The Aging Life Care Association® (ALCA) is pleased to present this directory as a guide for individuals and families who are navigating the journey of caregiving and aging with dignity. Our members are here to support you.
Aging Life Care Professionals® practice holistic, client-centered Aging Life Care™ management for older adults or anyone faced with ongoing health challenges. Their expertise and guidance lead families to make the right decisions, ensuring quality care and an optimal life for those they love. Working with an ALCA member can reduce worry and stress for family caregivers in times of uncertainty. Our members are supported by ALCA’s Partners, who provide services and products related to elder care.
I am honored to serve as CEO of this association and to represent our members—the experts in aging well®. In these pages you will find Aging Life Care Professionals with extensive backgrounds in social services, health, and aging who offer personalized and compassionate services. Whether you are in urgent need or are planning ahead, ALCA members and partners are here to help.
It has been my distinct honor to serve the Mid-Atlantic Chapter over the last 2 years as President. As I prepare to embark on my 3rd and final year in this role, I find myself reflecting on what has made the greatest impression on me during my time in leadership with ALCA. Without a doubt, it is the volunteers.
On behalf of the Aging Life Care Association®’s Mid-Atlantic Chapter Board, I want to thank all of the Chapter volunteers. A dedicated handful of volunteers—both ALCMs and corporate partners—spend countless hours ensuring that we all have access to the benefits of Aging Life Care Association® membership. Through committee work, unit leadership and board participation, they are the spirit and lifeblood of our Chapter. I want to extend a special thank you to our Unit Leaders. Our most engaged members say that the opportunity to build relationships with other ALCMs, participate in peer review and receive education on topics of interest and community resources at the unit level is the most important benefit of membership.
This directory is full of talented professionals—both Aging Life Care Managers and the Corporate Partners who help us care for our clients. I would encourage you to pay special attention to the volunteers who are not only practicing their craft, but making time to help all of us thrive.
The Aging Life Care Association® Mid-Atlantic Chapter does not endorse or recommend any commercial products, processes, or services. Therefore, mention of commercial products, processes, or services in Aging Life Care Association® Mid-Atlantic Chapter Resource Directory, cannot be construed as an endorsement or recommendation.
Aging Life Care™ / geriatric care management is a holistic, client-centered approach to caring for older adults or others facing ongoing health challenges.
What is an Aging Life Care Professional®?
An Aging Life Care Professional®, also known as a geriatric care manager, is a health and human services specialist who acts as a guide and advocate for families who are caring for older relatives or disabled adults. The Aging Life Care Professional is educated and experienced in any of several fields related to aging life care / care management, including, but not limited to gerontology, nursing, social work, psychology or occupational therapy.
The Aging Life Care Professional assists clients in attaining their maximum functional potential. The individual’s independence is encouraged, while safety and security concerns are also addressed. Aging Life Care Professionals have extensive knowledge about the costs, quality and availability of resources in their communities.
Aging Life Care Professionals are members of the Aging Life Care Association® (ALCA) and differ from Patient Advocates, Senior Advisors, Senior Navigators and Elder Advocates. ALCA members must meet the stringent education, experience and certification requirements of the organization, and all members are required to adhere to a strict code of ethics and standards of practice.
Aging Life Care Professionals provide guidance to help families ensure quality care and an optimal life for those they love through:
• Assessment and monitoring
• Planning and problem-solving
• Education and advocacy
• Family caregiver coaching
• Long-distance caregiving
Aging Life Care Professionals are engaged to assist in a variety of areas, such as:
• Housing – helping families evaluate and select the appropriate level of housing or residential options.
• Home care services – determining the types of services that are right for a client and assisting the family to engage and monitor those services.
• Medical management – attending doctor appointments; facilitating communication between doctor, client and family; and if appropriate, monitoring client’s adherence to medical orders and instructions.
• Communication – keeping family members and professionals informed as to the well-being and changing needs of the client.
• Social activities – providing opportunities for the client to engage in social, recreational or cultural activities that enrich quality of life.
• Legal – referring to or consulting with an elder law attorney; providing expert opinions for courts in determining level of care.
• Financial – may include reviewing or overseeing bill paying or consulting with an accountant or client’s Power of Attorney.
• Entitlements – providing information on Federal and state entitlements; connecting families to local programs.
• Safety and security – monitoring the client at home; recommending technologies to add to security
or safety; observing changes and potential risks of exploitation or abuse.
• Long-distance care – coordinating the care of a loved one for families that live at a distance, including crisis management. Local, cost-effective resources are identified and engaged as needed.
A care plan tailored for each individual’s circumstances is prepared after a comprehensive assessment.
You may need an Aging Life Care Professional if:
• The person you are caring for has limited or no family support.
• Your family has just become involved with helping the individual and needs direction about available services.
• The person you are caring for has multiple medical or psychological issues.
• The person you are caring for is unable to live safely in his/her current environment.
• Your family is either “burned out” or confused about care solutions.
• Your family has limited time and/or expertise in dealing with your loved ones’ chronic care needs.
• Your family is at odds regarding care decisions.
• The person you are caring for is confused about his/her own financial and/or legal situation.
• Your family needs education and/or direction in dealing with behaviors associated with dementia.
• You live at a distance from your loved one.
Aging Life Care Professionals® (also known as geriatric care managers) have varied educational and professional backgrounds with a specialized focus on issues associated with aging and disabilities. Through consultation, assessment, care coordination and advocacy, an Aging Life Care Professional works with clients and families to address these challenges. The Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice were developed to guide the Aging Life Care Professional in his or her daily professional and business practices. The ethical principles at the core of the Code of Ethics are the foundation for the Standards of Practice.
ALCA members recognize diversity in our society and embrace a multi-cultural approach to support the worth, dignity, potential and uniqueness of each client. The Code of Ethics acknowledges the vulnerable population we serve and makes explicit the highest standards of practice.
The Code of Ethics sets a national standard for the professional practice of Aging Life Care™. It defines for the public the ethical responsibilities expected of ALCA’s members and the organization’s role in maintaining the highest standards of practice and promotion of ethical behavior.
ALCA recognizes the diversity of the experience and education of its members and the needs of members for guidance in both their professional and business roles, and thus the Code of Ethics was developed to guide members in each of these roles. It states the core values and principles
to current and future members, to the public, and to allied professionals. All members of ALCA are expected to understand and behave in a manner that is consistent with the provisions of the Code of Ethics.
The Code of Ethics offers a framework for ethical decisionmaking when conflicts arise in either the practice or the business of Aging Life Care. It assists Aging Life Care Professionals in examining the ethical issues present in all aspects of their work by identifying what principles need to be considered and how to prioritize them when it is necessary to make a choice. It asks Aging Life Care Professionals to be aware of their own biases as they seek to resolve ethical dilemmas.
In ALCA’s Peer Review Process the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice serve as the basis for assessing and resolving ethical or business practice complaints against members in their practice of Aging Life Care.
An Aging Life Care Professional is honest, diligent, and accountable in the provision of service. An Aging Life Care Professional always acts in a manner that is consistent with the professional values stated in this Code.
An Aging Life Care Professional is trustworthy and dependable in all aspects of both professional and business relationships. An Aging Life Care Professional maintains confidentiality, avoids conflicts of interest, and always pursues the best interest of clients.
An Aging Life Care Professional promotes clients’ interests, values, and welfare in order to maximize benefits and avoid harm. An Aging Life Care Professional is aware of potential conflicts that may arise when balancing the benefits and risks of interventions being considered. An Aging Life Care Professional
strives to assure that vulnerable clients’ individual choices are maximized to the greatest extent possible.
An Aging Life Care Professional treats clients with respect, as complete individuals with their own history, narrative, and unique cultural identity. An Aging Life Care Professional respects the rights of each client, including the right to privacy, and, for the vulnerable client, strives to balance client autonomy with the need for protection and safety.
An Aging Life Care Professional behaves in a just and fair way in all professional and business relationships. An Aging Life Care Professional does not promote or sanction any form of discrimination such as discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, or socioeconomic status.
Sandy Myers Member-at-large
Heather Reilly Member-at-large
LionHeart Eldercare and Consulting Northern Virginia Unit
Heidi Garvis Caring Considerations Northern Virginia Unit
Mary Ann Buckley
Corewood Care DC Metro Unit
Margi Helsel Arnold
Geriatric Care Counseling DC Metro Unit
Baltimore Unit
Rebecca Roskey-Brunner Complete Care Strategies
Philadelphia Unit
Lisa Grillo
Catholic Housing and Community Services - Philadelphia Unit
Karen McPhail Eldementals Virtual Unit
Allyson Stanton Stanton Aging Solutions Baltimore Unit
Rebecca Roskey Brunner
Lisa Grillo
Heidi Garvis
Marie Woodard
Heather Suri
The Aging Life Care Association® (ALCA) offers several levels of individual membership and benefits that respond to the needs of Aging Life Care Professionals™ at every step of their careers.
The profession of Aging Life Care® / geriatric care management is growing and different professionals within the field have different levels of experience, education and certification that support their practice. ALCA is proactively meeting the needs of the profession by creating membership categories that recognize high certification standards and professionalism, while also being inclusive to allow all practitioners of Aging Life Care/care management a home within ALCA. The end goal of ALCA and all its members is improved service and quality of life for older adults and their families.
Advanced Professional Members must:
• Hold a Bachelor’s, Master’s or Ph.D. with at least one degree in a field related to Aging Life Care/ care management (i.e. counseling, gerontology, mental health, nursing, occupational therapy, physical therapy, psychology or social work);
• Be primarily engaged in a paid position in the direct practice, administration or supervision of client-centered services to the elderly and their families;
• Have two years of post-degree supervised experience in a paid position in the field of Aging Life Care/ care management within the last ten years; and
• Hold a current ALCA-approved certification.
Professionals can also qualify for the Advanced Membership level if they hold a Bachelor’s, Master’s or Ph.D. degree in
• Advanced Professional - AVP
• Professional - PRO
• Associate - ASC
• Student - STU
• Emeritus - EMR
a field unrelated to Aging Life Care/care management. However, these members must meet all of the other criteria outlined above, and they must have three years of post-degree supervised experience in the field of Aging Life Care/care management within the last ten years.
The Advanced Professional level also includes members designated as Fellows of the Leadership Academy.
Professional Members must:
• Hold an Associate’s, Bachelor’s, Master’s or Ph.D. degree with at least one degree held in a field related to Aging Life Care/care management (i.e. counseling, gerontology, mental health, nursing, occupational therapy, physical therapy, psychology or social work);
• Be primarily engaged in a paid position in the direct practice, administration or supervision of client-centered services to the elderly and their families; and
• Have two years of post-degree supervised experience in a paid position in the field of Aging Life Care/care management within the last ten years.
Members may also qualify if they hold an Associate’s Nursing degree or Diploma in Nursing and meet all of the other criteria outlined above.
Practitioners can also qualify for the Professional Membership level if they hold a Bachelor’s, Master’s or Ph.D. degree in a field unrelated to Aging Life Care/care management. However, these members must meet all of the other criteria outlined above, and they must have three years of post-degree supervised experience in the field of Aging Life Care/care management within the last ten years.
• Hold an Associate’s, Bachelor’s, Master’s or Ph.D. degree;
• Be primarily engaged in a paid position in the direct practice, administration or supervision of client-centered services to the elderly and their families.
Members may also qualify if they hold an Associate’s Nursing degree or Diploma in Nursing and meet all of the other criteria outlined above.
Practitioners can also qualify if they hold an LPN, PTA or OTA license and meet all of the other criteria outlined above.
A member who is presently enrolled in an undergraduate, graduate or certificate program from an accredited University or College with an interest in Aging Life Care/care management. Members must show proof of enrollment with each renewal.
A member who is retired from the active practice of Aging Life Care/ care management and has been an ALCA member in good standing at the Advanced level (formerly Certified Geriatric Care Manager) for a minimum of five (5) years.
Christine Bitzer
Teresa Boring
Seabury Resources for Aging (202) 364-0020 seaburycaremanagement.org AVP
Aging Well Eldercare (301) 593-5285 care-manager.com PRO
Ivy Gilmore Seabury Resources for Aging (202) 364-0020 seaburycaremanagement.org PRO
Tori Goldhammer
Erica Hanson
Irene Jackson-Brown
Living at Home Consultants, LLC (202) 642-6309 lahconsultations.com PRO
Aging Well Eldercare (301) 593-5285 care-manager.com AVP
The Art of Eldercare (202) 722-4205 theartofeldercare.com AVP
Monica Micklos Seabury Resources for Aging (202) 364-0020 seaburycaremanagement.org PRO
Betty Mizek
Care Management Group, LLC (202) 215-9209 caremgroupllc.com PRO Malika Moore
Aging & Amazing, LLC (202) 873-4252 agingamazing.com PRO Danishka Valdes
Susan Hammond
Seabury Resource for Aging (202) 364-0020 seaburycaremanagement.org PRO
Decisions 4 Life, LLC (302) 528-3789 decisions4life.com AVP
Lisa Kane Brandywine Elder Care Mgmt, LLC (888) 721-1975 BrandywineECM.com PRO Faith Patterson
The Option Group (302) 858-6449 theoptiongroup.net PRO
Suzanne Wiesenberg Senior Care Management Partners, LLC (484) 459-1342 PRO
Stacy Alcide
The Option Group (410) 667-0266 theoptiongroup.net AVP Anne Arrington Montcordia (240) 739-2658 montcordia.com PRO
Bree Baldwin Aging Well Eldercare (301) 593-5285 care-manager.com PRO Jasmine Blue Aging Well Eldercare (301) 593-5285 care-manager.com ASC Mary Ann Buckley Corewood Care (301) 909-8117 corewoodcare.com AVP Michelle Burchick Compassionate Care for Seniors, LLC (301) 821-7591 compassionatecareforseniors.com PRO
Christine Callahan Maryland Senior Concierge Services (301) 452-5730 mdseniorhelp.com ASC Lynn Carr Alliance in Aging (410) 507-0915 allianceinaging.com AVP
Leslie Clarke Aging Network Services (301) 657-4329 agingnetworkservices.com PRO Ann Craynon Ann Craynon, ElderCare Solutions (301) 218-0958 acElderCareSolutions.com AVP
Michael DeSarno
Aging Well Eldercare (301) 593-5285 care-manager.com PRO
Mary Faith Ferretto Ferretto Eldercare Consulting, Inc. (410) 661-6720 ferrettoeldercare.com AVP
Beverly Francis Ferretto Eldercare Consulting, Inc. (410) 661-6720 ferrettoeldercare.com AVP
Tracey Franz Ferretto Eldercare Consulting, Inc. (410) 661-6720 ferrettoeldercare.com PRO
Rebekah Goetz Montcordia (240) 331-5627 montcordia.com PRO Felice Grunberger Felice Grunberger, LCSW-C, C-ASWCM (301) 593-4738 AVP
Jennifer Hartman
Aging Grace Advisors, LLC (301) 525-1775 ASC Margi Helsel-Arnold Geriatric Care Counseling (301) 320-5380 gercare.com AVP
Vanessa Hughes AVP
Vicky Hulcher
Compassionate Care for Seniors, LLC (301) 996-3130 CompassionateCareforSeniors.com AVP
Patricia Jacobs Button Up LLC (732) 535-8441 npocfa.org ASC
Tova Jussim
Amy Kandel
Lisa Kovens-Harris
Care Matters For You (410) 645-0010 caremattersforyou.com PRO
Aging Well Eldercare (301) 593-5285 care-manager.com ASC
Ferretto Eldercare Consulting, Inc. (410) 661-6720 ferrettoeldercare.com ASC
Grace Liebermann Ferretto Eldercare Consulting, Inc. (410) 661-6720 ferrettoeldercare.com PRO
Yocheved Lieder Elder Care Leaders (443) 340-0594 eldercareleaders.biz PRO
Susan Lilly Aging Well Eldercare (301) 593-5285 care-manager.com AVP
Robin Mansfield Aging Network Services (301) 657-4329 agingnetworkservices.com PRO
Leslie Mason Seabury Resources for Aging (202) 364-0020 seaburycaremanagement.org PRO
Kate McCulloch
Aging Well Eldercare (301) 593-5285 care-manager.com ASC Michelle McGrath Seabury Resources for Aging (202) 364-0020 seaburycaremanagement.org PRO
Wendy Miller
Kathleen Morris
Susy Elder Murphy
Melissa Needleman
Susan Newhouse
Jodi Pasternak
Annapolis Senior Care Solutions (410) 834-1452 annapolisseniors.com PRO
Aging Well Eldercare (301) 593-5285 care-manager.com ASC
Aging Well Eldercare (301) 593-5285 care-manager.com AVP
Aging Network Services (301) 657-4329 agingnetworkservices.com PRO
Senior Solutions, LLC (443) 845-0025 seniorsolutions-baltimore.com AVP
Compassionate Care for Seniors (301) 742-1468 compassionatecareforseniors.com AVP
Mary Petrizzo Compassionate Care for Seniors (240) 688-8059 compassionatecareforseniors.com PRO
Kim Picca
Aging Well Eldercare (301) 593-5285 care-manager.com PRO Ellen Platt The Option Group (410) 667-0266 theoptiongroup.net AVP
Carla Rawlings-Rye Seabury Resources for Aging (202) 364-0020 seaburycaremanagement.org PRO Ann Marie Riehl Ferretto Eldercare Consulting, Inc (410) 661-6720 ferrettoeldercare.com PRO
Jill Rosner
Rosner Healthcare Navigation (410) 591-6378 rosnerhealthcarenavigation.com AVP
Anita Rothwell Rothwell Care Management (202) 368-8042 RothwellCareManagement.com PRO
Jennifer Rynbrandt Ferretto Eldercare Consulting, Inc (410) 661-6720 ferrettoeldercare.com AVP
Jennifer Sapp Aging Services Management, LLC (301) 219-7645 agingservicesmanagement.com PRO
Jennifer Sapp Seabury Resources for Aging (202) 364-0020 seaburycaremanagement.org PRO Heidi Schnapp LMR Elder Care, LLC (973) 533-0839 lmreldercare.com AVP
Erin Seigel Corewood Care (240) 314-9297 corewoodcare.com PRO
Timna Shaw
Rosner Healthcare Navigation (410) 259-8877 rosnerhealthcarenavigation.com AVP
Aging Well Eldercare (301) 593-5285 care-manager.com PRO Wanda Smith JW Smith LLC (240) 375-6440 PRO Karen Sorensen Ella Stewart Care (443) 841-8960 ellastewartcare.com ASC
Jennifer Sherwood
Allyson Stanton Stanton Aging Solutions (443) 812-1028 stantonagingsolutions.com PRO
LaKeisha Swan
Aging Well Eldercare (301) 593-5285 care-manager.com ASC
Jacqueline Tangires
The Option Group (410) 667-0266 theoptiongroup.net AVP
Robin Udell Aging Well Eldercare (301) 593-5285 care-manager.com ASC Amy Ullman Aging Well Eldercare (301) 593-5285 care-manager.com PRO
Jessica Young Ferretto Eldercare Consulting, Inc (410) 661-6720 ferrettoeldercare.com ASC
Catherine Abreu Navita Health Advocates, LLC (908) 528-3977 navitahealth.com PRO
Kelly Campbell Cardinal Lifecare Planning (724) 487-0519 cardinallifecare.com ASC
Kelly Castner GrayCare by Waverly Heights (610) 667-2838 graycaremanagement.com PRO Rhiann Condon A New Beginning Counseling Service, LLC (724) 504-1281 PRO
Aimee Lynn Curry SAGE Care Advisors (610) 212-3990 sagecareadvisors.com PRO Bonney Dahlgren DosSantos Kith Elder Care (215) 391-0038 kithcare.com AVP
Dana D’Amico Complete Care Strategies (610) 389-8841 completecarestrategies.com PRO Janice Duffin CareDirect (610) 649-2078 caredirect.net AVP
Elizabeth Dunleavy Kith Elder Care, LLC (215) 880-3541 kithcare.com AVP
Cynthia Ellis
Complete Care Strategies (610) 389-8841 completecarestrategies.com ASC
Senior Management Services (717) 235-3008 smseldercare.com PRO Helene Feldman Helene Feldman Inc./Elder Care Mgmt. (215) 483-1231 feldmancare.com AVP Michael Gallagher Geriatric Care Manager (814) 490-2760 AVP Kimberley Gately Brandywine Elder Care Mgmt, LLC (888) 721-1975 BrandywineECM.com PRO Lisa Grillo Catholic Social Services (610) 284-0497 PRO Aimee Gustitis Good Caregiver, LLC (610) 724-8950 goodcaregiver.net PRO Patricia Hanson IKOR of Western PA (412) 275-0345 ikorofwpa.com PRO
Laura Enslen
Beverly Bernstein Joie Complete Care Strategies (610) 265-4300 completecarestrategies.com AVP Sandra Katz Sandra Katz (610) 664-0565 sckphilly522@gmail.com PRO Erin Kershaw Brandywine Elder Care Management, LLC (888) 721-1975 BrandywineECM.com AVP
Virginia Kirk Complete Care Strategies (610) 389-8841 completecarestrategies.com PRO
Deborah Klock DLK Managed Care Solutions, Inc. (610) 631-5689 AVP
Kiralie Konde Generation Crossroads, LLC (267) 546-7551 generationcrossroads.com AVP Louise Kostick Senior Solutions (610) 258-0700 senior-solutions.com AVP Gary Kozick Gary Kozick Elder Care Solutions, LLC (215) 510-8901 garykozick.com PRO
Joan Krechmer
Points of Life Services LLC (717) 880-9420 jkkrechmer@gmail.com AVP Theresa Kuhar IKOR of Eastern Pennsylvania (267) 530-1709 ikorepa.com AVP
Mary Catherine Lain Brandywine Elder Care Mgmt, LLC (888) 721-1975 BrandywineECM.com AVP
C. Barbara LeMunyon Elder Care Advocacy Services, Inc. (215) 357-7200 ecasinc.org AVP Wendy Liebling Liebling Elder Care (610) 733-1473 AVP
Barbara Lyon BAL Eldercare Management, LLC (623) 824-9799 PRO Dolores Tracey Magid Complete Care Strategies (610) 265-4300 completecarestrategies.com AVP
Carole Mancini Newman Elder Law (215) 534-3612 newmanelderlaw.com PRO
Peggy McFarland Senior Management Services (800) 253-9236 smseldercare.com PRO
Marian Mullahy
Chestnut Hill Hospital, S.B.H.U. (610) 585-2709 chestnuthill.towerhealth.org AVP
Sandy Myers Brandywine Elder Care Mgmt, LLC (888) 721-1975 BrandywineECM.com AVP
Kristy Neff Holistic Aging (412) 486-6677 holisticaging.com AVP
Michael Newell LifeSpan Care Management LLC (800) 808-9844 LifeSpanCM.com AVP
Sonali (Soni) Pahade Aging Advisors (609) 815-5959 agingadvisors.com AVP
Jami Pazuchanics
Optimal Aging Advisors, LLC (724) 470-7517 optimalagingadvisors.com AVP
Holly Reigh A Ray of Care, LLC (814) 826-3926 arayofcare.com ASC
Heather Reilly
Patient Care Advocates (610) 856-1050 patientcareadvocates.com AVP
GrayCare by Waverly Heights (610) 667-2838 graycaremanagement.com AVP C. Denise Rissell
Katherine Rosenblatt Brandywine Elder Care Mgmt, LLC (888) 721-1975 brandywineecm.com PRO
Rebecca Roskey-Brunner
Complete Care Strategies (610) 265-4300 completecarestrategies.com AVP
Mindy Shaw (724) 787-0698 AVP
Jayma Sitton
Whole Senior Care, LLC (267) 997-8866 wholeseniorcare.com AVP
Cynthia Smith A New Beginning Counseling Service, LLC (724) 504-1281 AVP
Janelle Solomon Elevation Home Care Agency (267) 281-7755 elevationhca.com PRO
Deborah Soltis Soltis Senior Care Connections (814) 355-9434 soltisseniorcare.com AVP
Tammy Steier Avail Care Managers, LLC (717) 552-1883 availcare.com PRO
Debbie Thomas SAGE Care Advisors (610) 331-0036 sagecareadvisors.com PRO Susan Weiss-Cedillos AgeWise Family Services (215) 659-2111 agewisefamilyservices.com AVP
Kadie Whalen Complete Care Strategies (610) 389-8841 completecarestrategies.com PRO
Marian Worthington Worthington Home Care Agency, LLC (610) 489-4663 worthingtonhomecare.com AVP
Debbie Aggen Caring Considerations (571) 488-9396 caringconsiderations.com PRO
Kathleen Allen Senior Care Management Svcs., LLC (703) 329-0900 seniorcarems.com AVP
Simone Ampaah Independent You (703) 999-3006 independentyou.net ASC
Juyong Armstrong
GeriatriCare Management, Inc. (703) 313-6114 geriatricare.net PRO
Dawn Beninghove Companion Extraordinaire Home Care (804) 752-2205 cenninc.com PRO Kathleen Budzynski Independent You (703) 999-3006 independentyou.net AVP
Kate Caldwell
ElderTree Care Management (703) 424-7575 eldertreecare.com Fellow AVP
Carole Cameron Caring Considerations (571) 237-6158 caringconsiderations.com ASC Susan Cantrell Aging Life Matters (804) 640-3815 PRO
Sharyn Casapulla PRO
Lindsay Cavanah GeroPartners, LLC (804) 993-4304 geropartners.com PRO
Susan Coughlin Senior Care Solutions LLC (757) 705-6320 susan@seniorcaresolutionsllc.com AVP
Dana Cummings Pathways in Aging (703) 634-3879 pathwaysinaging.com ASC
Corrie Cyre Lighthouse Senior Care Consultants (904) 400-4600 lighthouseseniorcare.com ASC
Katie Davis Journey Together Home Care, LLC (804) 338-9030 journeytogetherhomecare.org ASC
Colleen Dennis Genworth Financial (804) 357-8896 genworth.com AVP
Megan Descutner Golden Pond Elder Care Strategies, LLC (703) 723-3737 goldenpondvirginia.com AVP
Barbie DeVellis Senior Care Consulting, LLC (540) 206-7758 roanokecaremanagement.com AVP
Memella Drake GeriatriCare Management (703) 313-6114 geriatricare.net PRO
Colleen Duewel LionHeart Eldercare & Consulting (703) 677-8319 lionhearteldercare.com AVP
Darby Duke Eldercare Specialists (415) 497-5605 elderspecialists.com AVP
Teresa Dunbar Golden Pond Elder Care Strategies, LLC (703) 723-3737 goldenpondvirginia.com AVP
Negar Ehsani
LionHeart Eldercare and Consulting (703) 677-8319 lionhearteldercare.com ASC
Nancy Fagan ElderTree Care Management (571) 528-2463 eldertreecare.com AVP
Heidi Garvis Caring Considerations (571) 437-9396 caringconsiderations.com AVP
Martha Gaston Seabury Resources for Aging (202) 364-0020 seaburycaremanagement.org PRO Karen Gerndt LionHeart Eldercare and Consulting (703) 677-8319 lionhearteldercare.com PRO
Diana Gilbert Independent You (703) 999-3006 independentyou.net AVP
Bianca Graham-Bruce LionHeart Eldercare and Consulting (703) 677-8319 lionhearteldercare.com PRO
Rebecca Grim Home Care Assistance of Richmond (804) 920-9652 homecareassistancerichmond.com AVP Kelly Halteh Independent You (703) 999-3006 independentyou.net PRO Suzanne Hanas Premier RN Geriatric Care (703) 416-0043 premiergeriatricrn.com PRO
Helen Hipps Independent You (703) 999-3006 independentyou.net AVP
Fred Jung Blue Ridge Eldercare Advisors, LLC (434) 465-4508 BlueRidgeElderCare.com PRO Marni Kayer Aging Advocates (251) 752-4424 youragingadvocate.com PRO
Megan Keaveney Lighthouse Senior Care Consultants (760) 447-4759 lighthouseseniorcare.com ASC
Wynter Kettlewell Commonwealth Care Management, LLC (540) 323-4929 AVP Courtney Lavander Lighthouse Senior Care Consultants (703) 282-2969 lighthouseseniorcare.com AVP
Joanne McCarty Independent You (703) 999-3006 independentyou.net AVP
Neda McGuire Aging Matters (540) 845-9291 agingmattersva.com PRO
Michele McLaughlin LionHeart Eldercare & Consulting (202) 413-2753 lionhearteldercare.com ASC Karen McPhail Eldementals, LLC (703) 399-4028 eldementals.com AVP
Robin McQuinn Pathways in Aging (703) 634-3879 pathwaysinaging.com ASC
Margaret Meyers River of Life Geriatric Family Care Services (540) 745-2848 ASC Cathy Moore Independent You (703) 999-3006 independentyou.net ASC
Irina Nikitina
Attenda Home Care (703) 608-8838 attendahomecare.com PRO
Cameron Oglesby Senior Insights (804) 270-3619 seniorinsights.com AVP
Alice Paxton Paladin Life Care (703) 879-6992 paladinlifecare.com ASC
Margaret Pemberton ElderCare Connections (540) 419-4387 eldercareva.com AVP
Courtney Petley GeroPartners, LLC (804) 993-4304 geropartners.com AVP
Cora Plass
Lionheart Eldercare & Consulting (703) 677-8319 lionhearteldercare.com ASC
Jennifer Ragsdale Care is There (434) 326-5323 careisthere.com PRO
Brenda Residovic Lighthouse Senior Care Consultants (724) 467-0477 lighthouseseniorcare.com ASC
Sara Roades Caring Considerations (571) 488-9396 caringconsiderations.com AVP
Sandi Rosengart Elder Care Consultants, Inc. (703) 904-0191 eldercc.com AVP
Vanessa Rosengart-Bishop Elder Care Consultants, Inc. (703) 904-0191 eldercc.com ASC
Elizabeth Shifflett
Premier RN Geriatric Care (703) 416-0043 premiergeriatricrn.com PRO Condalisa (Lisa) Smith Healthcare Transition Partners, LLC (703) 829-0379 healthtransitionp.com AVP
Wendy Smith Journeys Senior Solutions, LLC (540) 223-1144 AVP
Lisa Smith Commonwise Home Care (434) 422-8037 commonwisehomecare.com PRO
Jihan Starr Davenport Senior Connections, LLC (443) 717-2289 dscecc.com PRO
Heather Suri Pathways in Aging (703) 634-3879 pathwaysinaging.com AVP
Stephanie Thomopoulos GeriatriCare Management, Inc. (703) 313-6114 geriatricare.net AVP
Heidi Travis
ElderTree Care Management (703) 424-7575 eldertreecare.com AVP
Susan Von Hemert Susan Von Hemert, MSW (434) 953-4851 susanvonhemert.com ASC
Julia Widman Golden Pond Elder Care Strategies (703) 723-3737 goldenpondvirginia.com PRO
Shelle Wightman Lighthouse Senior Care Consultants (703) 440-2273 lighthouseseniorcare.com ASC
Brenda Wilson Brenda Wilson LifePath, LLC (434) 249-8240 BrendaWilsonLifePath.weebly.com PRO
Marie Woodard Independent You (703) 999-3006 independentyou.net AVP
Susanne Young LionHeart Eldercare & Consulting (703) 677-8319 lionhearteldercare.com AVP
Carine Chen-McLaughlin Ferretto Eldercare Consulting, Inc. (CA) PRO
Kim Evanoski Care Manage For All LLC (NY) (607) 280-1433 caremanageforall.com AVP
Mary Kate Kennedy 1 Link 4 Senior Care, Inc.(NJ) (856) 210-2204 1link4seniorcare.com
Barbara Kolonay Holistic Aging LLC (NC) (412) 486-6677 HolisticAging.com
Michael Newell LifeSpan Care Management LLC (NJ) (800) 808-9844 LifeSpanCM.com AVP
Sonali (Soni) Pahade Aging Advisors (NJ) (609) 815-5959 agingadvisors.com AVP
Carrie Watson Pathways in Aging (WA) (206) 412-2745 pathwaysinaging.com
When it comes to life’s biggest decisions, most challenging transitions, and largest opportunities, we generally turn to professionals for help. From planning a move to planning for the financial future, there are professionals who can help with every step of life’s journey.
With an increasing number of credentialed professionals specifically trained to meet a diverse array of needs, there is generally a professional for that— no matter what that is. Many of these professionals work directly with Aging Life Care Managers ® to help older adults achieve their best quality of life and to
deliver the best possible results for families. In fact, in many instances, care managers will recommend professionals who become a vital part of a client’s care team.
No matter what stage of life you find yourself in or what your age, there is never any reason to face life’s changes and challenges alone. Enlist the help of a professional and get the help you need.
Some of the more prominent categories of professionals are detailed below. The tables on the following pages list dozens of options that are available in these and other categories. For specific information on available services, please contact the individual providers.
Need to update your home to meet your changing needs? Want some help running errands? Have medical needs that require special equipment? There are individuals and businesses available to meet all your needs and allow you to remain safely in your home. Successfully aging in place frequently requires additional assistance from professionals to ensure that all daily needs are met and the home remains safe.
In today’s connected world, we are all accustomed to turning to technology for Continued on page 14
solutions. Help managing the challenges that come with aging or disability is no different. There are many technologies that can help you with all types of needs—from staying in contact with family to hearing better. Technology professionals can help clients find specific technologies that can improve their living environments and their lifestyles.
Moving is one of life’s most monumental tasks. Add in the fact that many seniors have been in their homes for two, three, or more decades, and moving becomes even more daunting. Whether you need to declutter and downsize in preparation for a move to a retirement community, or just have your home deep cleaned to provide a safer
living environment, there are professionals available to help. When it comes time to sell the family home, there are also professionals available to prepare the home and ensure that you get top market value.
Sometimes medical needs require the help of a specialist or a business that caters to specific conditions or illnesses. Professionals can help you with a wide range of needs—from vision services to hospice care to mental health care and everything in between.
Planning ahead for financial and legal needs is important at every stage
of life, but never more so than during retirement. Financial and legal needs frequently become more complex with age. You may need help with tasks ranging from paying bills and managing paperwork to estate planning and managing Medicaid. Professionals are available who specialize in each of these areas and can make meeting your financial and legal needs easy.
From Aging Life Care Managers to Elder Law Attorneys to assisted living and homecare providers, all professionals who work with senior clients and their families need specialized training to ensure that they have the most up-to-date information and education. Professionals who train their peers help to ensure that all seniors get the best possible assistance with all their needs.
cover the cost of healthcare.
An FHA-insured* Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) lets older adults access their home equity to help pay for healthcare expenses such as:
Since older adults’ healthcare needs often are sudden or unexpected, a HECM loan can be an effective way to reduce the burden of healthcare costs, and to ensure that funding is there when they need it—as they continue to live in and own their homes.
And unlike a traditional Home Equity Line of Credit, with a HECM there is a unique flexible repayment feature, which is designed to provide more financial freedom and less worries. As with any mortgage, you must meet your loan obligations, keeping current with property taxes, insurance, maintenance and any homeowners association (HOA) fees.
Call today to learn more about healthcare funding with a HECM.
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agency. © 2022 Reverse Mortgage Funding LLC, 1455 Broad St., 2nd Floor, Bloomfield, NJ 07003, 1-888-494-0882. Company NMLS ID # 1019941. www.nmlsconsumeraccess.org. Not all products and options are available in all states. Terms subject to change without
Certain conditions and fees apply. This is not a loan commitment. All loans subject to approval. L1503-Exp092023 Licensed by the New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance; Not intended for New York consumers.
If your family has decided that an older adult needs constant care and that living together is probably the best solution, then you may be wondering why any further discussion is necessary. Even if you think it isn’t, consider taking a few minutes to sit down with your loved-one to answer the following questions. Doing this may help prevent misunderstandings in the future.
1. Will home care still be used to care for a loved one? If not, who will take time from their career (family) to care for an aging parent? What will be the trigger to get professional help?
2. How will this affect lost income? Will that person be compensated by the family? Who will relieve the primary care provider when they need a break?
3. Is the home accessible: ramps, railings, stair lifts, spacious bathrooms, etc.? Will there need to be modifications/ renovation? How much will the modifications/renovation cost? Who will pay for them?
4. What is the budget for caregiving, room and board, etc.? Will you need to learn about Medicaid Community Based Services? What other services are needed?
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5. What training will the primary caregiver need? Who will pay for the training?
6. If there is dementia, wandering, or severe behavior issues that become unmanageable, how will they be handled?
7. How and who will be educated about dementia? Everyone in the family or only the primary care provider?
8. Will there always be joint (family) meals? How much time will be spent together daily, weekly, etc.?
9. What household space is available (or can be designated) for private, more
secluded time for everyone in the family?
How will grandparents interact with grandchildren or participate in discipline?
Do family members living together agree on the division of duties? Are there conflicts over tasks, duties & expectations?
Will the family be willing to or need to hire a professional counselor or mediator to resolve issues?
What will the older adult (e.g. grandparent) be able to contribute to the household activities?
Do the grandparents have local opportunities to engage with peers (e.g. senior center)?
15. What if an adult child needs to move? Is there a back-up plan?
We all have expectations and boundaries when living together. Communication early on may help set the stage for future
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conversations and negotiations.
If you find it difficult to come to a consensus, or you need help in exploring living and care options, contact us at 571-488-9396 | info@caringconsiderations.com
The National Aging Network, headed by the Administration on Aging, includes 56 state Agencies on Aging, 622 Area Agencies on Aging, and more than 260 Native American aging programs. All individuals age 60 and older are eligible for services through this network. Most services are delivered on the local level by Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs).
AAAs are public or private nonprofit agencies designated by a state to address the needs and concerns of all older
persons at the regional and local levels. AAAs operate in specific service areas that may include a city, county, or multi-county districts. AAA is a general term—names of local AAAs may vary
AAAs coordinate and offer services that help older adults remain in their homes or stay engaged in the community. Services vary widely, but a list of typical offerings is included below. By making a range of supports available, AAAs make it possible for older
individuals to choose the services and living arrangements that suit them best.
To help individuals find services, the federal government established the Eldercare Locator. The Eldercare Locator is a nationwide service that connects older Americans and their caregivers with trustworthy local support resources.
Older adults and caregivers should tap into these federal, state and local resources to get the help they need to age well or to care for an aging loved one.
for Senior Life is a network of vetted senior service-related professionals dedicated to helping seniors face the decisions associated with life transitions. The pillars of service include legal, health, financial, housing, and social.
goal is to empower the client and their family/caregivers to advocate for themselves. We help them to navigate the decision-making process, understand their options, and support them in making their own decisions.
enjoy their
with these
to the
Never want to move? Want to receive the care and support you need in the home you love? Whether you are committed to remaining in your longtime family home or an amenity rich apartment community, there are plenty of options for aging in place. Start here to find them all.
What aging in place options are available and how can they help me?
Home care is a large and diverse field. The basic home care options include companion care, home
Companion caregivers serve as surrogate family members and may offer assistance including meal preparation, medication reminders, light housekeeping, transportation and help with exercising.
Home healthcare providers help older adults perform the activities of daily living they are no longer able to complete alone. These may include bathing, dressing, transferring, eating and toileting. Home healthcare providers may also offer some
companion care services.
Skilled nursing services are prescribed by a physician and delivered by a registered nurse. This type of care may include administering injections or medications, wound care, catheter care, respiratory therapy, or other medical tasks.
Adult day care centers offer a variety of programs and amenities for older adults who need care and social opportunities during the day. Many providers offer assistance with the activities of daily living including eating,
walking, toileting and medication management. They also generally offer a diverse schedule of activities including exercise programs.
Villages are communities where residents work together to afford older adults the opportunity to remain in their homes as they age. Older adults receive volunteer support that allows them to maintain their independence. All residents benefit from enhanced multigenerational social connections.
Shepherd’s Centers of America promote aging well in the community by providing lifelong learning, volunteer service, healthy living, and community engagement opportunities for older adults. There are currently 55 community-based Shepherd’s Centers in 17 states, including five in Northern Virginia.
After selecting the type of provider that best fits your wants, needs and budget, you should start calling individual companies to request additional information. Most providers can offer detailed brochures and easyto-understand financial information.
Given all the options available, older adults and their families can easily age in the place they love—home.
When it comes to understanding Medicare coverage, many individuals can find themselves confused by a complex web of information. This especially applies to those who want to know if they are eligible for Medicare coverage when entering a nursing home or receiving home health care. Below is some helpful information on whether you can use your home health care benefits if you have Medicare and what services and products it will cover.
First, you can use your home health care benefits if all of the following applies to your situation. Your doctor must prescribe that you need medical care at
home and create a care plan. The care you need has to be intermittent and in the form of skilled nursing care, physical therapy, occupational therapy or speech therapy. The home health agency must be Medicare-certified and you must be homebound, or unable to leave the home unassisted.
Once you have established those requirements, it is important to understand what Medicare will actually cover, which includes the following:
• Home health aide services on a parttime or intermittent basis, as long as there is a skilled need
• Medical social services
• Certain medical supplies
• Durable medical equipment (wheelchair, walker, bedside commode, etc.)
Given the services and products that Medicare does cover, it is also valuable to take note of what is not covered. Care that is required 24 hours a day will not be covered. Other services not covered include personal care provided by home health aides such as bathing and dressing, along with homemaker services like cleaning and laundry. Also not included are home-delivered meals.
If you require care that goes beyond intermittent visits for a limited amount of time, or if your needs are not covered by Medicare, an important option to consider is private duty home care. For more information on Medicare coverage, visit medicare.gov.
Have you recently noticed signs that your elderly loved one living independently could use some help? The pandemic has only increased isolation. It can be difficult to take the first step, but Griswold Home Care is here to help.
Have you recently noticed signs that your elderly loved one living independently could use some help? The pandemic has only increased isolation. It can be difficult to take the first step, but Griswold Home Care is here to help.
For more information on home care services, visit griswoldhomecare.com/nova-east/ or call 703.739.2273
For more information on home care services, visit griswoldhomecare. com/nova-east/ or call 703.739.2273
match the right caregivers to each client.
clients’ families.
It’s what we offer every client—and every Aging Life Care Manager ® we work with.
As TheKey, we want to be the home care partner you trust most to deliver exceptional care to your clients.
Expertly trained caregivers guided and managed by our Care Team
Personalized Care Plans tailored to your clients’ needs
A holistic approach to care, based on our proprietary Balanced Care Method™
Detailed Care Notes for you and your clients
More time to focus on building your practice
For 20 years, we’ve provided premium in-home care to older adults as Home Care Assistance. Today, our experience and expertise allow us to work closely with our partners to meet their needs and design personalized Care Plans for clients.
Contact your local Home Care Liaison to learn how we can work together to provide an exceptional care experience for you and your clients.
& Nursing Care
Live-in Care
Home Instead® offers personalized care services for those who choose to age safe and happy at home.
Services include:
Home helper/Companionship: engagement, prepare meals, light housekeeping, medication reminders, shopping, appointments, activities, dementia care Personal care services: transferring, ambulation, dressing, bathing, toileting, hospice home care
4 hr+ package To-and-From: dialysis, medical appointments/treatments, outpatient surgery
South Fairfax County
Phones answered 24/7 homeinstead.com/624
Falls Church, Arlington, Alexandria
Phones answered 24/7 homeinstead.com/512
Each Home Instead office is independently owned and operated.
The senior living industry can seem overwhelming, but the important thing to keep in mind is that there is a housing option perfect for every person and every situation. Start here to find it.
What housing options are available and how can they help me?
SMART lifestyle communities are not senior living properties. They are unique housing options that offer excellent locations, lots of amenities and none of the stigma that is too often associated with senior living communities.
Life plan communities are also known as continuing care retirement communities. These communities generally feature care options ranging from independent living to long-term nursing care on one campus. Residents can transfer to higher levels of care as needed.
For older adults who want to leave the burdens of home maintenance behind, independent living communities may be the ideal option. In addition to property upkeep, these communities also generally offer 24-hour security and activities to keep residents engaged. Most independent living communities are rental properties, although some do offer the option for residents to purchase units.
Individuals who need assistance with the activities of daily living may want to consider an assisted living community. In addition to daily assistance, these communities also offer activity programs to fit the interests of every resident.
Assisted living communities are an important option for older adults who need some level of help on a daily basis. All of these communities offer standard services including daily meals; supervision; security; and help with the activities of daily living, or ADLs. ADLs can include assistance with bathing, dressing and toileting. Some communities also offer help with medication management; transportation services; and coordination of medical, health and dental treatments.
Finally, whether for a short-term rehabilitation or a long-term medical stay, nursing and rehabilitation centers are a vital senior living option. Nursing and rehabilitation centers serve as permanent residences for individuals who are too sick or frail to live at home. They are also ideal for short-term stays for individuals who are recovering after a surgery or an illness.
After selecting the type of community that best fits your wants, needs and
budget, you should start calling individual properties to request additional information. Most communities can provide detailed brochures, helpful websites and easy-to-understand financial information.
If the thought of moving and downsizing is overwhelming, there are professionals available to help with every step of the process. Please see our moving and downsizing section.
Finding the right community will lead to a happier and healthier life, as well as added peace of mind for family caregivers.
A senior citizen does a crossword puzzle for cognitive engagement and brain health
Many factors affect brain health, and research demonstrates that certain activities appear to slow cognitive decline, including exercise, adequate sleep, social interaction, and cognitive engagement (also called cognitive stimulation). One study found that mentally intact individuals in their 70s and 80s were asked how frequently they participated in six
activities that required active cognitive engagement—reading, writing, doing crossword puzzles, playing board or card games, engaging in group discussions, and playing music.
An article from Harvard Health Publishing mentioned the study and said, “In the following five years, those who placed in the highest third in terms of how often they engaged in mentally stimulating activities were half as likely to develop mild cognitive impairment as those in
the lowest third. An earlier study found a similar link between brain-stretching activities and a lower risk of Alzheimer’s.”
We know that in certain respects, the phrase “use-it-or-lose-it” applies to the brain. Cognitive abilities and brain health may weaken with age, illness, or poor habits. Cognitive engagement activities are a great way to defy this deterioration — helping you improve your attention, memory, and overall mental health. And thanks to something called neuroplasticity — the malleable nature of the brain —we all have an inherent capacity to undertake any new task or learn new things at any age, thanks to neuroplasticity. People of all ages should regularly engage in cognitively stimulating activities for optimal brain health. Older adults in large numbers are learning new skills, pursuing new hobbies, and going back to college to pursue their interests and achieve their goals.
In addition, cognitive reserve is the brain’s ability to find alternate ways of accomplishing things. The only way to improve how your brain gets things done is to perform new tasks and challenge your brain to learn something new (a new skill, new vocabulary, etc.) Cognitive enhancement activities can help prevent Alzheimer’s and dementia, and can also help with the management of dementia. Everyone needs cognitive stimulation, including those with dementia, and cognitive enhancement can greatly add to the quality of life for everyone.
quality assisted living or memory care is needed, make the confident choice. Choose Tall Oaks — Reston’s first choice in senior care since 1988.
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Cokesbury Village 31 302-235-6000 Hockessin ActsRetirement.org u u u u u
Country House 31 302-654-5101 Wilmington ActsRetirement.org u u u u u
Manor House 31 302-702-9402 Seaford ActsRetirement.org u u u u
Ingleside at Rock Creek 35 202-952-9505 Washington inglesideonline.org/ingleside-rock-creek u u u u u
Artis Senior Living of Potomac 40 571-762-2448 Potomac artisseniorliving.com
Bay Village Annapolis 41 443-949-9711 Annapolis integracare.com u u
Bayleigh Chase 31 410-822-8888 Easton ActsRetirement.org u u u u u
Buckingham's Choice 31 301-874-5630 Adamstown ActsRetirement.org u u u u
Fairhaven 31 443-300-9109 Sykesville ActsRetirement.org u u u u
Heron Point of Chestertown 31 667-319-2598 Chestertown ActsRetirement.org u u u u Ingleside at King Farm 35 240-493-8168 Rockville inglesideonline.org/ingleside-king-farm u u u u u
Inspirations Linthicum Asst & Memory Care 32 833-346-8569 Linthicum inspired-joy.com u u
Inspirations Lutherville Memory Care 32 833-346-8569 Lutherville inspired-joy.com u u
Inspirations Memory Care of Westminster 32 833-346-8569 Westminster inspired-joy.com u u Kensington Park Senior Living 43 301-615-8348 Kensington kensingtonparkseniorliving.com
Maples of Stoneleigh
Maples of Towson
Assisted Living
Crossing at Worman's Mill
410-296-8900 Baltimore sagelife.com
410-296-8900 Baltimore sagelife.com
571-762-2448 Olney artisseniorliving.com
240-651-5637 Frederick sagelife.com
Senior Living of
Senior Living of
Senior Living of
501 at Mattison Estate 37 215-461-4880 Ambler sagelife.com
Apartments at Allegheny 36 888-530-4913 Philadelphia newcourtland.org
Apartments at Burlhome 36 888-530-4913 Philadelphia newcourtland.org
Apartments at Cliveden 36 888-530-4913 Philadelphia newcourtland.org
Apartments at Germantown 36 888-530-4913 Philadelphia newcourtland.org
Apartments at Henry Avenue 36 888-530-4913 Philadelphia newcourtland.org
Apartments at Manor Glen 36 888-530-4913 Philadelphia newcourtland.org
Apartments at Meadow House 36 888-530-4913 Philadelphia newcourtland.org
Apartments at St. Bart's 36 888-530-4913 Philadelphia newcourtland.org
Artis Senior Living of Huntingdon Valley 40 571-762-2448 Huntingdon Valley artisseniorliving.com
Artis Senior Living of West Shore 40 571-762-2448 Lemoyne artisseniorliving.com
Artis Senior Living of Yardley 40 571-762-2448 Yardley artisseniorliving.com
Atria Center City 215-564-5455 Philadelphia atriaseniorliving.com
Pointe Estates
at Germantown
NewCourtland is committed to providing affordable housing and social services to vulnerable populations in Philadelphia. Our programs and services are designed to promote health and wellness and foster independence. We believe that your wellbeing is our mission. At NewCourtland, we value care continuity and help prepare those we serve for all of life’s transitions.
SageLife is pleased to sponsor the ALCA Mid-Atlantic Chapter Conference
SAGELIFE disrupts the paradigms around aging; outdated mindsets that have been barriers to recognizing community living as the wisest choice for aging well.
Give us a call to talk about how you want to live.
ECHO LAKE MALVERN, PA LivingAtEchoLake.com 484-568-4777
Independent Living | Assisted Living | Memory Care
THE 501 AT MATTISON ESTATE AMBLER, PA NOW OPEN The501.com 215-461-4880
Independent Living | Assisted Living | Memory Care
PLUSH MILLS WALLINGFORD, PA PlushMills.com 610-690-1630
Independent Living | Personal Care
DAYLESFORD CROSSING PAOLI, PA DaylesfordCrossing.com 610-640-4000
Personal Care | Memory Care
Granite Farms Estates
610-358-3440 Media ActsRetirement.org u u u u u
Greystone - A Supportive Residence at Friends Hospital 13 215-831-3918 Philadelphia greystoneprogram.org u
Gwynedd Estates 31 215-628-8840 Ambler ActsRetirement.org u u u u
Lima Estates 31 484-445-3964 Media ActsRetirement.org u u u u
Normandy Farms Estates 31 215-699-8721 Blue Bell ActsRetirement.org u u u u u
Plush Mills 37 610-690-1630 Wallingsford sagelife.com u u u Southampton Estates 31 215-364-0500 Southampton ActsRetirement.org u u u u u Spring House Estates 31 215-628-8110 Lower Gwynedd ActsRetirement.org u u u u u
703-828-9600 Lansdowne rui.net/ashleigh u u u
703-813-1800 Springfield rui.net/aarondale u u u Ashleigh at Lansdowne
The Barrington at Hioaks 39 804-320-1412 Richmond rui.net/the-barrington-at-hioaks u u u Bay Lake 39 757-460-8868 Virginia Beach rui.net/bay-lake u u u Great Falls Assisted Living 40 571-762-2448 Herndon artisseniorliving.com u u Heatherwood 39 703-425-1698 Burke rui.net/heatherwood u u
The Hidenwood 39 757-930-1075 Newport News rui.net/the-hidenwood u u u Hunters Woods at Trails Edge 41 703-429-1130 Reston integracare.com u u u
The Kensington Falls Church 43 703-665-3273 Falls Church thekensingtonfallschurch.com u u The Kensington Reston 43 571-570-9569 Reston kensingtonreston.com u u Paul Spring 39 703-768-0234 Alexandria rui.net/paul-spring u u
The Residence at Colvin Mill 41 703-223-5226 Great Falls integracare.com u u Tall Oaks Assisted Living 33 703-834-9800 Reston talloaksal.com u u Westminster at Lake Ridge 35 703-496-3400 Lake Ridge inglesideonline.org/westminster-lake-ridge u u u u u
The Westmont at Short Pump
804-495-8880 Short Pump rui.net/the-westmont-short-pump u u u
The Wellington at Lake Manassas
540-682-7500 Roanoke rui.net/woodland-hills u u u
703-468-2750 Gainesville rui.net/the-wellington u u u Woodland Hills
Founded in 1982, Retirement Unlimited, Inc. is owned and operated by the Virginia families of Fralin and Waldron. Led by its third generation of Fralins and second generation of Waldrons, RUI continues the tradition and value of delivering a lifestyle that our residents have earned and deserve. Our communities allow residents to age-in-place by offering Independent/Residential Living, Assisted Living, and memory care - Inspiritás – as well as a full spectrum of life enrichment Signature Programs including RUI University, lifelong learning, and continuing education programs.
24/7 on-site licensed nurses and full-time management nurses Delicious, nutritious meals prepared by our Taste of RUI Executive Chef, served in a restaurant-style setting with tableside beer and wine service A full life enrichment calendar
LUXE Unlimited – Full service salon and spa RUI FIT programming and gym Physical, occupational and speech therapy on-site Housekeeping and laundry services
All utilities including cable and Wi-Fi RUI University programming and classroom for continuing education
Leash on Life – Pet concierge services
Spacious studios, one bedroom, and two bedroom apartments, many with full kitchens Residential living, assisted living and Inspiritás – memory care
For older adults with Alzheimer’s disease or another form of dementia, moving to a residential memory care facility may be the best option. These communities can offer varying levels of care, depending on the needs of the patient. They also offer valuable peace of mind for family members and caregivers. Before selecting a community, potential residents and their families should carefully evaluate their current and future care needs. Consumers should also familiarize themselves with the wide variety of community options available.
These communities provide a full range of care options from independent living to nursing care. Residents with memory care needs would generally move in while they are still healthy and progress to higher levels of care.
Assisted living facilities offer additional support for residents, including assistance with the activities of daily living. Many assisted living facilities offer services specifically designed for people with dementia.
These communities offer round-theclock care for patients. Some nursing homes have specialized units and specially trained staff to accommodate the needs of patients with dementia.
Special Care Units, or SCUs, are also called memory care units and are designed to meet the specific needs of individuals with Alzheimer’s and other dementias. These units are often located within other residential care options. SCUs generally offer other specialized services, including highly trained staff and activities designed for individuals with varying stages of dementia.
Source: Information adapted from the Alzheimer’s Association (www.alz.org).
Staying true to the vision and feel of each unique area, our award-winning senior living communities offer spacious and well-appointed apartments, restaurant-quality dining, 24-hour care, and all of the latest technology.
Serving the Independent Living, Assisted Living, and Memory Care needs of seniors in Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia, our communities provide the personalized care each resident deserves.
Corporate Partner: A Corporate Partner is a non-voting industry supporter of the Aging Life Care Association® (ALCA) who is not solely in the direct practice of Aging Life Care™/care management as defined by ALCA, but has an interest in the field, including elder law attorneys, physicians, educators, researchers, employees of home health agencies, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, manufacturers or distributors of durable medical equipment or other products or services related to the care of elders.
Administrative Partner: An Administrative Partner is a non-voting industry supporter of the Aging Life Care Association® (ALCA) who is a non-practicing professional (such as marketing staff and administrators) who are part of an Aging Life Care™ business.
Age Friendly Advisor agefriendly.com
Right at Home, Inc. rightathome.net
Senior Helpers seniorhelpers.com Arosa arosacare.com
Flying Angels flyingangels.com MapHabit, Inc. maphabit.com
Mom's House momshouse.com
A Long Term Companion alongtermcompanion.com
Advanced Nursing and Home Support advancedhomesupport.com
Dementia Society of America dementiasociety.org
FirstLight Home Care firstlighthomecare.com
Hero Health, Inc. herohealth.com/ALCA
Aging & Amazing agingamazing.org
Alerta Family, Inc. alertafamily.com
Bay Village bayvillageassistedliving.com
Brightview Senior Living brightviewseniorliving.com
Capital City Nurses capitalcitynurses.com
CarePlus Home Health, Inc. careplusinc.com
eHomeHealthCare eHomeHealthCare.com
Exton Senior Living extonseniorliving.com
Glen Mills Senior Living glenmillsseniorliving.com
Greystone Program at Friends Hospital greystoneprogram.org
Griswold Home Care NoVA West griswoldhomecare.com/novawest HandsFree Health shop.handsfreehealth.com/alca Hunters Woods at Trails Edge hunterswoodsattrailsedge.com
KB Healthcare Services kbhealthservices.com
Kensington Park Senior Living kensingtonparkseniorliving.com
Liberty Lutheran libertylutheran.org
LL Medico llmedico.com
Mobility Doctor mobility-doctor.com
Osmo Advisory osmocares.com
Paragon Assisted Living ThePotomacHouse.com
RAZ Mobility razmobility.com
Stack Labs Inc., dba StackCare stack.care
The Kensington Falls Church thekensingtonfallschurch.com
The Kensington Reston kensingtonreston.com
The Providence Fairfax watermarkcommunities.com
The Residence at Colvin Run theresidenceatcolvinrun.com
Tribute Home Care - Baltimore tributehomecare.com
Tribute Home Care LLC tributehomecare.com
Versally Inc. versally.com
Carole Watson - Aging Well Eldercare care-manager.com
Sandi Rosengart - Elder Care Consultants eldercc.com
BAYADA provides help with personal care and household tasks so you can remain living safely and independently in the comfort of home.
“Together is a wonderful place to be.” — A.A. Milne
Kensington Senior Living is a wonderful place where togetherness is a feature of every day. Here, we infuse our communities with shared smiles and hugs, memories and dreams, and challenges and triumphs.
We are a united family of families — ready and willing to blend ours and yours, with a promise of uncompromising commitment to excellence in care and service.
A spirit of collaboration is a fundamental part of the Kensington Senior Living experience, along with deep respect for the unique needs and preferences of residents and
their families. We integrate kindness, respect and companionship into a comprehensive spectrum of clinical support. We accommodate seniors who are single or coupled up, who need light assistance or complex medical care, and whose memories are sharp as a tack or fading with time.
Our independent living, assisted living and memory care services are multi-faceted and easily personalized. Our team is best-in-class, with hearts that are open and arms outstretched. We are a big family...a community...a village. And there’s plenty of room. Please join us.
Get in touch to learn more about a Kensington Senior Living community near you. Ask about the many ways we uphold our promise “to love and care for your family as we do our own.”
Ask a Dementia-related question, find resources, and learn more about the syndrome called Dementia. Videos, blog posts, definitions, Member Directory, social media and many other resources to help point you in the right direction for times when you face Dementia, as an individual or family.
DementiaSociety.org PO Box 600, Doylestown, PA 18901 | 1-800-DEMENTIA®
Based in Bucks County, PA, we are a national 501(c)(3) nonprofit supported entirely by individuals, families, foundations, and businesses. We receive zero government funding. Programs: Awareness | Information | Life-enrichment