Bury Neighbourhood Watch Registration Number: NO453
York Street Area Residents’ Association
January 2019 Newsletter Got Any Information? Know Who Did It? Tell Crime stoppers! 0800-555-111 or check website on www.crimestoppers-org.uk Other useful websites are:www.fearless.org/en to allow you also to give information anonymously www.gmvictims.org.uk, for support for victims possibly required after a crime, www.friendsagainstscams.org.uk containing good advice about recognising and dealing with scams www.actionfraud.police.uk to read interesting stories about the bringing of financial fraudsters to court and confiscating their assets. Coordinator Contact Details
Forthcoming Meetings and Events
Anthony Scott-Norman (aka Tony) 46 Livsey Street Whitefield Telephone 0161 637 4574 Mobile: 0739 204 1241 Email : anthonyscottnorman@btinternet.co m
Whitefield and Unsworth Home Watch Association 30th January 7.30 pm 27th March 7.30 pm 29th May 7.30 pm at St George’s Church Hall Hollins Lane Unsworth
Have you visited www.nextdoor.co.uk www.theburydirectory. co.uk
Police Contacts
For all your local gossip, information and advice?
PC Chris Linton plus PCSO Kevin Hadfield 0161 856 8202
Mercifully, as far as I am aware, there have been no major incidents affecting households in our immediate area over the past 6 months, although one shop, Whitefield Electricals was subject to a smash and grab raid before the police could be made aware. The raiders made off at high speed north towards Bury. Possible drug transactions were spotted again behind the same shop, but this seems to have ceased. We should continue to be concerned at more serious crime like the recent knifing at Victoria Station by someone with mental problems and wish the victims well for their recovery. I next have some points of interest from the 1st Annual Greater Manchester Neighbourhood Watch Association Conference which our Residents Association Secretary John Knight attended last November. Greater Manchester Police (GMP) have a plan to strengthen communities and places within their boundaries involving police, community safety, criminal justice services and for citizens in Greater Manchester. Page 1 of 2
They heard secondly about community policing and the “thin blue line” from a PCSO and how the police are having to work differently to tackle crime with vastly decreased numbers, Greater Manchester have lost about 2,000 Police Officers in the last 8 years. Thirdly it was stressed that Neighbourhood Watch is more than merely a matter of burglaries and theft but equally a strengthening of communities and in Bury there are 450 co-ordinators. At the conference there were groups from all 10 boroughs and it was interesting to hear their stories of how they operate. For example, Salford have their own website getting 5,000 hits per month. They issue monthly newsletters which are distributed by email with hardcopies going to libraries. WHAT ARE YOUR PRIORITIES FOR THE POLICE? The Police Foundation, a policing think tank wants to hear from members of the public about their expectations of the police and how this may be changing. The Police Foundation, an independent body that works to improve policing for the benefit of the public, wants to know what work the police should be prioritising. In particular, they want Neighbourhood Watch members to take part, as they will have passionate, helpful and educated views about policing. To take part, all you need to do is comment underneath their social media posts completing the sentence: “It’s important to me that the police…” Unfortunately, the survey is only being undertaken via Twitter and Facebook, but there are already posts about Neighbourhood Watch. There appears to have been an upsurge in crimes in our wider area recently. Homes are being broken into in order for thieves to steal car keys and, subsequently the vehicle. Vehicles are also being stolen by thieves with cloning devices which can contact your car keys inside your home and then steal your ‘keyless’ vehicle. So, what can we do? Leave nothing of value in your vehicle overnight and definitely leave nothing at all on display. Thieves are known to have damaged vehicles in order to steal flowers, children’s coats as well as more obvious items like satnavs. Place your car keys inside a metal object such as a tin or tin foil so that a cloning device cannot make contact with your car key. I trust by now that you have all re-set your time switches so that lights come on in your homes before it goes dark outside. Making your home appear occupied reduces the chances of a burglary. Finally comes the usual plea. Keep your houses locked at night especially or when out or away if unoccupied and keep your house keys out of sight of temptation. Equally keep your car doors locked and don’t leave valuables in them in open sight when parked. Also keep any garden gates and doors locked when appropriate. If there is an emergency ring 999 but please keep me posted and if a non-emergency but concern ring 101 or the Neighbourhood Team number provided and let me know the log number to follow up. Wishing you a healthy happy and safe New Year Anthony Scott-Norman (aka Tony) - Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator Page 2 of 2