Bed Bugs Bites | Bed Bug Exterminator NJ
How to Act like a Bed Bug Exterminator Lurking at night, unknown to the unsuspecting hosts, Cimex lectularius L, or commonly known as bed bug is the nightmare of everyone. Bloodsuckers as they are to survive, bed bugs are considered one of the most elusive pests. With the ability to be in mobile, a bed bug can be a free loader any time it wants, as easy as it can take a lift without getting noticed due to its miniature size. Sanitation is not really the main issue for bed bugs infestation. They can be widely spread anywhere from the most luxurious hotel to any dwelling. Hideous bed bugs bites are the result of their presence in any space. With these critters around, having a good sleep is a privilege that is longed to be felt again. Though bed bugs aren’t known to spread diseases, their effects on people can be alarming such as insomnia, anemia, and even psychological as well as emotional troubles. Constant bed bugs bites can lead to disturbed sleeps, resulting to having insomnia and being anaemic. Moreover, the feeling of being not at peace even in one owns house could be troublesome, triggering psychological and emotional disturbances. Being cautious and knowing how to act like a bed bug exterminator could be handy in preventing and getting rid of those critters from your residence. Be observant. Look out for any telltale signs of bed bugs such as rusty-colored blood spots, sweet musty smell, and bed bugs themselves in the folds of mattresses and sheets. Bed bugs often thrive in box spring, crevices, cracks, headboard, furniture, upholstery, curtains, luggage and hidden dark places, few feet from their hosts.
Prevent bed bugs from taking a lift When travelling, ensure not to place your luggage and clothes on the bed or the floor. You don’t want any bed bug catching a ride to your home, right? Place your luggage, camera bag and bag in the bathroom to be safe. The moment you arrived from your trip, inspect your luggage and things in the garage. Practice washing
beddings and clothes in the hottest temperature. Bed bugs cannot survive at temperature of 130째 Fahrenheit. Avoid buying secondhand furniture, if possible. You never know if it is infested or not. Inspect the furniture thoroughly before buying it. Vacuum regularly and thoroughly. Never miss any single spot where they can thrive. Use a disposable vacuum bag. Ensure to dispose it properly after use, sealing it tightly before disposal. Guard your family from bed bugs infestation by following the aforementioned tips. However, no matter how much homeowners put out their effort, the lack of training, skills, knowledge as to where the bugs thrive and what their nesting habits are, proper equipment and treatment options hampers them from achieving their goal. In most cases, a professional bug exterminator is necessary to successfully get rid of all bed bugs.
Source: Bed Bugs Bites | Bed Bug Exterminator NJ