BREXIT - Arguments for the UK to leave the EU

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I voted to go in an EU trading partnership and not a Political Union. We got lied to and in my view the UK has suffered immensely and in my opinion, it will get worse. We've already decided we don't want this and will vote out. Obviously the Kinnock family are joining the in campaign, as they will lose millions of pounds if their gravy train comes to an end. And I doubt anyone has told Obama what the real facts are. The USA wouldn't allow their sovereignty to be taken away in a million years, so why should we? In my view I want our UK back as we are strong anyway and can stand on our own two feet. Now we're back in the UK, we can see everything falling apart. Jobs, Police, Local Councils, NHS, highways, etc. We could fix all of it with the £55 million a day we waste on the EU. .................................................................................................................................... David Cameron says he has secured a deal with the EU. That's nonsense as it's not been voted on by the EU. Jeremy Corbin thinks we can reform the EU from within. Really! Any reforms that the UK propose will be thrown out like the rest ..... Since majority voting was introduced in the late Eighties, the UK has voted against an EU legislative proposal 70 times — and lost 70 times. No other country is so regularly isolated and outvoted. .................................................................................................................................... Let me highlight some of the many arguments in favour of Brexit: First, the EU is badly placed to prosper in the future global economy. Globalisation, technical change, communication and innovation are changing the outlook. Geography is no longer a barrier to trade. Economies that will succeed need to be flexible, adaptable and control their own destiny. Brexit allows us this. In contrast, the EU has become centralising, regulating and controlling, the opposite of what is needed for jobs and future success. Second, there is a mistaken view that if we remain we can somehow change the EU to make it fit for purpose. We are always told the EU will reform but it never does. The EU never addresses its major problems such as high youth unemployment, depression in Greece or mass migration. Information taken from many BREXIT posts over the last few weeks. Issue 1 - 4th May 2016

Third, the EU could get even worse. The EU is expected to be the slow-growth region of the world economy in coming decades. Remaining in the EU carries considerable uncertainty because we don’t know what will happen to the euro. To paper over the economic cracks the eurozone will have to centralise further towards political union. Although the UK does not have to join the euro, within the EU we will find it hard to avoid any fallout from it. Fourth, Brexit will allow us to trade with the EU and deliver lower food prices. There are too many scare stories about the Single Market. The EU is a customs area. It sets an external tariff with those outside the EU. This is aimed at protecting agriculture and manufacturing, and results in people across the EU paying more for the prices of these things compared with world markets. With Brexit, people would suddenly face cheaper prices for food, as we would be paying world prices. Many people don’t appreciate that we do not need a trade deal to trade with countries. We do not have a trade deal now with China, the USA, or vast chunks of the world with which we trade. With Brexit we could still trade freely with the EU. Because of globalisation, average tariff rates across the world are now low, averaging 1.09%. Firms selling into the EU would still have to adopt EU regulations for their products, just as those exporting to the US accept US regulations too. Fifth, Brexit will safeguard workers’ rights. Existing EU rules on areas such as maternity and other rights are already written into UK law. They will remain and in future be determined by UK voters and Parliament, not Brussels bureaucrats. Mass migration that Information taken from many BREXIT posts over the last few weeks. Issue 1 - 4th May 2016

comes with EU membership also prevents low-skilled wages from rising, and adds to pressure on housing and public services. We could better control migration numbers with Brexit. Sixth, the country would save considerable money from Brexit. Some areas say we should stay in because they receive EU funding, but we give the EU the money in the first place. These areas, such as scientific research, can be covered fully with some of the large savings from our EU contribution. The rest could be spent on public services.

Dr Gerard Lyons is chief economic adviser to Mayor Boris Johnson. His forthcoming ebook is The UK Referendum: An Easy Case to Leaving the EU .................................................................................................................................... This person below sums it all up. Please read it all from beginning to end. You then ought to be automatically voting OUT. Please save our country and vote out. This was their comment: "Come on people, Let's leave and get our country back in the hands of the British people as it should be, right now all we have is Lies, corruption, conspiracy, scaremongering, austerity, bias and blackmail, invasion by potential terrorists, oppression, austerity, the EU is a "corrupt political organization" that only seeks subservience of ALL its member states, we are only leaving this "UNION", not Europe, we will still be able trade and holiday in the European countries, meanwhile our own needs are totally ignored, for us it's just austerity and cut, after cut, after cut, Our pensioners right now are struggling to heat and run their homes. Our disabled have had their benefits cut, and are struggling, some have committed suicide.

Information taken from many BREXIT posts over the last few weeks. Issue 1 - 4th May 2016

We have food banks because our own poorer people are hungry. Our veterans and many BRITISH people are living on the streets. Our young couples can't get a council home and yet immigrants are housed with no trouble. Our schools are full to bursting, and BRITISH parents cannot get their children in their school of choice, schools are paying ÂŁ65 per day for translators, and teaching EU propaganda. (My note: Living in Spain, we had to pay for our own translators! Why aren't they?) Our police force, no longer attend certain crimes, and are cut to the bone. Our ambulance service, cut to the bone, so much so that our people are dying because the ambulances are not getting to them in time. Our doctors surgeries are overflowing because of the influx of immigrants, causing long waiting times for appointments Our hospitals are struggling to cope with the demands, because of the influx of immigrants, they pay ÂŁ85 per hour for translators. (My note: Living in Spain, we had to pay for our own translators! Why aren't they?) They are trying to blame the aging population for the hospital troubles, rubbish, it's because they are having to deal with thousands of migrants in hospitals all across our country. Our fire service, cut to the bone. Our street lights turned off at night, this in 2016 folks

Information taken from many BREXIT posts over the last few weeks. Issue 1 - 4th May 2016

Our army, navy, and Air Force, cut to the bone.. Government admitted recently, our economy is no where near as good as the government thought Money has gone missing from the EU accounts, who's bank is that in, not ours. MP's, get 10/11% rise! we get nothing or 1%. Brussels and Germany are dictating, dominating and THEY are ruling us. We are £1.6 trillion in debt, rising at the rate of £5.689 per second. In 2015 we paid 12.9 billion after rebate that's £35 million per week, think what that will do for our hospitals alone. We have thousands of illegal and legal immigrants claiming benefits draining and putting enormous strain on our social services. All potential terrorists. We have illegals landing on our beaches every day, ferried over by people traffickers, nothing is being done to stop this Our truck drivers are being attacked every day, while trying to earn a living, and get no help or protection at all from our caring leader. I have read the EU make 75% of our rules. As an example Mugabe was given £31million to create democracy in his country, while we completely loose ours £172million overspent on foreign aid, that could have rescued our NHS. Overseas spending has now risen to highest ever £12.2 BILLION. Information taken from many BREXIT posts over the last few weeks. Issue 1 - 4th May 2016

Do you honestly think our country is doing well, no I don't think so. Can you name ONE good thing the EU has done for or given us, I cannot name or think of one. We are all fighting in our own way to prevent a worse time to come. Time for us the British people to help ourselves, We need help, help us, help your own. PLEASE VOTE US OUT IN JUNE" .................................................................................................................................... This piece below is well written and shows why we must get out of the EU: "We are being given the choice of slavery or freedom as a nation, why would you choose to be a slave chained to an uncompromising political union where our voice is drowned out by another 27 nations wanting a federal Europe ? Why bother with the pretence of democracy inside an EU where democracy is just an illusion and the reality is that the supremacy of EU law undermines our own parliamentary democracy? Countries have borders, why pretend that this country has borders when we have no control over who comes here from the EU ? Don't pretend that we are in control of our own country, vote Leave and make it a reality." .................................................................................................................................... David Cameron’s renegotiation with Brussels is nothing more than a deal ‘hammered out down the local bazaar’, a senior EU figure has said. The Prime Minister spent months meeting European leaders to come to his agreement, which he claims gives Britain a ‘special status’ in the EU and powers to suspend migrants’ benefits. Information taken from many BREXIT posts over the last few weeks. Issue 1 - 4th May 2016

But Alexander Graf Lambsdorff, vice-president of the European Parliament, said “It’s not legally binding. The whole thing is nothing more than a deal that has been hammered out down the local bazaar.” .................................................................................................................................... As one Council official frankly admitted: ‘Even the best idea can die if it’s presented by the UK.’ This isn’t because of some Eurovision Song Contest style prejudice against us. Britain finds herself isolated in the EU, not because of any conspiracy against her, but because she fundamentally differs from the others politically and economically. Our economic outlook is different and we do not accept the EU’s objective of political union. There being no sign that the British people are ready to become patriotic citizens of Europe, that isolation will continue. Britain will carry on being outvoted and ignored. READ:











morning. .................................................................................................................................... This is a fantastic article. The summary tells us why we should NOT be part of the EU and need to vote out: "Since majority voting was introduced in the late Eighties, the UK has voted against an EU legislative proposal 70 times — and lost 70 times. No other country is so regularly isolated and outvoted. This gives the lie to the Remain argument that being in the EU gives Britain influence. In fact, despite being the second largest financial contributor, we have very little influence. Information taken from many BREXIT posts over the last few weeks. Issue 1 - 4th May 2016

As one Council official frankly admitted: ‘Even the best idea can die if it’s presented by the UK.’ This isn’t because of some Eurovision Song Contest style prejudice against us. Britain finds herself isolated in the EU, not because of any conspiracy against her, but because she fundamentally differs from the others politically and economically. Our economic outlook is different and we do not accept the EU’s objective of political union. There being no sign that the British people are ready to become patriotic citizens of Europe, that isolation will continue. Britain will carry on being outvoted and ignored." .................................................................................................................................... John Davies regarding Jeremy Corbin ..... "People are allowed to change their minds." You believe he has genuinely changed his mind after 40 years of Eurosceptic conviction, and that it's total coincidence that he does so as he takes leadership of a pro-EU party? I think that's very gullible. "How do you suggest one is to reform the EU if we leave it?" I don't believe the EU will reform either way. 1975: Jeremy Corbyn votes for Britain to leave Europe. 1983: Jeremy Corbyn first enters parliament on a Brexit manifesto. 1993: Jeremy Corbyn votes against Maastricht and the creation of the modern EU. Information taken from many BREXIT posts over the last few weeks. Issue 1 - 4th May 2016

2009: Jeremy Corbyn votes against the Lisbon Treaty. 2015: Jeremy Corbyn refuses to rule out campaigning for Brexit. Jeremy Corbyn has campaigned against Europe for 40 years, and has only changed his mind to take leadership of a pro-EU party. In April 2016: Jeremy Corbyn promises socialist policies that are impossible while the UK is within the EU, yet hypocritically campaigns for the EU. Jeremy Corbyn is a hypocrite and a liar. He says "it will leave Britain isolated and worker's rights eradicated by the tories". That's rubbish in my opinion ...... Britain will be no more isolated than all the other non-EU nations on Planet Earth. The EU has done nothing for workers rights that could not have been achieved through British legislation outside of the EU. The UK had workers rights, steadily increasing at an average western rate, before joining the EU. The UK has continued to increase workers rights without the EU while within the EU. The National Minimum Wage and its increases were legislated by the UK government without the EU. The Health and Safety at Work Act was legislated by the UK government without the EU. The Disability Discrimination Act, the Race Relations Act and the Sex Discrimination Act Information taken from many BREXIT posts over the last few weeks. Issue 1 - 4th May 2016

were all legislated by the UK government without the EU. When the EU introduced the Working Time Directive, making 20 days paid leave mandatory across the EU, the UK government deemed it insufficient for Britons and raised it to 28 days paid leave. Therefore, there is no reason to presume that a post-brexit UK government would begin to abolish workers rights outside the EU, as it would not be keeping with past form and would be electoral suicide. If a UK government did so, we could simply use something called democracy to remove them and replace them with a government who will protect those rights. We do not need to give away democracy for protection from our democracy. .................................................................................................................................... The EU imposed VAT on energy bills and stopped the last Labour Government abolishing it! ....................................................................................................................................

This post from an ex Olympic Athlete living in Austria I am in Austria near Landeck where hundreds of Refugees are. Today I shared a taxi with two young men who are refugees in their late 20's from Afghanistan. One spoke very good English and learning German. The other couldn't speak any English or German. I felt like a reporter. I asked many questions, the one who spoke English was happy to tell me. He said there were hundreds of Syrian refugee families are living here if not thousands all together. They cannot speak German, but some a bit of English. He said he speaks to them in English the ones that can. He said he is waiting to get his Austrian Passport and he is going to come to England! I just know this is what will happen if we GB stay in the EU they will all just come in as easy as that, once they get their Austria passports. Be warned!!! Information taken from many BREXIT posts over the last few weeks. Issue 1 - 4th May 2016

The Flood Gates will open, and us in the UK will not know what has hit us! .................................................................................................................................... This article is from someone who has studied the EU. IT IS MIND-BLOWING!!! If you read this, you will realise we were conned and continue to be conned! Anyone reading this will vote out. Please read this article to the end, then, please vote out to save our country. "I, probably like most of my generation, knew very little about the EU. I had done a Masters degree in the 70s; brought up my family, and by the early 2000s was ready to return to University. I was privileged to return to University to complete a Second Masters Degree; this time in European Policy, European Law and European Economic Analysis. Words cannot describe the horror I felt as I delved into the truth of the EU. Sends shivers down my spine to this day, remembering the horror of the realisation, that we had been hoodwinked into the EU by deceitful, disingenuous, intentionally devious means. The populace of the UK was never intended to find out the truth behind the EU, until they reckoned it was too late. Truth is it almost....almost...almost is too late. We already are, in the UK, all but a federal state in the United States of Europe. You never quite realised that, did you? Why? Because ' they very deliberately decided not to tell you! They deliberately created a political elite who knew full well that power was being ceded , systematically, Treaty by Treaty, to the EU. But who knew? They did! But were we the UK populace ever informed? Absolutely not! Why? They made mega millions from EU scammery & we the minions were shafted day, daily, monthly, yearly & forever. Where did your pensions go? Where did your schools, your NHS, your housing, your social services go? Well, £55 million per day, every day, every week, every month, every year..... Guess what? That is why UK is bankrupted for generations to come, with a £1.5 trillion pound debt. I wish I could enlighten the populace of the UK to the real truth about the EU. I spent a year studying the EU in depth, visiting both the EU Parliament and EU Commission in Brussels. Every word I heard in lectures, hundreds of hours of lectures, every word I researched for my thesis and every thing I saw in Brussels, lead me to the inescapable conclusion that the EU is an utterly corrupt, profligate, political monstrosity which has destroyed British jobs and bankrupted the UK for generations to come. The EU operates on lobbying, which is the technical term for bribery and corruption. Whatever Cameron says, EU law has supremacy over our UK law unless there is Treaty change. He may say so but the truth is that 27 other countries will never agree, this side of eternity, to change the Treaties. So …..what is the connection between the EU, the Bilderberg Group and the almost Information taken from many BREXIT posts over the last few weeks. Issue 1 - 4th May 2016

completed TTIP? (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) The Bilderberg Group meet in secret each year and they are a group of phenomenally wealthy men and women from the worlds of big business, banking and politics, coming from across Europe and the US. The TTIP represents an integral component of Bilderberg’s attempt to rescue the unipolar world (New World Order) by creating a “world company,” initially a free trade area, which would connect the United States with Europe. Just as the European Union started as a mere free trade area and was eventually transformed into a political federation which controls upwards of 50 per cent of its member states’ laws and regulations with total contempt for national sovereignty and democracy, TTIP is designed to accomplish the same goal, only on a bigger scale. The treaty is likely to advantage the corporations of both the US and the EU, while disadvantaging their people. It presents a danger to democracy and public protection throughout the trading area. The Bilderberg Group are focussing on how to derail a global political awakening that threatens to hinder Bilderberg’s long standing agenda to centralize power into a one world political federation, a goal set to be advanced with the passage of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). Bilderberg globalists are aghast and there is panic in the ranks that their planned EU superstate is being eroded as a result of a populist resistance all around Europe, mainly centred around animosity towards uncontrolled immigration policies. And just who might we expect to find at such a secret gathering? Angela Merkel, Herman Van Rompuy (ex President of EU Council), Jean Claude Juncker, (Present President of the EU Commission), Martin Schultz,( Present President of EU Parliament), David Cameron, George Osbourne, Tony Blair, Ed Balls, Rona Fairhead, (Chair of the BBC Trust), Michael O’Leary of Ryan Air, Stuart Rose (ex M & S, and BSE Chairman), Bill Clinton, Barak Obama………..…and many more. What do they all have in common? They are all trying to persuade you to stay in the EU. Why? Because it is in their warped self interest to do so! Is any of this in your interests? Absolutely not! Their modus operandi is that truth becomes lies and lies become truth. Sound familiar? No possible option available, other than to get Out of EU ASAP. Vote Leave! Betsy M Mackay" ....................................................................................................................................

Information taken from many BREXIT posts over the last few weeks. Issue 1 - 4th May 2016

If all the parasites who roost in Brussels disappeared tomorrow they wouldn't be missed. Far from facilitating a better life for all they blight our lives whilst feather bedding their own existence, they are an insult to democracy as are our politicians when they ignore the will of the people. The EU has not lived up to the expectations of all those who voted to join a "Common Market". Those in favour of remaining would appear in the main to be those who have known nothing different and those who have a vested interest. According to the latest scare tactics being used by the treasury and George Osborne, every family in the UK will be worse off by £4,000. We will save more than that by not being in and at least even if the money saved is squandered as it usually is when in the hands of politicians and bureaucrats it will be our elected politicians squandering it not faceless unelected bureaucrats in Brussels. .................................................................................................................................... What is TTIP? And six reasons why the answer should scare you The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership is a series of trade negotiations being carried out mostly in secret between the EU and US. As a bi-lateral trade agreement, TTIP is about reducing the regulatory barriers to trade for big business, things like food safety law, environmental legislation, banking regulations and the sovereign powers of individual nations. It is, as John Hilary, Executive Director of campaign group War on Want, said: “An assault on European and US societies by transnational corporations.” Since before TTIP negotiations began in February 2015, the process has been secretive and undemocratic. This secrecy is on-going, with nearly all information on negotiations coming from leaked documents and Freedom of Information requests. But worryingly, the covert nature of the talks may well be the least of our problems. Here are six other reasons why we should be scared of TTIP, very scared indeed …

Information taken from many BREXIT posts over the last few weeks. Issue 1 - 4th May 2016

1 The NHS Public services, especially the NHS, are in the firing line. One of the main aims of TTIP is to open up Europe’s public health, education and water services to US companies. This could essentially mean the privatisation of the NHS. The European Commission has claimed that public services will be kept out of TTIP. However, according to the Huffington Post, the UK Trade Minister Lord Livingston has admitted that talks about the NHS were still on the table. 2 Food and environmental safety TTIP’s ‘regulatory convergence’ agenda will seek to bring EU standards on food safety and the environment closer to those of the US. But US regulations are much less strict, with 70 per cent of all processed foods sold in US supermarkets now containing genetically modified ingredients. By contrast, the EU allows virtually no GM foods. The US also has far laxer restrictions on the use of pesticides. It also uses growth hormones in its beef which are restricted in Europe due to links to cancer. US farmers have tried to have these restrictions lifted repeatedly in the past through the World Trade Organisation and it is likely that they will use TTIP to do so again. The same goes for the environment, where the EU’s REACH regulations are far tougher on potentially toxic substances. In Europe a company has to prove a substance is safe before it can be used; in the US the opposite is true: any substance can be used until it is proven unsafe. As an example, the EU currently bans 1,200 substances from use in cosmetics; the US just 12. 3 Banking regulations TTIP cuts both ways. The UK, under the influence of the all-powerful City of London, is thought to be seeking a loosening of US banking regulations. America’s financial rules are tougher than ours. They were put into place after the financial crisis to directly curb the powers of bankers and avoid a similar crisis happening again. TTIP, it is feared, will remove those restrictions, effectively handing all those powers back to the bankers. 4 Privacy Remember ACTA (the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement)? It was thrown out by a massive majority in the European Parliament in 2012 after a huge public backlash against what was rightly seen as an attack on individual privacy where internet service providers would be required to monitor people’s online activity. Well, it’s feared that TTIP could be Information taken from many BREXIT posts over the last few weeks. Issue 1 - 4th May 2016

bringing back ACTA’s central elements, proving that if the democratic approach doesn’t work, there’s always the back door. An easing of data privacy laws and a restriction of public access to pharmaceutical companies’ clinical trials are also thought to be on the cards. 5 Jobs The EU has admitted that TTIP will probably cause unemployment as jobs switch to the US, where labour standards and trade union rights are lower. It has even advised EU members to draw on European support funds to compensate for the expected unemployment. Examples from other similar bi-lateral trade agreements around the world support the case for job losses. The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) between the US, Canada and Mexico caused the loss of one million US jobs over 12 years, instead of the hundreds of thousands of extra that were promised. 6 Democracy TTIP’s biggest threat to society is its inherent assault on democracy. One of the main aims of TTIP is the introduction of Investor-State Dispute Settlements (ISDS), which allow companies to sue governments if those governments’ policies cause a loss of profits. In effect it means unelected transnational corporations can dictate the policies of democratically elected governments. ISDSs are already in place in other bi-lateral trade agreements around the world and have led to such injustices as in Germany where Swedish energy company Vattenfall is suing the German government for billions of dollars over its decision to phase out nuclear power plants in the wake of the Fukushima disaster in Japan. Here we see a public health policy put into place by a democratically elected government being threatened by an energy giant because of a potential loss of profit. Nothing could be more cynically antidemocratic. There are around 500 similar cases of businesses versus nations going on around the world at the moment and they are all taking place before ‘arbitration tribunals’ made up of corporate lawyers appointed on an adhoc basis, which according to War on Wants John Hilary, are “little more than kangaroo courts” with “a vested interest in ruling in favour of business.” So I don’t know about you, but I’m scared. I would vote against TTIP, except… hang on a minute… I can’t. Like you, I have no say whatsoever in whether TTIP goes through or not. Information taken from many BREXIT posts over the last few weeks. Issue 1 - 4th May 2016

All I can do is tell as many people about it as possible, as I hope, will you. We may be forced to accept an attack on democracy but we can at least fight against the conspiracy of silence. .................................................................................................................................... RMT SETS OUT SIX KEY REASONS FOR LEAVING THE EU

7 April 2016 RMT Press Office: TRANSPORT UNION RMT today set out six key reasons why it will be advising members to vote to the leave the EU in the forthcoming referendum: 1.

Leave the EU to end attacks on rail workers

New EU rail policies are set to further entrench rail privatisation and fragmentation. That will also mean more attacks or jobs and conditions and EU laws will make it impossible to bring all of rail back into public ownership. 2.

Leave the EU to end attacks on seafarers and the offshore workers

The EU has promoted undercutting and social dumping leading to the decimation of UK seafarers. The same is now happening in the offshore sector. EU directives also require the tendering our public ferry services. 3.

Leave the EU to end attacks on workers’ rights

It’s a myth that the EU is in favour of workers. In fact the EU is developing a new policy framework to attack trade union rights, collective bargaining, job protections and wages.

Information taken from many BREXIT posts over the last few weeks. Issue 1 - 4th May 2016

This is already being enforced in countries which have received EU “bailouts”. 4.

Leave the EU to end Austerity

If you join a union you expect members of the union to protect each other in times of trouble. The European Union has done the opposite. It has used the economic crisis to impose austerity and privatization on member states. Instead of protecting jobs and investment EU austerity is driving UK austerity. 5.

Leave the EU to stop the attack on our NHS

The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) trade agreement being negotiated between the EU and the United States will promote big business at the expense government protections and organisations including our NHS! Environmental regulations, employment rights, food safety, privacy laws and many other safeguards will also be secondary to the right of corporations to make even bigger profits. 6.

Leave the EU to support democracy

The vast majority of the laws that affects our lives are now made in the EU and not the UK. We have no say over those Laws. As the late Tony Benn said in 1991… “We are discussing whether the British people are to be allowed to elect those who make the laws under which they are governed. The argument is nothing to do with whether we should get more maternity leave from Madame Papandreou [a European Commissioner].”

RMT will be promoting the six key points direct to members across all sectors of the transport industry through the union’s RMT NEWS, through branches and reps and through the union’s social media platforms.

RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said: “RMT is proud to stand up for the tradition of progressive and socialist opposition to the European Union, an organisation wedded to privatisation, austerity and attacking democracy.

Information taken from many BREXIT posts over the last few weeks. Issue 1 - 4th May 2016

“It would be frankly ludicrous for a union like ours to support staying in a bosses club that seeks to ban the public ownership of our railways, attacks the shipping and offshore sectors and embraces the privatisation of the NHS and other essential services that our members depend on. “RMT has set out the six core reasons for our members to vote to leave and we will be campaigning hard on this platform.” Ends .................................................................................................................................... The Coudenhove-Kalergi plan – The genocide of the Peoples of Europe .................................................................................................................................... I watched a video of a professor of economics the other day and he reckons that the cost of living will fall by 8 percent if we leave. .................................................................................................................................... EU policies threaten to cost Britain £9,265 per household annually!!!!! This is more realistic than the silly figures Osborne announced today! We really need to be out! .................................................................................................................................... REPORT: EU INTENTIONALLY COLLAPSING EUROPEAN COUNTRIES WITH ILLEGALS The 'Kalergi Plan' Started in the 70 Various high ranking officials in the EU are alleged to be working to this plan. We need to be out of the EU ASAP! And ....... Information taken from many BREXIT posts over the last few weeks. Issue 1 - 4th May 2016

The Coudenhove-Kalergi plan – The genocide of the Peoples of Europe .................................................................................................................................... The EU …. A long time friend of mine recently asked me “OK, we leave the EU? Then what?”, which, to be honest, is a perfectly reasonable question. I pondered this for some time and have come to the conclusion that its not so much “then what”, so much as “so what”. Every few years we have a general election, and people always say the same thing: “it doesn't matter who you vote for; you always get the Government”. I wonder what the likes of Emily Pankhurst would say if she could now see how little, everything she worked so how for, counted. How little your vote matters to the political outcomes we get. Historically, when we have asked the In / Out question, political divides as diametrically opposed as Tony Benn and Enoch Powell have argued that, at first the Common Market, then the EEC, and latterly the EU, have undermined the fundamental principals of Democracy. We hear Politicians in this day and age, shouting from the rooftops that we will burn in a shower of flames, and be reduced to nothing more than an isolated banana republic should we leave the EU. Of course we do; they don't believe in Democracy. Neither too the Bankers, the Union Leaders, nor the Business Leaders, nor many, many more shouting like Private Fraser “We're all doomed”. Tony Benn, and Enoch Powell, whilst clearly opposed politically, understood and profoundly believed in Democracy: the idea that YOUR VOTE MATTERED. That you granted politicians, through your vote, an opportunity to represent you, to change things for the better, on the understanding that if they failed to do so you could “turf 'em out” and get a new “bunch” to try it in a different way. Heck, even Jeremy Corbyn believed it until recently ! The current crop of Politicians DO NOT believe in this system of Democracy. They can say, with impunity “we can't change this, or that, its EU regulations”, and yet, over time, we've all become accustomed to our dwindling Democratic ability to change the status quo. Information taken from many BREXIT posts over the last few weeks. Issue 1 - 4th May 2016

Of course Politicians don't want to change it. After they leave Parliament they'll move to a European company that awards them a huge salary paid for by awarding low pay to their workers. The Trades Unions want the status quo, if they didn't they'd be out of work with nobody to represent, whilst awarding themselves very comfortable salaries and pensions (their hypocrisy is staggering; Bob Crow anybody?). Business Leaders don't want it; free movement of people allows them to control the wage market on an intercontinental scale. It's no wonder that gap between the most wealthy and the most poor continues to grow at an alarming rate. In a Democracy, your vote should matter. Please don't complain that “it doesn't matter who we vote for; we always get the Government”. It is, very simply, because the machine is so vast, so empowered, and so self interested. On June 23rd we can say to the British Government “we remember when our vote meant something”. In leaving the EU we have the power to make EVERY politician quake in their boots at the thought that they are answerable to each and every one of you at the next general election. That they wont be able to blame the EU for problems. They will have to answer to you, and the power that the likes of Emily Pankhurst worked so hard for all of us to have. The power that great political minds like Tony Benn and Enoch Powell so eloquently understood and espoused. This is more than a vote about whether there is too much immigration, or even whether jobs might be affected, or how we will trade with the world, or whether we'll go to hell in a hand cart, or stand proudly independently on the world stage. It's about whether we care if we live in a Democracy any longer. Whether your vote matters. Whether you have the power to change who governs, and how they govern. We have fought, and many died, for the freedoms we have. Our systems of governance, law, education, poetry, science, literature, engineering, pioneering, innovation have shaped the world. Historically, our politicians have represented their electorate not themselves. That's changed. Let's change it back. (Toby Grist) ....................................................................................................................................

Information taken from many BREXIT posts over the last few weeks. Issue 1 - 4th May 2016

I voted to go in an EU trading partnership and not a Political Union. We got lied to and in my view the UK has suffered immensely and in my opinion, it will get worse. We've already decided we don't want this and will vote out. Obviously the Kinnock family are joining the in campaign, as they will lose millions of pounds if their gravy train comes to an end. And I doubt anyone has told Obama what the real facts are. The USA wouldn't allow their sovereignty to be taken away in a million years, so why should we? In my view I want our UK back as we are strong anyway and can stand on our own two feet. Now we're back in the UK, we can see everything falling apart. Jobs, Police, Local Councils, NHS, highways, etc. We could fix all of it with the £55 million a day we waste on the EU. ....................................................................................................................................

Another reason to LEAVE EU: How Britons will be £40 a week better off if we go it alone LEAVING the European Union would save the average person £40 a week by cutting the price of goods ranging from food to cars and fridges, economists said yesterday. .................................................................................................................................... There are huge economic benefits from coming out of the EU. – We stop paying a net £70 billion membership fee over the next five years to Brussels. . Every single penny of that £70billion has to be borrowed, added to our state debt of £1.7 trillion and from the first minute adding interest to that debt, a double Information taken from many BREXIT posts over the last few weeks. Issue 1 - 4th May 2016

whammy. – We can say no to millions of low wage , low skill EU immigrants who are depressing wages of low paid British workers and creating chaos in state services such as the NHS and education and overloading the state infrastructure. 630000 EU nationals given new NI numbers in the year to December, 209000 to Bulgarians and Romanians. 2613/nino-registrations-adult-overseas-nationals-feb-2016.pdf MigrationWatch says Brexit would cut net immigration by 100,000 a year – , . NI data suggests the cut would be substantially higher than that and would relieve pressure on hospitals, schools, infrastructure, jobs, wages and state finances. –

– - We get out of the protectionist and bureaucratic common agricultural policy, allowing us to recoup the £50 billion opportunity cost of CAP membership that we will incur over the next five years, for example by sourcing cheaper food from the rest of the world through free trade treaties instead of applying high EU tariffs. – – We get back our UK fishing grounds, 70% handed over to the EU, gaining us £15 billion over the next five years. – – We set our own trade treaties and exit the protectionist and bureaucratic single market which costs business tens of billions of pounds a year and which have saddled us with a £89 billion annual trade deficit with the EU, , despite proof that EU setting our trade treaties and the single market are bad for British business. . 200 SME's have recently signed a letter to Cameron endorsing Brexit. – We will continue to have major foreign direct investment into the UK. The $830 billion Norwegian sovereign fund says it might invest more after Brexit HSBC will stay after Brexit, Honda, Hitachi, Toyota, Nissan, Vauxhall will all stay here, Avon has just announced it is setting up its global HQ in the UK so it's not worried about Brexit. Neither are 73% of Chief Financial Information taken from many BREXIT posts over the last few weeks. Issue 1 - 4th May 2016

Officers who say Brexit will not affect their UK investment decisions – As for the City, there's growing consensus there that it will prosper outside the EU! Away from EU power grabs. – . Deutsche Boerse is so relaxed about potential Brexit it wants to merge with the London Stock Exchange. – We can set our own energy policy instead of following the costly carbon emissions laws set by the EU The EU is collapsing economically because of a dysfunctional currency, protectionism and bureaucracy, it's got deflation and minimal economic growth, why attach ourselves to,that economic carcass? So Brexit will benefit Britain economically, business costs will fall, global business will still invest here, food prices will fall, we will get the controlled immigration we need, state spending will fall, we set our trade treaties and we are freed from single market bureaucracy. .................................................................................................................................... If you have an EU passport you can come and go as you like. Bombers did in Paris Brussels and immigrants in Cologne Germany were welcomed then 100 raped women in the street. We need better control of our borders without doubt. We need to let in only those we want. 300,000 pa is a large city, How many hospitals schools houses needed? We are one of the most densely populated areas in the world. There are over 900 no go areas in the UK occupied by descendants of immigrants. Last week police were chased out of an area in London. Get a grip and vote OUT. .................................................................................................................................... This programme shows how we were deceived about the EU by many politicians who have and are giving away our sovereignty. I urge you to watch it and get the full facts before voting. I am sure that anyone having watched this will vote to BREXIT. .................................................................................................................................... Information taken from many BREXIT posts over the last few weeks. Issue 1 - 4th May 2016

EU MYTHS EXPOSED [The lies in Cameron's pro EU booklet] 1] ''WE GET EU FUNDING'' - NO There's no such thing as EU funding. It's OUR money after they've taken a fat cut out of it to pay towards the salaries of 30,000 EUrocrats. We give the EU a £1,000,000 net every hour 24 hours a day 7 days a week. How much better for us to spend that money on our things like the NHS ourselves 2] ''THE EU HAS KEPT THE PEACE IN EUROPE'' - NO That is down to Germany being a democracy since 1945 & NATO. 3] ''WE NEED TO BE IN THE EU TO BE SECURE' - NO Open borders has made us less secure. Would you feel more secure if you left your front door open? Page 45 (Section 2.90) of the Government's own report published in 2014: 'Single Market: Free Movement of Persons' states that:Free movement within the EU is extensively exploited by organised criminals to bring illicit commodities including drugs, human trafficking victims, illegal immigrants and counterfeit goods to the UK. Spain, Italy, Belgium and the Netherlands are key entry and distribution hubs for drugs and other illicit goods before they reach the UK’s shores. Europol highlights that ‘the free movement of people and goods across the EU’s internal borders reduces the chance of detection’. So how come David Cameron et al are now claiming that 'we are safer in the EU'? The premise becomes even more outrageous in view of the events in Paris during 2015; open borders apparently allowed free movement of at least one of the terrorists arriving in Greece and then travelling freely around Europe.

Information taken from many BREXIT posts over the last few weeks. Issue 1 - 4th May 2016

4] ''WE STILL CONTROL OUR BORDERS'' - NO Our not being in the Schengen zone only means we can check the passports of 505m citizens. But we cannot decide on who we let in. Whether they have a job or money or even a clean criminal record. It is an open border. 5] ''3M JOBS DEPEND ON EU MEMBERSHIP'' - NO 3m jobs depend on a trade agreement. The EU is the worst trade deal in the world. There's no need for us to pay ÂŁ1m an hour net to the EU & to have surrendered our democracy & a 1000 years of independence to Brussels & open our borders to poor ex Communist just to have trade. No nation outside of the EU surrenders its sovereignty to other nations to trade with them or to be in a tradeblock with them. 180 countries around the world trade with Europe but are not ruled by it. Besides EU open border policy means 3m migrants have come here & taken 3m jobs & 1.5m homes ! 6] ''WORKERS RIGHTS WILL NOT BE PROTECTED IF WE LEAVE THE EU'' - NO Britain led the way in workers rights, trade unionism, employment law etc long before the EU 7] ''WE HAVE A STRONG VOICE IN EUROPE'' - NO As the expansionist EU sucks in more & more countries the more drowned out our voice becomes. As it is we're outvoted 86% of the time > We've lost our veto in most areas of policy due to the Lisbon treaty, so we're unable to block the most damaging EU legislation thrust upon us.

Information taken from many BREXIT posts over the last few weeks. Issue 1 - 4th May 2016

8] ''FAMILIES WILL BE WORSE OFF IF WE LEAVE THE EU'' - NO They're worse off in. a) Each working couple pay approximately £800 a year in EU contributions. b) Food is dearer in the EU because the EU Common Agricultural Policy [CAP] protection racket makes food imports from outside the EU much dearer. This is very hard on poor African countries. And we subsidise inefficient French farmers. We pay £6bn a year to CAP but British farmers only receive £2bn back. c) Fish is dearer as we've given away 80% of fish that swim in our waters d) Products cost more to make in the EU due to red tape so the manufacturer has to pass this onto the consumer e) House prices & rents have been driven up due to the huge demand caused by mass immigration. f) Wages for low paid people have been driven down by cheap imported labour g) Our taxes could be lower if the government didn't have to pay for all the new hospitals, schools, road capacity etc needed for these millions of low paid migrants who hardly pay any tax towards these things. The only people better off in the EU are career politicians, low wage employers & slumlords We only need a trade agreement with Europe. Not to be ruled by it. Vote "remain in" = Britain will disappear within a borderless superstate overrun with unlimited numbers of migrants. Vote "leave" = British people will regain control of the UK. It's a simple and stark choice. VOTE LEAVE. Please watch this before you decide which way to vote in 23rd June 50 YEARS OF LABCON TREACHERY & DECEPTION .................................................................................................................................... Information taken from many BREXIT posts over the last few weeks. Issue 1 - 4th May 2016

JONATHAN PRYNN - Friday 29 April 2016

City figures argued Brussels' meddling could threaten the Square Mile Glenn Copus / Evening Standard More than 100 leading City grandees have backed the Vote Leave campaign arguing that Brussels meddling represents “a genuine threat” to Britain’s financial services industry.

Information taken from many BREXIT posts over the last few weeks. Issue 1 - 4th May 2016

Senior figures from the worlds of banking, stockbroking, insurance and fund management said in a letter to the Standard that the Square Mile “can thrive and grow outside the European Union”. The signatories include respected names such as former chairman of the LIFFE futures exchange Sir Brian Williamson, hedge fund bosses Paul Marshall, chairman and founding partner of Marshall Wace, and Kevin Pakenham, co-founder of Pakenham Partners, and Melanie Hampton, managing director of insurance brokers Alexander Miller. Many well-known campaigners for Brexit who also signed the letter include former HSBC chief Michael Geoghegan, Dominic Burke, group chief executive of insurance broker Jardine Lloyd Thompson, and Crispin Odey, founding partner of Odey Asset Management. Former Tory party treasurer Peter Cruddas, founder of online trading company CMC Markets, is also on the list. All 110 said they were signing the letter in a personal capacity rather than on behalf of their businesses “as individuals active in the City of London and UK financial services who share a strong personal commitment to the world’s most vibrant financial centre.” They added: “We believe the City is most likely to strengthen its lead as the world’s largest international financial centre, and continue to make a major contribution to the UK economy and employment, outside the EU but with continued access to its capital markets.” The move is designed to counter the impression that the City “Establishment” is overwhelmingly in favour of a Remain referendum vote on June 23. A number of leading City figures, including current HSBC bosses Douglas Flint and Stuart Gulliver, and Stock Exchange chief Xavier Rolet, signed a pro-Remain letter to The Times in February. But according to today’s signatories “there is scant evidence that the EU will foster or Information taken from many BREXIT posts over the last few weeks. Issue 1 - 4th May 2016

support the kind of innovation which is essential if Europeans are to compete with the rest of the world. “Specifically, we worry that the EU’s approach to regulation now poses a genuine threat to our financial services industry and to the competitiveness of the City of London.” Vote Leave chief executive Matthew Elliott said: “Far from the picture of gloom painted by the Government, it is clear the City of London would not only retain its pre-eminence as the world’s most important financial centre, but would also thrive after freeing herself from the EU’s regulatory shackles.” .................................................................................................................................... I found a great site that answers all those awkward questions and exposes the IN crowd's weak arguments for staying in. I'm more determined than ever to vote out, the more I uncover about all the lies and deceit given to us by our leaders. (Of the two main parties at least). Those same leaders that should be getting us out of the EU if they cared about the UK and our future. Please save our country and vote OUT. ....................................................................................................................................

Information taken from many BREXIT posts over the last few weeks. Issue 1 - 4th May 2016

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