look for a gasoline leak with lighted candle, match or open flame. 3. Don't go into a dark closet or storage space with an open flame. Use a flashlight. A Don't put hot ashesinto a lvooden receptacle. 5 . Don't ]eave current switch on in an electric ilon. ir. Don't use cleaning fluid around an open flre. 7. Don't have storage closetsunder stairwaysa bad flre in this space would prevent escape from floor above. 8. Don't allow rr"rbbishto collect about premises -spontaneous combustion is one of the greatest causesof fires. L Don't keep loosematches around your home where children can get them-matches should be kept in a metal container well out of reach. 1 0 . Don't hang clothes near a lvood stove to dry. 1 1 . Cooperate with the authorities, help them in their efforts to prevent carelessnessin connection with fire-nrevention. Swanson School This seernsto be the year for High Schools in Guam. The Claude A. Swanson Schoolcan boast for the first time of a complete High School course. At a simple ceremony held at the school on the morning of 29 March 1940 the Governor-Commandant, Captain James T. Alexander, U.S.N., presented Diplomas to the first graduates of the CLAUDE A. SWANSOT{ HIGH SCHOOL. These graduates were: Stanley Dexter Jupp, Jr., and Donald Richard Meinke. Prior to the presentation of these coveted diplomas, certificates of promotion were given to the children of the other srades.

April 19/to




DAYS OF OUR YEARS By Pierre Van Passen. The Days of Our Years is the life story of a professional foreign correspondent whose collegues among the war correspondentsgive him the higtrest reputation for accuracy of statement and reliable authenticity. In a larger and more literal sense, this book is the biography of a generation as reflected in the life of one man n'hose profession placed him wherever history rvas being made; in France, Germany, Morocco, Syria, Palestine, Ethiopa and Spain. IIis experiencesare intimately described. Upon leaving for Europe, no restrictions were placed on Mr. Van Passen's movements. Itr. Ralph Pulitzer had given him letters of introduction to the wor'ld's cor-respondentsin Paris, Rome, London, Moscow, asking them to place the facilities of the bureaus under their direction at his disposal whenever he made an appearancein their cities. He did not have to send spot news except on occasions when he would be definitely assigned to cover events as happened later in the case of Arabic uprising in Palestine in 1929, the British elections a year later and other incidents, his real job, he says, \\ras to complement the factual dispatches sent by the regular correspondents with a marginal story of background-milieu, and, above all. the "hurnan interest" element. Also he wrote a daily column "Worlds' Windou"' for the editorial page of the E,"-ewingWodd, and other American ner,vspaperssuch as LineAlbany Kn'ickerbocker Press, The Atlanta Constitution, The Bo-oton Globe, The Syracuse Heralcl, Tlte Pittsburgh Sun. "That column was chiefly composed of what the European journalists call "Kaffe-Klatsch",. He followed no definite line of thought, not even liberal. "A scrap of conversation rvith a prime. minister or a peasant, the election of a Gypsi King, a sunset over the Zuider Zee, tlne execution of a bandit on a Guillotine, a service in Rome's St. Peter's, anecdotesabout the great, the famous, the renor'vned and the notorious, such were the usual contents and now since he could not afford to be excluded from a single European country with so general an assignment, it was to his interest to remain on the

good side of ali the nascentcensorshipsin Europe. Hence niany things he inrzestigated or saw remained unreported. For example, in 1928, Mr. Van Passen accompaniedHenry Barbusse on a trip of investigation in the Balkans, where he had gone to study the methods of the reactionary governments of Rumania and Bulgaria in suppressing popuiar movements. Twelve thousand peasants and workers had been slain in Bulgaria alone that year. "I could not send out a word. The police dogged our every footstep. After spending a day wandering around in the subterranean cavesof the Doftana Prison of Bucharest, rvatching people, ioaded down with chains, many of them reduced to hysterically idiotic skeletons, there was nothing that could be sent out but a yarn about the daring fashions worn by the rvomen in the night clubs on the Calea Victoriei. That was the stuff expected of me-nothing more. Notdelving into social conditions, no dishing up of unappetizing details about terrorism." "The managing editor, Mr. John Tennant, warned me more than once that I had not been sent over on a crusading rriission. He added, moreover, that there was no confirmation from any reliable sollrceon that horrible businessin Bulgaria. The local agency correspondents had not sent a word. So, I too, remained silent." Mr. Van Passen's earnest questioning mind finds plenty of unanswerable questions, but at least he has rvritten some anslvers that leave his readers with a more understanding outlook upon a r,vorldsituation which to some of us, seemslacking in all logic. In fact he tells us, "History is not a chain of events follor,ving each other in logical sequence. At every turn one flnds mysterious and inexplicable incidents, not the result of hazard or personal initiative, and which seem to be injected by the creative force of spiritual currents." There are a great many unpredictables and unforeseenables. Precisely because there is violence and oppression and hatred, there is a divine order and not chaos. Effect follows cause with inexorable accuracy: It is a comforting thought that one who has known the worst of life may still hope for, and believe in the best, and that "Out of Man's dissatisfaction and longing, new worlds are born."-S ally Rouan Pease.

The Guam Recorder


Extracts from Catalogue of Earthquakes Felt in Guam 1825-1938 (Continuecl from page 26) bling of the earth still continues and does not seem Day's Record Sheet). At to decrease any."-(From 10:40 p.m., two light shocks. -CA. 1902. October 1. 4:10 a.m., two shocks; first heavy, second very light; lasting in all about four seconds. -CA. 1902. October 5. Frequent slight earthquake shocks have been felt each day since the strong shock of September 22nd. They are of very short duration but are very definite shocks, usually followed, and sometimes preceded, by a noticeable pulsation or trembling lasting for some 30 or 60 seconds. At night when lying in bed the shocks and trembling are felt with greater definition. The observers detailed for the meteorological station are quartered to a small stone house built low on the ground. Persons living in wooden houses of two stories feel many shocks which the observers fail to notice. 1902. October 10. 1:10 a.m. One light shock lasting about 3 seconds. 10:00 p.m., two shocks, the;ftrst light, the second heavy, lasting in all about 4 seconds. "There was another quite noticeabie earthqquake, sudden and short, at 9:10 a.m. Duing a great part of the night of the 10th the earth was in a continuous light tremor."-Captain Schroeder, -cA. 1902. October 12. 12:32 a.m. Two light shocks, lasting about one second, I:46 a.m., one light shock, lasting about 1 second, "The tremors mentioned in the accompanying report of October 5th were noticed on Monday or Tuesday of this week, but were plainly felt during the night of the Sth, gth, 10th.-Lt. Cox. -CA. 1902. December 24. 7:13 a.m. Two very heavy shocks, lasting in all about one minute and thirty seconds, Note: My observationsof the shock at 7:15 a.m., gives duration of shock 30 seconds, vibrations slor,v but of greater force than any of the minor shocks since September 22nd.-Lt. Cox. -CA. 1903. February 1. 7:02 p.m. A very sharp report or rumble to the eastward followed by two rather heavy shocks, lasting in all about seventeen seconds. -CA. 1903. February 10. 12:39 p.m, Two shocks, the first light and the second heavy lasting in all about one minute, flfteen seconds. Damaged the walls of the governor's mansion. The first part was a rapk). vibration, N and S, and the latter part a comparatively slow oscillation E. to W. -CA. 1903. February 11. 9:10 p.m. One heavy shock, lasting about eight seconds. Between 11:00 and 12:00 p.m., another shock. -CA. 1903. March 27. !:24 a,m, Three shocks, the first and second light, the third very heavy, lasting in all about thirty seconds. I:29 a,m. Another shock, rather heavy, lasting about ten seconds. -CA. 1909. December 10. At 9:00 a.m. of December 10th there were to shocks iasting twenty seconds, of which the second was the more severe. Direction of the shocks

SE-NW. In Agafia practically all the east and west walls of native mortar houses are badly cracked. hr nearly evely house articles on shelves of these walls were thrown down, while those of the north and south sides remained in place. The Women's Hospital, built of loca,l mortar, was so badly injured as to necessitate tearing down; its tile roof slid off to the west, and the worst cracks were in the east wall. Many ceiling boards were shaken down in various houses. Several fisures opened in the ground, from one of which, near the river, came a large flow of water. The river bed sank in several places. The passing wave could be seen distinctly as it crossed the public square; and the station ship in the harbor reported having felt the shock, No damage of impori:ance was done in the other towns on the island. The buildings of the Cable Station at Sumay, constructed of reenforced concrete were not injured; but a few objects were thrown down, and the steel rn'ater torver could be seen swayir-rg. No shocks were noticed before or after the earthquake nor was anything extraordinary observed in the sea. The disturbance was not felt at Yap, Western Carolines. (Report from Commercial Pacific Cable Co.) -MOB. 1912, October 26. 6:32 p.m. Sumay, intensity VI, duration 15 seconds. It began with weak vibrations, W-E, for a fern' seconds; followed by strong unduiations NW-SE, which siopped clocks and shook houses and furniture, without causing any damage. -MOB. 'L917. May 10. 1:33 a.m. Sumay. Strong earthquake which stopped clocks but caused no damage. Perceptibie in Agaiia. -MOR. 1917. June 19. 2:00 a.m. Sumay. Trvo sharp earthquakes which seemed to be quite violent but did not stop wall clocks or spill solution from battery jars as other apparently lighter quakes have done on previous occasions. Agafia, perceptible; one pen of the seismograph was dislocated. -MOR. LgI7. November 24. 8:52 p.m. Agafi,a, strong earthquake of long duration with motion of a rolling character; no sudden shocks. Sumay, strong earthquake, lasting about two seconds, which stopped clocks and spilled batterl' solutions. -MOR. 1932. June 12. 2;59 a.m, Strong earlhquake of intensity VI. Center in the Nero Deep, SE of Guam. Agaiia, an abrupt earth1935. January 15, 1:09 a.m. quake felt by many persons. Its direction was E to W; its intensity, IV; and its duration, four seconds. Sounds accomnanied the shock. -MOR. 1935. February 19. 6:07 a.m. Agafi.a, a severe earthquake which seemed to come from the SE. No dam-

-MOR. 1936. October 30. 4:39 a.m.

Agafla, light

earthquake" -MOR. The foilowing telegram was received at the Manila Observatory from the Governor of Guam:

April 1910


"October 30. Guam. Earthquake nf unusual intensity force VIII, duration approximately one minute, occurred at 4:39 a.m. this date followed by eight shocks in next ten minutes. Direction of the shocks NE-SW. Casualties none. Slight damage to buildings, remarkable in view intensity of original shock, Minor shocks continuing."




Margaret'sBeautyShop has just received THE LATEST TT{ERMIQUE ESUIPMENT

Mr. W. Rowlel', the seismic observer, reported that during the first strong shock, which was of an abrupt and twisting character, the church bell was reporbed to have rung, the church tower clock stcpped, plasl,er fe1l, walls rvere cracked, tile fell, glasses and dishes were broken, and electric fans 'tvere thrown from shelves. The seismograph was badly thrown out of adjustment. During the day of October 30, Mr. Rolrdey counted 25 shocks of various intensities from II to V: on October 31. 12 shocks, intei'rsities II to IV.

Thermique is new and is superior to all other methods of giving perfect,

On November 13 another telegram was received from Guam which rea,d: "Guam has experienced since 4:40 thirty October three hundred seven earthquake shocks. Fifty one shocks in last twenty four hours. Heaviest shock, since major initial shock, occurred 6:28 trvelve November intensity VI Rossi-Forel scale cluyation about thirl,y seconds. Slight additional damage to buildings. No injuries to persons.,,

Low voltage, no shocks or burns.

The seismograms of Guam from October B0 to Nolember 27 show a total of 474 shocks, including a1I froin the first and strongest shock down to the smallest, many of which were imperceptible to human senses. This is a minimum number for the seismograph v'as out of service about fifteen hours. The center of the earthquake was in the Nero Deep. -MOR. 1936, December 14. 7:30 a.m. Agafra, strong earthquake of intensity VII. Another shock of intensity III at 12:19 p.ui. -MOR.

uniformly satisfactory PERMANENT

No heaters -


less $/eight.

Less time -

no fatigue.

All other services obtainable at a



(Just West of the former oflicers, club) Telephone 100-R




1115 P adre P al omo


S treet, S an A ntoni o

A gana,






No. 54 flr" Hesler St.


onerssue %ll?l# '%yf,ill? ,


Full Page One-half " T hree- e igh th " t( One-quarter One-eighth " One-sixteenth "


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$9.50 5.70 4. 25 Z.BS 1.b0 1.00

$9.00 5.40 4.00 2.70 1.Bb .g0

Twelve insertions a yeal: on contract, 10 per cent dis_ count. More than twelve -pages a year, an additional discount of 21/z pet: cent. -




The Guam Record,er



(Contirw,ed,from page p0)



Loeal Sports

years. These boys may term themselves the wrecking crew of the 1940 season,for in two later U. S. Naval Government of Guam games they have won by trouncing the champion Tigers 3 to 0, and upsetting the dope bucket by winning over the highly-touted Public Works aggregation 6 to 2. Every Sunday afbernoon these teams are enterThe growing popularity of the Summer Session taining hundreds of people at Bradley Park. Softball is gaining momemtum in this little island. of the Guam Institute is due to the great help From the real American pastime (hardball) given to students for the coming school year. Guam has shifted to what many have termed the "sissy game" (softball), becauseit requires very Individual attention is given to retainers. little financial backing, and more teams can be organized. Pre-Primer to SeventhGrade 8:00 to 11 :00 a.m. Results of Games-Nati,onal League Accredited by the Department of Education



Special classes in junior high school subjects may be arranged. I

ttUZ,MAN'S Groceries and

Yellow Taxi Lot 528

Sunday, 3 March Anigua Tigers 1 Public Works _- 0 Carabaos --- 3 Togae Rangers ---- 0 Sunday, 10 March Carabaos - ------ -- - 5 Anigua Tigers _--_.". 2 TogaeRangers PublicWorks_. _ z -6 Friday, 15 March Togae Rangers -- - 3 Anigua Tigers ---- _ 0 Sunday, 17 March Public Works ---- -----3 Carabaos 2 Anigua Tigers -- - .-- 4 Togae Rangers --------2 Standing of the Teams

Tel. 146




OWNER AND MANAGER THREE REASONS WHY _ YOU SHOULD USE OUR SOAP! 1 - Made of the Finest Material 2 - Made from Natural Products of Guam 3 - Made Under Expert Supervision Mr. Ada has had SO y"r*t of *tual experience in soap manufacturing and has studied methods in Germany -

JOSEF ADA & SONS SOAP WORKS First native soap manufacturers in Guam capacity over 1,000,000 lbs. per year.

Carabaos Rangers 'Iigers Public Works

Games PerPlayed Won Lost centage 3 27 667 4 2 2 500 4 2 2 500 3 1 2 DOD ADVERTISEMENT

JOB JOB9S GARAGB DE LUXE TAXI CABS P h o n e L 7 4 -----Da y o r Nig h t .TIIE BEST FOR LESS''

Apri,L 1940


The Plants of Guam


(Conti,nued from page 23) ,


Indigof era suffruti.cosa Miller (also called IndtlWHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORES gof et'a anil), anilis, the commercial indigo dye plant. An erect, weedy shrub, found in waste places, such as the savanna hills, back of Piti. No. 1 Store 47 Santa Cruz Street, Agana Its branches reach a height of 3 to 6 feet, with No. 2 Store 32-3 San Ignacio Street, Agana short appressedhair:s. Leaves 2 ot:3 inches long, i,vith 5 Lo 17 elliptical-oblong leaflets, l/2 to I United States - Japanese - Chinese - Philippine inch long. Flowers small, red, or greenish-purple, Merchandise in sessil axillary racemes about an inch long. Dry Goods - Groceries - Hardware - Chinaware Pods numerous, crowded, curved, like tiny sauKirin - Asahi - Union - Yebisu Beer sages, 5/8 inch long, each with 6 to 8 seeds. A weed, common in open piaces;apparently an early No. 3 Store 4O Hernan Cortez Street, Agana introduction from tropical America. Since the fce Cream Sodas - Candies - Cigars - Cold Beer development of aniline dyes, commercial growing The choice of many standard brands of Whiskies of indigo has largely been given up. and Fine Liquors. Indigof era ti,nctoria Linnaeus, also called anilis. An erect, slightiy pubescent shrub, 3 to 5 feet high. Leaves 2 to 4 inches long, with 9 to 13 Gasoline Service Station obovate-oblong leaflets, up to an inch.long. 40 Hernan Cortez Street, Agafla Flowers smali, reddish or reddish-yellow, in lax, Cable Address "DEJIMA" Telephone 64 sessileracemes,I to 2 inches long. Pods nearly straight, slightly swollen at intervals, nearly an inch long, with 8 to 12 seeds. A weed in waste places; widely distributed in the tropics of both Cli.pper Passengers - - hemispheres. A dye plant of early introduction, but, like the preceding,not usedby the Chamorros. Tep'h.rosiahookeriana Wight and .Arnott. An erect, perennial herb, with ascending, pubescent branches. Leaves large, the rac.hisabout 3 inches long, with 13 to 19 oblonb-linear,obtuse leaflets, 3/4 to l-l/2 inches long, giabrous above, white and shining beneath with appressedhairs. Flowers rather large, in long, lax, erect, ter.minal Special Rates Near P. A. A. Station racemes; petals 3/8 to 1/2 inch long. Pod 1-L/2 to 2 inches long by l/6 inch wide, densely clothed rvith silky, brownish hair; containing 6 to 10 OUR HOME BAKERY seeds. It is said to be cultivated in Guam, but it is so much like the common, widespread Tephrosi,a purplLrea, used throughout the Paciflc to poison Pastries of all kinds fish ,that the identification may not be correct. Found in India, Ceylon, and Malaysia. Fresh Bread Available Everv Afternoon Tephrosi,am,ariana De Candolle, goat's-rue. An undershrub, with erect, long stems, with shaggy Deliveries to your Home Daily hairs. Leaves with about 9 sessile,oblong, smooth leaflets, 2 inches long by 1/3 to 1/2 inch wide, smooth above, silvery-silky below; stipules lance- Ask For Our Price List of Raisin Cakes

See Guarnes Seenie


Carbullido's Taxi Co.,Sumay

Tlte Guam Recorcler







DISTRIBUTOR FOR: Pabst Export Beer

Kirin Beer

Lucky Lager Beer and Ale

California Wines

Burgermeister Beer and Ale

Crab Orchard Whiskey

Eureka Canned Beer

Schenley's Old Quaker Rye Whiskey

Pilsengold Beer

Also many other brands

San Diego Quality Beer

of Whiskeys and Gins

Asahi Beer

LIJYITI"ACO'S TAXI SERYICE Always Open Ah,uays on Time Phone 108-R





San lgnac io


shapecl,eiongate, hairy. Flowers close together in the axils, alrnostsessile. Pods narrow, upright, covered with velvety hair, 10 to 12 seeds. A speciesdescribedfrom the Marianas Islands, concerning rvhich but little is knornn. Sesouni,ct grcLncl'ifl,ora (Linneaus) Persoon, known in Guam as katurs,i or coturo"y,its Philippine name. Its thick bark gives it the name corkrvood in Austraiia. A glabrous tree, 15 Lo 40 feet high. Leaves 8 to 12 inches long, with 20 to 40 pairs of oblong-obtuse, pale-green leaflets, an inch or more long, with short, abrupt tips. Flowers few, large, iike white slveet-peas,3 inches long, in short, racemes. Pods long, slender,somewhat curved, up to 2 feet long by l/4 to l/2 inc}' in diameter',pendent, swollen where the 30 to 50 seedslie. Chal'coal from its light, soft wood may be made into gunpowder; the leaves,flowers and pods are edible. Introduced and used as a salad or"pot-herb, and as fodder for cattle. Distributccl from India to Polynesia, in many places cultivated. Aeschynomene indicct Linnaeus, Indian joint vech. An erect, branching, annual herb, up to 4 feet high, with bare green branches. Leafrachis L to 2 inches long, odd-pinnate,with many (31 to 41) small, linear or oblong leaflets, each with one vein; long lance-shapedstipule belovv point of attachn'lent. One to four small, vellow or pr-rrplish flo"*rers in short axillary racemes. Pod slender, linear-oblong,compressed,about an inch long, made up of 4 to B joints, one seed in each. Found in rvet, marshy places; a native of the Oid World tropics. Small figures ar:e carved from the pith. Arachis hyytoglcteaLinnaeus, the peanut, in Guam called kakah,ucrte,ltakag,uate,cacuhuate,or cttcagluate. A low, annual, spreading, hairy, branching herb; stems 1 to 2 feet long. Leaves 3 to 5 inches iong. with 2 or 3 pairs of oblong to obovzrteleaflets, 7 to 2 inches long. Flor,versferv, small. yellorv,5 to 7 together in the axiis of leaves. Pod (the familiar peanut) oblong, leatherlr, r,vith 1 to 3 seeds, ripeniug underground due to the lengthening of the pedicels. A native of tropical America, wiciely cultivated; common in Guam, but not commercially grown, although it grorvs u.ell in sandy soil and might become a successful minol industry. (I'o be conti,nued)

April 1910


Answers to Questionson page 27 f


.). 4. 5. 6.



Inventor of the telephone. TAXI SERVICE Amsterdam, Holland-nine feet above sea level. Lafayette, Nash and Dodge Cars On land-the first battle of the Marne, Sept., 1914, on ihe sea, Jutland in 1\{ay 1916. Potatoes. At your seraice Day and Night Minnesota with 15 per cent of the total. France, a tax on rent payers, another on the COURTEOUS CHAUFFEURS landlord who collects. Fronr 1-1/2 to 5 pints per day varying v,,ith exerciseand high temperature. The pensioning of college professors. The cat no-the dog eighteen times. Importer of General Merchandise The sense of touch, due to its soft, smooth surface. STORES IN The plural is "axes." San Antonio, San Nicolas, and San Ramon An alarm bell or warning signal. The stomach of a 40-pouncl dog has three American and Japanese Beers times the capacity of a 150-poundman. Good Island Liquors in About one third, another third use chop Baza's Bac. at San Antanio sticks. At the age of four years. AGENT - ]IXAYES BISCUIT. YOKOIIAMA P. T. Barnum, the famous showman. Stamp collecting, a blot or blur makes a stamp more valuable to a collector. ,1":.***{.":-*"1.**t*{+,{4,f*t*'l*{.'l.f+1,iâ‚Źl+{+tr$X+*{$ia+l+r!{rr}ri++'*el+l+r}r!e.?rlelr About $18.00 per year:, except in states { .:$ which have and added state tax. In 1930 census,11,000,000 out of 3?,000,000 *..--adult r'vomen earned part or all of their DTRECT TMPORTER i: f,k livelihood. . :!of The exercising of governmental powel ir"- '"1 +- United States, Phiiippine, Chinese respective of legal authority. :l



15. 16. 17. 18. 19.



v. rtr. Takano $ * .- - t;

ll* r

SEISMOGRAPH RECORDS Earthquake shocks rec,rrded by the seisrlograph at tlie Government House, Guam. 11 February 9:04:40 n r n * E-W 20 Febrnary 5:29:34 a,m.* hI-S 21 February 2:11 :09 p.m.* E-W 4 March 7:42:06 a.m.'F N-S 5 March 7:09:02 p.m. E-W '3 Perceptible in Guam Note: Total shocks recorded since 31 December 1938: 712, of which 41 were perceptible in Guam.



Japanese Merchandise

f: g



l{ {1 ' '.i. i: ,t :l i :l

1147 San Nicolas Street and 1061 Padre Palomo Street Agana ^ Dry Goods and Groceries Asahi and Kirin Beer also Many Standard Brands of Whiskies and Liquors



The Guam Recorcler


y A

GharlosT,on bodgs No.44,F.& [, Jll.


Under the Jurisdiction of the Gra

& -""**'i:$#d'ffit*i;H;" @ ^,:ff1'iT$fft MEETINGS

illirl=Faoilia FostNo.l, Ouant Regular Meetings

First Saturdayof eachmonth 7:30 p. m. Lot. No. 1181,Dr HeslerStreet.

Misslon BaPtist 0oneral Hoursof Meetings SUNDAY:9:30 a' m' Preaching in English a' m' 10:30 Sunday Slhool 7:00 p. m. Seniof Christian Endeavor Preaching in English, Evangelistie 8:00 p. m. Midweek Prayer meeting Thursday 8:00 p. m. We cordially invite you to come to any of these services. _

General Branch No. 70 Island of Guam

Board of Directors

1st Sundz,y every month 2nd & lasb Saturdays

Meet every Monday at the Elks Club 8:00 P. M.


Prevailing rvind direction ENE Average hourly velocity 8.8 knots Divine Services Vlaximum wind movement, 24 hours 382 knots Every Sunday Minimnm wind. movement, 24 hours 112 knots Maximum hourly velocity NI{tr 19 knots Maximum instantaneousgust ENE 33 l<nots Maximum temperature BT.0o Ifinirrrum temperature 70.50 l'{ean temperature 78"74" I*4eanrelative humidity 75.5% Dorn Hall, Agana Highest barometer 30.04 inches 7:30 a.m. The Holy Communion Lorvest barorneter 29.73 inches Schooi Sunday 9:30 a.m. Children's Church & pressure Mean 29.902 inches 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer & Sermon Marimum rainfall, 24 hours 0.29 inches Marine Barracks, Sumay Total rainfall this month 1.?0 inches 9:30 a.m. Sunday School Total rainfall this year 10.28 inches 7:00 p.m. Evening Prayer & Sermon Number of days of rainfall 28 days Number of days clear' 1 day Sunday Services At The Cathedral Number of days partly cloudy 4 days Number of da;rs cloudy Agafla, Guam 24 days per Average number of sunshine day hours 7.89 5:30 Low Mass, Chamorro sermon. Number of thunderstorms 0 7:00 Children's Mass, at times English serAverage rainfall for the month was 0.88 inches mon. belolv normal. Due to the movement of high 8:00 High Mass, Chamorro sermon. pressure to the south of the normal track the 10:00 Low Mass with English sermon. pressure remained above norma-l for the monl,h CONFESSIOI\TS: giving increased trade winds, rvhich n'ere also Every morning from 4:30 to 6:00 a.m. Saturdaysfrom 2:30 to 7:00 p.m. above normal. Temperature remained below CATECHISM FOR AMERICAN CATHOLIC CHILDREN: normal for the month, also due to the abnormal Tuesdaysand Thursdays from 3:00 to 3:45 p.m. track of the high pressure areas.

* ,r..{*'1.'l*F,t*,t"rlol.{+r!*.+ri+ri+rl+{+{rri+{+{+{++t{+rieiei+rr.+rlrr!+rlolel*rlel+r}rle!e!+r!rrleleio}rt

* * * *






260 California Street, San Francisco, Calif.

Hernan Cortez Street, Agana Warehouse, Piti

Manila and Zamboanga Philippine Islands

Visit Our Guam Branch and Inspect Our Stock ChoiceGroceries Nesco Oil Stoves- Perfection Ovens

Simmons Beds and Bedding

Coal Stoves


Petroleum Products

Auto Parts

Buildins Material


Plumbing Supplies

Paints, Oils and Varnishes Assorted Dry Goods

AGENTS FOR: Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Company, Ltd.

General Motors Export Company R. C. A. - Victor Company Singer Sewing Machine Company

Ford Motor Company

American President Line and S.S.Admiral Halstead We will accept orders for merchandise to be shipped per Pan American air express from the United States and the Philippine Islands. *


:i tl. * * * {1





Dodge Brothers

Dodge Brothers,

and Cargo

Plymouth and

Commercial Cars

De Soto Automobiles.


LJ.S. Tires Building



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