1 minute read
Culture of Connecting
In response to the new realities shaped by the global pandemic, the profound crisis sweeping around the world, and the sobering reminder that many of Guam’s World War II survivors have since passed on, Guampedia and the University of Guam, College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences with the support of Dr. James Viernes, at the University of Hawai`i Manoa, Baltazar Aguon, and Jay Castro, partnered to produce a virtual community outreach program series; “Culture of Connecting.”
During these trying times we look to our past to seek the wisdom and experiences of our mañaina, to navigate the uncharted, and often, uncertain waters of our future. And what better place to cultivate this culture of connecting, than in the kusinan sanhiyong, or the outside kitchen. If you grew up in the Marianas, you’ll know the kusina served as an anticipated gathering place for families. As you sat at the table in the back kitchen, more than just meals were shared - stories and family matters as well. To this day, it serves as a space for connecting and sharing the CHamoru way!