Wood Flooring Review - Quarter Sawn Flooring & Formaldehyde in Floors
The Sustainable Beauty of Quarter Sawn Flooring When visiting a home, one thing that always catches attention is the beauty of a quarter sawn flooring. Its beauty and magnificence is obtained through a detailed process of rift and quartered technique. With this process, several creative quarter-sawn flooring design ideas are being produced, specifically suited to every home’s aesthetic needs. Not only these floor designs a beauty, quarter sawn flooring also possesses stability and resistance to warping, a factor which customers are very eager to have in their homes. The following are some great information to understand this ... Read more.
Formaldehyde in Floors: Significance, Allowed Limits and Risks In choosing the right wood floors, do you just sift through the species, stains, finish, prices or dig deeper than that? As a homeowner or even business owner, what else shouldn’t be overlooked? Safety. Indeed, safety should be on top of the list more than the rest of the factors. Let’s discuss about the trending issue on formaldehyde in floors. For the past few months, the wood flooring industry has been shaken by the fact that other US manufacturing firm has been selling laminate floors that have an alarming content of formaldehyde. Some Americans may end up thinking to stay away from wood floors at all. Shouldn’t you be learning what this formaldehyde about that is feared by many? Here are important facts that you should know before ... Read more.
Source: Wood Floor Planet NJ