3 methods to get rid of rats and mice

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3 Methods to Get Rid of Rats and Mice

Their vision may not be all clear, yet their sense of smell is definitely strong enough to steer them everywhere. Among the unwanted, dreaded and disgusting pests that people abhor are rats and mice. Smart and cautious, these rodents are far to be taken for granted. With their ability to leave a scent trail, they can pass through the same path whenever they please. For homeowners, getting professional rat control is the best solution to consider. Unless you have the guts to handle the rodents by yourself, whether dead or alive, there are numerous mice control methods that can come in handy aside from using a poison. Professional exterminators employ the Integrated Pest Management protocols that involve safe and effective various means of pest control. Applying their methods can increase your chances of success.

Snap Traps Understanding that these rodents have similar characteristics as well as differences increase the success rate of your rat control and mice control efforts. Rats are very cautious creatures and dislike changes. Unlike rats, mice are always curious and are willing to examine new things. Follow the remains of gnawing, urine stains, droppings and rub marks to lead you to their nesting structure. With these in mind, ensure to place unset

traps in the rat’s path. Leave them for 2-3 days before you finally set them up. Doing so will trick them from dropping their guard down and trapping them in a snap. Once you get the best position, do not change it anymore. Position the traps perpendicular to their nesting spot, preventing the rats to walk around them and lose the trap off when bumped. For mice, expect not to catch them on the first few tries. Trap placement might be wrong and should be shifted to a new spot.

Glue Boards Another rat control method used is by using glue boards. Just like the snap trap, position the glue boards on their nesting structure. Ensure not to put them on places with extreme temperature to avoid affecting the quality of the glue. Just like the snap trap, do not peel off paper on the glue board for 2-3 days, enough to make the rodents feel comfortable with the glue boards before you finally set them.

Poison Since poisons are dangerous not just to pests, but also to people and animals, they are placed in tamper proof containers. Available in pre-baited stations, poisons are categorized whether single or multiple feed. Single feed takes effect the moment after feeding, making the rodents feel ill and sluggish within 10 hours of feeding. On the other hand, multiple feeding works by giving several feedings to attain a fatal dosage. Since rats tend to consume their feed in one fill, the single feed is ideal to eradicate them, while mice tend to nibble in various places, making multiple feeding a viable solution to eventually mice-free space. Be caution to use gloves and read the labels prior to treatment. Ensuring your place is organized and spotless can mitigate the presence of rodents in your space. Also, remove possible sources of food and water that may be attracting pests to harbor your house. Doing these won’t lead to the need of any rat control or mice control method.

Source: 3 Methods to Get Rid of Rats and Mice

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