1 minute read
Mina’ Tres na Ha’åne (The Third Day)
Asaina Yu'us na Sainan i Man Må'gas siha na Ånghet ni umadadahe i fina' maoliken i taotao siha, man mamanånå'gue, man mani'ina yan man manånågo'. Hu chuli'e' hao på'go na ha'åne nu i manakkalom yan man sen maolek na fina'tinas ennao siha i manakkilo' na Ånghet; yan lokkue' i che'cho' siha San Antonio gi Padua ni i mina' fan manungo' yan ha na' fan mañotsot meggai na mañåguat, mamanånå'gue, mañosohyo yan manånågo'.
Lord God, Lord of the Angelic Principalities who watch over the betterment of the people, who teach, enlighten and command. I bring to you today the devout and excellent deeds of those exalted angels; and also the works of Saint Anthony of Padia who taught and converted many of the insolent, teaching, heartening and directing them.