Why a Compounding Pharmacy and Its Pharmacists Should Follow the Code of Ethics? Many compounding pharmacies have been affected by the tragic outcomes resulting from the fungal meningitis outbreak that occurred in several states a couple of years ago. The outbreak was eventually traced to the contaminated vials of methylprednisolone from a Massachusetts compounding pharmacy.
Lack of Oversight in a Compounding Pharmacy Understandably, even reliable pharmacies like Sunset Rx Pharmacy, a reliable Brooklyn compounding pharmacy have been affected by the tragedy. Patients and their families and caregivers as well as industry regulators, analysts and legislators have expressed their concern for the unregulated practices of compounding pharmacies, which can increase the risks for a similar tragedy in other areas.
It must be emphasized that the Massachusetts compounding pharmacy at the center of the controversy was not subjected to Food and Drug Administration (FDA) oversight, which is true for all compounding pharmacies. Said lack of FDA oversight was in effect even when the Massachusetts compounding pharmacy in question was in the business of mass production and distribution of sterile products across several state lines.
Call for More Oversight for Any Compounding Pharmacy The tragedy, however, has a silver lining. The Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP) has issued a call for greater oversight for any compounding pharmacy from the FDA as well as from the Joint Commission and state boards of pharmacy. The call was for oversight to differentiate between pharmacies with mass production facilities and pharmacies that provide compounded medications for individual patients. At present, compound pharmacists may be witnessing more oversight because of these tragic developments. Yet another silver lining is the increased awareness of the Pharmacists’ Oath and Code of Ethics among most compounding pharmacies in the country. Indeed, every staff member in a compounding pharmacy like Sunset Rx Pharmacy should adopt a strong sense of moral and legal obligation for the welfare of their patients as well as adhere to the highest standards of the profession.
Evidence-based Approach Encouraged for Compounding Pharmacy Practices Our Brooklyn compounding pharmacy adopts an evidence-based approach in our compounding practices with the aim of providing the safest services for our customers. We are updated about the latest and best clinical evidence about the art and science of being a compounding pharmacy. We use our scientific knowledge and clinical skills coupled with our informed understanding of clinical evidence to ensure that our compounded medications are, indeed, the best for our patients. As a reliable Brooklyn compounding pharmacy, we at Sunset RX work toward learning from the tragedy and it starts with our stronger dedication to the Oath and Code of Ethics for pharmacists.
Source: Why a Compounding Pharmacy and Its Pharmacists Should Follow the Code of Ethics?