Export catalogue 2016

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This catalogue presents the original SMARTIAN brand products: lotto games, card sets to develop creativity, skills of language or mathematics, other educational aids and toys, sports items, furniture. Our product lines: ‘Fox Boni lessons’ combines original SMARTIAN products made of thick cardboard. It is common between these products, that child learns through the story telling. The child names pictures, creates consecutive story, counts and reads by placing cards accordingly. A special attention is paid to the subjects of nature, good behaviour and healthy way of life. Products of this line are great tools to use in speech therapy activities and working with children with special needs. ‘Smart box’ - the series of different figure shapes/toys with task cards included - to lace, count or put pieces in a proper order. Contents are packed in a handy eco-friendly carton box with a rope handle. By combining different activities with different figure shapes/toys and tasks on cards, fine motor skills, logical thinking, imagination and observation are developed. ‘Smart box’ is a great gift for every child of 3-6 years old. Our products are evaluated by authoritative education specialists from Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences and Speech Therapy and Language Centre in Lithuania. Co-operation with professionals and their suggestions contributed to improvement of our products. Specialists have a common opinion that SMARTIAN products enhance motivation for learning and develop many different skills of a child. Recommended by:

Signs in catalogue: Speach therapy and speaking skills

Magnetic aid

Making stories

For English language

Fine motor skills

Made in Europe



DOUBLE-SIDED HAND PUPPET ‘FOX BONI’ 002875 Fox BONI becomes alive in your hands and helps to understand children, and give them the right pieces of advice while playing and teaching them. Puppet has two kinds of facial expressions: happy and sad. May be combined with sets of cards where BONI acts as a didactic character: ‘The good deeds’, ‘Growing up without bullying’, ‘Changes’, ‘Wholesome Day’, ‘Occupations. If I was...’ and ‘Ecology lessons’. Size: 23 cm.

SET OF CARDS ‘ECOLOGY LESSONS’ 007219 Contents: 24 cards made of thick (1,4 mm) cardboard (85 × 85 mm). Objectives: to help children develop their ecological consciousness: teaching rational using and saving of natural resources; introducing ways of recycling; teaching how to create a sequential story. Description: you can create 6 different and consistent stories with 4 cards in each. Children friend and a wise teacher - Fox BONI appears in every story. He reminds them how they should behave and that it is crucial to save natural resources and reduce planet pollution. The main plotlines: • Water saving. A girl who is having a bath is asked to use water cautiously. And for watering plants she is suggested to use collected rain water. • Energy saving. A boy falls asleep but then is wakened and asked to turn off all needless electrical devices. Boy is encouraged to find out more about renewable energy production.

• Sorting of food packages. A boy is cleaning after party so you can help him to recycle different food packages properly. Also, encourage him to participate in environmental cleaning and find more about different recycling options. • Paper recycling. A girl has tons of old newspapers and books in her room which she doesn’t read anymore. You can suggest her to share books with others, collect waste paper and make some recycled products of them. • Second-hand clothes. A girl intends to throw away her old clothes. Instead of that you suggest to give them away for those who really need it, or keep them and reuse for needlework. • Ecological transport. A boy arrives at school with a car which is old and in bad repair condition. You can suggest boy to ride a bike instead of car, find out more about electric cars. Age: 3 – 6 years old children.

SET OF CARDS ‘OCCUPATIONS. IF I WAS...’ 005057 Contents: 24 cards, methodological recommendations. Dimensions: 85 × 85 mm, thickness 1,4 mm. Objectives: • to acquaint children with occupations; • to teach to create a sequential story; • to develop creativity, attention, and logical thinking skills. Description: the set consists of 6 thematic groups (4 cards for each group). In six cards Fox BONI imagines himself as a representative of some occupation (baker, veterinarian, auto mechanic, farmer, violinist, and pilot). In the rest of the cards real representatives and their duties are depicted. The main plotlines: bakery – café (baker), veterinary room (veterinarian), motor vehicle service (auto mechanic), farm (farmer), concert hall – orchestra room (violinist), airport (pilot). While telling a sequential story cards can be arranged freely - imagining how one representative of occupation meets other representative in different kind of situations and reveal the importance of each occupation and cooperation possibilities. Every time the story will be different, short or long. Even all cards can be used for one sequential story.

CUBE WITH POCKETS 003202 Description: cube with plastic display pockets for activities that develop children’s communication and concentration skills. Create its sides by placing cards, paintings, numbers or words into the transparent pockets. Dimensions: 15 × 15 cm.


SET OF CARDS ‘GROWING UP WITHOUT BULLYING’ 003278 Contents: 24 cards, methodological recommendations. Dimensions: 85 × 85 mm, thickness 1,4 mm. Objectives: • to develop coherent language skills; • promote the development of communicative and social competences; • to hold discussions about good behaviour and ethical issues. Description: The set consists of 6 thematic groups (4 cards for each group) where characters are taught to be friendly and help each other instead of bullying someone smaller or weaker. The main plotlines: Helping instead of poking; Corporation instead of damaging; Friendship instead of wronging others; Helping instead of using someone; Sympathy instead of apathy; Cheering up instead of bullying.

SET OF CARDS ‘THE GOOD DEEDS’ 002888 Contents: 24 cards, methodological recommendations. Dimensions: 85 × 85 mm, thickness 1,4 mm. Objectives: • to develop coherent language skills; • promote the development of communicative and social competences; • to hold discussions about good behaviour and ethical issues. Description: The set consists of 6 thematic groups (4 cards for each group) where characters that have acted wrongly or badly are being taught to change their behaviour. The main plotlines: • Safety in the street; • Washing fruits and vegetables before eating them; • Not damaging the nature; • Making an apology; • Not littering; • Getting on well with others.

PLASTIC CARD STAND 002891 Description: clear double-sided plastic stand for cards. It is useful for ordering the cards and demonstrating them to children. Dimensions: 38 × 11 cm.


SET OF CARDS ‘CHANGES’ 002889 Contents: 24 cardboard cards, methodological recommendations. Dimensions: 85 × 85 mm, thickness 1,4 mm. Objectives: • to develop coherent language skills; • to promote the development of communicative and social competences; • to hold discussions about good behaviour and ethical issues concerning nature; • to teach about gradual changes in nature. Description: the set consists of 6 thematic groups (4 cards for each group) depicting gradual changes in the nature. The main plotlines: From seed to Sunflower; From egg to butterfly; Life and fire; From apple tree to apples; From egg to bird; Day and night.

SET OF CARDS ‘WHOLESOME DAY’ 004178 Contents: 24 cards, methodological recommendations. Dimensions: 85 × 85 mm, thickness 1,4 mm. Objectives: • to develop coherent language skills; • to form skills of healthy lifestyle. Description: the set consists of 6 thematic groups (4 cards for each group) and create 6 different sequential stories. Symbolic pictures that join one plot are depicted on the other side of each card. Fox BONI involves a lazy boy in various healthy activities. The main plotlines: • morning exercises and activities (a child oversleeps. BONI wakes him up and helps to do morning exercises and to have a quick shower); • active games instead of computer games (a child plays something on the computer quite a long time. BONI advices to run out and play with ball); • healthy meal instead of fast food (a child is enjoying fast food. BONI invites him to healthy lunch); • duties to home and school (a child lazes around. BONI invites him to walk a dog and do homework); • learning to play some music instrument (a child listens to loud music. BONI encourages him to learn to play guitar); • learning to swim (a child does not enjoy the water. BONI teaches him to swim).


SET OF CARDS ‘EMOTIONS OF THE MOMENT’ 003947 Contents: 20 cards made of thick (1,4 mm) cardboard (85 × 85 mm). Objectives: to understand child’s emotions, to encourage him/her to express emotions in a constructive way, to develop his/her imagination and language skills. The set is suitable for psychologists, social workers, pedagogues who work with 3 – 11 years old children or children with special needs, and for foreign language teachers. Having examined the drawn animals on the cards (expressions on their faces, gestures and attitude) a child tries to recognize and tell different kinds of emotions. The recognized emotions will help the child to speak about his/her own experience and feelings, analyse and tell about various situations when he/she usually feels gloomy, smiles, yawns etc. The cards may be used to encourage a child to copy the emotions he/she sees, and analyse the possible causes (and solutions) to each appropriate emotion. The material may be effectively used in foreign language lessons to acquire adjectives that describe feelings. The following emotional sates are depicted on the cards: surprised, brave, bored, sad, proud, lost, focused, ashamed, frightened, disgusted, angry, contemptuous, dreamy, stuffed, happy, furious, drowsy, derisive, shy, and thoughtful.

SET OF CARDS ‘THE TRIP UP AND DOWN’ 003992 Contents: 24 cards made of thick (1,4 mm) cardboard (85 × 85 mm). Objectives: to develop child`s language skills while teaching him/ her to create a sequential story, to indicate the exact direction and location by using adverbs, prepositions and prepositions of movements, to develop spatial ability, straight thinking and imagination skills. Pictures presented on 24 cards can be divided into 6 thematic groups. One story consists of 4 cards. In each story there are different animals that change their location. When looking at the pictures a child sequentially tells the plot of the story. The attention should be focused on the details of the changing environment. It is possible to make a mind map with ideas about the actions that happen next. School-age children can use the cards in order to learn to create a plot outline and write a short story with it’s introduction, rising action, culmination and end. The cards can be grouped into other variations as well, for instance, pictures where the performer of the action goes up or down, is on or in something etc. The pictures are useful to develop attention and calculation skills as well as to learn about names of animals, their homes and food. Age: 3 - 6 years old children; children with special needs.


SET OF CARDS ‘PETS’ 006003 Contents: 24 cards made of thick (1,4 mm) cardboard (85 × 85 mm) with coloured and black-and-white pictures on them. Objective: to encourage a child to learn about pets, develop observation skills and a sense of responsibility, teach children to take care of those who are weaker than themselves. The tool is intended for lessons of natural science, language development and fine arts. Colourful images of pets (dog, cat, guinea pig, hamster, rabbit, turtle, fish, canary, lizard and parrot) are depicted on 10 cards. The drawings are realistic and remind of images of real animals and their fur colour. Black-and-white drawings of pets environment (aquarium, cage, terrarium, mat, toy, leash, etc.) appear on the other ten cards. A child has to find appropriate pairs of cards, i.e. a card with a black-and-white drawing of an appropriate environment must be chosen for a card with a pet (fish - aquarium). Fragments of coloured drawings of animals can be found on the other side of cards with environment drawings. This makes it easier for children to find a suitable cage for a particular pet. Black-and-white drawings appear on both sides of a generalizing card: home environment where pets live is depicted on one side and a child taking pets outside for a walk is shown on the other side. Drawings are used for grouping cards with pets according to their care type: one group consists of animals which need to be taken outside and the other group includes animals which usually stay inside. A black-andwhite drawing of a child’s room can be found on the last card which reminds us that pets must have their own space and separate territory at home and that it is not advisable to keep several pets in one room where a child is resting and learning. Age: 3 - 6 years old children, children with special needs.

SET OF CARDS ‘FOREST ANIMALS’ 004095 Contents: 20 cards made of thick (1,4 mm) cardboard (85 × 85 mm) with coloured and black-and-white pictures on them. Objective: to encourage children to take interest in environment, identify forest animals, develop children’s observation skills. Colourful images of animals are depicted on 10 cards (moose, deer, bear, wild boar, wolf, fox, hare, squirrel, hedgehog, and mouse). The drawings remind of images of real animals and their fur. Black-and-white images of the same animals are on the rest of the 10 cards. The position of the animals and details in the environment in colourful and black-and-white images are different, therefore, it will not be so easy to find the appropriate pairs. The material will not only be of use for becoming acquainted with nature, but also for development of language skills and art lessons. Age: 3 - 6 years old children, children with special needs.

DRAWING-BOOK ‘FOREST ANIMALS’ 004094 Objectives: to develop sense of sight and hand movements, to train the patience, to vary art lessons. Format: A4, 40 pages. Description: 10 colourful drawings with animals whose fur remind of real fur are depicted in the drawing book. Next to the each opened drawing there is a blank sheet on which a child can try to copy by hand the drawing he/she sees. He/she can copy it by trying to use the same drawing technique, drawing it regardfully, choosing corresponding colours and copying the outlines of the animal and texture of the fur. On the next page you will find an outline - drawing provided for painting. The material will provide an opportunity to vary and individualize tasks: children who have got a talent for drawing can copy by hand, and those who have got some difficulties with it or who simply like painting can paint the outline-drawings. The blank pages may be easily torn out of the drawing book. Let’s make an art exhibition when the children will be done with their tasks!


SET OF CARDS ‘THE FOOD JOURNEY’ 003946 Contents: 24 cards, methodological recommendations. Dimensions: 85 × 85 mm, thickness 1,4 mm. Objectives: • to encourage children to create a story; • to interest him/her in environment; • to introduce to the process of food production; • to hold discussions about natural and healthy food, ecology and ethno-culture. Description: the set may be divided into 7 main thematic groups – stories about food cultivation and cooking. The cards may be mixed together in order to expand or create new sequential stories. For example, grouping the cards of bread, milk, eggs, oil and jam, child can tell how and of what pancakes are made. The pictures may also be paired according to logical relations, for instance: cereals – bread, bee – honey, milk – cheese, cow – milk etc.

LOGOPAEDIC AID ‘SOUND WAYS’ 004009 Contents: 1 order, 4 colourful double-sided boards made of thick cardboard with rounded corners, methodological recommendations. Dimensions: size 297 × 210 mm, thickness 1,6 mm. Objectives: • to improve proper breathing technique during speech; • to develop speech mechanism; • to consolidate correct articulation of the sounds; • to improve coherent language skills and spatial ability. Description: the set consists of 4 work boards with maze of ways that are enclosed between different objects (e.g. bee and flower meadow). Child has to exhale evenly, draw with his finger or some little toy car along the depicted way from one object to another and articulate a sound that is difficult for him to pronounce (for example [zzzz]). Turning around the work sheets, and laying them together, one big maze of the ‘sound ways’ may be created.


LOTTO ‘ACTION LOTTO’ 007220 Contents: 6 worksheets (21 × 30 cm), 54 cards made of thick cardboard (9 × 6 cm) with colorful pictures. Objectives: to help early and preschool children expand their vocabulary while recognizing actions related to their environment and answering to the questions in full sentences. They will also learn to communicate and cooperate with each other. Activities: it is recommended for an adult to run the game. Each time when a child picks and draws a card, ask him: ‘What is that?’, ‘What he or she is doing? ‘, etc. In order to hear correctly pronounced names of the characters and actions we picked basic words that are used in every day life. Players share worksheets, and decide who is the first to pick a card. Children pick cards and describe what they see. If they pick a card with a picture that is on their worksheet, after answering correctly they can put it on the worksheet and keep it there. If not, they keep this card while other player asks for it. The winner of the game is the one who fills his worksheet with the corresponding cards first. Number of players: 2 – 3 children. Age: recommended for 3 – 7 years old children. Game authors: speech therapists dr. Vilma Makauskienė, Eglė Buraitienė, Daiva Kiškienė.

LOTTO ‘ODD ONE OUT’ 004180 Contents: 8 worksheets (210 × 300 mm), 32 cards (85 × 85 mm) made of thick cardboard (1,4 mm) with images of various objects on them. Objectives: to encourage children to recognize various objects; to teach to find relevant objects, while basing on logical relations; to teach generalized conceptions. Activities: first of all talk with child about the depicted objects on the cards, and about purposes of each of them. Examine the worksheets. Each of it has got an image on one of its background (garden, orchard, forest, sky, wardrobe, room, worktable, and orchestra). The images on the worksheets help to relate images on cards, as well as to apply common/generalized conceptions (vegetables, fruit, forest animals, birds, clothes, furniture, tools, and musical instruments). 4 places for cards are in corners of each worksheet. There should be laid out only cards that belong to the appropriate group (e.g. 4 vegetable cards should be put on the garden worksheet: potato, cucumber, cabbage and tomato). As soon as all the cards have been laid out onto the worksheets the game is finished. Additional activities: try to remember and tell more objects that are relevant to each group; make sentences and stories; play the game in pairs and compete for that who will lay out the cards onto the worksheets faster; lay all the cards in front of you with the images upside-down, pull them out, choose those which you need, and while calling the images on them or telling what object you miss, exchange them. etc. 4 pictures are depicted on the other side of each worksheet. Only 3 of them fit into one group – the forth one is odd-one-out image (e.g.: images with potato, cucumber and cabbage belong to the group of vegetables. As the forth image is cherry that does not belong to the group, it is an odd-one-out). This kind of game encourages child to be attentive and search for the right answer. Number of players: 1 – 2 children. Age: 3 – 7 years old children; children with special needs. Game authors: dr. Vilma Makauskienė, Eglė Buraitienė.


GAME ‘MATHS STORIES’ 005168 Contents: 3 various double-sided game boards (210 × 300 mm), 42 double-sided cards (85 × 85 mm, thickness 1,4 mm) with colourful images on their one side and numbers, arithmetic signs and operations on their other side. Objectives: • to learn numbers and understand the relation between numerals and quantity; • to learn perform operations of addition and subtraction in range from 1 to 12; • to relate calculation and narrative skills; • to create coherent story while performing math operations; • to connect two actions that had happened before and afterwards; • to make the learning process and counting tasks more playful; • to develop speaking and observation skills as well as logical thinking. Description: the game can be played with children of different age groups and of different abilities: a child who is a beginner in learning numbers may lay out the cards according to visual correspondence and create the stories not emphasizing the numbers and operations. Find cards with such number combinations that are analogical to the combinations on the lotto game board, and lay them out onto the board. In this way child’s observation skills will be developed. Children who have already acquired the counting skills can perform arithmetical operations. You will need a game board with arithmetical signs and operations of addition on its one side, and with numbers (answers) on its other side; as well as 12 cards with images on their one side, and with addition tasks on their other side. Take the cards with their pictures upside and lay them out onto the lotto game board according to the indicated direction. Properly arranged cards will create a sequential story. Age: 4 – 7 years old children; children with special needs.


SET OF CARDS ‘PAIR OR NON-PAIR’ 003890 Contents: 40 cards, methodological recommendations. Dimensions: 85 × 85 mm, thickness 1,4 mm. Objectives: • to encourage child to speak and create narrations based on logical relations, • to develop recognising skills of matching and not matching objects; • to develop analysing skills; • to encourage child to share his/her opinion; • to train memory. Description: colourful images on one side of the cards and black-and-white pictures on the other side make 10 thematic groups that depict well known things and natural phenomena. Each group consists of 4 cards. Child has to find 2 pairs with matching pictures (e.g. rain – boots/ the Sun – sunglasses) and 2 pairs with nonmatching pictures (e.g. rain – sunglasses/ the Sun – boots).

LOTTO ‘LOGO ZOO’ 003275 Contents: 6 different cardboard game boards, 54 easy-to-take cards with drawn animals, methodological recommendations. Dimensions: game boards (210 × 300 mm), cards (50 × 50 mm), thickness of cards and boards 1,4 mm. Objectives: • to develop straight thinking skills; • to develop observation and attention skills; • to develop counting skills; • to learn differentiate colours, size and amount; • to learn to seek information in a table. Description: the game consists of three main matching activities: sizes, counting and colours. Each activity kind is marked with different colour (the colour may be seen on the worksheets and on the backs of the cards). Sort the cards according to the colours, study tables on the boards, take one card, find it`s place, and lay it down. Fill all 6 game boards in this way. Age: 3 – 6 years.


SET OF CARDS ‘WRONG TOOL’ 003945 Contents: 24 cards, methodological recommendations. Dimensions: 85 × 85 mm, thickness 1,4 mm. Objectives: • to encourage child to speak; • to create a story; • to develop child’s logical thinking and observation skills. Description: on 24 cards there are depicted pictures of different kind of works (8 cards), work environment (8 cards), and working tools (8 cards). As the work in the pictures is being carried out by using a wrong tool, child is being encouraged to search for the cards with correct tools. That provoke him/ her to be alert, make questions (e.g. Is firewood really chopped with a rake?), make logical conclusions, and create sequential stories as answers to the asked questions.

EDUCATIONAL GAME ‘LACING ALPHABET’ 006004 Contents: 28 thick cardboard cards (85 × 100 mm) with capital letters of alphabet, 41 thick cardboard cards (85 × 100 mm) with colourful pictures, 10 colourful laces. Objectives: • to help a child to acquire letters; • to create the basic skills of making analyses and synthesis of sounds; • to develop fine motor skills. Activities: capital letters are depicted on 28 cards. Pair the letters with those pictures which begin with the same letter. Lace the cards. Age: 4 – 8 years.

MAGNETIC SET ‘PRONOUNS AND TENSES IN ENGLISH’ 005203 Contents: set of 37 magnetic cards for teaching English as foreign language.


Dimensions: 5 pcs. 15 × 5 cm, 11 pcs. 5 × 5 cm, 21 pcs. 10 × 5 cm.

EDUCATIONAL GAME ‘HANDS & LETTERS’ 005635 Contents: 48 hand-shaped cards (10 × 9 cm) with English capital letters on both sides of each card. 2 of the cards are empty. Each letter is repeated twice or more. A set of stickers is added to provide a possibility to add missed letters for such languages as Lithuanian, Latvian, Estonian, Finnish, German and Polish. Objectives: for children at age from 4 to 6: to acquire capital letters; to learn join letters (sounds) into syllables and words, developing skills of doing basic synthesis and analyses of sounds; to learn to differentiate left and right side. For older children or adults: to develop reaction, observation and concentration skills, while using letters and words of their language. Playing: ● Use the cards to have two in one: a useful entertainment activity, and a fun table game. The game can be played by 2 to 4 players. It consists of two rounds. First round: search correct two-letter syllables by putting each hand on one letter (the left hand on the first letter of syllable, the right hand on the second one). Having made a correct syllable, you can collect the corresponding cards. The second round: make as much logical words as you can by using the collected cards. ● Taking into consideration children’s abilities and teachers’ objectives, corresponding activities may be done: 1. In order to acquire such conceptions as “right” and “left”, place the cards on a flat surface. Let children sort them, put their hands on fitting cards, name, and compare them. 2. Develop children’s basic skills of doing synthesis and analyses of sounds if they already know the letters. Place two hand-shaped cards (left and right) in front of the child. At first ask him/her to put one hand on a one card, and then the other hand on the other card – the child should pronounce separate sounds during this action, e.g. M – A. If both hands are put on the cards at the same time, child should pronounce the syllable, e.g. MA. Use the rest of the letters to make and read various syllables and words. 3. Place the cards on a flat surface and make various compositions and patterns. Age: 4+.



OPPOSITES Iliustrator Juta Tīrona ir Liāna Šulce ©Zvaigzne ABC Publishers Ltd UAB „Gudragalvis”





Iliustrator Juta Tīrona Ltd © Zvaigzne ABC Publishers UAB „Gudragalvis”





Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday











CALEN DAR December

5 th of December Monday













































The frog is in the river. The acorn is sitting on the stone. The mouse is sitting under the tree. The bird is above the frog and the mouse . The frog is near the mouse. The stork is flying over the trees. The hedgehog is sitting between the It’s seven o’clock. acorn and the hare. I get up at 7 am. The red pencil is in front of the frog. The yellow pencil is next to the mouse . The oak tree is behin d the acorn. The frog is among its friends.

o’clock TO PAST

He goes along the lake.

He goes over the bridge.



It’s a quarter to twelve. It’s three o’clock. I play I have my lunch at 11:45. with my friends at 3 pm.



Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

January July February August March September April October May November June December

He goes up the hill and down the hill.


It’s a quarter past seven. I wash my face at 7:15.

It’s half past seven. I have breakfast at 7:30.

The boy goes out of the house to school .

What time is it? What’s the time?


IN + SEASON spring

It’s half past nine. I go to bed at 9:30. autumn

summer winter


The names of weekdays and months begin with capital letter! I watch movies on Saturday.


I was born in October.




























Illustrator Liāna Šulce ©Zvaigzne ABC Publishers Ltd UAB „Gudragalvis”

Illustrator Liāna Šulce ©Zvaigzne ABC Publishers Ltd UAB „Gudragalvis”


Christmas Day

In Friday




















He goes past the big houses.

He goes across the street.

The boy goes into the school.

in the morning

at noon

in the afternoon

in the evening

at night

He is in the classroom.


POSTER SET ‘MY ENGLISH’ 005173 Contents: 4 posters (A2 format size folded into A4) for various language themes. Description: suitable for teaching 4 themes in English concerning grammar and vocabulary: • ‘Year’: names of seasons, months, weeks, calendar and prepositions with them. • ‘Opposites’: pictures of 21 various opposites (antonyms) – adjectives, nouns and quantifiers. • ‘Prepositions of Time’: prepositions with clock, days of week, months, seasons and parts of a day. • ‘Prepositions of place and direction’.

MARKING STICKERS, Ø 15 mm 002868 Description: the stickers (117 pcs.) are suitable for marking or evaluating various kinds of activities, works, as well as for evaluating student’s or class behaviour during the lesson.

MARKING STICKERS, Ø 20 mm 003010 68 pcs.


MAGNETIC ALPHABET 005035 (LT) 005651 (RU) 006109 (PL) 006912 (LV) 006913 (EE) Contents: 166 thick (2 mm) magnetic pieces (20 × 20 mm), resistant and very easily taken: • 130 lower and uppercase letters (calculated according to frequency – few cards per letter); • 4 plain pieces (30 × 30 mm), for additional notes; • 32 pieces (30 × 30 mm) are with depicted playful, colourful illustrations, which names begin in one of the alphabet letters. • 1 dry-wipe pen with cap-mounted eraser. The pen has got a magnet to adhere to magnetic board surface. Package: box (310 × 210 mm) with hinged lid and magnetic board inside. Description: 130 cards with repetitive letters help children to build not only syllables, but also form words, short phrases and sentences. On plain cards child can write letters, numbers, punctuation marks, words. Cards with illustrations will diversify learning. Child can find letter that meets first letter of the illustration and build a word, sentence, create a story. Board on which cards are arranged is divided into cells – it helps orderly make words and create a crossword, guess spent letters. With dry-wipe pen child can draw, write letters, words on the board.

005651 RUSSIAN


006109 POLISH

EDUCATIONAL GAME ‘MAGNETIC NUMBERS’ 006005 Contents: 172 magnetic pieces – thick (2 mm), especially easy to take into hands, durable: • Numbers from 0 to 9 are depicted on 100 of pieces (20 × 20 mm) (10 pcs. with each number), and arithmetical signs (+ / – / = / < / >/ : / ×) are depicted on 30 pcs.; • Colourful and playful pictures and stylized numbers are depicted on 42 pcs. (30 × 30 mm). • 1 dry-wipe pen with cap-mounted eraser. The pen has got a magnet to adhere to magnetic board surface. • Box (310 × 210 cm) with openable cover whose inside is useable as dry-erase graph board – child can write and lay out magnetic pieces on it. Objectives: the aid is suitable for developing math skills such as knowing the numbers, noticing connections between numbers and amount, acquiring counting and calculating skills: operations of subtraction and addition, getting acquainted with operations of division and multiplication, comparing numbers. The aid will also be suitable for developing language skills: naming the depicted animals, connecting them with their typical food, naming the amount with a number in words. Activities: magnetic pieces may be laid out in various orders on a surface of the dry-wipe graph board inside the cover. The frames of the graphs are as big as the pieces with numbers. The colourful ones with smiles are suitable for evaluating the activities and their results. The colourful stylized numbers will vary exercises, besides it will be easier for child to remember the numbers if he will compare the numbers that are provided in many forms. The playful pictures with animals and their food will vary the calculating tasks – while calculating child will create short stories. Child can write numbers, signs and answers with the dry-wipe pen on the board, and wipe off the incorrect answers.


MAGNETIC GAME ‘TRAFFIC JAM’ 005034 Contents: 78 magnetic pieces (41 buildings and signs, 37 vehicles), magnetic board (city map), instruction with names of the pieces. Description: great magnetic game that allows children to create their own city with it’s traffic and traffic jams. Play various situations on the road and learn large amount of names concerning buildings and places in the city, vehicles, traffic signs, and traffic lights, it develops imagination, vocabulary, speaking skills, fine motor skills, and spatial ability. Age: 4+.

WHITE CARDBOARD SHEETS, 100 PCS. 003883 100 sheets of white cardboard are perfect for card making. Dimensions: 7 × 9 cm.



CARDBOARD ARCHIVING BOX 006104 Description: made of resistant, waterproof carton which can hold a pressure up to 250 kg. Designed for a long term archiving. Comes in a flat form. Dimensions: 385 × 105 × 255 mm.

MAGNETIC DRY - WIPE WHITEBOARD, A4 007223 Description: A4 size double sided magnetic whiteboard with guiding lines on one side and blank on the reverse. Corners are rounded. Made of hardened paper, laminated.


SET OF CARDS ‘NUMBERS AND SIGNS’ 002896 Contents: 64 cards with numbers and signs: regular numbers form 0 to 24 and decades from 30 to 100; Roman numerals from I to XII; Configurations of points from 1 to 9; Signs of arithmetic performances; Methodological recommendations. Packaged in a plastic box. Dimensions: 60 × 60 mm, thickness 1,4 mm. Objectives: • to learn regular and Roman numerals; • to acquire counting skills; • to learn to perform mathematical operations. Description: the set is suitable for teaching children to perform mathematical operations with any kind of numerals, and to find equal quantities between configurations of points, regular and Roman numbers. It contains the necessary amount of cards with numbers for teaching children to tell any time of twenty-four hours. As the cards have got different colours of their background and signs, it is easy to sort them. The set is also suitable for work on white board, if magnetic stickers are stuck on the backs of the cards.

SET OF CARDS ‘FRACTIONS’ 002897 Contents: 68 cards (60 × 60 mm) with fractions and arithmetic symbols, 48 cards (90 × 90 mm) with geometric shapes divided into several sections (the sections are partly coloured), methodological recommendations. Objectives: • to acquire fractions, decimal fractions and operations with them. Description: the set of cards is suitable for different kind of mathematical activities concerning fractions (e.g.: finding appropriate numeral values to the divided shapes; • taking different shapes with equal denominators and comparing the size of divided sections; • finding an appropriate fraction, decimal fraction, per cent value, or number to one shape; • performing mathematical operations – addition, subtraction, multiplication, division; • lifting up an appropriate numeral value to a shape (card) the teacher show.

A SET OF EXERCISES ‘FRACTIONS’ 003375 Contents: cardboard folder with 10 double-sided black-and-white (210 × 297 mm) sized worksheets. Description: the set helps acquire fractions, decimal fractions and operations with them. It consists of 20 complexes of exercises that are suitable as handouts for homework or tests.


A SET OF CARDS ‘0 – 10’ 006117

A SET OF CARDS ‘0 – 100’ 006118

Dimensions: card size 6 × 6 cm, thickness 1,2 mm.

Dimensions: card size 6 × 6 cm, thickness 1,2 mm.

A set consists of 66 numbered cardboard cards packed in a plastic box with a lid. Each number has six cards.

A set consists of 101 thick cardboard cards with numbers from 0 to 100 (each number has one card). Packed in a plastic box with a lid.


MAGNETIC GAME ‘ARITHMETIC OPERATIONS‘ 004169 Description: six different magnetic discs with numbers and mathematical operations written on them. They pull each other and help to make different arithmetic operations. Disk size: 30 × 11 mm.

A set of 32 numbers and 5 signs of different mathematical operations. Height of the item: 5 cm.

WOODEN RODS, 120 mm, Ø 5,5 mm, 100 PCS. 003795 WOODEN RODS, 150 mm, Ø 9,5 mm, 50 PCS. 003797 WOODEN BALLS, Ø 25 mm, 10 PCS. 003794 WOODEN RODS, 300 mm, Ø 6 mm, 50 PCS. 005831 Description: wooden rods and balls are suitable for acquiring counting skills, creating patterns or for carrying out whole spectrum of ideas.

MIX SET ‘WOODEN RODS AND BALLS’ 006915 A set contains of wooden rods: 100 pcs. (120 mm, Ø 5,5 mm), 50 pcs. (150 mm, Ø 9,5 mm), 50 pcs. (300 mm, Ø 6 mm) and 10 pcs. wooden balls (Ø 25 mm) packed in a cardboard box.

POLYGONAL CUBE 1 - 20 002991 Cube made from PVC with clear numbers to see and touch.

POLYGONAL CUBE 1 - 12 002992 Made from tight foam. Diameter: 10 cm.

FRACTIONS AND GEOMETRY BOARD 004656 Contents: 1 board (200 × 200 mm), 20 pieces of rubber bands. Description: one side of the base board has a circular recess to put in the fraction segments combine with ‘Round fraction set’ (001076) and pins for the rubber bands. Fractions and degrees are shown on the board. Easy way to learn, compose and identify geometric shapes and fractions.

ROUND FRACTION SET 001076 Contents: set of 60 thick plastic pieces 1; 1/2; 1/3; 1/4; 1/6; 1/8; 1/12; 1/24 for making circles. Packed in a plastic box. Description: a practical way of understanding fractions. Ideal material to work independently or with a board 004656. Diameter of one complete circle: 100 mm.

FRAME FOR FIGURE MAKING 002145 Dimensions: 150 × 150 × 12 mm.


ACTIVITY SET ‘COUNTING BEARS & STICKS’ 004316 Contents: 96 pcs. counting bears in 4 different colours, sizes and weights: 3, 6, 9, 12 g, activity cards (85 × 85 mm, thickness 1,2 mm) and 100 pcs. one colored counting sticks. Packed in a plastic box with handle. Description: each bear has depicted number 3, 6, 9 or 12 on his tummy. Suitable for counting, learning size recognition, weighing and sorting, plot-games. Bears families can be created of 3 little baby bears (3 × 3), 1 bigger bear (6), mama bear (9), papa bear (12). Age: 3+.



Contents: 100 pieces of colourful sticks in a plastic bag.



ACTIVITY SET ‘PLASTIC PATTERN BLOCKS’ 006128 Contents: 250 pattern blocks in 5 different colours and shapes, 14 activity cards (85 × 85 mm, thickness 1,2 mm), packed in plastic box with handle. Thickness of each block 10 mm. Description: suitable for acquiring various basic shapes and sizes, and for building or increasing symmetric patterns.

SMALL SET OF CARDS ‘GEOMETRICAL SHAPES’ 005207 Contents: 14 cards. Some of the cards are colourful, and some – white with black outlines. Dimensions: 85 × 85 mm, thickness 1,2 mm. Description: • 12 cards for making real size of shapes and using them as a basis (4 cards from 12 are used for making symmetrical patterns, of using 2 cards); • 2 cards - for making bigger analogical patterns, using them as an example. The set can be used together with plastic pattern blocks.




Contents: this construction toy consists of 80 plastic figures and 10 activity cards. Packed in a plastic box with handle.

Contents: 50 figures of plastic rabbits in 5 different colours and 10 activity cards packed in a plastic box with handle.

ACTIVITY SET ‘TANGRAM’ 004823 Contents: 35 plastic details and 12 activity cards. All packed in a plastic box.

ACTIVITY SET ‘PENTOMINO’ 006903 Contents: 60 figures and 12 double-sided activity cards packed in a plastic box.


SET ‘ART STICKS’ 2 L 004629



SET ‘ART STICKS’ 12 L 004630 Description: stick, fix, dissolve and paint with the coloured bead shaped corn sticks. Moisten them with a damp sponge and stick them together! Make a variety of interesting spatial designs or dissolve corn sticks in water and make your own dye for painting. The set contains 2 l (approx. 300 pcs.) of colourful sticks made of corn starch. Environmentally friendly. Age: 3+. Made in Lithuania.


‘Smart Box’ - the new line of special educational sets for fun play, good learning and developing fine motor skills. Ecologic package, good value perfect gift for the best price.

PATTERN SET ‘PENTOMINO’ 006800 Contents: 24 plastic shapes in 5 different colours with 12 activity cards. Description: use plastic shapes and make different configurations that are depicted on activity cards. Game helps to develop fine motor skills, constructive thinking, creativity, and helps to recognize and learn colours. On the one side of the cards there are colourful figures for the game begginers or little players. The other side depicts pictures with outlines for advanced players. There are two sets of pentominos (12 + 12) so a child can play individually with bigger amount of figures, or two players can play at once. Age: 6+.


PATTERN SET ‘TANGRAMS’ 006443 Contents: 14 plastic shapes in 5 different colours, 12 activity cards. Description: suitable for acquiring various basic shapes that are depicted on activity cards. Develops fine motor skills, constructive and logical thinking, stimulates creativeness and helps to learn colours. On one side of the cards there are figures oriented for our little players, and on the other - pictures with outlines for advanced players. There are two sets (7 + 7) of tangram figures so it is possible to play for two players or individually. Age: 6+.




LACING SET ‘BEADS & BUTTONS’ 005165 Contents: set of 18 plastic buttons (in 3 colours and 3 different shapes) for lacing, sorting colours and shapes and 15 plastic beads, 12 thick cards with lacing tasks (size 85 × 85 mm, thickness 1,2 mm) packed in a carton box with rope handle. Description: develops fine motor skills, eye-hand coordination, helps to learn colours and shapes, acquire counting skills. Age: 3+.

PATTERN SET ‘BLOCKS & ACTIVITY CARDS’ 005166 Contents: 120 large plastic pattern blocks (thickness - 10 mm) in 5 different colours and shapes; 14 doublesided cards (size 85 × 85 mm, thickness 1,2 mm), packed in a carton box with rope handle. Description: learn various basic shapes and sizes with these pattern ‘Blocks and activity cards’. Build or increase symmetric patterns. Age: 3+.

COUNTING SET ‘BEARS, STICKS & CARDS’ 005164 Contents: set of 24 plastic bears in 4 different colours and sizes; 25 pieces of plastic counting sticks (lenght 100 mm); 12 double-sided, thick cards with counting tasks (size 85 × 85 mm, thickness 1,2 mm) packed in a carton box with rope handle. Description: numbers 3, 6, 9 and 12 are depicted on the bears. While working with sticks and cards, child’s counting skills are developed. Child will acquire structure of numbers and connection between numbers and amount. Set may be used for various games and creation. 3 types of tasks are given on the cards: • to put and extend the sequence according size and colour; • to put bear with some number and corresponding quantity of sticks at the same time; • to do operations of addition / subtraction in a range from 1-12; Age: 4+.


CONSTRUCTION TOY ‘RABBITS’ 005162 Contents: set of 20 rabbit‘s shape plastic constructor pieces in 5 colours, thick cards with tasks (size 85 × 85 mm, thickness 1,2 mm) packed in a carton box with rope handle. Description: construct and play various games with the big colourful rabbits (80 × 80 mm). Place them vertically, assemble in some particular sequence and join together. Age: 2+.

CONSTRUCTION TOY ‘DOUBLE CROSS BLOCKS’ 005163 Contents: set of 20 plastic constructor pieces in a shape of double cross, 5 colours, thick cards with tasks (size 85 × 85 mm, thickness 1,2 mm) packed in a carton box with rope handle. Description: join together the blocks (74 × 44 mm) and make spatial designs, or mosaics on a flat surface. Age: 2+.


GAME ‘EMA’S TEETH STORIES’ 006105 Contents: 15 cardboard cards (85 × 85 mm) with coloured pictures on them and 6 embroidered toothshaped cushions-toys (white felt and loose filling; dimensions 110 × 90 mm). Objective: to develop proper skills of oral hygiene in a creative way, encourage a child to create a story, develop logical thinking and observation skills. In the colourful box you will find cards with pictures and tooth-shaped cushions-toys. Discuss with a child what objects are drawn and which situations with a character are shown. Examine the tooth-shaped cushions, depicting two healthy teeth, two slightly decayed crusty teeth, and two rotten aching teeth. Things which are depicted on the cards and a certain child’s behaviour with them have an influence on the state of the teeth – teeth are healthy or rotten. The point of the game is to choose a suitable cushion-tooth for a selected card /cards. After making a choice and having a discussion, the cause & effect relationship is perceived and personal experiences are discussed. Playing with cards and soft, playful cushions, which massage fingers, helps a child to remember situations more easily and maintain attention for longer periods of time. Cushions-toys can be used for other plot games as well. Manual contains 12 card sequence tasks. Age: 3 – 7 years old children, children with special needs. Made in Lithuania.

GAME ‘MOOD MATES’ 006107 Contents: 15 cardboard cards (85 × 85 mm) with pictures-schemes on them and 9 embroidered cushion-toys showing emotions (felt and loose filling; dimensions 125 × 105 mm). Objective: to recognize emotions, properly name feelings, develop observation skills and imagination while creating or retelling stories of emotional change. To help a child calm down by choosing a puppet of suitable emotion. Toys demonstrate 3 types of emotions (joy, sadness and anger) 9 of 15 cards show a certain emotion, the other three – a sequence of emotions and the last three – situations of emotional change. The intensity of emotions is reflected by the line of lips and eyebrows. Age: 3 – 7 years old children, children with special needs. Made in Lithuania.


HAND PUPPET SET ‘THREE GENERATIONS’ 002877 Description: the set depicts different family members in three generations: daughter, son, mother, father, grandmother and grandfather. Suitable for playing different kinds of situations that may happen in family. Forms child’s conception of roles in family. Useful for analysing child’s inner world, and his/her emotional experience. Height 24 cm.

HAND PUPPET SET ‘THE THREE LITTLE PIGS’ 002199 Description: the set depicts 4 characters of the fairy tale ‘The Three Little Pigs’: 3 little piggies and a wolf. Height 24 cm.

SET OF HAND PUPPETS ‘OCCUPATIONS’ 003572 Description: a set of hand puppets with embroidered symbols of professions on the front side: doctor, policeman, fire-fighter, and cook. Height 24 cm.

HAND PUPPET SET ‘LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD’ 002876 Description: a set of hand puppets depicts 5 characters of the fairy tale ‘Little Red Riding Hood’: mother, Little Red Riding Hood, granny, wolf, and hunter. It is designed to play the story and other role plays. While playing with them, a child will develop his/her imagination and communication skills. The puppets are made of soft fabric. The height of the puppet is approximately 23 cm.

HAND PUPPET SET ‘EMOTIONS’ 003573 Description: a set depicts male hand puppets with 5 different emotions: happiness, sadness, anger, fear, and love. They teach children to recognize emotions and express them. Colorful puppets with embroidered emotion symbols on the front side allow to better identify emotions. The height of the puppet is approximately 25 cm.

HAND PUPPET ‘GIRL’ 002201 Height 23 cm.

HAND PUPPET STAND 006781 Possible to place 12 hand puppets. Dimensions: 7,5 × 40 cm.









The height of the puppets is approximately 23 cm.

HAND PUPPET SET ‘KINGDOM’ 006125 Description: a set of 5 hand puppets is perfect to play fairytale stories and role plays. A set depicts 5 main fairytail characters: queen, king, prince, princess and wicked witch. Puppets are made from colourful felt.



Description: menu holder made of felt and can be placed in school or kindergarten canteens. Decoration height aproximately 52 cm.

Description: cute and not so scary plush toy of Boogeyman with tail and horns. Dimensions: height 41 cm, width 66 cm, and length 39 cm.

PLUSH TOY ‘CHICKEN’ 007186 Description: soft yellow plush chicken toy will come in handy during role-plays and thematic games. Toy has a hanger which helps to put it wherever you want. Chicken decorates your room everyday or on special occasions. Height: 11 cm.




Description: big soft toy may be used while role-playing or when adapting fairy-tales on stage. Height: 118 cm.

Description: cute Pinocchio may become inseparable friend of your children and nice decoration for room. Height: 84 cm.

PLUSH TOY ‘GOLDEN KEY’ 007221 Description: soft and colourful toy key will come in hand during role plays, special events or performances at school. Golden key may be a symbolic gift or decorating element for your home interior. Dimensions: 70 × 7 × 30 cm.

PLUSH TOY ‘CATERPILLAR’ 007184 Description: large colourful toy will give joy to every child and make their games more interesting. Also, can be used as a decor detail. Toy has many legs which can help children learn to count, recognize colours. Length: 150 cm.


CARDBOARD BLOCKS ‘BRICKS’, 10 PCS. 003308 Contents: 10 half-finished-bricks (7,5 × 15 × 30 cm) in a vacuum package. Description: durable cardboard building bricks for activities that enable development of children’s creativity, activity, performance and structural thinking skills. The bricks are lightweight, yet crashproof and safe enough to sit or stand on them.


WHITE CARDBOARD HOUSE 006103 Description: white cardboard, 7 mm, foldable playhouse with contoures for colouring, red coloured roof with a cat on it. Dimensions: 880 × 990 × 850 mm. Age: 3+.

BROWN CARDBOARD HOUSE 006102 Description: cardboard house with contours for colouring. Easy to assemble and disassemble. Nice attraction for all family. Colour this house and invite Your friends! Develop fantasy. Play creative! Great for roll plays. Funny for kid parties. Kids and nature friendly. Contents: a simple toy, that stimulates the child‘s imagination, developing a creative spirit and vision through acting with parents, teachers and friends, creating his/her own special toy. Dimensions: 1013 × 802 × 1080 mm. Age: 3 - 8 years.


TIMBER TRUCK 004328 Description: wooden truck with trailer loaded with 16 long wooden logs. The logs may be easily taken out and put back. Child can use them to build roads and barriers. Car can be impregnated with oil. A great toy and present not only for boys, but also for girls. Length: 33 cm. Made in Lithuania.

TOY TRACTOR WITH WOODEN BLOCKS 004327 Description: toy tractor with trailer and 16 colourful wooden blocks (6 × 2 × 3 cm). Dimensions: 34 × 12 × 14 cm. Made in Lithuania.

RACING CAR ‘FORMULA’ 004330 WOODEN PUPPY ABACUS 004298 Description: wooden frame in shape of dog with colourful wooden beads. Suitable for both playing, and acquiring basic counting skills.

Wooden racing car. The natural wood colour may be decorated on your own discretion. Dimensions: 9 × 7 × 18 cm. Made in Lithuania.

Dimensions: length 30 cm. Age: 3+. Made in Lithuania.

COLOURFUL WOODEN CAR 004329 Wooden car easy for little ones to hold. Dimensions: 5,5 × 7 × 12 cm. Made in Lithuania.



A pair of wooden rhytmical rods.

Description: high-quality wooden craft sticks from birch are suitable for different games and counting tasks. Sticks can be used for pattern making, constructing, counting and other arithmetic operations. Set includes: 50 pcs. shorter (9,5 × 1,5 × 0,4 cm) and 50 pcs. longer (22,5 × 1,5 × 0,4 cm) sticks.

Dimensions: 17 × 175 mm. Made in Lithuania.





Description: made from natural wood, suitable for big dolls up to 60 cm. Can be decorated on your own discretion or impregnate with oil.

Wooden swinging crib for doll.

Description: wooden doll bed. It may be decorated on your own discretion or impregnated with oil.

Dimensions: 60 × 30 × 36 cm.

Dimensions: 43 × 28 × 21 cm. Made in Lithuania.

Made in Lithuania.

Dimensions: 43 × 28 × 21 cm. Made in Lithuania.

WOODEN IRON 004675 Description: natural and great toy for playing household games. Dimensions: lenght 14 cm, height 8 cm, width 6 cm. Made in Lithuania.

WOODEN DOLL STROLLER, № 1 005044 Description: doll stroller made of plywood with red handle and four soft rubber wheels. Toy weight: 3,55 kg. Toy dimensions: 440 × 335 × 400 mm. Shipping box dimensions: 550 × 410 × 95 mm. Shipping weight: 4,5 kg. Made in Lithuania.

WOODEN DOLL STROLLER, № 2 005045 Description: doll stroller made of plywood with red handle and four soft rubber wheels. Toy weight: 3,35 kg. Dimensions: 475 × 350 × 605 mm. Shipping box dimensions: 760 × 500 × 90 mm. Shipping weight: 4,3 kg. Made in Lithuania.

RIDING HORSE STICK 004331 Description: wooden riding stick with horse’s head. Length is 90 cm with a double wheel at the end.


ANIMAL LACING BEADS 003861 Description: The box includes 15 different animal lacing beads and 1 lacing thread. Lacing beads are a great way of teaching children hand-eye coordination, colour and shape recognition and manipulation skills. Useful for speech therapy classes to form sequences and to name, classify and describe the animals. Age: 1+.

JIGSAW PUZZLE ‘GROWING UP’ 005650 MAGNETIC BEETLE GAME 005648 Description: wooden board with integrated wooden animal elements – beetles and other creatures who live in the meadow. You have to ‘catch’ them by using wooden rod with a magnet on it.

Description: wooden puzzle board (20 × 14,5 cm) with 17 pieces from which you can put a whole girls life – infant, toddler, girl, teenager and woman. It helps to understand stages of life, enrich vocabulary by naming clothes, develops motor skills, observation. Age: +2.

Dimensions: 22 × 22 cm. Age: 1+.

MAGNETIC GAME ‘SNAIL’ 005647 Description: an exciting game which stimulates a child’s awareness of spatial relations, hand eye co-ordination, color recognition and develops a child’s counting skills in a fun way. Comes with 1 magnetic stick which is used to trace the magnetic balls through the maze. Dimensions: 20,5 × 21 × 1,3 cm. Age: 3+.


FRUIT PLAY SET 003865 Description: the set includes toy serving tray with red handles, 7 various fruit (pear, kiwi, banana, orange, lemon, apple, slice of watermelon) and a knife. All components of the set are made of wood. Each fruit may be cut into two pieces.

Description: the Vegetable Play Set will make child`s play more interesting and real. It will develop his/her imagination and hand and eye co-ordination. The set includes toy serving tray with green handles, 7 various vegetables (onion, eggplant, carrot, paprika, cucumber, garlic, tomato) and a knife. All components of the set are made of wood. Each vegetable may be cut into two pieces and joined again later.

SET OF EGGS AND SPOONS 002940 Contents: a set of 6 wooden spoons and 6 colourful wooden eggs. Description: it is suitable for cheerful relays that develop concentration, coordination and agility skills. The set may be used as decorations or as components of Easter games.



Description: the Sensory Hemisphere develops balancing and coordination skills. The spikes on its top don`t allow to slip off. Made of rubber.

Contents: the set is composed of 2 perforated plastic balls (Ø 7 cm), 2 foam balls (Ø 7 cm), 2 reaction balls (Ø 7 cm), and 2 colourful badminton shuttles. The colours may vary.

Diameter: Ø 18 cm.

Description: the set is suitable not only for motion and sport activities, but also for cognitive games, for example, describing senses and objects. While comparing the little balls, a child can describe objects by using different adjectives (light, heavier, soft, hard, bigger, smaller, smooth, perforated, bouncy etc.). Before describing the balls child`s eyes may be blindfolded. In this way two equal balls may be searched as well.

SET OF ROUND BALLS, 10 PCS. 007048 Contents: 2 white balls of polystyrene (Ø 5 ir 6 cm), 4 plastic balls in different colours (Ø 6 cm), 2 bouncing balls from silicone with different pictures, and 2 soft balls. Description: All balls are round, with smooth surface and made from different material. You can play and compare them, ask children to find balls that are similar and etc.

SET OF SCARVES - DANCERS 003767 Contents: the set is composed of 6 scarves in different colours (red, yellow, blue, green, violet, orange). Description: the scarves are like stylized dolls with stuffed heads. The set is suitable for games with parachutes and for throwing. If faces are being drawn on the heads of the scarves, the aid may be suitable for plot games as well.

CUPS WITH BALLS, SET OF 6 PCS. 003986 Description: it is an interesting catching game set that consists of 6 colourful plastic cups with balls. Activities with it develop eye and hand coordination and accuracy. In order not to lose the ball it is tied to the cup with a string. When standing towards each other the players can catch also each other`s ball.

CUP WITH BALL, 1 PC. 003533

POM – POM FOR DANCERS 002842 Description: pom-poms with plastic handles are suitable for cheerleaders, dancers, procession participants and other activities. Available in 5 different colours (yellow, red, blue, green, white).


SENSORY PLAY SPACE DIVIDER, 5 PANELS 005632 Description: sensory Play Space Divider helps developing sensory skills and raise imaginative children. Perforated panels attract small children to experiment with the objects which can be pushed through the holes. Children can create decorations for drama and role play. These unique, inspiring play space dividers are designed to create different activity zones in any child-centered setting. Dimensions of one panel: height 89 cm, width 51 cm.

SENSORY PLAY SPACE DIVIDER ‘TOWN’, 4 PANELS 005633 Description: fold the panels in a circle and create a house and you will have separated space for quiet activities. There you can read stories, learn and explore new things, or remain quietly for a short while. Play Puppet Theater and role-play games. Dimensions of one panel: height 120 cm, width 73 cm.




Description: use light and shadow games to motivate children’s learning process. The light attracts attention, curiosity and stimulates mental activity. Attention focus is necessary for successful completion of any task, learning new things and solving everyday issues. Lights installed in the table inspire imagination, keep children focused and help learn new information. Light helps children to see same objects differently. On the table children express their unique perception of the world by combining various materials, shapes, colors and techniques. Imagination plays a key role in child‘s search for knowledge and understanding. Light helps to attract and retain children’s attention. Free play develops imagination which is fundamental to creativity. Paint on the glass surface of the table and observe the light that glows through the colors. Place animal, flower or other stencils on the table and fill them with paint, sand, leaves, paper or little stones. Create collages. Build 3D structures (castles, ships), cardboard and enjoy the light moving through the building. The board is made of laminated plywood, covered with tempered glass with a protective film, and equipped with two fluorescent lamps.

Description: this set includes a bag of natural sand, fordable shovel and 5 handmade wooden tools. Playing with sand calms children and develops their imagination. Very suitable to play on a light table and not only for children but for adults as well.

Dimensions: 700 × 500 × 210 mm.

SAND AND WATER TRAY 005628 Description: an accessory to the light table. An open, transparent, and waterproof tray for a more convenient use of sand and water. It allows you to pour and remove sand, little objects and rocks comfortably from the tray. You can design a nice lake or underwater world by adding stones, natural or colored sand and twigs. Fold paper boats and imagine them sailing on the sea. Fill the tray with water, let the children drop liquid colors and watch how new colors and shapes form. Made of plexiglass. Dimensions: 460 × 660 × 50 mm.

CLEAR BEAD STRING 006275 Description: clear string has beads with five different colours and they can be cutted and used for different crafts.

TRANSPARENT ACRYLIC SHAPES 004213 Description: transparent acrylic shapes. Set of 49 pcs. in a plastic bag.

SET OF PLASTIC BALLS IN TWO COLOURS 007208 Description: 30 peaces of plastic balls, in black and white colours. Dimensions: Ø 6 cm.

SET OF PLASTIC BALLS IN THREE COLOURS 007209 Description: 30 peaces of plastic balls. Colours: white, black and red. Dimensions: Ø 6 cm.


MATTRESS FOR PLASTIC KIDDY COTS 004109 Description: the mattress with elastic bands is specially designed for plastic kiddy cots. The available colours are shown. Dimensions: H 2 cm × 59 cm × 135 cm. Dimensions may vary upon individual request.

MATTRESS FOR GYMNASTICS 004103 Description: little faux leather upholstered foam mattress with a zipper on a side. Easily cleanable. Available in three different colours: blue, yellow, red. Dimensions: H 5 cm × 50 cm × 120 cm. Dimensions may vary upon individual request.

SET OF SOFT FOAM FURNITURE ‘MY GEOMETRY’ 004045 Contents: the set consists of 7 three-colour soft foam elements that are upholstered with faux leather. Dimensions: the height of the components is 25 cm, the diameter of round components is 38 cm. Dimensions of the upholstered bench: 70 × 48 × 50 cm.



Description: 3 colour, faux leather coated sitting bag with a handle. Funny to play mobile games, good for cuddle-up and have some rest, nice way to design child‘s room.

Description: especially comfortable and big coated in faux leather sitting bag with a handle. Available colours: blue, red or yellow.

Dimensions: Ø 50 cm, H 30 cm, capacity 80 l.


Dimensions: Ø 60 cm, H 70 cm, capacity 170 l.

SET OF DOUBLE - COLOURED BLOCKS ‘BIG GEOMETRY’ Blocks are made of high density cross - linked foam (45 kg/m3) so they are light, stable and durable. They do not absorb water, nor mud, don’t sink. They are very pleasant to touch, its hard to tear them apart. Blocks are in two colours (red + blue). Help children to develop creativity, imagination and logical thinking. Blocks are light and soft so it’s safe to play with them inside or outside and in bigger children groups. SET OF SOFT BLOCKS ‘MAXI’ 007216 Description: there are 10 big blocks in the set (biggest 100 x 50 cm, smallest 30 × 15 cm). You can build a cuboid with dimensions: 100 × 100 cm, thickness 20 cm.

SET OF SOFT BLOCKS ‘MIDI’ 007217 Description: set consists of 27 blocks (biggest 60 × 15 cm, smallest 5 × 15 cm). From them you can build a cuboid and its dimensions will be: 60 × 100 cm, thickness 20 cm.

SET OF SOFT BLOCKS ‘RATIONAL TOWER’ 007218 Description: set has 16 blocks and from them you can build two identical cuboid towers (each 20 × 100 × 20 cm), each from 8 block prisms. Blocks have different angles so you need to build your tower carefully and thoughtfully. If blocks are put in wrong order the tower starts bending. This game helps children to develop their logical thinking, creativity and self-expression. You can organize team building games who builds the tower first. Also, you can try to build a regular cuboid from all blocks.

UAB ‘Gudragalvis’ Viekšnių str. 21 LT-89235 Mažeikiai Lithuania Ph. +370 443 25011 info@smartian.eu www.smartian.eu UAB ‘Gudragalvis’, 2016

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