Gabriel Guerra
Design Portfolio
Hidden 2018
Deconstructed 2018
Fragment 2018
Complex Geometries 2017
Metcalf 2017
Logos 2018
Designed to create a hidden social experience immediately following the entrance to the Nichols Arboretum in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Deconstructed A study of Andre Wogenscky’s personal home and one of his first intimate collaborations with his wife, Marta Pan.
Model Collaborator: Juan Marco
Fragment Form illustrating an action.
Complex Geometries Design was based on forms that cannot be created through extrusions.
Metcalf Free-hand study of local house designed by Robert C. Metcalf.
2018 design for an aquaponics start up at Ann Arbor, Michigan.
2018 design for Open Door Energy, an online platform that allows owners to perform energy efficiency improvements to their property.
Thank You BS Architecture| Taubman College Class of 2020