2014 export katalogas

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Who we are ‘Gudragalvis’ is a leading company in all Baltic states that creates, produces and distributes wide-ranging educational materials and training aids for children. It’s brand ‘SMARTIAN’ expresses an idea of a child who wants to acquire new knowledge, skills and discover the world. We help to grow and develop Educational games, aids for language and mathematical skills improvement are exactly what you need for providing qualitative education for every child. Our products provide large amount of possibilities for both good and fun educational process. We are mainly working with educational institutions for which we offer smart products which develop children’s personality - perfect their knowledge and develop their language, speaking, imagination, creativity and various other skills. Collaboration Success Taking into consideration teachers’ and preschool teachers’ needs as well as their professional pieces of advice, and linking them up with our creativity and proactivity - various skills’ training sets of cards, modestly decorated hand puppets, activity sets and similar educational aids have been produced. All educational materials are proffessionally tested, consistently delivering professional recomendations from our collaborating partners – Speech Therapists’ Association of Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal. We continue to work with our professional partners and always looking for new. We hope that our teaching aids and educational goods that distinguish from others with their great price and value will be of interest to you. Please feel free to contact us if you have got any questions or suggestions. Pricelist of this catalogue, samples of products will be sent under your inquiry. Visit our website and find detailed descriptions of the publications.

info@smartian.eu www.smartian.eu Signs in catalogue:


Fine Motor Skills

Speach Therapy and Speaking Skills

Magnetic Aid

Making stories

For English Language

002875 DOUBLE-SIDED HAND PUPPET ‘FOX BONI’ Two kinds of facial expressions: happy and sad. May be combined with sets of cards where BONI acts as a didactic character: ‘The good deeds’, ‘Growing up without bullying’, ‘Changes’, ‘Wholesome Day’ and ‘Occupations. If I was...’.

004178 SET OF CARDS ‘WHOLESOME DAY’ Contents: 24 cards, methodological recommendations. Dimensions: 85 x 85 mm, thickness 1,4 mm. Objectives: - to develop coherent language skills; - to form skills of healthy lifestyle. Description: the set consists of 6 thematic groups (4 cards for each group) and create 6 different sequential stories. Symbolic pictures that join one plot are depicted on the other side of each card. Fox-cub BONI involves a lazy boy in various healthy activities. The main plotlines: - morning exercises and activities (A child oversleeps. The fox-cub BONI wakes him up and helps do morning exercises and to have a quick shower); - active games instead of computer games (A child plays something on the computer quite a long time. The fox BONI advices to run out and play with ball); - healthy meal instead of junk food (A child is enjoying junk food. BONI invites him to healthy lunch); - duties to home and school (A child lazes around. The fox BONI invites him to walk a dog and do homework); - learning to play some music instrument (A child listens to loud music. BONI encourages him to learn to play guitar); - learning to swim (A child does not enjoy the water. BONI teaches him to swim).

005057 SET OF CARDS „OCCUPATIONS. IF I WAS...“ Contents: 24 cards, methodological recommendations. Dimensions: 85 x 85 mm, thickness 1,4 mm. Objectives: - to acquaint children with occupations; - to teach to create a sequential story; - to develop creativity, attention, and logical thinking skills. Description: the set consists of 6 thematic groups (4 cards for each group). In six of the cards Fox BONI imagines himself as a reprsentative of some occupation (baker, veterinarian, auto mechanic, farmer, violinist, and pilot). In the rest of the cards real representatives and their duties are depicted. The main plotlines: bakery – café (baker), veterinary room (veterinarian), motor vehicle service (auto mechanic), farm (farmer), concert hall – Orchestra Room (violinist), airport (pilot). While telling a sequential story cards can be arranged freely - imagining how one representative of occupation meets other representative in different kind of situations and reveal the importance of each occupation and cooperation possibilities. Every time the story will be different, short or long. Even all cards can be used for one sequential story.


002888 SET OF CARDS ‘THE GOOD DEEDS’ Contents: 24 cards, methodological recommendations. Dimensions: 85 x 85 mm, thickness 1, 4 mm. Objectives: - to develop coherent language skills; - promote the development of communicative and social competences; - to hold discussions about good behaviour and ethical issues. Description: The set consists of 6 thematic groups (4 cards for each group) where characters that have acted wrongly or badly are being taught to change their behaviour. The main plotlines: - Safety in the street; - Washing fruits and vegetables before eating them; - Not damaging the nature; - Making an apology; - Not littering; - Getting on well with others.

003278 SET OF CARDS ‘GROWING UP WITHOUT BULLYING’ Contents: 24 cards, methodological recommendations. Dimensions: 85 x 85 mm, thickness 1,4 mm. Objectives: - to develop coherent language skills; - promote the development of communicative and social competences; - to hold discussions about good behaviour and ethical issues. Description: The set consists of 6 thematic groups (4 cards for each group) where characters are taught to be friendly and help each other instead of bullying someone smaller or weaker. The main plotlines: Helping instead of poking; Corporation instead of damaging; Friendship instead of wronging others; Helping instead of using someone; Sympathy instead of apathy; Cheering up instead of bullying.


002889 SET OF CARDS ‘CHANGES’ Contents: 24 cardboard cards, methodological recommendations. Dimensions: 85 x 85 mm, thickness 1,4 mm. Objectives: - to develop coherent language skills; - to promote the development of communicative and social competences; - to hold discussions about good behaviour and ethical issues concerning nature; - to teach about gradual changes in nature. Description: The set consists of 6 thematic groups (4 cards for each group) depicting gradual changes in the nature. The main plotlines: From Seed to Sunflower; From Egg to butterfly; Life and fire; From Apple tree to apples; From egg to bird; Day and night.

003376 LOTTO ‘CHANGES’ Contents: 6 black-and-white coloured worksheets, 24 cards, methodological recommendations. Dimensions: worksheets 297 x 210 mm; cards 85 x 85 mm. Thickness: 1,4 mm. Objectives: - to develop coherent language; - straight thinking and observation skills; - to exercise hand; - to acquire themes about natural phenomena and gradual changes in the nature. Description: The set consists of 6 thematic groups (4 cards for each group) depicting gradual changes in the nature. While telling a sequential story, cards of each thematic group should be laid onto corresponding worksheet (as lotto). The main plotlines: From Seed to Sunflower; From Egg to butterfly; Life and fire; From Apple tree to apples; From egg to bird; Day and night.


004009 LOGOPAEDIC AID ‘SOUND WAYS’ Contents: 1 order, 4 colourful double-sided boards made of thick cardboard with rounded corners, methodological recommendations. Dimensions: size 297 x 210 mm, thickness 1,6 mm. Objectives: - to improve proper breathing technique during speech; - to develop speech mechanism; - to consolidate correct articulation of the sounds; - to improve coherent language skills and spatial ability.

Description: The set consists of 4 work boards with labyrinths of ways that are enclosed between different objects (e.g. bee and flower meadow). Child has to exhale evenly, draw with his finger or some little toy car along the depicted way from one object to another and articulate a sound that is difficult for him to pronounce (for example [zzzz]). Turning around the work sheets, and laying them together, one big labyrinth of the ‘sound ways’ may be created.

003946 SET OF CARDS ‘THE FOOD JOURNEY’ Contents: 24 cards, methodological recommendations. Dimensions: 85 x 85 mm, thickness 1,4 mm. Objectives: - to encourage children to create a story; - to interest him/her in environment; - to introduce to the process of food production; - to hold discussions about natural and healthy food, ecology and ethno-culture. Description: The set may be divided into 7 main thematic groups – in stories about food cultivation and cooking. The cards may be mixed together in order to expand or create new sequential stories. For example, grouping the cards of bread, milk, eggs, oil and jam, child can tell how and of what pancakes are made. The pictures may also be paired according to logical relations, for instance: cereals – bread, bee – honey, milk – cheese, cow – milk etc.


003945 SET OF CARDS ‘WRONG TOOL’ Contents: 24 cards, methodological recommendations. Dimensions: 85 x 85 mm, thickness 1,4 mm. Objectives: - to encourage child to speak; - to create a story; - to develop child’s logical thinking and observation skills. Description: On 24 cards there are depicted pictures of different kind of works (8 cards), work environment (8 cards), and working tolls (8 cards). As the work in the pictures is being carried out by using a wrong tool, child is being encouraged to search for the cards with correct tools. That provoke him/her to be alert, make questions (e.g. Is firewood really chopped with a rake?), make logical conclusions, and create sequential stories as answers to the asked questions.

003890 SET OF CARDS ‘PAIR AND NON-PAIR’ Contents: 40 cards, methodological recommendations. Dimensions: 85 x 85 mm, thickness 1,4 mm. Objectives: - to encourage child to speak and create narrations basing on logical relations, - to develop recognising skills of matching and not matching objects; - to develop analysing skills; - to encourage child to pass his/her opinion; - to train memory. Description: Colourful images on one side of the cards and black-and-white pictures on the other side make 10 thematic groups that depict well known things and natural phenomena. Each group consists of 4 cards. Child has to find 2 pairs with matching pictures (e.g. rain – boots/ the Sun – sunglasses) and 2 pairs with not matching pictures (e.g. rain – sunglasses/ the Sun – boots).

005034 MAGNETIC GAME ‘TRAFFIC JAM’ Contents: 78 magnetic elements (41 buildings and signs, 37 vehicles), magnetic board (city map), instruction with names of the elements. Description: great magnetic game that allows children to create their own city with its traffic and traffic jams; play various situations on the road and learn large amount of names concerning buildings and places in the city, vehicles, traffic signs, and traffic lights. Develops imagination, vocabulary, speaking skills, fine motor skills, and spatial ability. Age: 4+.


003992 SET OF CARDS ‘THE TRIP UP AND DOWN’ Contents: 24 cards, methodological recommendations. Dimensions: 85 x 85 mm, thickness 1,4 mm. Objectives: - to develop language skills; - to indicate direction and location by using adverbs, prepositions of place and of direction; - to develop spatial ability, straight thinking and imagination skills; - to learn names of animals, their homes and food. Description: Set consists of 6 thematic groups (4 cards for each group) where different animals are changing their location. To tell what is happening in the pictures and describe how the animals are changing their location child should use adverbs, prepositions of place and prepositions of direction.

002238 TOWN BLOCKS Contents: the set is composed together of 65 large wooden blocks and smaller figures (people and trees). Dimensions: it is supposed for building an imaginative model town (e.g. on road rugs or carpets). Town blocks are useful for developing attention skills and spatial ability as well as for learning colours, geometrical shapes, and counting. While building a town and using the set of flashcards ‘In, on, under’ (002700), a child can learn prepositions of place.

002700 SET OF CARDS ‘IN, ON, UNDER’ Contents: 36 cards (100x105 mm), a plastic box, methodological recommendations. Age: 3+. Objectives: - to acquire prepositions of place and movements - to develop observation skills and spatial ability. Description: Various compositions built of wooden blocks are depicted on cards. The set can be used alone or as an additional aid for activities with wooden ‘Town Blocks’ (002238). When paying with the ‘Town blocks’ child can copy the images of cards and then find differences in colours, shapes, amount, position etc. Apart observation tasks, these cards help a child to acquire such linguistic items as prepositions of place and movements both in his/her native language and in foreign one.



A YEAR Juta Tīrona

Iliustrator ABC Publishers © Zvaigzne is” UAB „Gudragalv

Contents: 4 posters (A2 format size folded into A4) for various language themes.






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Liāna Šulce Ltd Illustrator ABC Publishers ©Zvaigzne is” UAB „Gudragalv





Liāna Šulce Ltd Illustrator ABC Publishers ©Zvaigzne is” UAB „Gudragalv


Description: suitable for teaching 4 themes in English concerning grammar and vocabulary: - ‘Year’: names of seasons, moths, weeks, calendar and prepositions with them. - ‘Opposites’: pictures of 21 various opposites (antonyms) – adjectives, nouns and quantifiers. - ‘Prepositions of Time’: prepositions with clock, days of week, moths, seasons and parts of day. - ‘Prepositions of Place and Direction’.




Iliustrator ir Liāna Šulce Ltd Juta Tīrona ABC Publishers ©Zvaigzne is” UAB „Gudragalv











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005203 MAGNETIC SET ‘PRONOUNS AND TENSES IN ENGLISH’ Contents: set of 37 magnetic cards for teaching English as foreign language. Description: includes basic grammar themes: pronouns and verbs in different tenses. Suitable for magnetic board. - 8 magnetic pieces with 8 pronouns (I, you, he, she, it, they, you, we). W10 cm x H5 cm; - 13 magnetic pieces of verbs ‘to be’ and ‘to do’ in all tenses (am, are, is, was, were, will, do, did). W10 cm x H5 cm; - 5 magnetic pieces with names of tenses (Present, Past, Future, Simple, Continuous). W15 cm x H5 cm; - 2 magnetic pieces with verb endings for prepositions ‘he, she, it’ (s, es). W5 cm x H5 cm; - 2 pieces for negative forms (not, n’t). W5 cm x H5 cm; - 4 signs for positive and negative sentences, questions and answers (-, +,?, A). W5 cm x H5 cm; - 1 card with ending for continuous (-ing). W5 cm x H5 cm; - 2 pictures with rabbit and turtle for differentiating some grammatical or work groups. W5 cm x H5 cm.

005204 MAGNETIC ALPHABET Contents: 166 thick (2 mm) cards (2 x 2 cm), resistant and very easy taken: - 130 lower and uppercase letters (calculated according frequency – a few cards per letter); - 4 plain cards (3 x 3 cm), for additional notes; - 32 cards (3 x 3 cm) are with depicted playful, colourful illustrations, which names begin in one of the alphabet letters. The set also have 1 cleaning pen with cap, sponge and magnet. Package: box (31 x 21 cm) with hinged lid and magnetic board inside. Description: 130 cards with repetitive letters help children to build not only syllables, but also form words, short phrases and sentences. On plain cards child can write letters, numbers, punctuation marks, words. Cards with illustrations will diversify learning. Child can find letter that meets first letter of the illustration and build a word, sentence, create a story. Board on which cards are arranged is divided into cells – it helps for a child orderly make words and create a crossword, guess spent letters. With cleaning pen child can draw, write letters, words on the board. Magnetic alphabet - good and attractive educational aid for learning letters and developing important basic skills in reading, also for logopedic exercises. Currently available in Lithuanian and Latvian languages. Other languages available on demand.

002868 MARKING STICKERS, Ø15 MM, 114 PCS. 003010 MARKING STICKERS, Ø20 MM, 67 PCS. Reusable stickers for marking or evaluating various activities, works, student`s or class` behaviour etc. They can be lifted off and repositioned again and again.


003308 CARDBOARD BUILDING BRICKS FOR CHILDREN Contents: 10 half-finished-bricks (7,5 x 15 x 30 cm) in a vacuum package. Description: durable cardboard building bricks for activities that enable development of children’s creativity, activity, performance and structural thinking skills. The bricks are lightweight, yet crash-proof and safe enough to sit or stand on them.

Different-coloured hand puppets with embroidered faces. Made of soft fabric. With opportunity to move the upper part of the body. 003572 HAND PUPPET SET ‘OCCUPATIONS’ With embroidered symbols of professions on breasts: doctor, policeman, fire-fighter, and cook. Length 24 cm.

002877 HAND PUPPET SET ‘THREE GENERATIONS’ The set depicts different family members in three generations: daughter, son, mother, father, grandmother and grandfather. Suitable for playing different kinds of situations that may happen in family. Forms child’s conception of roles in family. Useful for analysing child’s inner world, and his/her emotional experience. Length 24 cm.

002199 HAND PUPPET SET ‘THE THREE LITTLE PIGS’ The set depicts 4 characters of the story “The Three Little Pigs”: 3 little pigs and wolf. Length 24 cm.

004228 HAND PUPPET SET ‘SPECIAL NEEDS’ 4 different hand puppets that accurately depict a few of disability types: deafness, sightlessness, and motion disability. Suitable for holding discussions on such topics as disability, integration in society, tolerance. With opportunity to move both the upper and the lower part of the body. Length 29 cm.


003947 SET OF CARDS ‘EMOTIONS OF THE MOMENT’ Contents: 20 cards, methodological recommendations. Dimensions: 85 x 85 mm, thickness 1,4 mm. Objectives: - to understand child’s emotions; - to encourage child to express emotions in a constructive way; - to develop language skills; - to develop imagination skills. Description: set is suitable for psychologists, special pedagogues, social workers, pedagogues, and for foreign language teachers. The drawn animals and their emotions will help child to speak about his/her experience and feelings, as well as to analyse and tell about various situations when he/she usually feels gloomy, happy, sad etc. Suitable for acquiring adjectives that describe feelings.

004093 MINI COLOURING & COGNITION BOOK ‘EMOTIONS OF THE MOMENT’ Description: MINI colouring books can be used separately or together with set of cards ‘Emotions of the Moment’ (003947). While colouring black-and-white images, child can identify the animals, and speak about their gestures, facial expressions, and postures. There are questions on every next page that will help to widen analysis of child’s feelings and experience in various situations. Size: 10 x 10 cm, 40 pages. Currently available in Lithuanian and Latvian languages. Other languages available on demand.

004095 SET OF CARDS ‘FOREST ANIMALS’ Contents: 20 cards with coloured and black-and-white pictures on them, methodological recommendations. Dimensions: 85 x 85 mm, thickness 1,4 mm. Objectives: - to promote children’s interest in environment; - to teach them to identify forest animals; - to develop observation and language skills. Description: colourful drawings that remind of real animals and their fur are depicted on 10 cards (moose, deer, bear, wild boar, wolf, fox, hare, squirrel, hedgehog, and mouse). Black-andwhite images of the same animals are depicted on the rest of the 10 cards. Differences between the animals in colourful and blackand-white cards are their positions and environmental details. The main task is to find appropriate pairs. Footprints and food that characterise each animal are depicted on the back side of cards.

004094 DRAWING BOOK ‚FOREST ANIMALS‘ Size: 294 x 210, 40 pages. Objectives: - to develop visual and drawing skills as well as hand movements; - to train the patience; - to vary art lessons. Description: drawing book with 10 colourful drawings of animals whose fur remind of real one. Next to the each drawing there is a blank page for making copies by hand. On the next page there is an outline – drawing suitable for painting. The blank pages may be easily torn out of the drawing book. Empty drawing pages are marked with different animals footprints.


003275 LOTTO „LOGO ZOO” Contents: 6 different cardboard game boards, 54 easy-to-take cards with drawn animals, methodological recommendations. Dimensions: game boards 210 x 300 cm, cards 5 x 5 cm, thickness of cards and boards 1,4 mm. Objectives: - to develop straight thinking skills; - to develop observation and attention skills; - to develop counting skills; - to learn differentiate colours, size and amount; - to learn to seek information in a table. Description: the game consists of three main matching activities: sizes, counting and colours. Each activity kind is signed with different colour (the colour may be seen on the worksheets and on the backs of the cards). Sort the cards according to the colours, study tables on the boards, take one card, find it`s place, and lay it down. Fill all 6 game boards in this way.

005168 GAME ‘MATHS STORIES’ Contents: 3 various double-sided game boards (210 x 300 cm), 42 double-sided cards (85 x 85 mm) with colourful images on their one side, and numerals, arithmetic signs and operations on their other side. Dimensions: 85 x 85 mm, thickness 1,4 mm. Objectives: - to learn numbers and understand the relation between numerals and quantity; - to learn perform operations of addition and subtraction in range from 1 to 12; - to relate calculation and narrative skills; - to create coherent story while performing math operations; - to connect two actions that had happened before and afterwards; - to make the learning process and counting tasks more playful; - to develop speaking and observation skills as well as logical thinking. Description: the game can be played with children in different age groups and of different abilities: a child who is beginner in learning numbers may lay out the cards according to visual correspondence and create the stories not emphasizing the numerals and operations. Find cards with such number combinations that are analogical to the combinations on the lotto game board, and lay them out onto the board. In this way child’s observation skills will be developed. Children who have already acquired the counting skills can perform arithmetical operations. You will need a game board with arithmetical signs and operations of addition on its one side, and with numbers (answers) on its other side; as well as 12 cards with images on their one side, and with addition tasks on their other side. Take the cards with their pictures upside and lay them out onto the lotto game board according to the indicated direction. Properly arranged hcards will create a sequential story. Age: 4 – 7 years old children; children with special needs.


002896 SET OF CARDS ‘NUMBERS AND SIGNS’ Contents: 64 cards with numbers and signs: Arabic numerals form 0 to 24 and decades from 30 to 100; Roman numerals from I to XII; Configurations of points from 1 to 9; Signs of arithmetic performances; methodological recommendations. Packaged in plastic box. Dimensions: 60 x 60 mm, thickness 1,4 mm. Objectives: - to learn Arabic and Roman numerals; - to acquire counting skills; - to learn to perform mathematical operations. Description: the set is suitable for teaching children to perform mathematical operations with any kind of numerals, and to find equal quantities between configurations of points, Arabic and Roman numerals. It contains the necessary amount of cards with numerals for teaching children to tell any time of twenty-four hours. As the cards have got different colours of their background and signs, it is easy to sort them. The set is also suitable for work on white board, if magnetic stickers are stuck on the backs of the cards.

004162 COLOURFUL COUNTING CUBES Contents: set of 3 wooden trays and 100 wooden cubes in five different colours. Dimensions: size of a cube 1 x 1 x 1 cm. Description: suitable for sorting and counting activities, as well as for understanding the interaction between numbers and amount.

004298 WOODEN PUPPY ABACUS Dimensions: length 30 cm. Description: wooden frame in shape of dog with colourful wooden beads. Suitable for both playing, and acquiring basic counting skills. Age: 3+.

003795 WOODEN RODS, 120 MM, Ø5,5 MM, 100 PSC. 003797 WOODEN RODS, 150 MM, Ø9,5 MM, 50 PSC. 003794 WOODEN BALLS, Ø25 MM, 10 PSC. Wooden rods and balls are suitable for acquiring counting skills, creating patterns or for carrying out whole spectrum of ideas.

004154 SMALL BALANCE Small, easy-to-make balance different experiments. Size: 210 x 260 x 105 mm.



002897 SET OF CARDS ‘FRACTIONS’ Contents: 68 cards (60 x 60 mm) with fractions and arithmetic symbols, 48 cards (9 x 9 cm) with geometric shapes divided into several sections (the sections are partly coloured), methodological recommendations. Objectives: - to acquire fractions, decimal fractions and operations with them. Description: the set of cards is suitable for different kind of mathematical activities concerning fractions (e.g.: finding appropriate numeral values to the divided shapes; taking different shapes with equal denominators and comparing the size of divided sections; finding an appropriate fraction, decimal fraction, per cent value, or number to one shape; performing mathematical operations – addition, subtraction, multiplication, division; lifting up an appropriate numeral value to a shape (card) the teacher shows).

003375 A SET OF EXERCISES ‘FRACTIONS’ Contents: cardboard folder with 10 double-sided black-and-white 210 x 297 mm sized worksheets. Description: the set helps acquire fractions, decimal fractions and operations with them. It consists of 20 complexes of exercises that are suitable as handouts homework or tests.

004656 FRACTIONS AND GEOMETRY BOARD Contents: 1 board (200 x 200 mm), 20 pieces of rubber bands. Description: one side of the base board has a circular recess to put in the fraction segments combine with „Round fraction set“ (001076) and pins for the rubber bands. The fractions and the degrees are printed on the board. Easy way to learn, compose and identify geometric shapes and fractions.

001076 ROUND FRACTION SET Contents: set of 60 thick plastic pieces 1; 1/2; 1/3; 1/4; 1/6; 1/8; 1/12; 1/24 for making circles. Packed in a plastic box. Description: a practical way of understanding fractions. Ideal material to work independent or with board 004656. Diameter of circle: 100 mm.


004316 COUNTING BEARS SET Contents: 96 pcs counting bears in 4 different colours, sizes and weights: 3, 6, 9, 12 g. Packed in plastic box with handle. Description: each bear has depicted number 3, 6, 9 or 12 on his tummy. Suitable for counting, learning size recognition, weighing and sorting, plot-games. Bears families can be created of 3 little baby bears (3x3), 1 bigger bear (6), mama bear (9), papa bear (12). Age: 3+.

005205 COUNTING STICKS, 100 PCS. Contents: 100 pieces of one colour sticks in a plastic bag.

005206 A SET OF CARDS ‘COUNTING BEARS & STICKS’ Contents: a set of 12 cards. Dimensions: 85 x 85 mm, thickness 1,2 mm. Description: 3 type of tasks are given on the cards: - to put and extend the sequence according size and colour; - to put bear with some number and corresponding quantity of sticks at the same time; - to do addition/substraction in range from 1 to 12.

004168 LITTLE ABACUS Description: little plastic abacus with stand and beads in four colours. Suitable for acquiring numerals up to 100, as well as counting, addition, subtraction skills. Dimensions: 140 x 100 x 80 mm.

000917 PLASTIC PATTERN BLOCKS Contents: 250 pattern blocks in 5 different colours and shapes packed in plastic box with handle. Thickness of each block 10 mm. Description: suitable for acquiring various basic shapes and sizes, and for building or increasing symmetric patterns. The set can be used together with cards ‘Geometrical shapes’ (002909).

002909 A BIG SET OF CARDS ‘GEOMETRICAL SHAPES’ Contents: basic geometrical shapes that are drawn of composite smaller shapes in different colours (square, rhombus, triangle, and hexagon) are depicted on the cards. Some of the cards are colourful and some – white with black outlines. Several more complicated symmetric shapes are also given to encourage children`s thinking. Packed in a plastic box. Dimensions: 44 pcs. of 9 x 9 cm and 14 pcs. of 9 x 18 cm cards with rounded angles. Objectives: to introduce children with different kinds and sizes of shapes and composites of several little shapes. It develops straight and creative thinking, observation skills, and sense of harmony. Description: the set is suitable both for individual and group activities. A teacher can give such tasks: to sort all cards with equal shapes; to count of how many colours and shapes one bigger shape is made; to compare in which shapes there are used more little shapes; to compare the equal shapes according to their size; tell the differences between them; to find cards with symmetric patterns. The aid may be used together with plastic pattern blocks.

005207 A SMALL SET OF CARDS ‘GEOMETRICAL SHAPES’ Contents: 14 cards. Some of the cards are colourful, and some – white with black outlines. Dimensions: 85 x 85 mm, thickness 1,2 mm. Description: - 12 cards for making real size of shapes and using them as a basis (4 cards from 12 are used for making symmetrical patterns, of using 2 cards); - 2 cards - for making bigger analogical patterns, using them as an example.


Our new special educational sets line for fun playing, good learning and fine motor developing. Ecologic package, good value - perfect gift for the best price. 005166 PATTERN SET ‘BLOCKS & ACTIVITY CARDS’ Contents: 120 large plastic pattern blocks (thickness - 1 cm) in 5 different colours and shapes, for placing ornaments, 14 double-sided cardboard cards (size 85 x 85 mm, thickness 1,2 mm), packed in carton box with rope handle. Description: learn various basic shapes and sizes with these pattern ‘Blocks and activity cards’. Build or increase symmetric patterns. Age: 3+.

005164 COUNTING SET ‘BEARS, STICKS & CARDS’ Contents: set of 24 pieces, 4 different colours and sizes plastic bears (2 families); 25 pieces, one colour plastic counting sticks (lenght 10 cm.); 12 pieces double-sided, thick cardboard cards with counting tasks (size 85 x 85 mm, thickness 1,2 mm),packed in carton box with rope handle. Description: numbers 3, 6, 9 and 12 are depicted on the bears. While working with sticks and cards, child’s counting skills are developed. Child will acquire structure of numbers and connection between numbers and amount. Set may be used for various games and creation. 3 type of tasks are given on the cards: - to put and extend the sequence according size and colour; - to put bear with some number and corresponding quantity of sticks at the same time; - to do addition / substraction mathematical operations in range from 1-12; Age: 4+.


005165 LACING SET ‘BEADS & BUTTONS’ Contents: set of 18 plastic buttons (in 3 colours and 3 different shapes) for lacing, sorting colours and shapes and 20 plastic abacus beads, packed in carton box with rope handle. Description: develops fine motor skills, eye-hand coordination, helps to learn colours and shapes, acquiring counting skills, and for decorating. Age: 3+.

005162 CONSTRUCTION TOY ‘RABBITS’ Contents: set of 20 rabbit‘s shape plastic constructor pieces in 5 colours, packed in carton box with rope handle. Description: construct and play various games with the big colourful rabbits (80 x 80 mm). Place them vertically, assemble in some particular sequence and join together. Age: 2+.

005163 CONSTRUCTION TOY ‘DOUBLE CROSS BLOCKS’ Contents: set of 20 double cross shape plastic constructor pieces in 5 colours, packed in carton box with rope handle. Description: join together the big colourful double cross blocks (74 x 44 mm) and make both spatial designs, and mosaics on a flat surface. Age: 2+.


004629 CONSTRUCTION TOY ‘CORN STICKS, 2 L’ Contents: the set contains 2 l (approx. 300 pcs) of colourful sticks made of corn starch, packed in plastic box with handle. Description: stick, fix, dissolve and paint with the coloured bead - shaped corn sticks. Moisten them with a damp sponge and stick them together! Make a variety of interesting spatial designs or dissolve corn sticks in water and make your own dye for painting. Environmentally friendly. Food dyes were used to get colours for sticks. Made in Lithuania. Age: 3+

004630 CONSTRUCTION TOY ‘CORN STICKS, 12 L’ Contents: the set contains 12 l (approx. 1800 pcs) of colourful sticks made of corn starch, packed in carton box. Description: stick, fix, dissolve and paint with the coloured bead - shaped corn sticks. Moisten them with a damp sponge and stick them together! Make a variety of interesting spatial designs or dissolve corn sticks in water and make your own dye for painting. Environmentally friendly. Food dyes were used to get colours for sticks. Made in Lithuania. Age: 3+

004783 4 COLOUR FLOUR MODELING DOUGH Contents: approx. 50 g (12.5 g. each color) of 4 primary colour dough. Comes with an easy-to-mix measuring tray, color mixing chart. Description: mix different colour dough according to a mixing ratio chart to create 30 new colors. When the dough becomes hard, moisten it with a little water and knead well. Safe and non-toxic.

004214 PATTERN ROLLERS Contents: brushes - rollers with handles. Foam rollers creates three different patterns: dotty, zigzags and lines. Dimension of the handle: 153 x 50 mm.


002940 EGGS AND SPOONS SET Contents: a set of 6 wooden spoons and 6 colourful wooden eggs. Description: it is suitable for cheerful relays that develop concentration, coordination and agility skills. The set may be used as decorations or as components of Easter games.

004126 A SET OF VARIOUS BALLS, 8 PCS. Contents: the set is composed of 2 perforated plastic balls (Ø 7 cm), 2 foam balls (Ø 7 cm), 2 reaction balls (Ø 7 cm), and 2 colourful badminton shuttles. The colours may vary. Description: the set is suitable not only for motion and sport activities, but also for cognitive games, for example, describing senses and objects. While comparing the little balls, a child can describe objects by using different adjectives (light, heavier, soft, hard, bigger, smaller, smooth, perforated, bouncy etc.). Before describing the balls child`s eyes may be blindfolded. In this way two equal balls may be searched as well.

002842 POM – POM FOR DANCERS The pom-poms with plastic handles are suitable for cheerleaders, dancers, procession participants and other activities. Available in 5 different colours (yellow, red, blue, green, white).

003202 CUBE WITH POCKETS Description: cube with plastic display pockets for activities that develop children’s communication and concentration skills. Create its sides by placing cards, paintings, numbers or words into the transparent pockets. Dimensions: one edge 15 cm.

003767 SCARVES-DANCER SET Contents: the set is composed of 6 scarves in different colours (red, yellow, blue, green, violet, orange). Description: the scarves are like stylized dolls with stuffed heads. The set is suitable for games with parachutes and for throwing. If faces are being drawn on the heads of the scarves, the aid may be suitable for plot games as well.

003986 CUPS WITH BALLS SET, 6 PCS. It is an interesting catching game set that consists of 6 colourful plastic cups with balls. Activities with it develop eye and hand coordination and accuracy. In order not to lose the ball it is tied to the cup with a string. When standing towards each other the players can catch also each other`s ball.

003533 CUP WITH BALL A cup with ball is suitable for leisure activities. When catching the ball child`s accuracy skills, eye and hand coordination is being developed. In order not to lose the ball it is tied to the cup with a string.


004334 CRYING BABY Acoustic mechanism is integrated in the soft pillow of the doll. Clothes are not included. Toy size: 26 cm.

005220 BABY DOLL - BOY Realistic doll with gender characeristics. Made from vinyl, suitable for bathing. Clothes are not included. Toy size: 26 cm.

005221 BABY DOLL - GIRL Realistic doll with gender characeristics. Made from vinyl, suitable for bathing. Clothes are not included. Toy size: 26 cm.

004337 DOLL’S CLOTHING SET, NR.1 Doll’s clothing set for winter (blue/white). Fits 24-28 cm dolls.

004338 DOLL’S CLOTHING SET, NR. 2 Doll’s clothing set for winter (pink/white). Fits 24 – 28 cm dolls.

004646 DOLL’S CLOTHING SET, NR. 3 Doll’s clothing set for summer (pink/white). Fits 24 – 26 cm dolls.

004647 DOLL’S CLOTHING SET, NR. 4 Doll’s clothing set for summer (green/white). Fits 24 – 26 cm dolls.


Wooden furniture for dools made from natural wood (ash, birch). Made in EU, Lithuania. In line with EU standards, CE marked. 004325 DOLL’S SWINGING CRIB (NATURAL) Wooden swinging crib for doll. Can be decorated on your own discretion and impregnated with oil. Toy size: 43 x 28 x 21 cm.

005217 DOLL’S SWINGING CRIB (PAINTED) Wooden swinging crib for doll. Can be ordered in white (005217), pink colours (005218). Toy size: 43 x 28 x 21 cm.

004326 BIG DOLL BED (NATURAL) Made from natural wood, suitable for big dolls up to 60 cm. Can be decorated on your own discretion and impregnated with oil. Toy size: 30 x 60 x 36 cm.

005044 WOODEN DOLL STROLLER, NR. 1 Doll stroller made of natural wood with red handle and four soft rubber wheels. Toy weight: 3.55 kg. Toy dimensions: 440 x 335 x 400 mm. Shipping box dimensions: 550 x 410 x 95 mm. Shipping weight: 4.5 Kg.

005045 WOODEN DOLL STROLLER, NR. 2 Doll stroller made of natural wood with red handle and four soft rubber wheels. Toy weight: 3.35 kg. Dimensions: 475 x 350 x 605 mm. Shipping box dimensions: 760 x 500 x 90 mm. Shipping weight: 4.3 Kg.

004675 WOODEN IRON Natural and great toy for playing household games. Dimensions: lenght 14 cm, hight 8 cm, width 6 cm.


Wooden furniture and toys made from natural wood (ash, birch). Made in EU, Lithuania. In line with EU standards, CE marked. 005043 WOODEN CAR PARKING BUILDING Made from thick 12 mm birch plywood. Collected toy dimensions: 680x485x285 . Shipping box dimensions: 620x400x100. Shipping weight: 6,6 Kg.

004327 TOY TRACTOR Toy tractor with trailer and 16 colourful wooden blocks (6 x 2 x 3 cm) Toy size: 34 x 12 x 14 cm.

004328 TOY TRACTOR - FOREST TRAILER Wooden car with trailer loaded with 16 long wooden logs. The logs may be easily taken out and put back. Child can use them to build roads and barriers. Car can be impregnated with oil. A great toy and present not only for boys, but also for girls. Toy size: length 33 cm.




Wooden car. Comfortable to grasp. Real fun for crawling toddler. Toy size: 5,5 x 7 x 12 cm.

Wooden racing car. The natural wood colour. Can be decorated on your own discretion. Toy size: 9 x 7 x 18 cm.

004331 STICK HORSE – RIDING TOY Contents: classic toy from natural wood with small wooden wheel, that keeps horse rolling! Can be decorated on your own discretion. Promotes active, imaginative play. Toy size: lenght 90 cm.

005087 WOODEN CHAIR, NR. 1 Description: children chair is produced from natural hardwood (ash). Chair is covered by water-based varnish, which is not toxic and not harmful for Your child. Wooden chair is ergonomic – its back is leant according to child’s back. Chair’s back is produced from natural plywood. Feet of chair are round. Seat board height: 32 cm.

005086 WOODEN CHAIR, NR. 2 Seat board height: 28 cm.

005085 ADJUSTABLE CHAIR, NR. 3 Description: adjustable children chair is produced from natural hardwood (ash). Chair is covered by water-based varnish, which is not toxic and not harmful for Your child. Chair’s back is universal therefore by changing height of chair, child’s back will always be leant conveniently. While height of child is changing, adjustable wooden chair enable to change height of chair according to child’s physical demand. It is possibility to produce chairs according to different height standarts. Seat board height: 24-36 cm.


004046 ARMCHAIR ‘MOON’ The little comfortable armchair is upholstered with tight, wear-proof fabric. Available in several colours. Dimensions: The height of the seat is 22 cm, the height of the armchair is 53 cm, width 45 cm.

004684 SITTING BAG – SMALL 3 colour leather coated sitting bag with a handle. Funny to play mobile games, good for cuddle-up and have some rest, nice way to design child‘s room. Dimensions: Ø 50 cm, H 30 cm, capacity 80 l.

004683 SITTING BAG - BIG Especially comfortable and big leather coated sitting bag with a handle. Available colours: blue, red or yellow. Dimensions: Ø 60 cm, H 70 cm, capacity 170 l.

004109 MATTRESS FOR CHILDREN PLASTIC BEDS The mattress with elastic bands is specally designed for children plastic beds. The available colours are shown on top of this page. Dimensions: H 2 cm x 59 cm x 135 cm. Dimensions may vary upon individual request.


004045 SET OF SOFT FOAM FURNITURE ‘MY GEOMETRY’ Contents: the set consists of 7 three-colour soft foam elements that are upholstered with faux leather. Dimensions: the height of the components is 25 cm, the diameter of the round components is 38 cm. Dimensions of the upholstered bench: 70 x 48 x 50 cm. Made in Lithuania.

004124 COATED FOAM DISCS The set consists 3 faux leather coated foam discs. Available colours: red, blue, yellow. May be used as little islets for walking, jumping or sitting. Dimensions: Ø 38 cm, H 7 cm.

004103 MATTRESS FOR GYMNASTICS Little faux leather upholstered foam mattress with a zipper on a side. Easily cleanable. Available in three different colours: blue, yellow, red. Dimensions: H 5 cm x 50 cm x 120 cm. Dimensions may vary upon individual request.


004014 FEEL AND TELL SHAPE TILES 004015 FEEL AND TELL PATTERN TILES Trace the geometric-shaped piece (004014) or grooved pattern (004015) on the small tile and find the large tile that has got the same shape or pattern. During activities with the set the child may be blindfolded. The set includes 5 large (Ø 28,5 cm) and 5 small (Ø 11,5 cm) flat tiles. Suitable for ages 3 and up.

004019 SENSITIVITY STEPING STONES The set includes 6 flat sensivity steping stones – wooden hexagons with various patterns on them (diameter of pattern: 20 cm). A child can walk on them and describe them. The little rubbers under the stones secures against sliding. Made from non-toxic material. Size: W 29,3 cm; L 25,7 cm; HT 6 mm.

003780 SPIKY SENSORY HEMISPHERE (1 PSC.) The Sensory Hemisphere develops balancing and coordination skills. The spikes on its top don`t allow to slip off. Made of rubber. Diameter Ø 18 cm.

003007 ROUND CRAWLING TUNNEL Nylon crawling tunnels are suitable for relays and various other activities either indoor or outdoor. Available in assorted colours. Being folded, it does not take much of space. Length 185 cm, Ø 57, 5 cm.

003831 CROSS PLAY TUNNEL Made of nylon. Suitable for various activities either indoor or outdoor. Being folded, it does not take much of space. Dimensions: 270 x 270 x 60 cm.


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UAB “Gudragalvis” Viekšnių str. 21 LT-89235 Mažeikiai Lithuania Ph./fax +370 443 25011 info@smartian.eu www.smartian.eu

UAB “Gudragalvis”, 2013

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